OUR TOWN ÂND OOUNTY NEW SEImEs, NUMBEB 69 JOHNtSTON #& CRYDERMAN >uuuuII Have received direct from the Manufacturers ckViipR. A Tas 0.A Tq'Wct n BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, Way YWJ -tbLJI mottons, 'dor thlB Qea9!*t,ýfhe dean- e~1, ~h ~u1ket,~echeap- ~U*W~~s.qp"the Sur- the~~i wIthlay aberoiscmllntasIhae en Ir -,ie-hs the only safa and sure-pop corn cure 'o i opan a .faebe greatlym'u N -P-J V JL.V X.J- s m îr twan 's E xtractor ise now w ideiy im itat - benefited by its USE. I U S A o ,2 . M . W . J K r wrap<,. Beware of ailpoisonous and sore pro. NWHAYN lot 27, cou. [O, Clarke, will selii ffiA .ozite2 wrpe. -cing sunbstitutes; they are dangeroite ZE AVN aubefrnsccipen'te - -isd are odsimpy because thoy aford Mesns. Levi Vancamp and Jaunie Truli Salue a p.ni Stok i emuis. tcO Lt le dealer larger prof; L. have returned frorn their annuai hunting SWÂIN, auctioneer. LA D IE S ~ .N u IL -t r.tmd~î our reporting god uccas .. Mr. eDNSA. e..-hr ng torobre Beleeire'bor ~M~.where ho hga been engazed as inspecter onl lot 8, cou. 6, Clarke, adjoining thE ~.~ . 1R AN I~ A D o. yrn, is to hoo-o cheeme factories....Ms Grace Tre- villageof Kendal, at 1p. tu. 45 acres o iii~ ~ ~~~~~~-i Gilbart, near Oibawa. The peolile, ive, here... Mr. Jas. Peatce lias loat a It.Thlad 8sratepoer Iii - to now where to get good stodk.. valuable co....Master Geo. Manu spent of the late Joseph Jacoba, will be offàr- ANI M'r. Isaac Holibas soid-theBradah4w Thanksgiviiig Day a. Raby Head. ..ý. edathsnitnc atil.J .1 o 2Oereo t~Smuiîîwdr, ageatecace~ Js B Wrieh erratth8atie, ebls xE as of P'ickerineg, fur e4,992. This in sale and good prices. NOW hnslebsa AN 1,-jiidered a bar-gain as there are tenprneatIniS ofcwegv a a+s of eoiid bush, eech snd maffle,t A SEVERE ATTACX. DEAr, Siits,-My free notice like the a oôve Lp te date o0' sale. à,~ Wrth Pt least $1,000. Mr. Snowdon liasi children were taken ili with tulcerated sore When we do net print the bills tho charge la q iaen possession and iad a bee of 17ý Ilroats bordering ou diplitheria. 1 had WVest Durham and Raut Whitby a notice in tI nTedy ou al tawig nonin 'n t b ouse but llagyard's Oul this paper Îe worth as nmach as 100 bills frein aanY other office iu Bowmanvillo, bccause t'hé whichi 1 used with great henetit, I arn erimers ail re~ad um M PPINC~BY AIL.A (Jomplete <kfliapse. sure if it had nlot been for it the disease a iioccaslonoëd in our feelings by derang- wouid have developad into diphtheria. It These good are eiegantly de- A smar~t fého as made Aýtat of the liver, atoanach i sd bowelo.l oedmd~u. Mrs E AMER01N, .'ID< popJar phrse a psta I Pierce's Pleasant Peletseure sick tnd Moore's Falls, Ont. Mr. Thos. Hall had a huski no, be Mon- hloua heoadache, bowei complainte, in, ...~.~----- a ..... isMr sînla e -in d a d ft t e f ci n car(d;rvill do , pp1ied to shop- le4fever aud costivenea. They re- SOLrIvA turned from Owen Sound...A compet. sigig bny fimail.ýe ti n Think for a iwe al waste niatter, an-d restorehealth I swî ertta ecrnceneilo utedvs<nl esu xie .ingE of mhailan a x- te )î dy and mmnd. A dose, ýas a laxative ti ihrge htw hoil h to ntedvsnai asn xie ;Every Lady i respectfu l of th --fàden anrild t ifoetn uarcae el death of Mr. Wni. Kiveli, fermer of this ment-.