Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Nov 2003, Classifieds, D 05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 26, 2003 - D5 / > i THE O A K V IL L EB E A V E R BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm C l a ssifie d houses tor sale opportunities flats for rent flats for rent flats for rent oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 905-845-974 The site your community clicks on! E -m a il: c la s s if ie d @ h a lto n s e a rc h .c o m · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470»Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 Aci su b m issio n by m a il o r in p e rs o n : Oakville* B cu v cr, 467 S p e e rs R d., O ak v ille, O N 1.6K 2S4. D e a d lin e s: M o n ., 5 p .m ., fo r W ed. p u b lic a tio n . W ed ., 5 p .m ., fo r Fri. p u b lic a tio n , T h u r s ., 5 p .m ., fo r S u n . p u b lic a tio n . S p ecial F e a tu re d e a d lin e s m ay v a n ', P a y m e n t; W e a c c e p t c ash , c h ec n ie , In te ra c , Visa. M asteK ^ ara, A m e ric a n E xp ress. B u sin ess a c c o u n ts c a n b e o p e n e d w ith a n a p p ro v e d c re d it a p p lic a tio n a v ailab le fro m y o u r S ales C o n s u lta n t. ` T H E F IR S T DAY IT R U N S to e n s u r e th e in fo r m a tio n is c o rre c t. C o n ta c t y o u r S ales C o n s u lta n t w ith in 2 4 -H o u rs if a n e r r o r a p p e a rs . A n e r r o r in a Fri. p u b lic a tio n m u s t b e r e p o r te d n o la te r th a n M o n ., 5:3 0 p.m . ||I|1 I f U l houses for rent O A K V IL L E : 3-bedroom , $1300/m o. u tilitie s in clu d ed and ground s keeping. Dec. 1st. Q uiet n e ig h b o r hood. Near all am enities. 905-510-1924 COZY hou se fo r rent in Milton's downtown area. 2bdrm. w/2 livingrooms. a/c. gas. no pets, available Feb 1st. $1100/mo.+ Daytime 905-878-9577 BU R LIN G TO N & O akville executive homes- 4-bedrooms. 3-bathrooms, m ain floor fam ily, den/ laundry, do u b le garage. Long/ Short term. Available now. $1400/mo. and up. 905333-3544 BU R LIN G TO N fu lly re n o vated. 3-bedroom. 1.5-baths, new carpet, windows, kitch en. baths, huge family room, F/P, double garage. Walk to schoo ls, no pets. $ 1 5 0 0 * utilities. Cathy. 905-332-9760 B U R LIN G TO N , la rge 3bedroom, upper level. 2 car p a rkin g , sto ra g e , c /a ir, laundry, digital & com puter cable, fenced yard backing onto park. Near schoo ls/ highway. No pets. $1275/ mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905-332-5975;905-467-7248 A P P L E B Y / New stre e t. Recently renovated 3-bed room semi- detached home. Large living room and kitch en. la u n d ry room , A/C. fenced backyard. $900/mo u tilities. Please call, 905827-3065 after 6pm. DOW NTO W N O a k v ille b e a u tifu l new C hurch Street 3-bedrooms. Profes s io n a lly deco ra te d , fu lly furnished, turnkey. W alk to shop s/ re sta u ra n ts, long/ s h o rt-te rm , $3400/m o. Dec. 1.905-842-6968 OWN your own home! Rent to ow n. 100% Financing. No Money down. S e lf-em ployed. Have goo d/ bad cre d it. C hoose yo u r p ro gram . C a ll N apoleon to plan your home ownership strategy. Napoleon W ilson S a les Rep. S u tton G roup Innovative Reality Inc. 905575-7070 BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom split, garage, fam ily room, Fireplace, 1.5 baths. C/A, $1375/mo.»~* Brant Hospital, 1.5 s to re y, 3-bedroom s, recroom , fireplace, $1130/ m o-***** C e ntral, 2 storey sem i, 1.5 bath, rec-room , fenced, $1075/m o A lb e rt McDonagh Ltd Real-tor 905632-5690 RENT to own options. Or fre e dow npaym ent to buy your home now! O.A.C. call Jay Nelligan assoc, broker. 905-639-7676 Re/Max Es carpm ent Realty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jaynelliganOremaxescarpment.com__________ LOCATION1 Loca tion! Location! M apleview M a llHalf house. 2-bedrooms. 6appliances. A/C. C/V, 2-level, clean, hardwood, deck. No sm oking /pe ts. $1150/m o. 905-632-4369 I suctions, sales BEDS. New, Double, $22i Queen. $240. Complete v frame. Futons. Free Deliver R e fu rb ish e d VC Rs. TVt record players, portable C players. 905-681-9496 B IL L IA R D L ig h t- staine glass. T iffa n y -s ty le po< table light, great conditioi 905-332-9040 BR AN D new never use F rid ig a ir a pp lia nces. Ir eludes w a rrenty. W hiti Stove $450; Fridge 18 ci bic sq.ft. $700; Dishwash< $300. 905-257-2691 BU N K bed ensem bli beautiful natural wood. Ii eludes botto m storag drawers, ladder, rails, hig quality m attresses. All e: ce lle n t co n d itio n $160 va lu e , askin g $500. 90! 847-6533 CAN-SPA, hot tub. (then peutic), 62-jets, 2yrs, mil condition. 8-person, ceda w ill d e liv e r. $5500, ob< 905-387-4521 C A R P E T. I have sever; 1.000 yards of new Stair master & 100% nylon ca pet. W ill do living roo m hall for $389. Includes ca pet. pad & installation (3 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 COUCH & lo veseat. pa: te l shades, m atchin la m ps. S o uthw est style good condition, $300 ob< 905-631-0203. D 'E SK - ch e rry fin ish . 