7 What`: new Inn 1 prev Iron DI-d,n( ?vhIch1nbuvvnhrpolockoI`InauI Al`! taI5:|I|lII."'0|.l:\lup. our put up scnpun ovvuilnlnunpcu-oI\l'tn- luup ul rmrulaguoducllnguu Ah 3 no at Funny-Aland Top Ouuo Tbllunu-73 up. Folk! 3 1'OHl'VlZ'QIIl,W"i HI 81%-An llrnvmsnlyual '$"..:'.`...'."""" "'*'.` Ill. Tbhlunu Ahnnennllnrlo I Cnuumhw . . - Mrn. Stanton. who has Leon sin)`- Hut with Mrs Lewln. llrurk ntrevt, rolnrnn-4| In lH9l'(HI\0 _\Q'1t`f`dy. Tho Misses (`artwruzht Mnitlnnd Iluuse. Rave a large supper on Sun- ulnv nuzht fur the xi.-Minx ulliners and n number of their lru-nds. _n|.'JaAl nun-`. Minn (3InlIys vvmu-` m um-nu Tnruntu fur the \\uodlvim- rn(`< ..-3 Hhuing with Mrst Hurry snn )liss\lurim Calvin Ion voslerdny fur Toronto. whore she \\'I he the uuesl of Miss Thompson. Queen : I'urL' l'urk. ('mnmnndI'r Hem-_v Makes. It. N , :urrI\uI| In tmxn lust Huturdny and m, yvilh Mrs. Mukm-x. the guest 0! Mr. and Mn. Sim;-non, King street .\liH.u Hwnlt In-It }'(`HlOl'lh|_\ for T4 ronln In um-ntl Wnmlhlno oak us the mmst 0! Mrs ltulhvrlord, `.\0rthe|d. " . . . Than are many K lion girl: who .......|..o..| lholr no! cnurse at Mm ulnnys whm-. ul (luv-h'. u~....`..n.. um um \\..udl:Im- run:-I prillripnl, um lake we post- luout to he vucalod by Ilsa 'V~_- ....... ....,. .. Lana-un4lhnloonnny.-unnunIln vlln. 'f)onn'IIOIMfuo|nddry.m ooruolvbo-nldllhwuwund Ihuunqlbhirhdnulloltboovluooubl ouch. lnnvI!ou1d."lonononInpnlo vouldubl uh fnlornonolthunh Ihc__Ion_I.'_'__l pic! in fight dludln nib Hultiuul .-....|. no H Iru-nus. --(:l-LHALDINE. A` H1. l|l"()(`I( Pill mu _\ e-sterday. r I [mm-znsm o1T"su1mnn.| :2-zj IIOOICOPIHOIQIIOIXIIO 131$ RILNIOOUI PAPII ANIOUNOII A vwuuvu wy -v---.-_- _v-* ___,,, at who Inn The annuunu-inent that John 1.. Bullivun halo Leon t'uIn\'ertod, by tho inutrumentuiit,) M Mr. Mood . lul taken imlh church umi world ty nur- prixe, an) the Christian Budget. un hlliglneti rt-liuioul journal. Detail: ni thin Incident will robohly be fur- nished hothlby Mr. Imdy und Ir. HuIli\`un_ hut in the meantime Ll lum- nmry til the lite ot the (unions ex- pujflilsl will interest uur readers. It wil gnu-ill, uppoar that If a char- ucter 0! thin kind can be rhnn ed lrmn tiuriuiena to light the (nape in tu-du_\' exercising the name power over niniul hearts no in day: past. John l.. Sullivan was born October 15th, I855. in Boston, America, of Irish pun-ntn. both ol whom were runull und leoble people. He wan well aducuted, being sent from the wim- nry nchool to the culnmercia cul- ls-nrn, and thence to linatun college. His parents were Roman t`atholica. and wished him tn utudv [or the priunihnud, but he had not the .