Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1892, p. 7

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i ATEFUL-ýCOMPOP-TINCG BREAKFtAST. B'a fLiorougli knowlled-eo o the nafural lawI s hih govere the operarioni or digatiol aud nutrition. aud by a careful applicationi of the fine proparfies o' wal-salncted Cocas . Ir EppaS rprovidedounr breakfasft iables wi th a )iictl>' i ioret beverasze ihicli msy sive ns mnie>' hiiax'y doctor,' buils. If is b>' the jndic'ins use of snch articles of dief fht a cosiuinina>' be graduiaby beir Pupntl st;rung ,enougli lu esist every, teudane>' r dies. Hendreds of subtie maladies are fioai 19 arouud ns read>' lu ataIt whercver there is a weak point. We mn>' escape mauy a fatal shaft b>' leeping ourselVes iWeil funîifled with pure iiIood aad a properl>' nourish' fi irsm,"-'frffServic-e Ga.zette.", Made simpi>' wifis biiug Water or mil. sold only lu pacleets. b>' Grocers. lnbelled tIsas ýJiýNlE9 iEPPï .& Co.,llionSoopathie Chem f, LG»odn. Erriand The Handy Man. tigbat-orahssdfus ýlrs Gab-Dar r.e Thre ome mySenuewtuere i waîfinga- faim, dean day- ±VIr. Gbb-aarire Thre ome my Meet for îuurh indunite grace; bnusband. Tiere wcn'f lbc s w-bIc piece cf Sooowherc-uti, somew'hcre-fruition sîsait êurutum left l fli bue bymidîiglV. e, heangol sîsît finfi ler place- Mrs. Gadd-Horrors ! Doci lie drink, and Cioe t ie Father, sud hbar Hiuu say, s the.t a case or hquor lic s carryiug? - As hc foudeil>' idi lion com, Mrs. Gabb-No, lie do sn't drink. ls' Out f cffli va le>' cf darness andi toit, a noir box cff ouis. My' rîilfi, thotu art wctcouîe Homne!" [Florence W. Cox. The Head SurZeon Apple Pies, Of flic Lulon Ifledical (Company' is uos V er uhbsbe adbt o af Toronto, Canada, and May hbe con - aaiVtery muni lia ent saitofi for su culruid ieasinpecuhiaor bf0 mar n. Melpie; but lu spite of dyspoptios sud croakors, chrnî dsese pfiar e flicn, he"enfle mon" ivill have Vo ver>' greafl>' yuung, uchi, cm mi die-agefi, w-l i nd.tIem-nl(nidii' lhis appefite, on pies w-il sf a>'. I- suvsnrvous, weak an exhaustut, w-lu anec edo rin ihe ordclyrfr liruken duwn from excese or ovonw-ank, aeDurcf frying crlns iersVoraficaretorls mcalfinig in zsausy ut the ftlowiug symf- unfreouesiis ore bîltpes r en ur ha tums: Men ,tal depression, prumafura oîdtei cf tare cras i crcbe, trî-th emusoi age, luscf vitahif>', luss ut memor>', lad cfo makeflues aue su ei,w't tcems dreais, fiumncss cf siglif, palpitation outhfie nswhocsne'u epig hcarf, umissions, lack ut encmgy, pain in fleic Tic main diffieuity lu making goud pies kiduyslicaache, pmpla o fli fae unishlicgenemai difficuit>' lu ail coking lack kidnysheadche pimleaon te fce utofattention te fiefails. Neto euh' 18 hs flic body, itching or peculian sensation about the fanîf cf servants aîuîuif universal>', but aise scrutons, wasting outheIc rgana, dizziness, o ay nelietwme h-aebt specks before tha e yes, fwitclihsg outhefIn tmr nelgu ioîu loacbt muscles, uyu hies sud lscw-lerc, baslifulness, muafressansd maif inlu feir licusehulfis. They fieposif s lu fhu urine, loss cf will pow-er, falk glihi>' but iguoranti>' ut "lnck"-ani- tenderuesufth e sap -anfi spine, w-cal anfi ofler came for carelessiesi. Exact reinîts flaby uscesdesre o seep falur tebearc securef cul>' w-len exacf account is flali> mucle, dsin V sieptalnreVu u airc cf esdli substance usefi. nestef