5 sided w ith m atch ing cr< den za, o verhea d cuf boa rds. 2-keyboar m ounts. M ust be seei $500 O .B.O . C onnie 90! 339-2174 DIAMOND · i . r.i! sc '. i ' 18k yellow and w hite goi ring. Appraised at $1200. w sacrifice $750 obo. 905-68 3494____________________ DINING S e tAntiqu Duncan Phyfe m ahoga r tab le w ith 2-le a ve s < chairs, sideboard. $240 Call 905-548-6251 D INING RO O M . 13-pCi ch e rry . 8 chairs. Buffe hutch, server, dovetail coi stru c tio n . S till in boxe: C ost $11,000. S a crific $3,000. 905-567-9459 EN G AG EM ENT ring v m atching custom weddin band. U nique, contem pt rary setting in yellow gol< A p pra isal available. Pric to sell im m ediately- $100< 905-630-5272. FALL Savings. Custom uf b o ls te rin g , up to 50% o decorator fabric. Sofas » fabric from $788, chairs v fa b ric from $249. Fielc Furniture & Fabric 9-9 dait 905-632-9090 FREE in -ho m e e stim a ti b lin d s, sh u tte rs, drape: Come visit our showroon 5109 H a rve ste r Rd. Bu ington 906-336-6341 _ FRENCH Provincial custoi m ade, sofa and lovesea Green. Excellent conditioi $500/both, obo. 905-63! 5804 FR ID GE- 19cu.ft. side t sid e, Alm ond. $250. I good running order. Ca 906631-1802____________ GEO Prem iere resorl m em bership for salt Beautiful resorts to visit. F < more inform ation call 90! 875-3425 HOT T ub / Spa. All sel contained, all optio ns, v cover, 2003 m odel, nev still in wrapper, coct S890< sacrifice $4,100. 905-30' 7775.____________________ KENM ORE w asher an dryer. $250/ pair. 905-33< 3426____________________ LO V E S E A T green/ whit stripes, cotton uph olster good condition. $200 Cs 905-639-6294____________ M A TTR ES SES . bran new in pla stic. A ll size a va ila b le . Q ueen pillov to p . $275. Can delive 905-3304153____________ M AP LE c a p ta in 's twi bedroom set, bed wit draw ers, dresser, nighttt ble, desk, boo kshelf an chair. <260.906-642-0438 MAPLE sleigh toddler be w ith m attress; m aple C d ra w e r dresser; mapl ro ckin g chair; Noah's Ar toddler room accessorie: A ll in exce lle n t conditior Beet offers. 906-525-5678. MOVING Sale - Oak buff* and hutch, table, 6-chair: excellent condition. $110 obo. 905-331-3023 PIAN O 52* U pright Mer delsshon with bench. $50 QbO. 905-339-2856 P IA N O ,M ason and Riel sm all upright, solid woo< m int con d itio n , w /ben cl $800; bedroom dresser v mirror, night tables, modei m aple; Teak dining roo i table, w/4 chairs, glass tof 905-633-7640. PIANO Baldwin apartmei s ize , plus piano bencl G ood cond itio n . M ust b seen! $ 9 0 0 .Sue 905 -84 ' 4614____________________ PINE Ron top desk. $27! 905-845-8256 POOL table plus access< ries. U sed/ Refurbishe< B u y/ sell. Profession! service for all models. 90! 6 1 6 -5 1 5 9 ww w .billiarc aaivtoe.com______________ R A D IA L arm saw, con p le te ly m ounted, $15( B R O N TE, 2 -sto re y. 3*-1 bedroom s, new ly fin ish e d basem ent, atta ch e d g a rage. walk to lake, fenced yard. Immediate. No Pets! Call collect. 1-705-684-6258; FREE downpayment to buy your home now! O.A.C. can Jay Nelligan assoc, broker. 905-639-7676 Re/M ax Es carpm ent Realty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jayneMigan©remaxescarpment.com TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT A GREAT LAKE! Dempster's Breads Franchise Opportunity Cash Flow & Profit on Day One Canada Bread, Canada's on ly national bakery, is franchising its Dempster's Breads sales routes. S u ccessfu l applicants receive com prehensive franchise dealer training and a full support franchise program. Other benefits with these unique franchise opportu nities include: · Routes with established customer bases and existing positive cash flow; · A no-risk company buy-back o f approved customer accounts receivable; · Easy to run, state-of-the-art computerized ordering and billing systems; · A major national advertising and promotional program. Join the team o f more than 9 0 0 su ccessfu l Canada Bread franchise dealers across Ca nada selling premium quality breads, rolls and specialty goods to Grocery and Food Service custom ers... Build the business, profit from your own franchise and create your own financial freedom. Franchise opportunities in the Greater Toronto and surrounding areas. BRONTE. ON THE LAKE. Spacious 1-Bedroom suites with lake views and upgrades. .. hardwood, ceram ics, w indow coverings. Dec./Jan. Under ground parking, pool & tennis included. F o r In fo , c a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 1 6 9 w w w .o n tim .c o m £ fQ i,4 ,n r,l B u rloak/ Lake shore. near P laza. W e ll-m a in ta in e d quiet building Lakeview. 2bedroom s. M OO sq.ft.. m ainfloor. outdoor heated pool, underground parking w /s e c u rity , frid g e , stove, dishwasher, air conditioner, hardwood floors, new ca r pet. new bathroom . No dogs. $ 1 150/mo. includes u tilitie s . Im m ediate . 905616-6199._________ ________ O A K V IL L E very b rig h t 2bedroom basem ent apa rt m ent. Available December 1st. $850/m o. in c lu s iv e . Non-smoker/ no dogs. 905842-4544__________________ NEW ER dup le x . N orth B u rlin g to n . 