uuIrIed -the- uuL1ry-g-rÂ---4rcourse- thae -wIenevr--call-ed--for, -and -the -larder is whieh may-be--distinutlIy seeff withoutthe[ It is curjous that th% saine rule does flot air is flot as pure and the soot ruins every- claimed to be as complete as ufaeo any lu the aidit of a gass bhold good for wQmen and mnen. The woman thiug," admitted the city cousin. "Oý, II United States, not excptng Deimonico's. The rfac of auy iequautoity of goldbc popu1ar 4,thi men is, in nearly every case, don't care about that," said the country girl. The liquid departmnent is neyer neglectedacoigtotebsathrtsmye popular win-:jmeii. 1"And the cable cars don't frighten me, and and the flnest of wines and lîquors are ai- extended by the hammer3lO,8l4times. The Wliether this is due to wonian's superior I don't get bewildered by che crowds, but 1 ways on haud, which is discoversd by the, thickuess of the metal thus extended appears sicftu.ess of ,haracter, or to the fact that ha'ven't seen a front gate to swing on on fact that the Canadian Government gets in to bie no mor~e thau the 566.020th part of woi.ýan s ropiarity with woman is based moonight nights since I've been here. taxes and duties about $13,000 a year out of an inch. Eight ouuces of this wonderfnl upon q tXsaimrt opposite to those How in the worid do you city girls ever get this orgauization. The cost of a nth'si metal would gild a silver wire of sufficient essentipl te z's popularity witb man, is married? fishiug for each member, whie oniy 8800,I ien"th t0 extend entirely around the globe! in Purchasers chould lQak te the label on the Boxes and Poti. If the addresa la not 583, OXFORD ST., LONDON, they or pe 'deus. 'ChlldreriCry for Pltcher's Castorliw