Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1890, p. 5

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____________________________________ I tres the miost obstinae% case, if takien ýeveriDgl.y. .NDHAM1ý'S COUGEI BALSAM lias stood et of years of trial. .NDHI&M'S COUGR BÂLSAM can ho ýn b>' th. youngesh chidren-la pleassut lu 3perfectly ate, sud prevents consumptleu ken lu ttwo. i.NDIIA.M'S COUGII BALSAIM la made 2 e prescription of establislaed value vihicli SmalI Price, *25 CENTS: 1 PEAN llYL The>' are lieoýit TDyis tliat WILL NOT WASH OUT 1 WILL NOT FADE OUT 1 'There i. niothiugLhke themn for Strengtli. Coloinii tr Fustnezs. Ir yen dloubt it, try il ! Tour money ifl be le fundle dityou are uo 'l vuedftathi-l. Fitty- ,Iu ooaare mýic i 'iieVrkzimh Iyes, embzaing a11 new &Ilae s, a-l ttira are a.dded a3s.c. .8asthey t,.enefbonl. They a-ewarutdto ara 1more gooda and d, it bitter that auy other Dyes ÏlePieas Inforior D70, 10 <otis. Canaa lranb:4,11St- PnuI Street, otel .Wiml d Jr oms a fe.d oloIeet Many Thanks. WÏfe ts.ke thls nmetnas f expressing ourhearty inksho our friends fer thir Dioat iberal truoage curiug the uast year aud nmare 5pectit>' dcurtue tlie Xmas eson. In spite !b thutnfevorable veather snd dulil imes ti Xmaa trade lias exceeded that of au>' ,evlous year, which proves still more clean>' et the pubic appreclete our efforts to supply onui eh popular.prices i cli the he3t sud uxost WMÂNVILLE, JAN. 1, 1889. ýND TRUNK RÂILWÂY. BOWMANY ILLIC STATION. 1KG EAST GOING WEST -r. .810 aM il.ti...... 557 am .1032 amru o'a . 2a ...... 337p w IExpress* ... 935a r . .... 07p ml xed-.. .3l1) m .....1 0:9 MMail . ...... 827 p lu ýp Mondays.. -al and Otherwise. e0 tOSTATESUA-, office for best club- Fers. Sam. Clark vise re-ebecte.d Mayor ourg by acclamation. M. Jonesa lef t ou Monday for a it frieuds lu Brampton. your Xmas presentsabethtie West ue. Silk lhndkerchiefs sud yood it viholesale prices. L, James sleg ateamship tickets for it linos sailing fronu Newi Yorkt as I he Dominion Line. ety Hall, truc 10 usme, bas a znag- b variety of goods su ýtable for pros- t' young sund oid. Look in. ,Il a lte Co-oui)eratire JevielIry befeu\ buyiug,, -yl ho litue snd saer4' No ld stock kept, ou have pictures to framne teke o Heunry, hl ie ii frame them betr îeaper then any elirer houa. lu S. S. Anchorie of tire Aucher Lino h John Wyllte sailed freux Newi n Dec. 21 renorted at Morille on sîand au o lighte vent etMouday by ice forming o iepn ly blockiug the acreen over renting lire viater getag al. .ght tire entire stock of Mies iuery sud iuteud doing bus- ainwe stand. Will sell ai coat ýys-grcat bargeins may ho asir only. Mm., G. A, Dxs- 1F. W. Covan is Mayor of Oshawva. ,M SiDry goodos t coat at Ted Bo. iig up-businems-sale. 1Pur nmit foud-a iman's. Iniquire et iSTATESMAN ofie. Mr. S. Cotton los everal notes by the burDing of his house recently, Se. Ted Bros.' new stock of fiennels sud blaukets-sl et ceaI price. A choice selection of rings may be acon et the Co-operative Jewelry Store, Master Norman Heggie, of Brampton, ie visitiug at 1h. Church-stParsonige. Suuday waa viol sud the sîreets muddy but the churches viere well atteuded. Solid silverviatohes fromi two dollars upviards et John J, Msson's uew store. The Misses Grant and Mr. L. Grant, of Toronto, have beetu visiting frieuda here. We were favored by a cail from Mr. Joahus Moore, B. A., of Goderiah HigIt Sahool, Mendey. On Sundey ucit, Jan. 54hr Rev. Prof. Symonda, M. A., will preachin l St. John's church, moruing sud eveuitig. Neyer had a better run of watch sud dlock repairing than since moving to th. new store, se aya Juo, J. Mason. 