, | sou ms or `niibuou "fo_o!_g._t_91 Ladies Whccls. Smooth going, easy riding Creocenta are the popular wheels for Ladies. Ounonnnljaj, Onunnn u-Inn-nu-ynnul-.2_ Hardy #92-_ No repair bills. Whatever booths genius to which the tlnnuuuii nation may lay claim. it in not the buildiiiu ot villains. towns or cities. There is nothing typical in the chic abodt-0 ol the people alter you loans the old l-`ranch-Laiiadiuu settleiueutii. The western Cariiulii {out me too ludi- vidualistic. l`he_y do not abhor i-iurli rows ol whitewinimsd burns and byreii as dc-liizht the eye in the pro- \ince ot Quebec, but it one in I iieighliorhood use; thla picturt-suue and wood- ruueruitlvu covt-rim: ol farm bui dings the HUl`l`l)|Hldlll|( iieiizhhorhood will proledl aizumuit it by rutiisiiig to do likewise. in Que- lie(' the i-it-igiit-iir V\'hIle\\ll8hQ.'8 hi.-i courtviird, hlii tenant does `the name, and both keep their liarn_\urdii iii ri- val Liiliiie.-us. Loin: before one (`0II|'U to Hllisima and settlenieiitii the Cl . K. isolitiiry way stations throughout northern and western Oiitnrio inve the note of dot`u(li'iu`o and dirt r1~ manv north-western iimrkuhle in so haiiili-ts. not to mention (rowing tcm ns siirely the L'.l' Ii. coinpiiiiv might l'I`l|t'Vt! the tedluiii und dlS[lll`- itiniz iliilnm-is of the environment it their line by iimkinu their \\'_Y-ll!` lions look [|ll'ul|Ill iiisteud at dis- iiial, li_\' iiurroundiim them with something of the cultuna and cleanli- the iiuuinim- ni-85 our experts lroiii nit-iit of a L'TI`lII business iiroledax-(l|\' Conn-rm~ in pleasing the world 0! truvi-I tor its own prutit. (Hie should not expect too much where sc-llleim-nt is iidiuitted to he ieiiiiiorar). hut with all |iI'|i9." allowuiireu there is so much that h::::!:*.':i the ck-xisliipiiii-nt ol the (`oun- lr\' in the ('hP('rl93!illQ`88 and dirt nl '5--' it. is the .II AL.. ...._ `Ya .v,.q ------r--. -g---uuuuyuru. Inn use Ill ! earlungs grow in lzrvnter nlliu l-.\rr\ dollar in the selling prro oi the land taken Iron: the settler Cutnc`-5 out M the rml\\'n_\`, So xnurh the land rosta so murh less has [hr 5;-NJ:-r \\h~n?\\Ith to build. lmy im, pl:-nwuls and stuck and spend an the pruvdurti\o> (urn-ea the Inrtner eInpln_\.u nml so much less lreronxe the lreight and earnings 0! the rul|v\a_\, It Is qlvumnstrublo that Ihv pgnratt-st [orn- tor tlmelopnu-nt hnch rnuld hen: Le put in muuon 10-day would he the grunt ul [ls land l_\ the I". I . R. to actual 81-ttlers Inn-. nl (`nail on Elu- rnmlnlun ol bringing speedily a huge [nor teulagu oi the urn-n un.|rr rultixallon. 'l'lu>n- I nurh land M m- ferlur qualitg n the rm!-.\_\ "L...-5. In ..nI:I ha I..I:..n nu nu. .n..I. (`lIIIl\i\lIUIl. llll rI I IIUKII IIIIKI III II?- new which mild be lalvn up on :.urh lerms. The settler would look up.