b>' sleep, constipation, dullness ut 8wetcemwinvr old ae ei lcansng, lois o fvuice, desire ton solitude, Sctcenwlesvr'cli ae ci exciabiht>' t fepensunkn ey su _onei.cous piecrcust ; but, cf course, ver>' feir ut ec itlity fLeALSer, uke 01> oki skn, us enus use ereanrsio free>', sud butVer is etc., are nil symptoms ut nenvooasfiebilif yusai>toexniv osbstuelif fliaf eafi Vo iuîanify sud deati unless corei. ace.dstpewes cf fafuf f ro rsît aeet Thse spring or vital force îaving lest ifs tien sud siotsk, w-lIn care'rketsdoreft,r Sion aven>' funefion wancs lun consequence. csupemuso ruetard u banme mcaket,;flsauti Tbose Who tVîmuogliabuse comnittefilu in heaerasoimaskcf, u ic pueiseet anbut i ignor-ance nia>'bcliercn ently crefi. Sendifi vrg srci snVsvo u sh you aidrsitumooe o ai usspcla kepf. Wlicu I have noue eft tiis fat, I use Vou an. Bockso sent o nai se es cuafi.Vivepas eof lard aund une cf butter. tear dan eBolic sempt frw-lsd ae. l maferials for pie cuat mat posici eh>' taint spdIls, purpie lips, numbuess, palpita co",sdakiffsfi af ligV ~ flou, ap iepbas, bof fluales, rush ut hloof witlu, as flic haufi is w-am. Ouse cnp ot to tic leafi, u pain lfi hu ant withs buafs foeur, ene-third cf s cup of fat sud an equal struug, mdanf mcilr i eodlafamonu f etcolfi water, choppufi or mixefi lest quice e n thfli st,pain about fi iht>'wtîsktes uahbte mulu t mat lueet.,eau posifivul>' bu cr,.d. goofi Pie cus'.D o tep 0mxi No cre, o py. Snfifor ock Afiircsimoofli, but use pleut>' of foeur w-leu roling M.V . LBO, 24 Marfioneli, Aveue, Tr- i oufk. leu moled n fies nV rev ie tif No ntSnt.o b o .ldre s i e io ug .F l k u r 1 n au n l i n dm a e s f ti r e i n i V ,ýnto On ,t'susount of crust at once, as if wili kcep nice- A oung lad.cy w-ho hadf been marriefi a 1> iu a cold pince, in tact, w-ut improve ; b>' eut leovr Iry wrote f0 lier ti maftcr-of-tacft isnîans, one off un eau have a fiesî pie olf falir~ ~yng: " We have fIe dearest o incwiciwol u uutu ufs htffleCrtrage lfic hworld, ornameuf cd wifh case, if couupelled Vo begin at tic founda. ti 'ist3larMting iff le creupers you even to fv ria izdape r e saw'." The oli man rend tise leffer sud cx- Aotfv rdnr'y zf ape r e c-laluned : "Jutit as I expet ted ! Twia, by quined for a pic. Prepare titese tIc lait flinuderfhing befone nîaking flic pie, b>' psning, quarteriusg sud coring, aud, if lange, cnrfiug MîtWl'rizcs 1eOr lisahi Girls. esdi onarten iu tw-o aua.Pu -ficsugar Tlu ûSnigl GoSapC., Tonunto, citfer flic sud shatcvcm spuce yen preer-a liff le nuf- folluwingtinics en>'mon il Viifunflien noticu Vuoý boy rsit girls nder 16, resudiug iu tIse meg un cinnamon being ust conînsol>' Pr1ovince utofnierl. irIo seuf itIse geafest likcd-upon flic under eust before f iing numer t 'tuniglt" -naper: lt, $10; lut. w-lUs tIcapple. This w-nyof swepeniuug d,; er.3; 1 1;h, 5 il to il, s Hanfisome Book au>' fruit pie focssw-ay entircîx' ithfItfe sud nPreit>' tucture tot fose rIo send nor juiice nunuing ont. Fine fla>'a now- fapples lais thanm 12 wm!appern Sent wreppers tu "Scnlight" Off 1>ce. 43 Scoft St, 'î'urunîu egnîsmh>' acunfi flicedge, tison fihi lunflic nur Inter flan -"!)Il cf escî un nili.antmarkut center. Practice wilihisconsenablu onu te do 0CumPcfiiion"; alsu Rive fuil namo, addres3 I hs eveul>' sud so make a ulce ookiug pie. agu, sund nunîber f wrnsipens. Wiucer it ic fbte h ieo