Chinese Newspaperq. YOUNG FOLKS. Evolittioli of the Lord'e Fia.yer. _______________________________ Afunny, undon, and twisted kîîîd Tbe followîuig will exibit ill our vernlaeu- ____________________________of people are theChînamen, somrany of wbiom lail speciiiens of the Lord%~ Prayer at differ- live On the western shores of our great couin- BETTll1A' FLOWERS; eut periods. WEDNESDAY, NOV 6 h9 try. They seemn to bc orir opposites iin ai- A. D. 12,0 ------- nost everything, and whenever they d,) copy Bttn' gardon Iwas a qineer eue ; only a Fader uire in heune, haleweile beoth tbi one of our customs, they do it in sucli anl up- littie eartin akkI box which11stoodl in aLIndo inune, cumren thi kuneriehe, thi wote beoth 0sitie down way thiat it is as queer ase ever. adteMno a o ertegon dni en u nete r urc Wbiat shotild you thjnkl a Chiliese news- ai leN idwwsro ia leý>)IIlioii en n nete r urc b pacr oul beJUreIt eem oddosn'teiter;it as p five pairs of ti-n the aIe breid gif vus thilk dawe. And vorzef h 1 n g t, ape opdblie ?hotareciwo or hree bun - ytop) flouro aitnapartinent bouse, Ilhere ure deltes, as vi vorzefen lnec bettoures, and Natres efot t epelfoe g 5b Iedyeas ehid s l ecryhig i ) m)one r ociin, dvided in two by La curitainl, Ileevus nou nt ute eptation, bote dclàelii ï tne rooin the bu dpassages. sotld care anlything abouit so moderna ttna and er fthe ir cie B -ettiwsvs fe. Ae.D.10 ILrequty,l-l tlii6 causes infla"Iiniatiou tbingsa newspaper'? Bnit tle blave t1heni therewa l-;s ad id ;the lnmarting ren .D.10 in ie uiecdof un anodyn le. No other an u afir te ado ; r toleilethe lon sais ir Fader once in hevenre. IEalewed be thifo Ina tndC *dr . expectýor:ant or anodyne, ii4eInal ta of îunny afis te .hee nSi rac o li e por ittie lateg ws preadtfnlly. ieanaIne. Come thi lkîngdofr. Thi will c b o n tidr Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists of thein is called the Wa-Kee, the oter Btnasfther wa1or u te i a don as iu heveci and erthe Onrcellce dsyes Nature lu ejecting the mucus, allays the Toi--Fon-Son-B3o. But if you think they a Gerilanl, and' poor Cet maus arLIe not nal bri ed geve ns to day. And forgeve ns onr Gatw ee 01,Ootpt!, Irtto,îlduces repose, aud is the are printed ivith type and big roler presses, ss o poori ur etoass.Apoor other people.orta prs'rptfhey8 S ma ] iaanow IEmtmon Irrittionhow to live, aud, whant is more, lbo-iv t o be dettes, as we forgevBoteur dettonres. And :e me.,,sasu1mirtoimpreeritLo Sa ràsm, civhe leami Eruciolu4k niost popularail ,, 1cougli cures. you aie decidcdly mistakeni. Suchia process hlpKiUS Worrns, givey lii leefea. anduspmmOIU% teil O0f the many preparations before the would be made too qnick and Anîcrican for, l apyoa ey, ve Kryl iI] tti at ing.leden ntitotmpain.Bt dlvee80 am. uo. . Boklz, . Y.etin public for the cutre of colds, coughis, Join Cbîamneni. Tee Jeu, the editor of fateri';s inarnie) vwae lookiîmg theocugli ani old A. D. 1380. T.n mCsîIaCN esU't mpsr;, 77 Murray street, X.'