-n the \'Iriml_\' oi his market as com- |I(*l1SulIUn for the th-I |ul` p-rmlnrnu- noss of the sml. It Is eslimnled hen [hat when a tanner hauls heat more than Iiltam rules, and so is uhlipzevl to star own night at a vill- age in, than in no monr_\ in when! prnnunz. thervinrve no one lo whom the wheat crop will he an obyecl Should settle beyond the nlleen mule Iinnil lllml Thar Dmzkhnhors haxe enwhnsiled the nmprlnutt nl cl-2-unlmess durmg their lntgrimage and now In (bur seulemrms will certainly be senrtrmr lul bqnnd the prus|nenl_\ M the llennumla men. lor uns commumu people do not avoid tobacco and an uttasionnlly lrnnscrrosun ngniml sobno-1__\'. Th: netaauhly ol the Doukhobor. the pruning] beat 01 his thunder and his ilIdIB1l'_\ nmpnnncd n|At'\' nag Ia`:-n in on-Ilrnnl xilll Ih rharntler and his IIKIIBIY} Impniueu exery one here in conlrul with the staggering lenderioou Iron: Bri- tain who lixe upon rtmillnntes and blow in many small and some large lonunes in keeping tut! clubs and hounds. and on "rims; dies" Ieermp at lhe nnjds and lhrowint dire lo-I Ihe drunk: and ollscrwise heating the dulnes ol pnnne nun. Dcvrdney and Royal. who disuntuuhed lheit rm;-enixc gmenxorahips ol the .\'-"rllwesl Territories Ivy working la: the Inqnor trade as it they had tips from at and from suntan to with- stand the temperance senlinneul ol eastern (hands. have surely unnd curse: Irhirh will follow them uh! Al\I'- Ix- -nin nl ln.1|ll\ n. woman g1-nanny suppoa- ll Itouu urn In-as well For up country it lib _\-onng In-nous tho have her wustad so math tall) and so mum Incl Imd In-as gathered into communities like Ilse llvdhobors until they had urquirud Lnowlelkc ol the u-Iry with habits ol ilduu-y. Th Anni`:- nndnu-rltourllitinnodof this 5.1.... -i-Inch-voinllnwtll IE3` WBKII Will IOLIOU III! In?! the ruin ol many but young follows her: in (lie Nunhwetl when lhtrt is non mtempernnte than It generally supposed. It would hm luuvenoll tlccounlrr Ilia the Mn llmouvoluo Milih will dopclul very much on what we make 0! than. In-prcluly the same manner that the ultimate value u! the (`row- nm "mu. nl um eoumrv donoudn the: the `I;II|yl.';\'llR on uu www- 10!! count ' CDC & the lutdllaitltxpt-rehatrlgn at fuponatbi ty townra thom down by their innate and the cen- nunlty at large. various matter! accting the we re o! thlu country will (he place in importance to one shout which there can be no honest dwar- ence 0! opinion. and that in the need ul arterial drainage In the lad lllvor \'ul|ey. Already the trend 0! the settlement in making for the Plantat- chewun \'n|Ie_\'. Where It: etuhouchere meets the wuten [rum the Red Rlver there in I Vast moruu over whifh In July and August there in enurlnuun eutporation, lu|ltn\ed h_\ he-tt\_\ trout: when the northern winds (`Ill'l'_\ the saturated atmosphere o\er the hmted plums southward. Between lulu-s Mnnttuhu and Winnipeg: the drumuue 0! lhlli tunraas shnuld he an easy matter and peouninrtly pro- titahle. utt it will liberate {or itmm-- diate tme uh area 0! verv tertlle luml uppruxtlnaltnpz two and a hull null- llnm: of arrest. There nre ohlt ructlnmt to tree uutlluw [rum Luke llnnttohu and ulung the rner carrying the wuter nt Luke Winnipeg. hit-h euuld be easily renmu-1| I-ixremtite di.