Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1891, p. 1

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WU~¾4~Y , a u a b t u n tateliau ~R~S :O1,O .i a~am.OUR TOWN &ND OOUIITY i¶R81: VI WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES EDI'Tolt Alil)PPEIOrR, NEw SEic, NUMBE 65. JOWMÂNVILLE ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, JANITARY 28, 1891. VOLUME~ XXXVII. NUMI .5 8S'TO O K-TA K/MG0 flflhIflLi 1FIJOH~NSTON &ORVDERMAN t uu-IJII, Offeé Great Bargains in Ail Departments for the next few weeks. Dress Goods, t] an1ets, purs, Over- coats and ail Winter Goods will be sold at Greatly REDUCED prices. NOTA BENE. The Jackets which we ad- vertisad last week at one "dollar, each are ail sold, but we stili' -hae eome god 1.jets which ,îe are seliîng off at hait' price. GUUDN, JOKNSTON &,GRYDERMAN. BowpIa1ville, Jauuary 27, 1891. T~rh?,hour winter's trade lias bean èeeptionally good and we ae ot to be found among the mourners, yet we have, a e dd we waxit to seli and the sooner they are sold the better we shall feel. We mnust begin to plan forthe Spring Caxnpaign, and want roomn and muoney to carry out the planls we forrnulte. Wo secure, these two essentiaIs we hAmll the priçes on ou.r enire stock of Ladies5, %Ient' Misses' an~d ChildrnisBoots and Shoes, Ru1$bars and Feit goods; Trunks, ,3atchels and Valises They m~ust make way for our Spriug purchases, and now is the time to buy these cold-weather goods. Don't beg off, but corne fo the Decapitatory Sale. Wo- man's agneto Electric Ikbber Insoles for cold feet, kept iii ztolit. 40. FARMS FOR SALE. #xlipurhiis ~8acres -j:ý414înga qon 10thCo, "' 'a~~~Q oc, ýylai l clerd. $3500 onIhcn.Dalntncn kasning 100 acres, good atone, house, good put- wlll purchase 100 acres .ý!q 0 inManvers with good liuil lcn . ed, good sBel. ace ef lad eoxiidcrce4 40 be 4 one o the boat armas on JCon. 1, 'Dalington, good buildinaa, go iclfty and muBtb 1e old. aFor any ào11aG01ve6propertile appl to LEV1 A. W. TOLU Real Botate .&gent ana incto ne or. Sign of the Big Boot drawu by Two Herses. MTO RENT.-75 acres, boingz lF o t 8", con. 4, Darlington. Goad new w;1elllng and first class outbulldinge, Fali P oîadonc. Possession -&p 1le lt or Oct. lut. 1891 A 4ply to If.L TIiBuilder, CetJice, P . 48Q. T THE UNDERSIGNED bas veceived jinstructions te soli Min eeutb hall! f lot 1, cen.JI 5 Darlngton. the proporty cf Jamonse. de, brinvate sale. Tis is s fine fanai sud MUStbO 0% a one. LEix.A. W. Tonr. lReal gixate Agent and AuAncl4oer. 0t F ARMFOR IALB-130acres, coin Fpdseti f eth part. of Lot No i19 Brokon Früapt, andi la tbnee miles froin UËoe Yowu or Bowmuauvllîs. Thiïjs eeoothoe at arinr Sue couurty ef baux. It ls lu a hlgh state of cultivation sud 1a wellfifed On the pre. mkoes th'ere le a atone dwellng, two lare barns and other out.buildia s.wlth atone ,tahltng L'or cattle andi horses .Jira vous sund tourn cîsternealais wind.xnlll for pumvlng jwater, Flor iurther particulans apply on tire Premises or if byvlatter to, HENRYX à4NN. Be. manville 31-tt D4ELINGTON .S1ATIOIN. Mr. John Worden is making prepar. tioens for building a~ fine barn'next sIIu muer, tearinig down th- old and bulldin"z greatr.. -.Mrs. Chas Osborne and lber sou, Richard, were vi8itin i and arounid Ennishillena lasit week... -Mr. Levi Annis siwd 120 bushels of clover seed at $5 a bushel ... . Too many ynunig