I t DRS JJcE41,GIJIN & URE[T1 0,'rrcl :-MoiRnIS' BLOoCK, I3owMAiSVLtc. D -.J.W.MCLÀUcnIXN, Dr. A. BÉîra, Gradu .0 rntiat0 Of the Royal aie -of the Toronto ,oillge of Physicians U* Py and m ember of thea ivOr1tiy, P isa R wal College ot sur- burgeon, &o, gonEdinburgb, p BY SIC-Al4NS, ' UE , ýt, N , ETC Ofle:-Clor. Ohuli and Temperance Ste., -ýight Calle attenldedIrcm tDr. filliiere roeid e. 8, C. IILIEn, IL.1). B. LÀMIÀN M D. C. M. Trio. Untv Eeilow Cf Trial, Med. Colîege, Memnber Col. Phys. Slrk., ont. BU EBER 0F COL'LE(4E 0F'PHY SICIANS aU nd Surgeon$, Ontario, coroner, etc. (Mfe asnd Roeldence, Bnniskilien. 74. L ICENTIATE 0F ROYAL COLLEGE A of Phiysicens, London. ltng.;Msmber of Collage of Physiciene ana Surgeone., Ontario, SURÇSERy ANO RnsiDrEÇr-Rear o! Meserei Rigginlaotham's Drng Store, Bowmanvilie, B %]RftSTB Z. SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS 3LILOCK, aptairs, King Street, Bowman- ville. Solicitor for thie Onierl Bank £I'lvte Enavsloand tIs owëet rates WM. BJNGWAX, I STJFR 0F MABBIAGE LICENSES Rtesldecle, Etnîiskillen. tc. C. HUNEK11YG L ICENSED AIJTIONEER FOR 'the County of.Durhans. Sales attendeS o on ehortest notice and hawesi raies. Addree COeRues P. 0. 86..tf A UCTIONEERS for fhe Counfy o! D1turham : Insurance and tieneral Agent-. Valpator andRifeal Relate Agents. Sales and ther btsieFes Promptly attendad tu. Box 172, Bowmanivilie P. .3-t 4IIIXANDER WANN&IN, ITETERJNARY SURGEON, BLACKý C STOCK -ONT, Dentiehu-y a specially. Titation frea. Lekstoali, Apnil 15. 17-tf Pianos Tuned and Repalred. DAITIES WISHING THuIIiFIANOS 'E.Tuued ernepasrau cannjaveihans attended î lyleavlng word, a hfOe DomION OliGAN CyOb'wucE~, Bowmanville aa ri-deas san t) ew eeIn athuir etaploy Heur. YOUJNG.1V. S, 0FJEIN THE WEST DURHAMv 0 eBlGet-k. Ciere hlunuel! or assistn ,'thl ibc fots.nd frejin ..ta9pm lt cell a ersudýno ediuvciy opposite DnrilISOiS.(,Celle 1'y tlegraph or tephosemie.e i ioeserorpt stientiei n171.yr A RCRITECT. Plane and Specifica- ions rcp)ancd for aven y laHsa o! luildiag. Special attention givan o lisatisg by steans ond hoet water. sud lto eaitaryeraemne OfaG ole Block, Wlitb> 43 -ly R.PEATE, TaiIo;r Gentlemensg lotheS lMlade to (Order. DENTI8TR"YU QHARNDEN, L. D. 0 FICE OPPOSITE E2XPRESS OFFCE. ýOLD FILLING A SPEOIÂLTY Ar.ipiciOXÂL TEETU IlqSERTED: WIyROUT PLATE3. %reaî ReSachions lanprîce on ai Deni] VI' rk. ViteizaS Air, constaniîy in luse pr. u-ýing 1Paintese 0perationsi. Partionlarate ion oai 10 thie eulalon Of Children's Teýet [M ~WOIRK WÂRRANT.BD- grtochj office. Dr. Rutimemfcrd's Orono, JISM. BlMAIlCOMlB:E CFFIC E:-Rear of 3Messrs. m1rgginbothiam & Son's Drug Store, (down 'stairs), BOWMANVILLE are agamî laoporation. iiaving lssSthe albove o1Mille, andcd týisesaLean la irt- «Cla e Order, I ains 0w prepare4 hoe do Gristing and Qhopping, on thse ehortvsf poss3il notice. »y strict attention te busineHss, 1Ihope te, nit a share o! your patronage. contantly on banS ai pricas tle -sit Liii tinsse TER'TMS STRIICTLY CASH., H-ENRY BURTON. H eydo , Sept. 1IOý, 180 .,8 -15W P U M p! I Cau euppely tho foliowlng PlnnspB-Old- faillioneçl lift punp 4 ny own