1-bedroom , 2 baths, w/doeet. 4 appliances, m ain le vel. E xce lle n t condition. W/o to large pabo. landscaped yard. $895/mo inclusive. Dec 1st. No pets/ smokers. 905-331-8180 ONE bedroom basem ent apartment OakviBe. Brand new k itc h e n / w ashroom . Available Dec. Non-smoker, no pets. 905-469-7427 BURLINGTON, off Brant- 2bedroom s. N ear am entites. schools. Free park ing. December 1. $850.in clusive $875 inclusive 905631-1826. 416-665-9573 80 Speers Rd. 1 & 2 bedrooms.Avaitabie immediately. Please c a l 905-3394)668 1MONTHFRKRE/VT For occupancy by fan. 1/2003 CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect S t · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall Shelter Canadian Properties Limited W IN TER S p e cia l C all Now! G eorgian C o u rt E s tates. King/ Plains Rd.. Bur lin g to n . Large 2 6 3 b e d room to w nh ouses. fu ll basements. U tilities includ ed C a ll 9 05 -63 2-85 47. www. realstar.ca LA RG E 3-bedroom , 5 ap pliances. garage. Dec. 1st. From $1219/m o.+ u tilities. Longm oor Dr.. Burlington. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -0 0 7 0 ww w.pm onkne.com W A LK E R S Lin e /U p p e r M iddle. New two bedroom townhome available im m e diately, from $1350. + utili ties. 905 -82 8-67 67, 416821-1741 IN D U S T R IA L B u ild in g In d u stria l S t.. B u rlin g to n free standing 5 8 l0 sq .ft c/w I030sq ft. for lease. Mezza nine in Shop area. Zoned light in d u s tria l. 550 v o lt pow er. 20% new o ffice space w ith show room . 2 d riv e -in doo rs, high c e il ings. Near QEW/ 407. Con tact Bob. 905-336-6337 L akeshore Rd., B urlington Stunning lake Views make this one ol the most de sirable addresses in Burlington. Located minutes to Brant Street, walking trails & shopping. Enjoy the fitness centre, outdoor pool & billiards room. Renovated 1.2 & 3 bedroom suites Starting tram $970 including Utilities Call Today 905- 333-9141 FO UN D- Cat grey and a little white, collar with bell , on Lomond Cres. Call 905639-9560 or leave a message FO UN D: Brow n tabby fe m ale cat. m icro ch ip p e d R.B.G . area. 'C h iq u ita * Call 905-637-7325 FO UN D: G rey cat in the B rant M ount F orest area. W e ca ll Roy. Please ca ll 905-637-7325______________ FOUND: Scooter near Fortino's on New St. Call 905681-9796 to identify. FO U N D : Set of keys w / case, a fte r S a nta C laus P arade (O a k v ille ). F o r sythe/ Rebecca. C all 905844-7687 FO UN D: sm all m ature w h ite dog. D rury Lane. Burlington. Nov.24th. Call & identify. 905-631-9452. L O S T - F rid a y Nov 14th, W omans solitaire diamond ring, pro b a b ly B u rlington Mall. TD Bank OakviMe. Re ward 905-842-5982 DOW NTOW N O akville , prim e o ffice / com m e rcial space. Approx. 1100 sq.ft. $ 1 125/mo. (-futilities.)/ A p prox. 1250sqtt . $2500/mo. ( utilities). C all 905-3377136.______________________ O AKVILLE office for lease. Top unit available. Wilson & Lake shore area. 1000 & 2000 sq.ft. P arking. Reasonable. 905-844-4161 P R O F E S S IO N A L o ffice s a v a ila b le at M arler Kyle van der Steen LLP. 84/86 C hisholm Street, O akville, for lawyers, accountants or o th e r p ro fe ssio n a ls, s u it able for 1 to 4 persons. 9053 3 8 -2 3 0 0 (te l). 905 -33 82301 (fax); jmarier©marier.ca A Minto Managed Community 1st M onths Rent Free* L ive In D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n Stunning Views, Walking Distance to Lake, Parks & Shops, Outdoor pool, walking trails, renovated, spacious.1,2, & 3 Bedroom Suites From $899 call 905-637-6701 LOVELY APTS. A TOWNHOUSES 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Please forward resume to: Regional Sales Manager - Canada Bread 6645 Tomken Road. Unit 18 Mississauga. ON L5T2C3 A Minto Managed Community *some conditions apply Park-like setting near goll course & QEW 2&3 BR T.H. Immed/ Dec. From $1050/mo. Great 1-Bdrm Apt, Immed. $650/mo. Call today to view: Canada Bread Company, Ltd. O v e rlo o k in g th e L ake WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area E ith e r in v o lv e d w ith p rin tin g and p u b lis h in g o r d e p e n d a n t u p o n p ro m o tio n a n d publicity or delivery to hom es in area. In te re s te d in b u s in e s s c le a rin g m o re than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forw ard inform ation to: 2200 M arine Drive Enjoy the view in this immaculate building in south Oakville. Short stroll to local shops & minutes to Waterfront Trail. Bright Spacious renovated A L D E R S H O T. E xe cutive townhouse. fully furnished, biw eekly cleaning service, c a b le /in te rn e t. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $2000/m o. 905-681-4583_____________ PR EM IERE E xe cutive Suites. Short/ long term fur nished 1-3 bedroom s con dom inium s and tow nhous es throughout Mississauga. O a k v ille and B u rlington. G rea t d a ily w e ekly and m onthly rate s a va ila b le 905-469-3330 www.premieresuites.com SELF Contained suite for up to 4 persons- Daily. Weekly, M onthly fo r Business T ra v e le rs . B e a u tifu lly restored century farm house on golf course settin g . W inter weekly rates $350.