Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1892, p. 3

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p SURE CURE air per minute, et upwas-ds et seven hoge-sat ttiI ey vas-y Irons tueheuîu s o e n rîyGr-Ta' uthtIbdod~- i INDIGESTIN DIZZINESS, SICK The Esperor et Gersny bas a quiek eyflssadrd is the'cearseet, A patient but she sald yo'd beshockcd. rl'Il u uay.and NEADACHE, AND DISEAsr.s OF 'THE asnd sheots always aith an English gus. German savant wbo councd tons- acaditive I'11 -nu sudrVthe above ,e; by t. n oes ontis rt h STOMACH, LIVER AND ROWELS. Tise tallesI amîd shrtesi eolen rope, hais- et difféenct colore, but of equal weight, thoallboeas.oftes-. ki PdIflogBoktET'tinan rof TREtheENT 550 CUREandCtheNILaetscats muet be p eprtsa olST.ubr flarst h , d ai be crd Ied .stogi. o,, o, xlaaio ndlrof IN ACIO,, AND FORM A VALUAlSLE AID side, bonde bead, 1010 n1bs Iet 03- Itw s n upposed Ibat becs colece .iseiýo, htý1 ed TO B aLs Ft-, s c- v TOBs'oC BOo Bs-ERS UNTi vIZ Petaîce, sugas-, bread, buttes-, cakes sud000 ; brown, 100,000 ; reti, about 60,000. the wax dus-ct fs-ens fiewes-s.Now it is ,,etrvsosiiiarndmrisir EXPRESS adP.0 l'ar, RE0 , TRAMN N UEO HOI t o et s ut escbewed by ail wbeo-- klown that if Ihey are kept fs-cm plants T. A. SLOGUM, M . f6AaAo ANDOBTINTEDISASS.dral ebesity. "A man's deede live atter hlm." Se doe ja d ed on sugar only thcy will tes-mn -N.,TR T. NT M DIe ~Ms. John Aikens sys that tog sud miel is mortgages. iwax. ChildvQi' Cvvfoi Ittcher's Oastorind ar u eý,3presence of solid matter iii FOUEDB ETOS THELEANINU TOWER IN SeATP theT .atrnosplbere." ofsrigfidrcb u 34zd3 Ai ul en An epermentof ervig tied ins ilIt - Feredth-il, beinx Dangierouii, It L The Secret of llealth. st'ead ef bomiuy, with caivasbaek duck, isAl i iifi MitealhaftseIive tCoene doqvn. WDEDY FB 7 8 A contemporary writinig of the secret of 1111pregress at smofin lb.@îinr vcdtse A commîittee appointed to report on th vout sas: "eope ae ap toattibute In Japan, it issaid, there are apple tice I -iited ont thiat wheri a shooting starfaosTreuoaithPazSaFli bag srd looks te mental atvi ,aud te frin feyoitte siz u eabt, he erdahsjt u amsbr t us sa-inth'aietalo Aaon, lhas issued a pessi CoII-Slrepoeud vrmu ity als mti.ofrut n hesz o cr aut. endd nee'touoih etmistic acceunt. It is feared that this edcci "Tethetheght nitraveler, the faityf h erec are said te be 18,000 ncsaeowing te its frictÀon tbreugb the air. XVe t -e-a vcry fine exau'ple of tire ind-wi' tis theory je obvieus. hi u h ourrtry wmni bno,"o"aetetytowr tu 1e eacut o h n hîls ave te lbe pulled down. Excessive ris S village, which the mail is tire only excit-prs clubs adates eite îogqutatity7 of beat, or wbat was equivafen adfod aeeasdasbiece o o C reaniment, tiredays weeks, and oee au bear tete ebawhc x e u~the he i'apîdi Jpti war o hsand tihe structure is deemed unsafe. cows breathe in the stiliuess, that tire great vr okmnhJpiiwasc i moio)n of these litte bodies. 