Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1890, p. 8

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I p ,ustemni. - t Call and ,eeme. acc,.1 >(l in m6sn NOSWO EDITeaL r4ATESMtN.-AS yuiack for articles from old sefflèrm, 1 aénd anu mci- Should be in lvery Homei. dent which 1 have üftén heurd xny fether relate: Mo)re thatn 90 yoare ugo Toino--NoTO DA I'SGIIT Îa leap, niy fathér eéitleçi thut part of the Town- wholesùme and itnproving. Thé illustra- shirt of Clarke then ciledc thé Niné Mile tiens une nurrerous, artjetij, Iiumoros Woods. Hoé had a litile ready mouoy sud tirnély; thé lace of thé gréat mon and with hLmi, which, hée invsed iu land ai womeén of thé décade and reproductionc $10 au acre and undér. 0e the lautiliéetof elebraîed paintinga being thé keadLitg firsi purchaed tisère were oly two acres piciorial lest unes. Thé articles ou thse elèsred. Ré clcéred as utuch ef thé land questions ef thé day are admuittedly of a as hée wiehed te crop, by job werk sud rau higit ciscs. Musical matièreq, thé drama, thé ri.ck eofpaying for clearng iug tLh thée u , % hu scal nqlie ets firet erop, wisteh héli alwaye diti. Ssortly enîsegedni ut of the> mid and eultivâtioli a! ter eettlirv, héewauited. a litilo credhit, ef goodl habite, je made s feature of thý and.sith grutt iflcWlt ildttcod F. W., excellenit publicattions. Tva erit? f1 e ot thé vi lage of Port Ilopc, or wliatéven alWeys et absorbing iniecécst but purein t lie place was called, te t>,nt hiu until toute and by thé béat suthore, are te be ntter barley harvoatý. Bofuré thé barléy£)Uund ill. ATURDAY NOITadare c' was al harveaièd, hée gel a sharp letter riglhe cf thé bét English publicaltilons11 froue F.&W. aayiag., thatif liadid notbriag which havé neot app"end iLi Canada. Tht> the bsley lorig et on e hwoulcl.eue indépeudénce atîd ofed cs ttoue do Wmin. My tather without delay threshéd chairalenistie cf this paper hec niadé t out, his barley on thhe br fl,3or wth thé, pernnoal aâviser of ie nreaders anq thé herses, thierco wéné no threshig tachine cnu tahin wiheeet x iii thé country until years aller sud bt,eîwéou thé néadérs of SÂ1T1JRIL'AY NJUILT lannéreidalthir bresliiag wth he(rséed, sud litre, i3 eértain!y unique. Sub- oxen un;] fl?.it. As -U012 as the barle.y was scribe fir i, prnicé $2.00 péýr annuum, ither pneparýed foi-r4akez amy lt malea t . your éealr' or by en,1tng yýunr naft on tise laké ehre tm.d hipped ics bar- mouejy draect co Thé epprdPulish- lcy Lu Port Hopew, Dning thé voyage a in, Coiipany Linied, oate. h.oavy tuini rn eoc ou theé aké sud daml- 1 agd hic barhey v2ry mauch. F. &,, A$5 otg pleaýeédwih oyfthcr'eproulptuéese, A$5 otg wéîghLwd thé ed, water andi ahli sd al- or is iequivalcut in,cý,sh will hb giente) loivèd ihii thé f ull vegh. Just fit furor iepee detécti!cg té réateosi Durnbe 1iiaiugw" soya F. & W,, "Conontud tIsai ttererf (word.s wrongly apcld on tatas- ltter, thté arvu8m ne ngi"That ended placed) àLu Ibe Deembr iaeeOf "Ou rily faflher'c cbfliulty in obtaining crédit, HoM tes." luadd o Llbt ivon twvo Ra s i1Ei ethin but our ýfeenDore up cash IlPlisé,ef etS200 each, four ( 'Lens, $100, Nwit litetit aud madeé rnocey. h requirez élghi of $50, t-mof e t'2 .