farmxers around here att 3rnded the Newoafle races. ...Mr. and Mrs. A Reid are visiting nt M4ra. Chas. Oâborne'.. NB W HA VENf. Miss Mincie 1%,3woff Haiiptèxi, is visit- ing at Mr. 0. RFLllall'o. .. Mrs. Joseph Langmaid gave a pleasiit "At H:ome" last week to a large gatheriutk of frien4ls., .... Mr. John .Staoey ie icdisposed.. .. Mrs. Thos. Power and daughter, Winnie, have returned frein a month's visit te Orillia and Toronto wth relatives ... . Mr.i Geo. Richards, of Pickering, bas been speiiding a few weeksa at hia sister's, Mrs. Sarahi Picile.... Mr. T. W. Barris, ae- companied by hi. niece, Mrs. Iilimari, cf Osihawa, paid a visit to relatives in this viciuity ...,. Mr. Albert Goode recenitl ehot a fine spe.inen of aui Arotie owl. JiAPLE GROVE. eaMipton Division visits ours to-nigbht, (Wed-nesday). .. . M. and lira. Jamnes T. Rundie, Solina, spent Sunday with friends here.... Mr. ana Miss Jeffery, P'ort Pervy, are viiting at Mr. Geo. Alin'.... Mr.' and Miss Crunmuer, Pickering, are viit- ing nt lMr. J. Stevens'... ,Mr. William Biokie lbas rented Mr. J. W. tlannden'a farta for a terni of year ... .Our choir basi reigned ils position and the miniuter leada the byrans. Hope another choir will acc bu.4raiized ... . Mr. Ge. .llin thre8hed 125 bushels cf con ii five heurs wth a threshirag machine, Igiving satioac- tien. Quite a novei way' ofhusking corn. .... On Sitnday, a Young maxn of appar. ent]y good ciroummtancea, and driving a taridsome herse and cutter, was for sov- eral hours on the road here in a very in- toxicated state, Ail efforts te help hlm wçre usealesfsj owing to hi, intxizcated et lpor. TA UAN TON. The Literary society la prçoeshingfine- ly. The mt.eiogs are well attpenddith~ a regular att1indançe cof ebout 40. We think this a profitable place for any yt man or womanu tespezpd ait enig inat -afrenantn oer pli Daces. They hbe ilait and hsd a very eiioynble timc. T'4 C have lately purchased a new hotwiic organ... Several of the bores fan irs sud g sports cf aur village attended the New- c castle races lest wek.,.. .The meetings at.. Ziexi church on Sunday nighta are very fr limly attended. We are serry te ses' to sucb a state tif affaira, sud hope ero long ,i te sec, the church crowded evevy Sunday ti evcnin, as wIl iit 'moruinz. Miss Annie vi ICerniab prestdd it the ongan on Sunday Ci ,week, the organist bcbng absent. Quarter- in ly meeting wïll be held on Suiday, Fcb. sp te îse?-A, daily nrpil-A good carres pendent for Tua STv&TESix- gAeOd ),j maxi ,te comie ont for the rnnnicipality at coneuili ext yaar instead of having ise d. any iu the aiorth east-Not so uxany pi, boaiera eround the istoxe-Our vacant g bouses in the village ocnupiad. O8Je4 WA. Recnt istor ' MssCarrne Rowland, M Torante, gueat cf Miss Massoni. Misýs tc Pearson, Toronto, 'at ber iste's Mvs. J. bi H. Taîbot, MiesaCalloway and Misses hE Richards, Uxbridge, guesta cf lira. AnudB re. Tait, Mr. Harold MMouagall, Whit- Si by, Mr. F. C. A. Molndoo, Müntreal, ot guest of lirs. J. Robsaxi, Mr. joseph c, Gould, Boston, Mr. sud Mro. 1L. Brodie,I bj Stantdardl Bank, Toronto, guests cf Mayor hi Çlewan .... Mr. snd M*s, S. Glid4on are el visltixig frienda iii London .... Mv. il. W. Ji[ Holland lias beexi premoted frein the br Commnercial Bank, Winnipeg, to the new ru Braxcinl Port Arthur.. .. Rsv. Father é Efand attendad the finnoval of