a ti rýnmeswiiI be ut)ooihd i'u l'h' 7oroito jMa Cntalisce c btter efl siethewshutl mu firaf Sarurda intecclimonth.is isay cfereel'ovnVest tare. If if s foivard sprnsansd flic fruit is inspifi, afifia littie soor jeu>' aise. Af fer Raîsefi to a Higher Plane. rolling ouf yoor upper crust, aid an iltflu Lad Viito-Wio i tiattiit prso witer f0 your applea-hoir mucl fepeuifs Lud tîsemeh s ha-ha ero oun tIes'ariety-aufiw-cf flic uVer efige cf In un-iliino Witbirer.bottons cruat whure tusaf sud flicrupper "Oli, fli brute 1"ono join. Be careful no Vo dmaw-your crst "Buhthlelebrlrte dc t." ighuti> over the top cf youun pie, as thus "Gout, ieea giraconte Iasf le pnndetracts trous ts appearance. Wtl a silo ones rai osni !Iate ons- smal sieve, distrîbu'-u eveuil>' ver flic top a111 nt wh s o king ufe iscr-ne large tablespoont ni cf polverizud sugan andi bake. (Jatrrh.Pics should be wehl baked, aud a frui t pic (jatrrh reqire a otte ovn thn srneotlier kinda -- ~ btithtIcdegrec ut Icaf sîculfiblhoireref inl ~AARuLDEAFN5S-HIAY FieEVERA about fwe nty minutes atter placing if lu flic NEw' HOME TRZATIENT. os cu, then a noferate lest nsaintaiucd about fort>' minutes. Suiffrers are not gencrall>' are flar, Man>' cooka ceeus Vo fhiuk if w-dl worfli Vicie disesses arc contagions, or fiai tbusy w-ile t0ehie careful lunsaking shusuist an>' are due VoetIse pre sencu ot living paraÛif s k infi except su apple pie-thus fIe>' thinle lu the lhin a embraneouthtIe nose sud eau lic Vlrown fogethen, w'hiîe, in fnef, nu ensfachian ficstb. Microscoîpic rescardli pic better repsys caretul usakiug. One howeerlia proed hs o li s actsudmadc as aboya directefi w-il lib e neVuw-lu howver ha prvedthi teb>ea -actandcomplim nforfice couir from i sl pie Jluvera the remîut fthis discoveryfis uhat a atm sud wl tienyhing but flic infilestiblu pIe reunefi>' as been funmulafccj irlire- coin pounf w-lieu apple pue au otten is. bycafarrh, aarhl efess sud ha>' KArnuuts'gB. J. fever are perrnanently cured in -one-ut three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.-This treâtment is flot a snnff or an orntoient; both have been dis. carded as injurions, A pamphs t ex- plaining this new treatment is sent fres Out receîpt Of stamp to pay postage, by J. G. Dixon & Co., 345 West King St. Tor- onto Canada. -Christian Advocate. Sufferers f rm (Catarrhal troube %hould carefully read the above. The oyster seems, t'rom ail accounts, fo lie scarceiy less prolific, actually, flian the fly. It is estimated that eaeh mother oyster throws off from 200,000 f0 2,000,000 ova annually. Fer Over Fiftv Tsars MAS. Wî'sLOW*gSuOm TIui SYRUP huasb'eu used b>' millioni of mothers for their children whiie teethingr. Ir disturberi ati iht and broken of your rest b> a sick c..d umn rm sund, crying wit&pain et <IutiUng Teeth send ai' once aud, g3t a botrle of "Mrs. Winelows Soothing Syrti"fec hidren teething. Ic witl relleve the poor uite sufferer'immediately. ,ýnd n uon ft ' moîbers, ibere la no mistaka IL P cures Dharrhos, regulates the àtomach and Bowelg, Ceres. Wînd, Colle. softens the Guuma. reduces Inflammation and Rive$ tone and energy ta the whoie sy8ttm "*Mrs,.WVinsio*'s jahi~rnesr ch,îdren teething i Pleasant to'ethe tafite and is the prescription of ozko of the oldlest and hast te.g male phystotans and nurses in the Uniteit Sates; Priof -- cenxts abottle: A l drug lot i