0f course, wc The construction of tis leaning tewer was est niumber of sunken checks, wric lei cap en bis back ran inscription giving bi,,o s ee thesd meteors lit-the supremebguinteffethctry nrlb brosleaencomleios, udlifles bunee ad isemployer's camie. n 'nnt cf their dissolution when tbey dasb ieto fteSauseeJws n expressions arc te be seen amnong U oag reol orice iha noour atmesphcre. It le, however, iimpes-drtino foosarcits itlne Joctan(, Yuua City, Cal.,bas borne aperfectly ferrm- sible to dosttbat tbre muith nncounte form,30fecthigi tbe wseetlig etroi, iver thr is an1t. cpÙerpiendicular. Stonmsti uncunt- theweenyc i thirthrCs. ed or ange about the size ef a curraut. sheals of meteors which neyer collide wit aout 1 30 feetet of ,45in diameter, andlean - constant -1emand upon both mind and bodvy, h aar eette a a eou, earth.stp inumreaisdeethtp are te be found scores of women-mothe oln obt net infrequenitly the terr- It'muest necessarily bappen tbat miany of gley hneamgiietadbatfi pergallery;t hence a magniflcentrsud beapoift. or perhape s admotiers--peseessing al tire prt a ib aîsblwfezn en.the otber great globes in 0cr systeinmust, ve soîie vrteet tef b e vitality, fresbness, sud mccli cf the bloonm Bsuhmit tapit ofrbîwlike our globe, absorb multitudes cf meteove i plain o ragan, watcre by the frai of early yo utbh."that cf biling wa'lcr that it eau bc insed for wlhte bu~t uouo u ti fi in Efbro, an awa te nothe ria Ilu regard te this, a writer thu eak taking caste cf tihe inoet destructible ob- roamiinge. Tire number cf meteors that wiîîtsl Prne are seen. "Itis et ctiity bo drwsiessthcjees b gaberd b a lob wmll e dubtc8 The edifice, built of bricks, bas at a (lis- preenc ofslepig o ded tongt n te hughtru, greinateran th age u ore massive bc the presece cfsleeing o dca tboubt i the t ~ srrng, tbegthtuc, tat i Asnaaiudtance a Meerish aspect, the face of tbc strue- soul-ta eaen.Univaried scelles, ibe Arcwer rs)il e rW, the Most globe, and tlîie for a double reasen, u h seaï coarse.Afic, hee Neura nt r UL4RESTL eatfu loe ST O STO îBEST. repetisien te nerrew of to-day, te g enf e,astfiowesadsrb iuîht pr ispaa Iedmniosc h e lbtr~cndaperitb rekwu orbt ga S iaia ye trday, th fs w eek f the preceed m i o e o . XV d t t he o be en s ead ththan arsw il, L re ng d ap i er e n i n pr eîy er iss u m agbuata c ~nan eAc, moiLmthe luevitable lock-like routine cf cesîeep-o -rs, braewihis ie bt n a ttieentsand urres, tgethr wibde Phosphates, or a'2y injuriant tien, the meneotony of existence, tise îtter of a viuît wherein hie is te lic. litis lecated ditiou, the moeueelndin e tsatrcge ; tIse varices windows, gallerses, te ca le E. W CILET. 'orotoOnt wersnss c anempy mndit s tie hatin Ilarleigli cenetery, abouit twc miles fionstiena odtegete ivil e satmbracf ig a rt y Bzantinre, ptl Ahrabihe-e E.__W.______________Toronto.