Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1892, p. 2

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-.,-. __ ___ __ __ __ - - - -- ------ --- __ , - - - 1- __ - 1 1 1ý 1 ý 1 - -- --- __ , - ------ ý < g-ý% -NT master's d&uý Il ter, and that ho hail , ý"" in 0 lakes up his place in the duLy-o"t u1ý'.A T H E M A R SH ES O F D EV I silen tly nursing 'i' hatred against 1 1 ,ý , i ý,- 1 U.",ý,i',a Patie ri tly 1 or ho tirs, an ci is -o f te j The Light That Heals. According te the gospel, ,JesusChrisý wa,,,ý %;- -y ý rewarded by a shot ait the Moi, su emely awake and is now awakq. And Soin" titre. The attempt te comp ,,._ l ores . e ny EMMA CHUMIS HOPKINS. pr ' denth was, alter ail, -a very cla ' (111(ý t f t H seldom disposesof -arch of th, Il WhothheaathriTibelieved our à te as children and grownmen and wolîiiý,-, ýiave ý _ W report? uni te bc wakened out of pal-,ving nig«kiti),.;11," called his nair 1 ,,,,n,,y 1 ý "I the carcase of the Lord revealed? " CHAPTEP, Il. -le aloud. 1 had grown hoarse liehadtak niiopainstohide coinplicîý1 hem is t)eý,k rE3 le ý iti 1 but tire head i v luable, and if it ha, If we were the least bit under the spell of se Jeans Christ awakens us with Ms 9 ai rient Strange about it that we, must ý ý Y"ý>,d3 with shouting ; but my cry was at once re- the matter, and would most assuredly ba\,,ý ý, leven or twelve points lie can easily recul, .saiah's powerfal mind, we worild. be just if we speak them. - been chargind with murder bail it becii -s11(ý- l'or if from 50s te £5. It is the poache, ,a majesticall3r mournful at the appa words ourselves. It is just as ýý For a moment 1 was paralysed by the dis- sponded te withý a surley: II How go, mes*, cessful. who supplies the majority of the hea,1ý mbelief of this age in the teaclling,4 OfJ 1 covery. A rapidly widening band of water ter! How go f Lookiii'for ould Yethert?' ý - esus !le ý ,ý ý' ý lieil Çally a autrter of a mile broad, already .sep- 1 had a vague idea ail along that Yethert 1 went te service the saine mûruing. Tltc ý which adorn many of our southern man8i can net hold tlie child's eyes O , . 1 10118 C ,hrist as Isaiah was at the age lie anticipat7 - P'r Init it ý arated rue f rorri the Cop ; and I could- n'et hall taken care of himself in soulte way, and Richies tried bard te persuade nie to r2ilie',11% i Heifrequentlyol)taitisLyrotise bymimick- ,ýd. inust open its own eyes, tIýat jesuq Chi-ist Il swim a stroke. 1 turned tio look for Yet- I now jumped te the conclusion that lie had in bed; but as the Burton bells ,,i'i,,olï 1 ing the calls of iiirdsof bý'th sexes. A black , But WC will net be biased by isaiah's bc- tells us Il Keep inywords-" whoever î eal- hers, but, te my amazement, ho was ne- J by some means found the canne and carne out their chimes over tire tr,,ý, ý,ý"),ý. 1 gi,(,j-,ise on hearing a gooct imitation of' the . ' 1 1 f lia evil and the power of evil. We will 'zes th's, te hi. i. th- " -rm -of the '5-',ýýil wherî, te bc seen; and 1 suddenly recollect- tý save me. lu my f rantie dolight at my we loft tire farmstead, and turriim,ýýjip fe, tale call will always answ rit. When lie rio revealed ed that fkýr scrute little finie I had net heard , approaching deliverance, 1 felt that 1 could Past the old cottage where the good approaches withing the range of the poach- loctrine is refusing to judge after flic sight If if is the law of health that the sic'- ý_ o- his f(ottý%il behind me. 1 called alond; but 1 embrace this strange silpilt man-ill-fitting gond Bishop Wilson, was born ý-n'.Uý-etl'ý--lie er's guD lie becomes atu easy victini. Ilare,, ý)f tire eyes and the hearing of the eare We 'l'au or man milst says pos't'vely, II ' L alri there m-c% no answer ; and I rail back for a velveteens and shabby beard included. lie family pew. are allured in the.same way by mi micking 1 will look straight into the meanings of the vi-ell," before lie actes hirnself well, yen can moment at, full speed, wôndering what and 1 would ho fast friends, and lie should "Long was the gond man's sernicit, lirit it its human like cries. Ivords of the Mesiah. Ilimself, when Re says. see why it is that we must declare oursel ý,-4 could have become of him, and calling hiin 1 lonz have came te bless the night when. lie seemed net se te me." Standing 'tl,--re , There is a chias of persons in the High- il I am Truth," and" AccordiDg te thy faith wide awake and net dreaming in ordrr to alond. The tholighb struck me bliat