ii îm vord. Besd reai. For an assitant mistreslu a school in Wiltshire, for four monfli's, there is offered a salary of 117e shillings a week. When Babywsas sirk, ir gave lier Casionis. When she was a Chutd, she cried for Castoria. Wbeu she becaine is she clung to Casions., Home Hunts. Hot water takeon freely hlaf an. hour be- fore bedtime 15 lieipfni ln the case of con- stipation and lias a mot soothing efleet upon the stomach. To aliay itchiug in soine cutaneous affections a very pleasant application con. sist s of the f reshly expressedjuice of a lemon djlated with four or five timcs ifs bulk of water, f0 which a fowrdrops of cologne have been added or the samequantity of rose. water. This is very coolnnig. beNongters. sougo freon house to house Agood housewife vouclies for flic folloir- ing as au excellert way to wasli blankets: Soak the blankets for ten minutes in luke- warmn water before washing; have ready seine soft soap or good yellow soap sliced thin aud boiled fe a jelly in a littie watcr, allowiug une pouud to four blankefs ; wriug fhem ont of the first water, lay tim in this aud' stir thiem aboutý for soeinefime, then leave fliem another feu minutes te soak., After fthe aouking rabi"ehclitlorouglinj every part, wring ont aud shake well ; nuleas exceptioualiy dirty tliey will nlot re- quire another washing, but shouid lie insed in soft warm water and dried lu a good wmud. As a wash fer tender feef, sweiled joints and chlllains (wlieu ftie skie is nlot broken) une ounce of sal ammoniac to a plut of water is said f0 be excellent. Iu cliaugieg feathers, always put fhem into neir ticks, as tlie feaîhers wiil surely prick flirongli waslied ficks. 1 believe unr grandmothers ruibcd flic inside of the f iek withlihard soap te prevent titis, but I sliould prefer new unes. Old tickinq eau always lie put f0 goud use. To keep glassware briglit, wipe dîrecfly fromn the liot înuds. Tumhlers used for milk should lie thuruughly rinsed iu cold irafer before lbiig iumcersed- in bt suds, as hiot irater seeisto drîvë the uiilk into tlie glass and give themn a dingy appearance. 1 "Wifc perhaps. Wbcu d cithfli eral Come off" Wifé ain't dcad, either." "One ufth fliccldren, meblie. Ah, we]i5 - ife is short. We are bers to-day, but wliete to-morrowl' IlChldren are aI well." ±IOUSEIIOLD. Recompense. Brave litlte wornan-frudging aloug, Patientiy, dayaftcr day- M'enving a garmnent cf shining liglit. Ont of the cloutis of gray - Boaring tihe hsirdens, and vexing caLi-S, Like one_ Of the saints of0 df- maing the bc,,t of a du11 haîi life, wittl its miseries ail untold 1 Long liaivo I watched hem, with wondering Faithfui, sd sweut, and strong. Doin' ýtL -vc rk 1thattue Mastur - ids, - akîngofD so ý rrc w- -on, ; Questiouing nover flic w isdoin thatd asks Wfllingly treading flicpatbway of thorri,, That 1--ads to the Masters feet! 1 secnttheflî, gray --Otton gowo, Tlhat is fadod auf w orn, andi old- But the shiining glcam of a rainent whitf, That glisteos in ever>' fold. I qcenont the browv, that is womn aud inefi, 1From the auxions, toiling years- But the halo Divine, thatgnifies- 111 A goblet of liot wafer fake n juif befot rising, before breakfast, lias cared tflou sassds of indigestion, aud no simple retuei is more widely recommended by physicaný to dyspeptics. Arong thte noeltienutu glass an slicwii eracker jars with silver