e Oakville Beaver, Wednesday January 1, 2003 - B1 Thanks to the generosity of these businesses/ children in the Halton Health Services (OTM H) Pedi Pediatrics Ward will each have a bear to TMlO comfort them throughout 2 0 0 3 . Centre (905 ) 803-8066 w w w .a d d c e n tre .c o m ^210 North Service Rd. West, Oakville Town Centre II, O a k v ille m a Z D a "WHERE GOOD SERVICE IS A FA C T NOT JU S T A PROM ISE " 4 ) HOPEDALE SHOPPING CENTRE OAKVILLE 905-844-8703 1291 SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE 905-827-4242 3 rd L in e & R eb ecca S t. SPACE OPTICAL DRINK WELL 842-2821 Trafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave. 785 Pacific Road, Oakville 905.825.9699 www.sunveil.comsuninfo@sunveil.com 1.800.565.0585 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit l, Mississauga w w w .stu d io p a vas.co m stu d io p a vas@ h o tm a il.co n P 2419 MARINE DRIVE, OAKVILLE 905-469-8300 B r o n te C reek C a n d le C om pany b a y it w ith J lo w e rs ... hxtd 6 N o rth /V m r io j tueknj.. . / i i / i - r w r f i W IX ikcry <u-xt <l/nj. WcnJ 2624 C o m e t C o u rt Mississauga, O n t. L5K 2SI C all Kathy at H YU nD PI D U iy iN G IS B f U C V IN O (905)622-7714 C a rp e t <fi 2070 Speers R o o d , Oakville, Unit 3 (200 yards west o l 3rd line on Speers Rood) 24 hr. Phone Line 3 1 0 - SEN D (7363) Seenrr Internet Order Desk w w w . b r u n t flo rist .c o m E -m a il: p tb U fth n u itllo ris t.c o m U p h o ls t e r y C le a n in g Tel: 905-469-0882 Fox: 905-469-8775 Email: brontecc@spectranet.co A ls o A v a ila b le The Bronte Butterfly Foundation Avenue One W /H k fM * ^ i&</// ( J tm n t'M J 481 North Service Rd. 2418 Lakeshore Rd. W. 2368 Lakeshore Road W est O ak ville, O n tario L6L 1H5 Tel: 905-825-2245 100 BROVTE RD. UNIT #3, OAKVILLE 905-847-1512 w w w .g o o d n ig h tg o o d m o rn in g .co m 94 George Street Towne Square, Oakville Em ail: brontebutterfly@ butterflyi.ca website: w w w .butterfiys.ca 905-847-8953 · 905-465-3318 905-845-8802 Laurie McLachlan Miller Mews, Unit 10, 129 Reynolds St., Oakville Tel ./Fax: 905-338-8475 www.lauriemclachlan.com 108 KERR STREET A T LAKESHORE! The Bronte Village B1A 100 Bronte Rd., U nit #2 905-825-3258 142 Lakeshore Rd. W. · 905-844-3334 119 Jones St. · 905-465-0571 s q ) is s iN - r e m c m s m e HEN DESIGN STVDIO lt d ·SH O ES* 2 1 7 Lakeshore Rd. E . H O M E OF O P T IM U M U S E D V E H IC L E S C H E V R O L E T O L D S M O B I L E L IM IT E D Towne Square 210 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville, L6J 1H8 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 6 6 184 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville 905-845-5582 (905) 844-3530 D o w n to w n O ak v ille w w w .sw issinteriors.com 321 Lakeshore Rd. West 905 278-3365 - iMcCutcheon's foto source 2 2 6 L a k e sh o re R o a d E ast (1 block W . o f T rafalgar D o w n to w n O a k v ille ) RAYMOND E. JACKSON Fin a n cial A d v is o r Achieve yo u r financial goals. Invest and g row wealthy through time proven wealth creation & preservation strategies. H A IR D E S IG N Skin C a ro C L IN IC H air C a r e S e rvic e s Latest in H air Products M ak e U p & Skin Products Aesthetics Se rvice s BERKSHIRE SECURITIES INC. 710 Dorval Dr.. Ste. 505. Email: mccutchcons@cogcco.nct · Website: mccutchcons.ca (905)849-4700 w w w .o a k v ille p la c e .c o m F o r A p p o in t m e n t 8 4 5 -4 4 6 6