lie liad took me off that loutely marsh. Thoughts among the -village folk-, we sang tngý,iheiý lands of whom the census emimerator takes sec our good that liea bore, laràah iucits[et pûrhaps discovered the danger before 1 had; 1 ý)e if un te thee ; " aise. II For the lighest snob as those flashed tbrough my brain as 1 from the little ivûry-backed book-, 1iýý,-e no cognisarce. We allude te the tinkers. word thon shalt give accourut. " Therofore, thar the doctrine of triith will " have no ý and fled back towards Flint without g"vl*ng called out te him: "Corne cri, Yethert. my Praise Thee, 0 God. We ackniv,,1,ýtIge They live winter and summer in rude canvao IJudge net accoriling te appearance, but form or comeliness." me warn;ng; but the idea was scouted ait good fellow; I have nearly had enougli of Thee te be the Lord;" and welingered long tents, pitched. usually on the verge Some people do net like music ; sortie ' ' Of" judge righteous judgentent." tter than I did this. 1 thought it was ail over with me." on the way borne through the wood Ný 1 i cre torest-indeed, anywhere wherê fuel is p cille do net like paintings ; some people 1 . People often have prernonitions of cvil. that a broad river was now running There was a prompt answer front the lie the lonely Quaker graves. easily obtained, and where mendicacy el' They do riot know th£ law of the armulling do net like sculpture ; sonne people do net between the marah and the Flintshire canne. II Weil, l'ni as good as they make 1 f mind the 1 1 yering feilowIl te be a iÀ \ or- becarriedonivithimprinity. Thesestrang, power of their own words, and se they wait like te ho told the truth about the power C'f Coast, and tirait escape in that direction W,%s uni, Mester Graham; but yer not comin'off pool artist nearly as old as Abratia,,,.-i him- Dotnads are ail poachers-men, women, and Lill theîr prenionitions corne te plias, and tell their own thoughts te get tireur into ser,,,--- ' quite -)lit of the question. 1 rail for a few theer to-neet L" The paddles dipped in the self ; and a very jolly wielder of the Iii liait children. Setting a snare looks a very sim- in the pti - and te get theni out of them. They do trû ý hundred yards, and thon the f utility of such water as lie spoke. lie was. It was for him that Abraha-ni [rail ple inatter te the amateur, but when lie tri crions fanrs and magazines what a my sec what m&jesty and dignity that confersi an action struck me, and I stoind. irresolute. Soinething in the man's folles thrilled made the early Sanday Morning excursion. if with the hope of being successful lie find st lty they have for prophecy. upon us, and how kindly we reign over our onitive instinct ivhich theybave ý for, as'Aba'explained in anapologetic kind that some ingenuity is required, because if is the sitznal that it is that moment time for ý l'botild inow hear the tide moving through me with the conviction that lie was in That prem reahn of ideas. ' the, dykes, and I knew they must sbortlY earnest, and the perspiration broke of a way, I'Tha sees this young fellov,,',,,, seerr the wire la a quarter of an inch foc high or thera tiuse a Dower they really do possess If is the law of mind that if we refuse te begin te overflow and inundate the marah out on My forehead as 1 exclaimed : ton much of the ways of farmyard IlLici-ti te te low the rabbit goes under or above if. which is that of preventing calamities. if tbink certain thoughts we shall. never .-.ce in ail directions. II But, Yethert, man you pro ised tio have anythirrg to do with tiroir, ; iý,) 1 îust Tire tinker, next te the professional High- V, - certain kinds of people. If is the law of 'The ground negau te ha agitated by the bring me safely across'the river; and you thought I'd get him one or two. Thr, ,. can land poacher, has no equal in suaring It - u have a foreboding feeling, it is the aigri un ind as related te life that if we 1 ý 1 ýq . 