c<vcrs an( biail hanfiles like au it on kettie. Fine crit.giass buffer dishles are set il silver stands aund have ails-cm envers. The flnestspecimletisofectiery for flie tablý have Itandios of china, ivory and peari. ~Simple table centre-pieces are largoet. enlar mirmors, ou whici rcst ibow-knof s c fille poies, flic Whole circlefiwf sprays'c gree-n rosebush le-sves. CX ruer closets for china are copiefi froir old flut"li iodels, with leaded panes. ~Spauîah aund Moorisîs potfcry make pretty flower liolders. %Va do not go f0 our frieuid'slise tfo fl flic skeleton lunflie cioset. A nice lotian t0 proteef the face from fli. lient of the sun is tincture cf benzoin one part f0 forfy parts cf roîe-wafer, ('andies Cliat hiave been frozen never drip. The beit way cf preserving silver orna- inents is f0 wrap fheni lu silver paper and lay fhem in a fin box filled witli arrowroot ---dry arrowtf, siot, cf course, mixefi wifl wafer, Use soap liark for cieaning woolcn dreat goodi. By applying a littIe of flic best carriage oul varulîli carefully îvitli a camei's-hair bru8li toaflicetiges of broken china, tle parts heing neatlyjoined togeflier, flic frac- ttrc will, wlieo floroughly dry, bce hardly perceptible, andi tli china will stand flre anîd water. The best butter in flic world, natnrnily, eau bie sadly inj ured bly the use of vcry poox Sait. A piece of flanîsel or napkin folded length- wise aufd dipped ls in ot waf cmaundwrung ont and flien applied round tlie neck cf a child fliaf las the croup ivill somietimes bring relief lu feun iiuLnes. Beat the wlîites cf four eggs sifif, aud Sealfi without mixing, in oue quart of milk. Remove wif h0a skimmer from fthe mulk te the plat ter, flien stir ilito flic milk thie yolks ot four eggs beaten into four tahespoonufnis cf white stîgar; thieken with a little flour stirred firit in a quarter of a teacupful cf cold milk. Fiai or the custard to faste, pour if loto a glass or china disli, sud place flic vhites on top. The following is a new and splendid cake: Firsf make gond layer jelly cake ; ipreafi befweeu flic layera a thick coafiug cf fart apple jelly sud aprinkle flua witli preservcd ginger clioppefi fine ; ice witli erange bcing. Greenu-gooseberry jani nînkes a change and is generally firmer for pastry than flic ripe- gooseberry jam. Put a saui teneuptul cf watcr in tise preserving pan. then addf goose- berries, andi let the Juce be drawîî ouf a littie, taking rare tliey do oct humn. Wlien fhe fruit ýs varmed flirougli, sugar f0 faste, pnttlug if lu gradually, keeping welstirred meanwhile. Boil froua haîf toafircee quar. ters cf an hoeur. A deliglffid cake is threc layera of fie wirhte cake put tugcfher wirli maple-sugar filling, wiflî flicsamie spread uver flic tcp. Boil a plut cf gcod pure maple svrop f111 if becomes qeite thick; when if lias coolefi a little beat it f111 k ftuma ereamy and yeliow- lali lu colos'. SUPERSTITIONS. Ilere Aile Some of thse S~Iguîs Tmt J.urk lus l'en. If you put cream into your cup liefore flic sugar it will "cross your love, ' s be very caref ni. If, while flic tea, la being maide, flic lid, removcd ta pour lunflic water, is forgot feu, if is the sigu cf a ncw arrivai. fhe ictastalk flonts in tf linp if îl- ed a -"beau," aud wlien this is sentu nîsmar riefi wumen shonifiet ir thair toit very quickly round atnd round and then liold flic spocu