OrjW.OLÂTGLIN IDr. A.,BuDEIGradu csutiate of the Royal 1 ste ot the Toronto Uol&ge of hscas nvriy Physicien and Member of th,7, Ivest.~hBOe 1tYri l ege 0f sur. burgedl1, &o. J Lrù dlnburgh. It.ULLIER .1L 4Il 1SII 4. DRYSICIANS, SUR .ON, TC pL ce -Co hilreh ani Temiperanco Ste. liN«ght caIls attended froii Dr. Blir cosdence. C, 'ILIrM. D. B. LMEIANM. D. C,.'M. Trin. UIV Fellow of Trin, Med. Collage, Menber CoU., Phys. QSurg., Ont. Dir. J. C. MInCEU. (qE MBER 0F (COLLIIIQ4R OF' PHYSICIAN S I T-n jSurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etce. Offlie and B esideynee. Ennlskillon. 74.- B &AIBtSTI R bt)LICITOR, &o. MOPRIS Pl OCE, upetairs, King Street. BowmnEnu- ,rllls. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank ÊrWvate 5Zoaeysloanecj at the lowaît rate- ~ SSUýFI 0F MABIIIAGE LICENBES, S. C. MUN KING L ICE:bSËD -AUCT ION BEBEPR FOR theConyrDram Sales attended o CID hrte8t notice and lowest rates. Address ~Ourc .0. itt AUCTIONEERS for tile Vonnty Of Dlfurham * Insurance atîd General Ageànts Vainetor and Real Estate AgXents. Sales and ther businesse prompt)y attended ta. IBox 712, Boivinianville P. 0. 6-tf Pianos Tuned and BePaired. P >A1RTIES WISIiIN(G TREIR Pl ANOS U 1'uned or repairen certnane e heir atte1nded lbo by , svijag wcrâ et the DOMINioN ORGneÂN UUpcBow-anville A. ie.Ia a ruSEr. YoiIE(N , S. FFIOE 11N THE WEST DRA t3News 13cck. 'ehere hinmeelf or asfflstant wili I'f' felnd frünm 8 al..to 9 Pins. Nhi oIl at r ih digtyopposite Drill ShedIhI. CIsIIÎ by telegrapli or telephlone will redeive prompt attention 171.yr A UCTIONE ER, APPRAISER, -Real A.l Estate Agent, Bowmtenville, Ontario. "aMes attended in any part of Province. A. A. PONT, AIICHITEOT. Plans and SpecifiCa- 1 ions p-rcpered for every claese o! uilding. 'Special ttentý1on go'ven to- heetîng by teami snrd lbot water. and to eanitary arrangements. 'Office: Gorrie Block. Whitby 43-ly RP EATE, Tailori Gentlemen's lothesMade to Order. DE .RNVITI1STRY OHARNDEN L. D. Gradftete eftlhe Royal Collez of iDental Surgeoms, Ontario. 0 110E OPPOSITE EXPRESS 0110E. 101J . FLLING A "P-ECIALTY ÂETnFxolxÀ z TE INSN1tTED Wîrno'UTr PLA~TES. (ireat Roductions in prîce on ail Denta Watt. Vtalized,àMr, constantiy in use',pro ning lPsinisesa operationis. Pertioular etten Jéil Veid to the tegiultion 0f Children's Test i t-PALL WOBK WABRANTD.-l Bran cho fice. Dr. PRttthe(r Eo r d's Or)cno ORONO, - ONT. offca.-Posb Office Block, Celle by telegrepli or telophone receive Arn ne liste attention.~ .M.BRIMACOMBE DENTVST. OFFJG4? :-Rear Of Messrs. (14iginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE q li, id i.BiTooo h Soioui Ohorariotg -11l. Why -t homo, -0huar,a. $5en 00 ginriae atl erug rm 5t sle ay.it ueo,., eo ouh $1eu d'y n mee 1 l , m, u ec, eaay et iha 't u ' oiaru. l ou ll i isliagi. u as'parE AmTIrte . , e OmnR TL eN , gtN.. l.gaits'ur tio ipr omet ais't tI wra.At eNu.Oapy UIfo , aer' wrkr. Viatai oufoatit a 4A la LE !r CANADA. j Late FrinNOWS KILLED ]IV LI4GHTNING. A Desperate Mu-cder in a Germatn Prison. Jtaly'e ne ?w ivrnhip Sardegu ii inv tle ruoSt powenful engluDes ye-tmae2, Ilorse power. A rnnseum of postage Stautps was oponc(' wofelc efoie mluinDresden by Pninci. 