Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1892, p. 7

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~te IED )ESA Y TJA C,18. ~FCAN A DA.- This ]3aink lsprpao to dIo Le-iti mate B3anking in ail its branches. Farmeinr's notes discounted ; Depusit received and Interest paid on accoufli Df $5 ad upwards in Savings Ban' Departanont. DT' ý L ý1%FT S aei nd Co]lectioncs made Ins Euroi "n;ted 0Otates, and Canada. W. J. .7"ONEtS; ( I ïTARIO BANK Buwmanviile Agcucy. DEPOSITS Rec 'lved In SavinisBankr Depani meut aud0 us I sand interesi aibowed ai-cornent ratea N sWIoiletwlthdrawaluccesBarY. Ahi dpus >»)yable ou deussur, EXCHJANGE nzthtand soir d bsaiba-nuddsn or ulei States sud Canada, alsooGold,SbilvO an Ui tedffba.es Gneenbackshcsuîzhb aud aold, COLLECTIONS Pr smpbly rufiie at curnent rates ispun ail p m >f réai B n th ie Unitedi Siabes anu t. Do ninlon -ltanada. Telegraph Transfers ME de Iuc asae uîot îmaiîsunss us0,uu tantc '- nad a. This Isespecîally sdvautageu, st recr rus liviug la Manitoba or tiseNorth-ý et ibo ai1 p Potise fuiact avalable at once ait:t place of sarmpntb Other patielars eall atbbe batik. E.L. FORTT Accountant. GEO. McGILL, Manager 19OW'tV Vâ bLM, ONTI For LOST or FAILING HANHOOD, CeneraI and NER VOUS DEBILITY' Weakness of BODY AND IIIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses Ini Ol or Young. Robust, Noble MIN. JIOOB fully Restored. 110w to en- large and strengthen WEAK UN- I)FVEL0PED ORGANS and PART55 OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing MIOliE 7" "THENT-Benefits l & daY. h, ie etify from ftifty State, and Fore!, , Countries. Write them, book,'o eiplanation, and'proofs Inailed (sealed) FiSBE. Address- ~R~MEDICAL 00., g BUFFALO, N.Y. APING ENGýLISH MANElus. Thse Oxford Cap and Gown for llarvard8and priieetoil, A sigu of the gruwing Auglomania in the older staes uf America is the spread uf Eug. iish costumne iluthe collages. At Brown University, in Prtovidýence, they have long worn the EugliahF acadamie gowu, and uolv thse regulabionca and goivi,,as worni at Ox- ford au i C brigelabchaintroducer] into Flrvard aîsd Princeton, At Harvarti -leinnovaý-tion will ho cufiued'tu the senior le ou its,, specialaunivrsary day, and t4a ,,on has been made by the clasa ibseif. -at Princeton the regtlation is apparently ganaral aud has been detcrmined by the col- loea authurities. This imitation of Engiish customns is very d ýistastaful bu the average Amarican, andt it gues on fast in the weathy and cul i d :,is bthe easaeru %tates. Ceej lo uofficiai dresa S WNoi'l in Amfia lilgsany umure than in âmerican courts. -[Quabe Mercury. The British Museum bas received as a be- luest the Tapling collectiou ut stamps, con- baining about 200,000 speclucens, exclusive f many cardsand onvelopes, and valued at batw,enn $250,000O and $300,000. Mr. Tapiing wats more than twouty years its mal- Ing it. Itis pronounced the fineat collection ual stampa axisting. STILL-HU rlTING. np bu 150 yards, and wiîh al bhe pent ation DO YOU WAKT TO GO TO BIBERIA !Uo0E SIZiES. that eau ho secnred. It sbould lie largo en- soanie isplendld As%,ivice Fa'om a Prusetteusiougb lu caliber tbuIlbleed " a dear bbc firat t5A TirA alit usaIni 'iakes Tisern-'lie La- Sportsman. jlmp that lho maires atter being strnck-for Rso a a oa oir Tnfe lileB. iui bor of Tryliog On. The ideai stili-hýunter abould be nuiseless, blere, are very few deer shot dcad in their a-ils o Tsm.Atird ,fut an ch givas us a funil size iu odresadivisible, says Heiiry Browning, traoks. The railroad which the Russian Govern- l oîgtl ut lîoe a sixtb furuishes the inter- in Slports Aflel-,d. Uuforbuuately the ideal is, Bear lu mmid that thare arc ouly