upriglin luthe ceufer oiflice cup. 1f flic "beau' is affractcd to the spoon sud cliugs toit lie wili be sure tu caîl vcry short- ly, if not liaft very cvenirg; but ilflice stalk goi toeflic s-de cf flic cup lie will flot couse. If yen want f0 know how many yeara wîll clapse betore yen may cxpecf ftalie marnicd baance your spoon un flicefige of your cup, flrst uoting that if is pcrfectly ury ; fill anof ler spoun partly wiLli tes and holding if above ftic balanccd spuon, ltftfli draps of the tes gather toaflic tip ufthfli ipoon and gcntly f al loto flic bowilibelow. Count flic drops-eadh one stands for a year. If is a aigu ut fair weathcr if flic cluster of small'air bubhles' furmed by flic sugar collcct, andi remasin ic hecentre ofthfliccup. If thcy rush to flic sides if wili surely rain befure niglif. Gripp)e in England. A London correspondent writes :-' The frequeuf declarations made by emitieuf physicians Chiat flic cause and preveutive of grippe are tlîings lieyond flic ken ut mcdi. sa1 science do not safisfy flic public on this important point. There is a gruwing de- mnd for flic appuinrmcut of a royal com- mission te inquire info flic possibulifty uf re- licving maukind from the scourge The epidemie is somewhat less virulent thus year than fommerly, but f0 offset tItis if is usure widesprcad in ifs ravages, su tînt on flic wliolc flic visitaflun 18 more burdensome than befure. There are thousandfiutvictims îmong flic empioyees outhflicunderground railways, auj fthoîssands more amung flic Pustoffice clerks, These set vices arc s badhy cripplcd as f0 cause public inconven- îffcefcd- i h arely wort-- w -ul Iuf wa sueoiin-Icrat~in u ad liee J'< '> hi > - tîmaf spîtel cf ragi hyiîîg 50 quiet>lu Vin., the dimly-lighted gorge. I have beetu prescuf t fi"C; .a %P upon w-cru Iappaning, but t lune is nu- terri-'~ blc mcmury I1sîtali se surcly carry Vuefthe end as fIat ut my finît oxperieuce in tfliorPurclissers should look to liha IWWiît the *etices and Peoe. Rochiie.. If flic ateress ici 638U, Oitord Strect, Loadon t they are spuîmna 'e ON A. TRAIL 0F DEATH. t- y s TerrIbie Niglitin at1se ReekieS. " nc pon a fime," as flic uld afbomy- ------ re olsptiIw-as depufed b>'te owuer id te- i îsigafe matters concerniug flic des'cl- 01pme,)t n a certain golf Iolde situafed well ýn up uflic foothilîs of flic Rockies, about ciglif miles distant frum a littie cify wliosc c, caster ýDbuoary was onthéli plains sud thseY soth1, vesib d e fiuef by flic miglify bas tiens of -hý flic Tjine of flic confluient." Extending î sfotlhwesterly into flic moantaina waa a vry f goufi fbongli ather pvecipitous rond, uscd - for flicý transportation cf ore fteflic réduction for infants aind Ci"iren- il wvotks sud supplies into flic nunîcrous minu- img camp,4 scatfercd about flirougli fli ~,munufai,tifor moîf cf thecbllis wcre dig. GUS"tola is seweladapted t cfildren 1s% casora uras Cole, constPation, ygers. 'And suci diggieg I Thougli aolid irecommend ftas superiortoanyprecmsiou PSo umach, Diammhoea, IFrietatiOn, j or ~~i us Worms, giveasSI-P. ad promot5« i-~ d rllaisdorquartz-rock af flic point o teuat flc m e.,, IL A, a n= X»D.ou, flic ad tebiast cf flic dynamite carf- 1ni 80. -doed'st., B=okh1n, X. Y. 1Witrati njurions medication r idge. 'Ycf for alliaf fliose indefafigable TMR CMLxUraî ComsN'.se. 77 Murray' Sfreet, If. .' 