Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 May 2002, D3

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a y 15, 2 00 2 - D3 T h e O akville B eaver LA-Z-BOYgKfK S o f a s fo r L e s s ! From TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm | I r | ] houses for sale C la ssified PublicNotice Sofas. Chairs and Sectionals of Starting Uncompromising Quality and Style. A An Extraordinary Selection V| of the Finest Custom Fabrics. V Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! B u rlin g to n Pow er C en tre » Q E W & B ran t St. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 * Help Wanted 500-570 «Services 700-795 G LEN ABBEY 3 bedroom. 2.5 baths, semi detached, ceramics, west exposure 1620 sq ft. $ 2 4 5,9 00 (906)469-0183___________ O n ta rio Sommerset Model To w n line Estates Unique openconcept, m ulti-level d e tached home Ceramics in foyer, pow der room and eat-in-kitchen. G a s f/p in famdy room. Shows to per fection $ 22 4,9 00 . 5 minutes drive to highway ·401. For photos www.mikeandkelly.com or call S tW y 0519-249-1993 C A M B R ID G E . ,| W e h a v e the a p artm en t y o u 're lo oking for! L A R G E Attractive 1.2&3 bedrooms available imme diately/ June. Heat/ hydro included. From $695/mo.+ parking. No pets. Burling ton 905-632-0961 C O M E HOMETO... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P rospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P layground · Parking Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking P R IV A T E homecare for the elderly & disabled. Car ing. reliable, experienced & bondable caregiver with references available Junel for Oakville live-in position. Please contact Diane at 416-283-3823 K N E C H T E L Solid ma hogany coffee& single drawer end table. Excel lent condition. $600 obo. 1940` s wicker 6ft. couch. 2matching chairs. $500 obo. 906-847-6438______________ M O V IN G S ale- Antique dining table and hutch $2000. Call Rick. 905-3368358 wallbed w/2 single beds. 5-pce., pine, mint condition, cost $5000, asking $2000. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 4070; 905-467-5876. J E E P Y J soft to p - black, purchased 1996. used 1 season. $175. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 1134 T IR E S . 4. now. P195/ 75R14 all season. M/S Motormaster $160/set Skil heavy duty 3/8* drill. $100. 905-681-9496. 2&3 Bdrms ·June & Ju ly 7 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 S1 D a y A p p ro vals `M a n a g e d b y L.T. G reen win Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V IL L E * 243 Bed room townhouses available immediately through June. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Managemont 905-876-3336 $1.00 Kerr/ Speers/ Q E Bachelor trom$759* 1-Bdrms` S869* 2-BdrriB from S979* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2% prompt pay. disc.) O A K V IL L E . QEW / Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ mo.*; 3-bedroom from $1049/ mo.* Well maintained building. Nellie. (905)3392028. ( `included 2 % prompt payment dtocount)__________ 21" Mac colour monitor with keyboard & mouse. >100.905-632-0068 MURPHY / O n e o f Southern O ntario's highest v o lu m c \ Ford dealerships is increasing it's new car sales staff We have openings for 2 (two) motivated self-starters who thrive on being p art of a successful team. A u to m o tiv e e x p e rie n c e n e c e ssa ry . F o rd experience preferred. Top rate pay plan and com pany car supplied, along with excellent benefit package and pension plan. If you are th in k in g o f a ch an g e an d w an t to jo in a w in n in g team , g iv e u s a c all and sen d a resume: Attn: Ian Thom as. Sales M anager at A Q U A R IU M . 25 gallon, all equipped. $100. Call 905338-6181 12' Springbok aluminium boat with lOhp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars $1950. Excellent condition. 905-632-0068. Burtngton._________________ 1986 Thundercraft M ag num 1 90 - 19ft c/w cuddy cabin/ toilet. 4.3L. V6. cobra outdrive, new windows/ screens (2000). 1995 EZ tow trailer, single axel, like new interior, never left in water, fish finder/ compass, seats 5 adults. $9000. Call 905-876-4733 1986 Thundercraft 19' Magnum 190. GM V6. deep V hull. Like new interior, very clean inside and out. fish finder, compass, head, many more features $9000. Call to view: 905876-4733 B ' J t f r i lost & found N E E D a Computer... Don't Have Cash? Th e Original IBM PC. just $1. a day. no money down! AOL & Inter est Free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Co. 1-800-7728617. www.budcaday.oom L O V E L Y open concept, approx 2300 sq.ft. 2-storey detached home. 2214 Pheasant Lane, off West Oak Trails. Situated on deep lot. Fully fenced yard, large deck. Many up grades. Visit our home on http://home.cogeco.ca/~da postolopoulos/ourhome/pa gel .htm or call us for detaits.905-827-4233 B U R L IN G T O N Mall area Large semi-detached 3bedrooms. 