three meut is b uilding throrugh South Siberia trous moiste point between two sizes, the sa'.iusg lu his caset, impossible, but the nearer bhc thîngs that will iuvariably drop a deer dead thee Ural te the Pacifie Oceaeýn, wili open an of wicb is desirable, if practicahie; asmali Sreqjuircfi condition eau ba approacbed the ini ito track ; and tiuey are a broken baclt or immense country hithier tu amolt nuknuwn Irvction of braadth ge a good way lu se- botteùr the onter's ochunte uf sucesa. A man neet, or a shot thruugb the bt'ain. If a te tisho -rld for foreigu cultur e, kand iltnay crn oufrand in girthuf baloriistsep c'ao walk tbrough woods noiseiessiy by ho- deer refuîses bu tumble at the crack uf yonr bhofutint erest to sac what the condition of an infiieim,ýal parit ut an inch is sometimes ii ing properiy shod,; aud by tisiug care in the guu dont take it for granted that you have the iaud is. Geueraliy, it niay ha said, Si- ais ail utfredu;a quaLrter uf an ineh is a saiectii of a huniting suit hoie au make him- scored a miss, Go whare tihe animal stood berasbbcnbuesbadbs eueno-goud doal of iettiu g dowîs, or elevatîng at bheA seýlf prac ticaully.,invisible wbile usotionles. and lotk caratuily foi bain ur blood. lb is pd not î)asî than other countries. Tt fl-heci.lansd tha differenca o a sixteuth is i Dangerof detect ion by bhc keen nostrils of siusply impossible te get a buliat into a duces aiosb every kind zf Eur-opeýaui grain raadily percep tible at the- sole. 11 c the wuodiand dean eau nover ha gusrded deer witbott nockîug offimura or iess hair, and fruits, evan graples, andbaua abund- For' thesa reasous sr\iddeu sudextrema È ts agsiust wibh a certainty ut succoas, but the sud pili always ha footnd where bbc gama anco of all maýtais, iron, golfi, silver, cupper, changes in tise size or weightit fsioeà-are lu- ts slection ut suitabia clotsiîsg aud toobwesr was standing ; but somnetimes a daer willgo lesd, zi, ec, coal graphite, porpbyvry sud -ndicos.Ean-c sagrsue Pbc ik ts ut prima importance and sisunif neyer ba a cousiderahie distance before bleeding a preeluoio satones, sud lb is, or bas beau, bisa ougbb nover bu ha woru in any place), shoubda niegiected. drop-especially if shut wibh a sralaîl a home ut al l kids of mammalian animnaihareplaced by une onby a littla thieker at i Musb sportsmen jump at bhe conclusion haros] rifle. Even when shot witb a 45 or a The riversansd laites are crowded wlth al firat. Afber the sumuser situe tise proper 0 that a ban-eoiorcd suit ut cordunoy or dock 50 caliber, tihe bieediug is somnetimes princi- kindq ut flsb, sud the Aretie Sesa bounds tbing isune of medium weight betore bbc is pois jnst the thing for a deer-hunt, but a paliy internai. Howveverk, st caretul suspac- with whaleansd seai.witraicesinod, u eenha wore mstao cni no homad. Gr-tic n outI aigus" will tail if the gatua la bit, The ares ut Sibaria is about 12,000,000 doesn't now mean a thicir, curnbersomne sisue, usausta appruximating tue colon ut the dear sud if sncb is bbc case, always stick bu bbc kilometres, but bbc uorbberu sud gteater as lb once did. usust hcasvoided-thara bcbng a danger that trail juot as long as you possibiy eau, or bill parbt lbi is alust waste, inhahited oniy by Very tew abua saiesmen bava a stock ut -e a hardiy bu ver-nated o getbiug shot by the deer is tound. lb always pays totfollow s, few thousauda ut Samojaîles aud Esqui- patience that wil bold ont beyoîsd bbc trv.