B 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y M a y 15, 2002 VIC T ( I KIA DAY 2 0 II2 Victoria Day weekend celebrations at Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate On Sunday May 19th through to Monday May 20th, Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate invites everyone to celebrate Victoria Day Weekend. This year kids can celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee by making a commemorative badge. This weekend is also the official opening of the Old Oakville Post Office in Lakeside Park. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate, is the restored home of Oakville's founding family, the Chisholm's. On Friday May 17th through to May 20th, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate invites you to celebrate International Museum Day and the seasonal opening of the Old Post Office in Lakeside Park Oakville's Old Post office is a definite must do with the kids! Kids will enjoy a small tour and talk about the Post office and get a "hands-on" learning opportunity about postal related activities, such as Quilling & Wax. A winding carriage path weaves through the beautiful gardens and old trees on the estate; and there is a small gift shop. Upcoming events include Father's Day Drop in Sunday June 9th, Canada Day Monday July 1st and Summer Camp for Kids in July. For more information, please call (905) 338-4400 or visit our web site at www.oakvillemuseum.com. Open year-round, the Museum is located on the picturesque Erchless Estate overlooking the Oakville Harbour & Lake Ontario and consists of several buildings. The Custom House (1856) hous es exhibits a Discovery Gallery; The Chisholm Family Home, "Erchless" (1858) has been authen tically restored to its former elegance with rooms furnished to their 1925 appearance; The Old Post Office (1835) is Oakville's first Post Office, locat ed in adjacent Lakeside Park and open seasonally. Museum visitors can also enjoy a self-guided tour of the Museum gardens and grounds. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is owned and operated by the Town of Oakville, administered through the Parks and Recreation Department. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is considered a Category A institution, able to hold objects of national significance. For more information, please call (905) 3384400 or visit our web site at www.oakvillemuseum.com. · CO2 Fillin - 'o u t A v & lo M z f · Garden Centre N c u u Q p & n ! Full Selection of A n n u a ls & Pe · Fully Stocked Camping Sectio - Including Canoes 550 Kerr St (Kerr & Speers Rd.) 905- 844-0202 DREAM VACATION GETAWAY DRAW! 3 Days, 2 Nights A choite of over 50 resorts* including: PineStone Resort, Hidden Valley Resort, Lake Placid Resort, Ft. Lauderdale Resort & Spa, Delta Whistler Resort Embroidery Exhibit examines changes in culture Oakville Museum's Curator of Collections, Deborah Hudson is working feverishly for the fall exhibit titled, Embroidered Inspirations: History through the Needles Eye scheduled to open September 28, 2002. The Museums fall exhibit is in collaboration with the Oakville Arts Council's 3rd Bi-annual Oakville Festival for the Fibre Arts, September 26th - October 13th, 2002. Embroidered Inspirations: History through the Needles Eye , will highlight items from the Museum's costume collection. One of the most ancient and cross-cultural of the decorative arts, embroidered decoration applied to textiles has his torically symbolized and distinguished the status, region, religion and place of origin of its creator. This exhibit will feature embroidery adorned costume and decorative household textiles selected from the Oakville Museum's Permanent Collection. The selected pieces will broadly reflect the changes in embroidery style and technique from the late 1700s through to the present day. The influence of other cultures, particularly from the Orient, will be found to have had a significant effect on embroidery in fashion, particularly in the 1920s. Embroidery will be focused on as one of the important enduring traditions of needlework and "women's work" in the Western World. Oakville Festival for the Fibre Arts is an excit ing mix of professional and amateur artists and craftspeople from Oakville and across Canada. The festival includes lectures, workshops, juried exhibitions and shows throughout Oakville. The keynote event is the Common Thread, a juried exhibition that celebrates innovation and tradition of fibre. All works must be fibre based through materi als or techniques. Jurors for the 2002 Exhibition are Jeanne Bellevance, Montreal, Sarah Quinton, Curator, Contemporary Gallery, Textile Museum of Canada, and Judith Tinkl, Ontario College of Art & Design. Entries to the Common Thread will be juried by slides in June 2002. Canadian Tire Kerr St. | I Dream Vacation Getaway Draw I ( N a m e :______________________________ A d d re s s :___________________________ 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a Yi 1 = z z z = : Te le p h o n e :_______________________ 11 1 1 * D ra w to be held M a y 31, 200 2 . * Contact the Oakville Beaver for complete details. www.oakvillebeaver.com Burlington's Drop off at Canadian T ire , 550 Kerr St. location only. M i U i June 13-16 Join Your Friends & Neighbours Be P a rt o f th e F u n ! Volunteers Needed · S e c u rity · P a ra d e s · S tag es · M e rc h a n d is in g For more information contact our hotline 905-333-6364 w w w . s o u n d o fm u s ic .o n .c a GARDENER'S DISCOUNT CARD YMCA o f Oakville for the entire year We build stro n g kids, stro n g fam ilies, stro n g com m unities. See store for details. C.B. VANDERKRUK HOLDINGS LTD. PLAINS RD.E. FAJRV1EW ST. WATERDOWN Highway 5, Just east of Waterdown Tel (905) 689-4631 Fax (905) 689-3554 Mon-Fri 8-9. Saturdays 8-5 A V A IL A B L E Closed Sunday See our website fo r the latest new sletter www. connon.ca C A LL 905-845-3417 O R V IS IT 410 REBECC A STREET