*.ra Hezziewood Raiglan a penseandes sudeno a al doeai to a y aua-cadrugle. section. Deceased has been inpoor bee viiic e auheàr.J Dyer, Ev r a y i e p c f ly i --then~- consider longiett ak. -rg-drM j~~~tîrcy,~~B an AI2lhat o lm u issf'0e r . J. Gibeonhas bfflu re-eugage& that itre ad rta ifiuiie 25 cen ts a vial. geteslHawsakufahra ood te teacli our sceoo fer another year at an Vî'd to c l and in pe tour stock ntcva opudsigod 5 neiglibor, sud wsa a inember of the Sons onres of Brti y.1ev J.umia W.ae Patter. *n thoeEvay ofpur~~hasinggoods JRA YDON. of Temperance sud the Sous of England 1o3 fBiih oub~ race ~yc biy maM either 'iraginary or 9r. E. T. SIemouj3B A., (êfAlbert Col- under whoSe auspices ho was buried at cpal eeSns vnn .r oft . s g o s AT 1CI.A.>J.AL,.1 rea, -niic cannft bc over- le Belleville, spent Thaaksgiving at Orono ou Wedesday. He wus 38 years sd Mrs. J. S. Aho iie Bomn oft esornW10 . R I L)e prpr cr sexer- ho-...M.Richacrd ýValte2rs of 3leu- of age sud leaves a widow sud five rhild. ieo sudy cised. ?Manywho ha_:ve becomec ty, - t. spenit M a ithAr. W. Il reu who hava the aympathy of the entire Tha aci7oi of Cmiterts Little Liver PâIle N E W, an the fine t assortr ent fanilax %ith the )imle de- M- teîty ..r. Wni ra i munsva.. Mssrs. Jroahn~ a n ae stuie h iead Te0uAnt tails findI it ofterrt,mes less - s.J3oa hs Oomuiy in. Masars. Johný sud Jaes is lseatmi ntrl Thyret. everl,,3ho-wn in, these counties. tri ub]thu ha bpnni 4- ha youug son.. _Mr. S. Mý Detroit and We ter ntro onavii. pers n an s d son o!i Tyro ne ast week via . .. M r. A. W aahiagton hias shipped a carCLA K U I Y T~ LAT N £CO. it.. uro .Mr.Tho.Gilders ioad of app)les to Glssgow .... . H. L4RB NI . OOJHu O NT N & R DRA11ê.jOYigHTrnt l, eahdgoseesnhad na oe..r.WnVnethd iiigu htb eaty us , ain living lu has own resideuce..Hooper of Garden li spent Thaugsgiv- Mri. Jonathan Prier sud daughter were i3ow-saan ville, 5Sept. 8, 1891. One Deor West of Pont Offffice. day>1as ae they catrdeee abt.tohusking be a wo.... Mesarii. Arci spent Suaday wee&k with friands lia ----------W. A. Tomi Pd John Ashton were at Hapton., . ,Mim Annie Berry, Bow- COUBTICEToronto luat week. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Jno. nianville, lias beau visitiag lier grand. M.R. Liady, of Victoria Colîege,speut aNetjrsisohveotredmother Mrs. Mc-nohMs loe the ihsksgvlu hoidaywit habroherfron au extensive pleasure tour throh ad Miss Coasuel of Qrono, werb visitiug Rev~ . Ldd....1ev.O.ReyolaOntario, deligahtedl with Iheir visit among et Mr. fi. Keiley'e receutiy.... .Misa. ýE. HAPPY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~Rv THO CH RANOEs, ..... .ev 1 0. Lîsurie:isitedi amh&ppyousy hae UdHagyr, e-te.. r j ab e ei W A P OI U O% R N Eof V¶ietGria Cîollage, prached a very ae- tiruerufiad.moPh6rdo'i, Oýaunigtono, apent Snday cept,, ilo sermon bore Sunday ... . Misa -'.e- --.. waek et Mr. J. Fox's.....Root crops and Thee ae oreIlapyAunni bas returued froni the O. L. 0. WzLL REomiENDED Dear Sire --l apçilea are an abundant vieid in this sec- - - h o u lit st v es n o w in se( G e~ p iv rIs t w e. .. ' a u w a er low O ilfor bur u, bru ie , sp rains an d cute w li Surin ha co npleted * .. . M I. J. S an - T h i ý g t t v e o w i u eBnG e ea i v r l s e k . . M i n V w a r a d f u t t t h r o ia n o t b i n g b o t t e r . I d e r c o k d i s p e s e d o f b i s v a ln a b l e d r i v e r Canada than any other ]Range. 'kr~ifew days recetly .... .A very suceestiftil rc nr e d I e al m ra d r u d r c nl. Mr , L o beik vs soada wan 48l size theey Parsouage on the horo. Alan G. MCLEOD, Souris§,Man. ed Oshawa reiaently.. .Mise R. Berry et- Maei 8szsadsyeeve lîg of Thsuksgiviug day. . ... We - - tauded the Proinial S unday Schooi oeu- ailpefec li eertio, le-j~ uudernind Mr. Frank Wright bas been ENNISKILLEIN. vention at Qttawa. . . Misa M. Ohapman, allperectin pertio, ee-engaged te tacl Mt. Oaraweil Soboul for Among the visiters, Mvr. and Mrs. Wn-x. Klrby, sud Miss Lena Taxublyn, Orono,. -- g nt n pp ara ce an du- Aever b rolcen 18192., l Ho 0m ai highly rcem nended. Miller, Wato, Dglaware Co., N. Y .... were visitigg at Mr. J Tamblyn's récent- -Kabo.The "ones" n theMr. Robert Stevans, of Maple Grova, bas fam _r. eJ.o ryaneo tba the W4ah abe in construction , he The Th% "b n s nth Y~~ou oind?