1.5 baths. New roof/ furnace/ kitchen/ wind ows. $162,900 9 0 5 -6 3 4 1717. BEAT THE SUMMER RUSH! EARLY OCCUPANCY BONUS Downtown Burlington. Limited suites available tor immediate occupancy. Lake or escarpment views. All with large balconies, a/c, cable TV & utilities included. Splash into your pool, tan on the sundeck, unwind in the saunas! W alk to all amenities & GO. - FROM $900. Call Kirk to quality lor bonus! 905-639-4677 Kerr S t .Available immediately. June & July; 1-bedrooms. $830./mo; includes park ing. Call between 9am 6pm. 906-339-2437________ C H IL D R E N S captain bed with mattress, good condition. $95. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 7466 TO W N H O U S E 3-bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, appliances, garage, double driveway. 1200/mo.+ utilities. Available June/1 st North Burlington 905-566-8102 D R Y E R - Kenmore, white, very clean. Very good con dition. $75. Call Ginette 905-335-9774 M IR O L IN fibe rglass showerS top. 32x32. $85 otoo. C a l 906-637-9917 P A N T R Y unit, large white. 72* high x30"x16' 4 shefves. $85 firm Call 905339-8315. SHUR FLO W water p u m p - 12V D C demand pump 7amp. new. spare di aphragm model 205203. 3 gallons/minute. $60 905842-6442 O L D Fashioned wooden swing, green, two seats (Just like grandma had!). $350. Can 905-331-2920 ROUNDTREE MANOR T0WNH0MES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt P A T IO furniture. 13-pce, set. white resin, $100.; sofa. 2 matching tub chairs, beige. $250.; All excellent condition 905-332-6093 S a le - McMaster University. May 23-26. Over 50 pianos available. For appointment or information: 1-866-850-9995 D IS C O V E R Y FORD 850 Brant Street, Burlington. ON L7R 2J5 Tel: 905-632-8696 * Fax: 905-632-0914 , O A K V IL L E P IA N O Discover the Difference > O N E bedroom suite in lux ury Bellaire Condominiums in Brampton. Mirrored slid ing doors, brass trim, mar ble floor/window sills, ce ramics. luminous kitchen ceiling, five appliances. Luxury pool, sauna. 24 hour security. 141.900.00 905-458-6056 Gate W aterd o w n- $151,900. Approx 1000 sq.ft of open concept living. South facing. 3rd floor unit w/balcony amaz ing 10ft. ceilings. 5 a p pliances, c/a. 2 parking spaces, neutral decor. To view call 905-864-9506 2 -B E D R O O M in well maintained low rise. Kerr Street. Parking. $859/mo. Immediate 905-257-1669 Remodelled 3-Bedroom June 1st Call Now 905 O A K V IL L E South. 2-be d room apartment. J u n e l, gas fireplace. Laundry, 2parking, large backyard. $900/mo. First/ last. 905452-1112. A d v e rtis in g A c c o u n t M anager C anadian Pizza M agazine An exciting opportunity exists for the right candidate to show us what a motivated intermediate sales pro fessional can do as A d v e rtis in g A c c o u n t M a n a g e r, developing and promoting an estab lished trade magazine serving the pizza industry. If you love a challenge, hard work and want to be part of a great team in our southwestern Ontario, this is tor you. You will offer: · Minimum 3 yrs sales experience preferably in print publications · Valid drivers license & use ol a late model vehicle · Excellent written and verbal communication skills · Great organizational abilities Remuneration includes base salary plus commission Please submit a resume and cover letter by May 22th 2002 Diane Luke. Annex Publishing& Printing Inc. Email preferred: dluke@annexweb.com Fax: 1-519-688-3298 Mail: PO Box 190. Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4H6 We thank all applicant for their interest; however, only those considered lor an interview will be contacted BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court Available July 1st: 1-Bedroom, $740. 2 Bedroom, $845. Includes utilities. Parking Available 639-8583 V E R Y large 243 Bedroom Suites available in well- maintained Oakville buildings. Close to schools 6 professional services. Easy access to Q EW & 403. 905-844-2646 or 905-8450987 B U R L IN G T O N . 383 St. Paul Street: 3-bedroom . $930/mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For ap pointment. 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson H arbour. S pa cious 2-bedroom suites available. Heat/ hydro In cluded. From $1235/mo. Call Shari, 905-825-9616. 9am-6pm CENTRALBurlington- 1bdrm. large living room, shared laundry. $1050/mo. All inclusive. Call 905-524-2739 Steps from downtown. 