Rev. Fatherj McGinbey at Orillia. . .. MISs5 Jenle Haw' rî& fliorn, bas gene te New York for the vin- N ter... . Miss Cutting, of Coaticook, Que.,h baie roturued ta Bishop Bethune Qllege ed .... Mise Maud Snanr ha. vaturid to To. Uj ronto .. .. Mr'. J. Johns left lait week for fui New York .. . .Mr. Chaplin of the Well- w* snd 'Vale worka St. Cathenines à inbe charge cf the busiess of the Whitlng Ol Co.,.. Mr. Daniel Lick i company b uitli Mr. W. H. Hlopkins cf Masachus- p ette, are taking an ight weeksj trip to j Florida...,. :ulctrie LightCo~. offer toeup-s ply 16,aansd 15 incande scent lights 300tic nighis lu the yeAr fer $950 .... The. Sosigu. U V ea cf the Rebt. MaGes inslvent estate, onj Oshawa, bas isaued bis statmxent. Vieo O balance of sîet&a aiter psaying costa la $1,ti 246.49. The iabilitiee axioxint to $13, -j 972,16. Thiis gives a rats cf 9',j cents ou H tic dollar. $16,273 of thpe laiaî sat held by thirtaer womaneu. . .r. J Larke, Oshawa, lias, we understand, bee ad a1ppointed census enumerator for the 4 Doinion. The it. ii worth about $2,pa 000) pcv annun,. ...Mr. J, O. Woon, of e the Commercial, offers 815,0ffl reward, e black bob-taiIad coolie dlog cf ha lu i4 misslg. _____________ ~i J'di1 TTr, JIOXELIEIST MA IS BOWMA au waii as the bandsamest, sud eth isvited te aî on an y drugglsta frea trial battIe of Kemp'sBalw thse Tbneat and Lnngs, a remedý seliDg entiroly uipoii its meitIs gnavanteed te relieveansd cure al anld Acute Cough, Astbma, Brc sud Cousunipties. Large hettias iSOI4?24. Mr. Gao. Awde in attending the Coun- tjOB' Çouncil thus we"ýk. .. .Prùf. A. B. Ken a been giving bis scientific lecture hereaboiits once more.... .Quito a num- ber of oer S cnday Sohool soholarm attend- ed the convention at Einnisklen . . .Miss l3rtha liogarth is visitiug iC>hawà and Mr. EdWin Roynolds is spending a few days in Mariposa .. ..,Mrs. W, J. Lang- maidis vry ili nt time of writing-.. Scveral ar throabing their claver seed with pilds as bigh am 3 bushels par acre, but mn much less. ... Mrs. Geo. Wilbur han puirchased the Rlobliu residence in Bowniaxiville, wbere she wiIl reside. .. . Visitêoa; Thos Ward, Drayton, Mr. and Mra S. H. Reynolds snd famiiy, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs L. Martin, Port Hope, Mr Clark Wiibur, noar Georgian HAMPTON. Ree't visiter.: Mr. Ira Law, Mani,, Mr.an Mrs. Luke Martin, Hope; Miss Gertrue Lee, East Whitby; Meosvs. Gea. anid W. Pascoc, Oakwood; Mias Elie Crydermaxi, Bowmianvîie. .. .Mesara. F. A. QCle, Efarry Canu and John and Thos. Elliott were visiting at Miilbrook, lat week . .Mi. Thos. Rowe visîted frionda at et bora last w.5.....Mr. J. H. Bu#ne s bas been quite indispos2d for a feuw da.... .Mesore. Wjll. and Carlos Crnderan and sister' Annie bave beenl vigaib friends in Toronto ... . Mr. Frank Par, cheeaexnsker, Madoc, has beau en- gagesby the Cheese Co., for next mason .. 