.rT brouchbitis, auidkiudredt diseases, there Wa-Kee, works front daylight tili long aftcr chest, te see if there were anything t0 e sd, Once fadir that art iu bennes halowid by is noue, %iwii theb range of my experi- dark paintinigthefminy Chioesecharacters onie fourtnd five littie withered-looking bulbe. tlîi naine, tht kingdoni come to, be thi wille _______________________________________ ece, 5 roliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- sheets of tlilu paper about the size oi "Ai-eh, the dear ouious 1 Now wc shail donc in ethe as inu heune, giv.- te us tiîis troraL. For eesi - iiject to colds, foolseap. These are gie' oa ihgap hr ave saine soup," cried Bettina, lier binle day onr breed, ouir otiier substaunice, for- ~elove y eribeeegh.About four who t ran)sfers tlim t stante by ueans of Years age, çhIcu so afilcted, I was ad- eye acn nxetto fafat visedl to try Ayer's Ch)erry Pecýtoral and acide, etc., and wheîm foui-af thein bave been ysdnigl xette fafat geue te vs aur dettis, as we fargeucu ta aOur thus prepared, they are ptnoaque "T se rcnet aulions, dear child,"lber dettouris, lede is mot il,îto temptavioun, but F0OR SALE BY J. HI.GINýBOTRAM & SON. BOWMANVILEs te ay I l otheir remuedeies asde.IA hdid vidthyar ptit a serfather said, takiîîg up tbc bulbs,-as aeul yes caeulydiolr us yuel. Amen. ________________________________________________ - se, and itlin a veek IVs vel of uy woodeni press that wrks wt tsrw as if tbey vere se many lumps of g"Id. ,1 L0111NA il E INYERU always lkept thlis peaailu f lie tiicl yi nsu payer, soiuething like the Donk bbhe ardeiier fren Haarlemu, who Father eur thas. art lu heavens, lallowed lius, ndfelcanpraiel scue. iret pintg press k cue, n sed in came ivith us acrosthe mca, gave thein te be tby mane; thy klsîgdone colite te us; ML M N ADE i ~ -Ms. . L Brvin Demnak iss naefu murd er g.Tenneme. Heicsaid that iu Haarlem tby \vould thy ville be dloueliii earth as iin heaven;_____ "A few years ago T took a severe enld of thbc nppr appearsý on bble t page, and, bc wortli nearly fi re thales eacb. UHow oce every days bred give us to-day; and for- wlmjch af petcd my lonigs. TI ad a ter- the o esstartI, rons that anfl rtad towaed could I forget tleni ? Now tîîey havelamin se gveusoure tresspasses, as we forgýive tîmen rible cu ,aud passed niglt aIter te rout.Nithier ofbbc paipors are cither tgîey be 'mue got.' Beside, vieI bat trespasufoainet us";rasdoead us net imit imgltvit~u see.The deetors g aveil 1îbu hlong away "cvi heOu frbeniueIalsfctonfo alsotsofmahier i iipu. 1I rued 1Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral, arc ua oiîao eiinhave ine gai-demi. fmpains u dhvr ri i %viilct relieledyl mîlngs, luduced sieep, bas a Letter and Anevie departiment, and "OuImkeeadpamttesuds," aîsd afft!e the rcneessary Îfor Th. the ret of tie space le given up f0 nevis. cri Biettn, ~ocuanplnt tlceul si, auldA. D. 1534. c olsC lbao adn rec-overy cf imny strenigih. By flue con. John Çiuanlan is so ecconical that hlia ud ntbart ateayhig lier father O auro father wlich iart is bevenhallovi- tiua ue I bcPetoal apeMent a great deal irithe borrovi is segbr aeaealalsgbx v li e cai-ed cble thy rnise. Let tluy kiigdomne cerne. coreasetecfd."Horac Firbrthc, paer liansubeuib fe eueof uis vin auddawstuirui and filled fins a pile cf bliek vy ille be fulilled asvel l is carth as yt Itcîgan [.for Ibis reason tîme ejîculabion