Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 5 Mar 2003, D4

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Contact: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com W HDNESDAY, M ARCH 2 (X )3 · l-'a g e 1 )4 BUSINESS Taking the plunge in pursuit of a summer career By Lindsey Craig SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Tweniy-one-year-old Oakville resi dent Ruih O 'Donoghue spent last sum mer teaching kids what she knew best while gaining practical business experi ence along the way. Rather than pursuing a summer job in her field o f study, the Q ueen's University computer-engineering stu dent opted instead to spend her days in the pool, leaching water safety and swimming lessons to Oakville youth. Having also worked as a lifeguard for the Town of Oakville, the certified Red Cross instructor offered a unique program that saw clients coming to her - she teaches them in their own back yards. "Parents find it really convenient that way." she said. "If they have kids at dif ferent levels, a lot of times you can't get consecutive lessons at public pools, so there's a lot o f waiting around. Plus, if they have two or three kids, they've got to pack them all up. get in the car and go to the pool. This way. they could stay inside their house, stay with the youngest child, and watch their other kids having their lesson. It's much easi er for them." But it w asn't only parents who responded well to her idea - the provin cial government and Halton Region also recognized its potential. Last year, O 'Donoghue applied for a student grant called the Summer Company Program, established to encourage student entre preneurship. To be eligible, students must start a business for the summer, follow certain guidelines and return to high school, college or university in the fall. Those accepted receive $1,500 start-up at the beginning of the summe. and S 1,5(X) at the end of August. The students attend a meeting every other week in which they discuss their business ventures with each other and with the program 's "mentors"- professionals from the com munity Who provide advice and encour agement to the young entrepreneurs. O 'Donoghue said students were also required to keep track of their hours, expenses and earnings, submitting detailed worksheets at each meeting. They also had to demonstrate their efforts to increase business by making flyers, purchasing advertisements and making phone calls. "We leam how to market our busi ness," O 'Donoghue said. "They help us figure out what words to use on our fly ers and tilings like that." To get her business going, O 'Donoghuc also needed to purchase pool insurance and was required to sub mit the addresses of the pools she would be working at. updating the list whenev er she acquired new clients. Other expenses went to flutter boards, gog gles, first aid kits and other water safety devices. O 'Donoghue also established the cost of her lessons- $17.50 per child for each 30 minute private lesson and $12.50 per child for each group lesson. "It costs $25 per half-hour (per child) with the Town of Oakville, so this is less expensive and'without the driving," she said. As for the idea for her business, O'Donoghue said she began giving les sons at private homes a few summers ago, but not on a full-time basis. The majority of her clients were children (she has taught adults in the past), including those with special needs, ranging in age from two-and-ahalf to early teens. She noted that the one-on-one envi ronment in a smaller pool was especial ly beneficial for children who are easily distracted. "A lot of kids lose their concentra tion in bigger public pools, there's so many other kids around and lots of splashing," she said. "This way, they're more focused." She also taught group lessons. As for frequency, some of her clients took one lesson a week for the entire summer, others saw her every day for one week, and others a few lessons a week over the course of the summer. -4 -" T ' £ ] * . jp - is$- Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Ruth O'Donoghue, a student entrepreneur with the Region's Summer Company Program, gives swimming lessons in client's own backyards. Swimming are Sarah and Alyssa Vliocevich. The Summer Company program allows students between the ages of 15 - 29 to start their own business. Get the jump to start own business Students between the ages of 15-29 who are returning to school full time this fall may be eligible to receive up lo $3,000 to help start their own business. The Summer Company Program - delivered by the Halton Regional Business Development Centre, in partnership with the Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation - pro vides hands-on business training and mentoring to enterpris ing young people interested in running their own business. The deadline for applications is April 4, 2003. Almost any type of business is acceptable, as long as it is a new business that operates as a sole proprietorship full time over the summer months. Members of the Halton business community provide mentoring support over the summer. The Halton Region Business Development Centre is hold ing free information sessions to provide interested students with more details on how to apply for the program. All sessions will take place at the Halton Regional Centre. 