3Augusturs o! Saxony. Up ta dlate 718,986 marks bave licubu scnîbedL towards erctiag a memnorial churci in loonor o! the Emperor William i,. Durng thte exorcises of île infaniry nent Woimar an Friday and Saturday lasi !orty were sunsbrnc-, four, killed outright, sni ujue paralyzed. The officers are s3everely blhamed- for oxpasing tîle troope ueelesiy to sncb danger. Since the Japaniese bave ladmi ar slipm tley bave been oxpernimentiug with lacquer as a protection ta the betaoms wiih mar- virýlonsiy' eatis!actory resulte. Thc Fusa- Kan, afier bavin g been lacq uered for n year, m as fouud Ita le in perfect condition The presýeut population o! Helsingfors, the capital of Fjnlaud, is 59,647, a! whom 9, 7 87, are Fiins sud 29,860 are Siredes. Last Siee.Tbo dIiiuishiug o! the propartion o! Swedes lun'Helaingforws ledue ta ihe progressive Rusei,-uization of Fiunland. A telogrnm, iated Budapeet, Tucsday, sys :_-A dospatel !rom Losiug, in tht Oldenburg district, states, that 18 fc babourers baviug boni overtakeni by n thon. derstorm, sought sîtelter ly île side af a bayrick, wirbicl as iindiil atîaîds kili ed ou the spot, île othors beiuig stunued by île electnio disclarge. Fresli sujoshave 0bnokoen t asmedî tle Gorman Soiaise. lie yoîtslgon men caijune ,ýta deunice the 1ooderato pro. sgrammlie p 4pse th îepariy. TLcre mat n simy meeting o!fLe berliin section o!fithe Socialiste hast nighit. 1Herr Beel defied and~ rjdiciedîlhe extromisis. Those mbo pro. ferred street figbuing te ordenly legielaîlor more entitied ta tbeii, opinions, but umust fbrin tim Ovnipsrty ta carýry ibm iont, 01ne o! île grontesi obstacleýs to the settie. ment o! vast rogiauis lu Afrion bias been the Éseise fly. Althougli larleesstoa m ala civilisedf animale die fromi s bite in imo oî tlree dnys. A man of~na lias dliscoverco anmedy for the poison i luiih h as sncb confidence tha. ilias cautractedto carry the Pontuiguoese li iiary stores thnong >ihe iabooed districts an hpllock. The poitaocrop lhsving Failod ln castorsj Prussis, the merchanss ombined ta naise prices. Tbiey bave b)ecinaitacked lu couse- q1lonco n lu ny villages, antd ireken bonds snd froquonert a rreests aro île caneouclnces. Ttc maguiiae e are emplstLic, sud cmlit loud sud deep are imade o! thleir couduci. Count Bismarck-Bobblen is au exepltio>n. Hoe i l)iuying sabroad sud sel.ling ai cas! prics. Fan yeass here mas aàlieggsr on îleweiopt of salut Sulplce mith à bumup mllchit esdiiy gromý. A !em monthes ago lie mas taikqn il!, ancL in deliriumes juniped oni o! a windasi ad_Ïmas k1,cd.A ieiglibor mita picle hlmi up upon investigating lis lumrp found iliat it cantained 820,000 in bonde and coin. Fiudling titat the begr liad imo reiniives ta whom lie bad loïthie fortune by miii, VIe flnder sont the imoue y tiem, mitl île ex- ception of$,00(. 'Ille relatives diecovered Vhsa fact, sud s!tor prasocuition for ibefi the inaias lunestion mas caudemnned ta imo yesrs' imprisonument. The Buesian Miniistry o! the In terion isi cor.sideriug- a proeocita put Alhdlrng stores under th}e monopoly o! île Gaverumieut. Sboubd ibis projoot le approved the peophe miilgotthemr medicines ni cheap rates, isud te Gaverumeni, cbargusg aUh3 10 per cent. profit on drngs, willble able ta keep tire slried pitysicliane in every dnng sîop te, iront paon invalide gTatuitously. The Russian Miuiing Dttpartimeutq o! île Mlinistniceo! Impenial Propeniy sud a! île lu- teior have sent tireen gineers to Amnircat t sindy the moithode iy mtc gold is morked outinl the mines o! Anisoins, Colorado, Nevada, California, sud Utab. Tho yield o! the Russian gold mines lis lio very poor o! laie, sud,île nieing o! île Rusjan values in île foreigu markets lias mnade île imlning o! goid almosiunuprafitalle. his e lieved that île introduction of Amnioican uniethiode o! miîîing Nmill itprave ibe mu r'etade. A funihor însialiiuont o! the disry o!fte laie Emiperor Fee i epublishod. hile cromdled mjtl proofe o! the kîndliuesesuad ruanliniese o! the ill-etarcd lEmpieror. Afiter tle Intie ofTrautensu, onilte *29t1 o! June, 1866, île parieli priest, Praiisuits, prayed thnt the