$500. Call Serenity House B&B, 167 Hwy#5 W., (2km W. of Hwy#6). Flamborough 905-689-1577 T R A V E L S U IT E S .N E T ... Log on!!... "New* Corporate Luxury A cco m m odatio ns 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++ locations! D a ily * W eekly, M onthly! From $ 4 9 .9 5 */ night. 'G uarante ed low est re n t!' VISA/MC/AMEX. Page Us 905-681-7355 M A R K E T yo u r B u siness O pportunity with Metroland C o m m u n ity N ew spapers. D is trib u tio n of over 4 m il lion! Call today for informa tio n on w e ekly w ord ad rates. 416-493-1300. ext. 276 905- 3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt® cogeco.ca for info. BU R LIN G TO N . B luefields Dr. Imm aculate 2or3 bdrm tow nh ouse. fenced yard, hardwood. Immediate $895/ mo No dogs 905-336-7207 BURLING TO N. 2-bedroom m aisonette, onsite laundry facilities, parking. $925/mo hydro. C a ll C herie. 905681-3146 1 & 2 bedroom suites from $1025. Call today' LIV E -O U T nan ny fo r one girl, Mon-Fri. salary negoti able. re fe re n ce s a m ust. 905-257-9854 NANNIES needed 3-5 days/ week, O akville/ Burlington. Experience. ECE. A car an asset. H igher Lea rning Referral 905-681-8397 905-825-9616 A Minto Managed Community W EB SIT E D esign fo r sm all business, clubs and organizations www. cornellwebdesign.com______ | [ ! V ] mortgage, loans C A L L S C F S - 9 0 5 -8 4 4 1245. 1-yr 3.65, 5-yr 5.25. ARM 3.8. Also equity mort gage programs, regardless of income or credit. $$M O N EY $$ 100% 1st. 2 n d and 3rd M ortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 B U SINESS F inance Specialist. Business loans fo r all purposes. From prime +1%. 905-690-9875 o a k v ille re n te rs Leighland 1265 SIXTH LINE 1,2,3 BR from $845 905 - 842-8960 190 KERR 1&2 BR from $845 905 - 845-1777 392 PINE 2 BR from $995 905 - 337-0910 Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 | Speer Kerr C A N A D IA N A Q uiet, w ellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1, 2 & 3 bedroom s available im m e d ia te ly / D e c./ Jan. 5220 Lake shore, B u rlin g to n . 905-632-5486 (no dogs) REG ENC Y & P rin cess. Lovely & spacious 1&2 B R. Steps to B u rlin g to n M all. R e fined te n a n ts , m arble lobby. Parking & hydro in clu ded. 905 -6 8 1 -8 1 1 5 or 639-8009 1 -BE D R O O M , s pacious basement apartment. Park ing, laundry, utilities, cable, a/c. $795/mo. Non-smoker, no pets. Single or couple. U pper M id d le / S ixth Line. 905-845-1313 LAKESHO RE/ M aple Dec. 2-bedroom from $950/ mo; 3-bedroom, immediate, from $ 1 050 /m o. parkin g extra. Heat, hydro in clud ed. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus s tops at door. Near M apleview H o spital. G rea t highw a y access. 905-632-5258 HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t., c lo s e to la k e / Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, imme diately $925/mo. (sparking) 2-bedroom available imme diately $1095/mo. + parking 905-825-0816 A LD E R S H O T (W est B u r lin g to n ) new ly renovated b a c h e lo r apts. w ith fu ll k itc h e n , a va ila b le im m e d ia te ly $625/m o. +hydro. 905-633-8547 QEW C o rn w a ll GLENWOOD PARK M O TH ER 'S H elper, lo o k ing for an expenenced care giver to help out with tod dler, pt w eekdays. Light housework and cooking in volved. Please c a ll 905469-1866 TOWNHOUSES 3-BEDROOMS With lu ll basement, a ll units refurbished 1-1/2 baths. $999/mo. +utilities ASK ABOUT MANAGER SPECIAL DA YC AR E a va ila b le . 2 and up. G uelph Line/ Mountainside. Lots of TLCI CPR. References. Receipts. 905-319-0030. JA N U A R Y a v a ila b litity . Limited spots. Experienced, loving childcare. Hoi meals, s nacks, in d o o r/ o utdoor learning environment. Bur loak/ New Steel 905631-0404 LO VING M other available to care fo r children in my hom e. D rop o ff/ p ick up from Autum n H ill bus to Clarksdale. 905-331-5998 QUALITY daycare. Guelph Line/ Hw y.5. Lots o f fu n / toys. N u tritio u s m eals, snacks. CPR, receipts. 905332-8510_________________ SW EET Pea Path hom e d ayca re has rare spaces available! Full-time, school holidays, all ages welcome. 905-336-6559. W OM AN and he lp e r w ith o ver 20-years expe rience will care for your child in my home. Indoor/ outdoor play area, crafts. Breakfast/ hot lu nches served. R e a so n able rates. Receipts. 905631-9257 © tr ! " L a k e shore R e be cca 1 1 r WE OFFER. . 7. Clean, well-maintained, secure home for you; Large suites with balconies; Laundry & parking Easy access to QEW.GO, shopping & schools; On-site mgrs. Call today - No appt necessary /M a rib o ro u o h 'crlX 905-639-9212 OFF Guelph L in e - 3-bed room , 2 storey condo, 1.5 bath. G arage. $1040/m o Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905632-6690________ ________ LA R G E, new ly renovated 2& 3-b edroom . fire p la c e (3bdrm ), 4 app lia nces, hardw ood flo o rs, parking included. Available im m e diately/ Dec. 1/Jan. 1. Close to all a m enities, park-like se ttin g . A rlin g to n Blvd.. Burlington. 