1151 Bronte Rd. · Monday, March 10, 1 - 2 p.m. · Monday, March 17, 12 - 1 p.m. · Wednesday, March 26, 6 - 7 p.m. To register for the free Summer Company information sessions, please contact the Halton Region Business Development Centre at 905-825-6000. toll free 1-8664HALTON (1-866-442-5866) or register on-line at www.haltonbusiness.com. UNRESERVED AUCTION Saturday, March 8, 2003,10:00 a.m. Viewing: Friday, March 7th - 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 8th - 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Location: 2 0 09 Wyecroft Road, Unit C1 (at 3rd Line, south of QEW) Oakville. Best Investment O p p o rtu n ity! D on't miss our F R E E sem inar this m onth on great property investm ent and business opportunities in C osta Rica. · Fully-serviced community & estate lots · Owner financing available · Canadian developer 1VEXX It's a fa c t th a t m a n y fire d e a th s a re ca u se d b y p e o p le a tte m p t in g to co o k o r sm oke w h ile u n d e r th e in flu e n ce o f a lcoho l. T h e re 's m o re t o re sp onsible d rin k in g th a n ta k in g a cab. D o n 't p u t y o u r s e lf o r y o u r f a m i l y - a t risk to fire. Feature Items: · Partial Diecast Collection; Dinky, Matchbox, Corgi & Other Collectibles · Native Art; feature artist Norman Knott · New and Used Office Furniture black executive chairs; black mid-back leather chairs (2 styles); yellowish-blue pattern executive fabric chair; burgundy mid-back fabric chairs; mahogany guest chairs; leather lounge chairs, black & 2 green; 1 black leather sofa; desks (mahogany, natural, oak); round conference tables (mahogany, oak. natural): reception counter (mahogany, natural): 3 drawer lateral file cabinet (mahogany, oak, natural); 2 drawers lateral file cabinet ( mahogany, oak, natural); credenza (mahogany, oak, natural); pedestal, (mahogany, oak, natural); bookcase with 3 shelves (mahogany, oak. natural); bookcase with 4 shelves (mahogany, oak, nat ural); armoire new" (mahogany, oak, natural). Terms A buy« s premium m l apply. GST S PST applies F ti payment on sale day. sale subtect to additions, deletions, errors and om ssions All items sold as is where s Reserve by calling Sandi at 9 0 5 -82 7-1 785 More features, more style, more value. GET IT ALL THIS SPRING. HIGHEST SAFETY RATING POSSIBLE" 5-STAR FRONTAL IMPACT RESISTANCE 5-STAR SIDE IMPACT RESISTANCE vs ICO orks www.icoworks.com Maieb Madness! 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Service Rd 905-469-1155 W ELLAND O R 0% PURCHASE F IN A N C IN G A N D D O N T PAY FOR 4 M O N TH S 239 PER M O ./60 MOS. $0 S E C U R I T Y D E P O S IT O N L Y $3,850 D O W N PAYM ENT OAKVILLE KIA 616 York Street, Oakville, 905-847-1511 · 3.5 LV 6 D O H C engine · 5-speed automatic · Front & rear · A /C · Cruise co n tro l · Power windows, locks & heated m irrors · A M /FM /C D stereo Rear privacy glass · Dual airbags · W ip e r de-icer · Dual sliding d o o rs · T ilt steering · 7-passenger seating · 8 cupholders · A nd m ore <315 D TM m m o n dU HO Umt*3 Niagorc 905-73 2-7644 905-358 2385 R M E U N F T 1-888-PHONE-88 TELUS mobility* THtfi (flfpowtea. Wk foul b a tfd r a f c tntd vain f a n l i « O w n* fat IMIT14W0MIE ' 7VJ7 T R £ MQiilf (QjtfftXY "Dm THUS HoMuy Ioqo b trcdnntri int4 undw Icwu O th e r le a se a n d fin a n c e o p tio n s available. S e e d e a le r lo r d e tails. ` Leasinf plans OAC provided by Kia Canada Financial Services. Available on 2003 JCWMd LX (SO7523) ( M /I J U ; [the [UIC "featured lOIUKCU Models"] I IUUCIS J Based C4M.U on un a J OV IIIVMIUI lease ICaUC rate I ««: of Ul 3.13%: J .l JM. 41K J* W it paym. payment o r trade equivalent of $3,850. f i n t m onth's lease - ^ n Sedona 60 month and a \Krt down payment of $239. plus $ 1,08S delivery and destination, and a $350 acquisition fee. due upon delivery. Total lease obligation for the Featured Models based on an g f l f f l r MSRP of $24,995 is $ 18.190 and the option to purchase at end of lease for $9.179.40 plus applicable taxes Lease has 20,000 km/year allowance (other packages available) and $0 10/Vm for excess. " 2003 Sedona LX MSRP from $24,995 Licence, registration, insurance, delivery and destmaoon, and taxes are not included. " (O ff S p e e rs Rd. b e tw e e n D o rv al & 3 rd Line) unless otherwise stated MSRP of the Featured Models is shown above. Prices subject to change without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. OX purchase financing a available for a maximum of 48 months. Afl purchase financing offers exclude dekvery and desonaoon. licence, insurance, adm inistrator fees and a l applicable taxes ^Purchase financing exam ple $10,000 at 0 0% purchase financing per annum for 90 days, monthly payment is $0 .co st of borrowing for the first 90 days is $0 and total so l owing after the 90 days Is still $10,000 A fter 90 days. $10,000 financed at 00% equals $208 33 p er m onth for 48 m onths; C O B is $0 for a to o l obligation of $ 10.000. i"D o n 't Pay for 12 Months" purchase financing example: $ 10.000 at 0.0% purchase financing per annum for 11 months, monthly payment is $0. cost of borrowing for the first IImonths is $ 0 and total still owing after the II months a soil $10,000 Aftfr II m onths.$10,000 financed at 6.89% equals $23895 per month for 4 8 months;C.O.B.is $1469.72for a total obligation of $11,469.72 ^"Purctuse now and we'll pay your GST"offer applies only to cash purchases concluded and fully paid on die day of the transaction Does not apply to units financed wnh Kia Canada Financial Services A discount of 7% wHI be applied based on the negotiated amount (up to a maximum of 7% of MSRP) Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed, the term and down payment/trade. C e rta * restrictions may apply f featured models are not exactly as illustrated ftNHTSA (N ational Highway Traffic Safety A dm inistration) te st results Visit www nhtsa d o t gov'neap for full details See your Kia O akville fo r details For a lim ited tim e only KIA is a tradem ark of K a M otors C orp o ratio n

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