-tchunze irum the As.-tlnulmine and Ned lther ll|Il_V he utnided h_\' locks. tor the lurmer near l'urtaa.vt- la Prairie. for the latter at St Ann- --....~.. u-..t.t_ 'l`hn rnrlumntlnn of for the Iutu-r at an nu- drew's Rapids. The revlmnnlinn in much In-rlile null and [he ameli- nranun 0! Nu rlnnmlv to the 5-xu-In 0! |>I 9\'t'nIim( the trusts which ren- dn-r harming: m the northwest su halartlnus lmtnm-9. will .-Inn-|\ 1-n Valle tho o-nrlv nttvnlmn uf |lIIOi- vent rt-pro-senluli\'o~a whn-n such ran nmnin n honrimt tor prncliral Inm- nun-s in the house mul from tho- - - -~~-- l`..v|l|nh r-Inn \\`nl'k ll. SC. \ nu;h'a ('nIn|Innt0n. Run as gold app:-ara In he to Ihurir \\ hu soak for It. It IN nu\~rthn-less mm H! the must \\|(Irl\ tlatlsed 0! the tnvtuls It t-xistx in an amount which tht- skilled rho-mist can trace in nearly all the old:-r rurkgi. and in the newer strata which are deuived trom them It us intk-I must Itltolv that if the rrutler of them lines rould pU8IP9a-I htmselt of all u! this metal Whlfh lies In `hr eurth \\ tIh|tI the distance u! a mule trnm'whc-rt` he stands, he \\lIIlIlI )..1\-0 n lurlzvr nlorr than has on-r hlmmt-d um-' placer miner as the reward M u lilo-limo.- s tml. rn... nliairihnlinn nu n-t \\'id9r [or IWjT?`(UC\ The Knnmatun board at trade has nu-Imintt-d B. M` Britton. NJ`. ns (leloqntr to the (`ODVPIIIIUII on "Tech- niral Hthool.-I" to he held in Ottawa shortlv. These schools are rnmmnn in Germany und are tnr the purpose ol teaching (nudes. Toronto in also hnvinz Q ronvention tomorrow lot the name punvmle. as it is tel! no there tint the matter can he better dealt with by the nrnnnrml |{n\'-rn- mont than by the dominion. -o :uInfKI7n.'-7'J3mIsIoiI s1. j-Xijj-A (` (NIH! I'\ _M\dn>\\' 9 A lLt,~\':...'..' ',~LL1{ -I -I 5 'X'11'V7nu-' -xrhsnnur but :5 vars small hocinnimz Inward! Hm |Il'lIIHlIlI' nu;-nun-um-nl uf the null unannun and Inornubvs of Maniloyhn --J. B. The disitrihutinn is vu-t wider, [or it extends to the sea. the waters 0! which cc-ntnm. H`:-rvwhorv. n nnl lnrmh Imnll trarr of this suhntnnre. amounting, it is true. In mu 5 low ronl.-I in a ton in! the ui(L hut 1-nnuch to warrant thn a.-uwrtinn that the nronns hnlll nm 9 0! this prvrinus metal. as we-II as 0! its rmm-union. uiI\1'l'. than ever will hr touched In` tho ham! 0! man The ..-......IIn.-a nl II.` ninivi u-hi:-h 4-nnvov touched in` (no mum Ul mun um- nrnp--llnrs of the ship: which rnnvc-v tho lhrnnus In the \|l|uin will has likely In stir mnri' L'lild than the miners picks disturb in IL`! rirh lielul.-3. amonnnna. II is true. In t1 means ~ A. .. _ .. -....- Q L.. .. oval The Two lncompara bles. Our Slot! an Iblhld I'll run. style ndWearin ouli-I Merit mane llas placed the A:.;Ai3'ERNEfHv AFIIIIHIIC Illlll W Umitul ALLGROCIZ-:'Rs. Paragon Peacemaker .'