1% nmclfoE IING THE 11OI-TON GUII A L01'G flA1'dJ FOi A BOY,. commuitnicated with and dleeided to, accom- FAMSRDHIWE . IlPI"_ lpanly Grannan to Ireland. Shje conisulted ,AMS -- HPIEK 1,00Poni Poecil WîlPlre or I ld v1,Mu li- er attiorney, whvo ad1vised divorec proceed- rlîebttal Experience of the Offlcers ald U MARK. ILeýt Oclr'trigIli tf T90,% Ceunirry su tie ings and an ïnjunction against Con-way to Crew of thse Barquîe Ca ni pu le- Drive n 1 1. 1 Ne-Fo il ,n e t i Anythtn gre un Staltiiiad ]Entted lua rianîeua 1prevent any transfer of roroperty, and pa suýiit ou01a«%Desert Isianql. No.v , ,l we -vwilln assume thattsll tinsvs Iati greatt. Élinif vris rategu_.Z. ri charge, sayi te1 al al ed The ton connt',y, K, cm frmireland to ail bei' Pra' r-,includling ecutdyo t that the barque Compadtçre, bounid fr-1 ',Outh pIntho e ie xvitlî foU atiok y.,nway f li foi4dWahIr waatly rouglith ciniffsgrated A eirtehfr1 Auklad, Z.rep.r 11-o uinedallre usaefrd ieja ifvtoyasag.- abe child, Ths armied she starte for Ireland Calcut tato Chile, recenltly caugitflire asten.Li -y ý ffth slo-burnlil"g c0Ioo , powner ocoa brt .teCahoi Curh-bt n te anlcomp1avy Ith ap t. rannan 'on the Mer an ineffectual efor ,to subbue the b ',ecause cof its lbrowin ciller. As yoïtti may early Iandfar inteo Iltter years aihis life gv tamhpNvaaia 9ls.' ms-h 1pan.serd o lffhror observýe in fihe povder-casc Iliu t- egaaj(lry lttie attention ta religions miatters. lie -a1n n1 efs adf~n a sota ,t 'I Provi'leofOtaga N1,;Weare sx i iný- Ilýulssbpdi:wxgnl ilm isbIn"marii aProttntgirl, anld nd er rway lhad exclianged his (drait for one on a Re Ihad snI-cceed;in bringiig is buring- A Farmer at ily, We ire in, a tcRmoEATlv lint ùI i for lose tac -.gidance t feearier children all revup ~~ak tCr twsacrandvessel to fihe Im9utbof the harbour, %when aIT Ias, place where we are nter, Sp asi p ierced with a ioe nu[the 1dIisciples aithirmnother'is faillh. LConw-ay forilie draf t hloi l eenashdaCnayteendouls hurricanle ovaeroolirTeEdmbc ovoen reay a.,es t th qute numer i yarshadbee a onsantagalln was lost ta siglit. Doblîn was seacxli ehlsted crew spent their last energies fin fim n nuea qal glin edinker, ota sprLof i eges, c, tire first tlnbing a Iciiý, visit t Ita irtha attemnting to keep down itise raging rire, SaysCo45ad ug - -.---L VL::---. X - 1 hlth ndpntr nclms are sed mak absentfrm hoeforay.- li îs phOograpI galleries. With but litt Ie and alt thsin tmefrc,,, narunteTouls. anh a v SL tATE up a full cha1'ge for this miioiiat'er guni. caste, but bis faliily stcood higIb. delay temae-i ie ras1et r.barqu le taface the winduand seas whicli beat used Germian Syrup for six years WU uu U .