Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Nov 2003, C 04

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 26, 2003 Maureen McTeer book signing Saturday Maureen McTeer, one o f C anada's most prom inent political spouses who made headlines for not assum ing her husband's surname, will be in Oakville to promote her autobiography In M y Own Name. She will be at B ooker's Bookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E,, on Saturday Nov. 29 at 1 p.m., and in Burlington at the LaSalle Park Pavilion on Tuesday Dec. 2 at 9 a.m. In M y Own N am e is an insightful and inspiring m em oir in w hich M cTeer out lines the struggles and trium phs o f her public and private life, com bining offi cial duties and cam paigning w ith her husband Joe C lark with m otherhood and law school and later her law career. Clark not only supported her in her decision to keep her nam e and pursue her law career - he encouraged her. They were m arried in 1973 - she was 20 and he was 13 years older. The couple's only child, C atherine, w as bom in 1976. McTeer graduated from law school in 1977 from the University o f Ottawa, and obtained her M asters in Health Law from Dalhousie University in Halifax 10 years ago. Defeated in her federal election bid in 1988, McTeer served as an original I w r fjr a w E ir CTEER m em ber o f the Royal C om m ission on New Reproductive Technologies from 1989-1991. D uring those same years, she was also the founding C hair o f the Canadian Bar A ssociation's Eastern and Central European Legal Program s (1989-1993) to promote the rule o f law and an inde pendent judiciary in the form er Soviet Union. For this M cTeer was aw arded the Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent Award for legal achievem ent in 1993 and the Hungarian Cross o f M erit in 1995. McTeer was adjunct assistant profes sor o f law, genetics and reproduction in the faculties o f m edicine, law and nurs ing at the University o f Calgary from 1994-1996. She lectured on reproduc tive law at the University o f British Colum bia in 1998 and com pleted her research for her third book on law, sci ence and society. She obtained her M asters in biotechnological law and ethics at the University o f Sheffield in B ritain w here she w as a V isiting Research Fellow in 2002 and 2003. She plans to begin doctoral w ork in law and to speak out about organ transplants, genetics and patents. H er previous books include R esidences: H om e o f Canada' s L ea d ers , P arliam ent: Canada' s Dem ocracy and H ow It Works, and Tough Choices: Living a n d D ying in the 2 1st Century. W hile on her current book tour to prom ote In M y Own N am e , McTeer will be advocating the need for more funding and support for w om en's health research in Canada. Christmas benefit concert at St. Jude's Church Dec. 14 Tenor M itch Seekings, harp virtuoso Sharlene Wallace, flutist Joan Browne and pianist Eric M ckay will join the St. Mildred's Junior C hoir in a benefit concert on Sunday, Dec. 14 at St. Jude's A nglican C hurch, 160 W illiam St. The show will begin at 3 p.m. Proceeds will go to help support the w ork o f Halton Family Services, a United Way Agency. Light refreshm ents will follow the concert. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $5 for students and $10 for seniors. Tickets can be purchased at St. Ju d e's, 905-844-3972, L'atelier G rigorian, 905-338-2360, o r St. M ild red 'sLightboum School, 905-845-2386. Barrie Erskine · O akville B eaver ic iir HOLIDAY DECORATING SALE! UP TO G enevieve B o u d re a u as P ia f sings M a rie T ro tto ir in T h e a tre S h e rid a n 's p ro d u ctio n o f Piaf -- A Life in Song in thfe S tu d io T h e a tre a t th e T ra fa lg a r C a m p u s u n til Nov. 29. T h e show p ay s h o m ag e to P ia f's stru g g le s by im ag in in g th e w om en o f P a ris, w hose ow n lives, loves a n d losses a re p o rtra y e d in th e songs o f h e r ca reer. F o r tick ets call th e S h e rid a n box office a t 905-815-4049 fro m 11 a.m . - 3 p.m . T u esd ay to F rid a y a n d fro m 6:30- 8 p.m. on p erfo rm a n c e n ights. A LIFE IN SONG: S a n t a s ·* CHEDULE Visit Santa at thefollowing locations Oakville Place NOVEMBER HOURS: Monday to Saturday Sunday DECEMBER HOURS: Monday to Saturday Sunday Christmas Eve 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. * 10 a.m.-8 p.m. * 10 a.m.-5 p.m .* 10 a.m.-4 pm. ** * * Hopedale Mall Santa arrives Saturday Nov 29. Thursday December 4, 11, 18 Friday December 5,12,19 Saturday December 6, 13, 20 * Monday December 22 'Tuesday December 23 * Wednesday December 24 * * * * * * * * * BRAMPTON · 30 Great Lakes Dr. MISSISSAUGA · 5935 Mavis Rd. MISSISSAUGA · 1248 Oundas St. E. AJAX · 280 K ingston Rd. E. MARKHAM · 71 Cochrane Dr. BURLINGTON · 3230 Fairview S t (905) (905) (905) (905) (905) (905) 793-0046 507-8817 276-2857 426-5508 305-6704 681-7698 RICHMOND HILL · 45 Red Maple Rd. SCARBOROUGH · Eglington Town Center VAUGHAN · 57 Northview Blvd. TORONTO · 700 Lawrence Ave. W. OAKVILLE · 2501 Hampshire Gate Rd. CAMBRIDGE · 30 Pinebush Rd. (905) 771-8003 (416)757-8859 (905) 264-1347 (416)787-4428 (905) 829-1004 (519) 620-2706 * 11am - 5pm 3pm -7pm % 4pm - 8pm * 10am - 5pm 4pm - 8pm # * 12pm - 7pm 11am - 5pm * o , * % » ^ * * * ·Discount applicable on selected regUar priced in-stock merchandise only. Excludes all patterns, custopi orders, discontinued items (yellow ticket Items), value ban promotional items and $ t Items. HaltonSearch.c\m FRAMING Turning Memories Into Masterpieces B o u C lo ir C reate a beautiful life w w w . b o u c l a i r .c o m H oliday Open House . Fram ing & A rt Centre 466 Speers Road (between Dorval & 4th Line) Thursday, D ecem ber 4 th, 2003 10:00 am - 8:00 pm 15% o ff custom framing & additional savings on in-store merchandise Refreshments Draws www oakville.framingartcentre.com N o t v a lid w ith o th e r o ffe rs o r o n p la q u e m o u n tin g .

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