___Ont _ sap the vernal epringe of life and cre.stes de- Pliladelpbia. the irîsteers that arc drawn iu its exten- in atyBznie atyAaeqe Toothache, cav lu the face. The value cf tîse crowu of England, ex- sivçampîr. demonstrates its mixed architecture. Velclsveo tecotofte eal s :0000.I bas been stated that the lcaning cf theTho t DE.J. . jfffffIA 'Past grief, old asîgers, revenges, clisveefth to teme t al, once00for. Mcourse, tls rcasning will appin-ta erwasdu t te cprceof hearbi pav pesurs cnsan--dwlt-Potai 0 teets, but an old crack in its side and acare Fro&.t Bites, Sprainsl il Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. dead, decayiug, or decayed thouight,-make £2,000 ouly. -- ably he correctins the asserticn that for everyfnexmatcoftefnaioldtoteBrie Bu ns Ec Off ii ad Iesiene. nnikilen ~ a wcatber Ieateismnoument cf the tare. Oiî ete mes ube frcuts meteeôr that descends Iupen this earth atîeast conclusion that it was want cf care on the ~~~aî~, - This isage. woecge r h wantcd lu the French army the standard cf 1,060,000 meteors will descend openI the sunt.part of the bisildecis. The Aragouiese speak Bold by Drtsggists and Dealers cvcs-ywhem -4ire uLICITORL. t.MOP RII tdntwmetos hodiy rfi nat presrit lttle more than five teet. isosbhere, ligEt aud beat wiil bostaidecf wlsc h r s -aie now oid ing yt5CRL anguaVgeLE C.,BIie, 1 ci the KigStreet. Bowraan- eîrnbmnoizing, tise i William W.Wilsemn,the traveîiî a c oîs, vîe.s a en Tis "of whteuTorrasundetatîsnewlvng.asIn~po:Tino n il.soici the îîew cBynk,- i a- o ou ERCARE- cou- C. Blimr. ville new hyle hanug meughlyseeovd t asbe co"TiIIclwu "a ueretmn1) jrvt lnv oand% 1o:tarir9te iayng and pesfectly rassimilating euh- gagemaster or tise Pensylvania railresn., jectiared that the friction of the teun the year 1860, but an unfertunate relapse liaste avend 3,000,00 miles wanalyziccg- meteorsoq xi jeers spart fs-cm themselves. Stlid3 isede- liastdrine le on000,00vilesontbout acci-whicb are incessantly rcshiug imb te tise Ibreatens te remnit in an entire collapse. S. . c, ENIING voipmet-is eternal youtb. Tire student dndrn isln evc o h d ay lpredurce ligbt and boat lu sufficient [~TO;SE AUT IN EE RFORweman who -akes wiee use cf lber acquisi. qtuaýititie3 te aid lu the maintenance cf tise ~- L'h l eito Durharn. Sales atteudedtinbaneI eecruaelerbw ASLEEP IN DEATH. sun'ýscrdinary expenditure.Itbsen What the Bela Say. ST N A D B4 ,il shrtesi notice aud lowest rates. Addrees witlb dread thouglst of the beau ty- destroyer even suppesed tîsat the quanitsty cf enorsgy 1'U fUi .ipÎrc P .ý6:t t leaping fast behind bier. Net ccîsidered LziTnsel»sf ctFr154,icthbu1 geuerated miay supp'y ail tîsat is a ant- TIse firstbcllsays, 'Getup, gtcp." OF CAD . CTJiî!ico P. O. or invited, Old Age keeps bis distance. EF,1ect o1.ast Veails Grip. ce[ te explain theextraordinary circuilstauce Theteael -~ ~lcm u u- A A A DOUT. YOUTNG, V. S. The schol bell says, " Improve thy yeutb." '5V(ta! Iîald np, iO,6.tet esf03 " Btasn culture, basedl on noble motive, TcOONTO, Feb. ll.-Lizzie Thnrstn a. tba4rosïî age te age ne Visible deeline bias The church beli say s, IICeme, licar the trut.' (FFICE 11N THE WEST DURHAM oi nîa sympatby, beat gentlencss, clîarityYosung unimarricd woman about 30 years cf 'takéîî place iin the iutensity cf tire solar The bell bridge bell says, '*Ope the gaes.' hsBn speardt I eii YNews B!cck. wbeie himsslf or assissan gaiunselre~tc esfeig gwsfosud desîd iuhier lbcd at 127 Par- radiation. Tiedele hsli-says, *'bA-visiter waits.eTi'akl rpao od eii grcilnes te focn frm a.mf 1, 9 cm.Nfeelingle rsc noosbell' isenurahfotfs."ba