~ui ~ II,~ ~Tbepôç~, alngwitThe seli, ornesEight yearsagto aboy wasbarn ýI-iiitaConwýay Conway was found, but lie could not give 1o n ubdoe e.i es oee Nerlka citca 1tfrolm tlrýýnvuý1az!ine beclow in ,a bOist (lu and bis wife. Canway eceed auixiaus tIn, nomto bynOaig 1d h aaa.Atr epr esrggescesul orSrTraCuh Nilrlia 8itia, dted aI- t4i ýrear O.ai te.moel)0), and have the yonngest son broughit upin the boy speakofaitan Aunt Lizzie. Then be,,an wiîl the opposing nieents ftie barque v7as Cold, Hoarseness ' Pains iin the Lumibago, BackachGï bq3d ng u, ae o pattay at;i iib 'ef qet1 pk a t ifstta cboirchesfin Dublin and thieadjacent driven 1upun ltire rocsAteicrdbeCstndLgsadsptngu r.. andui tofteunny aatyranec am-andae enattmpe tacoaeth elld od cunt focthtreiser aftonigtteercor ,uferngsthecrenaithebalic snceeed f oood Iiaeetrid ianydifer H eadach~e, tuer (alla iindicated at tbe rear af the churchswitbhlim. Diiring thie earlyitmoitha s . Ca' ' atsa htws Ioudlu swimmiing ashare. ilere thle mis"!rabie ent kinds of cough Syrups in niy ade), ueshelai ouse, b ingrst ai 1890 and evea up ta July 1i(Con wa ywasl in a f -i ilrural churcbi, andItle Aulnt Lizzie was imen were forced ta spend 103 days and tm u e i a oayn at Toothhe, belidriven forveard ioalitspa2 h heuusually r eticert about hisLNbslness atffairs sedlylctd.I1i nttk ln anigits, suffering the e.xtr-enestwretcu.l'lidness « 80 re T b mat, sauve instrum-enitIlu nlearl-yi' aI aval gn ufact the îamiîy was ntterly'ignorant of 'i ldta owywsmkn i oea xoueadstrain ntei4hxgsc eiieGra yu r SL BIe Sproa t th ileerchrgaivald ttofurts e1a dig rs owy a iwitb Iis -lister, a1ssd tbat tbe boy w-ýas in St. dya hîrbîgcs aa,*er itesi tebs.Tat a enm x car itespanp ,tr'iges, thie abect being tc, eacb numbýera,'i flue mlilch cows, and severaînieigh- 1 Jose(ph'sSemiay tlndîin h bs ignis were seen by ia paIssmg lý,sealiig vessel, preneI"yuue toce.o B sEt cartridge dowu toa aweigih«t ta aman May hors.pnrchýased their sup ofy ilmilk from legaIl ecounsel vas consultedl, éand it Was 'and the sorely tried sailors we(,re ýtakten off flu iîg , oi heee lii t, Btou accotnut Iai its etraIordinarybler, the boy deliver- iug i u. O h ec"g'oI ht ol b rciclylSPsafety, but lu a distressiug conidition ai .o SolCID yfrurgists and Dealersie rLervwhere.topoundsrthileharyeîortheleryl po-1 eigsit,60be starteds-ta carry some sible tatheprocure the boy by anyieIîlegaldpro-arweasoess .andwemaciatanon.mDnrting.theirg need it.ed Ittgîvesgv totaltreliefefaadd s F fe tabtte. Di ýrs lu weîgba±-9430 uo-0 ..uy1" i L e nuaes. rctan gulmis dlividled lioteg' crt-d . millk tea aneiglibors lbouse. INot retuirning c".Srcyws'deerind n(-at'Pt-enforeed stay an theisland one ai theisrInum- 1a quick cure. My advice to erery'- THE CHRILES A. VOGELER CO., Baltinuore, u. Sp 1 ecimens ai these catid ges, tth( le extent ,albrother went lun searcb hlm. othi nd Gastinud te cav er ai ightesaethe ber wofageeain,. t ithe u se hn as neron e sufferinig w 1un ~ube O~n~d.