- some careless or excitable buter who maltes up yoîîr shots. Mauy a fine dean bas beau maux. Snow sud ice cuver the eartb in the ing ou the sixbh pair ut obues for a wumsun i.a rle bu shoot first sud thint afterwards. bast that probabiy nover o'.eut over 300 yards nurtb almusb ail bbc year round, only usait- costumer. Tise lacing or bubtoniug of this Hence, tbe color adopted should lie as ucar- atter recel'eing bbc bullat. Du't crowed ingin bWO or thc moutbs lu the sommer, when number la consîdarabla labor ut itseif ; thon tas iy as possible bbc colur outhbb background; your deer if youu lcow lb bu ho ahot in btcetihe sun: neyer sets. This country 10 then with cacb new une bied thera is tbc usual sud tîis, ut course, changes witb bbe nature paîsncb (sud bloc igu iett ou bbe brail will visibed by largo bards ut wiid reindeer, coin- amounut ut prcîiminary tait about the styla, uf the grnund hîsnbod ovor, bbc character ut invariably bail if this is bbc casa). Give hlm ing trous the soutb sud retouiug thare as price, etc. ontse furesb gnowbh, anîd other causes that time bu lie down and s'eken, then hae is soon as winter sets lu. The polar hear and IlOver tisera b a wuussu," says s dealer, N the huister will learu bue recoguizeansd con- easily aeccred. Aud fluaily, if your dean the blackr fox live haro constautly, sud Ilwiso bas tried un nine pairs, aud site fadas lssidan-slways soppuaing that bbeccolor gets into wabcr sud sinits do't giva lb up. bunbing these sud tbc seals sud fisbiug ara worsa than bbc clark aboutit. She p-obabiy selected be nut tboo near that ufthbb deer, A deer, if not shot lu bbc psuneh, xiii ai- tbe ouly occupation ut the nortisern peuple, bas a peculiarly sbaped foot, sud noua of bbc for the rossons given. ways rite within frous une nu threc hours- 'flua Samnojedes sud Esquimaux ase ebci shoas, thus far, feel comifortablo teolbar, lui Wbile dcer-,ineuissg, al moving objecta the ime depanda ou thbcoentents ufthbb relabed to easci other. Their lanuagas arc sncb a case if bbc clark shows waariuoss hae )O should ha cluseiy wstched util thaîr iden- de's stomacis and tih esssmperatureofuthbbcnet su difféent tbattbey canut uuderstsud losas bis custousa." ad tiby la establisbed. A gliluseaof s dear la water. Few buntans ktuow this, but it is escb otisan, Thocin mariner ut living aud The slbegad prefareuce of wousen lu qucat often misleading, as tbey show difféently isevetheles s atact, culture, if lb cm bec named au, is alusust tise ut abues bu li waited upon by malie rather lu diffcrent lights. A patois ut bain with samne. They are alîîomads, going nortb 1in than teusale dlents la probsbiy due bteh bbcth sun sbilling fairiy upon lb wibi outkINEGRO ELOQUENIUE. bbe sommer sud sooth lu bbc winter. Tisein tact bisat bhe former eau bell tiscu mura about 1a buo iito for adeer ;wbiia bbcsame pateh,- clotbiug la umade ut seassimn,,sud botb sexes shoes sud leathar tissu tbc latter. Many a if seau iu tiese hada with a darir bacir- 'Viite Bisisops Falleti do Rouer a Coiorzsd wean the saune style ot dness. Is the sus- pair ut shoas la sold by bhc aid ot s littie gronnd, wiib appean aimoat bisek. Thus cosigreauson, usmer tbey live lu tents aude out at, anti their judiclous sisoa bore, even if psrbby unintolli. tk cirousstauces under wiich ohjecbs are White preachans cannot nove a coloned [obly turnuiture is ut atmn. Tbey cover tbrîn- gibie tbuhbbcbyar. Iu bbc usater ut pati- ut seau will somnetimea decelive the oye ut the cougregabion as bbc ucgroesZsu sud do. lu selves witb stins sud sbaep un sinus. The eccoh,. re ia't mucb différeuce hbweon bisa bu trust expert woodsman. Noveushen, 1860, whcu bbc geucral couven- bants araeisaabed wish open fines ou bbc raid- sexes. hae Mowepaicabnltmbw siy tien ut the Episcopal Cburc-b mat in Ricis- dia ut the tant, aud, assbbc pine neyer bere une may ha mistaten. I once isistoot a moud, bbc pastor ufthbbc lrgest