1 ,ý mysterions !nintýte splutters and gurgles can't leave me here. It would ho rnurderi" eau hardly calt it Sanday, tha kno,,vzý, at was of this itinerant wanderer that '« ý that you ought te speak certain wordm. refuse te think certain thoughtll we ,, ý'ý with which in tirese marshy solitudes it in- that time in the morrring.' said :- SOOLt Knowing tire power of words yoir can. ience certain conditions of body. , ý The canine bad drifted a little nearer toi 8peaIr the riglit nues promptly and heartily. never ox variably greets its approaching union with me, and lie pulled off a yard or two farther My adventure was net allowed te ii, ter- Donald Caird can wire a marikin (hare), IlThou shalt decree a thing and it shall bc It lie. ilpteho power of mind as relateu t@ ý thetide. Seule distant sea-gulls rose in the away as lie made answer: "Mester, ye may fore with tire sheep-washing arrangeUicnt, Kens the wiles c'dun deer stairlkin', establislied uuto thee; wheri ineii are cast life experience that if we choose we can abut air with wild shrieks and swooped down call it what ye loike; but l'in goin'. Dý, as if would somewhat have 8poiled the plans Lenten kipper (salmon) makis a shif t, down thon allait say, there is littin Il down squarely on thin king auch thoughts ai ý &gain and again on the besoin of the body of ye think I'd fûteh ye ail the way fra Flint of the artist, whose picture, eiititled Te shoot a wuir fowl i'the drift, 9 UP. are simply shiftless and frivalous and only A clergyman of tho recognized and demi- ý ý the rohearsal in memory of seule pastexper- water that was advancing from the CDP; and lie up te the neck in muck bore ail this "Washing Sheep on Burton Marsh,'has for The gamekeepers are net the only enemies nant faith (that is in sheol and Satan and 1 and several curlews flitted by overhead with time for nout? Nay, me mer -, l'Il foteh ye seule time been in tire permanent colicetion with whioF the Highland poacher bas te afflictions from God) was a very beloved iencefarfromennobling. ItisagoodpIan. shrill whistles. The ever-incroasing mur- to-morrowl Ye canna swim, they tell me; of the Liverpool Art Gallery. confond. On one occasion pastor in sicknesa. He had a cheerfal face te arrut down on theur, for they bring mur of the river on the flint shire, aide bc. and 1 reckon ye'Il conne quiet enough te- As for "wls two," we are no longer ý1ivid- A COUPLE OF BELATED POACHERS around us tiroir own kinds of pe,>ple and gau te sound nearer and nearer, and i fait morrow. ', ed by the ldarsh. ý were glati te get shelter in a turf huit away and fatherly mariner that coinforted ail kind conditions. 1 1 and classes of people. He had been many that I was being closer and closer bernmed ' 1 hall stopped rit the water's edge; and [THEEND.] on the Braisa of Locbaber occupied by an years accustoined to'visiting his parish sick Voir will ho surprised how speedily a cer- in by the-merciless waves. ThY full lier- while this conversation had beent-taking nid wûman in some way associated witli the and h ad learned te ho quite ivise in de.teeting tain clasi of people and conditions will droP ror of my lonely death seerned tO , place, the tide had already risen over my ------------mw----eI-'oW--Ib- - black art. Sine gave thora food. and lodg- symptoins and advisirigprecautions. Ther, 1 outof yourlife ;vhen you stop thinking ce,ý- bc suddenly and violently borne in: knees; but 1 waded nearer witha mad idea WINTER IN TELE HIGRL âNDS. ing, and before they leÎt nexit moririg site was al ivays one aigu that lie knew as the ify. Thc O ; and while scarcely conscioup I - foresharlowing of upon ni Of! of makingila frantic rush for the canine, . produced a knotted rope and addressed ýýjat is called death. It early morning is said te bc the time wlien what 1 was doing, I shouted aloud in my though ew that if was fioating in deep tincal as follows:-" If I lowso the flrat never failed te herald that strange belief of the rinind is most efficient te eut off w5eIesýý 1 ag.ony for help. A large gull whieh had 1 water, and that in ail likelibood several subý Beavy ç4itewstorms la the lqlOuutrll'tg a knot, there shall blaw a fair wind, stich lit mankimi. Wlien ho realized an imper- branches and doad sticks by speaking'silent- been quietly feeding in a pool bard by rose ý merged dykês lay between us. fle iioticed 19arvest l'or the Poachers. the deer stalker triay wish ; if 1 lowse the cepâble (te the eyes) purplish haze lie knew ly. Il I liereby cast out of my minfi ail up almost at my feet, and with mocking 1 the movement, and pulled still farther away Tire recant snowstorins in the Nnrth of second a stronger blaat shail sweep over the its forewarning. such thoughts as have kept me from healthy 1 cries lied with widespread pigions te meet ý from me, ad(iing: 'II fetched a dead un Scotland has been the heaviest w1t!,ý:iL atihills; ançi if I lowse the third sic a storm After a while ho heard of this law of the judgment and prosperity." Then give the 1 ý ' , leasl a