lesinjgs a! heaven fall ou tloir newmaster, îhe Ring o! Prussia, einiking ont o! the eervjce the naine o! ttc Emperar o! ,&ustrin. Frcderiol, tIen Cromu iiprince, makes n note o! île prioste servility, sud, enys heouoght to, bang on île galome for iV. MIany passages in ibo disry deplare tlee i- ceesiiy o! hloodsbed. Deptce rom île Cameroons, Wesîi Afnica, aunnounice tînt Dr. Zintgrnl;wb lias been oupioring îlie intenior, lias boni repeaiedly ropulsed hy île natives. Hoe icetmu-,Iction o! the hirds is nai enrried on witb impninity" Beimeecn Bokînaasud Fongan, lu Centrail Asin, le a large stretcol a nd kuoas E 3'ohodnaya Stop'(tlie Hunger prairie), in1 Rustie, The soil of this steppe je of excel- lent quality, but tu lacks irrigationi. TheL Btussian Goveraiment lia3 1made ýattempte ta irnigate this soil, and spent milliosof rux- bS in diggiiug canais tand artesian wells in varions Io calities, but, on iaccounto! th carelesprospecting y!f the engineers s.d imper! oct arrangem.ents madle foi' the nivvel- ing of the ic l, ail tliese attempte have f ail. ed1. Last summier the Minister o! Finances, on bis tour ini Central Asia, mnade a personal inspection o! the Golodniaya Stop and of the abandoned works o! irrigation there. Hoe inated. down carefully %wa h ldbeen done, anid whist, according te the opinion o! expert IImight betlne to rec1im the steppe to fer- erqminnt a plan for the irrigation of thic wbale region, propos3iug to uitilize cônivict P_ labor for. the puir pose. Rlis plsl anst;accept- [ed, andl work wifl scion begin frori fthe coni- victs' station o! Kooyluke, eîgit verste r(about oue antid a q uarter miles) from the y military station o! Tashkent. AI laborer uamied Busch,. who miurdered a Yfamily of fouir persous at Neuhaf, near Guis- Qtrou, was confined in the prison at the latter place, suid proved an exceediîîgly diflicit ,i man to lisundie.,-lHe repeated'ly tried to r escape fromn the jail, aud was tinally placod -in irons, a warden being stationed in the o eilita watch him. The prisoner, by dint o! persuasion aud holding ont VISioeo u told Nvealtli by a career of burglary, induced the wa;rden ta) assist bim to escape and ta) -accomipan imý!i). The overseer,-Hoppe, weas tsurpiised the other morning to see the two 9men cr-eepîng through a corridor arined with iiran bar,. Fiudiîg they hadl been 'discover- eed they,' boldiy attacked the overseer, knQckd hini downanidbegan .beatîng jhm to deathb with the iron bars. Hoppe, lîow- evorci"uuig to0 Buscli, nîthongli th~e NwsrdenL kepi batterilig aib ished Thenoe froil te other offilcers, lielp cine, atud BuIsoh aolid fthcfalse wardeu were o e , aud heavily ironed. It is doubtful whiether the overseer wili' recover. IlIggle. 'l'The mother of tle family was aun invalid, miad titeerere isa manv little heles cliiihi- Sdrenijîrld otyMageta d(o for tbeîu )ail! et was -Maggie hecre and ' aggie thiere,, tromi 1 moi nl to nghand ofteýn the sick mother *oudlie and sie aîe thali ask for t what shle ineedejd anti 3o inicresso2 the haste t ad wcrry of the little honisekeeper. For Maggie was oîîîy a child-a littie girl who had learned to work instead o! to play, 'e-ho wben other chldren were amnus;iîg tbems-elves; with dolîs was batbing hier sick mothers- fevered bhead, and keeping the bouse stiII. Ther-. had been no echool roomn iorpltylitouse for ber, yet she bad-somlebon,, slandto read, and it was the aim of lier young lit,-- i o sd nilthese other chiîdrèn tao sbhool, as site knew lier father wvould have doue if lie Lad prospier-td. And to keep honte so brigit that ho_ was cantented m-ith it, ta make aul aItar ini the sicI roomIi aronnd wliiclîail