Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1892, p. 2

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PUREST9 STRON;GEST5 DEST. Contains no Aluim, Amm-onia, Limie, Phosphates, or any 1ujuianL E. W. CILLETT. Toronto. Ont. DER. J. 41C.VIHIQELI., AnEMIER 0F COtlLEQE COF PliY SIC14&N IJnd Sugeon à,Ontario, Coroner, etc, Offle ndReidnce. Enhilkilen. 74. ~ t4RIT1 R OLIITR, o.MO? RIS CIN., upïtairs, King Street. Bo'uaa- kiivte Mncy lo&ed a lie lOastrate L IOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the Conty ot Duirhami. Sales attendîed o on horiesi ntice sud iowe8t rates. Àdlro3ss Cc tsruoa P. . 3:tf ROnT. TOUNfG, V. S. OFFICE UN TEE WES,7T DURHAM N Iws PIock. Ahlere hlmâelf or asistaMnt tyi efond from S a.m. 10 9 p.m. Night cals nt rsie cetely opposite Dril1 fihed. Calse 1y telcgrapjh or tlophonie will reccive Drompt attention 171yr L. A. W. TÎME, A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Rosi Istte Agent. Bownsnville. Ontario. Sales attended lu any part of Province. A.A. PONT, A ROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica- ions prcpared for evemy clasm of building. pecijat attention gven 10 heating by team rd ht water. and te sanitary arrangements. ¶cle: Gorrie Block, Whitby - t3-ly R.PEATE, Tailor Genteme's Iôli.eeadeto Order. tOtario ýAG AASPE AtTY -Tot i tserted swithout Plates, teduciions in price an ail Dents iiallzcd Air, cestsutiy ta use pro- atuless Operations. Panticular ottut- -iud te ttc regulattea ef Chilitren's Teetit- ýf ALL WORK WARRIINTtD -RÉ ,ntOfflce, Dr. Rotherford's Onono. I. W~DICKEYI YOUNG FOLKS. The First 5110W Fali. Ttc suow ltait begun flu rtc gloamiing. Anit busily ailt tenigit Fiaitb con toapiug thbofdeltasud bigbway Witb a silenc eo"p anuit white. Every Pine aud fin aud bemleck WoVer enie ton dean fon an car]. Andt the peorest twig ou the elm troc WVas rnugeà iactiteop wtt peani. Fnom shedts non' reef'it witb Carara, Prom cbauh(iceer's mufleiT Pcrow, The siff rails were s ftencit te swan'5 iewni, Anit stili fluttered diown ttc sun',. 1 steoit sud watched by ttcwîi dw The noiseless work of ttc sýki, Andithei sutiten flurrios ef snowbirds, Like bnowu ]eaves wtinliug by. I tlseugbi ef a munut in sweot Auburn Wberc s littie beadstone stoit; 110W thcfliskes wenc foldtug ht gentiy, Asdit robins ttcbabesint tcwoot. VsPoke Our own litile NMahel, Sayiug, "Patbor, wbe makes i sun'1î" Andt I too te tcgoiAil Patter Who canes fon us bore bolosv. Again 1 leekat ati tbe snewf al Ani thtonght et thqj- eaden sky That arceei o'en our Ihîsi great sorew. When Iba' monnit uas heapeit te bigh. 1 remnemberedthttcgr, duai patience That felltram tbat clonit1 like taon', Flake by fiake, bealing and i iiing Tt c san af ouritepugetw. Andt again te the chut 1 wispen'd, "Tte snow titat lititail, Darlinz.,theo menciul Patt er Alene caumak iai." Then wttt ecycafibaisatw net [I issefi er. Ait aeki' i1wc, c noL nekoow Tam kits 'asgiven ter ster OHMRSTMIAS WITR TUE OBILDIREN. Otrictingle aýre 1net mach ikaown iu tii in an orange, puitîing a pi(ýeofe quili tliree1 or four inteslog, st p inti tth oio, aut ,,,oaly a ecn piece insite titis. Esclu quili is tîitdedt minseverai lips. eset one et tit i ladt wtta risn.Ttcweigtt etr theý raisins 'bonds the t litho baougic, giv ing twa circies et pondants. A coloet taper is placet ha Littc ppen pnulait ight- cd on Christitoas Eve. Ttceaentn is a Gor- man anc. Ttc harbinger et Christmas in Houlant is s Star ef Bethlehemo carniet along thnougb ttc cities hy ttc young mton who pick up alims for tth eer, ait they galber îauct fromto te wto ai Christmas ceme te -wol- come this symbol et peace. Tbey thon hoc- take them8elves