cf tbb CInese( dieitt ia sdboemu ying befare the hansýe in'heven. Geve vs tluis dlaye cure dayly *l"jT J-yn l OIti0 L.S IIQN%"wsLpaper si't \la-U e. Oue of thora delor for' (I yF and dakys.ed. And forgeve vs aurt tresspasss AylsC~ î ~ tr i pits 750 copies, whiic l tkes the printer 1 1 Ac ho stoppilug bis work te look evesi as vie fcrgevc aiec tre asi.Asnd Usýed by thelargest rmilimen in the country, and for sale by hardwar4 A elChryp toa thiiee Iyta -)pint. Many oaI uic ,gecat arculd nd m fu thcerpiles of dirt that lay lcsads s %net into temuptacien ; butelyver vsmeiieahow. Maufcrdsoeyb z'iixP~rmuumJîT lu ais oue. This iel way ud bbc hestreet, I"if the freio vi.Frtin sbkneon McCollEros. & Co., Toronto. etdmr nII5ou.Ti steNa--\t lulkl gardenlere bultis tiey vbbc ndhepaver sud flic giaryc for ever. D r. J. C. Ayer & Co., LowelI, Mass. beat Chiuaniuca luevcrytinig, and ssiIl tbey ln tise umscives rich, but here mmc eue dees Amen. _________________________________________ eoldil Prgie~ ricee$1 ; mix b0Lt e,~, titir ç v ijsh ct a<l.Itmukl isbc eeamaA. D. j2 ________________- If s atbkey taf bcprion omms-Weil, lb je a great country, this. , Our Fabluer, vihich art lu he-aven, saîueti- __Tt___ot___________teprson__ . s, Then lhe sent Bettina te, bhec store fora fIllets sie 4e h ingieucoule. Y,8RROR VOsUndPrnitH.uTrv ou-s , Il'Imer ueidcace jif tpcuny's wortls aIflue witiee auîd, wulihulie Tby willi bedoue as in lcavel, il is cartb also. _______ nv.mied iih bcesf , henpuifuebaYo 0ive us to-day aur supersubsýtanitial bread. Iysrailvisy colsouaraoic m to eIf lhie head, oarried it uptairs, Putt And forgicve us our dettes, as vo also for. L1tJ Strda y 30 prsusvie k Jiled an iud 40 l- flue bil aull ll y dowu uinder tIse earthî, gt uCdeteis. And leade vstntaotf m- >ee no luerlre ithdicer sue ocupai)nierd.n ueach cner and one junflhe middle, giaîettie. But deliverr niecvii. Amen. M sud flil5y 1Qres1C, tors o tir smures perfect t u h o wy nadr lstfrA. D. 1600. uusaluoo 1' ce erbex. Sod ,yal dïeu,- ITle Freniclu imlitser cf Mi i a s "(0-ten setrbbc box aviayrtiina dark closef for Sle oePro i2etorHSHOI D oe-b' t reftbe most soi-ict2Lable e Iaal e ays ud ci bbc leveufli day luee t 0rfaerwo tlabaclslod scld'e PugdtoicnTlur ar, Tinico pues.f l e lboxl Ie vbsdo iniithbbcbrigbt sunt-beThane purpods. l5iusie. I'retty soosu there viere live af lue jb kingdoinecne. Thywill be doeilenc ayuea London Iseuctor , i lovelicet luttle jrecutiluigs peeGping np aiiceerlas ib is lunlcax Ca. d L a vI l i a b i l i f e s c G 5 0 0 s d a s e s b u o g u f u i sid e . A d t yge , a s î d G l i s t h i s d a y a i s e d a y y b r e a d . f900. grevi, sndgrev, f111 one blesscd muimtý lu ,1lerc And forgive us eue debts, as vie alec for- Britishu exporte fa tise>Umitcd tatsbsow vicre flrct greaf busîchesaI"foers,eanc give aur debtors. na fallinug Off yeb uder teflati tebi née asBettiua'eeyes, oa,,e pink11as;,secuccks AucaduismiotiutobusptationnibubtdeliverB McKinley taîif. prtossiftIes anc vîewite sd poire like flue earchild'e us Irons cevii ; fcr Tiimle 3tîse kiugdoiin, sud seul. bbe pawer sud thie gliry fer ex or. Amn m. BOW M A M.,.VILL£U, The eevs cf the stambaîe u un su A.P. 53 