mnanufae- tufs, forco pump, Oatarîo Putnp C,,'e pump, chaini or rubber huck-et pump, and 1epirs for the sainie. Rubber buckats of isî aiasChansboth. gnivapized and Bteel, rrotnpt attention given to o!lsiaf al] kiricleof pumps. CisterneadetCe order on1sho 3 fi-C. T y Lear, 16 Gm, Bo w man l Indîgestion S n fot on ly a 4stressing compiant,of itsf, but, by causing the blood to becorie epr- edand the system Sa.. feebled, is the parent of innuinerable mnaladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla' is the bast cure for Indigestion, even whenl complilatedýwith Liver Complaint, i p'ove'1 by the following testimony fron. Mrs. Joseph Laite, o!f rockway Centre, Midi.: - "Liver complaint and indigestion wiffde niy lite a horden and came near 1 nding ii istec For more than tconr years 1 effeed nod agony, was redeedei osttas eeoandyardly hiad strenigth to drag msi about. AUl kinds of fond dJitr essed me, and only the myost delicate could be digested-at aIl Wihithe tiljinementioned several physwjamie )reated mw,ýwiIît u gîiig re- lie!I. INthing that 1. toak seemed to do any per-manent good until 1 eormenced the use o! Ayer's Sarýsaparilla, which bas produced wonderfill resulIts. Soo after commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla 1 coald sec an improvement ýn my [ condition. My appetite began to returo and Nwith h veaine the ability ý to digest ail flic fond taken, imy stregt l in- proved eadli day, an( after a few inonths of faithfui attention i f yor directions, I found mysel! a weil WOman, able to attend to ail hoseaholcil duties. The inedicine has given nie a Lew bseof lie" Ayer's Saîsaparîia, U>r. J. C. Ayer & Co., LowelI, Mass. Price $1; six boul1es, $5. Worth $5 a bottie.. THE "CANADIAN oS-TATESMAU E4STAîlLI'ýdlED is:îïi $1 per. anninm in advauce. otberwisa 1 5 Subsecriptiane alwvays payable at the offlie o, Lict p0 epr lina, nonpariei, firat jaser. tion, and 5 cente per lino ascii sub3equei lI. serti on. Locale, 10 cents per lino., M A. JAMES, Publisher ïOMMERCIAL IOTEL JBx AGcIî&8TOc)c PETER HOLT, - - Proprietor. ISROTEL has been thor ughly rs- Tfitted and refurniehaed, andl oweoecond ten hv0 i h ditrctar aome tien and oomfort o! the travenllg public. New and ample commercial rooms on qound fiacre Good stahling and shed room,. 40 Cais by telegritpi or telephone receive lm jusdLartfem±o DR. FOWLERS -EXT: 0F. TRJAWBERRY CURES hoiera Morbus YSEITERY AND ALL SOMMER COM PLAINTS ANDi FLUXES 0F THE BOWELS ýT IS SAFE- AND RELIA1BLÉ FOR £CHILDREN OR AOULTS., FOR Inseet Stîngs Sorè Eyes. Eruptions Sore Feet SorenessA Chafin Af Female Com plaints Mosquito Bites Sunburn Inflammation REFUSE SUBaTliUTES BE SURETHAT BOTTLE WITH BULZFFWRAPPER 0 N D'S EXTRACT COMPAPAi, urcs £HE GOOD SAMARITAN. BY GOREHOTIES. Fýirt tire priet, then the lavite, and tlieî the samnaritan. Everybody kiows the .story. 