1-bedroom , Jun e 1st. $875./mo. Utili ties/ parking included. Quiet building, wheelchair acces sible. 905-844-1934 S O F A sectional, brown. $100. Call Eliana. 905331-4640 Set/ swimming pool wire fencing. Free to whom ever removes. 905842-5522 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDR00MS $ 1 ,000/mo. + 1 - 1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. 905- 639-9212 BURLINGTO N 3-bedrooms. May. 2-bedroom s, July. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like ttttlng. 905-333-1190. G E O R G IA N Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington. Large 2&3 bedroom townhouses. full basements Call 905-632-8547 Oakville. Steps to shops & buses. 2bedroom. July 1st. Parking. $1200/mo. inclusive. 905842-5815 P IA N O Sale May 23rd25th. O ver 100 new and used piano's. For appoint ment or information call 1800-281-7172______________ P IA N O - Mason Risch. uplight <700. 905-639-3623 H O T Tub/ Spa. All selfcontained. all options, w/ cover. 2002 model, new, still in wrapper, cost $10,250. sacrifice $6,000 905-304-7775. SOFABED. matching chair, superior mattress. 1yr old. $500. 9 0 5 -3 1 9 2384, after 6pm____________ S P A S .. Spas .. Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 906-667-9459 S T O V E / oven, self clean $200. Table chair set. $250. Panasonic Microwave. $100. 906-847-6130______________ TE N N IS Bracelet 2 carats paid over $2000 willing to sell for $ 10 00 . C a ll (519)249-1993 S W IN G B A S E B A L L Glove lost at Tansley Woods Mon May/ 6th 2002; O ld baseball glove. $100 Reward 905639-8292 V IL L A G E BRONTE FO U N D camera. Deer Run Ave. AHunt Cres. Call 905319-0242 F O U N D grey short haired cat. Sheridan area. ' Steely" C a l 905-637-7325__________ LAKEFRONT, Stoney Creek 2+1 bedroom condo. 5 appliances. Gorgeous views! Secure building. Many amenities. Early pos session. $129,999. 905516-4871 evgs._____________ IN V E S T M E N T O pportun ity. brand new 2-bpdroom condo. Walker's/ Upper Middle (current tenant leased for 2-yrs). $160,000 firm. Assume mortgage. 905-332-5085 ______ 905-690-1896 Maple. Burlington. 2-bedroom. Im mediate/ June, from $925./ mo.-f parking. Heat/ hydro included. Beautiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview & hospital. Great highway access. 905-6325258 LAKESHORE/ O y O yO Downtown B u r lington. Upgraded 1,243 Bedroom Apartments. Scenic view s. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643_____________ May 16 &17. 6-8 p.m. 465 Lome St. Burlington, core area. 1bedroom, very clean, quiet. 7 unit building. Excellent neighbours. Full security. $740/mo. hydro. 2year lease 905-632-1452 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lington. 1.2&3 bedroom apartments available im mediately/ June/ July. From $795/mo. 905-632-0129 F O U N D - Elderly Yorkie. Found North Burlington "Oma* C a l 905037-7325 P R IM E O A K V IL L E . F O U N D - Set of keys on Montgomery Dr. May 13th. On a blue lanyard 905335-3047 F O U N D : W omen s watch in Cleaver/ Jordan area. Call to identify 9 05-3325282________ domestic Him a layan cat. Answers to *Tia*. Beautiful long black/ coffee coloured fur. Last seen May 3rd Brant Hills area. Call 906-331-2486_____________ 21" portable T V . $100.; cottage or kids video games; single quilted mat tress board. $100.; A s sumption uniform- kilt sz.16. 2-pr pants size 32/34. grey golf shirt. $100.; Patio um brella w/table. $50.; extenor wooden door; interior and bifold doors; fireplaces screens- halfmoom shape. _______ 905-632-0068 3 0 G A L L O N fish tank* ac cessories. stroller, youth bed. little tykes train for tod dler. 905-336-5117 OPEN H O U S E : 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments available Immediately/ June from $825./mo. C o n veniently located W ood ward/ Guelph Line. B u r lington 905-632-4265 W E specialize in C o n d o minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, 35)333-4347_____________ D O W N T O W N Burlington. T w o 2-Bedroom apart ments Parking. Available July/1 st · July/15th from $915/mo. inclusive. Call or leave message. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 7929. O A K V I L L E G le n A b be y large su nn y 3 bedroom condo 1.5 baths, fireplace in living room, walk out to large patio. 5 appliances included, loads of storage, ensuite. non sm oker, no pets. Ju ly 2 $1325/per month. Call 905-845-6164 A N T IQ U E DOW NTOW N LOST- 3-pce. settee consists of loveseat, rocker & chair, excellent condition. 905-315-9683 Fixtures · tub, sink, toilet · off white, taps, oak cabinet with counter, mirror, light fixture. P ackage $500 or sell separately 905-847-0262 BATHRO O M O A K V IL L E EkTll houses wanted W A N T E D : Family wishing to rent house. 