1CerivrigliriCeuncil re-electedi: J. M. MoRee, reeve; Jas. Parr deputy reeve;1 J. H. Devitt, D. PalliBansd Auson Tay- lor, ceuncillbore. Hl. S. Mitchell, Drayton, advertises splendid fermna for sale lui couty of Well- ington, oeeof the bet agricultural coun- tics in Ontario. SoE, his advt. Mr. S. W. Sauinders vies dovin treet on Saturci.y in hie viheel chair iooking as cheerful as a youug bride. The ciii- zens are elwaym pleased to se hie familier face. Tait's Photo Gllary in again open sud ready for business. Entrauce through H.1 C. Brittaiu's Jevielîr>' Store-the forme - entrence to the gallery. TAIT Co(J.,1 Photo Artiste. 1-tf. Ladies should ail see lte Newi York Fashion Bazar,$3.O0 ayear. It in queen ameng thre fashion monthlies. George1 1unroe, publiehier, 17 te 27 Vandevieter Î.New York. Dr. John Hoakin, Q. C., of Toronto, Zave THE STÂTESMÂN e friendly oeil on Friday. Ho camne to visit Mr. Robert Armour in vihose lavi office heý was a stu- dent over 30 year8 ago. *A special offer fer the holiday trade- jgen t'a g.ld. filled vitches from $20 un- ladies' aolid gold sud ser viatches kept in stock et equally low prices. Chaine of all descýiptions. fH. C. Brittain. Subacriptions taken aI THu STATE13MAN office for Weekly Globe, Mfail, Empire, Witness, Family Hlerld, Stock Journal, and 2,599 other papere aI bowest rates. Balance of 1889 free ou most of them. Prof. LolIsette's Memory Sytent is are- atiug greater interest than erer in al parts of lte country, sud persone vishing te iruprove their xnemory hould send for his prospectusfreeas advQrtisedin another columu. Justto10he.nd et (ouaIt, Johiteton& Crydermau's a flue range of laclies' sud Mm5'ulten hr aee r-ain mtade. Their gooda are cul sand made up as ouly Germaus outulasd make up ladies' coats. Tire Lincolin Daily, Nebraska State Jouruel,is te heud with te following par-. agraph inarked: A fine new boy weighing eleveri pounde arrived et lte home ef Adna Dobson, deputy county survoyer, yesterday moruing" TP6 THT DE4.-A persan cured of Deafuess and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by .s simple remedy, will send s description Of il >FREE te any per- soui vir applies te NICHOLSON, 30 St. John St., Moutreal. 44-lyr. Caîl esrly and select îour Xntas pres- enta front tha latent catalogues issued by first-clas murver platei factories. Thee goods are viorth 25 per cent more than the smre goode are afler they have been put in stock and haudled over time after lime. H. C. Brittain. Send to 9 Adelelde St., West, Toronto, for a Free Semple Copyr of lbe Fireside Weekly, s fiuely ulutrated and intereet. ing story paper, sud so realizo vihat an) extraordinery offer vie are makiug whu vie agree b msera both te STÂTESMÂN and Fireside Weekly for $2. 00 vihen the Fire.. side alone is $2 a year. Now is thre tinte to ubcribe sud receive lbe benefit of tItis great offer. If W. tae.pieassure in clling te alten- lion of our readere 10 lIte advttrtisemeul in another columu, of the fe)rthcoming meeting in thre inteïcala cf Highier Edu- cation in conniexion wiuth Trietity Co)llege, te be addres8ed by Rer. Prof. Syiuonds, M. A., sud Mr. Barlo)w Curnberiaud, M. A. Under the able direction et Pro'- vost Body, Triivy has sho)wu signs of remarkable activity leý laie years viaI have taken outward sud visible manifest- ation lu the splendid new wving uow lu course of erection. lte fouaidation atone Due bills taken same as cash at Tod Bros.' givinug-up-basilless-sale. A good fur coat et $20 aud over forLy to select froru at Central Blouse, Our mnotto--smal profits aud quick re- turns-vie find pay-H. C. flrittain. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. LIOBT. VIPTruE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. A very large stock of mantde and ulster cloths at Jno. J. Mason's big, new store. A very large and choice stock of new, tweeds aud worsteds just opened out at Couch, Jolinson & Cryderman's. Ladies if you want a cheap, fashionable hat cail at Mrs. Dingmau's. Seiling at haif-price. Stravi and felt hats re-shapefi. M. A. Js.xtis wilI mike it worth your vihile teorder aIl the papers yon wvint for 1890 fromn him. Big reductious for clubs. The Canadien Nation, thre organ of the Third Party, je to hand and re full of ife and energy. We vielcoome il ou our ex- change liai and ihaîl watch its course with interest. NoOT u.;x Fou MAr.-I eau say tilat your Hagyarda Yellow Oul is the beatJ thing 1 ever sw for croup, conighs, colds, cuts or burus, and it ia good for iman or beast. Mise E. M. BHopkins, Claremout. Ont. Yellow Oil cures rheumatiam, neuralgia and ail pain. St. Pa.u's S. S. Anniverery. The entertainment in St. Pa~us' church lest Friday eveuing was of a nj9vel kind in this chiurch and seemed , obcethor- oughly enjoyed by ail, particularly by the oidren for whoee benefit it was given. Mr. M. P. Talling road extracts frorn journ.al of Mr. Goferth, Missionary in Henan, China, and te viheso support St. Paul'a S. S. contributes. Mr. Goforth althougli Dot yet two years iital country je already doing a great work. MuaIt in- tere8t was meuifested iu bis werk there as described ini bie notes, The chief part of the programme vias a little story called "Angel's Xmuas," whîob was read by Mr. M. M. Fenwick, M. A., and the musical part was rendered by the choir and S. S. The story vias a very pathetie one sud thle choir rendered it in suaIt a way as te inoiten the eyes of not a fmi. Much credit je du-3 Miss Armour and Mr. Wallis the leaders cif the choir, viho muet have been et great trouble to prepare so admnir- abie an eutertaiumeut. Dr. J. W. Me- Laughlin, MI. P. P., superintendet - cupied ihe chair. The procenede f t the uilver culleotion et the door wero about $30. At the close Rer. R. D. Flraser, M. A., Messrs. Johu MoDougall, secre- tary, aud Thos. Tod, librarian, ditributed cauidies to aIl aud special prizes le lthe scholars who had recîted ail the memory verses for., te year. A man's wife ahould always be thE mante especielly to her husband, but if lite is vieak anid nervous, sud uses Catter's. Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make lier 'foel liko s difficreut person," 50 they al say, sud their huasbaundsE ay so toc!I Eleetors Town of Bowmanvîfle. Your Votefer the office of MaYor respect. falI>' soicted for R. R. LOSCOMBE. Eleetors of Bowman- ville. LADIES AND GENTLEMN- Haviug heen nom. lpated for Deputy-Reeve for this teo, n. for 1890 and liavlng deciIea te ho a candidate for t het ellice. 1 most respectfuilly seliait Yeux vote and Influence iu my behalf. If electect I shall use my best cudeavors to vrontote the ha t inter- ests of the town generalîr. Yotir ebedtieut servant, S. S. EDSA.LL. Eleetors of Bowman- ville. I amn a candidate for Deputy 'Reeve andi re- spectfullysolici your vote andiInfluence. My five pears' record ls befere you. if elected, yen shaîl have the henefit of my experleuce3. R. WORTH. 1NotleeS ouf Ilrths and Deathî, ý53 centsr metrrlagts, 50 cns HILBR~-ENRY-Àtthe residence of the bride's parents. on the 17Lh tuai., by the 1ev. 1,fr. Germian, Mr. WilliuamIlilbora and MIss Amella, daugliter of Mr. Phineas Henry, of1 Drayton, WisEm.AN.z-WARDRtxGii.-Ofl the 23rd [Dec, by the 11ev. J. 