Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 5 Mar 2003, B2

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B2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday M arch 5, 2003 Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate presents: The YMCA offers "Hands on History" March Break program camp facts and fun this March Break A D V E R T O R IA L The O a k v ille M useum in v ites you to jo in them , from M arch 10 to 14. for a full w eek program o f them ed activities, gam es, and arts and crafts as they travel through the ages and learn togeth er about life in the past. You can p articipate in activ ities from the days o f A ncient R om e, G reece and Egypt and particip ate in extinct O lym pic gam es, w ork w ith clay and jo in in for a Toga Party during A ncient Days. Share the adventure and e x c ite m ent that w as once had by d am sels and knights in m edieval castles d u r ing M edieval T im es, w here you can prepare for a feast, design y our ow n coat o f arm s and m uch m ore. Get to know y o u r com m unity during the E xplore Your Tow n p ro gram. T he day w ill be filled w ith v isits to local sites o f h isto ric im portance. See how C an ada's First N ations lived by learning traditional handi w o rk . p a rtic ip a te in tra d itio n a l g am es and activ ities and visit a First N ations historic point in O akville. A hoy m ates! C om e aboard for a day o f nautical adventures On the H igh Seas. See how sailors n av ig at ed the seas using the stars and c o n stellations. But w atch out for those pirates! T he O akville M useum is located at 8 N avy St. P re-registration is required. T he cost is $156 /w eek for ag es se v e n y e ars and older. A ctivities are from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . F or m ore inform ation o r to reg is ter call (905) 338-4400. Please note: W eather perm itting so m e o f th e a c tiv itie s w ill be indoors. P lease dress accordingly. P articipants bring their ow n lunch and beverage. A snack will be p ro vided in the afternoon. Calling all sweet tooths: Maple Syrup Festival at Bronte Creek A D V E R T O R IA L he sap is on tap at B ronte C ree k P ro v in c ia l Park. I t's m o n th -lo n g M a p le S y ru p F estiv al c o n tin u e s w e e k e n d s and M a rc h B re a k u n til th e e n d o f M arch. A c tiv itie s w ill in c lu d e tree ta p p in g , m ap le sy ru p and m a p le su g a r candy d e m o n s tra tio n s , w agon rid e s, e d u c a tio n a l m o v ie s, to u rs o f S p ru c e L an e F a rm h o u se , n ew b o rn farm a n im a ls to pet, an d a m ap le p ro d u c ts gift shop. P a n c a k e s an d m a p le sy ru p w ill b e se rv e d on w e e k e n d s an d d u rin g M a rch B reak. T h e festiv al w ill be o p e n w e e k e n d s , a n d d a ily d u r in g M a rc h B reak, M arch 1 0 - 14. fro m 10 a.m . - 4 p.m . T P a n c a k e s w ill b e se rv e d fro m 10 a.m . - 3 p.m . G e n e ra l a d m is s io n is $ 4 fo r ad u lts, $3 fo r se n io rs a n d $2 fo r a g es 4 to 17, u p to a m a x im u m o f $1 2 p er v eh ic le . C h ild re n ag ed 3 y ears and u n d e r are free. G en eral a d m issio n in c lu d e s h o u se to u rs, w ag o n rid es, sy ru p trail to u rs, lo g g in g th e a tre an d v isits w ith the farm an im a ls. E x tra c h a rg e s ap p ly fo r p u rc h a se s in g ift sh o p , fresh m a p le c a n d y and m eals: $3 fo r sm all (tw o p a n c a k e s) an d $5 fo r large (th re e p an cak es). P a n c a k e m e a ls in c lu d e h o t fresh p a n c a k e s, c risp b ac o n , a n d a d rin k . B ro n te C re ek P ro v in c ial P ark is o n B u rlo a k D riv e , o n e k ilo m e tre n o rth o f Q E W . For m o re in fo rm a tio n v isit , w w w .O n ta rio P a rk s.c o m , o r call the p ark at 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -6 9 1 1 . Some o f C anada's first cam ps w ere started by YMCA associations: In 1890, Fraser M arshall, a pioneering Y M CA leader from the M aritim es, took 20 boys from Truro, Nova Scotia on a five-day camping trip to Spencer's point. A ^ e a r later, the W innipeg Y started YMCA Cam p Stephens, the first Yowned cam p that still con tinues today. By 1893. the M aritime Boys' Cam p was established. In 1907, a permanent site was purchased at Big Cove, Nova Scotia. This site is still operated today