Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1891, p. 4

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Goods Yý s jpI A8 ()N I LCOCK'S. aries very1 special vaue. WUMNVILLE~, JÀ'Y 419. 1 LIBERAL CON VEINTION. conivention Of rais every- one, nane in, and choose ion 'Concerniing thoîe ta take agü.ate8 will ba ess M r. W. T. ary of theQOnt- Btelon Club, U~ND. Wil'haartily thiank the subseribers wha have so proiiptly responded ta our appeal for paynient of subsoriptions te Till STATESA and other papers whichi they ordler with our paper. The dollars Ihave oely just boagun te roll in lively, for yes- terday's mails brouglit us the 1i rgest 1nmber received in oe day thie year' and our distant subecqribers are net bahind subscrib)ers in W est I3urhan.M'eV expect -t great rush cf ordeurs the next two weekzs. Evcry dollar helps te m1-ake up tha $1,500 r' quired by Feb. 4, and we are delighited wvith thao response thus far. 1sense ilote tlîat we 'will not acept less than ql-for THE STAT1E,'-uANý for oeayaar, but that wa accept 80 cents fer ai)y othor dollar paper CIlubbed With THESrrs~~ For instance, ?1,80 pays for Taz STATPS- ~riand Weekly Globe, Empire, Mail, Witness,or Farnlly Ilerald, etc,; snd $2.60 payse for TUE ip. We,~Vekly Globe and WV;inss9 or any other twe dollar pa- pers. Thus ymiu stve 20 cents on each paper ordecd with Tirr STATDSMNAN. We want yeu teordvier %Il the papers yen ttika through us. Do netseond postage stamps. Pont office ordars are boetter, and up te 84 they aost only 2c. Forward your subseription ini timne te gat yoiîr namne on next . weaük's list. Rasuenîber we hava ne agents, Al subserip)tizoi.ý muet ba sent or paid te M. A. J.inîs, Ptlblishler, STÂAsF..,ftSPtIBLISHINO iiotSE, Bowmianville, Ont. COITY 0F THEI DEAD." Dtiringu the pabt ytar death bas re- moved froni aur mid,î e large numbcr of both younç, and ld. Fullowing is a l" af thosa laid at rest ils BeW.î atvil;e'a beaiinitil IlOity of the Dead," ith çdate ofai b ee.eansd relitiîoiehijp in sanie cases 3ed-Aruîta E. Aniella, é. JI hn 4,. MvanLiing, 9 year8, diphêhaeria, 5>i-WViliena, d. W. Alo"alieaël, 3 week,,dipbheria. 5ýh-Jühn Uùar, 71, chrertia tiârrhoeî. I hMsi D., d. late Rev. H. J, .Nott, 18,, typhoid fever. Sth-I-Rald, m. J. G. Manning, 3,1 9 ~h-haarold, s D B Fogg, 6, diph. llth-Gewria Irexie, d. W. H.- Duatan, 3 mouths. whocping qouglh. Ith-T. T. Colemlan, 66, ptieuinonia. j 18&h-Jahn Brown, 50, scarlee fever~. 21at-Thea. Bovwden, 67, la g-ipre. 1 Sth-Vera, d. tL' .Gale, $ mo., ban ferEr. 8îh-Thomas, B. Thos. Geijiter, 3 me, 12th-Nellie, d. J. M. Jrncsý, 22,pneu- 121li-Eliza Jaîxe Kerslae, '.3, heart diseame. 19tli-Jeawxie, w. Ree Warrakcr, 29, consumnption. 3id--Aairon1buckler, 7$, SuffocÂted willh gis in Mnrs 4th-Xrs. Riecb. Jienningý, O,iinsatiity. 9.hi-Luay Baîthett, 51), taucer, llth-{awê*rd, s \isýoniI Power, 10 nMe., InflanIatî?nù f luII's. llth-velind.1,John ;Ayre, 14 uic., l3th-Arthur L., :i, Albert, Stock, 18 ii:, braiii foer. l9thi-Aiinle Raihkiu, (1. %. .J.Taylor, 4 wý-eLq, il,filntile diSekIsa. '22nd-John, 'S. Wirr(-i, 3, croup. 25thl-JIol)rtae 51, conuIuinptive. '25h-Sýrah E , d1. J.D, Fl-tcher, 1t r 9 ne., cr up. 27thi--IEiabella, d A'lanMo t,,>n auumpth ni OCTftEt. 6th-Mary Ann, w. S,&ra lýishleig'i,î3, heart diseaso. lth-Mýorley, H. W. Hmly ,diph. therip. 2(ith--Mary Greexiwaocd, 85, congestion cf lung8. 2lat-'Mary, wN. Neil Silitb. 745, gen debility. 31-Jamesg Roblin, 71, dropped dead. NOVE'I il 20-Dariel Curniib, 54, cancer. 