colcred con- hacomes s trea, only s sbrub, bbc natives use Mahommedan Funeral in Liver'pooI, hean fra caît but, tolowing !my oli noie ut gregation biera the Baptis-t Chua cii, wbicis bie bbnbber ufthtbe wbale sud the oil ut the Ini bhe presauce oua very barge gabhering reducing possibilities bu certaintias, discov- bad bonghb sud owssed ils pastor courte- seai for tuai. bbc remalus ut Seanut Bukani, ut the Gobd r ared usy aror iu tisue bu bay the gama. ously issvited seineaouthbb isbops bu andreas The peuple are ebiefly simali, filtby sud Coast Cunstsbnia'ry, wbo died at tise Royal -Again, I saxv, lu souse buabes, wbat I book theus Tise eboice fell ou Blshop Williamss, indolent. Tbey du not pruvide ton the Inflrusary, Liverpool, undor regrettable cm-' tuelie a atulkiug bock. Waitisg saumomtent of Couuecticnt,sud Bîsbop Carke, ut Rhode îuurnuw, sud lb seeius inenedibia that a eumstaucea, wcne inters ed ou Monday in bisa buelie sure, bbc animal came ont in fulvîew Island, botb extneusely loquent proachens, single usau la abeie buest frons sixteen bu Necropolis. As tise daceased was aMahous. -us wbail', big" gray wolt. No une onglt sud thay stoofi np betora 3,000 bearers sud twenty pounda ut raw salussu in a day. medan, it w.as dacided by bise members ut aven bu fine s gun unlesa bbey kuow positive- did thein best bu ru'sse tbem, The colored The Ssmojed eau colat only bu seveli. A tise Liverpool Cburch ut Islam bu bave bis ]y whab blsey ara sisooting at. Thero la nu peuple sat sulent sud adusing befure the langer numban is" sa mauy." Tbey ana fumerai conuned atter bbc Moaleus manuer, scceptable excuse bu be gîven tfon slooiug a two preates, but gave nu uubward igu ut vany fond ut iusbuxîcsing drinks, but ton- sud aecordiugly the coffin waa bruugbt trous brother limiter. One msy plead sausstate îtenest. Presently tisa Pastor anose,tbaut- tunsately thasa are rare lis their reglous sud bbc iufinusary lu au open bearse, foliowed hy lu the ondînary transactions ut ita but flot cd bis visitons in tbc Dame ut bis firce, sud the imsportatiou ut theu s la orbiddeu., a numben ut songeants, bu bbc door outhbb lu thia. than went un bu mate application ut wbat Iu wiutar bbey live lu buts, made ut turf Moaque, wbene lb atood wbile s service waa Wheu hunbiug, wak asa rapidly as possible, bbey bad beard. His finît words wera lite ant i usssansd covened witi sn0w, The eu- conunted within. An bbc Mosque bbc service witbout usaling uuneccasary noiseo; but a breatisuOfin d uver a fild ut ipeuiug trances bu these isuts are long sud bows, sud was vcny simple. The muezzin hsaving nover go mono than 100 yards hefona Stop- grains. Evcny head responded. Thauscause une bas bu crawl tbroogb theus. Tisrae and cbaobed the azrrm or eau bue prayer trous th- piug sud lootiug caretully iu ail directionos sagba, groansansudaouts as bbc great deep fourn familles lîve su une but, wvierc taieatl balcouy lookigntuupon WeabDerby Road, for atlbasatfive minutas. Waltiu a strasght utfbhumaiu feeling was broten np, aîsd 3,00oî ta intense. Tîscir food is fiais sud seai meat 1wisere a susabi cruwd isad as"aînher], the lina as isear as yon cao, sud kaep a big tnee, peuple wa2re lu bears sud lu tise tiioea ut wbicb tbey waalî dowu uitis brain oul, snd wriiprapoedd uts arpet, sud a thictet, un sny natonal objecb dircctiy in syuspatby. "I tell you," said oua ufthtis bey du nut beave bbc buta ila cold weahtsebre bbc imum, fscîug bbc esn, repeabd front; for by thia meana you tacp bidden bisaopsasftcrward, in uanratiug bis expeni- axcepb wbeu tbcy bave notsiug bu est. The- bbrec sebsot verses is Arabic from the Konan. trous auy dean that msy ha betora Yeu- ane. 