hs il re fidnci rc8 tl ,y9ppo m. D ihd.calîs h~4C-lamtent street yesterday mesîiîsg hy Mrss, les-eagain is a question wbich wr msust The rire beitlîays, "Orun, mnrin mate Bauking in ail itsbrnhs il ele egdr c]yorelpoe wuîreceived.promsptowuer. engcnetlcem osi.Jobuston, wîtis wbom shie boarded. subiliit te caiculatiomi. We have fisst of slThe sleigh bcd sa , " eme, ak a rie." riarmei's notes discounted ; Deposits itnin17l-yr She lias fourrdtire elîxirof lite, the founitais It was at fisst thought tIes-e was seinese 10dotermine tire heat wbiehcould bc gener- The veddng bcllsars."Bllesstheb;idce." received and Interest paid on accolInts cf eternai youtb. mystery strroussding ber dcath, but Uroner ated by a body of, let ms sssy, a poursnd in The fog bell say s, - leware! Besvaret'o adluBn oflt'tblCisum5an is csgt alln I'Th, tca ebell says, "Two cenis fare." o$85 adupwards inSavings an 1. A . W ,T lTIE , T îere is n e dou t t iat t îe culture cf seck ering lias in vest gate e i r us tac w i h f i g i the su nt aftter î ssgat- T e s r e - ar b lDCs se s d b s , AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real the mlnd le helpful su cîsntiisîing the yonith- and fouîsd neîiig suspicions in anly way. ts'acted thithe rma neiieygetTes'hrsnsl say s , ."Corenre' prtnet Fsae Agent, Bowm,. uvle. Ontario- fulface. It may netI lie undier ail cirenm- It soeums that tise deceased badl a severe distsnce. The result is net a little start- The play bel. as "es port, coise mirtb.' D Et A FT S laesatended inai smy part off Province, stances, but in the majority et cases il will attack of la grippe about al3'ear age, sud în Lsosu htsc oy nteThe balîcre bell say s, " le-es tine breati. Ile ýu ned dCollections made iu Europe h ave a tendcncy toward freslisîese, the en. since that lime bias nreyer ejeyed geed course cf is friction througi ts csns t-Tbe9coclock heul. "GÏýo te bcd.' lIlos Belle. Unitrd 'tatcs, and Canada. A. A. P<>~~~T, jeyment of lite enlarged, sud the growthofhelbh. 0f late she bias stiered greatly, mosphere, mnigbt generate as ranch boat as ___________________ A E.HITEOT. Plans and Specifica- seul and body together. The culture cf thc f resu fatulency caused l'y indigestion, sud couldi be producedl by the cmnbustien cf H_______________ Ae mird dees net mean a routine of bocks or on Saturday weut te J. R%. Lee's drug store. Marly limes its cwu weight etfcal consuîuled lios resrd fr vey lae of uidig.close cIndy, making lite know uotlsing but 409 King street cast, and baviug described undes- the moat favorable conditicns. S63 HI L O H S iprecal attention g yen se heating by sleaus ild bot water aud mI o aniîary arr&ngements.wlat ies formadlu bocks. It means the en.-lber sympteme Ms. Lec made lier up au )flice: Gorie Block, Whfîby 43 iy ijcysseîsî cf strndy, tbe îhoreugb assimilation erdinary pepsine and bismuth mixture tha Romalo Suicide, ONTARIO BA K ____of wlaever comtesIlp in lite throughout the le prescribed in sncbcases. 'n Sunday slie Ariratiesucde as that etfsafair S UfM PIl 1 Oi1l contisnuetede a GencralD Ruking Bulss sC, 'R PnA.TE Tailor existence. If cone were sissply te sit dowu seesned in excellent bealth sud spirite, but, g Arasire, suicie rindlywit-an ow~nianville Agency. sur.