tefmiysould meet at niglit- tthis -,as th e work o! ittle Maggie. Itws, iot easy worli, uor pleasant workz, and excepjt that she lad-unseen b lelp ta bear ber throughi, lutie l.e ggîwoîld have fallen by fheisie long berore lier workL- -vas taccomipliýsbed. For sometimres wheni the littef rueoe chldren m-ere asieep, and t the sick mother settled for the night, Mý,ag igie s3at down at the window aud ',toôlt n 3pello!ftiukiing." She woi,ered whysome people ,sbould be bGru richI, aud atiers por ; 1wlty somre s8hould do nothing andl others 1evrythinig; uvlat itwas ta knowalabout .the worbl, ta bo a fine kly, aDi weairi(ce t dresses,mand eauawa.y in a tgran4 slip, ns sle land seeon them do1 in pictuires. And she looked at the moon and stars, and wislied 1she knaw if Heaven really did lie on file othier side. Tlien always a stern humran voicelbroke in on lier dresi,and it told lier ta go ta sleep, for she miuet get up again ln the mnorning, ready for work. :When Maggie was 12 yrars oaisl ilir dreamns came true. A grand slip o! state wasi sent te boar lier ta a distant counitry.ý wliere she couid wear besutiful clothes, anld learn althat she wauted ta) knaw Ih sailed aiway with lier tai thi Blessed Isles, sud as bier frieude uaw lier face for tie. last fimie, they knew site was forever hasppy. , But ber work, lier influence, are et,;,]bore. Iu the bouse whiere sho lived she stil.l exists. Not as a memiory, but as a preciaus presence. 1For yau will bea,- tbere ail day long lier name repeated il, toules of lovinig remiemt- brance. - Maggie ulsed ta dIo se, and so:; r" Maggie said wve muet do this ;" IlMaggie said God would bear luss ay aurprayers when sile was gonle; " - Maggie said ii! we 1were good we -would go taelier soime day. " And thle stricken miothor, wheu appealed ta settle seimo vexing question, uswers ihumhily aud lovingly Do a-ýs yen think Maggie would b ave youi.':"i le this not the perfeet siiuEn that challenges ilo criticisini, the living influence of the iisteing angel who stili contraisj the ouseold lias left? No stonenmarks4ý bier grave at WoadmIIere, but she iterself erec-tedi a monument whose tops shaîl readli the skies: " To live lu boarte wov baýve bohin)d IF; inat te die" The receut ilîness o! the Houl. Mr. Glad-ý Stone, which by the way was le.es severe tlian at firet anoned as led theL>New York Recorder ta eniquire as ta whativill happen when the G. O. M. shall laive "shuffled off this marial coil. " Af ter al- ihan mre-panting for the command. Afterg ladstne-what 1" To ail o! those ques-n tionings this repiy is given> at repiy the% trutli of wbich history lias again sund againi confr med : I"Tbero nover riras the r ur witbout the man. Giad.atone mnay go, aseI Chatham, Ptt sud, Poolbave gon e. Anoil. lead it." __________________________________ M The recot arreet o! the Nihiliet, Do)gale!, in soutli Russisfor te murdor o! Soitfdieikini, Vas ithe termxinatino! as remnarkable a cateer se a Russian Nhilist ever rau. Elevenl year S ago Degaief w'ae a Captais o! tlie Onardls. ie was kepenf, entliusiastie, vreilleducstod, ,sud discontentedl. -,Hewas aunidealiet and s flrm blieever lu thoe badues of the stateofa!affaits iýiodern Russia. He 'e.as not thon a Nibiihiet, but lie lad in liim ai te materiais trom whidli Nihiliste are made.,IHo dri!ted. slowivy and natirally iat the Society o! radic-al, ad becane teadily, mcrp extronir iin lis peliticalviews, till a day came wlhle ofcuuid. bimeel! at the head co! a Jc otipiracy agaînstet l ie o! the Czar. The conspiracy wïr, discevered, ail the canspir. store wore arrested, sud Degaiet wae co>u- dermned ta odie. Mx ccEl E me AT irithonit a