te tte test burgomastien of tht fwu, who je hounnitte givetitesoyents a goot meaL. Tluelittilo Russian amitte suows ook for ttc rot canitIe sud ttcChe tns rc thte ice is allisgbt iwtt gaYiluuata. Ttc littho Roman bo igatcà,hes witt deigitt ttc propp a-eor it]leBefana Sunte p it. li~ , Or titc Befana ta ttc wi - $ brooioulick. Ste is'a le'Il'. binga spresa ta o a 'tnt et rets titi a hait onie . Iesraed>Crit <g ýorgeout- - oedowni l iesot side et wict 1 i liWî suLtatues stand ita u:ihe. HIý e,,,1, ' poor Dominical poasant et the Cam- pagna, kneeis sud makes ttc sigu of the cross, and tolas ber bey tharttis is Christ- mas, ttc day on which tte Jesus Ctild waa bornstatako hic sins awsy. Again, tewtau- dors with ber ttrough thoeumaket- place. Everyouo gives hinu piaylhiugs, fruits sud cakes, s net foeigner tosses hlm a lire. The uitile Antonio askc ber wlîy, sud bis motter tells lim ir is Christmas, but net ce gay as wben ste n'as a littho girl, for thon ttc "pifferari," tho stepherds fiom tte sunutainc, came in them short cloaka, wtt nithon round titeir pointeit bats, te play on thei bagpipes beforo every image et ttc Virgin. Thea ttey go again ta ttc church, the boatiful î-turch et Ava Coeeu, te hear te Ilangel girls " make Christmas speeches ta welcoine the litIle Chia-ebid, sud as tc looks at ttc image cf the Madonna, al hung witb jewels, tie wistes it were Christ- mas ail ttc year round. Iu mesti familtes it is a purely domostio festival, aittougb as the troc was cjoyet te niglt hefore wbeu tSanta (Clau-lînoe, genorona, German spirit-tashelit bis revois, titane is ne reacon why a grand dinner te eue'a frieude sheulit net te givea. The teai Christmas pr"eet te a bey is a But nas that hon bnshaud conig.-lhat foot- stop Ibar ste bea:it ? A stop she hait net beard for ycans-thc camue ldi naîsb treait, Ste slarteit up toeet h im, but coulit net s"peak a vord Whea lie carme ,tinpale, but sober, sudinl bis oit voire ýsaitd: FHero's a Now % Yearý's presouti, Nellie Ilin biis eyes ia 1new uiglir dawuiug>- 'Tvas; a smal qare paper parce!--"You'll ike ý,it.ýi, f , 1 knm, ~: But yeu nmust ul opni , net until New Yea's Thon lIli open u onstoulit bave hailt tiis present 1long ago., gained lus eniri Havingheards Orgsuuz1atieu wlieu"' me _r I dmaded tic tome te go among ttc traduer aittis point befor,. te itied I took his place &au, aloug until s few years age. W I-iTE "StýN '5 STOFRX. My geod trienit Pierre Beautu, triot, had requesiet me, aithue fins tuuity I wouid have, thai I stauid go. WhteicSkia aa bistory et the, man-ea.. enter (hoe wantied it for ttc Histoed iSeý-j Hbyherses are profitable steedsl, seae.I av ldsudesodti can e mae t go hrouh ay 1 f Ir IN IÂNS wasthespot where these buman sacrific-s p.ces. But meuhanicai toys are mor e iamuLs-tock place." inig te on's eliders than te the cbild ,wbo The o1,d ludian coutinuefi We were wishes te dIo lh s ewu mechariism. Aý- 1Brbru Custontis Practiced by noidby armunuer the day boforo te be St bous e, givuiAg lm al r a kh itor lthart-csen rbe lie 1place of sacrifice early the following gii5 Iiciahl r ie o e rie f-rcn We reached the ground about hirm dig Ï i thegound for thc unhappy TH HUEIBE eCONE oon-tiunl. Ttc faresof ail ttefamily were Litegrls, who musti ho keptinl of a riLnoie E ONAFMY0 ited blac;)k ; even the pappoose on jts day, or- invalid ctildren are very hiau$ e tho' bc A crovd of several buadred amse afireeusen.sth ud to qtory - Iudians ltad already asseuublod, anxiously teîling, te tiee dear delightful thousanà i lsu 3atemonts of Gen. Leowis Gaas a ad Gatho_ awaîting for thie cereýmonios to begin. The eue books, uow -written for chidreni. prisoner, s