'flie samnariten diffeïed frein the pricet aiiîd froifthe levita in hax iag a Peuse of par. soucI respoiîsibiiity. Thie pri*ai Caine dowr aiid sawv the marn, and it la; quife likely flial lie bcd comspassion ounlIii i h; ie gn as sorry foi hii inlis sad pliglit whio ooul elp it? Nevertlselaîss, he weut adeug and left him. The Leyito caine cnd saw lmn, ansd liad com- passion on Iimii, and-more -tîan that--lie woit te Iinu. Hl ooked oiihlm. The siglil oftfire poor maan stirred luis intereat eud sym.w pathv. lie atood for a umoment thinkinig, shah J , or eau I, lielp tisis oran or net ? Andl then, pr-eently, ha toe passed by on thre ofîser aide. Thase moin iacked flic sense et persesual iuesponisîbility. They ea,' this wouuded travoler lei bis pain andi pei, but the sigsit foucliOd iin their lieart îno chord of pity. l'ley 1usd no consciencee. Tîtat la a signili- cent word, "consience." Look et it. "(o"I tala s"wtiad'science" -that transalatea lisait. Coniee i a kiiîd of knowledga wýhicls la gained by the use o!flice conjuncin Ilwitî. " Conscience ac10ts by puting cee hing witb another and knosing flie, twe facta at the saine tisse, and raCognizig tire beeriîsg oetifle fecta one uîpon enoilier. As liera, flue fect of tbus iman's iiod ed fIte fact o! ihocir owni strengtli., These mon feiied te put these two facf s togaf ler. Thoy said: IlO0 somssbody w11] help buîn. Poor fellow, lie je in c sad stais. I'lere le ne desult oethtai; but lie will gai aleug somehow. Why don't they have more policemren aleug tilerend? Wh4i dloassit semaeona coina and take hlm awny ? And if yeîî bcl suggeafod, ' Wly, don't yen îieip hin i d faie hlm away 1" tbey would have enswared : IXliy, wve doii't know hlm. Ha dloesn't belonrg te youir cen- gregatioa. Comae, lot ni go about our buii- Tissir caine flicsainaritan. 11And whien hae saw hilmihaliad cossipea- sien on hlm, and, vent te lmi, and bound up lue weunids." The aight cf' ibis poor taru appealeul ro itle saiariten 'lirecfly. Ha lualped hlmi as caaily and rnaturaVy -ais if llie d beau a hospifel nurse sent Ouf freini Jericoowith an amnbuîlanscefor flue exprest3 pui-pose o!picking tliisiimuse up. lia apeut ne timie looking up and tbewn flic road, iwondering if some otheis, sti-onger flin lie, miglit Ssci eppear te doflua deilo! lîelp. The moment lie saw this wouinded travali hae realizad fliat liera wss somiefhing forliii lsand te do. If haebail parsed by oui the other aide hoe wouild have laid ail that niglit wlthout slcp. Ha would bave licard a voioi in flic dnrk, aying to hlm eover anti ver aisd over. "Tulera was ceawlio eeded. your heip, and yen dîd uîot lîip hin. Suppose lie dies !" Thijs enravitan w-,asacminuoe eoniequicc. lic lied a sauce o! personai responsibility. Now, this wounded fraveier, or oua like hini,lias bythewcysidc to dIayand ou'ý\erydny. lie la flicenibediîncent et svory wroi)g wicli naculs nighfing. lie sands for ev'ory pains whidli crics for- cura, and for cvery ucedr wlicli bega for help. Hoeha flic opprassed,. the inueorable, dia griaf-stricen, tfl i S- sinijfen; licela flic aeslaved ; lie is the eia licef ic h puleoner of poerty. If isbcus et hlmi that iîîuutrial autd social ques.tionsý are te-day clemoriiig for anawer, Anîd al fthe resf et nsankindclfall jo ethrac clsas. Soe arc robliers, who hav e made thoie mis chic! ; sonse arc pricefs and leviies, paret 0i thaîn supmenly indifféreurt, efîsers philesýo- phicallilt