3 bedrooms. Bronte or S W O a kville, Ju n e 15 or J u ly 1. C a ll (905)825-6475 Downtown. Spacious immaculately renovated 2-bedroom apartment. Parking. On Lakeshore Road/ Kerr Street, from $ 1 100/mo. utilities. Immediate. No pets 9 05-337-7135; 905________ 331-1301. 3 -B E D R O O M , July A 'midJuly. $995/mo. Utilities ex tra. 1 parking space includ ed. 3000* 3014 Centennial D r., Burlington. 905-3191869 Renovatedl Brant/ Q EW , Burlington. 1bedroom. Ju ly 1st. $690/ mo.+ utilities. (1 parking in cluded) 905-319-9769. L O S T : Black 3 ring binder, containing sheet music and song titles; along Rebecca, between Allan and 3rd line. If found call 905-338-5047 M IS S IN G : cat. Black & white, medium/ long fur, approx. 10lbs. green eyes. (Indoor cat). Aldershot. Re ward! 905-631-0750 W IN D O W air conditioner10.OOObtu. ly r . new. fits window 13*H. up to 39*W. $450. Antique seat & cabi net. $500/each. 905-6326251. ext. 2217. 9 05-3311130 after 6pm. O A K V IL L E 2 bedroom s. FR ESH LY 1 .2 ,3 - B E D R O O M S : 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. (2bdrm ~ $850/ mo.).Utilities included. O f fice Open 9am-9pm, Mon.Sat. 905-639-5761 _ 75 Stewart: 1-bedroom . $825Vmo.; 2-bedroom. $925/ mo. (parking* $35./mo.) Immediate thru June. Near downtown Oakville/ Q EW . Well-maintained, clean buikflng. 905-844-4294 Bur ington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905* 639*8583 www.ontim.com email: blowers® cogeco.net Available June 10. in fourplex $800/month inclusive (905)825-3512____________ B E D , All-New King. Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, <660.906-304-6573. B E D - Queen, orthopedic pillowtop mattress, boxspring, headboard/ foot board. frame. New. in plas tic. Cost $1275. sell $550 Will deliver. 905-971-3315 set. 8-pCd, cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser. mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500. 906-567-9459 New. Double. $220; Queen. $240. C o m plete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs. 17-25" colour TVs. portable C D players. 905681-9496 DRIVERS I articles wanted F/T With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto trans. Able to drivel ton van to Toronto, or small car driver, w/ good knowledge of Miss., Oak., Burl, for lo cal deliveries. Able to lift 50lbs. Will consider car and driver for local deliveries. Call: Mark, 2-4 pm 1 11 i n r t u > D I..M H aiton A u to ra rts riu s W W M furnished rentals T Y A N D A G A Freehold. 3+ 1 bedrooms. 1.5 baths, eatin kitchen, walk-out family room, garage, private yard, a/c. 4 appliances. No pets. $1375 /mo* utilities. 905335-4843 L IV E -IN Nanny available now. drive, swimmer, nonsmoker. very experienced, excellent references. Mary Poppms Agency. 905-3377033. L IV E -IN nanny, full-time for 7month baby. Fluent in spanish, 2year min. experi ence Call 905-427-0555 L IV E -IN Certified overseas nannies or care givers. for elder care, phys ically challenged No fee to employer. Ph: 416-6996931. www.oeanannys.com NO Fee To Employers. Filipina nanny, live-in, avail able. Please call Amah Intl. 416-221-3303______________ W A N T E D : Oakville live-in nanny housekeeper. 1 child, references, flexible. English a must. Legals only! (416)699-6931 » Your New Office Can Overlook O akrille H arbour W A N T E D A ll- China . S ilver. Crystal, sewing ma chines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts. Glass, dolts, collect ibles. estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 D IV E R S E entry level po sition with tool and industri al supply business. Inside Sales. Must have good keyboarding skills and strong willingness to loam. Please fax resume com plete with work related ref erences: 905-338-0412. SPRING INTO ACTION! NEW COMMUNCATION DEPARTMENT HAS 16 openings avail. in all areas of firm. 18+yre., Full-time. Call Karl 905-577-0808 C A K E Decorator & Deli Clerk required. Experi enced. Burlington location. Ca ll Mario or Lou, 905639-0319. furnished room for rent June/1 st $400/mo 905-333-6726 B U R L IN G T O N BEDROOM ^ condom inium s for rent 1.400 s.f. 2 floors with cathedral ceilings 2 washrooms Halogen potlights · 2 wood burning fireplaces · Central air conditioning · Parking 2 -B E D R O O M apartments. 110 South Foster Park. Oakville. Includes e ve ry thing. Immediate. 905849-8411^1 Oam-8pm. Gardens. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, C/A, 4 appliances, June/ July. $1175/mo. Active Managemont, 905-333-5506, Ext.71 TANSLEY B U R L IN G T O N , Millcroft, executive condo/T.H. ra vine setting, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, c/air, 5 new ap pliances. garage, ceramics, master with ensuite. $1585/mo. -futilities. June/ 1st 905-637-5331. P IA N O - Baby Grand, ex cellent condition, one own er. Delivery available. 