.`..-:-'-I 11.`.-33 Qldllllnotltlhmpuvlll In. `In Inllnudlollt you win; Ilxod luun-to In listing as Alan I lino d `Np (min I`|hIcInuun13n.up. Dudlnnblnkoobdvoouottgwithux ;f'sLI.R.s2.r!N 3~"| . Ianufactund by the .1'2;I-1-'--mN-cx:' an-am an-nun anchor. ._.l .1 1..- Odd all Amino Do. _ FLOUR ID? n()ll.\l' llllll I Pmnm-1 ring wol Rapids, hvlnw \\H V .4 ,1-~~,- _\' runnu-I l'.x(`umII\- I my smw -:nIn:--Trxnsuaus Wznui in anything" A - PII Gab ku- .. -*.......:'..."`E'-...-,_'._-ga i nulihvoolo. (huh. I`- moo nr-In-ma. ov \uP""W. Pun-uuuuunl nun-nun, vAr""II,] tutu: Ann lilnhla uw I-on unusual Pnrrolen I'D lbs! I ulna-, :K|n nal. .- FPICI I-A`I'.\' (IOOIIPIEID WV WI Ncwlando. Anum-I. o--can King and Burt Blnuxmvr IV:-Ir : Drug Now. An, ply J. 8 ll .\lcL`;xu.tll Kin at. W%%i :f:'f A __ ;__-.. I :!0I7BglIKgti IIIIII :1 P! Q. |$I pnmcnhr. lpply In Wuhan Q wnlbn. uylr.AnhvwIb. linuudnuuouu. Any uoln:.lnvIn.eonnKIn nndWlmon 1 cable. 'I'n~aI1on III lqy. A to I Wu.xIn.Counuoun.orJ.nIL .All. A300 UNI!!!-HID Q UN7UINNI- ed, nlou unit. at wand can uy lr.AnhvwlI. Any Ioln:.lnv1l.eonn [lug pa.-- _; IUIlll'IIID BJOII A! C FIXI- C3 I,..Vuntn 1cnvo._ II by jean:-u cAln>nt17AouuI.0 \UCKBUB3 VOIIIILY I'll] E- .) auanu5q-.o.A.nvtpuut,unuo- ;ll.lIald,;;-,nInlIIIII`nI. Ar -Iy lnxrn-nrcnabollnollulon [."2`3.'u`.. .`.`i.. E ..1l 3E`i -.ug..;uL'__ v_V Eloctrlclu. 79 WI; Strut. OURI I0. 3. Bull. IIRRKT. IODIII hnpvvvnmenn, ruvl drive hour and table. Pnnunon It In. Appty to D. mm mm soar co.. um. MONTIIAL. .. uouev Ann Buslu I83." His baiiyship `.J W. l\8IY.I Baby s Own Soap. - Duh lnooath, with Skin Smooth and Fair. will he wonderfully lrnhcud up. 3 and ms whale Mule {at body in" Ihinc w':lh health and ckanlintu dirt in lab wilh lb: " Alb:-rl " This soup in nude rnllry with vcgelalrlc lab. h..4 a hint but ct- quhilc fragvnncv. and id unnurgnns -.| ... .. .........- 1 ml Inol nnn. Bcwnn dvl-Bou. ron uu.l._ E By the qnulity ol our Bread ; by tho uo woul- uou ul our Casket. Fair) and C:nfec|ion- `cry mm! by the ripe. fruhnen 0! our du- _I__ -1 la___;A ;;;.:;::;..:.; S Are you beneting thy the service ? unuunu pnuaumua nu as my. IB.I.J.IA.XI.lI5OI|oAn., 0&3.lC- lamnctmlhn. BIITIBIIIII SHIP isanknlmnnllclp I span about an dolllli lot -dunno. Dim. but may now: and an an. I nod Cu-nwu son (or no Iothoplnpldlnd blu:I.headI begin 0 I-pnt.udlIonlnookthnoenuol Cu- xxnhumaunnrnuotlhoalnndr lI-put.ndlIonxnookthnocnkuol locum hnoonhoalnndy JOIIPI OLLIBIL ~t.Il.'I. 810on8L.ll.Inh0th,H. o .Q1cvvudv1_It,oybI7l!.IIp- $ul.udInIlnnIk1n. Llul-um: Cen- ` `lie Lulu: Uuerker Lhitlltocnll IUA. Ihllvdli on .3'.:.a`. .L"."%'.'.".. AIIoDcnunlhaeII_I (hNlIl.Pll'|or REID, Ofllnkicofulso. 6 " T|hiouafu*25o. I " Bnkingsodnforloc. lbouloPicklcI1qL).lc. llb.PInPepp.l8o. I__._ III.` 1|. What's Inc Use of Side _. ....v- V_.-_,._.._....-. KABGQIHDAXI .\3Rl'l'D.,I'80l'l'lC'l. over Olivia! O 0ll&\ I:uLvIuenII Fhumlltnm i u ..."1s'.?'.;.'-.'.T's..i. ;i':.