ýSais Indian, wto wss perfecriy Happy is thie child who tas inhieritýid a lie Hlsziofiaries, uaked, fssteued te a stake, was garrot f ull of oid truuiks, olfi furniture oid Tiere wva,(eue spot on the Norh American NIOm DET5N. picturesail old thiug,,. Ihis a precioinii- Continent, and oly elle, of wbiclb we have HNIGII ET OG hertauo. ive th damaie nstnctodsutentc aoutwiuere man oating people fie ,vas very brave. When the sua ass s earret'11.1od sfsmily f quick wtew~y wlsu htdr pt~as foundwitihin yet about two 4)heurs higli a squaw approach. and îl gils ihave am11uement lonig âfter the geographicatl Iimits of whiat is row ýVttc cd with s flamibeau ilier biaud te ignite Christmnas tolidays are passefi. States of lindiana sud Illinuois. Heore, prieri the fagots, M-heu the deomaid ipriscere It weudbe a great amusemeut for weste the begeinu)ingf of the Preset century, was snlatched the flambeau from bier htaud andu befere Christmas if children were taughit te found al socioty eof vaesbalýoniging te the set hire te bus owu funerai pile.' Atttis mnake the ornaments for the free, Is is rn Minnewa"'-ys (Ms4is), kuew as ttc man- act of bravery the groat crowdl sent up il) economical GermLauy. f-lore the i(doit of nlisthsewo devourcled tho odies of shouits of admiration. Wheu dead tebedy socrec'y and mysticism is tee incarnate ;fithisenes of wsr that werc burnied 1)yàttch was laid upon thbe bumuîng coals until it ivas jeeted.Buizt îit is twice as iiuterostini,ý x!e Vc Thlewrer while s relsu4eat of Fort my father ent aol a piece of the flesh foreaet put oursoives into s thing. Wayne, land. ,ever flfty yes;rs ago, wherc the membor of the faunly, presenting it te us At Otristimas time lot us involke tlbe Misîýni sud Pottawattemie Indians thoen re- upen a starpoei stick while wo sat in a fainies. Tbey, the getry, the we pole sded,111ad1olten seen a very olf,11 strivelod- circie iromid 'th so edering eeilprs. Aftor ttc " good people,"' are very dear ta Cise o p qu ,s repulisive lookýing crosturo, the famiiy wero ail toiped, My fathor, iu a rosi It 1tle, weo pooploc wto 50se the funi, lld wilo, il.was aid, M'as adecedatof loud voico, asked if there wss aniy preoui do0 no', beliove i.elu te nay tee o c. 1 lo ibo faily vo+ iman-esters belongiug te tho1 presont who wisted te participatelil thle %who make thihmesunuder aid trec- , idM Miamlis. feast, wteu ceveral mon sud sqawscame rosenrLtut oaoosfor stit er, who tlk 1 Iremuember leeStitniatenou af orwand sud seated titemselvec i 'tIito circlo. iiivi.siblle excursions l11oo rhuelave Septemiber, 1836, while taklnrg a stroIl witih Tbey were thon telfi te liceîp 'tcisov afi'onuied tlie heilh nurse witt e n of miy aged fcinin, .Tsn Bttiste Bruno au, While the tasting wavvs going ou al deep legeuids. Anl old nuirse Mwill Ibeid a a 'ti-obld Fronch el asund antrador thon silence Drovailed. And justi as ttc, tiin went cent position in thie urscry hecause ste l td ileasi 80yesC , a very intelligent uuan, dwuboliud tiette tops waIiaioullc- ceeul a Ly precIluun, tire littIle red mail, o- avingbeeeduca'ted 'for'tihe piesttiood, cd that the ceromeulies we ded, whieu a loved eof the Irish!. "po;esg ne trarsiuaily iodmiorv., yeil wenti up that sekthe earth sud the Themeuig o tseChristunas rez i we had roachlefi a bpauti'ful spot, a simall caricas% %vas lefti for libe doge t eaet." tiht i wa~oco he omeofthepeae-grev, si týkited tihe ibaukc of ittc St. Nj onDieu !Mon Deu1 exclaimied, loviug woed spirit. Crsia evergroers Joseph ivc aiIlaove the town. Seaýt- flilled witlbatrrer sud disýgust at tiis ,tier- sud re I brnes m11ake thc es -ti ffecituais ef ed on a Ioý legohthe