'W. Totten. in the Town Hall. Whiiby. under the Salvation Aruiy flag, Cept. A. Wiseinan, of Tilbury Centre, and (Japtain E. Wardhatngb.0of Whiuthy.1 CRosICENr-MCCÂb7L.-OU the Ztth Dec.,. y the 11ev. J. W. Totten. at the residence of the hride's varents, Mr, W. Croslten atnd Miss Ennua MoCaulay, both of O ,hawa. 1ý0n1E-,WHITiY.- n Marltâale, on the '25th uil,,* b he1ev. r. Bagep, at t, e Mh, odet stir',M, d Boe, of Oshawa au d 4 6 jas nIe Whitby, 0f Mark Dale, DIED. RICHARI)P -'Il Bowianville, on» the 30th December. 1889, Albert Edward Richards. son of Richard anid Eiza. Richards, aged 18 years and 83vie ha, fJOUSE TO LET.-A two-storey brick huoon Ontario-st. Apply to JOHN, JErwFEnY, Eîng.st. 51-1w ]R OMS TO LET.-Two cheerful and convenient ronifl in the STATSbA! Filoek fronting on King Street, saitable for OftlCef. APPt>' b M- A.. JAMýNES, 8-tf. EI~FER ASTRAV.-Catieon lot 2, L.con.3. Darlington, rieing three years. Toc owner le reque8ted to prove prorrir. pay expeses nd t li er avia>. W. . BuÂGc, Bowmanvillw 110OR SALE BY TENDER.-The Syl- -8'vester Homnestead,159 acres more or less. betng south riait lot 16, and south.west quarter of lot 15, In the 7 h con. Tenders wîtt be re- celved »y the undersigned up te Jan. 20th. 1890, for the vurchase of above property. W. M. JONES, Port Perry; JNO0. SYLVESTER,. En. niskitten. Executors. 1-3w Dec. 19, 19 AiJOTION SALE 0F Eleetors of Clarke. RI. McGE x-cjE'S L-ý)E N)GENTLEMEN- MISCELLANEOIJS LIBRARY. Havineg been nom. tua ced for CouIncilor for 1890. 1 respectufuli> soticit. your voles and influence. If Yau elect The undersigned lias roeeeived instructions me 1 shall sirive 10 serve youhto the best of my frein J. F. Grierson, Assiguee of R. MceGee's abilit>'JNDAE. Estate, te offer for sale b>' Public Auction, JOHN A.VE OnQ F'zicay, Jan. 10, 1890, at Wtlsou's Mui a ll,in the Towinot OE6hava. Elecors f Cl rke. th<u larie. aud valuahle Lihrary of R. kMa Gee. This collection of books coutas a great many- enilce works, asit has been selecheci vutti Te thse Eleftors ef the Township et Clarke. great cure and ouly the beat have been pur- Gxtrn.EMK.Havngbeen uomilRated fer cltased. Thy are aI l el bountiasud have the offico ot Ceunciller aud heing unable te been capecien>' volt cared for, and are nov ia caîl upon you ail personal>' lu se short a time, good condtion. The library' contaius beiveet. I take ibis meana of roquesting your voeoandA ivo andi thre housanti books, amang the influence. Yeurs T-ni>', numbor are 4Appletoi'm Amnrteau Cyclopedis, THOMAS MOFFAT. ppleten's ,Cyelopedisa fAmerican Biegraphy>, Clarke, Dec. 31, 1889. Enyctepedi.li ritannica sud ouppiement, _____________________________ Dictionar>' of National Biograph>', 18 vols.,, 1» Leslie Stpen; Parkmn's vorks, IPîctur- H IOHER EDUCATION e-que Amerlira, sud Puctureaque Canada. Macstculey'a Werks sud ail Euglistiand Ame3r- in connection with Trinity Uni- 'aIn Pools and Novelists iacluding aniçiet magnificenti>' Ilustrated set et Thaclteray's versity, Toronto. Wrks. Therc are aise s great meuy Perledi cals sund Magazines, sud a largo number of worzs on ail subjecha, Ristor>'. Science. e, b>' A meeting of those interested ini Higirer the hUsb iriters, basides a geadir quantit>' of Education, l ho held in lire Schel lighter readuxlg matter. Theowhheeof thia valuable Librar>' vililie Roorn of St. John's churcir ou efferet fer msaie on the above date. and viii affeiti the iýeah passible chance te lovers or NIONI>AV, JAN. 6(11, I9 books frs( Z-eSae il1 commence at 1.30 o'clock in te commeaciug et 8 o'clocklu lb.theeuiug. etternoon. Addresaes wl ho delirered by Rer. Tsuaisop'8ÂE an1 