erasted or po.litically teeeu or flniioiatly itccsed a ndseaflni G'ed, are goed samaritans, minuwih ou- sciences, unan wlio hava- soini usc.rsnre oftbue lilesscd sense o! pcrsýonal raspoiisibu!ify. Ail refermslhave been satin met ion by teasi antans. Ail reai lsclp lias'coma frei inteuni. Te flueiiiflic uceda oft fluir brobter men appeal pensouaily. Tlîey arc like thai good Pope Gregory, well sunanied "tha rat" hoset lîimaeif a licavy peunuce because c poor mans dîcd o! starvation on, dcy luo ppal Reine. lTue geoul.Gregory tfuel. that te 1uliseî. So0 do t1ise iusly12 cli fln, evilsa tf urroiunded tluam te their w charge and bestir fuîel-eas porsoc responisihla te get the wrongs riglifed Di fra8is tsraighfway traislatediste îî 'rîtesa isin caius at while aisy wronigex ists w biclitlsey cari rcinody. 'J'lieio was idolafrinl Arabia. Messiynuscîs bcd casti. ifoff, kîsew lieu' ooliali anul dabas- ing if -was, w vislied lsaartiiy cîsougli tisai oflier tuai would p ut it away, but sf111 îdelatry wouît on uuiîîdereîl. At lest camse fliet good sanuait an Mohammned, the umai) wlîlî a conscience. 1Wlîli lssquioh sonsa of personal rýeapensîility lie feels tîset lue hit- self la soîueliew te hlaie for flue base idole try. Goed wiil isef forgive hlm li f lic lets il go oni. lielias put. h ont o!flbis ownIi ife. Yes ; but tthat,.le noe cuesglî. lie m,ïairais luis pi-ofeistageinsi cli Arabie. Thcyb4g lini te lie sf111, isofte odisturliniga. 'l Theaigli flic suri stand et ssy right h-sud, and thisusoon cf my la! t and commnand. silence, ycî minti speait 1, And apeait lie did, and awayy weeî tlic cvii. There was fearful criscltyet tise Coles- ceuni cf Reine. Men.warc put te deaili for tie amuusemenst of tise gentlensen and ladie, oft ilat cîîlinred ciiy. Meast peoplae ejoyed if, playing fhe part o!fitie roelas, Soine. howcvcr, disapproveul, but thcy kept dis creaf sileusce tlîey werc flic p kîcats anué levitos. But yeuori nuîlirhow i tisewa cisc cns, that yoig usoiik, Thuahs wlioelieue was iny a distanst psoio. wlscu lieproelaisedthflic cur.sed eulyn th sc lave iradle.\Whly cdid lha vax imacît'P wby did hue nmeddle lu t hat fcr-cwcy huîsi lieu ? WThsy dospia nyhody initerface w-iitl the vesed iniai-eqs of ues? De yen suîp posa unit tisea unen elijov nouaiy Do theuy dlight lu a lite oý,fusiras iCadiii eppruoîuaedwork anid prauinIlavçI fiieà- a prelereuca for bisser ,and bricLlitht W7huii la if 'hîiclî stirs Ihsý-eeasos Ail tis wey f luuglu yen wili fsid if inils sauts o peîcenal espoîîiblity Non, personal ncapoisibîity ila a act Wlsetiser ws kiiou'it or nef, wluethîec w( realîze if, or ront, we are respouîsilforton u; netigIIIer. Andi you kuow wIiat tliatt ua'u et" ucigibIor"ncas iicicn 1,iou mecatise tuaàiý iis l ieeaenvitip Wlîiu en fia liVas i lliourpariais o'inîs aesbod) aIses parish ; whetli- lec ýhi bouse jei on ou. afreet or quite icrouud ic uHheck fient u tîpen aniother Str'et; wlioi'cvIlse imass livei u'bo eodsa n lop whiili al ciigva, tuer. lires toni- neigiulou - Auud for our iaiglîbu' wue a ore rspoisiilu. Ve carun iof islp if. (hie day a imeut cainsua cChriatiaus rois Sioiiuiry un Chinamie tih a