decade, and their briofits ',O tire roind the good'tonic of a strong otatement the oncoming tide; but everything else pro- from off here afore, and got five shillin' f tir will brack out a npither man nor bea8e riglit word. as able te destroy sickness,' sin like. II I am Eound in hisalth, able in jridg- ceeded with a merciless monotony that seem- him. Little enough, toc, luggin' and Highland poacher and small tenar t who ý can thole, and the blast shall yowl down ths and death and once when ho saiv that hither- ed te double the agolny of my situation. The draggin' in the m ud. " combines witli bis agricultural prirsuils the corries and tire glens, and the pines shall fa te unfailing signal ho determined te speak ment and satisfied with prosperity." lapping of the water as it circulated through My heart sank within me as lie drawled more ha7ardous one of killing, gaine whicir a t cri-hin into the terrents, and this bare arm if away if there was such a fini g. 80 lie Now, Isaiah herein proceeds te tell lis the dykes and the murmuring plash of that out the last words; but the offer of rny purse exceptional opportrinity Iiýj the prc-,cnt shall guide the course of the storna as I ait said te tire piirplish haze, II Oolce 1 knew that the Lord laid upon Jeans Christ the ever-enlarging mirror which lay betiveen me. and ail my belongings for a passage te the presents it9elf camiot bc Overestiijýte-j. on my Chrono of Cairn Gower on t1ic tup of yon as the aigri of death, but how I do net iniquity.of us all. That was truc in tbis and the Cop went on unceasingly, and I'ý Cop only evoked the aDswer - Il Nay me Within a fortnight tho gaine deaIersoý (1ýZs, Bon-y-Glop. Ye see ye was expeckit here, of : that lie took the cup of our ex ý ý 1 1 ý 1 believe in death, lier in the siàns death ; sense, vlz apon our- rould hear the dull intermittent roar of the 1 mon; 1 con tak what I want to-morrow. It gow and Edinburgh and other &otch ýities and ye haie broucht ville vens'on, "'t if Y 1 I believe enly in life and tire aigus of life. perlence, which we have forced ý Chester train as if riished from station te ' isna, the- money l'ni after; but I car, tell -yes, eveu the nietropolitant markej__výrjI men-ri te thriveye marla place a fat hart ora Life is Coà Omnipotent. 1 pronourice Yeu selves by imagulations, and tasted it te sec station on its way te Holyhead. As 1 turn- thee this-I'm 'goi"n'tý(> stop tbee froin Aba, bc glutted with the fruits of the chaýcý and yiold hind by Frafer's cairn at iniduight the the sign of renewing, vigorous life for what it is boat for us te do tarder such cir- ý ed my gaze in that directieii, 1 could sec the ý Richie's wench. She winna tak me, 1 know; 1 Oum -He bas loft the word that il is 1 hundreds of rabbits and hares an(! black first,'L\Ionday in every monthwhile, tire sea- 1 this man,,in the naine of the Father and of stances. 1 numerous furnaces glowing, like the fier 'but abc shallea have thee. Comin' sneakiri' gaine, and scores of red deer froti) ti), g1cat qýii lasts-the laird's gliaist will no iiieddle é Son ý,nd of the Holy Ghost." The horrorsof Dante, outof the dusky clou jth te be refuseil as the cup of nothingness. er. ore noet after neet like a pow- forests and nioors of tire North-ior ýýVilicI-l -il it. If ye rieglect thi8 y biddin.g, foui purple, haze lifted and the red blood tiDged It is no use for yon te bear poverty. Yen line of coast. 7 ý -hýi7ýý.' il the E nglishnian. ançl the Autericart p,, ý two will befall ye, and ye shallularely perisn on the cheeks and fingers of the sick man. can say positively ; Il 1 refuse te bc poor. 1 * refuse the cup of poverty. Jeans Christ told. There could ho no escape fer me without There, was no mistaking flic intense liatreil and three and four, and in crie instail- t ý five the waste. The raven shall croak ,vigur Isaîîah saw the rejection of the Redeeiner me that there la enough and te spare and external aid, and again and again 1 shouted i with wbich. lie uttered these last words, thorisand porinds -ri year for the priý i1ý-e of dirge, and your balles shail ho pickAt by tire ý as a ' in the fain' y distant cries miglit , and, moreover, lie empfiasised them by pul- ý SPOOTINQ OVEII THWr eagles." If is net recorded whether the ý of the. fruitage of errer. But why did ho God is my bountifiii supply from this time bc hëard ab= eaming and chattering l ling steadily and swif tly away. 1 waded poachersl'Lecleckit" the old lia ornot. on. " of