Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 2 Apr 2003, C6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A p ril 2, 2003 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8X65 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm IFZ1 BR AN THAVEN home in Tyandaga 4-bedroom s, den. large kitchen. 2 -fire places. large deck backs on to greenspace. main floor la undry room . 3.5 baths. $570,000 905*315' 8940 No Agents please. BU RLING TO N S.E. all brick sem i. 3-bedroom . 2.5bath, dble private drive. P.fin. bsmt w/pine fam.rm. Too many upgrade/ extras to list. Low $200k 905-639* 7619 pc vbosympaticoca LUXURY free hold townhouse for s a le - M illcro ft Burlington. Great location. Large lot. Loaded G reat condition. $249,000. 905331*1963. for appointment. No realtors. apartments & flats for rent C la ssified r . L A K E S I D E MARINE DR., OAKVILLE Tastetully renovated 1 & 2 bedroom suites in adult oriented building on lake, near Lakeshore and East St Dishwasher · In-suite storage Courteous 24/7 on-site stall From $1075 w w w oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@ haltonsearch.com Circulation: 905-845-9742 Real Estate 100-135· Business to Business 140-169' Rentals 170-1% Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299» Merchandise 300-385· Auto 400470*Help Wanted 500-570 ·Services 700-795 GLEN ABBEY: two-bedroom, pnvate walk-out; laundry; one parking only; jacuzzi bath. No smoking/pets. Available April 1st. (905)847-6831. THE Oaklands. 2021 M er c hant's Gate: 2 & 3 bed room units available. Con tact Maiy9Q6*647-7170 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille 3bedroom apartment. Brand new everything! A p ril 1st. $1295/m o plus cable & heat. P a rking C o nta ct Ann 905-464-8600 DOWNTOWN Oakville large 1-bedroom, deck, fireplace, parking. no pets, no sm okers. $1400 Inclusive. 905-844-8581 B U R LIN G TO N C e ntral, walk to GO. Spacious, car peted 2-bedroom w/balcony. May. 1st $870/m o. all in c lu s iv e Q uiet lo w -rise. 905*466*6032._____________ BU RLING TO N Central. 1bedroom basem ent a p a rt m ent. N on-sm okers only. Clean, quiet. Available im m edia tely $750/m o. C all 905-639-4677 ext-221 BU R LIN G TO N * new ly renovated c le an 1-b e d room apartm ent availab le A pril. $700/m o. 905*634* 6614______________________ B U R LIN G TO N . 2-bdrm . C lean, qu ie t, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. hydro. April/1 st. June/1 st. (No dogs) 905-66 4-26 59; 905-572*7631 PR O FESS IO N A L m ale looking for 1-bedroom con dom inium In B u rlington area fo r the b e g inning of May 905-464 0040 142 Bedroom Apartm ents Available A pril/ May/ June from $695 /m o C o n ve n ie n tly located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. B u rlington 905-632-4265 1&2 bed roo m s av a ila b le Starting at $875/mo. park ing. Indoor pool, sauna. Ravine setting QEW / Tra* ttg a ra re a 905-844-1106 FR ESH LY pain te d , h a rd w ood flo o rs ! 2-B edroom available May/ June. From $949/mo.+ parking Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near GO * Malls 905-639-7805 2-BR S u ites H ydro in clu ded. A cross from B u r lin g to n M all M ature te n ants. ·Princess*. 905-6398009 ___________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr. at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything New security system 142 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 EXTRA large Bachelor, 14 2 bedroom suites available In beautiful O akville build ings. Largo balconies. Close to schools & profes sio nal services. Easy a c cess to QEW & 403 Very reasonable. 905-844-2646 or 905-845-0987 O A K V IL L E K e rr/ L ake shore. 2-bedroom , ground flo o r, plus b a s e ment. $850/mo Albert Me* Donagh Ltd.. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 5690 BU R LIN G TO N mam level duplex. G arage, 5 a p pliances. a/c. 2+1 bedroom, deck. $1220/m o inclusive May/ 1st 416-884-2136 LIVING - 1 LAKESHORE RD, BURLINGTONQuiet lake-front building, near Appleby Line, dishwashers avail, swimming pool, sauna, billiard & party room, card access, a/c. responsive 24/7 on-site slatf. renovated 1.2&3bedrooms Irom $980 Live Rent Free! 1ST MONTH FREE M OVE IN NOW ^ W a te rfro n t,B u rlin g to n . B rig h t, sp a c io u s , c le a n 2 s to re y , 2 -b d rm G a rd e n H om es. P a r k -lik e s e ttin g . F re s h ly p a in te d , b ro a d lo o m , g le a m in g h a rd w o o d , 2nd fir laundry, w/o to yard, Irg eat-in kit., 4 appl. HURRY THESE W O N 'T LAST! From only S999./mo.