Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Nov 2003, A 05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 26, 2003 - A 5 Currently zoned for low residential use (Continued from page 1) Parking ticket rage sparks more charges a f i p r th<» v la v i/ n ffip p r 'c n o r at at n n p point n n in the K bylaw officer's car, one charged a a after Hamilton man following a bad reaction to a actually striking the bumper. The Ford then parking ticket in Oakville early Saturday exited onto the QEW westbound, but was morning. stopped by police near Bronte Road. At 2 a m , a man came out to his vehicle Further investigation led police to arrest parked at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial the driver for impaired driving. The bylaw Hospital when he noticed he'd been issued officer was not injured during the incident. a parking ticket by a Town of Oakville Paul Duncan Reilly, 43, of Broker bylaw officer for parking in an ambulance Drive, Hamilton, has been charged with parking spot. impaired driving, over 80 mgs, dangerous The man took exception to the ticket, driving. He is scheduled to appear in got in his Ford Explorer and began to drive Burlington court on Dec. 23. H u lt n n R p o io n n l Police P n lip A h avp Halton Regional have I « · NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN · OFFICtAL PLAN & ZONING AMENDMENT of studies" still need to be done before the application would be able to go before Town Council. Those studies include trans portation, functional/master servicing; stormwater manage ment; tree inventory and tree preservation; environmental assessment/audit; noise; and, capital impact assessment. Berne said the application was reviewed by the Town and Halton Region and confirmed the developer was told numer ous studies were required. The developer is going ahead with those studies, said Berne. He said some studies were filed with the original applica tion. These included an archae ological survey, a planning rationale and preliminary engi neering studies. Beme told The Beaver there's a strong demand for such a development in Oakville. Area councillors and resi dents say there's strong opposi tion in the community. Two residents plan to can vass the area door-to-door this Saturday afternoon with an A D E V E L O P M E N T P R O P O S A L H & S B E E N M A D E B Y P A L M P U C E D E V E L O P M E N T SI N C .F O R A H O F F I C I A L P L A N A M E H D M E W R E Z 0 N I N 6T O P E R M I T 1 8 0 8 A P A R T M E N T U N I T S , F IL E :Z .1 7 3 5 .6 8 Further Information Can 8e Obtained From m Town 01 Oakville Planning Department . At 905-845-6S01 Ext 326T S ign p osted on th e fence s u r r o u n d in g th e S h ell H ouse lands. information package to resi dents as well as form letters that residents may sign and send to Mayor Ann Mulvale. the OMB and Town planning director Peter Cheatley to express oppo sition to the proposal.Palm Place Developments is seeking a zoning change and an Official Plan change to proceed with the un-named development. The former Shell House land is currently zoned private open space and low-density res idential. The Town had asked the landowner to post a sign on the land explaining that a rezoning is being sought. That sign is now up. Area residents became con cerned when the sales pavilion for the homes being built on the Metrus-owned land north of Lakeshore Road - Lakeshore Woods - opened in September 2001 and brochures there out lined "proposed future high density development" for the Shell House land. Beme said the land is not owned by Metrus, but a num bered company and is being developed by Palm Place Developments Inc. KLM Planning Partners Inc., of Concord, Ontario, is the devel oper's planner of record on the project. The Region of Halton made overtures to purchase the Shell House property in the late 1980s, but then-owner Shell Canada (which leased the pier to Petro-Canada) wasn't inter ested in selling. The Region's action came after David Crombie's report, the Royal Commission on the Future of Toronto's Regeneration: Toronto's Waterfront and the Sustainable City, recommended local gov ernment purchase the Shell House land along the lakefront for possible retention as public land. Any future development plan is required by the Town's Official Plan to give the Town a 15-metre-wide strip of land along the lakefront. Regional seminar promotes youth advocacy "YOUth Can Make a Difference." an interactive youth advocacy workshop, takes place tomorrow at the Halton Regional Administration Centre. More than 100 young people from across the region will take part in the day. which ranges from seminars, like "How Local Government Works." to skills build ing sessions. Participants include Regional Chair Joyce Savoline and Halton's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal. Help Protect yourself & your loved ones from One small portable unit effectively removes 9 9 .9 9 % of bacteria & fungi in g i m m t viwsfs th a t C an m a k e yO oU u 9 C X including SARS related viruses from any size home or business. Recommended by the U.S. Centre for Disease Control because EPA registered germicides that provides low or intermediate level disinfection are known to kill viruses similar to those suspected of being behind SARS! 