~a. ~epot:To~ontoQn.1,oaithe bu charge, staid t ia pyraid iilclose ing the chld about the stre ts, te iather Walst idtetafe iea h er~faan ti upsdta ufrn Tyi.YuWl oub Q by hasnaTe atrjlni Icenootvassogh, utlealo va mssng i ws top, covýered vith broken glass 8and sharp drov theman ad. ince. lu ilefles we on . eteh vais sl lob t h ac ,cocpdteirea wre toether.andthe rnpuet.fefud h dwaver. ___the __man_______ IR 1ICOCO RD'S SPECI FI C 1cienlveIop, nict- rmrteeoiwor a ht h hi igh ecdhIanors alnd thatte a o Franco i4 said ta le contempl tting g-rieat yuJGeoahSru 1 (TADIMAn RLIGr.tL0) 1s t,ý.iistand f e a )ri.i i pr lof )1ns ,ai 1 ll>,Ivd epa1der lis becauseaiur abueIedi atFailurIe totpi returf ktyatg-ai otthatntn nigertd chanceco aictoisteaiîngec, the boy ont.is sed weUavder _- - - .Sole l'ropiietor, Il.it morte readiiy ugiit¶s th.Ia Ile cocaa ow led ta tire discery thatt father and chil e t fth payivorannatrere bdint nasriooCcawtberr mingWod trosue whte o Jon 1 uIOI,,Db(TRDx brgStr, L Sý ( r a d been seenfin tire comipaniy of two mca ,ýevery fociteitro a ulig ri hiaeon.fontterprises-aevery de.,tru b at le wit heFrnk Toltoao. Tiie only himedy uhicli -wili per- Each oai these eigbî ca,-rtrkilges \-egbs10 ioha en buttetoeveral dlays. saw the cellilike 1bedroamis, the cramped cito r nfotetoms oe ug tal ti ~anetIyuxeono5rhoaGeet,anltl "7rivate polluds. ,To load, Irit sueessary toring the ), [l It wasthen.tlought Conwa.-Lylhad gone inoaPia-groutds, tire pinchud-iaced childreu, .r- bigte rnfeeseaialte hendinefrti 4,na eluccessfully lused in French art(!Engish gun in aiextreme elevatiotI, andlthen c ýIthe country ona tradng expeditiou- o oUtDvdCn aybt paoitigs ab thiSaloon a l~ansileth re- UltY- biospita'l. wo battis guaaxateed to curu the folowing operations are gone dtbrongh: ulnulsulaling eea as bec eo~ortun!ity ta secure hflintaffere self, 1mu aeAbsaero u hms .GEN oeMnfoduyN3 worst case. 1.E er liinlock lçand unscre,.fw the, brcecli-b'olock;.aiarmi. h vvas iaund ai the baniw tin thatEyses Cnconn te oaud fleP ano$ther nohe Panplancie ilio.a1s dreccide1 , d- --,-,pan____- . c)othhdbdblhe;3,cwavoutnt lyal scah Aiter consultation Mrs. Couway acnted lye.Cocrngtcfmrtep jc cinySig- Il, traverebreech:, liad checkcd nearIy bisrcash.rGrannan.uA physf-ia'lis waLrmil'vlsupportcd by the Fr-encitile art i11CNDIJ TAE my wsla trawreec-focy assti retd ailplan suggestedl byne dI , lI- lc o"'t" ir teaiý letd yGanarthpTHEe lA ,; I3I A E8Ie bel.Nan . tlie1 5~ bick a ac sie ;4, lacetheioaing-try u iayvvassuspeccd, afd tic t am d ta assi ýt uer bi irLe coitrnsfer itie tCicaonaoss y ltthen 1e n.Ths utegu ,ws n iegun; 11 -1, r.adwod)Is for long Idistances were searched. wscleadtesiutoxiie._i omssnrli h asta alli. hoe hre;8rmo:scn . 