+ 1-416-921-9812 · 1-905-967-4211 5370 - 5380 Lakeshore Road To place an announcement, employment or classified ad CALL 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. FAX: 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 8 1 6 5 BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: B urlington Post & F lam borough Post 5040 Mainway, #1. Burlington, ON L7L- 7G5 O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. ON L6K 2S4 C all 905-825-9616 TORRANCE ST.. BURLINGTON Lakeshore & Brant, steps lo lakelronl. considerate 24/7 on-sile slafl. outdoor pool, controlled access, close lo schools, shopping & transit. Large, renovated 1. 2 & 3 bedrooms Irom $899 Call 905-333-6968 LAKESHORE RD, BURLINGTON Near Branl Street, stunning lake views, dishwashers available, swimming pool, litness cenlre. billiards, card access, near shopping, transit, renovated 1.2 & 3 bedrooms Irom $945. O A K V IL L E -P ilg rim s Way. 2-bedroom condo available May/June, ensuite laundry, fireplace, hiking trails. Call 905*847-2934_____________ 2-LE V E L 1500 s q .lt.. 3bedroom, ensuito laundry. O akville Place area, avail able May 1st.. $ l3 0 0 /m o 519-837-0985._____________ BRONTE Lakefront. 2-bed* room condo. Pool, tennis, gym. indoor parking $1300/ mo inclusive. Available June 1st 905*567*1646 FORESTCHASE. Spacious 2*bedroom corner unit with fresh docor. 5 appliances. C /A. balcony ov e rlo o k in g treo d area May 1st. $1150/mo. utilities. L. Davies R.E., 905*333-4347 BURLINGTON- 3yrs new. Lux 2-bedroom , garage. 4 appliances. $1100/mo 416255-2085 BURLINGTON immediate Upscale 2-bedroom Condo, fro n t/ rear garden. A/C. 5 appliance, fireplace. $1050/ mo utilities 905-467-6336 BRONTE. On lake! 1-bedroom + large den. Jacuzzi, sepa rate show er. Insuite laundry. 5 appliances, bal cony. gym, p a rk in g / s to r age May $990 /m o .* utillties 905-827-2535_________ l ! u l houses for rent O A K V IL L E . $ 1700/m o Gorgeous 3*bedrooms. 2.5 baths, ceram ics, bleached oak kitchen.Laurice Albert. Assoc. Broker, RE/M AX 905-257-2414. O AKVILLE Executive semi on la ke. 4-bedroom s, 3 baths. 2 fire p la c e s , den. fin ish e d basem ent. C/A. double garage Immediate $2.000/m o. utilities. 905627-1665_________________ K IN G S W A Y / Ford Dr area. 2500 s q .ft.. 4 -b e d room s. den. main floor w/ fire p la c o . dou ble garage. $1500/m o.+ u tilitie s M ar/ Apr 905-847-5095. Ext.51 RENT Alternative Rent to O wn o p tio n s or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty. Realtor. 905-639-7676 email: ucanbuy2 © notmail com FU RN ISH ED 4-bedroom bungalow. E. Oakville, long or short term Professionally decorated. Fully equipped. Turnkey May 1st. $3200/ mo. 905-842-6968________ SUPERCENTRE- Split-level, 1.5 baths, garage, fireplace, fam llyroom . $1360/m o.; Downtown B u rlin g to n - 2* bedroom bungalow, recroom $995/mo.; Off Guelph Line3-bedroom townhouse. 1.5 baths, rec-room. balcony $1030/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd.. 905-632-5690_________ BU RLIN G TO N N o rth -E x ecutive 2-storey homes. 4bedroom s. 3-bathroom s, m ainflo or fa m ily / laundry, finished basement, double garage. Im m ediate. 905333-3544__________________ S. W . B U R L I N G T O N . Spotless 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, rec. room. C/A. perfect for active sem l-re tire d or professional couple. Nonsm oker/ pets $1250/m o. + u tilitie s M a y ls t. 905639-6462_________________ S.E.BURLINGTON Beauty! $1900/m o. u tili ties 4 level side split, 3 bdrm. new kitchen, gas FP in fam ily room , la rge fenced yard, double car garage. Call Barb & Rick M itchell S ales Reps. Re/ Max Garden City 905-3333500 NEW/ Appleby Line Avail able M ay/1st. 2-bedroom apartment on large lot. 1car garage. $1400/mo. in clu des hea t/ hydro. Nonsm oker. no pets 905-8255842 HEY Ken and /o r Barbie!! O lde B u rlin g to n . 2+ b e d room near lake, main floor executive home Bring your designer life s ty le . $1,200 905-634-4871 BU RLING TO N southeast Clean, 3-bedroom , c/air, garage, recroom, 1.5 baths, $ l0 5 0 /m o . in clude s heat. May 6th. 905-639-1206. GLEN Abbey 4 Bedroom , 3,400 sq ft. executive, A/C, sec u rity , Double G arage June 1st. S2.300/plus u tili tie s R e ference s/credit check req u ire d No pets 825-0109._________________ O A K V ILL E - steps to Lake and M arina. Renovated older home on one of the most desirable streets. 3/4bdrm 2-bath, office/den, en closed back porch, fenced yard, im m edia te occu pancy. $ 1550/mo. +utilities. 416-46 0-45 45. Evenings 905-827-6283 D eadlines: M o n ., 5 p .m ., fo r W e d . p u b lic a tio n W e d ., 5 p .m ., fo r Fri. p u b lic a tio n T h u rs ., 5 p .m ., fo r S u n . p u b lic a tio n COMEt/DMETD... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited BURLINGTON 2-bedroom ava ila b le May. P a rk-like settin g . 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking Near schools, shopping. 905333-1190 LA RG E 3-bedroom from $1199 (+ util). 5 appls. ga rage. May/ June Longmoor Dr.. B u rlington. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 0070 www pmonline.com TOW NHOUSE in M illcro ft 3-bedroom . 2.5 baths. +1 bed and bath in basement. Hardwood floors, fireplace. $ 1 750/m o + u tilltie s M ay/ June negotiable. 905-3314820 Special Feature deadlines may vary. Paym ent: W e a c c e p t c a s h , c h e q u e , In te ra c, V is a , M a s te rC a rd , A m e ric a n E x p re s s . B u s in e s s a c c o u n ts c a n b e o p e n e d w ith a n a p p ro v e d c re d it a p p lic a tio n a v a ila b le fro m y o u r S a le s C o n s u lta n t. C H E C K YOUR AD OUNDAS (W e s t)- Threebedroom end unit, 1.5 baths, finished basement, bright and chee rful. $151,900 905-690-8948 TOW NHOUSE condo for sale. 2-bedroom , den. pa tio, 2 parking, quiet area near 407-. $149,900 905336-3644 Call 905-681-8506 C all 905-333-9141 S i r ^Q w h a rd | n iiia ia Take a good look at a Great Lake! BRO NTE, on the lake. Completely renovat ed 2-bedroom available April. $1120/mo.+ parking. Pool, tennis, underground parking. Q ouw s O akville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpel Vertical Blinds Balconies 01 Patios 5 Appliances THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to e n s u re lost A found F O U N D - M en's w edding ring in snow bank in park ing lot. at new Appleby li brary on March 14th Cad to identify. 905-632*4440. ext. 243 F O U N D - m oney w rapped in store receipt at Fortino's store Call to identify loca tion. roceip t and am ount. 905-336-2741 FO UND: Cat- Black 4 white- female- Uppor M id dle & W alker's Line 'W o call Alicia*. Call 905-3362522 FO UND: Fem ale tan ta b by. Appleby/ Fairview We call ` A p ril* Phone 905* 637-7325. FOUND: Young short-hair grey tabby. Burloak/ New. We call ` Susan* Phono 905-637-7325._____________ LO ST: S live r ce ll phone W ill id e n tify. Please ca ll businoss hours. 905*637* 3415 th e in fo rm a tio n is c o rre c t. C o n ta c t y o u r S a le s C o n s u lta n t w ith in 2 4 -H o u rs if an e rro r a p p e a rs . An error in a Fri. publication WHITE Oaks Condo- 3-bdrm. ensuite laundry, newly renovated, in -do or pool, excellent building. $174,900. Fran 416-428-3726_________ WE specialize In C o ndo m inium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd.. R ealtor. (905)333-4347 must be reported no later than Mon. 5:30 p.m. CIRCULATION: 905-632-0588 MAIN SWITCHBOARD: 905-632-4444 A king pillow -top m attress set w ith fram e New in plastic Cost $1600. Sacri* f-CO $650 905-567-9459 BED, Am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty $150 905*567*4042 BEDROOM set. 8-pce. cherryw ood . Bod. chest, dresser, m irro r, night stands. Dovetail construc tion. Nover opened in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2600.906-567-4042 BEDS. New. Double. $220; Queen. $240 Complete w/ frame. Futons Free Delivery. R efurbished VCRs. TVs. <ecord players, portable CD playors 905-681-9496 CARPET. I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 C H ELS EA M anner fu rn i ture. rect end table, coffee tablo. round lam p table , sofa table. Great condition. 1 year old 905-639-5720 C O M PU TER - NEC with Pentium 166. 2.5 GHD. in cludes monitor and printer. $500. 905-319-6345. after 5pm._________ ____________ D IN IN G / kitchen table. Contemporary, whrto coarse lacquer finish. 88` x40* (18* leaf). 6 htghback chairs with black leather seats. $1700. 905-827-7031 DINING RO O M , 13-pce. cherry. 8 chairs. B u lle t, hutch, server, dovetail con structio n. S till in boxes. Cost $11.000 Sacrifice $3,000. 905-567-9459__ EXECUTIVE high-end desks and chairs (only 4) for office or home. $ 100/each 0 B O Days 416-518*1975 Evenings 905-842-7637 EXECUTIVE office s e tdesk, 2 bookcases, credenza. Bought for $10,000 asking $2,500. C all 905315-9995__________________ FREE dryer w/lnglis wash er. 2-yrs. old, $250; familysize frid g e fre e ze r GWC $75; other items. 289-2590861 (local)________________ FR ID G E/ Stove (GE), e lectric range, self cle an ing. white Like new. $550 pair. W ill separate. 905639-1255_________________ GOLF Cart, portable, m o torize d w ith charger for walking golfers. $300. Call 905-844-7959._____________ GOLF m em bership fo r 1 year at Granite Ridge (Mil ton). Asking $1100. Value $1600 Call 416-303-4099 HIG H-END furn itu re for sale. Custom made sofas, draperie s, etc. K itchen table, bar stools- 1 year old. Diningroom , desks, etc, 905-331-6670 auctions, sales LAPTOP Computer- ultra thin Toshiba Portege 3480 CT. P3. 