1M. R. Taylor'e little daugiiter Ber- tilaa- sbeen ssriously ill butlannow con- idd out of daner... is 13B. Trou- ou4' a let the contract cf building a new huge o Mr A. ennington... Mis nnie Steniouse ha. finiished lher stuie at 3wmanville mHi chooi and roture hoe p.... Miss E. Gully has vs- trea te Toronto.. ..Miss Gertrude Brw as vijtting ab J31nskillen lest week. .. r.and Mrs. C. C. Morrili cen- tertiu,ù soume friends Monday evenieg. TYROYEJJ Mr and Mrà. J. Stan.e, Oshawa, Mr. and&Ua. . Pollard, Bowmanville, and Mr. an Mrs. L. M. Courtice, Courtice, tuse of that place.. . Teachera' Ir. W. B. Hicks' this eveonri. Euamersen lias bean visitin-g tRaglan.... Mrl. Richard Bran.i sa baud badiy eue day last week ceng .... Expecting a god radai' evening whsxi Selas Di- it ours.... Mn. sud M ns. 1Paul ve retuvued frein visitiug friands ig.... .Mrs. J. Sandeshfas beau a few day. wth friaxids in Bow- *... Fariner.' Justituta hieaeFnl- ry poly attended . . ..Urv. and , Port Hope, have baua visitin g Cnecper's. . .Thie phranologise ýt a crowd Friday eveniug. The idenitly dees not appreciate ENNI.SKIJLLES. vacant visitera are Mr. aud Mrs. .t Hoe, and Miss Arniott, Taun- r. C. Rogers intendi basatin g on niear biers next sprinz sud lbas load ofi seed grainu shipped te freux bis Mairtoba fsnxu.. ,oidents occurned lest wealt on i toboggan lide. Master N. eaived a Baveae eut in hia face g iuto s hand leigl 1sf t os the E. Saxiderson bruisad oeeof bis ýs so as te cause a perceptible or tbro. othiers received mizier A Mr. W. G. Robiis, by being he railing, reoived sncuchi jui- anse inflammpation cf the knce- Who mwould have expected tha coriespondoxit cf the W. D. a te gush forth ixta pootvy as tweck i HBs t have veceiv- ?ratione freux constantly road- whiating aud aoul-atirrng ai- the giftsd neùtbler, "North- .bat aur local correspondent bas frequntly lu the bauds of eur aoial artist of lato, is well shown ýh cleaner face ho ;ow prezients. i poetry hi itexids payirg fer ful esives hb is inmmcli vap4ureB 'h West Durham 8. S. Qauvîxi. ere lait waak was a auccesa iu ticular. Every sessionvay not resting, but vary instructive. rvice wa3 xeudored by the prac- 'notion giron iu tha addroe, er befcre bis o1ae, " by Jas. L. iEq., P. S. LToronto. The 3frein .utiidevas excellent. 3poot reprianutative and in1 i probably the best Convention ethbeen lbeld. The ctihurv as ovetflowing at aeveral of the .Mr. A. Dean and family bave j Michigani. The iauily wvill am iissed ini the sneighborhood. ing Miss Lucinda Dean, wbe valuable inember of the Mofth-f vira as pneseuted witb a y bouod Teacber's Bible sud hymnx book by bier frienâ inlx 'TLE.-Tha tlhnee lin- 7diseuse are the 5ix, ïs. Seo that tlsey pro- ions properli sud ume tter5 te imurne this pro- CARTWBIGHT. Mr. Wm. Iasantd son, who have beaun visitini' friands here, have returned te Fenelon...Miss S wair, cf Cavan, iii "je- iting frinds liere.... l'h'. W. Arthur Vancanip and Miss Maggie 'Swain wera united in holy miatrimiony on the 2jet inat., RFv. WI. Kenner oficiating .... The Sons of I3ngiand. had an entertainmenton the-23rd ist., which was ipronounced by Ail, the beqt of the seasoni. The procoeds amnounted ta about $100, and wveo for the beneflt of Mrýs John Uilliman, widow of a deceased brothier wbe was acciçetaliy killed a faewweek 3 ago. Miss E4una Goulter, Frankliin, and lir2, B,ý Syers, Cavari, have beeil visiting At Me. John Coute t'-,. .Mr. 1. Wilson, Cannlngton, bias been viaitiug at Mr. William Meludoo's. ... Mr. Robt. MoChil- lough, Tyrone, is home this week sick.. .It ha. bien decided te have an enter- tainniment aet the aphool in tlhis section, on Feb, I,3th. A gooçi programn, consistlng cf dialogusF,, reoitationtr, singing, club- swinging, etc., i. being prepared and an excellent time is expucted. Af ccv the proram bhas been rendered a lunch wifl bu