1ure u a aJ .Grn: it res gdh rs. Pasisian Sbsorandians awayi padirectiotnseonffi1 W% h ave-wr ntrieco- 1homie eprjeciie ; II, rilm homle tflrtst l],I, Then the case was put inta thse hands Of - IImdiIe wilimd le wudraise tbe fir i once ta a higb plane, ESTiABISHIED i185Z the - vai h - - di tadethly tsick. l a dy or whradse egartaand lire the hearts'ofai erican artisîs. As 1 nldil bsýi thd(raw %,loaidinig-tray1, taerebreis:risngrgaPssoexese- apara f at.death s door. Then Conwaly ita the latter tire idea is ta baverthe noted Soiti r aun 'In le -Iad'i ', terise $ ol,51o 'q1ý1. adIoek brechl-screw. fildý. lie found lrath eIc two men wîif a alytfe tist iswic'aed ig -afIs e hantstai111,r.(lt rs and Mr. a ctsd10 ani . A five. piss riolunitt byo wiom TiýThad lfast heen seeil cre at Mýartii's Hibd. lHe was stunned a;t the elt's entnad o ltrt pres iderit, a1d 5cajt pr lIn, nonparie, leacl iner- Ail these operations, as weliaveexpiainledl,, conwaynews shockcd ta finid she was sa near, and over the tables whici will leconstructud-ta on. dLcets p10r lio cad insbeqet f- aire peroirmed by bydrarfllo suachinery, and. irom Louisvileand liad been fl luils employ; 1ia M. .A.. JÂMte 8 c Publi11,er are S proidedwithsimpe arangeentstha1f Conway bad for ia year Icen q "l ýi)the panic ai thc moment did las lha(! eenacmmdt80pop.Toaryntbrs-in.Lcs,1cntprlie ý are so proý ided with simpe arraiigeicLuld-ft 11haped-camiie iirectly ta, the liotel. The nsany 1projeets tic gavernment proposes ta ,A A EPbihr ttk)v A t dSposing ai every valuiable liecou_____________foranapropiatioof__milionada____- api 1reventisa es, ai er.essrs,Arms trang sgsoi eparn'diwmiîruh s-o a prprain iamllo n Ca. tht>acidntspra outiî attracting attention, and Grasînan aai' half francs.1 ' 4bMitchell aut ( ttIeI trejback tichyears ai long aga, and wien he hadl- - e v e r h a p p e n . T e g u n h a v in g b e i b c n e c o n lu d e d th i a t C n w y h d a e n t1 d t a-tc m o h r k e w t c b rel'-H a -~of H B S 99E &by thecaptain oai,-he turret rom is conniug boy away on religius g o nd , a tbc l a i ie ch ld, o n w h e r cre- 1tc> bu onh eHedical r amn y 1 ii6I àI MEDI;WIN in _ MrTi1j2'1s touwer, is aiso l red by bhlm by elecriciti'. .whichproved toeethecorrect one.'l he oryai1'O heLIo eia Cmay i o 5lE 5swThe gun cao bl oaded and flred within ' ,aiie, the rdatiai fwhilb wmALdreqire î r1 e ove;aticvilagi uantiee Taranto, Canada, andînay be con I thisite.Lcti wo- ,U-0L:" . - u tw0ad bilmiutscolumuns tateil. Conway was eiiy trace,1 bewas ivinorit bissistr. Lcanns tw ai. 1 T11e projectile fred' irom. tie gun whcn to i ie b tteealdu s w r ~ iles front St. 'Joscph's em uary. Sillu - sldc ti er u p rsn-o-b-leie-on ai an hgcaou it avclity ai 2,105 sight, iwhen aa memnber oa i theburealu e h rseta gi akn ale er anado ideacwoSdtim...