600MHZ. 12GB. 128MB Ram. W in 98 SE w ith extras $1800 obo. 905-632-2225 MOVING- oak desk. LCD proje ctor, screen, office desk, credenza. trampoline, bedroom set, (Rockwood maple) 905-338-5250 MOVING S a le - lo ts of things to sell, come & see! Bedroom set. dressers, armchairs, single compact hlde-a-bed. m icrowave, area rugs, pictures Call 905-844-5660. any time MOVING s a le - furn iture , computers, rugs. TV. VCR. Ashley China, exercise equipment. Call 905-8290418 NEED a com puter? Don t have cash? IBM. Gateway & Compaq PC's as low as $1. a day! No money down! C all 8rands Now! 1-800* 656*8369 www.dollaraday. com______________________ NIG HTVISIO N M onocu lar. brand new. $200/obo. 1996*97 W indstar odome ter/speedometer. $80/obo. 905-631-6353____________ PEREGO douette double s tro lle r. $400. Perego Tender double stro lle r, $200 Call 905-337-3704 PIAN O - ` Wurlitzer* apart ment size. Excellent condi tion $2000 905-827-6465 RECLINER- leather, ca r amel colour, hardly used. Excellent condition Bought $1500. asking $800 905639-1848 Altar 6pm SNOW BLOW ER- MTD 2 stage. 10HP, 33*. $250. 905-689-4485 STOVE- (gas) G.E., white, self* cleaning, overhead fan. excellent condition $375. 905-333-6857 STOVE- 3mos. old. $400. W eider U niversal gym $300. Story & Clark upright piano- needs work, $200. Call 905-331-2382 or 905320-9121 STOVE- Brand new white W hirlpool range, full elec tron ics, $475. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 2225 W ASHER/ dryer, fridge & stove Excellent condition. Also gas dryer. Will sepa rate 905-335-2059 Info, call: 905-827-9169, www.ontim.com Pilgrams Way Come See the Difference! 511 Guelph Line, B u rlington Com fortable 1 Bedroom Suite from on ly S850./mo. Available A pril. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 905 - 847-5043 Glen Abbey 905 - 825-3327 NO RTHSHORE Tow ers. Apr.- May- June. 2 -b e d room. (+$33. parking). Utili ties in clude d No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm 905 -6 8 1 -1 3 0 7 - B ur lington O AKV ILLE: 392 Pine Ave. at C o rnw all & T rafalga r. R enovated, la rge suites W alk to E ve rythin g. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 906* 337*0910__________________ O A K V IL L E . K e rr Street B a chelo r & 1-bedroom apa rtm e nts. Im m ediate/ May. $725/m o.. $855/m o in clude s parkin g. 9am6pm. 905-339-2437 C A N A D IAN A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available im m e d ia te ly / M ay/ June. 5220 Lake shore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486 B R A N T /F airview . 1-bed room includes heat, park* ing, 2 a pp lia nces, fresh ly painted, clean quiet b u ild ing Available May/1 st 905664-6253; 905-634-4178 2-BEDROOM basem ent. B u rlington. Separate e n trance. P arking, laundry, cable. CA. u tilitie s Nonsmoker. May 1st. $895./mo. Work: 905-639-6005 (leave message)_________________ LOCATED at 291 St. Paul S treet. B u rlington. 1-bed room from $749/m o. in cludes heat/ hydro/ parking. For appointment. 905-6322661. W ell- maintained by Jordan & Williamson LA RG E 2 bedroom ba s e ment w alkout on the lake. A pprox. 1500 sq.ft. suit non-smoking professionals, no pets. References. $1200 monthly, utilities included & parking. June 1st. 519-4557798 TYANDAG A Terrace. Bur lin g to n . T o w nhom esApartments Available April/ May. Freshly painted (1&2 storey) 243 bedrooms with w/o to Private cedar patio S ituated on private, parklike grounds at 1460 Tyan daga Pk Dr., 905-336* 0016. 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905*338*0015 LA K E S H O R E / M aple. 1bedroom . A p ril. $875/m o. 2 -bedroom , im m ediate, from $950. Parking extra. H eat/ hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview/ hospital. Great highway access. 905-6325258______________________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t., clo se to la k e / Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , im mediate/ April, $975/mo.; 2bedroom , Im m ediate. $1095/mo. (+parking) 905825-0816 NEW b ach elor basem ent apartm ent, near Appleby GO. S hared entrance, la undry, parking, no pets/ smoking. Female preferred Deposit required. $650/mo. inclusive. May 1st 905-6310006 W A LK to GO! 5-plex, Brant' Fairview. Clean, at tractive 1-bedroom . $655/ m o.+ hydro. A p ril. Nonsmokers. no pets. Parking. 