ïutv'éyt i.véof agreauCiitoe iciurtige a per3oun de- $10, fllcy of $5, eue hcnd1réd of ,$2,, aud tcýLnmüud te cucceed. TPise Me-Kinièy Bill eue huudred surd fity cf S1, distribuied Wout di) il. So-q o0F.AN Ocu SETTLRcn. Luthé order mitnoçd u nes and reg- - -------- lationa, which ujîl bé sent withi a copy Dr. Williaams' Pink Pilla curés Sap- 4f Deoemhéer issue ou receipi ef là) cents pressions eoflité période, Femnale Wèak- Lu clamipei. SpéciÀalcash I)ri-e. given né08s, N rvouauéce5,, Headache, etc. They awy almeeit evény day durinig cor.poti.tiou never fath; good for both meu aud vwneè. wlîich cossFebruary 1lai, 1891. Addür e ss A trial will convirice. Ouar, osia SPubllihibng o., Brockyillo, Yen hiandly réalise tisatiti i utfciné, ad when îak;ing Cater's Litfle Livér Pila; tisej rv yiýïy--ni o Daà effet; ail CoLD WAynEs are3 predictéd with Zreiiablé âuieles froint orpLd iver are roievecd by acuraüy, sud peopflé hablé te) th,é pains3 tjtoîr use. and aces et ofrhcumatâi rn rpad. cvery changé te deetp or ermiy geetli,,r. Ai. Cartwrigh.t Counoil. thughfi ood's Sraall is net éiiaimèd te hbs3 psiavespécifie for rht.ma-tiertt, Couineil met Dec, . L Membors ail pré- thé reîuiiarkaléa unés- it has éffectod show sent. Mn. Edward Ginu applied for indi- that i Ly be takén for thie comiplainl gent aid te Wmn. 1Hughe,$4 wés granted wth reasouable eértainty of b~eIt.lis Ordere were passed as follow:-,tndi' action l uutalzig hésidclif thé gents-. Wmi. frNally, $-2 ; Rubt, Edger- blood, nIticli is thé causael hef tai' ton, $6-, Mm. RiseiciF, Mme, James Auinie, coneituiea thé sFecret ofthtis uecées ef J. Kirs'iuuand Wus. H{ughee, $4 cch- Uood'esera il.Il ye euir fia e28; A. Taylor, goode furinlhed J. AnLe, nleumstismi, give Heood's Sareaparilla a an imigni-$l,43ý; S. Devitt, work on faim trial; t wîLl de you gGod., quarter lino, éasc, as per cotract-$8,715; W,,cslorn2 MonntJov. eréetinit 30 rod3 wiré e~- - [-.$ - i, -etinog juron- t;YYi.Lucts5, lary us lrk sud selectiug. jurorc, n IVcKeo,servicea ase Reee-82O; ?iarr, services as D. Reeve.-?$25; oVi, srvjce"s -secouicilor-$'25; alilie, tiervicùs ne Oouiicilo-$ý25; ,aylor, cèrvicesas Ceuultcilor-,$Z5; adjourned te Monday Dec. 15ih. We. Lucus, Tp. Cierk. AUOTION TSA~LES. 'iY, Jau. 8-M.W. NWCO-dlèy tia as coratai. naed pee'cure Cold ln ts tUkgaIdsnçtwltz" 91,a SOOTHIgp, OLEANOVN N EALING. instant Relief, Fernw Cure, Faeu we Inpcselt, mmrâm mm A lea8satt Voyage. DEUS .TAEM.-AceOrdin)g to pr3)- ijiire1 i ll eeiid you a füw lines about ciur voyýcgo acrossý the Atlantic. I arn woll catiafi ti with the way 1 hure been usod L L by you us a- agent for the Allan Linoa. I lef Boiwmanviîllé ut Il a. m., Monday, ,Nov. Il for Moncrtrecl, arriving-there altuL 8 p m., and ieuot ou board at 9 o'clock. 'lhli Paric-iau je a noblc, bot in Sdeed, aud afttr the cargo wcc loaded we l s Iti tiebcdey t 9.30 a. in. for Quebec. RTH ~We had a pleacant tirné goàing down the River and reacbed Quebe on Wednescley ai 2 10 p). m. We ail went on ch, ré nd Pl -A- tooký in meast of Qýuebec sightc. The sleighs were ruusiiti in full glee. 'Ne vioed thnat rock cide ioh oaueed such a dicaster last apriog when se xnany lives U P T ~weré lost ; we alo cw th o pel wthere1 'R u Montgoinery f eil. 0ur vesýeel uy al-ing Scèdc (f t A few minutes aller 1) next , ~norirxg,:a few volie from annou ad farewolla te cur Canatdian camn-iadesansd we were outhieway "oui tosezt-YWé liad I hourd tif the cud news of the drowning ofl L Capt. L3ir1aIý of the Vancouver while in Quebe and itBeéemned to brivg sorrow con Hors ;,0ah our crew and the piiccengers,. Wel ersys IBoCk, looked forward te a rough voyage, but thank GGd it w a not su, for 1ýe lhad- a own lall1, very good eue e sanideiig the cason of the yeaic The Parisian bing alag inviUle, veoWe, did i nt pluoge about inluob, but we had it rathér roug~h a few days. >Wo arrived ai Liverpool Saturday, 22nid, at TARD F 8 30 a. m. aud had paseéd thé Cuetmei by 12 3, toak train at .0 and I think- Snearly al arrived homo the carne night. 