ý A I fed-et pesecond t, adbaestutvevSetwrd it ui opl adb iber long losi boy, Mrs. ëConwa',y improv- ,elves iervons,.wca k an oxlausted, wbo -,aree fnrg eul a1 30 fottns1I lego s1 lsu i yaou taen yst'la er Con-ci' ;asifhy migic, and in twa dayýý,s' tine as broken down fram exces or" overwork, M.anufacturer of wcct e sdaane oi a e r wysdvppaac.Thte ai.Ga- akeun ta tise Serinary, ,ier-e, ai ter a short rcsultiinglu many ai tic foliowlng symp- 1 _ -l-, _, "i ,,'fiio> ete a bosdats auel selîs onl err an c,aî ie w aîfudwee at iechdwsbogtt etoms:; Mentaldepression rmtuoad )- - VI R tI R N5H aitelsadnclols ils ariwould Facsc.Tahhaaanbaband 5c iIlaily strlie lie s rulid ito telovt. rdrcam, dîn-ss1f sil plpittioniih Fe LSos 'ALIG ÂIEOD Gnra ad ~'l sotfrmîl gnad iscotnfan is uedtecte Ktew as senrtaVie ar1 tsaiiel hii clse.Cap. Gans , heai missons ak a cFrgyNpan l ti VOS lML~,WînesciSdysi ldIfloti2 304auncf b lts woldscate deti B. Wbie t ictri0Grn-3iofsbeaacie, pimpofe n tic faceod ualuclts used- si Izisaimîn Oit os Y(ilg. Suasl Ilîblo SAN-the aris C. andtr C pi . lef, s i t he c-ntedchi-ind oter.by, i-hng r ecuiarsenaton bou ti 1 OfsuyIloR X d. eolîsireiE 'srnWâ aonteafios. Th te cîsare pýut olda ns ceîv riliaain o C to a o ya ndrlM le . scnt hejý_r rotum, dwnsog tcpagiatio, d fhes, styles. --_ýý_ 1" t ý, Ira a Sat: st FrigaCatie: Wlt te bc nshotheyre merelyysshaken together. fonotnd tisairtise affleers bad leen mistaken- pouured amangîbem d01BodeanfMianhteiy of prize,,;,,, O n i tedtriing fliu1r sut-,Rus-muscles1oye 1-s a*alsewlithebasiihass wroso xessl i rYug ouirbeXX ,0oun e illtnc id hscat d aer, aithe aterplc, ndhiwa-ad-ras-- ishlliadngtatieprvae paî- us- ibodymsclgo esdelrespatinureotatle ý DODfI7 uoc.Ewt nag n toghi aoir teo Tise raul cae rts e u l- l abiy ertin Il that Cow md camet heca.Tiiretdghli a ete ctdlyscp cnipain uins i HAMOOINI aod lAIR -Tfdou scroitumityai fthear, snkeuoyes ernd.- aillisbi'aeccs. yls 50 b lir faher tis Kig aiDcusark cdveiiLBDNdIR.E, ily ookn sk, vlle VMVEOEDORASZ FUOO OD- 10lItll-areadticîgn ouiy cernialactve Saragem Oents1 abu It ruitheie soli ssadia icza toka9 knetate ecse,ar h ,caympos, aoinons hesiy -- rge rea.BotHisegun elu asi ikey bepranrtybutwasausnceeeuMoi ,tailad a isnitysud eatunlsf cred to OSttsa d Triz oares.Wie umDo? scdio t tachgare m ore d sh aa n d geh.fars; rai. ra n eofna s ia Detcte Kamîs t etnmaIrm ie 1n r u~e y T l ee ingnor vital f r e ,avig s leis, C H APOTEA1 I J UTNIS 'ntî aete te lei vhiasro neradr Omte aiy ae l ofrnthe iitris 1mp iry. avîsg tesio ery1foncton wanc'lucanZqucnoe exlnain la roe o (ola)lie-à.ee sha-LIetrp oin vîll e ned.inThese shein are ceiiteg cikrn evted theiÀ reie la i .t til cofidn elu los abut sie, Thsethei loug absenomthtd l EiriIErgdtien ordLudfCai_' emer-tetiLOtte wrkaiY.ctig Cuwy le seemat ates ail the g als a .,ît; diS laody tey mluai hord aiertis esirikeng cinnati vasc»I li o, lnd ai ha -r ýs i ttl upaciyr paatsts aîeiyour dress forbook ;,-aian aldsieseplar n pon.Tie.adu _ilephe nratsMai oînto'vasindwh ae4 s otcd latsi aummier ', wL isc ill