905-528-7520 BURLINGTON Main floor, 3bdrm.. 2 full baths. $1175/ mo in clude s heat & park* ing. Call 905-631-0010 B E A U T IF U L dup lex. 2bdrm. appliances, private yard, clo se to w a terfron t. Main floor $1000/mo. Up per $875/m o 1-bdrm basement $750/mo. all in clusive. 905-469-4452 INVESTM ENT property for sale. 2-storey O akville o ffice B u ild ing. Approx 1l.000sq.ft. Rental spaceApprox 8500sq.ft Close to OEW /GO station Multi ten ants. fully leased <1 aver age exceeds 18.00 P S F. Gross, asking $849,000. Trafalgar (Oakville) Reality Inc. Jim Lach apelle 905338-1130 ext 24 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm Irom $925+ Trendy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 Locust St. (Brant & O ntario) Walk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air LARGE 2 BEDROOM SUITE From S10107mo · Available A pril 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Properly Mgmt BR AN T/ OEW. Burlington. F reshly painted 4 new ly broadloomed! 3-bedrooms. 1-1/2 baths. 5 appliances. C /A . fire p la ce , garage, fenced rear, near GO. $1155./m o.+ u tilitie s Apr./ May possession dates. Call Warren Hill. Trafalgar Prop e rty M anagem ent. 905338-1130 GLEN Abbey. Executive 3bedroom 2.000sq ft. townhom e. 3 bathroom s (2* baths), c /a ir, garage. M a y ls t.. $1800/m o. +utili* bee. 906-647-6431.________ NEW to w n h o u se - 3 -b e d room s. 2.5 baths, Upper M iddle/ Burloak. Available Apr. 1st. $1325/m o. +u tilities. No pets. 905-331-9054 O A K V ILL E North 3&4 bedroom fa m ily units. In cludes stove, fridge, i basic cable o u tle t, u nfin ished basem ent. 1-car garage. $ 1050/mo- $1177/mo.util itie s 905-842-8353 leave message. ___________ BE A U T IF U L 3 bedroom townhome In small complex on ravine. Ideal for single or young professional couple. North Burlington. May 15th. No pets, cre d it check re quired. Asking $ 1 100/mo. 905-335-6971______________ BU R LIN G TO N Francis Road. 3-bedroom s. 1.5 baihs, finished basement, fridge, stove. M aylst No pets. F irst/ last 905-332* 8363. after 6pm BURLINGTON- 3-bedroom maisonette with small back yard near QEW/ Brant Avail able A p r.1st. $ 75 0./m o . utilities. 905-332-9865 SOUTHW EST B u rlin g to n Mature subdivision Spacious 3 bedroom townhome, 2-1/2 baths, app lia nces (incl. w asher & dryer), c/a. gas fireplace, walk-out to deck & la rge backyard. W alking distance to all am enities, including GO. Just seconds from QEW $1250/mo. Call 905-693-8525 ________ NEW Renovations- Avail able April/ May. 243-bedroom s, parking. No base ment. Starting $850/mo. utilitie s. North Burlington. 905-319-9104.____________ T R A F A LG A R / QEW, 3bedroom, 1.5 baths, newly renovated, appliances, a/c, $1275.+ S h ort/long term . M a ylst. 905-845-9279 O A K V ILLE Downtown. Retail spaco approx 1400 sq.lt parkin g available. $1475/mo. utilities 905* 337-7135. Tel: 905-333-9008 $$ G overnm ent Funds $$ Grants and loans inform a tion to start and expand your businoss or farm . 1800-505-8866 STORE tor rent- 2357 Lakeshore Rd West (Bronte) Approx. 1000 sq.ft. Ask for Gerard 905-847-1888 SDISNEYS D istributo rs needed for the most excit ing new m erchandising program evert No selling, no competition, backed by m ulti-m illion dollar prom o tional advertising campaign. Harness the power of corp orations like D isney/ Nintendo. Min. investment $17,600. Free info package. 1-800-754-9979.___________ [ £ w f mortgage, loans C A L L S in cla ir Cockburn, 905-844-1245. 1-yr 4.20; 5yr 5 29, ARM 4.15 Also eq uity m ortgage program s, re g a rd le s s of in co m e or credit. BU RLIN G TO N fam ily re q uire s live *in /o u t Nanny. Experience w ith bab ies a must. First Akl/ References required 905-333-7188 LIVE-O U T N anny re quired for 3 children in S.E Oakvdle. At least 3 days/wk References. 416-704-9450 LIVE-OUT Nanny required, n w. Oakville. 6 month old Driver's licence, non-smoker Approx. 30 hr$>Weok Email resumeastropie 0 holmal.com APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. ONE MONTH FREEH (on selected units) Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenanl controlled Heal and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE Spacious executive duplex penthouse. 20th door spectacular views, private patios. 