905-681-0070, www.pmonline.com FAM ILY townhouses, 3&4 bedroom s. unfin ished b asem ent, 1 ca r garage, fridge and stove. Basic ca ble in clude d. R ent from S1050-$1177/m o. North Oakville. 905-842-8353 O AKV H .LE 1 m onth free rent w ith 2-year lease!! 3bedroom townhouse. ap plia n ce s, garage. Near schoo ls. $ 12 75./m onth -utilities. Newly decorated. Available immediately 905270-2693 O A K V IL L E : A va ila b le Im m e d ia te ly. Tow nhouse T hird L in e /U p p e r M iddle Rd. . 3-bedroom. 2.5 bath room s, 4 a p p lia n ce s, ga rage. a/c. 905-827-9584 1360 } LA K E View & Park View! Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front door! 1-bedroom from $ 98 5.; 2-bedroom from $ 12 00./m o. in clusive. No deposit, no lease. 905-8446952 A L D E R S H O T - Large 1bedroom split level base ment apartment. All utilities and parking in clude d. $750/m o. Available im m e diately. 905-616-2153 O A K V IL L E . 199 Q ueen M ary, near all am enities. B a chelo r a vailab le im m e diately, $780/mo +hydro. 2bedroom. immediately/ Dec.1 $1080/mo. and; 3-bedroom, im m edia tely /, $1295. (+ parking). 905-844-9006 $ 800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BED RO O M f t a r i f i i l 2-bdm V ^ ite J J a k s B M y / Luxury Living. Extremely large suites. www.renters.news.ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourt (^^Oueens A v e n u T ^ REDUCED A g ain. .D ec.M ar (flexible) old O akville 4-bedroom C entury home, near GO. 3-floors, 2-kltchens, 50% fu rn is h e d . $ 1 595/m o s p lit u tilitie s . 905-337-0455 JO SH U A C reek area. Ex ecutive 3-bedroom s, open conce pt, D ecem ber to June (fle x ib le ). E xce lle n t lo c a tio n , clo se to h ig h ways. $1500/m o. 905274-2124 ^asfunSn). i til. M. 2386 tfa x S tr a s t ( * S Stew ' art ®S treet "N) ( \4 l0 5 -8 4 4 -4 2 9 ^ / Great Value! Great Location! www.rentersnews.ca/go/ 75stewartst \j0 5 - 8 4 2 - 8 3 3 8 y ! New basketball/tennis court & pool! I www.rentersnews.ca/go/1 297queensave 0 ^1 lir e ) O A K V IL L E - 3-B edroom tow nhouses ava ila b le Im mediately through January. 4 a p p lia n ce s. H opedale Mall area. Lakeshore Man agement. 905-876-3336 Tel: 905-639-5761 EX TRA la rge 2 bedroom suites available in beautiful O a k v ille b u ild in g . Large balconies. Close to schools & p ro fe s s io n a l services. Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reasonable. 905-8442646 O N -T H E -LA K E Bronte. Im m aculate b rig h t 1-b e d room , la u n d ry fa c ilitie s , parking, 4 appliances. Sin gle non-smoker. $1000/mo. 905-827-2266 evgs. B U R LIN G TO N M all. 2bedroom basem ent a p a rt m ent 4 ap p lia n c e s $695/ moM»*« K e rr/ Lakeshore Second flo o r, 1-bedroom , newly broadloom $695/m o Albert McDonagh Ltd Real tor 905-632-5690 O LD O akville - Park like setting, very well maintained building, 1 block to fine dining and shopping. 2 bedrooms from $1100/ mo. Call 905330-2770. O LD O a k v ille . S p aciou s, quiet 1-bedroom , balcony, parking, yard, walk to GO, shop p in g , h o s p ita l. No pets1 smoking. References. 905-844-9340. L O C A T IO N !L o c a tio n !L o ca tio n ! M a p le v ie w -M a llHalf house, 2-bedrooms, 6ap p lia n c e s . A /C, C /V , 2le v e l, cle an, hardw ood, deck. N o -s m o k in g /p e ts . $1150/mo. 905-632-4369. FR ESH LY p ainted, h a rd w ood flo o rs ! 2-B edroom a v a ila b le D e c./Jan. from $949/m o.+ parking. Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near 0 0 & Mala. 906-630-7805 BURLINGTON QEW/ Brant area. Basement apartment, furnished, laundry, utilities, cable-f included. Extra large luxury bathroom. Backyard, BBQ, sep a ra te en tra n c e , parking. Im m aculate, like new! No pets/ smoking. 1person, $70 0/m o. Tw o$80Q/mo. 905-319-2284. B U R LIN G TO N 3020 G le n c re s t Rd. 1 & 2 b e d room available December/ January from $845./m onth U p scale q u ie t b u ild in g clo s e to m ajor shopping 905-632-0129 B U R LIN G TO N A p pleb y/ D ryden, betw een Q EW / Hw y5. 2-B ed roo m b a s e ment apa rtm e nt Single or coup le. No s m oking / no parking/ pets. Separate en tra n c e . $67 5/m o. Im m e diate. C all Saleem . 905632-0820; 906-319-1143. BURUNGTON Downtown. 2bedrooms $750/mo. +hydro. Clean quiet small building. Near all am enities, on bus route. Im m ediate . 905643-8979.905-634-9681. B U R LIN G TO N D ow ntow n 431 M artha S treet. 1&2bedroom s. Including heat, w a ter, and p arkin g. $795 and $850/mo.+hydro. First/ Last. C all 9 05 -29 7-90 39. Leave message. PR IM E D ow ntow n B u r lin g to n . U p gra ded s uites 1,2&3 Bedroom . New windows. Modernized ele vators. S cenic view s. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth: 905634-9374 Walk to GO 2067 P rospect at Brant St. INQLHRE ABOUT OUR M O V E-N ALLOWANCE B U R LIN G TO N - 1 bdrm apartment, available Jan.1. Utilities & 1 car parking in clu ded. $61 0/m o. 905639-8126 B U R LIN G T O N - Large. 