whimpcr. Three days before the d'ite set for executiug him flic doon of is oeil1 was opene(d ta admit Saudieikin, wthomi Degaief recognîs2edhuim ediately as au aid sud loug,-fo)rgotteu. comrado in armes. "HIow are yau, aid !eliow T?" said the Clhef. For a riomeut Dogaief fei t hope, then relsxed juta, sI state o! rosigustian, sud answored, " My »Lest opportuniity ta spoaL for mys3el!, lsn't il " " No camirade," ws the reply., "ýI brn oyon the pardon o! tho Czar.", "WW!Wlst ! Thon lhe roquires !rom Me SOme service lu returu. "Nathingat ail.i ouare free,unconditionaliy !roe. CImec home with mie sud we will taîl about it. " Degaief wvent. Inu1bis siudy Soudieikon, ssi-" onkuow aur id ! riendsbip. Well,î that saved, you. 11 weuit ta the Czar sud in- tor.eed for yen, givinig my word o! honour that, if !reed, ya ould quit yonr aid. ways, I h~ave the good fortune ta eujay theczn' con)lfidenice, sud lie granied mele Ie co! mny frïendl." Dagaief saul T'à TEAIIS AT TIfI E F*;SIIPEZT, sud protestedlsdtrmnionveagn tj al ke common cause wîtb the Nihiilistes. Th~e chic! ooutiuuied :--'l Wlat do you expooýt ta deo ow '? Your re*ainutathe srmny is 1pssbe.hcan offer you xny socre- tarysbip, wi, h s;tlary eioonghtolpsy fçryanri da5ilYIresdtç. Y ill lie, incase youacccpti thiý, sammbndet )f! he secr-et police sud. my rîghIt-iaud lmi,. Go homne, thil about lb, and decide witiout undue attention ta miy adylce,." Full of raiudDeg-alefiasten-ý cd ta enliet luithe rvic o! the chiof. Ho put bhis bead, lheat t. nd lbaud l ie imark. Hoe pursuqedl is a ofllegn day sud nighý. Ni;)etecu ihiliteweerougbt by liim to death, sud scoresce ere so nt through lis in- fluence ta bri. eLgnie! obtatined the fuli confidence ai bis chie!. Seudieiklu lad est ii'iited hlm correctly in veyttigsave hlie susýceptihility ta the paoîgs o!fooro Deglaief conild nit Korget !bis idh Radical teuidencies. T'ie scoril o! bis, former col- bangues scorciied him iitili ho COI LeD UE fEPAIN NO ,ýLONGER. Ho wenîv mie eveniiitg ta the hanse o! s Ni- hilisi leadeýr, m)(d siroro by bis revolntionary past, ta o eaiything requiredI by the revolui- tionary party .11 the, cond(it;i ofo!is rein- tamit."Kili Soudjeikin,said the Nilîilist leader. Dogaiet requesýted aà day fl ,vhlch ta think aven this3 suggestioni. Tweity. fongý heurs intecr lie promised to muiirder the man, whao saved hie 111e. Soudieikin acu plouf odgings i', several c4uartors' of St. Petersbutrg. Every ovoing, bamever, lie miet Degatetin the ilird story o!fsaumodest d1wélIhlioi-11,Il coccupio4 otberwise 0ouiY y small tradesmen wbo kilow nothinug of the ideintity o! their fellow tenant. Heri, Degaief (lded, the Chie! o! the Secret Police muet dlie.' Two Nihiiste took raoams an tle taird floo lu thle xt boeuse, sud ii the owtside mail. adjoiniug theoatside mwal o!fodi 1riiùs apsrtrmonts. Dnniig the day time, wl~naudillinmsabsent, for thre e eck$ île coiissrtators labarionLsiy. SATH51AND FILED AWAv brick sud i ontar betweonn i ansd their victiim. Net a holowm mas struelk, noV a frsg. iuenDt mas cnt. lTle powder frein Vhe ws wss carried off in the pockets o! Degaie!'e acces*nplices. At st only s tiishooet-o! plIasuor sud papier eepsrsted tibm from the C hief 's stuidy. On thte ngîof tbie murder Dogaie! sud tilsmai-,mho had oaved hie hife st together aitthe studfy desk. Degaief lot feul a liavy paper milithe wl mas bouret in mtinablair!rom a banumer, sudl île tbree Nibhlets sprang upjoni Soudicîkini. For ton ininutes al tour nion struÏgled1 up sud dowu the roomn, sud theii île chie! mas struck downl dead, by Degalief. Hall ait heur laton tle Nihiliste in diegniso boIt the iglici- bourhood sud lhurriedl