èad studybooke, and not te go eut and stuîly rcuired easliertbaunl bu93i h oss aiene b vsfiul iha Getlmn' lohsM t rder nture, and breathe tise ar with ibe full en- evenîmsg Mis. Jebnston asedherif sitewould Englishman, the son of a noted horse dealer DEPOSITS GeiltleMen'joymnt sudssMtisfation cfrbavinoit te like adrinmk cf water, but tise girl tbanked lier andllivery-stable keeper. The girl bas becusarmrtaie pomn n aifcin f hare- l iei neic o ihenmntsw ir1C R E. nBec ived ln Ravinie" îBank Dea., n ndo breatîse, there rigbî bie anther paetfthe sud said sire did not tare for any. ints io.îciafe i1ee oth ih e anad interest alicvsed at ouront rate' No * ~case te present., There is tire conditicn cf mesning it was ucticed tIsaIshe wassnet lvg byseundlc ekt a-s ie ucs bsGetCuhtei olec il,-al eSary, ÂAU d(i Oii ~ru~~ sind whicb enjoys itsel, wbhi s of sucli goeting 'p as uscal, and Mrs. Jehuston wcnt sud the lady went te live with bier mother, wijîbout a paraîlel lu the history ef niedicinu p'yable on derr'and, exstnc ba i i lw0swdegirl ul . 1s recrmand ealed, but on recriv- in theAeneTudmc l b maîus idruggisti are auilsosizcd te cl lb on a pos. EXCHANGE ot lite, sud co content Ibal ftis leaways îng ne answer slo ycuet in anil raieed tise the yoing iman n'as e-der-d by bis tatîses-te itive guarantce, atcst thatna othercu-ecan sc swtand soid andtii toissduom uoO yourg. This kind cf mmnd eau be acquired blind, and was borrlfied te sec tise dead body brek cff hie liaisonî, and wben lie anncîscc cessflly stand. That it snay beceme known, in tdSae u aaa lel,Sïivei and if ueba th msfrtne e e itlou i.of the girl lyinig on the bcd, withlier- glassy cth netonc byn h pisull-Ie Proprictors, at ant cnerssous expenie, are u me~aes Groonbacks'seîlizh()u o Stuy t be~un eeerul hatverma cye prtlcleedandbermouh Ide lpnjun 1ion te -lhe girlsire scoems te bave been placing a Sample Bottle Fs-ce i evcry home susrcud ensu yos wllbe ieltonhb Assistance iN as callcdl immecîiately, but cf beside ýlserself witb grief. She was ceeu in the United States and Canada. If you have COLLECTIONS Else o udv.A eg+th she bailed a it will'cure yen. If your cbild las the Creup, cf 9-a rsan -eUied States an., lse temmnd, sud tise mind is înfiuented by altlscugh ber body wae quite svsrm whfeh Eycso rdv tl su1elecLc Britlain. eUi 7 what is put before it. Let tls lic bealtb- sbewed that sire bad net been long dead. cabucear thc Palai ePnutiadi-- randigCogb seiprepl, fuemtsnta Illbuild it up, sud bbc TIse policwvee-ntfied licnce, and Coronser-ecteyl the driver 'o tase lier to the rsidence les s-e. S d yeu drcad thai insidieurTrdiscaie effets on. the body will wll repay ail the Plekes fng, afies- a postu'crtn examinlatien et hcr lever. There sc asked fortbbcyeung Consunpti.on, use it. Ask your DruggistfttTle0p iinVr trouble."lsad been made by Dr. Stevens, gave a cerbi -11,nbut saw bis faîher isstessd; sud, se SIILOH'S CURE, Price Ie cts., 50 cie. and 0 1,st'l ju mmta.