905358-7532 BEDS, 281 Speers Rd. Oakville ON 905-845-2118 Senegal parrot w/cage $200. Cockatiel w/cage $50 9 05-6397104 F O R E S T Chase. Burling M O U N T A IN S ID E area, nicely decorated 3 -b e d room flat. Fridge, stove, C/ A. parking. $860/mo. First & last plus 1/2 utilities. Suit non-smoking couple. 905__________ 335-4564 ton. 1-bedroom, den. 5-ap pliances. balcony, under ground parking. June 1st. $975/mo.utilities. 905-3327445 B IR D S for sale D O W N T O W N Burlington. 1275 Elgin Street. 2&3 Bedrooms. June/July. Freshly decorated, spa cious. well maintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 9 05-637_____ 0321 ^ 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 7 1 5 (*3 3) A space (1350 sq.ft.) for lease, great Oak ville location, steps to G O station, Q E W . new Home Depot Plaza. $15/sq.ft. gross (all included). Ideal for medical/ professional tenants. Please call 905616-5586. " H O U S E -L IK E " Living in Low-rise Townhome/ Apts! 2&3 Bdrms, 1-floor & 2storey designs. Ground floor units w/walk-out to landscape patio! Freshly painted, refinished hard wood. new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga Terrace, 1440 Tyandaga Pk D r., 905-333-0015; 1460 Tya n daga Pk Dr. 905-336-0016 Imme diate possession, Upper Middle/ Guelph Line area. Bright lower level 2 -b e d room apartment, newly ren ovated. Suitable for profes sionals. C/A, dishwasher, whirlpool tub, cable, laun dry room, private side patio area, parking. No smoking or pets. First/ last. Refer ences. $950/mo. inclusive. 905-331-8617_____________ 1-bdrm. basement, separate en trance, C/A, own laundry, parking. Non-smoker. June 1st. $700./month inclusive. 905-335-3306 O F F IC E NO RTH Burlington, 2bedroom condo. 5 ap pliances. 2 parking spaces $950/mo + utilities. June 1st. 905-336-5108 Maple Avenue. Burlington. 2-bed rooms. 5 appliances, fresh ly painted, garage. $1200/ mo. -futilities. Available im mediately. 905-681-2242. B U R L IN G T O N - 3-bedroom townhouse (no basement) $935/mo. Also. 2-bedroom apartment immaculate. $830/mo. No dogs, June/July. 905-336-7207. Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $800/mo. -futilities, first/ last. Available June/ July. 905-336-7901. 9am6pm Only__________________ B E A R D E D -D R A G O N S T w o adult fem ales (tw o years old) (416)985-4171 or (905)829-3782__________ B U N K beds solid maple twin over twin bottom draw ers. $600 905-844-4871 C A R P E T . I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 G U ELPH W *flTll C *r*,0f M fc 1990 Sunbird. New alt. & exhaust. Asking $1200. Call 905-331-6354 1996 Honda Accord EX. 5speed, p/w, p/d, air, 1-own er excellent condition. 183K. E-tested. Certified. $8,000 obo. 905-825-1368. 1986 Chrysler New York er- Fully loaded. $250 obo. 905-336-5117 1993 Plymouth Sundance auto., air. 185,000kms., $2300; 1995 Ford Taurus loaded, power seats. ABS.. 137,OOOkms.,$4900. Both certified, e-tested. 905-5102674 1990 O L D S Cutlass S u preme red/ gray. 4-door, digital dash, 160,000 miles, certified, e-tested. $2295. 905-637-2700. 1995 Ford Windstar G L 7 passenger, duel A/C 146,km $7,500 905-3324148 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora. Loaded, leather seats. 140,km $15,900 905-6318407______________________ 1999 Nissan Pathfinder Chilkoot auto., 60.000 kms., great condition, leather, sunroof. $25,000. 905-3317182 after 2pm. 2000 BMW 528i excellent condition, 31,000km, stan dard, fully loaded, sports package, anthracite exteri or. $46,000 Martyn 416935-1400 ext. 105 2000 Honda Accord EX Coupe, silver. 5spd, leath er, loaded, moon roof, al loys. 29k. $23,900. 905842-0862._________________ 1998 Plymouth B re e ze air, power sun-rood, CD player, 1 owner, good con dition, asking $6895. 905- ASSISTANT RECREATION DIRECTOR People oriented person with fitness background to organize activities on and oft site for the residents of Burlington's finest apartment community. Qual ification must include NLS, First Aid, CPR. Red Cross Instructors and own transportation an asset. Knowledge of water treatment helpful -but w illing to train. Must be able to work flexible hours with minimal supervision. This is a oneyear contract with the possibility of full-tim e employment. If you are interested in a challenging position in a friendly working environment we want to hear from you. Fax your resume with cover letter to 416-364-6087 or email: into@ontim.com F R E E - 1 Month for Quali fied Applicants! Georgian Apartments. 