off ta anounce thiri deed ta a Company o! waitiug reoalutionlisie in a far-off baseutenit. The murder mas3 dia- coveýredoen tue uoilxt aitornloon. SbrtIy afteware Dgai!'eaccomphjiceýs wono sr- rested, bt as iboy woeoldny hie cresturesj Vhey more lotb off wîit a lUec sentence taeliard labloulri Sibjerla. Deg'aief cauld net le foud, altiough hie portrait mas sqcattered oven t'le louii su ad, breadtiio! Russin, asud itigli rewards more offered for the capture o! iini, alive or dead. Eight years, later, white ntteopiig ta enter Ruissia mi l faise passes hoeitas bli overtakzen by retribution. Ail ti is l naithe fairy aie told. by Czar Inters or iNihiliste batotrs, iisîe linTtaou ed narrative af the Russin ýoorts, lu mhich île deisils o! ibis remafrlble crime bave Comnprez.,ed Tea. roos taiGrea. Bit ain.Lteyanew- om Cino i ascame on île Haukoir maket, ta wbiclýyihe customes give thte name of lag tes.j Itis e sinfenior ion witb staîke packed lu thej shape,,o! logs, which meigit from S lb. ta 80! lb. eâcbi log. The tes le wmsppned in île leavee o! the Bama U tfilolitî, sud tIeh e àcucdý in lbuilk:'by hiudiug roundtihe log wh *1',etgtile o!, gep hîtlbamboo t Ilomtotaso iea adaptd- o ebldrn t 1 tCacsIOns Mires Oolle. OOnatlpatïon. [recoMmend it as 8uperior teany prresoi our8017fSah, DiazTh<5. Erutti~o1' IL ý ncucu M.D" Ks hnWorms, giron sl.p.andA promotU dk kmow 10m&" IL . Âcu~, M 1>, 1i gestion, 60. 02 Oxord BBroyn. N. y. 1 W"tout ju=IOuSm"diutofl. Tus m =4R Comp"çr, 77 Murr-.y Street, N. Y,' FOR SALE BY J. III1GGINBOTITAM& SON, ]3OW-MANVILLE. Chi na Ha, B OWMAN VILLE, Headquarters in West Durham for FINE-- Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Crockery, Hall, .rarior and Hand Lampa Fancy Cups, 8aucers, Vases, W\ater and Lemonade Sets, etc OUR IPAMILY CROORY & PFROUV IiON » EPARTMENT Is always well supplied with the very beat goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produce, Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection soliciteci M RO HBROS. Vicooria Buildings, qùavle26 HàA IN E S'1CARRIAGTE ,WOIRKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, ~~MANUFACTURER 0O - GARRIACES, SLEIGHS, OUTTERS, WAGONS, &Ce KING STREET, BOWM4NVILLE uow on band a nu-mber of vehioles (and l a nnfactnring a great meny more of latent patterns and best finish, which 1 arn aferln for sale &et telws re onsistent 'with due r~egard ta worknienaip lansd qaatlity. The f allowing le a uit o the principal veile nnfectured by me Double Covered v ilages ....ý- .ý1-1................ .... .......... 815oupwArdI t8ugle Phobon...~....»...I... 1 ....-11-...............LOf0; i Open Buggy .................. ....................-.............. 70 Top Buggy........ ....... ....... ...................... V Vemooret Wagon......... ................ .. ......... 65- Lumber Wagons.........................5 _gi Wagoonm ........... ........ ..................4 El Kpress Wagon ........................................ ......... 7 S ',e1eton ......... .......................................... à S ilky......................................... .............>.........40> Po ssngsuerorfaclUttes for renft1trf < rl .ntenld ta soIt Vary ohe%; for caju app'rovd ei.and by sedoolng.1Ilihope ta greatîrtir8aie 117 iimbar 0f-saisi,- We soit the wo a rts1on.yor tba gearings 0oÊ buggies ironsi. Ali' Kinds of Vhce Repaire'd At the Shortest Notice, Pedlted and Trimmed if Deslred. Ai.îthe FactW!yIf 1 dP Vl~ ichn~ lrtxa.i4 -l 8 g wltu ii rais, Bta or F saw . ndpr-.=relal kindeof tiuber for,èaripen -tars ni othera for building purposes oruasmrental and Plain Plict for fOnseir etevery satYl soilrei, made to order. o .. I ~r1.-