bit o! paper il wiifeu over wjth circie. Tisera uvas oui circle iii flicmididle, and ontîf c! fluather ware lunes drawn, ecdi ee-to cunthet- çîrck tilil fliccentrai rondsu as brouuglt lito cuti tnciomun i au ci-y ofluer, ex aisilin sost(cils faut. Eacli circIs hacl ituacrilucd wifhuiui i the niane o! a ten. 111theflc iidsf n'as th fowe li wiich tfliîiqseieuîcr.y lad huacu Pracluiig. Out o!flua stewi, allua othier teu'îus tîigluf le reaclueiid infiîueus-aul] Tîsaf lit etpapar, dîawn wltlu circles, la symbol et our lite. STe do net stand b', oeraalveg. Thora is a ceuiectien luetweei us and al people aund ssii hiege about uts. NVo do nef usood te lcia nstructcul that, j flisue are pryiug, ntiwhlesoe nud uncleai newepcpars wc are rcapoiiaiblc for flin; i * ilera ara un-worthy mueaisset lunisigh oufica * ne aure respenible: if conversation fali. iste mean chamiiels, uve arc responsihie ; i' thinige go wrong lu auy ceue o! a hînudrat wcys, semae part tuf the fauit is cuire. arc itelecîîîally awara cf tfli act o! socil comsplhify. Vhsat wa îseed is te hae awak, te fisat fnaftusoally. TIsera ara peopien lit havaeîcars, but do suet hear ; and eyea, buî île uof Sce. Whlo le flierea cnoigus i l who the senseaof etprsenai raapousibility doca not ucati vierouis rjsickauiiîsg? A nmauiissay persoade biýlessI!tui Chili fianity ila a siennow s' ausIjishs religion, vit tico dîtly if lia gees te) hsrcli onu Suedia,ý andti -ea telive a dccciii lite'dîsrisg th( u'eek. Neccmfteless, panuuosuci reepousibil il'ie a tact. SVcare every one o! tu a c -os)untalile for tils advanceni eit f o!thlikinîg doi ofe heaveus andl for the dunolifisi of th( kigdus f ftlie devil. Thie imsnat ucotîs Jotboisn about this î-speusiblity le tisat if causutet ho ev'eted tl hi. csîeia c dle. gmt cd te anofiser. This mssy surprise senis gued people. Bîcause f lera are a great msany vhîo haveanai idea fluai ail this îssy lie pttupous fisc parseus. 'I Puce raligîieuu unî1 taeflcd" is fig ;teletftflic issniter lili tise wldoNveaud tIse fatîsieal e iseirsali tien! But fuie rcs poîiifty, cien a rse epouahibiity fer yeur si iglbo'asul, is a parseusal baffer. If be1osuga te. yen. You eau n iibiaoreelegato if te yoîîr usinltet tissu yen eau delegate te bhic heduty o& sayung 'yîuur prayere ton yen or o!flcoepmusp fisc conimîausclînaota lu your stad,. Everybody lias a parialis. 'Es os-ybedy liai a 'Icareaoftouls." s y iody e rsonallý respiseiuls----tue Cînieiu ligton I ends 110 ceusitemance te tfl hcreay c! Caiin. IIow to Miake a Haggis. GeîodJeusckenpîîg: l'a rbila aheop'a lis au sud a place cf geou l haiius bur. Grae thle mil et fli le, rauîdruiîcec etteigi, sud tflic nuaiuing liai! o!f isciver.Tales ut good bac! Cnet hallflice weight oethfue iKsituaend minîce if wiflî a dozunsmsîîcl, ýnîs oioîs.Toast souse catical hefors tIse lira for heure, f111 if le o! a iglif liroîsu colou klnd Iprfeccîy dry. Lase fhîcu t wo feacuîp ila nill isot do for t fil icaci. r dieh lîsea on 111s.1 hoard 1uM(lSd sfs lesv I ma-4 hgl1fly over if, xili a lisiseasuiuîg o!fppeenti, iaIt, ccd a lit fle cýuysnc, \% AIl msica. ave t lsaggis.liag, piefe1cfl dcc ýiiud sac