AS o x Schoole, Linodsay, gave the rrachners the belneft of his long experience as an in- apector on the subject of liow to eecure effective ork in school. Tho points broughit out by the address were :-Tlie teacher should get the syrn- pathy of the parents ; sliould constanti yc mnake use of what has been taught; shoul d keen evernv p1ild ocI neid during school I LCQC K'S. rknierely as a clea, PJdenb and timul- value. ~ sell Nov. 1,9, 1890. ai] _______________ oft reat Pearliie mant he ýnrease our Une of 1 r read a eplendidly wt'ftten iguaee Traiviiig sDd Tech~- r" which ha was, requeste.4 vote of the convention, to offleeris resulted asfis Mia s: M'r. R. D. Davidso», Bair- ,ideit-Nlr. J. Dýtidson, attributes .2n ice-P saideit-,Nlr. FredCO.Vhilp, ring to the Canton, fresh air ie .%-tZr. R. A. Lee, Port Hope. Tresurr--ýIr J.Gilfillau, Boirmani- )ot of oui' ville. tiomt whichi A commiittee waq appointed to draft a 0 m&k'e ailtîme table, siuitable for a majority of the -shools in thie counrty, have it printed,aud ntury 00 ,ry experi. ada ýth intereet s country. ity 8, o-opoi- bee EDTR FTE TTEMN Sn.-There i8anas old adage that prophet i$ not without hionor àeo~ o on ountiy," and theseyjig JIy accepted as cantaining much »deed it lu exparided rnto the 7 ccepted belief that true imerit, it be that of an individual, or oiue medcienary preparation i. re lilrely ta mneut with popularI aa distance thau at home,. àwç, ack1nowledgd as being the remiedy for cold lu the head and ever offered the people of Oan- rsa stri1king instance of the fact ular opinion, for once, at least, *. Front the outaet its popular- ehome of its manufacture han auunded and constantly luoreas- .evidsxtae of titis we offoi! te8ti. fron t to BrockvBlle gentlemuen kstown throughtont ihe Domin- ýrby2lire, Esq., Myor of Brock- dI for the past two a as Prsident can b.e s ýP We of th