1.50 PER Âiqum OUR TOWN¶ AND OOU1XTY 1MTB-.- WORLI APTERWA.RDS. M. NumBZB 649, BOWMÂNVIIJL1E ONTARIO, WM SDAY, J.ANUARY 21, 1891, V E Qttapeasant tine wase epent jq, the OU" 4ünay moirning the hotise of Mr. Our comnunity waes snprised to hear U'OKauTA tK/N 0 Oýio I LUMRk? >S4RYILJ look iùitod~ in the bands of matrirnony, àî.l The _whole family hIad a vory in.'Iaw f Mr. W. Gilbert. Mr. John his eldlest daiughter, Mary Mr. B. Whitlock nres~&e Mr. Shýtrpa hifiSiqof bý ibot Miss e Jnnie Smiithi and Miss gr anid Mr. F. H. Fairweather of the ctty of iîgal fitly burrued, while one of ilhe ohil- FEtt, Gilbert attendedi the fnrl ....de Tor-oiuto, in the presoce ot about fifey in- drefl burned to a crisp. .James Parr is now settled i hii new th, vited frý,idi4. Tho youug) couple to)k MrSharpe was laid up at the tireme -s hik it muoh botter than the in the evenitig train at Myrtie fur their f u- wth severe att,%ck of asffhma, and but old oeac.... Mr SArnupl Gilbcrt i,4 recov- ed -ture home iu the city, followeci by tihe for t eroi-, exertiona of hits wife, who oring frorn hi late ilInese. ... gWe congrat- A best wisheg of lier stumerous fiends for hacl 'iaf ojry and haif drgm, -- fromn ulato Mr. Luke o Ptter on the addition their future hlappinease. The wedding pra- the lijile, whie the fiuies gainied rapid ta i ' iya ayby NIlsente were numerous. handsomne, usefnl bonda& , he wouild undoub tedly hive o_____________y oy.fa f fi 1fiUand vaioable. She tauglit the infant peri.e d The other ehidren were got *bz les l the Sabbath school Ptud was the out, v , dianclty, but one of themn it was Prompt relief in eiok headeoihe, dizzi. C drurist whe aaed aoutthel. gi. soidiere ini the Soudan Smiall dose. Smalt pili. miert or eales of Haod'a Sareàpariiia. wera. pplied with St. Jacobs Oil. osBilA WA. t DRUM-v-M.N VERS. Ho.~i ~F Mr. Blake Ocurtice ie taying a woek eat Bargains in All Departments mliT. H. Miller hias acoepted a position W -d-, atule.s Magter Gorge Scott W iMr. F. W. Fleet's drug store, Toronto and Mary eCtllougli of au: school in Torozt.., .Mr. James Peekin, Moore- et Mn. and Mn.. Chas. IJunter viited Upo4 au sile',am", h ;ecet1outanceield lias bot iiwnding up soma lbusine8s s frt en x e e k .Mrs. Edward Oarawell recntly ... .Miss ea o e ldatMîtboo. n.W. i thîm vicinity recefltJy.... .Mrs. Brooks W fo tene tfeBee. BE. Rowae, Peterboro, ha. beau visitý H. tUt ,m opened ohool Jan. 5, but in vieîting ini Bowaianville. .The ânu-m i ingMes. E. . Rowee ... .Miss May Swift, o 'I4.dthe prevalence o the miiiiipgthe a meeting of Ebenezer S S. for teeet Toronto, was the goest of Mise Mary atteiiaaoe-il snaallerthau uul,. Af ino mesadtacesweledt Hambly .... Mien Smith, Woo)dville, lias ter a ý uîzgad painful illue8s, Miss Sadiu week, wben aIl theolad staff was re eicet-A been visiting Miss Masson .... Mr. An- By4rb- paseed away. Al jo0111 Mex- with the addition of one teacher and an R. aieil lias returned ta town. . ..M4r. W. te vasypathy ta the bsreaved faiiy. assistant Librarian and assistant Secrpt- cc Henersn nd amtyPeerboro, vwere ... large number froua hore atteùded day- enin an. is di u w ieet ng Xoods, B] anik ets, F urs, Over- guesteo Ms.Jnd H"ylanSPlet wek thebe, ýtt cial at Lotus lest Thursdday wiy c oluing Jan 23rfarphe meeting r , ~~~~~~~. . Mesaro. 0. H. Thomptan and J. M., and port a good tiare. Bid quieker behd tbnesefrteisu- Woeh halvea acepted ituations in Peter-' next 'une, boy@... Misioge h n :o TtalProhibition andi signig ad 3 an ai vv nue A1. bra.. .ev.J* su Mn Taten ber1 ebor ' spent h o hysam' Total Prohibition petition which we un, a; tended the funorai of Rtev. W. H.Lairsd, her h e ,ienear. . .Great ereitemea3it pr - tes h eln f the country oai thilse in Hamilton.. .. Messrs. F. P. Philbrlek vala ke aven the approaching election, imotn usin-oea rmnn cold at Greatly REDUJCED ndJHGenofNwYrwrthonti2&.t ilhev-aê nte sudJ. ~ ree, o Nw Yckwee tre n ~6d, a iiithevaanj sute itortsatqestienon $ev ea p arnt gueste of Mr. L. J. Maxwell 1a week.. Provn iai Parliament. Both adatsctenhaebo eggetaakpitq ýs. .- Sheldon Thom paon hl e 1h umb and are ait#zly oauvasaing aud a close run le inO the discussion. Everybody invitod. Cu Ilin.. fingere of hie left hand ont on a cir»e- e d. -..At the recont soo-nieting . i cularisaw, while at work in the factony Mr. . o outer was uunimously ra- THiE POPULATIONOPai' OWMÂHVILLU 15 of MoLaughlin Carniage Co .. .. Mr. sud elect ;-tustee for anothen terni. about 3,'50, and wo should amy a et bas Mes.,Win. Minis clebrated their Golden onhaulaf are troubled with soai affection ~- ~ ,wedding on Janury 13th. They were jLI+bpgative reried les are fast givipg of the Throat and Lunga, as thase coin. presented with a gold headed cane, a pirwa? 'ýhe gorille action. aud mild offaets plainte are, aczording bta stetisticq, mono fi of gold. immed spectacles and a gold ring.-o r' Little Liver Pille. If you try numeroie than othens. We wouldi adviee an _______thént. .ey will certainly please you. al aur eceare t taegieot ithe oppor- be ;re aid outone ot f L dieS Wea- ees ad iflaed lclaindcat tunity ta eaul on thele druggiete and get a po re ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a la diumpulr f a ie e coesndinf the lod. adoTe XZD4Lbottie of Remp's Belsara foar the Throat o- .1. i..,boit conaedy is Ayer's Sarsparilîa. Il m- 0-13 Ptton, asr. intends eIIig - sud hunke. Trie fra Lrge battis :et~ e so u ati.in .uo ar ~italaes h.bod regulates the secret- ou e ie~tt et. e 50z-and $1. SoId hi ail dr-uggibs. -nc _______________________________________atlons and, expebie al ecrafulous huirre0, a' _. :s rsa l heo e. -Sa froua the systei. Ti-y il. Pries $1. TIr-o 1 th's branch store haro.... .Mr. HAMPTON. go orUiZ~ Wrt ~~ i~ - - wm. i of 1Bolt6on, ias been, baydfng * .J. Harrig, CoaQkgown, w visit.:9 By ùt tb.ey mrust be sold i:FRtiefcia giettIica&j 1 - ,ý nsatap~i eaBil-~ 6y, ~ JhNST N4 DY r u theag rforhlas gbe u- -Chicag so -etheànl s M. ll tea ur tp(treead augdIMFte)te H fniend~~~A. R.Bowmvi ale -*. buMibouta aef .rtiamns ening -ciwe.inclnS, tafbeuta the a arowm aanlwe M Hnrcnty ~- un. ickMnrd oh otnaistutofte pauyatindl h nw aienx _____________ - ~~Mies EAda ll ulis been egaodis y tiinggatMn.dams Hrarte or iu -. At he socia. On ntahoen- - teaher n ~ecaste yoool.6k ier uulest w r. N eledtewarprive-ip the T. onadifaB owniaibe theP The Mr. lsmuiiltrnn Kennedy. MilIbro)ok, ilog biatleuing ta an abla sermon by ga"ve a very able and interesting lecture w .2 iM XIIXIIlias beeon visiul et A . R Gauiîeby'si. Re .