1 got te rnry home Sunday noon, whcre 1 rèeîved the preig,,al'e ight royal wel. cjne. Tïhairdc Qed for bringiug me caf e back ouce more te my native home, eaved IA IN S u hd orpn, sc ne lotiChs. Mn. Li ditr, this je al the inéwc 1 eau ivo gaemFfrm guidanice on the jeurnoy. Yours tulWM, PHILLIPS. .S Why go hawkiog aud gpitting wheu NaBi B 1aini will sp-edtLly reliûe eand per- m narueltI cure thé wotat case ef catarrhi cx -h e ,and vld lu the hèad t Sold by ail dealers. Do net cuffèr frem cjck hea&c.ché Lde moment longer. Tt ie net ieceeeury. Cartvr's Little Liver Pille will cure yeu. uiotnrnlg, Smiail pili. ýs) etc., The Old Settler's $tory. wHÂy iT ii.rrriESS nîn t'oIZA CLARKE Ihnge too inumer-~ tilUh. i cc l*, Js~ a ei.,eu s,,) ll geuèrally accepted beliEf that truc méirit, whether it be thai ef au indiviçleal, or' that of sorne médiiuary preparation le xniuch more lik-ely te sulet with papular approvul ai a ditance thari at home.> Nasal Ijalni, ackuewIçledged as be-iog the> gréateat rérnedy for cold iu the hiead aud cuîarelh, ever oýff.-red the people of Cap. - ade, affords a trikiug instance of the fact ( thiat popular opinion, for once, at leaat; Ld wrostg. Frorn thé outcet ité3 popula ity Lu thé home of its miuf.>cture has beeul unbeutded snd ceniistauitly Luroas- iig. lu eviduce of libis we offor tosti~ moniale lfrorn two J3(ockvilla g ntliim whlo are knlowih lro)UghouIt L110 ])oiln"ilu* D. Dcrbyshire~, Esc., hMayor of Brocltk: Ville, sud for the pasit twe yeare P',rsident ef, thé Ontario Croaméery Ascopitiopi- say.-"Your Nasai Ealrn lé truly a wý in- dent nirrimedy. 1 may nuy thsai 1w éfflictéd Iwith a diFtréýiug oce of catsrrh, accemipauled by a numibcr cf ics dissïgree able sympoiom. 1I ba tied other nesnm édé,but wthout uvail, suid well.nigts deopa-,ired of a cure, when I1 was inu"dCé te give Nasal Balrnl a trial, ise éffUct? were wouderful, and ltea res.lts aising from ié use csurpri8ing. Jlri, fly satctod t stops te droppings jute thé throat swe3etei)s thé bratb, rélieves the head, ac~hes Ibtifollow catarrhi, antd iu lcte miakea eue fel altogPOhor like a uéw mtan. No eue who ie sufférnýug frein ca tarrhie La ay of ic stages tLhould lbec a moment iu giviug thîs rémnedy a trial." I James Smart, Ecq , Brockville,1 5horiff of lte United CouintieefLééde an d Gre icys- " Ifwould b, impoe, ible L) speak tee éatravagatiy ef the 'wonderful prepertie e f Nasal Bains.1 auffércdi for upwards of a mentit fraint a sévère cold in thé head, which, despite thé usé of othér remedie, wa3 becemtin worce sud developiuv jute càtarru. 1 pnocured a hottle ef Nasal Balra awépri w réliévéd I rom thé ftret application and thoroughly cured wthin twenty-four heurs. 1I ecéfulhy add rny teatimouiy to te value ef Nasal Ba3l." Thès3e are but twe illutratin8 «ut of the hundreds of testimionials thé prepri. elore (Àf Nasýal Balai have lbad froetn.l parte of thé Dominion, bot they ought te Convicethée s i akeptical. If you.n dealer dues net keep Nasal B3e1m t wlll be eeunt oun eipi ef prico-5O centr anali nize anud $1 largo aisé bottleé-by addréa-,4 ing FULrounD & CO., Eroékvillé0, Olct.j prices fur BOOTS andclSUC a boon to many, Eaist Shop, eads' Block~. Do You Want Yy 0 e y e ah~s=dnz 10ta1nt fr, tIC i tt WelI, mouey save j8 ZINFk,. i Cnt fOr tuoUr MLýS a t(~lh 8 1 cvcniis , T i ckwhsyo gtis four dollars mony arleu al~L i WtUOUr 1 g-2 3 '3 elumos f ri edngt ife ort c, u e stand i fror lusas ou e a v et fron of t ma e t , fo r tQJ Ve e r othyrs oor on Nyorcar and wen-rpsruFanoverurDrîuôrn- dollare vet, cit is as he sme nd ast if you badsadonlariandta____tfiL______)_and_"Il qurefaddatotoh r T -Ct !