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean q uiet build in g near d ow n tow n. $75 0/m o. in clude s parkin g C all A n nie, 905634-5885. __________ B U R LIN G TO N B rant/ Prospect. 2-bedroom adult lifestyle 6-plex. Parking. No pets. Walk to GO. Available Jan. 1st. $850/mo. inclusive. 905-639-6920. W ATE R DO W N: John St. Walk everywhere. Upgrad ed 1, 2-bdrms starting from $770/m o 905-69 0-44 54. 9 0 5 -68 9-16 47 w w w .w aterdownrenters.com KERR/ Lakeshore: Ground flo o r, 2-bedroom , +basem ent $850/m o A lb e rt Mc Donagh Ltd. 905-632-5690 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across Irom Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 . ; * I * RENOVATED ; SUITES D o w n to w n B u r lin g to n *L -a ± m , lu re d . * I H I CALL NO W I 905 ; 639-8583 ; From $865* 1 parking t Corner Suites Avail. > Gleaming parquet flooring > Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 1&2 Bedrooms Immediate/Dec. Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances Pilgrims W a y 905 - 847-5043 2-bedroom condo- Lampman Ave. 795 sq.ft, 5 appliances, parking. $1000/mo + utilities. A vailable Im m ediate. 905575-1582__________________ T A N S L E Y G ardens. B u r lington. 3-yrs new. 2-bed room s. 2-baths, air, 5 ap plia n c e s . U n derground parkin g . N on-sm oker. $10 50./m o. D e c .15. 905333-1289. BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt O A K V ILL E - Brand new 3 bedroom , D ouble garage. Bright. Near all amenities. 5appliances. Must See! Im mediate. $1200./mo utili ties. 905-257-0476 EXEC U TIVE e ty le to w n house/ condo. B u rlington/ Tyandaga. 2500sq.ft, 5-lev el b a cksp lit, 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, master bedroom loft with walk-in, lower level fin ish e d w ith ground level w a lk-o u t to fenced b a ck yard. Furnished or not. Large outdoor pool in com plex. No pets. References. $1800/mo. 905-319-9907 EXEC U TIVE tow nhom e. R iver O aks, O a kville . 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fin ished base m en t, C/A. Available immediately. Call John 416-941-5980 3-BE D R O O M tow nh ouse 1.5 baths, garage, parking, frid g e & stove, ava ila b le im m ediately $1297/mo. No deposit required. 1150 Ga b le Dr., O akville. To view call Mon or Wed. 905-8295294______________________ B E A U T IF U L, la rge , u p s cale. 2-bedroom , W alkers Lin e / U pper M iddle Rd. 2 ensu ite bath, fire p la c e , yard, garage. $1400/m o. 906-319-9162 TR A F A LG A R / Dundas. 3bed roo m cond o, balcony, 2-car garage, 5 appliances, 1.5 baths. $1200/mo. utili ties. D e c.15 th. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 2427. 3-BE D R O O M . Fam ily com plex. Parking. $1035./ mo.+ hydro/ heat, available Dec/1 st. 3000- 3014 C en te n n ia l D rive, B u rlington. 905-319-1869 LU XUR Y 3/4 bedroom tow nh ouses, fam llyroom , basement, backyard. From $1099/m o.+ parking & hy dro. 905 -6 3 9 -0 9 5 0 www. llnwood.com_______________ IMMACULATE Oakville Ex ecutive Townhouse I500sqft. 3-bedroom, 2.5-baths, roman step up tub, gas f/p, hard wood/ ceramics, stunning ro man column kitchen, a/c, 5a p p lla n ce s, garage , p rv t/ fenced yard. 1 -year lease a va ila b le im m edia tely. $1690+ W est O ak T ra il/ 3rdUne. 905-465-1481 SIXTH Line/ U pper M id dle, 3-bdrm, finished base ment, 4 appliances, corner unit, $12 50/m o.+ Dec.1. 906-658-3171 ______________ TR END Y, E xe cutive, new townhome, 2 bedroom with lo ft, spa en su ite , 5 ap pliances, gas fireplace, C/A, hardw ood flo o rs , fu lly m a intained ground s. G a rage + d rive . South B ur lin g to n core. Dec. 1st. $ 1 500 /m o. C all M arce lla Kammerer. 905-208-0681 DAYC AR E req u ire d , my home, (Bronte area). Mond ay-F rid a y. M ust have own car. 905-825-2456 NANNY required ASAP. 25-30h rs. per w eek. Car required . Need p o lice check and CPR c e rtific a tion. 2 children 5-1/2 and 3 years. Call 905-825-9302 2-BE D R O O M apa rtm e nt, Harbourview Plaza, corner of Lakeshore & Bronte Rd., O a kville . C a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 5 1261 Between 9am- 4pm. O A K V IL L E . K e rr S treet. 1-bedroom apartm ent, bal c ony. A va ila b le D e c .1st $825/mo. includes parking. C all 9am -6pm , 9 0 5 -3 3 9 2437. O AKVILLE- Kerr/Lakeshore 2-bedroom s, hardw ood floors, ceramics throughout. Parking. $865/mo. +hydro. Imm ediate. 416-330-2952 leave message. 2-BE D R O O M apa rtm e n t a va ila b le Ja n u a ry 1st, 83 W ilson St.. off Lakeshore, close to downtown Oakville. $900/mo 905-845-0751 N O RTHSH O R E T ow ers, 1&2 bedrooms, Dec./ Jan./ Feb. (+$33. parking). U tili tie s in c lu d e d . No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -1 3 0 7 * BurO A K V IL L E - 142 bedroom apa rtm e n ts . Im m ediate occupancy. 2-blocks west of O a kville Place. Near amenities. $795/mo. & $895/ mo. Heat, hot water, parking included. 