î ,unn, . î te -B er- rus lTivi lu Maialor tisa o'-tat 0.H R D N ,S. icale cf death Ieons beart fatînre. There crigte ote bcgirl cscd bbc words, $î,eo. If yeux Lungs as-e îora or Back 1 l er crs ing Tin aitobpca or tdeanori;- es Gradateoff he e~aCcilge f Detaliee ed t ohe e &ubî tIsaI ibis was the "Vue itesnusmserabý_'." 'in gesng awsy. %se Shilos sporlaus Plasies, Price 25 cs. it , k-4 the funâsdBavaiaie a ionce athe Seseidrove bouse Io-tise Avenue Trel. lc c avs Surgeons,, Oîtario. Food Before Sleep. cause of deuat,', lîbîssgh beèr, îver, kidsîcye ____Cill_____- ter parîlcu!iiiss au ttisleha. OFIE OPPOSITE RLXPR-E SOFFICE. Matbc'îrb hoghnet acbually sickand luugswere aitmoe orless disease, u ditspeuef rv5'c-ss usee h Masî pesson, 'n ay ier usoilscr and cue cf lber siters died suid- ebsdwen.t 10eia cafe iiiE.e ou.vad ORTT., FIflrnA S EUAITY kcep below pas- in srengîls sud gessrldel ottnes-ai o tr roeletr io tyol, I E.L. OTr GE. cGl. Artificial Teetb snserted wî'îbenî dnring tIse longmines-val between sspper TepergsI a el iedb lle ier lvy-sit hallkeepe ask brgpard e oi bbc "~'C1~_________________ Plates. and breakfast, and especially the cotipebe wo-k-matcs ai Clsrke's gîos'e fades-y, wfseîe seehcssela a ih îssudbeg- "Thauk 'Who rct Redsctiene lu price on. ah Deta enspifuessof the stcmach duringsleep, adldeshewa espcyd.lir eelehilier gs bs te il ie lstome. rcsisn t eie ro MJi.A DVI ork. -Visliv.e Ais, cosiantiy isnueipr graîîy te tise amont cf esuacisîlen, sîecp- Acten, sud lber body was takeishm stcsisn irt irls home.This waCa usitgssleeOperalions. Partienlar atren lessness, sud gneral weaknese we se ofe ,n ngto h siugsiIa bb'e ie uuiocokl h vcsnadbceit feu 1 aid te tbe regnîsuien cf Chiltrens Tetb meet. and twe cf lber ceusine, and tire turersi will bciutg issshcd, the girl teck it iitis lies- and Matnfactur-er of irý,Anch O ILKce Di. R NThEfrle s-n tss-e is rptoamtbesntegatin etheudy nule, as ber father is very iii, sud there is friefid's fther lives. Slie gave thse leter te liIf there is serecesebuasan, s-cllisson ofntiteutakFINl up- Iiaic Oflc; r.RirhefoTs ro osleeping or xsakiig; it is ibhes-efore legical great dasnger aI the preseut lusse tlIaI he wili sîsre te lsii en, er be im.e ien1 J te belueve thal the ssîpply of nourishusenît rceer c. iileth cbuau»3s[3rosmnngbus shcud bescnswhat1'Oninuoe, epeciilyses-icecfor bis tare the yeusîg lady took eut lu -~~ l i s ae in those wbo are blow par, if we would Thse True Meaning et Obarity. lier revolver aud ired a ballet trugslier i l h ae ceuIeserattheir emacialicu and iowercd lieudriver degueatvialty asdasbeil eeris ~ If we understsîîd tIse life ef Christ w-c rigistempiple Sfice was deadl when thecd ivere e 0f CONSUMPTION." sTONOS ccrepedigi duîsîebedwhiiediels. wiy udive atrecneni f harw ee e mleyou sick when yeui u spen ded durig slcep, wfilstwar nd Icas- il uand i aes-snd i ieenu f eisarf ame baek. neethan ak t d cy Ta t thse best ln tie tinof iaii, u urtv cfft r osiu tthis sublime vis-tue. Tises-e i GanoiHama to Wîtè A' Weana. take lb. nin siiain n uriieatvt r "-o8 DGv hns hti sthree limes asC_ cenin e s sss ltiesoodaul, thds-is food grat wedubih iea s he lin Lfeisa lar a'riss-nwsay Cch ha ktnT atibi odthhenc lS