by the Halifax-Dartmouth Y Association. YMCA Day Camps vary in each community. Some Y 's offer specialty camps that help develop specific skills such as com puter, golf, dance or music. There are sum m er fun cam p pro grams which take children to places o f interest in the community - parks, muse ums and science centres. A nd there are the Y 's L eadership T raining and C o u n s e llo r - in - T r a in in g C am ps, where leadership and team building skills are developed. A num ber o f O akville families head for warm er clim ates or the ski hills for M arch Break. For those staying in town, the week o f M arch 10-14 d o esn 't have to be dull. The Oakville Y offers a wide range o f M arch Break camps that will make stay ing home as attractive an option as going away. W orld-W ide Sports Camp for 5-9 year-olds fea tures a different sports theme each day, with a spe cial one-day out trip. 8-13 year-olds have fun and adventure at A dventure Tour Cam p. A different location is visited every day and the fee includes admis sion and transportation. Co-ed Basketball Camps provide five days o f basket ball skills, drills and thrills for 9-15 year-olds! 11-16 year-olds can learn the fun dam entals o f babysitting, safety in the home, emer gency procedures, practical first aid and more. And for those young sters who just can't tear themselves away from the com puter, the YMCA Resource Centre will be the scene o f half-day computer camps - Robotics in the morning for 5-8 year-olds and Web Design in the afternoon for 8-12 yearolds. Those who love the great outdoors may want to check out "Ski Esprit," fea turing skiing or snowboard ing at H orseshoe Valley Resort on Sunday, February 23 and Wednesday, March 12 (weather permitting). O f course, the Y 's full range o f regular member ship programs run through out the March Break week. Day passes are available so Oakville residents can try the Y experience before they purchase a full mem bership. And people can now register for the YMCA's 2003 sum m er day camps. March is Maple fiyrup Month March 1^-30^ Public: Weekends in March » March Break (10-14) Wagon Rides Pancake House Syrup History Trail Victorian Farmhouse Tours The Maple Gift Shop Ye Olde Candy Shanty Logging Theatre Spring Farm Animals A ll events located at fipruoe Lane F a rm - P arking Lot F .W f, B IU U IO B m m / · · · · · · · · PARKS B ro n te C re e k ENJOY ROLLER SKATING? G e t Y our W h e e ls in M o tio n For more information call (9 0 5 ) 827-6011 or www.ontarioparks.corr EERIIil o il s e < r: host: andy frost r Ask ^ About Our BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGES Saturday *85" ALL NIGHT SKATES Night 8 pm to 3am M arch 1st - April 5th J u m CHRISTIAN/GOSPEL SKATES Fridays start at Midnight to 4am Sundays start at 11:30pm to 4am Fri. February 28th - Fri. March 28th Sun. April 20th - Sun. May 18th JOIN the LEARN-to-SKATE Badge Program for all ages on Saturday m ornings from 9 to 10am and g et y o u r Badges. For one low price o f $5.50 y o u g e t a roller or in-line skating lesson and then y o u can skate until 12 noon . DAY We are Open Friday. March 21st l-5pm Family All Ages Skate S6.50 + Rentals 6 2003 'f j f* 2003 I Scooter's March Break Specials: Special March Break Sessions: Sunday March 9 Monday NIach 10 Tuesday March 11 Wed. March 12 8-11pm 1-5pm 1-5pm 1-5pm 6-1 Opm Thursday March 13 1-5pm Friday March 14 1-5pm A ll Ages Session Kids W elcom e.............. $7.00 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages...................................... $6.50 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages...................................... $6.50 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages...................................... $6.50 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages ....................................$6.50 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages...................................... $6.50 + Rentals Fam ily A ll Ages........................... $6.50 + Rentals Scooter's Roller Palace "W here Everyday Is A Party O n Wheels" 2105 Royal Windsor Dr.. Mississauga (just west of Southdown Rd.) Call for tim es & inform ation 905 -82 3-4 001 · w w w .scooters.on.ca 1325 Eglinton Ave. E 7. 905-625 1078 It WWW dub108.com

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