905-847-1138. QEW/ Ford Dr. Bright very Sp aciou s 2-bedroom basement apartment. Park in g No s m o k in g / pets. 905-829-5451 B R IG H T sp a c io u s 2bdrm suite from 730/m o. +hydro to qualified tenant, parking included, no dogs, Burling ton. 905-631-6778 Glen Abbey 905 - 825-3327 STEPS from dow ntow n O ak v ille . 'D e v o n s h ire A p a rtm e n ts ' a va ila b le J a n .1st: 1-bedroom, $900. U tilitie s / parking included. Q uiet building, w heelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 A ll The Advantages ot Condo Living 2-Bedroom Available Now! [ f c fe rilit-ip s 3 W r g n r it y S . n o E . a tm ! WHITE OAKS BLVD. 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive and ga rage. 4 appliances. Available December/ January. Near Oakville Place and GO. From $1250. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -0 2 5 4 D O O R S - 2 screen. 1 w ood e xte rio r, 7 in te rio r, various sizes, $25/all. 905333-1375._________________ KITC HEN ta b le . 4 -ch a irs $50; Large microwave $50; Couch and 3 chairs $100. 905-639-4367 B A R N EY/ M icrosoft in te r active, for computer/ tv, In cludes transmitters CD /vid eo, e x c e lle n t co n d itio n . 905-333-1410 K E Y B O A R D w ith stand and fo o t sw itch , 'C a s io ', purchase d from M erriam fo r $450, se ll $100. 905337-7267__________________ SN O W B O A R D w ith b in d in gs, 135cm 'S im s ', s u it able fo r 8-11 year olds. $50. 905-337-7267 TU X, black, la rg e size. W aist 3 9 ', double b re a s t ed, extra pants, navy. $60. 905-337-0600 SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey Ln.Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH 0905-315-8993®LUXURY condo 2-bedroom, 2 bath, downtown Burlington. 5 appliances, quiet building, no smoking/ pets. $1250/mo in clude s u tilitie s / parking. 905-547-9604. GROUND floor ravine, 1 bed plus den U p perm iddle / Walkers $l020m o/+ utilities Jan/1 st 905-336-5936 Swim Year Round! BURLINGTON FULLY RENOVATED Major Upgrades 1 , 243 bdrm. avail. B o a tlM la c b c rt 5348 Lakeshore Burlington 1-Bedrooms From $880. /mo. A e d M 3 e Dbc/ S tl Q iirt- hriV ting NSW ^ p lja X E B . from $705/mo. utilities included. $250 move in bonus on select units Call our On-site office TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled heat! 1-RO OM fo r r e n t- share laundry, kitchen, bath. Ap pleby/ Lakeshore area $450/ mo 906-510-7806__________ A beautiful furnished roomkitchen fa c ilitie s , laundry, non-sm oking. M ature per son. B u rlin g to n - W alke r's Line/ Fairview St. Call 905333-3540. 905-639-0456 www.homestead.on.ca G UELPH Line/ W oodward. 1& 2 bedroom apart m ents a va ila b le D e c/Jan / Feb. from $795/mo. Clean, qu ie t b u ild in g . 905 -63 24265______________________ W A LK to GO! 5-ple x, Brant/ Fairview. Clean, a t tra c tiv e b a c h e lo r, from $620/m o.+ hydro. Dec. 1st. Non-smoker, no pets. Park ing. 905-528-7520 DOW NTOW N O akville. 2s to re y apa rtm e nt, 2 bed room, $1075/mo. (·futilities, parking, appliances, w ash e r/ d ry e r in c lu d e d ). C all 906-337-7136._____________ 1&2 Bedroom apa rtm ents a v a ila b le now . S p eers/ Kerr. 905-339-0668 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim .com I houses for rent O A K V IL L E Southw est. 3bedroom 2-bath bungalow, garage. New paint/ carpet. Near shopping/ GO, $1275/ mo. +utilities. 905-827-8652. ALDERSHOT. 3-bedroom, 2storey. Quiet neighbourhood. C lose am e n itie s , No sm oking/ pets, $ 1 100/mo. -·-utilities. Jan/1 st. Matthew, 905-632-9637. A L D E R S H O T. Im m acu late 3300 sq.ft. 3-bedroom ranch, 2-baths, double ga rage, c/alr, 5 appliances. Backs onto go lf course. $220G/mo. -^utilities. Refer ences. 905-627-7325. LOVELY 3bdrm bungalow, Jan1/04, a/c, ensuite laun dry, yard, garage, u tilitie s $1250/mo. main floor only (basem ent s e p a ra te ), on T hird Line near Hopedale Mall, Oakville, no smokers/ pets 905-825-3568 LO V E LY 3-bedroom b u n galow . F lore nce D rive, O a k v ille , near la k e /s h o p ping, quiet street, yard, ga rage, ensuite laundry, sunroom , in c lu d in g u tilitie s . $1195 m ain flo o r only (basem ent s epa rate) no smokers/pets. December 1, 905-825-3568 DOW NTO W N B u rlin g to n . O pen H ouse Sunday 23pm, 2-bedroom Victorian C e ntu ry hom e, s teps to S p encer Sm ith Park! C o untry charm w / h a rd wood flo o rs , sun porch, fenced yard w/cedar deck. Lake view, Rare opportuni ty. $1245/m o.+utilities. 451 Nelson Ave. 905-973-1379 Iaitky an gb& i f lo r . Efckirg. C all 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 Lake Plus Park! Spencer Smith Park Spacious, bright suites Renovated Kitchen & baths H ardwood floors Quiet building 1.2 & 3 Brs From $ 949 steps to hospital & Hwys. Call Lucille 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -8 4 3 1 1363 Lakeshore Road DO W NTO W N B u rlington. 1275 E lgin S treet. 1-bed room, Jan.; 243 Bedrooms, Immed./Dec. Freshly paint ed, (some with new kitchen ca b in e try), spacious, w ell m aintained, quiet w ith up graded fire alarm system for s a le h ig h rise livin g . 