-lightest wish to enter the church. Hm lirnt work was in the plumbing trade. He nlterwurtln hecalne a tin- smith. and than a nuumn. At the one ..4 ..l....o...n im drifted into the occu- pulion of a boxer, wnhmn. ever Lux- Ho mg a boxing lesson in his life. gunned the name of "strong buy" hi hm extruordlnnry fonts U! lifting. l:urs~<'ar not of! (he truck. and uhnn an or eight men lulled to lift a... ...c..mnhod the crowd hy Hit- N __._.. Iotlnnhhdunclutlhhollcvu 103; Mr and In. Fhnsc. of Nanuxcket. nrv ouch nearly Ieventv `mar: old nndzhay have been married the t time. yet the greater part o! (In wile has nowor seen her husband. [or she has been Mind ainte she vans live. He. ton. has been blund since he was eighteen. A -omhhnr mlkilu to I Washing- of! the truck. unu it. hn uslnninhed the mg I! on himself. Whatever he un- lertonk to do he ulwuyn determined to succeed. He ulxvuys l(I()|(P(l at the 2 mm ---(In ml !\]\u\\'li had H. in smith. and than Imumn. n of nineteen he drifted withmnt ....;...I lhn name strung iuignl .;:u. mind that "it noun ,3 `an rnnot hi T9 In n.n|:Iu--u. The pressure won I livnn iunnpml Into 1 nut.-mic Huston nln` nrrmsihle Ho mnnv Iorvd it that the ho! Sullivan. to his as rm-c-rod that it was It did not Qnke Mm hrnughnm which 1!: him Surh is the nu 4-). nuhlir fur vshnt the Inc :1 rhnnre nu u-r ....... ....._ ran nffnrrl tn pin hells the lwmr xvi men nml girls that will l~s- llw mn- Ilwrs 0! ll`: vmxl rrnp nl `ili7t""= srnrv Hm ll-new-.1. do (`\`Pl'}`H'IiV\ in Ho um-n " Dnrimz the lmzl low years John I- Sullixnn hm: varied his n(`1`IIp:Hinn!I. hlklll to nrtinw and la\'orn-k*I\inIl. hut us miurlu he ev- |'(Y`IFd~ drinkut nml ulisaipminn led tin lnilum nl lmnllh, as W0" us run mxlntlrm. After slit?` n rmmrl nl ani- mal oxrilmm-M he has crnwn wean- M its aurnmndivurn, and has rep:-nt- 1 ml or his rnrw-r Tlw an-M rlmmze of lu>nrl_ which alone can hnnu hem-r. l hvillh and han(~ir~-ss has vnnm in Him also The h:\rd- honrhal enl- `lnusnvvxs M prnrli.-zrd immhld-rs in [round In` tho law! that lie-Minx` mm an in this nmmem I-wins! odds nn ` (ho eminrnnrr M !~'iilli\'nn'n rnn\'or- ` sir-n. some \\'nn r~rin that ho will hnld mil n low works some thrtv nmntha_ some six nmnhhs. .____.____.._ l'\Qr.QnIIs Writ urn cuuvuunrnu V. ...... huh home. lnsidn than in not a speck at dust to be seen. The oor: are spotless mud the window! are deconned will house plants. Both Mr. and llrs. (Tune an devout mem- bers ol the Baptist thurrh Thc always dtrlino guithnto to the church. d1-rlnriuu that when domg their duty Provi- dence will (hard and protect than hum all hrm. Vhen. however. the inlrequent opportunity ol going to hear music. ol which both qr: very loud. comes. an an the! of unio- umre. lenrinz. no they an. that in nn.` nan:-nnil nl nlanslrn hf IIQV "lxx (`has has not: olrnc nr_v- two run. but his wile lost her sizhlutwvenn olacv nndhan nlhprnownsstillinthohllluuh of rirlish beauty. In (last rub aloud than the rnisul-lttur bihlelot the blind. and than is that hvoritc oerupatina when at lcinln. In or- ` A neixhbor talking! a ton Star man sub`: 0! them- ] "No one would suppose that blind ---~.-- n--up eh. enrutnkers 0! their junta, lannx. lie) xv. 1:; |- `the pursuit ol placate harm may A-nun` In Ikln. oaai{a'i7o}}ouaiu}. He uI\\`u_\'1-I I()()I(P(l nu um e, and alx-.n_\'a he would he ronqueror. Xn.sH.~a.g.-d the whole world .._._ 1.. .5... ...