sd uudei- r ;ail a me"utsor $15 six montha credit on ap- Professor Symonde, M. A., sud M&. Bar- proved eutiorsed notes. low Cumiberlaud, M. A. 1 S, C. IfUNKING, Auctienieer, The chair wilI bc laken by Rcv. Canon Gbaiaa. Dac. 291h,189 1-2w Mlacuab, D. D.. . n The public la cordiaily invited. fr1 -.. aiîqt f-,,tl & choe MIug&Ck - ~ lTho cauxual generxl xmeeting of the Share. V iA N I older fet larniptolilButter sud as Meai ir Company viii ho heldin lathe ,,..AL i elESMEN tb îutroduce sdai urTow a llHampton, ou ,Salurda>Y, lie 1tth. j? ~ ~ IK lo tc ,Wt rvýilli,, P.S., 555 prosoat seaso: S, 11, Daningicu, 397 ary.de Bowmnanvilie . .S.,40eto iterrille P. S,, 5 î4 Nurserymen, iikillen, 4M4 _____ boi tliody and ouljon ýt !alble toute, mit lier. 7ER &.&T' rChristmnas at the Pharmaey. Chemists and Druggists.. Holiday Goods eheaper thau ever. A big~ stock andi a c1h#1èe variety., Plush goods and fancy articles to su~it ever$body. A FEW 0F OUR LIN ES. Plush Dressing Cases. IPIush OdQr Cases Plush Manicure Cases. Plush Glove and Handkerchief Cases. Whisk Jiolders. English, French and GerRian 1?erfumery. Fine llair ]BrusbîA, Gent's Companions, 1eather. Shaving Mugs and Brushes. Cut Glass Bottleg. Our Perfunies are 'the Best. BOTTLED OR !N BULK. We a1so have a beautifal lUne of BA.SKET PER FUMES, just the thing for Christmas Presents. J. IHIGGINaOTEHWX & SON. D RESMAEIG.-.Mrs.Asa Otton~, ~fomery issEgn> asreetlmed dres Mku a rm n. 1 ndulg*' ,King.st., S -TEER ASTRAY.-Camne on lot 13, con. 8, Darlington. in Novernber, a steex' rislng ilireyears. Vie oviner te requested te prove property. pay expenses and halte him aWay. ROBERT FALLLIS, HAVDON, P O.. H OUSE TO RENT.-That commodi- ous dwelling hanse situated on Ontario Street, owued by Mro. Chas, Coleman, and latety occupied by _Miss Steiu. For particulars appl>' to Coucia. JOMlNsTON RDE;I Bovimanvile. 60-tf. CAT TLB ASTR AY.-Canie on Lot 163, Con. 7, Cartwrighit, on or about Nov. 28, 6 eieri orne sud twe years eld, and 1 Steer. tvie years old. The ovinor i8 reqjuested te prove property. psy expensesand amtke tbemn avia>. PETE WEIGIvr. Ciesarea«. 5 1;3 w 'TANTED.-Wen 10 tek.e rders for TVNursery stock. onSalax'y orCominission. I cen malte a sucýessaful Saleswau of auy oe viho will woFltandItollow nmY instructions. Will furnish handsome otftit free, and pay your salary or commission Lver>' week. Write fotrs aionce. E O GutÂHÀA,NrserTyman, Toronto, Ont. 42.l0wl Auction Sale Valuabie Farm Under and b>' Vîrtue of power af sale con- gTÂILL10 :W ANTED.-25 Canadit " brEýd Draugb Fallionq from 2 te 5ye oltI. Mu.t regis t-euoe ofthle oront,, Sta flookaý. Write at once ta Wa. BUReuM% (Cedar tipringe, Ont. QTEER ASTRAY.- Came ou lob 6 J~Jcon. 5, Darlington, a Steer, mosti>' ret4 rising tl'ree years. The owner la requestedzir- prove p"roperir. ay extpenses an m i e away. J. .WEami, Trne 7;w Brick House aud -t-hree Acres of' Land For Sale In Bowinanvifle. The und ersgnedfars for sale that deggleable Seat 01er>'. N~MAŽ~' 'S Great ankiruptSale STILL GOýES ON. ----o--- The Great Rush stbili Continues!,, --0 1--- Greater Reduction Than Ever for the Next Week. Wall ?aper from 3 cents a roll. up. Sohool Books at haîf price. Picture Frames and Mouldings at a terrifie sacrifice. Lawrence's Celebrated Spectacles at one quarter their value, A. lovely stock of Jewelry at haif price. Also Razors,Tooth Brushes)Gombs, aurshes, Bibles, Uyma Books, Cups and Saucers andi fancy goods of every description at sweeping reductions. 'Window Blinda and Rollers at a sacrifice. Remember the place. Tait's Old Stand.

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