-D n't delay. Taka becunie s resideut of oux' village in th e u au. J.ga &aona oc liasý . Prca., xternlapparanc basbeen B. & C. corset are made of it Kana»p' B8lsiw, tha best cough cure. It osaaety of clark te hie brother Mr. G. B o gn fi-outeDO.&P<o, extrnaapparncehasbee will cure couglis aud colde. It will cure L. Stevens, marchant.. . . M. Jacob eomletlychaged ericed-warranted for a year, too. soro threat or a 'tickling ln'tire throat. Stevens bas eracted a combluad Stable, andleel be anti ed, e intri It's a corset yo ca wear st wilcr upiei the client. lé ilI drivutg bouse sud barn. . ... An mceulla àDqvc% ]?mm Keep the baad cool, thse cnstrutined th ftena few wekcan ahn et cure ifurzand brouchitîs sud ail dis- tbankogiviug discours lu the Methodiat feet warm and the bowels regnlar, sud nu If a fw week'. andthen eaew pertaluing te, the luuge, because it church hoera last Thuraday evenlng by the diaenue eau attae& yeti. Thtis is s cala- cootucio mone backct ifiioem' ap rebalsani. ld it te tieligit and R-ev. R. Sanderson. A goed collection bratad Germi phyaisna advice, and cen want peace andk ifnfr itd08nt ho<w cleýar it la. Yeuns the excellent was taken up for charitable puapcoe. hast be acomplished by using Bnrdock> you wn ec n ofr suit. effe, aýfter takzing the firat dose. Large The Sainse churcs was crowded on Sunday Blood BiL.ters, the best reguistor sud pur- in the househoid the ~~boett ud . Sepafeo!dugevuntelten to thé impressivo ser- ifier knowu. lIt cure« ait disorders o! the intehueodbuy But if rtysr osi it< o rahed by the sane in niemory of tomschp lîyar, bowuel sud the biood. - - .. Happy Thought] ]Range for -es iwo dntesods. the 1 te Henry Wbber whose sutden TRZE wood or coal. Ho aeb ou o AMPTON. paesddeth w. ecorded last:eek. Me HIocgson s very i.l. Sheol TH HMINIAG saceprbtecletrneDERMiAN Mr. Trul lo 31, B. F. Darlingtonware The grandest surprise party of the ffa S . A etigu Sabbat eernee THE 6HMPO andG exain ah Chapncer. u xeln ag nài the boly bonds of~ matrimeuy son took place on Weduasday evenîug o! considerably more iuteresting ytesr in 6styes.Cal an exmin theChapio coker "s "Weeday. onugratuaios.... last week when Dr. J. 0. Mitchell Was vices e1 Misa Wileox, o1 Bowmanvila,her IN ~~~~ ~ ~ ]L I SETR theA poua aiatH m ae usr je uons of EDgiaudl turnqd ont in foul presented with e beautifut hauglug Iamp graceful managemeftt of the tambourine and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M S thSnH AaWbs ue av uspror. Te r bt ha force te the funeral, ef their decased sud au .eay chair, the mont costly that boiug adnired by all... .Mr. John Lee, ansd duae n el et iune d esî no Ail tero. cadin stye kept in a broîlier,Win. -Kiveil on Tuesdey efternoon couid habought in Bowmanviîîa,by the o! Enniakilie ha bae Surd bythe al dable ne. an lia aein ulce astrnie o!aigsye kp nsok of lasý -week. . . Wo were pleased te sec niembers of his bible clans lu the Metliod. trustes of S.'S ao. an focre byoun Cal ad ispct ha anic asotinntofMrs. Frank Parr eut egain Sunday.... lat Sunday Schreol sud tire officers sud year. _Ms. 8 nn. and foiten în T he E co o m y W ar A i F u nac s f r w r m i g d ell YO NG ISS S' A TS in he lad te se e W ra. B-)wm an,Eoq.,at