-I-us r-Inn and onld mu Dunn the curtains , ._ g...... nl-nln nnug wran- ms, who nrvoss P \r9i.-Ird .. .|.._a Lnooinrv rnpn O nan INN um no .rdn H1-d wk- .. 1.. Min Mn. N. HER NUIBIND 1 pl.'\_\` In. -co hnnvllml mil- n` limo. hut H Um only spend- : for hursolmrk Ihullvrnxv an- : for land that A-- II I am rr right. snu- Iho man that `\ Wm I Ln Ibo WUTUH Ull ll V`I.'lY' III\cw.._.~v.- _. , , "Aqua mru." he nmde them out. Quickly Lu hold an I~nHI- under n cold water (aucel. lled It, added u few drupa M two or three hnrmlum drumi. push-d n lulu-l on. nnd n um- mq-nl Inter [In-st-nu-(I the hnttln In tho wnilnuz vuntmm-r Nlm-lv rents Wu-I vshut he rhnrual fur It |`n him- sol! he armwd thut Hm (In(`1nr. two- Imz nu hnprmc-um-m In the patient. would rhumzo (ho nmdirim- in a day or two, In tho menntinw mum pura rnuld not in any harm. Ho |u\dn`\ run the risk of poisoning nn_vhod_\-, and pnniihly tho socnnd prontripltnn would ha pmsontod ln1or-~tht- lhoupzht uf unulher ninety ct-ma (ha-rod him up conddornbly. Three clays Inter the irnsclhlo man came in nunin in nuuin he mud to the proprietor, "that motllrine you put up Mr my wile the other day wna great ntuH- acted like a charm. Hhe wants an- olhvr bottle 0! it to [men on hand " Then the nnnistum nnid in tow words! in prixata ln"H\e proprietor and ahnwed him Hm nrmvription He had not mdgod it who to r1-ler to the matter halore. 'I'hc- cuatnmor car- ried hmvm :1 hnll|e-n hnlo M Hie $1 9. ) size. The prnprintur Mmnoll r.n..I in nnd_u-all I shun ! (I'll Thu Illpnonto run 50 I-slur Yin Baton -15: lagoons .\Iomn-an . "P:-rhain your readers would he interest in knowing that the ship- uu-nts 0! choose lrom this colony will be smaller {or the current year than lhe_\' hmo born for some years. not beruuna the output is less but hecuuso more in going to Australia. which country does not now make enough choose to feed her own noo- nkx There is also a tlirvcl (rule now from hem to Cape Colon) Formerly the cheese were shipped lo Enyzlancl. and (hen m-shl|>|ie lo the (`apo Hmiio of the South Hen in I-nrlu nrn hmxinnimi to lake choc;-an 8 X_ I I \l & I I u 1 Begin with the Blood Ind Ends with Tho `0 and o||p. to any. Clrnoun Raoul:-r. gnu:-Q TI 0! pnnn-wt! I-rnor u llufl. mica (to H000 Ind 01 `ling lul-In &ulon 55:5 95 The prnprmlur mum-u lled it. nnd~we|l, I what it was. (`tune to Unk nl it. I '("i('\(` [F0 prnprlmnr lv out that part M the story. ?______ Plnnm 0! Inc! rsoutn nun In- lnnds are beginning": (rum us. Th nn-an-nt indications an` lhnt the minor! 0! rho-oso lrom New Zenlnnd to Grout Britain WI" ..... 4......-....m Inrland H wnuld not not Increase. lnnmtl II. wnmu Inn be surprising if the southern homi- nuuhofv hunk Hw whole umhut in II uhurt time. There Is no nlhor roun- lr_\ south 0! Hie I-qllnlur \\hl(`h can cmnp--to with New 74-nlond in tho mmmlm-lure ol nnld. cool-avored ch-so. --vn... .....L-n nl hnllnr in inrronaimr (`h('1`Rl`. "Tho malm M butter in inrrmainv and (`nnndinns will have: to look sharp if they expert to keep bond at Iht-Ir cousins under the southern truss. The lmlh-r is mmlc here for the Inns! purl In lunzv furlurins. turning out from one to Ihrtv Inn. dnilv Nu mono)` is |Il\I I`I` in l huildinc nnd ouuimm-nt n! (ht-an fur- lnrim. nml qnml salurivs are bald tn .....