'I 1wss ashausad utfuyseif wbeu 1 bave neithar preachers non suthorities. Tisa A procession was nexbt orused sud bbc Mos- Most amateur buntens are slways lookiug wabched the power ut the coiored preacber stnongest man is tise rost raspected sud lha lemss, cacb wesning a rad fez, accompanied for tails-sballtiug bbrougb bbe woods at a u eouzduyoutiue" decides ail quarrais. The mon bave uuly bbc bearse bu the cessetcry, almost directiy awiîsgiug gain witis their eyes tonever rivet- The follewing w-as ove rbeard ou a country ona wîte, bot weddiug caraîssunies are uin- opposite. Hans, standing aruund bbc grave ted abesd. Ti is las very goosi wsy bu sec road. Little boy bu carter-" Hey, mass, yen known. Wivcs are comusouly gainad by bbc suldiens fonîuiug a ring outaida. more dean talla, but, wbile yuu tullow ancîs tactica, borse bas liacu eatin' barrais. I 'Hou tais bargain anud otten exeban gas are usade in versas fions tisa Konan wena recitcd lu Eng- you, cannot bupe bu sec auytbtug mure. yetan that 1" "'Causa I sec the girds sbiut- s good-uatured uvay. Dogsaranatbc ouiy ish tontha isenafitfuthbie assemblage and Green banda at stiil-bunning are alwsys buo iug tisrough't. " domesicsted animais. Eacb party bas at tisa pruceedings cluaed, lb wsa obaervad auxioustaenusea dean, sud, lu consaqucîsce, Samples ut Canadisu two-rowed barley ut least si-c0or eigbb ut thaîts sud reastheusjblat nu igus oft usoting were worn, the cuver too mucis grouud., thia yca's cnup ana uow lu Eugiand, and bbc well, taepiîsg thet. iu tise gonerai living Mustieus practica baiug bu distnibute T he golden mlaxim for stil butera s, Canadian Goverumi-nt amthoribles tIsane are room. gifis bo bbc pour iustead, au that fltty poor Do't bsrry. " ibree miles la auougb bu doiug ail nisoy eaîs bupromote bbe intareats ut lu the long wiuten scssos tise weabber- pensons wilil be nelieved. This is the second V isnt oven sud bant in une day. Tbis au- an expert rade lu tisat article te the Mther besîegad peupla mate or repsin their lus- occasion upon ovhicb a Maisommedaîs tuer- tails a six miles wabt, sud bise inse nut Counutry. The samples are eighin unushen,, p is ansd wespoos. Tbey sieep a great ai bas beau witnesaed this yesr, bisa finsn *spout lu wslkiug eu an cocoupiad in watcb- goud juîdges say the grain is brigbb sud deal sud, bail logeuda, bisase varyiug Orly being tItan ut a Nubian servant ut Mn. P. iug bu great sdvantage. Deer alwaya ihave plnmp, sud bbc wigbt ranges trous 53 lbs. bo ligbtly. The Sansojed, luw-even, bas guodi. atlibnue, Duriug bise Cimeau War, wall-establîsbed pasa waya trous unis scolpe 57 Iba. par buabel. The samplea wiil bec ousmos. sesîse sud aims mioher wit sud isowvvr, bbinby-tbnae Tuntisb soldions whu ut woods bu another, sud ilb laa good plan divided amungat British bneweanud usait- otten antertalus ltia euuspauy axbramaely witls died iu Liverpool wane hunied isane, sud bu bunt along bisese, regardiesa ut time ut stens, sortie ut whunsishad applied for lus bales. Sargeson Butari's grava is ausoagst theus. day ; for bisa deen wlll uftetn lie dowu ou ur specutiens ufthbb Canadien producb. The Money is untuowu amosg te peopla, al- near thiar regnlfflr paths. Always bunt Ediubungb Seoismcee says Il it is cousidaned rsde being carric ouby banner. i.. eording liénthly Prizes forpIBoy~s un 1i rls, agaluat the wiîsd when lb la teady. If lb la tebhoeabablisbad bbat Canadian hsrley ut a by thora are nu poor peupla, as bbay say, unsteady or very higb lb is best umt bu ravai guod quality can bce piaced lu Great Brtain sud bbc Sausojedes consider biesmelves a The "'Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto. offer the foiiuwing prizas every montb tilt further