ilat-ama. ddrssM.V.LITON15 Fon'TE CAI1 ACIV PIICI'2S- Stule pereavtiviuleexpoine, whie valu'sahie due. fie rcmmhrd iairwasweeru addouensaiailrat t.E. arnsOtBoouen îesiîd OTAT O 1L - 1 ,,-tugnsspye iil, aywe-nil ranvets icet aur fud hervey ati vrmudses, tic sym t sptomaiwli are ROM COIUIl ,I-E 01 ut iai tiseerbplayepseveuta ils irdr e-I ioehlîng ilote rvtet]lI>iieilO awelliiug as hibc ll latentio gise plat udcillnsuO edeier.anun bytaire aridas rvate c sainet III.t tise ses, prplee lCnsipo, muopalita. SHM O R 1 U(, Lle mclimor ~~~ - sn~~~~1 casy iuti s ifiultcas Oecîraî heblu. peaclycerated suinstanceLai Coiiway§ uocra a al uc-us-aspeiuiteuc in, so lests, aiflses, frsoaitulodpo n1i cin taaCd lu _________________of__ gofshilcane ue1too ic incrorhrttiyhisi sawocnreloa is tai1ndondtasleplutiahlladoiin ls tati lea, ui pluluîl iar wthletslu th Uïtcn c Cnin bin ai I . ýlthship befliorehicexpnofthe ashel cili dti, wenhired isdiei't,-(eta a oron. o aieunlandreasasa- esîtabuhcyofr tipen iiilrîiknsîut tic bore Thraits, s ihil. li *ItilLofie zaila l>Li flI, -etr oeut ted th rry sulingsu fthmaun a fr n t pigilanCo dmbs. Buitto ilierson dii- the dlecm eyseicasa n Il ed>Bok -e 1yrsý1rBl .* - 'ffl i1j 1 s~~p cs tise u dl etruve repln err nser etrceaboI rtis ir Fle ietfý,I yle fahrtieK l o (ii'ýrlç e Th aoi sd-uibsgu1 a saed asiItIIPslaelIilsudDtri ad s nolthiog ve/,tnapecied-againsili th a, at.,ant. Ilssprirl opia oib r lu ge veel , QO ritp u is. Tise terib s va c bin anIc '-,in I-ttane Iles Fuery,1. -v,' Isut ta satisiy thnde dag he veas veliliîdrave--n- - - t insncd r INOClibdae rahtveil ubassl viipyvie rdIvii 'alle, utdeerindtie oe 1, ,ivefromfsntydt uthci ive ce1i aniher A ytior mv iayed by a jevelerestsi- 0NAPCT UTS ! s feti i c g ir hie gus is i m ort s -îvl re t. GrditaiCotmuand hGieIanIiIIm, - etnlh esrprc uS.Ptrlr retdslti ieaobPrsfrtet - tIt ihat tn Ii ,e but _' ~ wthei ~le cas ae mise. hbrle g>ýiei a s'! Iý k .th i t e c sýýe i ,m n , ai.Grsanan iv' ',",ee hie I ýi ti d ae im t ics tu ia-re esv rsnt a xed glaulss m via lii iiy, Sommai Lasses sud inrtireturc ,cay poundrmr eilely î,i(fnsauiactunre;8-a Pssîbsud ý le baeenwuprsaael al icrtd.Ts za ieceht h ignrne iMa aald; tiseaier hall ie dïd11--q-. -, __ 1 1fltosiatud i h y(,og--io oi ,t skeey aioa iai b uie in ofed ma ildliIei cardlel In ïsu,£ acd, -otlu"asaf hidegplae,,bt a 1b .Ly,, ' , :or u1a u0ala' l d iL, , _-, gaie hc sl feta caceesd6o ed týval b o r, iis in lie lsdacu CouI, - eer e upernAtted a elîter ,it t alate l ieos fir au isne. PTEBesides",,1 ,, ,i' - '; boy 'he illut "e itifI at hetSt A pam thlet. A drel oformaV. Uc'î,5anFrnt,- ~i Papicar H SIHFI'iIY lch. ea iqu l1ui hi.sftr hue 1ýiyio îcmbsina ixc » i mdorîy tue boy'auieaI wogta ho gacWSIy itiedovec1lebs-ane udahe"eveahcs epl-ntntl at cattOlW.OuviegHot 1 ~e1d's D~ug Stoe, Eau rausor, oltOaiT . tion'i vIldîl sud