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Ozone has quickly become the purifier of choice because it pierces the cell wall of bacteria and viruses on contact, destroying them 3.000 times faster than chlorine. If a virus is present in your home (i.e. through someone coughing) the ozone will com bine with the droplet, converting it to Hydrogen Peroxide. io n - g e n e r a tio n te c h n o lo g y : if the virus is airborne, it would be attached to a particle and our radio wave ionization would take it out ot the breathing zone Courses that will be offered in July 2004 will include credits in: English, Technology, 1' \t t ' ' t j 1 * S e w in g C lu b M e m b e r s s tiv e a n a d d itio n a l 10% o n a ll 3 0 % o ff ite m s ! Excluding promotional goods Sale in effect on selected in-stock merchandise while quantities last. Most items available in most stores Look for the red sale tags No special orders · Geography, M athem atics, French Core and Im m ersion, European History. Art, Spanish and Biology. L O O K F O R F U R T H E R R E D U C T IO N S IN E V E R Y D E P A R T M E N T , E F F E C T IV E SA TU R D A Y, N O V E M B E R 2 9 th ! Destinations wilt include: Pontoise, France; Banff, Alberta; and Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. OAKVILLE VACUUM LTD -S IT rrfc 27 Years In O a k v ille 1 I OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 For further information contact: L isa S m ith (9 0 5 ) 8 8 5 - 3 2 1 7 ex t. 1281 w w w .tc s .o n .c a /T ra v e lE d / 140 Rebecca St. OAKVILLE We repair all makes of Vacuum Cleaners & Sewing Machines Just w est o f Kerr S t 22253 844-7728 198 Speers Rd.,Oakville © 8 4 4 - 4 7 3 6 2 0 0 4 DEMONSTRATOR & PRE-OWNED CLEAR OUT SALE Now is the time when we offer our first 2004 MODEL YEA R Demonstrators and Company Cars for Sale. You may choose from a wide selection of models available for immediate delivery - and - at unprecedented savings. "SPECIAL PURCHASE FINANCING FROM 0.8%*" Pre-Owned 2003 Volvo XC90 T6 Silver/Graphite, Nav., 24, 931 k m ........................ $59,995 2003 Volvo S60 T5 Silver/Graphite, 40,080km................................... $42,995 2003 Volvo S60 ASR Silver/Graphite, leather, 16,030km ..................... $36,995 2003 Volvo S40 ASR V. Blue/Beige, 9,820km .......................................$29,995 2003 Volvo XC70 Silver/Graphite, 6,12 4 km ..................................... $46,995 2003 Volvo V40 Black/Taupe, 13,100km ....................................... $29,900 2002 Volvo V70 Black/Tan, 26,288km ...........................................$34,995 2002 Volvo XC70 S U O / l u f f i * , 26,15 0 km ....................................$42,995 2002 Volvo XC70 Silver/Graphite, 51,337km....................................$39,995 2001 Volvo V70 T5 V. Red/Beige, 62,794km...................................... $35,995 2000 Volvo S80 T6 S M O k i f c l / O f i e , 75,511 km .............................. $29,995 1999 Volvo S70 G LT Red/Tan, 78,700km...............................................$22,995 1998 Volvo XC70 Silver/Graphite, 112,100km ..................................$23,995 1999 Mercedes C280 Green/Black, 64,630km .................................$27,995 F in a n ce exa m p le , $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 fin a n c e d o v e r 24 m onths. M onthly p a y m e n t is $ 9 6 6 .3 4 tota l co s t o f b o rro w in g is fo r a lim ite d tim e. Lice n se , in s u ra n c e & d e a le r c h a rg e s e xtra . O ffe r va lid to Dec. 31,2 0 0 3 . C o n ta ct V o lvo o f ' Demonstrators: 2004 Volvo XC90 T6 2004 Volvo S60 T5 2004 Volvo S60 2.5T 2004 Volvo S60 2.5T 2004 Volvo S80 T6 2004 Volvo V40 ASR 2004 Volvo S60R 2004 Volvo S80 2.9 N. Blue/Tpe, Con. Pkg., 9,465km .........................$62,850 S k O t f S p B P k g . , 9,465km............................ $48,995 N. Blue/Grph. Lth., 6,255km ................................ $42,495 Sil/Grph. Lth., 6,185km ......................................... $43,995 S / | h & 2 f i n ...................... ..........................$59,995 Sil/Grph, SE Pkg., 2,685km..................................$37,495 T. Grey/C. Lth., 6 spd., 5,645km .......................... $59,000 Sil/Grph, 4,245km................................................ $52,495 A. Blue/Tpe, SE Pkg., 9,880km ............. $36,495 Sil/Grph, SE Pkg., 8,675km..................................$55,995 Blk/Tpe, SE Pkg., 9,285km ..................................$37,495 Red/Tpe, SE Pkg., 8,278km............................ .$35,495 Courtesy Cars 2004 2004 2004 2004 Volvo S40 ASR Volvo S40 ASR Volvo V40 ASR Volvo S40 ASR i.00. O ffe r a p p lie s to V olvo C e rtifie d P re -O w n e d V e hicles only. P u rcha sed fro m V o lvo of O a kville ille fo r fu rth e r d etails. Volvo of Oakville 770 Pacific Road, Oakville (QEW and Bronte Road South) 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -8 0 8 8 w w w .vo lvo o fo a kvllle .co m

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