the wildfowl who, in increasing numbers, 1 back out of the tide and on te the narrowing fora couple of nionths-ivill bc despitt clied ý - - 9 net blast the fruits of errer while they were Jeans Christ foi i, called upon te test every- 1 4ii the leaf-time of their spring green-rless, were gathering about the portion of the 1 strip, of masrh 11at was loft te me, and gave from every railway station along the lfigh- The Xonkey Cure for Grip. 712 year% B. C., just as Jeans blasted the thing and let us sec for ourselves that the marsh where 1 was penned. UnIess 1 chanced 'myself up for lest. 1 had no longer any land line f roui Caitliiiess te Perth. Ti, c, con - whole material world. is undor us, net Ovür te bc board by sonne belated member of the 'bope, and I coased te call for nelp. suriner of the gaine will aise share ir, llc in For the past wee ' k giip bas been rampant, fig troc before the figs ripened, te illustrate us lier in our arms. Yeu will sec by thie Richie or the Deuhall households, or by The space now loft te me was net more harvest of the pinacher, in se fair thar lýý,--lýi)its, in the Zoo, but those interesting animals the ý the POwer Of truth tû stol? errer before it fifty-third of Isaiah that there was nothing $orne chance passer-by on the high-roaO bc, 1 than fifty yards in diameter, and the waves for which lie paid la 6d te 2s, lie caiý Dur- mcnkeyë have beeu particulaèlyaýffectedbyit. comestofraitage? f suffering which we dream of in this silly . 1 were rapidly annexing if on every aide. ,ý, chase for la. Hares, the usual price of whicli IIeadkeeperByrnewasirivei) tel. Did net Isaiah know enough of the mean- twei-n. Burton and Ness, 1 must inevitably ý 1. nightmare, that He did not tesL periah. 1 when the epidemic first appeareu, and Lrieu i ID9 of the passage, «land the Lord repent- number of widgeon were floating biloyantly is 3s te 4s, will bc reduced te 2s and ý,'s; and ýdy after reinedy without avail. At fast ý ed," te kncw that the law of the good (or Th at if is told that God Il a 1 1 i g iven Hîrù . Forty years before, Abraham's father had ý on the waves near the batik ; several gulls venison, whicli Costa 18 6d Per lb, - 1 i Pay 1 reme 1 a naître above every narre. T!1ý!11i1 "aille is beeninasomewhatsimilarplight. Hehad werewheeling intbeair.overheadandone thegamedealerto retailitat 9il;anil ail lie thought of soaking cranberries in whiskey the Lord) con always bc spoken in time te the quickening principle- thL -,ý,.,îvaloninv,, 1 been surprised by the tide when out ait or two were standing motionless ripou, the these benefits, let if loe rernombercd, ïa, the and giving these te the Il nionks," and from turn back (or repent) anything net good ? power. Yeu are privilegod to (1,, with th, 1 that time recovery amen g them was ,rapid. It is perfectly astonishing how much mime as you please, huit it is very evideirt midnight with bis gun ; and, failing to climb ý ground within a lew yards of me. In a expense, of those philanthropie spoý,1,,,,nicrr II .sù 1 one ,:of the beacons placod te warn mariners shallow-gütter at my feet, two little stream- who are the Iý3ssees ofthe inoors arloil t'Lie Little Reddy Bowinanl' was the of power of vision Isaiah had te see both evil that it means ail that you. virish ta have and . of ,.lie vicinity of dangproris saildbauks, he'lets . the!iiý)iikicys to catch theprevailing epidýqnic, and gond fruits like a helpiess spectator. If came te ether every other moment with forests. Itis the oldsteryovclrý1.1,Fl;n-,,I,ýýit te know concentratind. thrust tire muzzle of bis long guD firmly f Uf ail the iiioi3keys which it bas Leon the lie bail spoken vehemently that according te in 'a little shoef, and flirted tire spray several it's an ill wind that blo'ws nob-b "o, ýj, I? Now, bocatise the science ,).'-' ,ýM isfactorY - Lii(le trickliiig aý'1vance III tli(ý Hil'elliands of Scotlarid, par1Àcu!aý-1y llei)o!-tLilýi,ý,r;ttifiiatiýnýFLjttet-ý--c-,, I'ývrn(-, - je living is se siýnp thet3and-, andresting the batt against tJîc , feet in tire aJrý - ' ' ' ' ' t')e law of erro ' the world would re et le do itof fiali 'tway froi-n beai-ml, stcorl upon itandching to ti-,epot,, ' gliardsoverr'l'i tile, lrorird in al! Jirectioiisý :1'. thic c,,ýii ý râl r),ý1't i,ýý, ,if t 1iý1,,i. the , i,-(,f(ý,, i t o 1ý,ck ý, , ,,ý1- driring the years lie lias becii at .1 esus Christ first and his teachings after- it. The more ýjiaiplc ihe Lrîv2bit1ýh-v tàe, 1 . ý 2hortting meanwhile for lielp. TI ' 1nfid1cr,ý,,,p ,i)1" asî1iy(le-ýtli 1oýil,4 ille fiiiiiii theftioe, 1, siolial !