notice much, bot it down sud watcb; four dean at s profit." ibis la saiaatony, sud as bappy tour. ibcy love thein cold hsomnesueboysansd girls underld6, reiding In the are reablesa ou windy daya, sud, wben ou Canadisun produets have geunally a bigb auud lu othen counies alwsys are isouesiet Province ut Ontario. who saur] the gentaest tout, keap usovissg alussbconinnally. A rapubation 50 Euglaud, lb woubd non ho sur- sud tata bbc finat opportunib.y bu reburnubu number ut '"iunlight" wrap)pers: Ist, $10;2md. fanît witb ussny bunters wbn nugbb bu pniaiaîg if tue oies'.barley succeedad wall. their oative land. $sda$3; ty p$lt;re btos a Ha saur] fotk tîuow baten la, that nbey will pick ont s Trouble must, ut course, ho taken, but bhe Ceniral Sibenia bas a stenile land sud cold leda ethay2w pr . thSaurwraper aut place tbo mli a daen and I"pull out " fou, that Canadian fariner wiil tata it if hae is ressua- wuters, wblcb mate lb unfit for agriculture. "Sunlight"~ Suai) Off-ce. 43 Soobt St., Toronto parbicolar spot at a Maud S. gait; peransp ably sure ut a good pnica. lu this part ufthbbcocuntbry are fuund mines net laser than iflth uf eacb usontb. sud marker] __________________Competition'"; also give full naine, sddresa jumping a dean un bwo ou bbe wsy bisat of___________u coal sud mebals sud tisane are amali set- age. aud aumber ut wranpers. Wiuner miglt Isave beau tilled if bhey bail beau AN EAST INDIAN GAOL. leuseuts wbcne marchants drive bangains names wl bc publisher] lu Th, Tor'onto ma isunbing inabead ut lundarnug blîudly -wubb bise natives. Iuboxioatiisg drinks are ou first Saburdsy lucadiusou.h blrougb bbc woods. Theeisae luy une way A nin uîraso iiocs obabbowed bu ha sold on cradit. Taxes tc, bu profit by ail the chances, sud that la bu l'ie labesu. Indiamu papena rep'ort a seriuns bbc Governmeut ara paid inu atm, f un or flonsehloid of Twelve Persons Murdered. bch always on tise oont, sud te act as oui-break inuRampurGaol. Ibappear tîsat ou otisen natural pruducta, Rare are imens News utsa horrible crime bas reacisad Ber- tisougis you isad s big bock iss sigbb and wat Sunday, October 25, Major Vincan vsibed torasta ut pine, iarebl, fin sud binch ut large lin troîn Wtlua. Tise bouse ut a tarmar- "maknga neai oîtbuisthb gaul on a unantan eounected wiib bise dis- growtb, ausong wbicb live several tinis ofliususcd Abramovîtcb, at Autopob, near that Dean are oiten touud lu tiesa utnuliklc y posai ut criminal luabes. Ou bis arrivai animais with costby fur. Ruutiug these sud tuwu, waa attacirer by a moch ut starviug ýloukiug places-wluaravea sn slilier] un lie waa iusormed thatAbbnee prisonars bad berdiug neindJeen give subsistance buetise passants, wbo, haviug foncer] an antranca,0 h uuiug, and biorougby poabed on bbe habits hosgvum rul udbr ospsn ulhabibauba wbo for, bbc greaben part, ite kilicd Abramuviteis, bis wia, chlldren, sud r ut dan roî yera t obervtio, wuldmateashunt tbbc new onden that prisenan bie Sausojedes, are nomada ; bbey anceusoat- sarvans-bweîve pensons in al-su ie neyer thinir ut looking ton one. Nuouaneshoir] wesr gaul clobbiug. Thse tien wore iy ut Russian uiglu aund have tbc Russîs piunderer] bie place ut al bbc four] sud valu- -would think that an old buet would ravai saut ton, but ouly bwu appearer]. Tîmy were othodox religions. Tbey live lu tents sud'ables the-; could find. Tisa ubjeet ut tise ovor miles ut rougis woods sud titrougliacses asked wbenc bbc third usaiswas, hntb, iustead lbava inevery tant a an, lu wiubcr bbey raid seemna bu bave beau ouly ton bbc saka ut ut dense thictots bu lie down, fiually, lu bbc ut aus'.vaing, biuay suddeuly rusbced a'.ay goSouis. d i robbery, as lb caunut ha