lier rolîsoet tIse Louiseý, Ivrcred sucr Co 0-,Oliow lappy ,fee 'vas1ber litienose Orffbe ioArt lu i165j. alod ivîfd Ie elccu'faiaise, ud ierovenjf W es t Durhiamn.for Inri 1l"lll.luveall (ýi e(ooofýud Lbcethy naine. Headquart r ccedto lieastoulglu the poor', bairee111 Thy kigdoni corne. Thy yuil bc deminl CREAM ~~ TRTAR Iwere a palace, csimd e lur i-sdlappirer sblas lbl is lîceaven. F N sîîy pe ' llsicees. Theuc nxt day thelire Give us blis day eur daîly breadl. ye lm iore flowrs, aiberici pimsk eue, Aadiiarive us our debt, las vie f crgive 3hen Dalyvwas sick, we gare ber Cmitor1i suail, a vcly stripetiele ou i Ten .Bettina eedlfos lrig,.'~nI T a S t ,~'eoahewa a hîd he ri ~ asluppir ham eerams syasKai, i iiAndleaLd ns mut luto. temuptatiosu but de-. ' a Se s When he crim , ed fr astoma, itlier. liter us fr'>Iein evl ; fer Tîine mj ism bL ing h Whmgh ea i MigB, she c lang to as5ori'l,, TIr m dey va-s raieed 10 Ieith lefresh dossu sud the poIler aiud the glcmy furet el. 111 ara Wl-Du alie lhami chldxas, ahe gavote Lme iCaqt0Lra, ir othodiear, lIleers sud 1Bttinta heard Amen.Gls w re lier littli eiglubie, Jimîuîy ýKary (vibe ohsd G a s a beenUl siek for, e'er a o lug)'sa Cairyillg Lime in Ships. "obedear, listen i %ith yasur nae a A CaraI l ime ,iiLeidaugeru nusee. r c e , _____________________________________arc floyeris 'u c l me!II'd Wb li, as i fifequieliibiy dae, catchles l getIw ll if 1 Iîî eue, lIl',eU-eC." spite cf bbc gueteet pjrcauLItieus a lgainef thse Ia I ro CONTAINS NO "0, 2i d "cli efls."1 vrycaku levelseel li os9p -tos ~,îtn &monia, Lime, Phosphtu -n)t cuudev0 Itn Irum feuofeenoareuechtIele. eiuimstme J'Ilu, Am atesalC,.ps, C R ANY I?JURIOUS SUUBSTANOE. (tf udarier, fo I l viuld lue like eutfîng stops bbtirfe, Tbcy iai e bechun uafwmita Fa .~ E.W. ILLET, TOiO TO1OtTo moii n's iuisa. 1aybe Iai iI . lue u m, for several imomîthý.i]e. nluu tssS'auce~~v' E. W. Go1 LLETTbox." But shecold'risg j hu urVlaesesttdabsteg PANUFA-TURER 0F Tho0 door vsopLelaIlia udJuLt s a se iîside cf Ler. Souie finie Iago flue llme lu a _______ \T.DROALYETaterES.E anONd Lenionade Sets, etce Of Pur Codvwsesesled inp a iml, yLas possible. Thse IRE -~ v 0fY PGre Cod "lyacn ,cul u îeaefoICaptain imd his twlo semas vere cccvw. - Liver 011 and [wistIdu nurbvifvatefor, uer ,dîsîer Q [lda ite late uIIent ta on the a eu e ek u herfte lspueyTTT ~ f- HYPIJPHGSPITEJ li i yuiiie ii - o tiru 5liui g vii l e thcbih tlgtbdoora ceJnus, aseus'oth O J.b L £ .VJ A M ILY of Lime and -mlue, littie gr, u c ea Ihcocberald Pp gà% àruê. nà%I rhce dollars !,3 Tbas.xldpyleembbmuucmiostittew m' i~~ ada 1c~fr as mentIs, amîd get smstsim od Ifer tie dudbd iî leî.* J~~- lather toc, Bebuina thongi. Btlcut otld ThuisexcloIrisiltisvair Ue Uu llc Illfie loggcd avenlues o0? t- ý Emulj'siole mIsuct'heî-,u ie-brsseiJsTthiJms~ stop flu irenggtes-aif Isc rnacthodcsplyed hwlKidne s and Llver, crrlg ecmwîucsuIFfes -'am -..V-ouice camne tr-ughu fixe Ixuimdonvagalin ta frecc aveseci frîuimate. AÀ tire W is Iult in uol aual y theitwaIni 'ties.r0, uothor ! ite dyii' Issu for a bondseof flue cabts, sud Ise ils the llold, frain san'Ile offgrunaly uituontwcaeuig f~ ~ C &t Rmcd 1e COSU1PTIN, that eviate davier. C'u't