ý9M21- ]UIF, exCePti0;-1ý l't'->,C"I, ýS' 1ý1r;'.12ýý ,',,,o, there is not one who has made a ward, buï lie pronouncéd errer null and e ter its executive power. li, eý wrluten , il 1 grýýater iii!pression on bis tamil, or awak-ned . void and its resuIts nothirigness, his stupert- gr antil it reached bis armilits ; but J ' t ",o:,a 110 1 grew stvaligely (,;ý'..ýil. Strange famýie_,, ý proý-calÀ0r1 of Ilis Vo,ýmiýi!, -,v i(,'I'ý hý roý,er thrlt at the naine of J Lsus eý-cryti1ii'-Lf t-J-11 . higher, and when morning broke he wm, ý týook hold upý_ii ïue as 1 stof - 1 j iii lifs besoin a feeling of such admiration 1 cloris mind TVOUI(I have drawn the ourtainsof ýj tl1iý c 1 titere with the. ý1tJrlti11s iý; ilIcgal, ýi)',,Ii,,>,ýl'-'!l -lie n1av have , f rom the bow. If this Nýorc1 Le in our iiiiii rescried in an exhansted state by aConnah's 1 shadow,ýf Deïath cjý-çircL-,stiiig me. doulits as to whetlici- it'iýi in ,-,oc,,ý,,ýiklïc-e i and respect as II Little Reddy." . t;e, 1 darkness te the right and the loft power will bc in our life. We, shall be sui - Qiiay boat. This was on higher groumi 1 In my sitting-room at Flint Iiuiig a fine witli thu teatfiiàgs--)i '3criptureý T al-ý,, for Reddy is a monkey of ne common in - , age when ,Jeans came. and they would have prisied. when. we wake up te find how sim- . tirait that where 1 . 1 mi the -plowers, 1 instance, the range of hills co2pinten,ýýït,, at lectuality. He bas a simple thongh pro- men him in bis truc light. - ple tire law of masterful success is. And 1 knew that in a short finie net less than fif- ý in which. the mooubeains lighted up a river Ben Avon, in Banffshire, and i eri Il -,,:,,,,,i,,,Possessiligappearance. Hiscouintenanceis Thon a.vain. Isaiah oulit te have told our age that we would sce there is no doubt about everthing depend Leeu feet of water would be rolling over the'scene very similar te that in which I now at Ben Nevis, near Fort William, a iU pen, and bis sharp little eyes are mot un the reasonableness of îý[ýincc 0 ing talion a state, of mind. And thore is ne, spot. The story recurred te my mind, and etoind, while the radiant Reaper was te bc of seveiity miles without a broak, aýiil the frequently garnished with red marks of arti- - the ideal and would net reject ili wheu it other and m i ficial workmanship, the rosa 3 t f doubt about a state of inind being induced ore ghastly recollections came seen cleaving the air with outatretched great fir forests stretching in iiiibi,-,!ýeti line lit of the iiumer- ý should Corne annoulleed as Plain iliagmell' 0 by words or tlionghts. 0118 arguments lie appears tg get into with goodness. We often wonder why a small deformeil- thronging after it. wings, and bearing borne the newly gather- along the base of lie great Orampiail ,bain. 1 d . 1 had spont a holiday at Parkgate a few ed flower, whose trustful little face resteil These Iiills and forests are teaming -%vith 1 the other moiikeys. Reddy, before bis illý 1 it seems verily as if we hall no min Fie years before, and one night, alter the dark- ! on bis shoulder. Iticorgruotis as the iclea overyvarletyoigameranging from the tirnid ý ness, seemed omnipresent whenover any. ý manifestly powerful as Isaiahls now, bc. appearirig man has suctil great powers. Il. is'because ho sadèlenly betook himself te ý incas had closed in and the waves boat! may seem, 1 though the picture aq 1 rabbit up te the lordly stag. Theri5 is no j thing good was te bo given away, and if was cause nobody has seemed te rouse out of semis new way of thinking. Age3ilaus Il.. t of belief in future as strongly as Isaiali on the. ancient quav, sorearns were hourd far 1 waited there for rny death, and I thought, similar extent of country in Ewrý)fro so'his sudden and uniratural reserve which first the ý attracted Keeper Byrne's attention te the rose out of bis aze when desýruction lay King of Sparta, was deformed, short. of out in tho river. A stranger walking over ý ton, of a sweet girlish figure that mrouff ho stocked with gants, and the HighIanéîeý from - and ]allie, yet lie was a brilliant gen- é from Holywell to Parkgate had suddenly ý worshipping in the old parish chtireh in the time immemorial lonkv- upon the cieer as; fact that anything was wrong in the monkey 1 upon if and annoiinced coming prosperity. oral. In his ISth year lie went te assist found the waves rolling in bis path, and 1 morning, while 1 lay dead and bedraggled 1 1 God's ain cattle on God's ain hills. " 1 cage. Ail ordinary remedies were at once ý 1 1 Te whoin is the arm of. the Lord re- the Egyptians against the Persians. Hem»,dý rushing frantically backwards, saw that ý in the inarshes. 