given. . .. Mr. M. B. Mcedoo and Missi Maggie Méiondoa intond istarting for 'Vaecouvor, B, .O. fot nmontb. .. . Mr. Foater Scott and fawily moved away fromn lie this week te theur tnew home noir PRO VIDEZ4WCE, Missi Allia is giving good satisfaction, an teacher.... Mïis Eina Wood lias te. turned f romn a viit eznong friends i Lesk ard... .Mr. Jas. Smith who bas been sick for ix montha is net iniproving .... A nuruber cf our yourig peeple recentlýy spent a pleasant evening at Mr. Manning's,Tyr- oe.... Miss Susan Walsh who bas beu vany iii bas rocovered ... . Mr.Tbes.,Smale, Darlington'a popular Reeve is going te inuprove bis farux by puttiuiz stone stables under hiebs .. .. Mr. Byron Blackburn ii talking cf Lgoing ta the state of Ohio soopn,. .. Mr. Edward Daean as gene ta Bvitieb Coluimbia wbere he arrived aafe andi aennd and met a number of boys whio made him. fadl at home ini tha far off clime. S~ALEM. Prof. Kent, the great electrlc axperi- tuenter, gave an intereating lecture ie the echool bouse the othor niglit. While ho was mak-ixg the hair stanid on the dcll' bead, a picce cf plastering foll on oeeof the ladies but did not make ber bai' stand.. .Mr. Fred Hillilbas bought a flue herse lately. .. . Mr. Richard St-ephans is home frein Manitoba and lie speaka highly of that country . ...M3r. R. Bancroft, the peripetetlic uews gathercr,spent a fowdays at Mr. J. Berry's. . .. Mr. Rûbert Colla- cutt bias thresbed bis clover seed.. .. Mr. George Stephens has pnrchascd 3 acres cf wood freux Mr. Walsh and 4 acres froin Mr. Ralla, lanke, sud 20 acres froxmir. C. Hoar, Bethauda. Mr. J. Bsrry wil have a big run fort summer.... Mns. Gilbert Steverns spent a Vtry pleasani day on Tuesday lait lu KendÉaIl anong lier old acquiaintsnices,... Mv. O. fHansen basý mioved into Mr. G. Honry's vacant lieuse foreîerly eccupied bi' Mn, Ira Travellc. OBONO. Miams Euma Power bas retuvned te hem home in Foelen Falls. Mr. John Miller ba rotrned homie frein New York. Miss Polly Odeli sud Miss Tambuyrx have beex i vsitaig friends ii n nikillen. Miss Lillie licElbaw has retunud te 'lir home in Belleville. Mr. Pothick, Millbroek, waî visting at Mr'. William Batteu's las3t yack. Mr. sud Mrs. John Manning, Bowmau. villa, vare viaiting ut Mr. Rebt. Win- ters' lait week. Ovoneio odge, A. O. U. W. hld an<'At Ejome" in their Lodga ]oin, on Friday nxizt. Mr. Jas. Cla pperton sud sons, of Balti. more, visited bis brother.în-law Mr, W. A. Boddy, recuntly. Mr. Geo. L. Rac, la very ili at bis hoe in Toronto, with tliypoid forer. He ia under the cars of Dr. Carvethi. Mr. Wells sud Misses Clava and Eva Donnelly, Bowmsuvllle, wera the guens of Mrva. Daucastor ]est week. A large party gatbored at the Prasby- tcntan Manie 'riday lOtb iust. sud on- joyed a social evening. Rer. Mr. Me- JKoei vas th~e racipenli of a weil werded sud kindiy addresî, vaad by Miss Maggie Cocville; et the saine lime Misa Jaunis Culvile, bn the niaise cf the cong-regation, pres.i4ted te Mr. Meeu a vAlaîna fur coat, sud 1Rra. MeKAe, a handseeonoseal skia~ mxuff, àMn. McKeexi erpressed bib.. self as gratified St this kindly reineux- braxice of bie vife aud hbmseif. Mr. Jas. Huxiter acted as chairui a andMr, Gea. Waddell made a capital speech. Msers, J. Simpmon, Angus Staîker, Dr. Ruther- ford, Mnu, MelCeen, Misses Jaunie sud Carrie Cclviii., coutribnted te the aveni- iug's entertaiinmeut vith neadinge, songe an(d lit ncumetai music. The ladies of the caugnegaitioni prepared a aumiptuoxis supper for the9 occasion. If yeu b.d caken tva of Carter's Littia Livri'Pille baera rütiriug yen vould net bave bsad t4at coated ton( ue or c at ijoen mouth titis wrung. Ke vawitb yen fer eccasional use, CLJ RKE UNIONV. 