vaieîandn sîreugîi ai I akfsait ils moiser, veUmtise aid mai asOPete, suer icsentuer ai Ru elan gr:t- hie koeping ma1tIcp til j- oe 1 el hl e rtewasdea. Te ra eman n'as Il,",,____nature îf <'e vlia ai eîfredie mat rouire . NO l îrawy Ii 10 tFz,ýý pîd4u11 aI, seata)I.ný,,imt s, pyer, and teîsd- tis ou iorIl i thtrain on islcb toeig e l'y fise s h a fi e i psnre fr nss anlram " 7 i lý-1 à o - s iii(!, P flin 1fl carevei sm rpiedng lit s iace-ma lidepia l telihe vs pc i astmauge trgd hici rns, 'ih unlraefhy moIie' ,1-ecil mr era us item I tise gunveene coninu--mar e at ulvite. hillwa O'41fram t )-ss, evnaiok nc vnug rceddt s___________ age ,,om tiseemasion rice f ed by ticidru l"aasqi riukiug" lie o rkmvelu srileecintaue l a idlireoin lsthe th Pl s e lpi5ni Ite hi Pi es, _ 11tIeÏL'Uý I i ("1ýIIj lAngd noc'eritesi ehselicd i gea isecO rge uia iid is u agru msmn a orstingig ; usosiainirrgi eorse coneratug , ] bec ad lcrae.bcomugvey ar 133 .zigtnAv l igi t c-th gs 's cdo 1imd-ae mc sth e ex ist a i nc Te e edre sad i. l-th tiesueataiid isde hl. s eo<snI , _ T. stops ibe itehieg sud1ý-I -e - -G y rp ~, 1 oftv e s ls il charg tepG.Te. h elîandeloe vs brbttete aes iaiy iIlacoc iniii aaud a h 1ieesg. b a t hral ,pdl a icastte 1_ '!lLl 0rIRpiU ý:",L,['lU I hisse oeed tise - laxý 1:_7I_ý.ý-Seed Emujîcarrmn seenal _______ of chr m a t.ComuasieBucornere ai thi v,'as p li ca rird er ta sine cionsmof oeere rmavrsth-,tmors.At dro ss7sor bi mlai Phîlsisn av envlpeaeoittees st t lE M RD R D EE .h iadîboî r en bo et. ,Dr eau ne o c. hîl a ecdîp -ia lJmrqultejLve taÈes olin Ieau, ndibtVio ci afi aie, aoudgCritscrd cna NrrveEsa- i-rnaflrnngBilan ST'fý, Sl'o AN, BESTLO'o. ý -- ,ere>.lyn N. YTl ln,189 p a icIIs iroma ner,i N. fin. a1 1 1ý y ocr, n pasys:dfr ok. Adrs j th a be midt s e a nc lu Lie ouhe- evertisu14 nuosbeany uceeedl The unusual spectacleciaasenti-an an lire i!;omuenAU~qal ity-E. or makIingSa coeld noS useniediLiaed K ar cpas engens, ascendcd taase.sghttai gZ Iuld bXshXwn 1 . , milemtram tic vilage i a eebotlsiogs, aîcdapoogahe ro i e, t,)e: IlntsoitseHPalild aen600fotaiveicsalitdeti sl N reRYQU - lfl oà , tse oadr on ftsc u eiiglplan.Oi skusdodte.ahIclo tisema rthespl,aOdth.eballoon sa1ssk velu1 aiarming!' .5 iý-,A in lthr ox i 48lAîmyTir aboluse t yas gaiias, jumped, acce ssasain veh Piis adltenveard il eta reit D Ri i,1 oiii l ssipetdaai i,ý ,,_'_ s ,ý ' _ ,-- "_-, 1a tlgyBec u cc enso is matier a und saheribe vo I!eIi ntandcend As a measuno Gm ý;a. sn ut,4 A i cevey tahervo e i tgs - il t ea urei i i iin peadt cek i "V suAmend FmnaxmSeedd sitempted pmecs -u-t-a---y--Cap- - 1 reuchmab andl Nrvoustrafieailusad s go etgen-ur eaituc se. Tho lmv d wnaied %ils ana, scanda.ufiearudtisaiffeConý,veav îadf I>1sern ro (udti 1thecscesofai amlkdtaii.Ttigracaamii-cocuatsýL rbtnvcuJH AMGu itmlt iebisfauts odadcagdhemme uNv asdtsiu