0 scekera' affer sufiden wealtlihîad drillefi fli cutire districtunutil if appearefi to flicstran- -gem like flic burrowiug gond of aubteran- -anean oreafures wio could law fîrougligran. d ife. No aliarper commenfary could be found BW AVLE ,ouearfh un mcn's briglit hupes aud bitter dis- FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BW AVLE bappusutinents flan t hsse abandenefi " pros - _________________ ___________________ pect hlces," where time and hel ansd hope sup teothfliraiit of human endurance sud despemaf e effort, lsd licou vainly lavshled à1kfiII lI cupon flic unremuncînfive rocks. tIIhII~h~ But flic ocoaslonaliy discnvcrcd "pooket," wlicrc nature hsafi îforcd np great fressure, wliere ýin eue ineffable mement of suprmec edeliglit,'flic dirty, dangerous toil, flic un- certain shelter, sud flic sow-bnlly sud beass sud alumgullion cf tise shauf y wonid bcecx-iI l chiangefi for wealfli sud ente snd l fIat whlcl! makes life worth tfli living. Pour fellows, it's no wonder fliat tley dng, evenc f0 flic dearli. But Vo retumu te «"TIe Trail." 1 lad É' W. N v'I L *rsached lichelitt le cify mcerredtfintje icbu- ginniing, late une Satura> evening lu May, B OJ AV L i ] and was informed af flic hotel that I could tntet g transport aion f0 my objective pouiut ea q rt s in W e t D u h m -o in flic mountains before flic ensuing Monday f0 whicli 1 was bounfi came info flic-hotel %i AI TE late Su fsyaterucon sudc, bcbng isîormed that lie ,ünd pilot me over by -"The Trail," I 5f once accostef i hm witli the roqucat Vo lie lis companion liack to camp, felling him Dinner and Tea Sots, fliat îny fume was 111fited auf I wislied Ve take naftaiun eten Mouidsy nigîf. 1He Chinaw ara, hourd nie thliougli witlscut interruption, sud flien epliefin lua sinulariy deep but pies- Glassw arE)g "I shahl go uver ou "lThe Trail," whicli 1very tiresomne tona peron ouf uaed to wnlk- Cio ke : ing in this cunt r>."H a l ar o Wlicn I liaitenafi to assure hum fIhatI 1a l u ro was asu exeepfionaily goofi walker sud svonld na d L mp not impeie lisiipac, a curions hîalf huer- a d . { n a p oua expression liglifef up lis grave, strong~1,. face, sud shone sividly lu s pair of tflic s-t ,L'clh l C u ~ pJ.9s beaufiful cyci I liai-e ever secu, l insua or woaas lie asked me if I hînfi walked very Saucers, Va ES much in flic Rocky moantains. I told hlm ' atra d L m n d es t iic,. but I lad tees tu carry nee whscre man W t ra d L m n d e s t coulfi go. 'If is noetflic legs," said lie, b'uit fi __the_____________ lungs , 'f iaf Will be fliceliardoît friei, fthe air i. la . ncligli5rliath ouhav-ebeen accus tom- to wait .til to-n'orroîv sud ride uver, butRv if you nss go, ccrfainly I will show yeu flic waýy. We Will sfart soo.", Ans 50if came f0e 5î5 flint we set forth LTrail," sudsamore diabohical route coul1KO E Y & R V S O nof, I t'hink,havc been eogiuieesed in Sheol. My comipaulun, whoac gaunt, flexible frame I s uncsîl> along witliout indication even ] EATE 1os quiokeeii reathing, w-hile if seemcd as thongis mv lueart wuuild linrat, sud fhe sharp1, q exck gasps fo)tflic air fliat couif nut fillng growýn at fliclevecl cf ths ea,sound- Is aiways we1l suppliE)d witli the efi moeike whstliug flan lireathing, butf~~a~l~-x ~ f~ i e tlie iglicîf point ut cur ascetîts wassneanly ve)ry b stg od a ow st p ic s reaclied, and I plodded desperat clx forward, whcn ut a certain pase ni>' guide fulfi me teh s o ;>..J J~L""' ml bebind a littie, sud follow carefuiy H igh11' Privv, for F a" rducE)ý keepiug him in dit-cet line, andi f0 go slow~~ e1 cnuld't sec mucli, but I felt flint deafli was lîordering flic pafli wo rofi. L a î g S e s n i h it i t Sufdàeusl>'tîcre was s stumble utfli a e d n e d m n i the manrct alucaf. A halt-suppressed exclamation, sud A Al ~ ~ iie I ias alune! Always pleased. to sh~ow good.s. lsecin ocie I cahiefi out, but there was 'not even an % -.'