eievtite( aule et the ibic recital. Ou again flliin ur pipeýs te' interna i decoýrtion.s ;tibir dlligotful 1tia a;roam, lte gave me a ttrilliug descitonsito iatbsfatrsu rter wsre grauco, their spienidisi cler, ren-dors ýJe of tte terrible defeait cf OýeaL. Harmier aI)bot'it murdored wbiile aeleep iui their camp paaemono beautifui sud the Ihumbil,'e hose iisvcry spot ia 1791. fle wsa spocate ,ontiteir retiinufnom eune oftliteir bumnîan attractive. Bfr wl hNgt(aur ttbi naeet esnunr a i-sacrifices, teid ncar tc moudit etWabash 6) tbey muai al te faken down. 1 atrouis in iscits . Whilo talkiug, il River. '!hoin teie caeik ttc ! eaofdett If ît will briug the rilota te 1,00pr, *ýf it caaoee with several Indianis In it aspasig rder. williianti forgeti R ingle legendl or gratý if down the sroam. On dliscovoiug B lrune "Il Did. you ever coaiduct any eoft ecr- the hImly snd evurgreeu shall ate.tcthe canne Nwas hleadfefi for tcliestore, Iand(Ing monies .i" swootest sud tigtoctsiguiificanice, if we ijan at oui- fooit. 1 ati once reogn~ized titat sa nie "Yes, oncee oniy, sud tibati wac et cmu tweu- reementtai vcysimp'c feistivail at oid hag et s squawv as eu)e of tte party. ty yearsa ao, sud thon was tihe lasti time Christimas nrimakes thc~h~e Aftier a short talk with Brune they turaed 1 ate umnfiest. My fathper'c brother brighter, is a, tributlle te r i est dm i tte stiroam again sud passed en te the s very oid manI, wtio was al teafi of ttc if ýw o eneci, Christimas sud brumani tv, town. order, liiying ou tihe Calme iver, near thon stiail we Ireei, itiweli. Foi, tha eîpi 1 thon toifi my cmparnien tiote ttrepeate i Cluot Lakz11-e, 1wt10om111Y fatJor a iitfe on uulockc is tbeart on every Chiimas Day ac tery itha1Itaba rd megarding thiis wo- gene oven there te assist un enductiing it hias doue for igliteen Cliistis cenitiiiis. m-an. fesi ibt iws tru;tat lte1usdlÏthese ests died ttc camne summiner mny Ttc caira ef dtrsîma meories3 riscs igb,ï- knowu hon for- ove r forty years ; titat ste j faIber was kiiied. Hic lnktfeu urpou or and Ihîgtcr ass tt c dar proession of was ttc oliy daugtiter of -"WtliticSkathe houlders ef bis only cid, a dsngter, ebiilidr,ï dtat constatiy arriving precions tihe last i ead of tte fan ily of mani-eators. 1l aun l dc(ptwma en te i pilgriruage fretiite uuknown wo rldt, htts kuew ber'father wiin1I ffrst came totibis dosýtit9a prisoner was to ho sac- !)Y tfie majestic meuitaiu te receuvo g;ftc, part of the' 3ountryv tetrade withthtecin- ri ficcd ; stie slnt a u-nesse(nger te invitc ivi5,ing more titanthey tako. dians, lr 1770. Wh"Éite Sk-ie ai thati time 'me and- my family te coie and assisti hem For what, weuid Christimas ho withouit tc was saltd te ho about 90 years oid, sud neo' witih thc ere is We get ready sud eblidren doubti iti wss true ; yet tie was su active,I returutefi witlu die iessonger. Ou reactîng iudustrioiis mn, possesaedl of a very reten- ttc village I fouuld the aid wema very cick Tom's New Year's Gift. tive mocmty. The family, during, tte timo un brwgw unuatiletetake pari in ttc BYv HAROLD GLYDDOX 1 kuew titem, consictod of ttc oit man, an eecieant I hai tat do it ail myscif. Ttc agot sou sud titis danghtr. Thoy residet priconier "'a a Young white man, sud I was Twas muiy slite kitchea with a cheerful liiup on Eeli River, ceveral miles north. et ttc glad of i,, for I did net like teaet ttc fleat suinget lieloi. oansti" y Turtlep Village," ttc tome of ttc gresait of My ownraice, but haitne/ objection taecati 'Twas si pcture. eue weuidthtink, of wtichIi s war chieýf of tte Miamis, Little Turtie, sud aur theri greaiiteet cueilli the wbie man- usau rouît nover tire- atout