5 appliances. Amenities included BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 ,Y -V ,Y ;< BEST 01 Friends Home Daycare. R eliable, caring and experienced ECE's in Falgarw ood area. Dawn 905-337-8148 ECE R egistered home daycare (G uelph Line/ M ountainside) has spaces available- now/ June. Inf ants welcome. Hot meals, crafts, lots of T.L.C. 905331-9147._________________ ECE Teacher on sum m er holidays has spaces avail able for July/ August. Brant/ Upper M iddle Crafts, sw im m ing, m uch more. 905-331-5078 FU LL-TIM E D aycare In Brant H ills 7:30-5:30pm . ECE, non-sm oking. C all 905-336-6332_____________ LO VING and reliable caregiver has spaces avail able in a clean, smoke free environment. Guelph Line/ U pper M iddle 9 0 5 -3 3 5 8732______________________ M ILLC R O FT. daycare ava ila b le in lo ving home. On bus route to Florence M eares P S., full/pa rtim e. Summer daycare available. 905*336-3874._____________ DAYCARE available, fu ll time. ages 1-4. lots of ex perience, great references, receipts, northeast Oakville near Falgarw ood School. Please can. 905-336-1993. ECE mother, opening home daycare. Sixth Line/ Upper M iddle R egistered with H alton D aycare R egistry, (police, health dept., fire & children's services checks). Certified First Aid and CPR. M ay/ June 03. Lee-Anne 905-845-9676 HOME Daycare 2 spaces ava ila b le im m ediately. ECE with 10 years experi ence. Oakville. Call Tonya 905-257-5520 LIV E -IN C a regiver P ro fessional experience, compasso nate care for c h ild ren. e ld e rly or disabled. Helen 416-708-8686, www.tico-caregiver.com B u r lin g t o n Q u a lity L iv in g in O a k v ille I A fforda bly priced 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom s IN Q U IR E A B O U T O UR M O V IN G A L L O W A N C E ! TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Swim all year in our heated indoor pool 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim.com I business services / personals WE OFFER . . . clean, *< rna n'ci ried secure home to: you. Lrg sui'es w/ba .onies. laundry & parking; Easy access lo QEW . GO, shopping & schools; On-sile mgrs. 1297 905-815-16289 Luxury Living. Extremely large suites, www renters.news.ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourt SAMEDAY C e rtifica te Services- we provide certi fied copies of b irth , m arnage and death certificates' Call 905-891-9536 Z5 O A K V IL L E - big. bright bachelor. Cable utilities in cluded. close to GO May 1st. $600/mo. No smoking/ pete. 905-845-7998________ O A K V ILLE Newly reno vated 1-bedroom a p a rt ment. close to all amenities. $850/m o. 262 Reynolds Street 905-338-8876. O A K V ILLE - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, w indow s From $845./mo 905-844-5474 w w w.oakvil lerenters.com BASEM ENT a p a rtm e n t2 bedroom , separate en trance. everything included, hardwood floors. $950/mo. Im m ediate possession, non-smoking. Adriano Fer reira Sales Rep.. C entury 21 M iller Real Estate Ltd. 905-845-9180 DOWNTOWN Burlington. 1-bedroom , A/C, parking, walk-out, $875/m o.+. May 1st 416-420-3952, 905842-9275__________________ O A K V ILLE Downtown- 2 storey apartm ents: 3-bedroom+ den. $1525/m o; 2bedroom. $1190/mo. (-futil itie s/ parking in cluded). Call 905-337-7135. O AKV ILLE dow ntown in clean quiet building. Avail able A p ril- bachelor $730/ mo. 2 bedroom $ 1050/mo. Parking extra u tilitie s in* eluded. 905-580-1056 S.BRONTE location* 1 bdrm basem ent apt.. lOOOsqft., C /air/vac. gas stove, laundry, parking, own entrance, hydro & ca ble incl. $950/mo. April 1st. 905-330-7113 LAKE View' Old Oakville, dose to lake Shopping just outside front doorl 2-bed rooms den, 2-bedroom , 1-bedroom . Bachelor... from $750/mo. -$1400/mo. No deposit & no lease. Please call 905-844-6952 DOWNTOWN O akville, Lakeshore. 1&2 bedrooms available immediately/ May from $900/m o. 416-4203952. 416-270-0687. 905842-9275 O A K V ILLE Place. Newly renovated 1-bedroom apart m ent, 800 sq .ft., open concept, separate entrance, parking, laundry, GO, $80 mo. Inclusive. April/1 st. Non-smoker 905*627-5166 237 Queens Avenue 905-842-8338 New basketball/tennis court & pool! www.rentersnews.ca/go/ 297queensave FU R N ISH ED , la rge s e llco ntained bach elor ba se m ent. Includ es u tilitie s / fa c ilitie s . Q uiet m ale. No sm oking/ pets. Burlington. 905-319-7767 905-844-4294 Great Value! Great Location' WWW rentersnews ca jo/ 75stewartst Beautilul Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2 Bedrooms From $875. Avail Immed./April Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each lloor. Parking. C ALL T O D A Y . N o A p p t . N e c e s s a ry O A K V ILL E spacious refurbished bachelor and 2bedroom available Minutes from QEW. S tation, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental In centive. B * f l* O u w O O 1 G O MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! 3055 Glencrest Rd Burlington Centrally located, wen- maimainea. C all 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 W ATER DOW N: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno 1. 