( ,yýý 1ia strore sati th ti ca gty what1isoý ,nao .gtyi o ti ae wter ar d or olr and ttomerl epe wl-s~i' ~l Tyearen twensjuthe varnèeut-ry 7%-31-ýT- aneyer duil ad andollarfandid to storehsof ands frot is aty.aYuttern~în o~r we are doiiI2 for o.r cv owavrs93%)IL. o on~~ ea onne eolte r , itrectE cf heopinions Tr'iy eari t entyfive ceU erao t nandealecins. nd l meu o iadcnt: sejias ~±ea~ ~an.but tylo thé bcct e et old hge es when tey bu a d 1a mons p rpoheh is vrd n ntT e vUN'c tidt t Waor t'iit hifgod fo s. Yotu are sghtii hefon inon emwaiob greaty tnstakn. W e cai grat 3 er n eritl orl oann i may say " one nierchantoeau houte e ntreaTEsto on pry tha cnno b dip er ncver thear............. nd iRie..2O thila he we' cari, and do give our.....................j patronsbettas aunotheir j a adrhebcsctAI th e c. monethau "inthci get eèe'. OlýrltpIittlstM611 iiii I Wnmp11 wher. W haennodspce andiior n ill bIû hreto sa oe on tIs peoin "t"F'ear in e8 r'er «ni)ltci ad V04y onl~y that the conbody t increase d'THo.5AJ lab nuP er a ll.b.... r..... ... n.. ...... t.o and ~ ~ ~ ~ Jjal andwho orbsn~ fg tindaygpr year ..W ..be.t.......u,; oo that we c n, and dogive ou w"elve"' ebaper éiai t ... ...0 i pbatrnet provalue for tpreslADY GTRE AY, é% 1 rno e 1 4ai t rey d bYgt elB. Oui ile .cnanotsd ilasraed y aere t a o re onths o inoae V r t Oo, apieesa13 to trI w thmany doIe constant în ani inon1 the~~~~~~~~ bet ndtrt u areis and ber l be co res h n iter ut.ai realaçnbn welW the beaetday aeela rest f Wtbuinaessl "e9wil~h*erlot~riO Twe tle e ter ra r, ene elvaS sating antpot mat wo hae LDY AY arestgdtheoe mattgod re iio erson."Lady r-;ay" Anua ndra o, r), eu th fr u eitful ohé u8andout grw- toe be aft, hen wr ret ay gfiy an d girlg, fXme bigshortctte, but al are e of le ar- s nd fsest, Weae a rti i l be sev, netraoher set oftos a. a n)u ry egitt mn" th ewfarvoume. a wtays ing rnalug înoeyisve rar0tioPald.b An ana-ro tr stii g it btdealiriglier> papa<> ote; r15, o to YeaQtac, whN» Jwe atlERY Cihthroncyoe te a IdsHOU$eR -eshr sol" itl atelsI itory, natur0F itoroaye t on oW hO IýsïetaI aT? A.1 en adUnlesURPI WautEKlIES.ýtr ATo JOHN _ J. Mm SON'Sa à' entleman Agi te illustra upon the' iéuw, illust e sérial novel ty Roert Lous jaSte Lloyd Oscurue, will run Ibronghe part of the year. Iliuii4rate~l by Ho] two-part tory by Franli U., Bockto alis arupéan. author oet-"Tîte AmnicastCommnt wll write a seýriecf four articles nu (lia, embodying thé résute ef biis ounmey asudLI stu dlie o ut islandi of euliug iuterést OCEAN STEANdSHI1'h wVIll tlio hésubject of su important coméewhai upou thé U;nes o! the su( railroad article. " PassengerT "Thé Lite of Officrs au] M.en,"' and Safety Devicot'," and " Manae are sm éo tf1he ïsbj acotatouced. up illustretedl GREAT STU.EETS 0F THE WO Thé iceL f of atddirig a Hi rieacing ai chold bb ser CLUBPl CHIAS. 713 MORE OVER-COATS, MORE SUITS, MORE CLOTHING, Thari ail the other Stores in Bowmanville cornbined, and we are probably selling more than ail the others together. But the times are clull, andl to help our Boys' Suits to go we will give as a handsome Hand-Sleigh, worth $1 00, with every Boy's Suit or Over-coat; a beautiful Silk Hancik-erehief or equiva-" lent with every Man's Suit or Over-coat. You don't have to'be humnbuggedl 12waniy fake biz. You know exactly what you get when you get it. We are making Clothingç to order at very close prices, far lower than has yet beenatbem pted in this town. We guarant.ê fit and work mansblp. Our low is provinçj GIUE BANKI 'CÇOJRNER SHOP, Opposite TI Bowruo - FOR UNE sm Dry Goodi Boots ]Ready -ma Bats, cap and 1001 théer t]

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