fle fiere lie use Lue ipart ten ji, alasthfIe lbos îcay lie lest by)i',s lîrtuî.Put lu îuit mcat, witli se nîncili good lice! guay or strong bref h as îvillil ak ela it a tav. Be ureful nef te f111 flie bag tee fuil, but allen' iue nîcat roonis e sli; add tise juce et a cussou or a litla sieegir ; press cut tisa air nd seau the licbag ;, pric1it ifwitla c lerge uicedle, asîson itf ret swells li the pot, i.n u)ravant itffretîshursrting; litit if l, but tiet vioiaîîtiy, fer flirea heurs. Reniante: A blind issan cncit by aey ifort o!fluhe imsaginatioc ceco lot--ii ait euy miais alive'o eiceis a c aggis,n-itii- aun liainiîugfsubîsitied te fie sansea. Ih ,ites possession o! tIsa palata. rhe catar orgets fer te isaf ee boing cli otîser ftaites; ia fongue facis enauiligs lu hamisethl. It s moeeIirouus, aise umore plrous. TIsera is i harnusîoiue cali aîcmmg fougue-, palate andi usdes offlie cleks. 'I'le veî'y eyce have . guet, aed îleecars arc aoînau'hat duli et marung, iryîmsg te tusefe. 'Ihe eftnacli ne- 'eivs ivithouti effort aucnd e)lya isici de- lighi that Que sarecely tîmou's u'le, hou' or why lie lias eeasad te Caf, and centinullss te oýyeth filsaggie.- witl graeIanIafefes comumands' flic waitcr f0 bala-e timîdiy te t, anîd wlien rensoead, flovuif oui o!fîLeý ,ooni w.scil llnt lieucdicticimi. A 8ooth Siave. cnet fells et a îtew wrinkla n l sas iu". "A iriendofticfuine," ic cays, -' a feu' moiusiba ago teld tiemeu' f0 osuave eas-ily and paiîuloasy, and I havaesîaî'cr chavin lacbaicr'e siuop sînca. The plani s te nec cnil or grease lu- stecd of auap te praparo flua cutIiiiLad softefn tise bearsi. Vaeclinue is flche si cusus culnt ussîiif shsotildbi uibad iiquite frsaly. TIssu, Men-dicaii tf-MWai, Ven cea if I begin ai flic ()p floor antdî i n îîou'ndou'n c fligit o itcicel a1ýeaitor~igiut eus bgging ais the ccuxi floor. ltisbcnd-" isy,.whfl tinIc u'oerld titi yen gel sud Ila liiio! a bonetlas fiai fer?"' Wýie-" Well, ieu', don't go, te raitg ucli a tuas about issie; juef wait tili flic "isl co-eusasin."e Use Our GCelebrated For preserving and beautifying Stove P4pes and ail kinds of Iron Work5, Dries and quickly, gives a beaut>iful lastirig gloss and makes no smeH., i iggnbutam &son, Chemists and Dru-ggists. CHANGE 0F JBUSINESS.- M'e undersigned wvish to rnale known to the- pub] icf he follow- lirîg business arrangement,-with a view Io. lurther extending the ýbusiness anid to'stilibetter accomiio lite cunstomngrsi WILLIAM EDGEIR will have funll chrge of the Blackeîniîthingy Deparftment and ,iii ha preparad to exacute ail ordera and do ail repair3 in hie hue on sii horîet îotiçc ind best of workmanship guaranteed. The prions wiII ba riglit.N ROB'T. A. Pa1LP will have charge of the Wood and Paint Depar'mente aulo will epaeano effort or axpensa t) give f ullest eatisfact.ion to ail cuet miers, flew and~ Id. As heretofore a firet-class pineor will bts kept and a epeciai y wiil ba nid of hie brandi. Ail rrpaire promptly dons. JAMES MORRISwill pereonally superintar.d the Trim'ming Dapsrtment, whioh ,si be a sulicient guarantee of the ajuperiority of the work turned out. IIe manufaclure of Carrdages and Carrnage Tops will be ex- tensively carried onî and a large turuber of LAIE ST STYLE. 