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647 . 905-6904454 PRIM E Downtown B u r lin g to n , U pgraded b u ild ings, 1,2&3 Bedroom Suites. New windows. Scenic views. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643 W ANTED- All China. Sil ver. Crystal. Tea Cups, Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass, Jewellery, old toys, collectibles, estates. Call John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 EEEI O AKV ILLE W est, near all am enities S pacious 2bedroom basement apa rt ment. separate entrance & laundry, cable. Parking. No smoking or pets. $950/mo. inclusive Immediate. 905601-2522 1&2 Bdrm. Apts Immediate/May HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville 905-637-3921 W a lk to G O OAKVILLE'S BEST VALUE impeccably clean property, oversized, newly renovated suites w/dishwasher. Handy location, steps lo shopping and Sheridan College. 1 & 2 bedrooms Irom $950/mo includes parking. Call 905-844-7332 O AK V ILLE , Speers/ Kerr1-bdrm basement in 4 plex. C/A, eat-in kitchen. $735/ mo. -fhydro. May.1. 905631-9915 O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, immediate. $780.; 2-bedroom . im m ediate $1040/m o- $1050/m o.. 3bedroom, March, $1225./mo. (--parking) 905-844-9006 STEPS from dow ntown Oakville ` Devonshire Apart ments* May 1st: Bachelor, $730/m o.; 2-bedroom , $l250./m o. Utilities/ parking in clude d. Q uiet building, wheelchair accessible. 905844-1934 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 1275 Elgin Street One 2Bedroom. May/ June. Freshly decorated, spacious, well m aintained & q uiet with upgraded fire alarm system tor safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 · · · · · · Saturday, April 12th, (Indoors) Viewing & registration 8:30am-9:30am 2067 Prospect St at B rant St. 2 Bedroom Immed.-From $935/mo BRONTE 1 week Free rent! Immediate. Large, clean, secure 2-bdm. $970/mo. Also, 2-bdm $990/mo. avail May. Balcony. Incl. utilities. Well maintained quie! building. No Pets 1 parking included A P P L E B Y / QEW - F u r nished m aster bdrm , p ri vate bath, cable, internet, m aid service, laundry, kitchen , non -sm okin g, parking. $525/mo. Imme diate 905-335-9839 S O U T H / W est Burlington. Large room , seperate en trance, friendly household. Available immediately. Can share k itch e n / laundry. $450/mo 905-632-4290 B U R LIN G TO N . Room ava ila b le im m edia tely., $420/m o. in clude s cable Share kitchen/ bath/ livingroom. First/ last. 905-3314567____________________ _ LARGE furnished room in e xecu tive hom e. Pool & many extras. Responsible adult Individual. Trafalgar/ Upper M iddle. $500 905338-5956_________________ r L 1 a c c o m m o d a tio n AUCTION STARTS 9:30 AM AUCTION SALE O F FOUND BICYCLES AND ASSORTED UNCLAIMED PROPERTY I liquidation warehouse sales liquidation warehouse sales > Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies * Undergound parking and outside parking * On-site customer service... 905-631-0033 FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A partm ents. 1.2&3 B ed rooms, Mar./AprTMay Heat/ h ydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-639-0456. M-F. 9am4pm. 6:30-8pm 326 PART-TIME child care re quired for 4 children in our North B u rlington hom e. Tuesday. Thursday and most Fridays Approx 92pm. Flexible to occasion al schedule changes a must. References and ex perie nce required 905332-0929 BABYSITTER needed Sat. 8:30-6:00. Students welcome. Kerr area. My home or yours. Call Tara 905-844- 3768 326 905-337-2722 I furnished rentals T R A V E LS U ITE S .N E T ... Log on! ' New* C o rporate Luxury Accom m odations. 1-4 bed roo m s/ baths. All am enities. 50++ locations. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. From $44.95* per night. (Visa M asterC ard/ AmEx). Leave m essage: 905-6817355______________________ GORGEOUS upscale executive fully furnished 2bedroom townhouse. Near dow ntown O ak v ille / Lake. A v a ila ble im m edia tely $2400/mo 905-849-3257. W W W .FU RN ISH ED CO RP ORATERENTALS.COM The perfect alternative, beautifully fur-nished upscale towns. 3bedrooms . 