irel this pesiod add ses-re tissu is destreyed, tat'binds man te lus fellow-maîs, sud that As maint o mestale lkencdlvreh HMOIG u II UTTING DONE sudiiiresedixiglt ad usss-vedgesesale=d'ile charitly. We sisouldlook lat it net But nieist oes-aks bbc lasngest day, cire fiez.ciatbisusawneasul. HMO Gade SA I Gl -- l i te rbc ait as someihing te bie tiscîgbt hfghly et,1but 'A been te werkln' men ; Iah s bransches. omoesgos secingoftueSt.I Be brave, lin'de tise best you eau, fuI fiesh produces-. Neads' Blocka o ves- ay eres Store, Bowniau- Ail beingsecxccpt tManiate govermscd by 'S eIeeeget ecugotbeSnctclcl u-n i ar ietck.Thatit the best rcmedy ville. - natural instinct, snd cvcty bcissg wiib a . Qeýd. If we lok at il cnily ase ais occaionial Goti hclps tIhe houent workin'usan -for Constu»ýptiO2l, cro/î4a, W~ W , LJI ~ '~- EY stemach,ecrepi min, cars hefere ctecp, sud bing, ansd asesometbissg te bc practfced -~5Tat asG-- ng be at cibtewieu eae .on 'his, 'atn 2is eve te unssiinaul gidd b Ie aise e ~ eqises e el deia, r bs-sbpThey'l; liciten a' yer cas-e; éases, £'ougk's and Colds. VE Eefi RY'eE~ ntith, eu t nf antquctly da y res ne a- fa- f-n co pseed g bc trcY 'liniifs snis etsse sre u tme gd0 iii' e med ant ifusstonac i e îy es an pr. e anrse rft cord-werehe sgthel furîe rp aiu at hu1ewnhr:cls wrap;c od yai ruggîýse t WesIiy5-,,Id stIso ssl Sts u ORONO ONT. ~~~~~~~~intdinc , c ries lng aand ed cmprlsudi1 te itecf hrit.ve - sdia5 nteiI a-e sssi tseliden c gainEsEP - s i , fscm90y esceeaBe sruurera m ayoSs hvetie-, etisre g Issees Digetio reuises e iîtes a ets-et, sd Lek penil s as-ts pîviegeif en eu Tileivîs gieswls vanc ear ~ S orol.L pp rIitN -5a use-enssiail I u-iu ifecue e h tnac e ins vis-se.blai, nge lie ofsuCsretios Fr aivaur tsatis hn wsu e orwrpeil! db alDugits t Whens. Teo o nTO ONT. -irl t pfi -r -aiONT loes-hepse-idas-crtislngcvîeîecî an-d îîb nu-fi lo-mn.ta ectsdevrùCs.: an ane ncsre ien fr iivadtheisusi"cull 11.t IV T PT~ifCNfT fsebt l ee îskea as ibernc lsctoneto r il be riited wfy itbs1k a c Sad boosi hie wcak1est spofetS EPLEP E A T I T .f aveil n dic nonccfedfleti ease m acedutfo bb aancdeaan distr ese i te ask euofAn ye il e cap bi en re bcurfu dféenesse by eîlyacu l uig tp e h oo anafs, u a-bte r us baskerthaycr toe! j orFFJ C shortsre bbthéipcv ievl e we d s ten s at lîcyssdI e yw-m n as t c hti nd oevwery C is.: " Gang haine at nicis te wie a u wýea ue"WT RO T ,b :-Iearofu i an s ully aîi cdtast dwcrenin uctiolofour-ceseîisg wos-dehig only w bcn th e s-l, n en e an.akstspt LE BRIM ACOM BE ~~~ ~ lthe wa emaciatesd the le e î-we2tbegin of chsetyu e t musbctucne aiug rtev e ornih sltrF_ ,,,7 {Iggnotam & Sosorg yae1algbtunchf foodin te tosmple, iur- cfcIbis wo d daw steneus- sidtsk ud n'ibe ecB Ei lese e-led, unc n te etIh of wu become bus e-emudsu te-eiknthe lidfeot-Tboheher kiuz, net et tirse leluss-n eoegis eblfatc fti i-u wl aees ue is ai." RfI 5A1 Store, of(down staîrins) tber cylited b int abets- , stm daîd cf ouDii e s t e olaach r id Me d e Buh Tt, asiafoiurib a crG d ifice leg B TM N ILeai. àn b-a) u epu uitde hlsi' ru

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