`.'.;:.2i."o.. 1 on u *_ Bdtoon nuts. 10 pints. 31.50. L DBO: hlow cost. an. btgin nanny. In nu \VrrI[Eji:E BILLIARDS I_DUGA`l`l0lIA_I.. lAhJ.()QOE(.h. nm .umnc'u-rnun n. u .-u...- land and I-'. Webster. to the eert that it was inipossiblv for the |\'im:- ston Iuiryrle rluh to Inuke usual ur- rnngoim-nts ith (`unndiain road cluh [or nnnlml pxruntion Iron: Toronto -`or purpose ol assisting in rate meet here. on noruunt of Toronto chic 'ioIidn}' lullin this your on Allmi.-:1 Tth It. is PX[|('l"lF(l this excursion \\I" bring tinvn from 700 to 1.0" 1-u-ursionists. The petitioners asked tho! the date set he the Prst Sloo- -In_\' in _\uzust. .\ld. Mm tee nmu-II that the rt-nm-st he rmnpl-ed with. \'.t| Flliott oh_iq-rtnl. Many rititens luau .-ilrvsid)` nrrnntzv-d for utilities on flu` lllh and the council should no .~I1\\\' in nun-ing in the matter \|t l I-`nrn-ll as tullr in arcortl with the rt-solution. it it mount :1 lmliday for the rlc-rks. \ld .\lmna< .\<|lrI`l' the rolniril 'h:it tho rlc-rks had his sun-|u\th_\ llo 3-rowed his msolution, which was adopted. tm I-`IIintt-~F`rnm \\' Fcilc-st. at-- Pothnc Pascal. .\ld. _\linm-9-!-`rum Knmrsluln [nun- dr_\ mun;-nn_\`. l|n|-oulinp! uguinst us- .\l.`!lI|IiPllI gun prnps-r1\' !nr 1897 ml the [rrunnd nl nlnnife.-2t error. Fur unro rmmuillee. Md .\lInm~a--l-`mm n`. D Mt-l*`ar~ et-rt .4. la...-.-1.. .~I..I. on mnl-n unllnl nr- (Ill! HN'l| rmmnillor. Julm-9 \\"iIsnlI_ Ht laws on nrrnunt ante ruunmittre 'n|kI-In & `aIl|(Nn, o.. ..g In 5-u~\ &l~Akil1|' In of Va -...... pun. Ara urn 1: sun \. \`. IHITIFII. I(|l|l' IIDT lI'|u nl loo an! S3. \\'rnmrfu|l\' rnllcvru-1 from him fur a |-hllnrln lice-us:-_ l"|nlln`o rn|IuniHN' 5`. Uh:-rnllnror. uskinu for run- .'1Il II`Hnn :1 ll Re\\1-r in Onlnrin sin-1-I l{r~Ic-rrwd to htnll of \\nr|<.< uml ril_\ c-nn'im-or with |m\\(-r In M`! .l, A. INIIIIIIIISIIF. nskimz [It-rlvnssiinvl to nrlnnxo his mm from corn.-r of Ilmznl nml Duorin In rnrm-r nf u- (vnl nml (`hat-lea. Re-tern-d lo rhair~ mun of board nf unrlxn and city c-n- vvimvr \\iH\ pnuc-r tn art. an Inn- linn nf Aids. .\I(`l.o0d und Bell. ('uurt I-I rmismn. W, (L I{u}I1nnnn(l. muvnr nf Brunt- fnrd. u.-akin}: rnunrnl in umuinl u do-It-inner tn lhe (`unit-ronro ul muni- riwul n-|-n-mmtunu-s tn um-4-t. in Hu- nnltun rlllrlntz tho Ihml \\1~o|( in Her- Iolnln-r tn rnmxi-It-r nllneutlllwlns tn Ibo l|l`SllIl"lH url.-z Ra-(err:-4| tn n ulwo rnInlnIHN- \\'iIh |m\\q-r Qn nrt. ('a|lh||l ill9 Morin. n.-skim: lur remna- siun nl tnxos I--r 1897 as she is with- ....o .........n I.. .....- ab... nnlnn I-`innnra mml. nour use In I-`ulszvr I-`inanre ` K. \\_ lhlrtrh. .4 *` ..I I1... \ . \|(\ |'-`.||inH---FW nIn ' :-lximg {or n>miinn at cart:-I-'3 Ii~ tense. Pnlire rnumns. Md. I`-rnham---Prom n.'vm'ornors 0! 1:1-m-nil has;-ital. nskinz that the Mn-9| frnnlinpz ihnl inslilminn he nnl-1-rvd free at rust. R1-it-rn-d tn In-nrd 0! works nth power In an (Ir "I" (Il|Il|Il|Il)" lII`_\ \\ hrulvd here un S-utur1|u_\ The clerk will send Hu- lnrnunlinn. u....u|. ll-..u ..n.u.I\u [cm um I; E-`_L:tH_-EB&% 0.0-- ['|., $.'b_.