1,243 B ed rooms. May/ June/ July. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton. 905-639-0456. M -F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm located, well- maintained, spacious 1.2&3 bedroom suites. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 905-637-3921 " BROW NSTONE" G L E N Abbey 2 bedrooms. 2nd floor w/balcony. un derground parking, 5 ap p lian ce s, A/C , close to shops, rec. centre, transit. June 1st. $ 1200/mo. + hy dro. C a ll Betty Phillips. Sales Rep., Shireen Preksta R E. Inc. (9 0 5 )4 6 7 1943 I · V I houses for rent CEN TR ALLY B U R L IN G T O N , L A R G E 3-bedroom. June/ Ju ly frpm $ 1 199/mo.; (+ utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage. park-like setting. Longmoor Drive. Burling ton. 905-681-0070 N E W Renovations- Avail able July 15th. 3-bedrooms. Includes 1 parking, $950./ mo.+ utilities. North Bur lington. 905-319-9104 C H E R R Y dining room su ite. oval table, six chairs and china cabinet. Good condition. Paid $6500. $2500 O.B.O 905-637-8377 A D U L T Novelty/ Lingerie Store. Great turn-key op portunity. Awesome O a k ville location. 65K including inventory! Call 905-510-0710. W A N T E D - Occasional aupair help with teenaged sons when mother travels on business. Near Falgarwood. 905-844-8573. C O U C H , sectional, hunter green; glass top dining room & coffee tables; wood corner desk. All excellent condition. 905-847-6173. O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 D AYC AR E with a difference! O A K V IL L E . $450/mo. all inclusive. First & last re quired. Must like dogs. Call 905-827-0092 after 7pm. In home care, smoke-free, television free, literacy rich, active/ creative/ fun atmosphere. Nutritious meals, wheelchair ac cessible. Flexible hours. Aldershot. 905-631-3277 M O N E Y Problems? G a r nishees? T o o many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 O A K V IL L E - home apart ment, 2 storey, 2-bdrm , comes w/washer. dryer, garage. $860/mo +hydro. June 1st 905-844-3007 D IA M O N D ring, ladies, 18kt white gold, solitaire w/ baguettes total 1.5 carats. Hardly worn. Appraisal $15,000. Best offer. Call 905-975-3680 D IN IN G R O O M suite, ap prox. 65-yrs. old, buffet, hutch, table. 6 chairs, $900; Other items for sale: weight bench, barbell, dumbells, weights; men's downhill skis, boots (s iz e -8 ); mi crowave; antique stereo cabinet, glass coffee table. 905-337-0114. ^ D IN IN G R O O M , 14-pce. cherrywood. 92* double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459 D IN IN G R O O M table. Rat tan, 42* glass top, unique base. 4 arm chairs. $600.; Bakers rack w/wine rack, 3 shelves. $250. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 7117______________________ SHIPPER/RECEIVER Arbell Inc., a national distributor of electronic components, equipment and supplies is seek ing a Shipper/Receiver fo r our head office in Burlington (just off the QEW). Responsibilities include incoming inspection, allocation, pick ing/ packing and preparation of shipments for all distributor products including some heavy liftin g . S uccessful candidate w ill have had previous warehouse experience within the dis tribution environment, excellent organization al, communication and literary skills. Ability to operate a fo rk lift, good mechanical aptitude and previous data entry experience also pre ferred. Fax resume: 905-332-0748 O AK VILLE P LACE area - 2bedroom $985/mo. & 1bedroom $885/mo. in small bldg. Near all amenities. Heat, hot water, parking included. June 1st. 905847-1138. B U R L IN G T O N - Q EW / Walkers, Burlington. Room includes parking/ utilities, $450/mo. Share kitchen/ laundry. Phone not included. 905-332-5859. O A K V IL L E W A T E R D O W N : John C A L L REDVyOOD 4 16 494-9883 X307. 1-yr 4.15; 5-yr 6.15, AR M 1.49. Also equity mortgage programs, regardless of incom e or credit. 1 ,2 4 3 Bedroom Apartments from $875/mo. In-door pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 905844-1106 St. W alk to Everything. New Appliances, New Windows. Com p. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905690-4454 1&2 Bedroom Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call the ·Princess*. 905-639-8009 or 'Regency* 9 05-6818115 __________ semi de tached. 2 bedroom s, 1.5 baths, a/c. fridge & stove, water & gas included. Park ing, no pets. $900/mo + hydro. July 1st. 905-845-2012 G O R G E O U S - Fully reno vated historic home. 4Bedroom, 2.5bath, 282 St. Paul. Ju n e ls t, S2000/mo. in cludes landscaping. 905634-2628 O A K V IL L E room for rent in quiet clean home, cable, laundry, parking. Separate entrance $425/month. Call (905)257-1437 H .C .C .R . home daycare, full-time spaces. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC , lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. 905-319-3826 H A P P Y Day, home based childcare where learning & fun is #1. Music, crafts, story telling, outdoor activities & more. Enthusiastic E C E . Located at Upper Middle/ Brant. Flexible hours avail able. Call Stacey. 905332-3813_____________ L O V IN G family environ ment in Mohawk Garden School area, special out ings. educational play, bal anced nutrition, 9 0 5 -3 3 3 care for your child in my Carlisle home. 16-yrs experience. Excel lent references. CPR. Receipte. 905-689-4680. Line/ Dundas, Mom of one has opening for one other child. Experi enced. References, receipts available. 905-257-9975 Walk to GO 2067 Prospect St at B ra n t St. Huge 1 & 2 Bdrms From $865/mo Avail. June & July » Comer Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 O A K V IL L E 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From $845./mo 905-844-5474 S H A R E comfortable south Oakville home. Private den. use of all facilities. $550/ mo. June. Non-smoker pre ferred. Parking. 9 0 5 -4 6 5 1961-_____________________ apartment, basement. Suitable for one person, private entrance. Non-smoker, no pets. Oak ville. $690/mo. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 3756______________________ BACHELO R A L D E R S H O T - 3-bedroom, hardwood floors, parking, side entrance. A/C. Ref. $900. Non-smokers/ pets. Avail. Augl. 289-260-8633 ·E M P R E S S ", Dynes R d., Burlington. 1-bedroom, July 1st. $950/mo, includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, cable, pool, parking, all utilities, 24-hr. security. Sandra. 905-338-7482 C O U R T location: C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available Imme diate/ May/ June. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5486. Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 2&3 Bedroom Suites From $975./mo. Available June/July. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. DOW NTOW N Oakville. Large bright 2-bedroom, 5 appliances. C/A, fireplace, $1350/mo. Available July 1st. Call 416-420-3952 or 905-842-9275 S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 05 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm Brant/ Plains, 1 yr. old. 3 ap pliances, c/a, 2 available. Large 3 -b e d ro o m - 2-1/2 baths, $1600/mo. plus utili ties. May 1st. 3 bedroom 1-1/2 baths. $l500/m o + utilities, July 1st. Debbie 905-332-3542 R O O M S available. Suit young professional. New home in Glen Abbey, in cludes parking, laundry, and utilities. $550/mo Available immediately. 905SI 0-8383 B U R L IN G T O N Mall area, two bedrooms available immediately. All amenities include. Starting $500/mo. ea. Inclusive. 905-3338867 Looking for a mature, non-smoking working lady to share my furnished penthouse. Park ing. 905-637-6120 3937 L O V IN G _ _ _ _ _ E T H A N Allen- 8 piece C o lonial dark oak dinning room set. Buffet has lead ed glass doors. $2500 obo. 905-847-5677. B U RLIN G TO N- 3-bedrooms, finished basement w/walkout. fireplace, C/A. garage, large fenced yard backing onto park, no pets. $1455/mo.+ 905-639-4917._____________ S IX T H FO R Sale- White, westinghouse self clean stove. $395. Kenmore series 80 washer (super capacity), $395. Both like new! Teak dinette table 42* extends to 60*, 4chairs, $95. Glass/ Chrome shelving unit, $50. 905-315-8262 257-3481 _ B U R L IN G T O N . O L D Oakville. Beautifully maintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985; 2 -b e d room from $1250./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 > )________________ B U R L IN G T O N Central. Walk to G O . 4-bedroom homes. 3-baths, double garage, from $1400/mo. Avail, now. 905-637-0880 R E N T to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings verifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty. Realtor, 9 05-639-5258; creativeoptsOquickdlc.net_________ H O U S E for rent, 3 B e d rooms. 2 washrooms, fin ished basement, with dou ble garage. Good location. Position Ju ly 1, $1500 -f u t ilit ie s (9 0 5 )5 6 4 -0 1 3 4 Tom or (906)842-245<MjloriB 905- 639-3301 Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, $780/mo. & 3bedroom, from $1225/mo. available Immediately. 2bedroom, from $1040/mo available Immediately thru July, (sparking) 905-8449006______________________ O A K V IL L E . O A K V IL L E : 392 Pine Ave. at Cornwall & Trafalgar. Renovated, large suites. Walk to Everything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429, Ext.231 H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East S t., close to lake/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, May/ Jun e, from $950/mo.; 2bedroom, May & July. $1,095. (+parking) 905825-0816 N E W LY renovated, freshly painted! 