905637-0321__________________ B R O N TE on the lake! B reathtaking views. S p a cious 1 -bedroom available Dec. N ew ly renovated, hardwood, ceramics, wind ow coverings. From $1042/ mo. parking included. 9058 27 -91 69 or v is it www. onpm.com Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOMS 1UST see to a p p re c ia te 1 3055 G le n c re s t R d., B u r lington. C e ntrally located, well- maintained, spacious! 2 Bedroom, Dec. 905-6373921______________________ 1,2,3 -be dro om & P e n t house apa rtm e n ts. Pool, w e ig h t room , saunas, 24 hour v id eo s u rv e illa n c e . Oakville. 905-815-8965 LOOKING for a nice place to live ? H a rbor Lane on W alkers Line, North of Up perm id d le Rd. S pacious townhouse, bedroom, +sittin g room , fu rn is h e d , TV, shared kitc h e n / la undry facilities, parking. Available immediately to responsible person $600/mo. First/last. 906-336-1128._____________ NEAR U pper O a kville S h opping M all/ S heridan. Share la rg e house. Pool, A/C. $425/m o. A va ila ble Jan. 1/2004. 905-337-3848 16" T oyo ta Supra Turbo Rims with 205/55/16 Good year RSA tires. Fit Camary, M axim a, etc. $199 obo 905-681-9542 1969 Ski Doo, good run ning c o n d itio n ; 1972 Ski Doo fo r parts, good track. $400/both. Gord 9 0 5 -3 3 1 5725 _____________ ___ A king pillow -top m attress set. New in p la stic. Cost $1600. S a c rific e $450. 906-667-9459. Can daHvar AN TIQ U E w alnut dresser, highboy headboard & foot board $500; m aple couch & 2 matching chairs - slats w ith cu sh io n s $150. 905659-3821. BE AC H C O M B E R Hot tub 320X 1999 denim colour, 1.5HP. 4 KW heater. 1000L capacity, $2500. 905 -84 98947______________________ BED, A m azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set, new in plastic, warranV $15 0^5 6^40 42 BED, new queen orthope dic m attress, boxsp ring. New in plastic. Cost $899 e el $275. C al 906-379-3873. BEDROO M set. 8-pce, cherryw ood . Bed, chest, dre sse r, m irro r, night stands. D ovetail construc tio n . N ever opened. Cost $8,000. S a crifice $2400. 905-567-4042 Spacious and Freshly Painted 1-Bedroom Apts. From $800. for Dec. 906- 336-2103__________________ S C U B A and snorkelin equ ip m e n t; lig h ts an headlamps; Brother HL73 lazerprinter. 905-825-8113 SW A R O V S K I annuah Kudu, Lion signed elephar Boxes and certificates. Be oflerl 905-675-3036 TABLE 4 chairs $275; lov seat rattan $350; Room d vid e rs $75-$ 125; Asia side board $125; Carve chest $75; Lace, drape: bedding, table etc. price vary $2-$25; French cour try bench $250. 905-849 4428 TIR E S : M ercedes sno tires with rims, almost nev fits C320 models (& others Retail: $1300. Asking $59< 905-528-2020 W AS H E R / d ryer, whit* extra large capacity, nev 24* stove, white new; whil washer/ dryer set; stove, fi size: 1 extra dryer & Mayte washer. 905-335-2059 Avail. Dec. & Jan. from $980/mo. 905-681-7126 G R EA T B u rlin g to n lo c a tion. 1.2&3 bedrooms start ing at $67 5/m o. C lean, quiet fam ily building. 905333-9646, Noon-8pm BRIGHT, clean 1-bedroom basement apartment. Utili tie s / cable in clude d. C/A, parking, separate entrance/ laundry. No smoking/ pets. Jan/1 st $749/m o. C onnie, 905-339-2174 B U R LIN G TO N , P alm er area. Basement apartment, no sm oking / pets. Q uiet professional. Dec. 1st. $700/ mo. includes utilities. 905971-9731. Ground Floor Across from Lake & Park Fabulous 1-Bdrm, w / renovated kits. & baths, O /D pool parquet floors from $949 Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy QEW access, walk to schools & shopping. 4067 Longmoor Dr. Burlington 905-639-1346 O A K V IL L E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW , GO S tation, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ite d tim e rental in centive. TYAND AG A Terrace, Bur lington. Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted w ith private w a lk outs to ceda r hedged pa tios. 2-Bedroom. Immed.; 3Bedroom , Dec.. at 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 905-336-0015; 905-336-0016 COUPLE in Jupiter Florida w ish to excha nge th e ir lo ve ly hom e fo r 4-m onths with a home in the Oakville area. 2+1 bedroom , 2baths, livin g ro o m , d in in g room , TV room , heated pool, spa, b e a u tifu lly fu rnished. 10-min from beach. Time slot April-Nov, 1-561743-5285 Call Lucille 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -8 4 3 1 TY AN D AG A South- bright above ground w indow s, basement apartment. Large master, walk-in closet, 2nd bedroom or den. Large living room, eat-in kitchen/ dish washer, in-ground pool/HT, non-smokers, suit couple or mature adult, no dogs $900/ mo. +Phone/ cable Feb.1/ 04,905-319-9075 SW E A TS H IR TS em broidery, adults and child ren, and others. A ll hand m ade. Shop in com fo rt. Phone 905-639-4066 lost & found F O U N D - Brow n tabby & white cat in the 'O rcha rd'. W e call 'M ira n d a '. Please call. 905-637-7325

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