% C* b u~ answeî ing groatu. ]iT R DeJD ()%" Alune at niglit, nef daring Vo move une stop on fliaf infernal trail, lest I sliuuld fol. Yi'oaB iins B wm vll.2 low flic man whuo lad disappesred lufu etc r- Vc raB idnsBo invle uial darkuësa. Tisenieuseryo f flichornor cf_____________________________________________ luat iomnt wiihgo wifl mcefteflic endi, -- thougli al chie that I have fuît, or fisougli 11Sf N <i..A.EL I .A Exi un 'iei 'na>' ice bliferatefi froni my mnd:aA. 1. Thc chili air offlie mounufalu ias bcoumb- ing me andf I tdf thiaf unîcîs I conîfi make GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, se physical effort, I miglif as irelilhave gone with flic guide. Iu reseluing ont aroun d -IANUFCTURER Or- me my hand came info contact.witli s amahiGON .9&G troc sud I gippcd fliat sapling as a druwn- G R IG S bore c nis saifi Vo take hbld ut s straw, bu tGA RAC S SL IH UT RS W GO S & . ~KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. 1yscî t h t wasson gh> n uo h stei ed Nuw on liant a number f vehicica adi s manufaofu ring a grant man>' more orf ths laf iii Iy l de t i i t eassing ly otîc e dfl ooi pa fer ni sud, best finish, whti I ainsoffcing for salenattheflcowest price Consistent I deermnedte eingthee un ilmûringwitli due regard to workuîsanship sud qualit>'. The folhowing h sa liat of if mmind sud muscle counîlicbar tIhe feartul flic principal vehicles manufacturet b>' me aftraini. Proliably au heurlad passefi, wlîen Double -Covered Carniages---------------------------------.. $150 Upwamd. ouf et thé silence and darnes there caine Single PIntons-------------------------------------------... 10 s disant waiiing sounfi, gruwing nearer Mo- Open. Buggy---------------------------------------70 mentaril>' unt il if endefi in'asacreani of sncb Top Buggy-------------------------------90 sustaif cd intensif>' fIat 1 knewnothung lu- Deunocraf Wagons------------------------------------------....65 man could have uuftered if, even lunflic direst Lumben Wagons................. ..... .... ...... .... ......55 " ex= e oc c fear or pain, sud flore instanut- Liglif Wagon---------------------------------------------- * 4 1>' dalf int o my mind the thougl f uthflu Express Wa-on---------------------------------.....--------5 ususnfain lion. Skoefon--------... --------- ..--------------------------------50 Thc greaf cat lad sceanfd flic blood 'n1Sulky-------------------------------------------....------40 flic rocks beiow, and liowlong would if it b csnseinfc lîies for manuuacturnug carniages, 1i ntcuid Vo salisen>' cheap for cashà ere lic discoverefi fli proximnity et living- appros-ef cred il sud b>' se doiug 1I hope f0 greafi>' increase my number of sales. We gamo, 1 w-cil kncîx' fat tVicie oeafumes, selt fe wood Parts ai>, or flic geainga ut buggies imooe.

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