ch rcis ta cherS of the chool who teok this waY D am es O ak od* M aripoa , hav a beau. TnsShoos Cuc hsm ad othr buldings ar ta ing he lead in N ISE'H Si h Suudk.y nornlng .. .. The Famoos Oauad- o? mauifastiug their higis appreciation of vstu red ir. isEt Cnada: madels by thes J.d F. e Fuilng Co. Thi he um ae tin leading styles. ian Jileî Singera gave a fine entarbain- bis soperior dévotion ,te lis work as a belli Port Hope h0odol school, was m Canaa: adeby he . F Pese urnce o. hisis he urnce hatment iilre Mouday eveulug. Tho troop teecher of bible truts. The party fii'#t for Thaukegiving .... .The members o! the s0 many cf the churches and dwellings in Bowmanville are heated by BABIES' BONNETS and CAPS, ar-e alli cultivatod sigera possesing super- met t tie parsonage sud thon ld on byLaa'Adderot xestiirs- and none give better satisfaction. The company bas over 35 year's cx- 'e oce hi hdn u hsi Paon adronsdbsgdldY cerest thauks te ail who lu auywycn perinceand akeover60 iffrentsizs an stles.Youwil sav VEVET AM-'SHATER, wre st boutperectsudaIlthnd machedte he D's.offce sd fuud u tibutdatndra th suceaso! one- peine and can o e me be fre rderige an styaes. STUDNTS CAPS.i thee seetis were woll rocoived .... Mr. F. resting e! ter a isard day'a work. The sur- basket social Tbukagivin« Day. cash mone bycallng n mebefre odern a urnce.Moyn's la qoite iudisposed, sud bas boan prise wasi genoine as was clearly depicted Ail1 the above makes controlled in Bowmanville by latest fashions. Also a nice lot cf com pc'e(' te lve up his Scheol fer a waek luts ae ftegna otsduets.proced a very5 .eu s.ev .rmown onoun ÀRLM «, ... Ml'rs. Wm. Rogers while augaged Au abondant aopply of rich vianda bail day morning lImt lu the Methodiat chorals - ~WIGS ndiBI-S wliite,4aqhlug one day lent weak feul anâ beau preparad sud the party lest ne time T sevei lyijured eue of ler arm .... Mr. lu sbowing that they fat t home. Or- and. ube bor A, i ute d a av n d e b a e TEE IRONM ONGERy, Bowmn i lle. FEA HER andre Taps lier onov Puy u M n a _________________________________________________and________L_ Razin sud faffiily have removed froni de" "sa eue yts -v ou, illge... -Miss B. MoCulloci, Port banderon taking the chair sud callng pec 9td an .b AA fo sid uie lraotxd OSPRAY and POMPONS. Hope Modal Scireol was home for Thauks. on Mrs. Sauderson te read a vary ap. tise Canadien Jrtbilae Staea Saturday I~ Q T I c~ EJ MPR8OVED FAM FORCSALE.- ais lae eebrta givîug, .... Mrs. John EIliott la visitiug prepriato address sud Mrs. John Martin aveniug. The elogiqg of tise old planta- Townshp f Pickeig. 250 acres ou which are M .a d M s ad r a no , s et sne r. M thl ihal vl ag nviug Pvered my ceunectien with the frmn 3 ft a ciasa bar na al atone foundatieus; 2 fre deil r o u o tH p .. e a e ts r s n ai n io as r sie s o a e d $ 0 .... Do t pîe sî g et t e r f HosEE N aud W EERES, 1 arn stili prepared dwei l ieues , woîl w tere, ne waste led. keep a large stock cf M r. a a i M i end re, ...u r.t o hnsp u s e ut rs o. i tcell wiî a theove la g orstr t vaoeeds b hel. in tDohe for e tse te attend le ail ordars for Casting sud rpire. Will ha seid whole or lu parts. Price and Snn -d wih, frian le haro. . ut .a i.Jonaîe t rit spon to taies, ti nugdisrc îllut ahl uts Remember my moe e !S 'Ne-mer tee = tae1 tersa tu suit purcîrasr. Apply te H. B.i veso he c u c ,Ty ofoý i r T rii mend." Repairing a opecialty-sewling Mah Ln hitbyl Ont. SATINS AND LOS E of Mr,. sud Mrs. Thos. Elliott Su ,,,y social conversation until a proper lme for da. Seauos moruing andi efternoon ard tea, Guns, Revolvers, k3teve,, Locke, Wash. .h