21-Annic, w,.NY. A. Jackmin, 28, cauple 11ot stabed. 25-David H , 4. David Dâreh, , yrm, 9 mûs , diphtheis. DISCEMTI. 17-M.iaz'y Auv, d, LewAii Quicir, 30, caume flot S'ated. 21-ErestM. MIRYL-Avie, 5 yeurs, u'Iala$al tever 22-John Bo!t tîr;l, 02 kze.. debility. 28--Winnifred May, d. TJQfn Uarchi., 6, scartt fever (Cutinedfto ftstpage.) John Mile,4, contracter and builder of Toronto, was an extensive prize. takaer on Brahnma fowl aud Langshans, and wvas highly delighted with tha traatuiettlho received. Tie was strongly ini favor of the show heing held haero aiiother year. It wa8 a pleasure to nmake hie acquaintance.- Mr. Mason very gracef ully declined the presidûey for a second terni and the As- sociation sowdexcellent judgnrt in thair coice of hie succesr. Mr. J W. Dutton is one of our citizens., who spared na effort to nmake the show tlîis year a de. cided success, and lha will miake an active J.0 LBle a oxly Ninner cf, semai excellent prizes on his Langsliaun and Rocks, but lie was ueaof the Ivôrkers te, and de8ervos a share of crodit for the succeas of the show. Proniiiient among the gentlemen not before nieiitiozied. whose connection .with. For the Woncierful $uccess of Hooc's Sarsaparilla, the Most Popular andi Most Extenisively SoId Medicine hl America. FlHood's Sarsaparilla posýýssses great nicmdicinal merit, wvhich it pbsitively demonstrates wlieni fairly tried. 2 I is eimet ecenonmical, being the o nly iedicine of which Il"c D~oses One Dollar" can truly be said. 3 It je prepared by a Conination, SPropo~rtion and Proces Peculiar to Itself, tinknewn to other prepaxatians, and by which aIl the medicinal value of the variotis logredients le securedl. 4It effects renarkabIe cures where 4atheir nedicines have titterly faileci to do any gooci whatever. It Lt l a nmodern medicine, originated b y exp-rienced pharmacists, and still varefully prepared under their per. sonal supervision. 6It la %zeay, clear and beautiful in Waperance, pleasant te take, and always of equal trength. It Ltlas proven itself te bc positively 7 the best remedy fer seçmful~a and ait blood çisorçlers, and tlie hait tonic for flhat tired feelin~g, lossocf appetite ýand general debility. 8It le unequalled for curing dyspepsia, 8sick headache, bil1eusxie'ss, catarrh, rheumatisrnianîd ail d oese f the kid- neys anid liver. It lias a Ugood naine at hoine, there Sbeing mneaof Reod'r, Sarsaparilla seld i Loell, 'Mass.,, where it la made, than of ail other sarsaparillas and Wlood puriflers combined. ~ Its advertising le unique, original, I onest, and tharoughly backed up by, the inedicine itself. A Point for You. If yen want a ~blood purifier or strengtheniug medicine, y'ou should get the best. Aek fer l-oed's Sarsaparilla, and insist tupon baving it. Do net let any argument or persuasion influence yeu to buy what yeou do not want. Be sure to get the ideai medicirie, Papers, Magazines, Journ ais, 20 JTACK FR0OST says 'J t's time to get your heavy Footwear. We are READY with our colc-weather bargains. TUE1 TEIE THE n, ail etc., etc. Styl~e. ciple -Fair 49. ne, W, 69, la grippa. , coiasucuption, Jm n okige13V,, 55, consuwptioil. t, 45, consiptioD. J. M. Cobblediek, ainisworth, 89, aid age. te, w. W. Freernan, 31, y' Jeffery, 61, jaundice. lrewford, 63, tumrerin Botterel, 29, censumption. y Conian, 5,11, ongettion of bleMurtry, 79, paralysis. d, . Gea. RItgare, iyr. ,r Lewis, s. T. Vanstane, lth-Sarah J, td. Jais. T. Reanile, 1 yr. 10 meo, inflamnmation of lungo. 10t-Albert, . Jas. AllUn, 10, inflam- mnation of 1uflgs. Il ti-Jam4. taples, 87, aId ae. Ih-onTrick, M, gen. dk-bility. 21t-~i~J., d. Wilson Ade ma, 20, e ney for ta securs a lively boy in tbis loca seli theýr faimsu weekly. THIE PRESS lu tha most popular and the lt atselliig papet s ini the Statem. Ittin aupiplied te dealers oc liberal terme, the 0( impany t8kiu ail unsold copies and requirirg Pa arily for euch papers as are seld. Only ana boy ia appointed in a iie the boy thut write. first, givir business rcfertîxcea, wilI prabablyj agancy. State how tinany paper think yeu eau aell et fiva cents emi they wl et once ba forwarded, re youin tiie for Sturday 1sales. A THE FEEEPRESS Co., Deî,roit1 Anyone aon writing for it enn gt a seu DQN"T AAIT Until the laSt Is iing to bu.y your Christmnas a resents. Start now. & Cail at the West End flouse Bo begin witii. They have ar.- cles both usoftil and orna- NP~ copy cf JTUE FREE P ±±i~RSS re. New Frillings, DREADFUL PSORIASIS New Kid Gloves, CovUFoEi.tiBNu FAtiENew GetsTies, Cuitai> y Cl t. 'M dsese(pr!sý)flstbrkoûjýNew SiIk IHandk'fs, let helc ojrasti cret brj M 1c e o n d i afmt coV, rain r my f1 tr n o s eya a'Llles co'lg i' L s h ai1 ,dn tO o 0 m y s T i p rex resfo VX mahcLIt ayltote.I t inasarl .11 ls U tin p re prs w. Johin Cle, 62, inllam- 28th -Jamýs, s. Alfred IHuggins, 82nme., iuflaiatien of hua gi. 28 h-Harriet Lee Nicholî,42, pWihisis. MAT. 5th-Douglas, s. Thin. Barrett, 19, cons8umj,* on, 6th-W. Allison, M.D, 85, old age. 0*h-Lania, d. Thos. Payne, 11.ni. i,.flamiin of ailongs. llth-G'xofdon, sn. Casey Trull, 2 yr. 3 Ili' ,,inflammation, of longg. l2thi-Ja,. Colvile, 76, zen. debility. 13t't-Tlios. Hardy, 76, heart diseape. 17th-Liliie, w. Robt. Taylor, 27, con- 20tli-lizabeth, w. Geo. Gardiner, 83, la edý p1w M 26 -F'vaY.ii L., w. Leslie Staples,24, f~ -ver af ter pietura birthi. 3dEl»Newsonie, 58, dropsy. -14th-Edwin Charies, s. W. H. Hoar, etone era. 22nd-F~lorerice, w. W. Curtis., 22, con- Bumptioli.t 25th-Ruth Blinoli, 73, decline. 27th-Atnîa Ayres, d. Jas. T. Pollok, 2, accidtnt, JULY. lat-Francis3 Scott, 404, eonsuinptiou 4th-Jauo, w. Sami. McCiellan, 73, olsJ age. llth-Fred. Chie., s. llarey Colemanu, 6 nia., nmeales. 25th-blra. Thos. Bowde,6U,pstrsjyois. Olt-Wilbert, a. JaeiE iokard, 2, jyzentery. AVQu"ý. Ord.-Gertie, d. 1Rbt.Adsie', 3, bilious Grocery depart- New New New tradeo. Situcers na ware ordered -eries of al and pure. AIso a Maynard's Foi Why the people of West D>urham abould dea1 l wtl hiin. A~re the remouis ï Rsd4 thexm over and call at his s~tr, Kig8treet, Bowanvi aide jewelry etore in t wxi) and he wfl ooavince you that they are. 1 lot. Deauaise ho buys for epot cash, thereby givlng his eustomers th ash diraoun~t. 2iid. B3eoause lie buyu drect from the maufactiuera (in i ny saving the jobber's profit. 3rd, I3eaauso 14e expenscm are very iow, therefaore hoai aefnord addoesasell chwap. 4tlh Rocause ha being a thoroughjly practojical an, ho kirawg how to buy, when to buy, tind where tu buy, thoeafore can suit the tase faetidioa, and the pocket-b~ookd of sll. 5th, Bucaiiae ho lias no ehopzwc»ru goods, but al riew, brglit mbkng hie IBig Bargaiea Boo» ta »uyeo atc hes, Clucho, Jewûl wae. ome jeu~rly aieu etre your oboice. People's Populaz, Pric ManVa'Jewelry Store. CýeIepairiug in ail ifs branchas. -4 US- M- - T-M -- nM Dry Goods Cylinder, UçiLTposei Cah'adAndj Laxdiue O'Il S1 t' s' Tyrene, Il 'i P'ort Granby, Breokliu, Biackstocçk COsac c(-utie il le

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