`l; Sorth linlltll luu ll:-rtamilo insurnnrr ronuvun_\'_ $7 35 J Pauen-on. 4 35; A. E. unylhe. J ; uri-mu. H-0. W. J (`rotherx-1. asking {or remin- sinn u! tux:-8 un'prnper(\` on Welling- Inn and Queen streets Finance rum- nmta-9. R. Saunders, Pino Itreet. upp|_\im- fur rmnussuun ul dug lax (`nun 0! run nuinn Aid. [Holman pr:-canted lhe n>|-on of the cmnmnllee on finance. rvronr nrndinc [nu men: 0! these nrtounls II II R...-ha 3.`: ll 1` Iiuhhs. 81- 1: I rvuuuu ruuuuu 1-: --u- - : $0 Oounltlunl-UIIQIQI III `VICKI-TBDOUIOI bl I `I. 011$. A regular Inwoting u! the cily coun- cil wan held Inn! memngz. muyur Ryan predding. Present Aldx-1., While. `Inge. 'l`u_\Iur, Hhuw. Mlnm-a. (Eru- hum, llehun, Kent. Hell. (hug. I-`ur~ rell, funnimahum, Mc(`urtne_\', Mclsud Mel-`nrhune and Elliott. 'Hw minutes ul the Ian! regular meeting. .1! prinu-,(l, were tnnlinm-d on motion 0! Aids. Mlnneu and l`0_ve Sister Nupariur of l'llou-I lbieu, pointing nut that properly in ltidauu wurtl belonging to l'IIulel IHPU ur- phuuuge was exempt [rum tnxutiun (`nurt of rmtniun. ` ll:~...Ih 1. (`an I-ninlinv nul that (`hurl nl r9\uumL Hnulh & ('u._ pnintiluz nut that lhe_\ paid taxes un proportv nrcupk- hf T. N. Sharmun, I-`inunre l'()Il|Il|]`r Inn l`l'\IHIlblI. l~`. .`~'h-rlrhm_ nm~l_\|nu in he rc-|ie\- HI nI' I101: tux; does not uvsn a dog l'..n-I ..l numinn art 1:! rt-xnsmn. Rurrelt nm-l_\imz lnr n-minsinn M Jerk: um! HP(`lIll<| hand More Ii- Ie fame. l`o||r9 rulnmlsmcnwrn In La. ..|...n....- I-\ ....|. Chase `IIIlIofn'sV nu 0! linear nrtounis R-nthdl. $5 R .36 J J_I|1>hnn.$3 E. J. B &'l`s..`|; _\'orIh British mud _.;|. z_...._..... .......-..nr 3'.` 33 SealBnndCollee, ll\\PXlIlI(`(` ul ll I the fnir Isrmnml. nn burn on... I'0IIl ` l`lIIlIllIIRRI('lIl`l'H luv:-r. Jr. uxkilm \\ helho-r uillinn clay wunld he rule- nr M0mlu_\. ...a cl... nn:-onunrv In- III! Ilrllllv In ruInIuill('I- nskivm lnr rvfuml rullcru-cl no er to he out In turn ll use .\ld. Elliott poinfed out that the mnlu-'r Imdn-vr dc-hale had hton dis- russtvd in rmmril helorv The til) hurl all it could do at |il'FSl lll to rnllerl its local dehls without going into lho rw-lanl lnlsulve-s. 1119 ml) might Iusl as well 20 inlo the baker I-Insim-ex as to sum>I_\im: granite when Mr. Wilson ru*n>i\ed Ilse con- lmrl In I:\_\ tmnolilhk walks he -3: given permiszion to use the crush:-r providing helttrd up lh lll.:ll`hilh'_ whirl : he did at Inuit pct-~ Mina! rust. He had :1 small amount oi urrnnile on hand whirl: he would n-lull nl hn-nt_v-I"n'e toms a bushel. nu rm..- :0!-nln!Il' ondnu-sod [he low pt-I11. ' The amendmrnl was lost on Unis tote \'cus--llgrm' R\1nn_ Aldx Bah-.m. Pd L Hlliull. Tunnuuugham. lien! . 'l`ht|or_ TI -yo--8_ V v.-._n.vI. Ti-air Pnrnsll, Cra- \III of u.;. ` lishnrd I 1.: I Iur rrusnmg granule lor yr|\.|u- usu- \|ul. .\IrI.1-ml rvplinl it as fol! Hunt it would he honor In hmo the rru put In snrh use than in keep H slmuhnz idle Al the sauna lime zrunnle could he t`l'\I3.h'd tor the use on the streets. u.| n..|..... nI.;....-0...! In elm 4-rnuhar 0| ! IIK` SIITEIS. .\Id. lbhnn obionl to the rrusht-r horn: used for private nurp--ms The rih rmmnl never imemlod the crush- he nut in surh n.a I.`n;..n ..n;..f...I nun ah-I Iho prmusmns ol the n>pon_ _\ld_ llrlnod point:-d out that the hoard at In-rks hm`! d-id:-d In use zmnilo on the studs as far as [me sihlr and Chin could he prnrun-d at the sun-e time an ne znnile was hung crushed for cilirrns. .|I:I Phnnin-Innin hold Ihnl if 1}! Ivcml trnshd-(I I-or clllzrns. .-\Id. Cunningham held that it hoard nl Irgvks wanted to sq-Ii a let: bushels ol rranile Io rilnens, they should he allnvn-(I lo do so. but the wording of the n>|-on should be 1-hang!-d. gm rmnn nu...-.n-cl ..n unaud- 1-hang!-d. Md. Elliott presented an unaid- monl. [-rvm'iIin {cut the oliminalmn in-m the rv-porl 0! that elauso deal- in: with the crmhint ol (unite for uh In private panics. He lunhet stated Ihal Learn Iison would sell rushed (nubile to any rillnun nl urrnu-ve cents a bushel. 1 very low -I-L. .........h._-.0 --.-c lost on this In!` r()III||XI"V on Hm Drum: and u-1| nt Iunlnnro on xn-v- '.-V I... -4 Tr-ye--8_ .Yqys--.\lds. (hit. Purnvll. hnln. It-Carine". DI:-I4-nd. IcF`nr Into. litmus. Shaw. Ihile--9. The _.....-n _a.- -nlnhlad an tho suns l'!1IDI"l `I3 nu!-`urn: I"Il an: .n-.-...-. divon. .01 llinneo run-mu! the rrron -I' III. committee on ruler works. a!- ....I.- ....u:.L.:I, _ E. M. STOREY, Architect. -IAQITZI AK IXKITTD (TIT I'I*lI|l hn-nl_v-ln'e torus nusm-L .\|d. (hug stmnzly endorsed the [inn isiorns 0` the report. He! llrl4-ml noinlrd \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ |\\ \ \\\\ llllrl .\III. .1 cl... *0-~ I7IX'5i'd'r 81. HAROLD Iost of the mi and ill-henllh tin! humanity is burde will: arise from dis- order: of Stomach. Liver and Bowels. lfyou'rc Iecling out cl not-ts, have bilious unollm headaches. tour stomach. hem- lfyocrrc Ieclnng out 0! -lI'II, nuvu nu-uuu spells. headaches. DOW stomach, burn, water brash. bud lute in the mouth. coated tongue. sallov or muddy com- plxion--uwa Iroubhd with dyspepsia or constipation, you feel that life": not worth Iivinw_ Ink. 1 low doses of Luz:-Liver IUD I uc :-x ya...-, lulu ....._... Jwccl. the he: be ceases, the com- plqxiog clean up, the dys ' vanishes. the constipxlion is -cvu-ylhin` in life ukes on a brighter us I. Hear what Hrs. Geo. Carleton 0111., says: "I have used lau- Liver Pills for Icrioss Liver Complaint and they did me a world of good. I don ! know how mud) to praise them, as I verily belicvotroumocooditionlwuinthat tho nved nefromnnonrly gnvoand no smut nnd hedl.hy." conslipntnon, lee: II! Inc 5 ID! wunn living, lake Fill: and note the change. The touue els clean. the brenth steel. .L- 4l..-_--_Z_ ..-_l-L`_- s. .i. l(lLPATRlCK|