cs.1saimn, eisicis hrortlicou t.iPeditarsurmcite i s acuia itte e ace nt nars fr heîsg madeý abatlitl crefotauh-gls'hehid, ncsh t o ld uate prohabl led an a pn)'ý'it fn ute-,ad he lbvedtabiaelaigîîitrigtanatiaofunry__fsî îs tetiroihnlef y. Wienhi snvd sitncsobitsta pnicat would lkcl aat heilOn i ae d ioi iIbc1li,,ilci s n ois fth lae ud isoesakirs,,,-,kl île girlas dnte a d erladeas teipc le smeeer u i uigbrho a asle >JCSEE kteu.-Ga- 2god iedTc oanutbin avciee aavn>ts *roiyN.Y, c, ois 88.aiualyecr mM0e9iciiin.A ,yGads. Ou to preoxi a ti CdIlv 1 E uiios ogeerlib s vDf,,t'lh.. A..,,,lia otctisi angld bot2 eaefo ve h cen o1vhmtsy al pinasl. ,1,11cc t fi , cr i ignoot'lesad por Purelue ovever"tc de-edin hlauladl i-oiraMob - id s gr du t a tse st te tam ua a ¾o b o1v au G an an a d. il Nove tioe ks cas. 1» ,iree pinte aiigaod e der vblegar. Conk at racicd the attention ai tise people cmvi luhv ~ yO is-edEuso qs oD Tve etferanilesd,in ctizen , 079iso tiem ame pnýica isae am l ýluI box ofelie u a utielol eer. Dis- y ý 'i lj.ýý mg- c;cA emplye o lir faier nd a atentins a pncet finliy caciug athç Daie. su GlA,1eiThe sPu neliiel s. ke u as d, fý! ituarancsug. o th amaoeni ai . Elvery- 1 1- - P S ilVlVemtO4ti St Misa Chr ,lsti i on pi acd. -o uc n'a c al t lcis p eItey cae nal sapo ec vea y vlo e luh a.sa o r-g s \luiml a ct o oc u at sc p d u ijue . Ts au , - e e y fens a ren'anIliai1 l00ofor tihecapture ad tllailrgotte .. Faiu ierL in a nememhercd Con-acsalvethir tiredd -g1t1jurce-fou--e -.aisà,up ai 0 uQ soosmeu lberflyt henfehncmuremofiIna-retr i 'n'ay, sud asid lac liad suoppcd several dsys . l ia eae. d hue gel atied su htesI eI E 4:I uhuastaiIneM., IBRMDndrîecaeDoyle tald iiem ilisi Couvea&y ai tic cggsn'elî beatesa ta t e cald costard. 7 wn ISociety le like tie chioiughlis ;i givos had exc'hangedsue,00aiofUnlited Siates Mod sud set h a cool plac tO atiffen lncek ta tic speaker his vords-grasoanfrr mouey for a draft il 1 Esglisi mone1Cyai3 Durhng tic sunnmer monuîs ment is notaia BbusscrtegelerCso; IV&ýLgroan, sang for sang. Wouldst tIson have Naseaustreet, onu he BaUlk ai Ulster, ai Bei- caî, sdpark sud coruied bleof ihould iduen aise vesa 051, , ie id fer Csnot, N lL SU NI CMULANS 2OId y rugissPi-Ue 1 . 0_ hy social scenes ta resound iveth music ?fsat, Irelsud, sud caaried yul lim iin Unet- le Ici sev6rely aoi.Maiy pr rions eat ilonn sehse Mýies, she dug ptu Casteria, AND F 4 U L t C TuE. -Ea FLA -SED MULIO Thn pea eer u-ic eoin ian ic ttsmney sbout Tt00.h 'a ie ots, sud 2(ldrink 'ice vater ail day, fauhîîisa-ssiaviomasn, UTSSAE NORL- 1 Q, tuti sud love. -"Witis vhat imeasure ye ond Conveay hsd sailldUintiche rag ioÇ iso veoer "wbat uaestisent el so e3e i LPberly St ,NwYr r e te, i salil e rmcasurod ta yen agatin." tie City ai NoeYork. Mme. Conveayn'aI qciL e." HLRNO sU C h 1d re n 0ry ïo r FPit ch e r'zCa s torc