îLeslie iu the Presbyterian churcli entitled "-Rocks on wiiich Young Men 1I L X Le a d j ng Miss Addio Moulton lias ruturued ta 0, - ;dey 111himat, frum the 4th chap- 'flic he ttendanceswae emabi but - hibyColee.tocr Daniel... ,Service ilut1h. Method- overy oeepresent waes elighted witli the Agricultu rai Journal in Canada,. a.JudNpiewsvsttg11 ciwecuutdbM.A ak lecture. Shiould Mr Jollifs- favour us THE FO .L WIO IS 0 D PA TU Mr. Thos. Raopdr'a 1maI week. son,, the-abeene. of the pastor. again lu the near future we will gu3rai- du r.Wm. Armstrong attended Districtteh otrM.W ýNT8: ouci, R. T. of T, ab Cobourg. - T- -H NDS0NEST LADY uI aWM -Gilbert, B -îîevile, p.iS us a lying viait ~~~ural~~~Mr S.e. FraaS id adna rhr, cm Dobeon of Wawawessall Man., VILre markeS te, a friand the other day lest week. Starting on tire ratura trip i ýua1:Tte, Fam ndFil, arenardOrhad, caehome ta attend liii father'e fiunerol. thfa Flacknew Kemip's Balsani for the beoela'an -.ieWigro rh aryin Sepan vi, BcOs and 1Honey, Miss Sarah MeMýahan, lias heen visit- Thri. t anS Lange wae a4 superice romedy, bfr tedw....M~i satulgrdayfand l lIoime Crlc Hclean cHersesu ty ad ets Cattier.J.P. ilauitrys.as abtidd lPretsi ingisantty Mee.hw J.c P.ol iWibiiapnt asona an S y1usi. 014*:rý_Iz-S1.00-INLMr. RbertFirzpatrick anS wife of OaI _ ougli romedies liedno effeet what- Sunday lier..--- Mr. Webley JolI retient- t 'l iy soid hie nice driving mare at a good id for List tof Premiums and Sample Copy free, Addtes- Fairfax, Man., "former rosidants of thie 0v Sa toProve thia and conviiice yo i'ure rt ~~~ ~~place, are viating their many frieude. o sent i-dug Isl 1give yenu a c_________ ' '-ANA IAN,5 J rdanSt.TORO TC) The S. cf E. Baenevobenrt Society since sa -ebottIe.Free. ýLarge sizo SOc ud $1. A boytcad on theburning dBek, their organization hao about ene month --unwil,'y. toa, 'Lire ald' , ago, uow nuwiber 40 memibere, . - NE W HA FEN. For, with tlxe famt aporoactiing fliame. ilM. and Mrs. E. Maos, and Mr. . LE. o sleiisîng ln opr locality .... Mn. sH ianyewid er lclely Sd M ma18 9 IN Ricardsn, f Bomanille an Mises , -Unmtndful of their fate. Li a*u 9i 4hwen.o omniie iSMiss~ illanisnmade a flying viiltlihrough Till. step by step. Grim Doath camnes un mlE Addie anSdIRlida Waltor, of Tyrano, l"s- be . at wek...,Mr. R. O. Short is on And thon, aiase! tooi at ! 1 IV 19 9 T l AU0' ted Mr. Wul. Wallons receiïtby. th c-k listI..,.,Denpstor Bros., dravers, Far aiser. sureiy, woui it seem. t The new omeiers of Onono Lndga R. T. When his approach we seo. of T., are. S. O.-Geo. Shields; P. C.- elle ior)oly lively iitia the farnmee s t With "PiencEe' Pellets" anelilu haid l DILSPCSI G If E IS S TIey jboughit a carload of cattle Ta T5nish aid 'G; D," 1 D1~~JN~IG HEiIITl.Wn. Arnîsteong; V. O.-N* F. H141; f0h Monitreat market..,*,Mr. Jamres Pience's Plamiant Pelleta have remark- fr Glsp.-G. M. Lonv; Roc. Sec.--Mie P i orfed pn s able powor ta correct sUl physical de- Tourje; Fin. Sec-W. W. Truil; Bonifi a m',- gustast -week. GlaS tal ses him, rangements, thue wardieg off diseese thast ontof Rikseke's orume, ottedand]3Ik. cary Sc.-R. Moment; Tre.-D. A. numiiber of liorses iu this vîcinity ara wauld suroly falloan. Parely vegatahie, ,., HormiS-O. J. Linghsoxi; Geard a d. aeîithdistempr... .Mr. sud Mes.phantataepfotyhmes hamois, Sponges, LodgeuMosas. N.F. Haletud.. Mcii'Gril, of Oeliewa, are visitin g îl itl oehugitm'l ospr Sholde Brcesget. Mis s . .E . GonnlDlgaesta Rand L t ie e....- .Snowden Brg .fect help b im ie of rueed-cheaIing the ( Teofcradtacoeo e ei-c' ln oegont. wor eebusdoctor and robbing the grave As a liver( Todicranud 'ay cherslofoc18th e;th w,,t,-thele claver ral.... .Farmers are piblliohy are uneqnalied. Suiklortchomp- Î N. dst ch-r.. Momnt;So.-. . Imlres; gettiug up Ihoir wood andi changing et, asaleet te taire. Ont) s dose as a lei- -~~~ .0 a ~Sutre.-W, Momnt Sc;b.-.J.Sta t ms-ganfa l ul eaa' ca ative, blrae.or four as a cathartie. Tiny * rwr; Bbl1CmesTecbI-R Ko.;<- P IHilenbee-, ie Go*r n gr-coeted granules. lu vials; 25 cents. r