0F CARRIAGES miil be buit for the Spring Trade. Fat-mier aid olIici-s wilI do welI No give fliem i acl Ieore jiliteiu; ilitir orders. Thle old Porter Fouîîdry is ,till bcooning. are ready to supply ail orders for Castings of.every descripl tion, the only place whc-re ail you etan be suipplied on thie shortcst notice il, the shlape of Castings, large or smnall, Plow Points, the celebrated diamond ,teel made for any plow mnufactured. Large Furnaca Ketties alwa3's ini stock, We pay the Highest Prç' - for Serap Iron and require 50 TONS AT ONCE. Stove-Castings of every description supplied. M BC Machinery of ail inhde, Agricultucal Im.- L I Nplemaîs, Stoves,' Bicycles, Sewhng Me. PNAchines, mn faet sverytising uhat oa, and R A 1 1R * Nworth rsps.iring, waca do if. We do net have te teep any peddlersanad oniy supply reltabie agents. S. JO' H-OSKIN, H. J. WEEKESW PIIOPRI ETORS, FOUNDRY AND MACHIE &SHOPý Corner King and Liberty Sts., Bowmanville. PORTER'S OLD STAND. -Wehlave used liarvaîot Brrnchini i3yru n c fari2 yand initaC Ilan eXCellenýt r", y.t . op Prsieo n he Couuieà1;t. Il eue tCfo--< nbLi, Ottaw ._ . 1baan se.,,It 1fmireiÏe' ,uat irrita. tiou nai :d it Vary efu(aciada is . . TE HAMILJTON SêPECI ATO'R ENLARGýED ANDi IMPROVED. CentaiýneaIl tLbNe'; Manàry Speu0oll Feature, Or-Sep and PointaSc Commen4e, The Mo)St Entartatning St0rie-s, The Choieet Lîlernir3y Matter. averythhlg for Everybedy. 81-FIFTEEN MONTHS-$1- Thiegrei pper ron ssw till Jeiseary 1 189-.12 ags f radagmalter weelely-aud your choîca o!two greal piclure or only $1. Thep.ee are reprodno..ion o!thea two greateet paîntinge o! the age. CHRIST BEFORE PELATE, tîy Munlescsy, the original solS for $100 000 au,%SIÂ1N WED DIN4GFE &ST. by Makoffiky, thes original sold for $100 000. Bessdes a libaral commission agente for tha SîirA'ross raceiva valuobia prizas rangîng in worth frou $7.5 te 84- A great chance for hustiers; esure moecy for evarybody. With the largest snd hast waekly peper in C1anada to Gauvas for, and liheral commie8ion and valuable pnieus, agente finS it easy and prifitable work. Forr termes and partionlare addu-ess SPECTÂTOIt PRiINTING COMIPANY, 46- 3w , ainilton, Canada. COMPOUND 186 Lexington Ave- New Teck Gît , ,qs. I hava useui lie FlEx-erl auesionuili cuveraI rasers ut Checafoncilis, and the earl-y s iges aI pstisii,aniShave boa celiesd withî iecetie AM K. CROOKý, M.D. BroleltuN ,Y Fe!).4h188. I have mcl ycun Emlsiau ccase u 'hlhi ni U P 3T1Ill cSl , .l n . r y, N. T. ý , D c. 1h .. j cao treutgiyrarornîund FInir SeedEmlons h! uetu th ie relief ansdpossilsslis ureouLuîg, Brnhini anC Nervous Afcinsr odgn cal torde ta pisysical dehîit>'. J0OHN F. TALMA'CE, 1M. D. I regard Flair Seed Enso sgrtyapco e ,.MA. GORTO01s,M.. New Torle, Aug.6,180 lune mue eus Fa-see rEnlio e'onuone n..se r'cease!Ml-nohniioo anrits ît o noce ihan luopeul fo-ilt Wa- îrveloos sari con- aCd bumauiîy ai large. M . H. G LBEERT, lit. D. SoId by Drugglsts, prIce SI -00.- FLAX-SEED EMt"ULSION CO. 35 Liberty St., NewYork,, For Sale by J.i inbotllaMf & Solle 1