1 mis8s Melliss SOUCI], of BruBssls, Who lias beau \tisititig at,hler unclo's Mr. Chas. Seucb, is still proLougin,ý licr visit ainong hei, niany friands.... Mr. John tsusk'ii youngest daugehteris la ici.... We con- geatuiate Mr. Colitiol)Viil on01h'ts sucaes. in passirug the Euatrario exawination... Quite a nuruber freux bore attended a sur- prise party at Mr R Hiocs, Lake Shore, on Wednesday eveuing lait, where a vary enjoyable timne was speut till the wes sma hours. KIRBY. A very pi sjspt aQci>1l gatheriug toek place Friday avening l16th inst., at the house of Mr. Josiephich.ipnlltn, jr, Soma fionda asseibed tt 4lr conyult»biena to the hast sud botes.i upon their racent; mavriage. After allibad gatbared Mrý Chapxian and bis vife wafipremented with~ au addrosa, accomxpauied by a Toa-set and Album. oengratulatory speeches vwere madla by Me3surs. Billbnce, Bircb, Aif. Ohapman, snd ethers. The remaixader of the oeaning was very plemastly spent la~ music, recitations and gaines, A large part of the onýjoynlnt of thce vening wam due ta the efforts cf Mr. Wm, Jaokasox, of Orouo. B A YDONV. Mr. Samxuel SIemnon led the service on Sunday in the absenice cf the malinter. . .Another pioncer and respected nigh- ber bao psssed away-Mr. Thoa. Mount. joy-after a very short ilîne2s. The aor- rowirig fanmily have the s3yfupathy of the ccmmxunity. . . . Yisitora : Mvr.sand 1rs.' W. H..l3anbury, cf town, et Mr. Bsoad's; Mr. and Mrs. Tape, P'ort Hope; Mr. aenê Mrà. Walsb, of irbby; Mr, and Ms., Creeper, of Hlampten, at W. Il. Creeper's. ...The Newcastle whi-skey seemced ta be oo Estroobg for thosa #lxê attouded the races freux lie... .Mr. J>is. Mountjoy's waed-bee wasa a ucceas, judgli« '(rmu the' nunbon of tearpi, Miss M. Everson anid Miss Littlejohnii have retiued f rou Mevfieil, mue1h nîcased i wth thoi ix,~sà. .. Mr. anA Mrs.~ ,Jas. Oc)urtice, Win. El versQfl> Jov. a8 Liddy aned S. 0. 1firnJpbug. Mr. John' Penfound o.ccupied t hdohaîÀýr and i a neat speech atidted the objteot of the meetig. At the close the petition referred to last week waý birculatedl and after the meet- ing wa% left ini the hands of Mr'. J. Little- john3 for more sanaturee. A large numn- ber have stte.ched thoir autograph. Good Sne Disease iý largoly thte re*tîlt of impure blood. Toý purify th;ý bl'i.ad, is3 to cura the diseie ! A3 a blod)c-purifier and vitalizer, Dr. Pierce's Golden N1edical Digoovery sands head and ehouldera above auy othet, hnowni spcifie! ta power in titis direction is nothing short of'wonderful. GusrantetA to beýnefit or~ cur~e in every case, or money ;efunded. DftE&IUFIL PSORIASIS COVERINGNIE B o»Y wrnaWUiiTz 1,c Fs ýuFEiUiNG FxiAlwvL. CUtRED Y CTICR pages. 50 ilunstraiu n40 Ii~i~'. n PLES. blaokheadis. red. rough, chapped SIM and c0113,]Ain curp4 d>' Ouiui oa' Backaehe. kldney Pais, 'weakç, ness. rheumatUsm and I"àj f5S.Pains reieved la une minute by h ~WÇutaura nti.Pie I~aste . THRE lO Ne nTPima siedyfor lwtrxma Ocf ally Ind ln chIldrea or utt han Dr, tIe's WorM Syrlip. Imm, 1

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