1 could. seo lier distinctly If bas been computed and I beIievýý flic - tried te allieviate the little rutlerer's coin- vealed 9 Thatis, who secs this law now tirait 1 Il a poor appearance that the King o' death had in very truth suddenly overtaken l as aile stood there meekly among the con. computatigir has b,-en considerably uni loi the plaint, but it was not until the "' iranberry Jeans Christ has taught if, se plainly that B' c ' him. I remernbered vividly ilie flitting ý gregatîon, lier little glo,,ed hand graspin mark, that a, gang of ton poachers wcirked with whiskey " dodge was triecl that lie lie can demonstrate the power thereof ? Egypt refused bis allian 1 ce. Of course tire 9 power in the scriptures. King of Egypt was deféalted. lights in the upper'chambers of the bouses the ivory-backed 1 Service' in which 1 had harmoniously in the Central HighIan,ý s f rom begau te reýover. The first time Reddy, Arnis are symbols of re is a story of a man who bac', 1 on the Parade as the alarin spread, and the ý written seine foolish lines te 1 Helgo Rie ict' the beginning of Septeraber till the ,,jd of, tasted whisk ay was most armisine. 1 Who secs plainly the power of the gond over The 1ýu0Jl i Il 1 r told that the Philosopher% stone wa.ý in a flashing lanterna on the quay as the coast- 1 -for ît liad come te thaL 1 March can make an average £40 eaýýh a The beautiful redof thecranb,-iýr'y attract« ý ail evil, even te the annihilation the eof, folles and lie begari te, examine therri, , ed bis attention as it was thrown in flic pre-,ents as Isaiah saw the future demonstra- l"s'o guardmen and fi8hermen prit off in the dir. 1 In the few moments that were loft te me week. These figures will ho doul>ý,.i byl, týr.11fisg thom. away one by one ai ter ex- ection of the -piercing cries whicli came 1 1 knelt down on the streamin& baiik and Southerners and by sportsmen, bni îf il, cage, and, despi e [lis lassitude, lie was un. tien of the good ý' - ami * witigotit intermission for fully a quarter of 1 prayed earnestly for thelife of t' ning them. He got se inte the habit of lie world te were iiecessary tire statement c(ýiii(i ho able te forego the temptation. He tasted ý Se fois lesson teaches us over again the ' throwing them away that lie got careless au fleur, and were suddenly steeped in a i Corne. ed to the hilt. , lit, thon rubhed bis nose and seemed te necessity of declaring that the truth about his examinti l géim silence that was mispeakable suggestive. Prov ,,,ou> smile. Quickly, the first cranberry was ' 1 < cris and carelessly ùhîý(ýw wway ,ý At the proscrit moment tire Ilcpth iJ ý things is now, just as ,,rniicà as it ever was remembered how seule of the cl ý A terrifie report close te my car sti eaten, and thon anôtIrer was looked for. 1 or ever will bc. Heaven la now the philosopher% atone with the rest, Ae -inneci on the gricand is just what suits the l,, ctch. ý '?' he threw them into the sea lie nevur cuulol men, who - were Weil acquainted me for a moment and sent somq of the biras or. Now lie dispenses with his ustial - - in- After demolishing thrce or foui-, Reddywas If never will bc any more here thaii it la -e. 1 * ' * * * * 1 1 1 , ,reclaim thena and lest his chan cuirents of the estuary fistied for the body i sercaming away. 1 suppose I must have struménts"of destruction, sacli as ,Mtres, highly hilarious He turned round, bowed now. But who says >this - strongly'? Se ý- - Il 1 d > t-«' ' 'th t' is, 1,he trre phil- 1 nexl ý day with their n'Its, end recovered if. ! cried out, toi; at the liame moment, for the gun, and nets. Accompaliied. by his dog, te - his friends, and appeared most affection-, Isaiah mourus beicause lie saw ý lis speaking Here is a oc rine a 1 1 ý osopher'astigne. Itis the only dl,,,-tl'iii---, oit 1 cauld even recall the wOrds on the 7 next 1 remember was a powerful but terror- 11E TRAVERýýES TaEIIOOPS ý ate, finally gliding into a ,cerner and open-'in our dream of error very feebly like Polo- thefacenf th,-.,ýarCh that hm any pr-ictical f uneral card that was sent te thosé who liad stricken voice , calling out : " 0 Lord 1 ý ing up 'a mistellaneouï >bber on the pr). ý ple, asleep and muttering. ý ý 'kit iL'ias il 1 and woodlands, armed only with à ýsiLick spects of the peach crop with younglady There used te bc a theory that this, world efficiency. 