discovered tisab bnuad glane ut day, winhlo tbirty yards ut S loto bbc gaul facnory. Major Vi icenn 1usd Soutis Sibenîs, trous, 59 dogmees to 49 tde iae wasanay iii feeling bowands Abramu- Smain road wbere waggons werc passiug ai- bwo ord e zlies wibh hlm, sun is ese warc saut grecs latitude, iuowever, produces Ennopean vinclu, wbile tise brutal msassacre ufthbbciu- ust hourly. I once sluw-brailld une ton bu recali bbhenmen., The otderlics usd no cropa ut aIl kinda. lb bas a greater ares mates ut the bousabold wss presuusabiy five.long houons ]ana at juusped hlm ou a souiser enbered bise tactory than tlsey wena tbau Huropean Russia, but I isut sebtier] for pnompted by tear tisat seine uft heus usgh Spublic ruad. Haeovas lyirog lu a amali thicîrt et uo y3 tbs niuesaue i great distnuecs. The naiiway, bowaver, lies wysr]riea inu.Svripr lofutpenîlmusion buases and bbaekberry biara bambou poles sud carpetnuivee. Tiey were expected bu open bise country bu sattiers ~an us, suppoaed ta have beau concerner] iu tbe aud would bave let nme pasa hinu by if bbc kmocked down and sevancby wouudcd batore su Amenica, aud city by'city, it is believcd affair bave beau arnestar]. Opportuuiby bar] heen gnanted bim. biay bar] a chance ut detcundiug tbiseovea. will grow up along bbc tracts. Thana wibi__________1____ As a ule, amateur butera aliuw thsu- Major Vincent wcnb bteleir resene and behas grean numben ut stations, sud it la the - selves bu ha guider] tuu mn ch by imupressions was iinseif attactai. He usauagad, huer- Govennnuienb's purpuse buoaktec rates for (Jatarril. *tnat lacir substantiai foundation. Tramsping aven, bu get bisa two uasametu vbhtafceJwsdbugv iAimian Cts - ALDUPNS-HkyF,,g-A -tbnougb the wuuda oiblu tOast gun h the assistance of the guard oubside closed favorable terrilsssud coniditions. Albjr-CTRUIDANS-A aboldas, be otan isove cean os on thisehgabes, thus preveutiog te escape of btue m u easaetnr umr hnsfii E OETETE bist bey illdecsm ex~aleubplaes orprusouns. Ha than pnucured bbc assistance eut quauity sud ut excellant quabity.Rnc dean. Askt bisouswby biey tink su, sud ut troops, but betune tiss arriver] ni c wbnlcansd catie are cisesp sar] otairlygor red. Sufrers are nut geuersly aware that <e bhe wii hve u snsblereaun u gve plce aa u abuesol. he nisuaa 1sd ha uuuryneea oTheniteligntin-thve îsesesareconagons ortha thy vary curions tbu unr]out wbab lb 1meaus. -AA ~woiimai naaied ari~ay Anuu nurckl aîyW5 N aebucerwsvic rt.-tou.eoigfa fraln i.... dear'a uose la bis hast sate-guard sud if int iller], ou Snuday at ternoon, lu une ut thse N m tthe las tieu food-Tfeinbodyuminfat.for aseongtie rp ware nottfonrlis sente sense ut amaîl s single n-,aiti streeba ut Bolton by baîng tuocdir Sole guardian ut a umimerns uabreer], aulne Ragimant, wisedisappearnce waa ne- dean couirli e easily approscbcd-especially duwu sud non ovar by a bntcber's hsorse sud She SURil at on.~ porter] a nuonth asgo,was fouud lu tise Tisaus whe bantading. trop. The driver, William Ralshy, was Non aver nbutiut ho -ou s ti rer]brenle eo bige u udy As bu bbc beat mur] ut a rifle for dean- subsequently araster] un a charge ut in- 0f doubt s ghogt, tremlsblwAige i udy e sbouting, pages bave heru writtcn, sud ai- slaughbcr. He wasaramander] by thebclon- But, usuthen-like, bbc simuple bird cesser] left Abiîigdosu late un Sanîîrday s most evcny uman wloo aven saw a deeran sd aougis Magiatrabas ou Mouday mumningutil Dein e ut iguOtbr3,ayigh a ou u~ rifle bas souie tind ut a -"patent ides " ,on anlueusct is beir]. lb lalegar] hoe'.aS. Hst we-i. fond martyr, love es'dosved, sace a friand at Sutton, sud was non afttr- recteasy, nd efbbit woau ise With love content; wards seeuu aliva. Thcrc wcrc nu marks utf tise aubjecb. The writor prefere a ile bisat driviug rclsladlette wmn Tewbltr-ýt snow shal ulr] tlîy sbnonrl violence oilise body et Lieut. Fraser, who T! wiil mate as levela a najaobory as possible dying in bise street. -And monssonent. w as ouîy 27yeans ut age.t 4;hiIaren Cry forv1Pitcher's ati- CURE. The eticcess ' ibis Great' Cougli cure i lithout a parallel in the history of medicineé All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc.# cessfully stand. That it mnay become knowno the Proprietors, at an enorm~ous expense, ard Piacing a Sainple Bottie Fre mbo every home~ in the United States and Canada. If you havé a Cough, Sure Throat, or Brouchitis, use il, foi it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whoopiiig Cough, use it promptly, and relie, is sure if you dread that insidiouFrdisease Consumpt-ion, use il. Ask your Druggist foi SHIILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts. , 50 cts. and $.00. If your Luogs are sure or Back lame, %se Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. H are youl" "Nicelyp Thank Tou,"' "'Thank Who?" "Why the inventor of Whlch oured me of CONSUMPTION."9 Give tkanks for its discovery. That it does flot malte you sidt when you taire lb. Give thanks. That it is three times as efficacious as the old-fashioued cod liver oil. Give t/sankc. That it is such a wonder- fuI flesh producer.' Give thanks. Thatit is the best remnedy for Consuniption,8&rollela, 2BrOnchitis, »Wasting ZDis- cases, Couphs and Coîds. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggîsts, at 50C. and $1.oo. SCTT OWNE E ellevifle. Sick RHeadache, andl relieve ai] the troubles inci. dent toi a bilions state of the systera, such as Dizziuess, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress atter eating, Pain in the Sie, &c. While their mues remarkabie- success hias been shown in curiug Headache, yet CÀstvsî's LHrrLE LivR P 1ILtf are equally valuable in Constipation curirs, and preveutiugthis anîooying comlaint, whil< thcy also correct ail disorders uf t he stomacs .timuýlate the *liver and regulate the boweli Evenl if they uly cured Ache they wonld be ainouet priceies ou thos, who suifer from this distressing cornplodnt- but fortunately their gooduess does flot eund liere, and those iwhu once try thent w4fllSud these littie pills valuable in su noany ways that they will no' be ivilling to do ivithout tbem. But ater aill icirhead Is thiebane of su mnyltves that here le where we maire our great boast. Our pulls cure it while othe"rs duofot. CARTER's LITTLm LIVER PILLS are very smail and very easy tutake. One or twopilla oake a dose. They are strictly vegetab e and du flot gripe or purge, but by their gentie aet ion piease ail who use them. in viais at Cli cents; fIve for $1. Soid everywhere, or sent by mail. CÂ87EB MEflICIli 00., llîw York, COMPO UND Ihave sîseci the Fax-eed9Emuisiu.ý n l everal cases of Chronic Brouchitis, sud the eariy stages of ?hthisis, and bavýbeen weil pleased with the resîito. . JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. Brookclyn, N. V., Fieb. 14th 1889. 1 have user] your Eneulsion lu a case utfl'hthisig (consomption)_withbbeneficiai resuite, where patient 1 have a positive remedy fer the aboya disease; by Ito se thessandsofe cases ci the wost kind andi of long anding hava been ested. Indeca seairong le o-y faith in !te efl5oey, tiiet Iv,111snd TWO ROTTLýES FREE. ýith a VALUABLE TItEATISE an ibis dia,s 'osf any euffarer vo l ses t rue their EXPRIESS snd P O 1àjs T. A. SL0OCUM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WES a. TORONTO. ONT.

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