2.5 baths. Oak/ Burl, from S99/day. 905616-3667. A ccoustic/D igital New/Used + k e y b o ard s, g u ita rs & am plifiers 2 d a y s only UpTo 7 5% off S at. A p ril 5, 9am-5pm & Sun. A pril 6, 10am-6pm 6090 D ixie Rd. Toronto Airporl Hotel Formerly Quality Inn PIANO SALE BEAUTIFUL Waterdown! Edith Court Clean 1&2 Bdrms Avsilable Mar./Apr Includes utilities. Parking Available. QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) Call: 9 0 5 -6 7 0 -7 8 8 8 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshoie On the Water A ppleby& Lakeshore Freshly painted suites Mature treed setting Recently renovated corridors Galley kitchens Sparkling hardwood Outdoor pool & patio 1S2 Bdrms* April Irom $855/mo. 905-690-1896 ·fa k k k N E W LY R enovatedfo r rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1150 to $ 13 90./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy 205 Q ueen M ary D rive 905844-9670 C E N TR AL O a k v ille -N e w renovated 1-bedroom basem ent apartm ent. B rig ht, priv a te entrance, parking, laundry, a/c. $900/ mo includes all utilities ex cept cable. 905-338-7855 BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 & 2 bedrooms available immediately from $845/mo. Quiet, well main tained bjild in g conveniently located near shopping. 905632-0129 3-BEDR00MS $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. O A K V IL L E S heridan C o lle ge area $460/m o. Share large tow nhouse. A va ila ble im m edia tely or May/1 st own 2-piece bath room. 905-849-9259_______ B U R LIN G T O N - $550/m o in clu sive . F irs t/ la st and m ust like cats. A va ila ble immediately. Call 905-331- DR IV ER / C om panion to take people to medical ap pointments. day trips. Meal preparation. Large groups also. French service. 905SI 5-3127. 416-760-5582. TIC K ETS fo r Sale (4) S purs Vs Raptors. Friday April 4th. 7:30. section 120 value of $135 each $450. or best offer. 905*609*0359 I cars for sale 1995 LINCOLN Town Car. ivory, loaded, sunroof, ex c e lle n t cond ition. 171K. $12,900. W ill certify. 905469-8120. 1999 Honda O dyssey EX beige on beige. 4 captain seats with 3rd magic seat keyless entry, power sliding doors, fu lly loaded! Com plete service history, 97,k. Must sell! $19,500 905632-1178 evenings_________ 2000 Nissan Altima, silver, auto, loaded. CD. 4-door, immaculate. 39km. leaving country $16,900 firm. 905849-0169 1998 Sunfire GT $9,500 905-829-1772 day; 905331-9172 evening;_________ 1998 Ford Taurus SE- Ex cellent cond ition, blue. 4 dr.. Cert./ E-tested 190K. $6000. 905-825-9174 ___ 1989 Chrysler Dynasty Etested, runs great. Good for parts. $500 O.B.O . 905336-4024_________________ 1998 NISSAN Maxima GLE auto., leather, sunroof, CD. 81K.. lady driven, wellm aintained. $16,999 obo. 905-847-1862.____________ 1997 Ford Escort, turuoise blue 83.km. S6950 i B O. Mornings 905-6323622 ext 20 Residence 905-465-1582_____________ 905-639-9212 O A K V ILL E - 3&4 Bedroom tow nhouses a vailab le Im m ediate ly- J u n e ls t 4 appliances Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore M anage ment. 905-876-3336 G EOR GIAN C ourt E s tates. King/ Plains Rd.. Bur lin g to n Large 2&3 b e d room tow nhouses, fu ll basements. Utilities includ ed. C all 905 -632-8547. www. realstar.ca E X EC UTIVE brand new! W alkers/ Fairview. Luxuri ous. 3-bedroom. 1.5 baths Available now. $1500/mo + utilities 905-547-3849 I m o to rh o m e s BURLINGTON Downtown. 2bedroom apartm ent S 7 5 0 /1 iFO R L e a s e - $ l4 5 0 /m o . mo -fhydro. Im m ediate .4 Across from Appleby *GO* Clean, quiet building, near-all New luxury 2-sto rey fre e amenities. 905-643-8979; hold townhome end unit! 2905-634-9681. bdrm". +large loft. Soaring ceilings! Gas FP, single ga BURLINGTON. Aldershot- 1rage. 1 or 2 lease available bdrm. main floor of 5 plex, 3 ·fu tilitie s . Laura Brown, appliances, parking. May.1. Sales Rep., Century 21 Af $765/m o. Inclusive. 905finity Realty Inc. 905-634631-9915 4343 A V A IL A B L E fo r rent Brand new 30' Sunova RV. $1300/wk, $650/ weekend. For lis t of am enities ca ll 905 -690-4239 or e-m ail: khcentunon @ sympatico ca f j T W l lost & found FOUND: Black cat w/white dot on chest, Hazelton Blvd. We call "E lliot" 905 -63 77325 TH OR OU GH BRED 6-yr old geldin g, dark bay. 15.3hh. E n glish/W estern. G entle, playfu l, great p o tential. Must sell. Laura 905-632-0068 after 6:30pm 905-681-7126 2-BEOR OO M S In 6-plex on North Service R d . near Oakville Place Immediate. Call Tony. 416-248-9353. W A N T E D - b righ t a p a rt m ent in o ld e r house B u r lington co re / A ldershot, hardw ood, above ground Q uite profession al female $700-$850 905-690-3725 BU NK Beds, double b o t tom. sin gle top. includes m attresses Red m etal. $100.905-336-2479________ C A RR IE R w indow air c o n d itio n e r. $100. Call 905-333-9838 for details. S 2000 Honda Odessey EX. pow er everything, A/C. loaded. Private Sale. 161 highway kms. dealer serv iced S18.900 obo. 905616 0004

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