11 obo(ly aýd iicillillig te do with tire matter ; and more than once f 0 Lord ! who's tfiat ?" Whou lie coures on a rabbit track lie follows mo the of riches an 1 fame or name to gather its a(i - claring this fearf ni night they flashed upýu 1 It was Abraham Richie, frightened for the nke3 a of tire cage. is ail asleep. While we are lying, still, on. herents with. This is exactly according to my ruind as if spoken alond : ,The waves first and only time in bis life ; and bis if with flic persistency of a ýwease1 The ,Se the other grip-stricken monkeys 1 Our beds in dreamless sleep we are in the of the sea are mighty and rage horribly; 1 errand was explairred by the circumsta rabbit seldoins enters a borrow when ,3néýv'partoooll ý prophecy. This is therefore sornethIrig te, ý une 1 k of the luscious cranherry, and the normal and natural condition. As notice commend it, as the reigning religions have is on the groand, btitperfer8 te, conc(ý%I it- sam,ý alterotion was noticed in them. After, that the sickest, most pained or troubled butyetthe Lordwho dwellethon high. is! of a number of dead birdsbeingswept about . ail those things on their aide. Yet eau you- mightier." My feet by the waves. My kne.es shook self in a bancli of heather or jampei bush. eating about half-a-dozen, one stoutold man ý creature is Nvell enough if lie is asleep in not see how the silent forces of its great The tide flows Over the marshes in a more 1 Vie inacher works alorie just now, ait, ý (liges monkey became jealorts of Reddy*s attention dreamless peace. Tilat ail what WC Cali limier me at the pro8pect of being snatched ý truths are permeating, overturning, chang- deliberate fashion than where the poor II from the jaws of Death, and I eould scarce. net reqnire an accomplice. He keeps ou tire te the young ladies, and passing by hiln bc- wakiniZ la net frire waking, but nightmare- . stranger Nvas overwhelmed; but is lierre the i ly latter his naine aloud. rabbit track over the Énow, and lie Liiows stowed a look of tire utýrnost coutempt on pare nightmare. That ail this finie we are ing dynasties, religions, political. ethical 1 -_ ------ - - - ý - ---- , ___ - 1 . 1 ý 1- 1 - ý - - __ ý « 1 - when lie connes te the end of it from, t ile fact him- Thiý4 sppmed ton mueh for npddv- î at home in one Il Father-'s hotisG whece the ^ it.is one of Ithe.,denials which every mind . ý 1 ý - 1 ___ - _- ý - edge, breathless with the exertion and ex- stables ; and an hour and a half after my atteahed te it a poacher can guide its move less by the concussion and slight] injured. are on the point of awakening. Sonowthat leaeyear?" citementcombined, bc paused, and the canoe, arrivala slouching individuel, whoseap. monts and pull it out when bc chooses. i -M edical attendauëe was procurU and the we dream that we dream, or are told that Old Ba-chelor. (fervently)-l' Ne, indeed g rose and fell on the waves with clock-work 1 pearance, corresponded exactly with the In the clear moonlight nights the deer'suffererz removed te their homes. this is &H a nightmare reminder of our no, indeed, 1 think it would be e:mm*ently regularity. ý could dimly make out a figure description afterwards circulated by the come down trom the hilla te feed on t;irnips. home, we muet bc near awakening. sensible." ait',Iing la thc atern and holding the paddles county police, -passed over Queen's Ferry, The poacher in the early morning digs -a "Real clevaw fellaw, Baggs is, real cle- And ttiat is what all the reIigionists and Pretty Girl-' 'Tliata.,iust what 5 told olil clear of the water. Judging it te bc Abra- landirig on the Hawarden highway, was seen hole in the field suifficiently large to ernceai vaw fellaw." "But what is bc clever atV' astronomers and geologists are trying -te Mrs. Sourface, who admire& "a se much 1 ham, who had cirossed the. marsh in soine no more. There could bc no doubt thatý lie him. He covers it with a board surrnoimted "Why, at being se dooced clevaw, don't stammer about ivhenýthey are telling about bùt-shef3aidyou'dbe5hmr4lice J>JIrunan4 o&*qteri*,is m,-.nrv4r te my rescue, I eairerlv was crazed by a hopeless att&ýhment for îàiâ with a coating of anow, and wken dkirk D ess chew kDaw. the coming end aî the world, tell her.11

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