ye get it for inlaîabic sua)v ifeial, Then aaile cxSUN- teni, nllicheimpurities and fou;i!huiniers scrofia1a, Eromshtj,Wasting ,Dis- me ?11, id e h frs s u Ielyes offlue seretion; uttheficsnie inie Cor- cases, Chromic cOoughs and Cls odco i nflcrbs ast cak dravigfrnds te re listeipare I bb recting Aidty of thie Stomiaçil, PA"ITAULE As MIE,. voice, but Bettina ,difi, sud msade np lier hlod, flue rats leave their hoies sud follon w ~ ix euigBajoses yppla sytu nsial 11 coter mind1sibîc Ifmi, ss ad îepeoshfogxigat lelev icu alw ays w ell supplied w ith the Conaestia izzi»ness, of tu 5 , SI uIalDrgiuse ieeil'î~ "N0I il eorf sue sid buedati gs-ciydou lb fer iiggatîse ir vs xiîce Dropy, imnes a Vison~Jaun tÇ~tt SOWL SSlheiie~grffly fe lue ta a ihdfhe vut sudwheufhîcy g onouf the peor rats are very best goods at 1ow est pricos. dîceYP ,Nc.Adlevucisabumbcdo, Sat Rheum, Erysiplas Sera- for___ ___ ___likcd t IlarliI-ti-funud desd srond flic stoves. fufla, Futtering of flue l-eail, Neri sd xAs sle texed bou.t luai-igot emutir vousness, and Gunrai ebiltyý; ~al L WA rS A T THE HEA4D abotJuus.Boubons of <jourtsihip. {getPieo ai.Pou .ieesu nsulter tiRfC Wc lic flabluer caine hsouuîe1Bttinsto1lld fis a tpopillau fict ionta agirl rami mary -H elte the 'bapp)y r'sluciieou J UDOCK Iiuva sfihupee."1eddit a a iibihsouf, 0as flue sayinlemsryîgup, " LL 1 OLOBTS'l i o7W uccIcair ,Jinlîsy ?" siesaid; "yen mnut cne his fanly. Ibis ne.t tr'uc. Somueinesagrape Leadî Seedsmx en in the d1iric.,~ Ï;l ,See tg ai «"es. l i TheisKari carrjed fus bbc bexsund Ïdace3 sping Iromui a tîsorui, sud.a pureo, tisul Set îlbijus chair by flue siek bc%oybe e miprte soucn dsfeiavile, siniful fabluer. lw yspeased to shO o .lspcin olcte Tv-ýcciel fle la lwiiiJsili yoîî maerytfile ovan)-1cli ame f x e ar e s. Audby simlxily rr, sduuete son c- M U R D O CHR O S "ARTERS L I s hd by înui eu sieoýep. sad u1 ,teuit share lubbci ufciîgcaused by bis,1 t1e oflr ic bieeee flsobue,"f luepo l, hres. HIerediy Ivie îsy or nsay Iset Vi'o ria BuildingüstDo.wanile bsLIes'f slept a viiuk this veek.ý bein l, blit va bave aIl seen characteris- O lI r l Thsen Bettiniadid xx iat she bliouglstshtsepeangnra lc as u eeais by, fa appear îm _______________________________________________ ~fiid ~eas tefakOeo~tuo ls u ncudigWachsDmmoos1jweîeîySilver. bad auytliug ta gain. Thue hosti 111fes - lulrh bteontct vitis thestriugs îby mealiseof ubbers, Slipp rec T1ýV r sr iiý,Gocr Hý armuaie, &: ,ý a Dry vere eeveral tjnues on thieec o, l beaiui h cîaad - îmu eec i b lc bar Mslledefuse teeiemceaiuigdouibluemers, ou, Mvauhd hsax'ýe prou cd disuebreui faPar pm hebusulfixeymg pressure. 'TieVaieS th l. M.ei ________ Satchels.halýs.p j- z') L urID ge, bu y(Iýzgiem tuti k sf1 vis uà ù n L)Vîsî ai -b ücets: ud vould bave bau gir uui11l.boisoor iisetî îaid uo u1 - in ue boue, foc $. SoISdeveryhcr, or centbyniaiL UL TD ., or glery te Englausd,wshimilutimies gmesefpu-e i-iu itlefridpeiibiy Speo jal attention given ta epiiig TUE 11W, fIK 5M and bleod boyard the maintenmance of thue tfuumimg, - thue guitstrings ruquiied, as vire hùDot.- Mllprci 5 , 0 HUCHSîTROTO tgrity efthfle lit fIe Kluugdoiui.îii. c old nos. be unîivereally ensployed.