1-Bedroom avail able June/ Ju ly; 1363 Lakeshore. Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431. 7days. 9am-5pm, (Ring Apt. #101) S P A C IO U S room. Suit quiet mature non-smoking professional. C/air, parking. $550/mo. inclusive. Moun tainside/ Guelph Line. 905331-2931. N E A R Sheridan College. O a kville place and G O train. Use of entire house, $650 inclusive, immediate possession (905)339-4673 H O M E d aycare in a smoke free fun and loving atmosphere. Big playroom and rec. room, with outdoor activities in large fenced yard. Hot lunches and nu tritious snacks provided. Receipts and references. Call (905) 827-4534 1993 Sunbird LE , four door, white, auto, 117km Runs excellent $3000 416232-9920 1988 Jeep *Commanche* pickup, 6cyl, black, 5 speed, runs well. 165.000km $1200 905637-0239__________________ 1988 Jeep Com anche pick-up. 190K. 5-spd. 4L. inline 6-cyl, engine & body in good condition. $2300/ as is. 905-681-6157 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P/T Driver/ Delivery Person Mon. = 4 hours, Tues. = 8 hours Wed or Thurs. = 4 hours, and Fri. = 8 hours To deliver individual newspapers (door lo door) and pick - ups as required. Must be reliable with own vehicle and valid drivers license Contact Lisa Meecham, Assistant Circulation Manager Tel.: (905) 878-5947 Fax: (905) 337-5557 F R E N C H Provincial sofa, loveseat, chair, excellent condition. $600/set obo. C a l 906-331-8898.________ F R ID G E , sid e-b y- side, water/ice, $700.; Pentax 35mm camera, $200; new CCM Tacks size 6; Sony 3" colour T V , $200; Pioneer speakers, $150.; ladders, 16'. $100.; 10-spd bike. $75.; electric hedge clipper, $40.; fertilizer spreader, $50.; sander, $75.; Snapon toots, 905-639-2255 F R ID G E S , Stoves. W ash ers, Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911_____ HARDW OOD kitchen table(round) glass top with 4 chairs $125. Mahogany b ar with 2 stools great shape, must be seen $175. Ladies bicycle $50. Call (905)847-6668 Our private, multi-sport & social family club requires MEMBER SERVICES/ RECEPTIONIST This is a one-year contract position while the regular full-time Employee is on maternity and parental leave. Contract period: June 24,2002 to July 2,2003. t \ - a positive, cheerful disposition & a proactive, service attitude Plus these attributes: excellent tele phone & in-person communication skills, multi-line telephone exp., excellent organization & recording skills, well groomed & ability to present a professional image, familiarity with Microsoft Word & Excel for PC. Forward resume in confidence by May 24th to: Mark Porter, General Manager, The Oakville Club, 56 Water Street, Oakville, ON L6J 2Y3 Fax: 905-845-3186. Ph: 905-845-0231 ext. 201 Email: mporter@oakvilleclub.com C A R E G IV E R needed for 2 sons 2 & 4-yr. olds. Prefer ably our home, approx. 2 days/wk. Gas allowance or possibly pick you up. New/ Walkers. 905-631-6284. i t -fc & -fc N E W LY R e n o va te d for rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all ameni ties. $1050 to $1275./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im mediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670 1 -B E D R O O M in Oakville area. $825/mo. +parking/ hydro. 2-Bedroom $975/ mo. ^parking/ hydro. Avail able immediately. 905337-9180 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 bedroom suites available in low-rise condominium in Oakville. 5 appliances, wall to wall carpet, vertical blinds, balconies or patios. On site management. To view call (905)847-5043 ^ cottages for rent/buy I trucks for sale O A K V IL L E Tw o storey, 3 bedroom house in River Oaks, available June 1st . Call (905)617-5278 M U S K O K A . 2-bedroom + 2-pullout couches lakefront cottage, Exceptional view. Available July and August. $1000/wk. Call Bob 905331-8312. O A K V I L L E 3 bedroom , family room, garage, avail now $1.200.Call (905)8252901 T E N T Trailer- 1993 Eagle Series 10. good shape, asking $3500. Call Bob 905-639-3122 L O O K IN G for a great summer job? Childcare needed, our home in Bronte. 2 children ages 5 & 7. Full-time weekdays until September, with some Fri days and a week off in Au gust. Non-sm oker pre ferred. great compensation, call Fiona 9 05 -82 5-50 30 after 5pm. 1991 One ton Chevy cude van. 6.2L diesel. 340K. Good running truck. $6000. Call 905-689-6371 SCOOTER 1989- Honda 50 C C , black. 4,470km, re cent certification, excellent condition, stored indoors, helmet included $900. 905849-4418 1

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