tbiriy.fivc miles northwest front Fort Therewe~re net,( miany lniianc in attp-- athpe pctrWayntwplae (Ko-ki-en-ga). Tboy were kuelwa tihey weroic on thei big bouit. the yO.far sud near as ttc maîu oating family;- they pa-sse(it offwith mnnich Sncb a tniitm sncbti:!y wemau11io suh eds adni't ,lny frieuds ihati I kîew et,owitbee! the us ual etbeJbp <Shnli sueîyt am i man ai ui , xepio lud at -,vnc r. adde, s ilFutncb atedin tt e airs" Tei stie watted for ber hns a wnar' or aa ars in tietuciio e1 o1 the oitvdp~ S it1oldy, big teetccuty. ofrequntiy viit,îedt tlnflat Would itell ibe wailco i hh th-sdbconnut, m Hu, ttywr i aî t iTtcy lvd very~cIio lives. Ttche an u i andNIiiL were happjycIl emeC'ý12i e$huutom. % cape rThe o i i n. stifalymnac- akinis; tbéy exo-Ieiiin tihat b ývasaiirliijkrchasin",t1eirski u With th rukad il,, wtrcIfoonld< thle tusbaud àweut ttc mn 'i' W55 in tilis wa- Ail their " househoît goits- went a . e- Isclua;illL(edi Welliû;es uile store, tli Yet tii" bore it, hoping, trusting, as-;only l Y tittos men Miaadt, Yoti ne change came for the btter ; Tom celdioip worked lossud drank thbe more. tusy w, Audio-night wat Nelietinkîng, "New Year's sud WCj 1 Day , 5 drawing ucar, aittougi Slow happiy once wo nsed te bc upon thte dog meat, New Year',s brin k mannr f J Wheu we planusei a brigtter future, whtch mann i)ds îutttnig now but fear. I fouui ul" 'JThre n'as nalit ou eart t 1 wistcd for be- t alk abot fore Tom teck te drink." I against him. ne, CPRATEFUL--COMFOýrTING, wswhi.,h goNern the oeain fdg 3nd nutrition, end bty a eciefuli appiicati'at he fine prjapBries 0 wll-a - te Ce? 4tpps.hasi provided our breaýkfast, i ablea s 8elic te y fi ivored bavera-,e whm&ïyj o1s meny h avy cioctor,' bisl. It 15 by' indicions Use(,or euch articles -f dint t 3oflstitut or. mnsy bh graadu ii b u PA ~l0genou"gli to resisIt every îende,-j disease. Hund('redi of 'sibIte maladi 1oaîîug arouid us eoady Ir, attaek wbOL hem e amweak point., emycd Ivith pure blond nda e uoe$ya f ranie2 ý-- iril SeBereice aet C u Made simply wut boiUmg-, eer go ,lb soit only i0 packets. by il!ers - 'le thlS j ,SMES El'P; & e ., faîept~Câem5U St, London. Eiigland. Thie Shah Gig to PieCes, The Shalit of Persia is deacribed by 'the op-ý positijon ini !is cutyas nearly ;p1ayed Out, fIe drinks a býottie of brandy1ý a d4,Y and 1 usýes ruch baiýshish and opium. Thu cuhild thiat hie brought to Europe with h, thO so fhsccok, ils now his so2çle and irre- ,puil rand. vfrier, Tisera la no enter- prise poïsible in Persia. Thie bh ury their eatand are aeized and 4ortuLred for it. Revoit is begirniog to shliv -; rîous Pro- vinces. The masses of t1w pet)pfe ,are affront- cd hy thie shîih's surrpndiin1gs, anid ara hbc- gimnig to look oitside for redros.s, The Head Surzeon Of thle tubon IMedical fimpn 10Uw at Toronto, Canada, and ma",2il sulîted either in person or by îetc ju all chronjisessp uirte nianl1efl, Young, old, or V-1e-ge ,0hofin«(,4afl selvo-s nervons, p xasei brokeri doin ceasor co ,prixk tm:Ment pem re eldi age, loS8 of v1i 1V o f r, dreams damne io f, tble he-ar Ë, eom-isions, 'f ý1 oV kidnieys, lheadacips body, it)ching or peL scrotum, lwaýtiiofth specks befrre t'b mulscles, eye liez and ç-Vr deposits in tIio u1riné ' kwa'd tenderness of tillescal flabby muscles, desiro o . il ~ lt~so rosted by sloo, ont ~'r or 5iude: -hearing, lose of voice, des- ýIrlld excstabîluty of temper, suk~ 1ir cd with LE4LVNCRLI,ývusdbI etc., are aIl Symptomns odS~usoe thtlead tei insanity aud The spring or vital force 4' sion every function wanll Thoso who throngh a ignorance a your addre>-- toi ' l11

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