uie igr wer nrnv day'gwhnalwnthm leudw lng Machines, Wriugera, Rapers, Mowers, publiueeaSneawreetrandroiigwsn i othmopesdwt maetin vitis programme bythe Piows. Kava made aud fitad. Pipe fIllin suitable for Fancy Work and et the reideuca of Mr. H. Eiliott, jr., themselves and aspocially with the Dr. varubion eiison byteevnnto h su i enra' r6airs., A prasent. (uti] IWARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- Sunda . ..Mr. Frank Moyuaa, toaclir ad bis amiable wife. ONE orTiE LABss. lar cril nvtad. Jeffery Star l.euse, or my bouse. Liberty St, 6, Darlinglen, on whlch Ihere are good build- PitnrB~l' lue 1vrosDvsosi ieeaigt hc ý. hpsulbe ]lodr et aI -r1J.12100 acres bcbng part of lots 18 sud 19. con, Pantn. et Brfly' Shool Hosdied et is so i.Lv Mrris' resideuce, wiii racaîve juge, fine orchard aud about 10 acres of Stand. moh~sreaidence haro Tnosday mern- Dr. 1. A. ,Slocum'sheaces nay p)rompt attention.l ing timber, 60 acres lu medew sud pasture One dcci, Est cf Posea loEn S. tTo he frea freni siek hacebilious H. 1 'WEEKES, lands. Easy forins, tille good sud frea froneOfc, igS. ing sud wïill bc buriedl here ou Thorsday. OXYGENIZED EMULSION o! PURE noconstipation, oie., usa (Jartcr's Liver l7tf BQwmanville. ail incnmhrance<. If net aeid et once will be Bowmanville. 4ý 0OD LIVE R QIL. If you have Con. 711hl Strîîty vegetable, Tliey gautiy rented. Possession te piow et once, full pea. VIOP POTENT ANI) PEIt3'ERT . - PAINeiyi, Ii5EN, brafatas, seulds and cetok sup.onUe . For msie ail %tm li te liver &ned frac. th0.oai M4inard's Liniment cures Gargaîtinoows. e>sîNov, la Mpon 1t ýulqtobdM fe yVcem ' f W<eRLD ÂFTERWÂRDB. M. A JAMIt8 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOII, D)NESDÂY, NOVEMBER 18, 1891. VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBEEB 47 Pi,1rTCfELL'S CORNO'RS. PROFIDENCE. AUCTION SALES, Repor~t of standing and deportmnent for !One of our worthy ladies Miss S. Weich rbbrof S. S. No. 12, Darlinqton. ixtends ieavinz for Man...The LEvi A. W. ToLE's Lisw. ames jin order of merit:-Jr 4, W Flint- Christmas Tree Committee met at Samuel MONDAY, No~v. 23. Mr. EH Robbina, loi ;S ,Ella ÉFhntoff, Maggie Flintoff, Allin'a last Monday evening to niake ar- 17 con. 6 Dariîgtonwil seiail of hie E!'_Xýoble, Frd Boddy. J1r 3, M Aiot,' Tang menti.... .The Bible Claie is meet valuahie farm stock inipiements, rmots, rt Stainton, Ethel Bennett, M Clarke; inq again every Thursday evening..... hay, corn, ete. Levi. A. W. TOLU, alCt. ýt -E Vannest, L Cornlsh, O Stainton;j Mieh Squair and Misa Raid formerly tea- joneer. Pt *2, N Washington, B Leach; Jr p t -, chers hbers were viaiting Mr. J. Elford lait FRIDAY, Nov. 20.-The stock, implema. n&!Flintoff; Sr pt 1, J Vfinnest, N Ben- i Friday enta, and household effects of the late t; Jr pt 1, Bert Glaaeel, R Flintoif. Wm Wind tt, wiii be soid on lot 13. esenit every day, Maud Arnot. S. J.1 Nine Long Years. Cou. 3 Drl ngton. Sale at 1. pm. Seo ~ TocTacher. Mrs. Johiù McCles.u writes from Barrie bis. L. A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. prCo n c o wintdy~ g eny Island, ont., March 4, as follows: "I WoDNEDÂ, Dec. 16.-Tho trustees of the have beau a great sufferer from neuralgia PreýbyU rs.u Ohurdli, Enniskillen, will bt brocs otsailted year aund. Oer for nine vears, but being advised to seli 2' acres of lanid adjoining the church pin i bst onuced hru~ ~ try St. Jacob's Oul, can now hesrtily eu- premies at 2 p. m. Particulars 414~ r,9 is te. dd ho of re ty gr ES ~'RM8:-8I.5o Prn~ ANNW&. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY