Bird pleased with long-term vision continued from p.1 community leaders to preserve and enhance the great features of Oakville, such as our cherished downtown, heritage districts, trails, valleys, parks and waterfront. Bird also said he was proud to have contributed to putting in place the financial policies and practices that have ensured future generations would not be overburdened with excessive debt and infrastructure renewal costs. Over his 36 years in elected office, the veteran municipal politician has served with four different mayors and more than 100 councillors, and noted that they all shared a commitment and desire to make Oakville the best community in Ontario. "I want to thank my family, friends and supporters who have afforded me continued from p.4 China by late 2014. It cited customer concern and the FDA investigation as its reasons. Reinhard said she regrets she did not hear about the controversy sooner. Pet owner wishes she was aware of controversy "You go into the pet store, choose what you are going to feed your dog. You read all the ingredients and try to make the best decision based on the knowledge you are given on the package. I saw `Product of Canada' and figured I was OK. Also, at $15 a bag I felt I was investing in a quality product," she said. "The guilt is unbelievable. "You just feel so terrible because they trust you." Reinhard is calling on people to sign petitions calling for China-made jerky pet treats to be removed from Canadian shelves through CONCRETE 5 | Wednesday, July 23, 2014 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Keith Bird the unique opportunity to serve this wonderful community," he said. "I am leaving elected office confident the work we have done to set out a long-term vision for this community will ensure that future generations will be proud to call Oakville home." DRYWALL Don't BIN IT Don't DUMP IT DELIVER IT for recycling NEW WEST GYPSUM RECYCLING Located just off the QEW at 2182 WYECROFT ROAD, OAKVILLE Pos itivel ive y Affecti Open to the public ng Where We L 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday Closed Weekends and Holidays LEED certification Rate: $57.50/Tonne Any amount acceptable EXPOSED AGGREGATE (Pebble) · DRIVEWAYS · STEPS · FRENCH CURBS · WALKWAYS · PATIOS · GARAGE FLOORS uality At Its Best! Call Fernando 905-847-0520 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 FREE ESTIMATES EVERY MOTHER HAS A STORY TO TELL. THANKS TO YOU IT CAN BE TOLD. At Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, talented physicians like Dr. Santina Andrighetti help care for moms and babies every day. Their expertise plus the life-saving equipment you help fund make it possible for young families to have the best, healthiest start possible. Each and every year, our hospital needs hundreds of pieces of new equipment that will improve the lives of all of us here in Oakville. Every piece is critical and every piece needs to be funded by our community. It all starts here with your help. Please call 905.338.4642 to share your story or make a donation. DR. SANTINA ANDRIGHETTI OTMH OBSTETRICIAN & GYNAECOLOGIST