-urn rqf.rl!II,I Innknrl. THO II!!! tnrlmlt nml uzmul saluru-s nro nam .-ruro rat-cln.s makers. The lnrtnric-< arr nll tto-I with mt-rhnnr rnl rrrrim-rntinn. I-`.vory {ow day! the butter is shinnod In the govt-rm nmnt rnol sun:-s, where it. is nrntkwl and hvltl at n tNn|-<'rulHrv~ of about tu.-ntv dc-crows I-`. unti| it mwsx on tho dinvrt stmtner tur Lnndnn " Jonph Bwundv. 4:1 urn: nun. so- room, aye: "Have and Miller ! 00:- pound Iron Pu! vllh (I-on noliohouoo u . mum Sold by no. umuu and um, II?-(lg Ana Checkingthc Ravage: of Kidney Disease in St. John. N B. Al%'l`l'lER TESTIMONY AS TO THR FIARVELLOUS POWER. Hon. Almost every city and town in Canada sends us quota 0! cures. In st. John. N.B.. nuu people an coming lorwnrd and teslnying to the almost magic nuenro cl Donn : Kbdngv Pull: in rehevmg pom and eradicating dusts:-. nu. nl they in In. C. H. (nei- . . [SH 0! New Zeal; the edllur Monln-nl ' ` Ila:-ha nu | | Uiuuucvvju PINE Bi;3T>|LLs PM-_E !. .':3.S.?..E|-E the rrsuu nu | HOG With IX 1 -L` rnnld nq\l Taenlnnd Grout urumn Increase. Indeed It would u.. nun-nrlnlnn I! tho h Any one who dosinss to know any- lhing M the curative powers 0! Donn`: Kidney l'i|ls in nu` lorm 0! hdney disease, ur in any condition that arises from dun-miernd kidneys. need not go far to look (or informa- [inn UH` Q (II? II AITI. 1.. I1. (III?- pic. 20! Britain nu-vet. She ngys that she suffered from I uunvoru ut- Iaxk ol kidney dings:-. yrhich was the result at In xnppe. She was so 5.4 `will up nnin in nor hack that DOG wun UH pull III nvr I-mun u-as she cunld not stoop to lie -her shoes. and at ulna st.-med so much that she could not turn in bod without assistance. For [our mouths unions to uk- ilg Donn`: Kidney gills she wagwr nble to attend to her household-` th- uen. and was nllunut a les in- valid. "Dunn's Kidney lb bw runnd Inc from thin terrible undi- .;._-~ ..a.a Inn n.'.|u-no. sad to runnd from two xcnnn nwnr uon." said In. Gilltqaio. and is moved over] pain and nu-In from my both-. I am in .periett health ur dgv. and nlthowh nu cast was \'vfV nations. {In ills elm-ted In ll- nu-: ol lb d -Isaac nivv-x.-pt Immediately. so that Iran highly -rnvnlllllll thong." can Bright`: disuse. dinnou-g. erup- ny. backache. luau or \.~uk hurl . ndiusn and Ihrt circles until! Sh ya. twdliq cl {It but and unila- rhtuuuatiun. lnwl. udillrnt. hutch `ulna. than u-omit. diuiuuo. rutommand them." Donn`: Kidney Pilh nu": hi] :0 Eight ! disuse. -lichen-s. cf-J-' . lacing-hp hm: or Purl`. .5It'CoI'| aunt. In nu. walla In! an Muiothuthcathu," =4 told his Ihocuncvn nmodlu and vault in . A0 to Ill living In umuo VLJ GIIXIOHI for not lingo after. _ Jonph Svcunv. til Judo mot. To- rnnux -n : O lint?! .l._A. Ruddick, dairy tolnulisalonor .0 \...... 'I....|..nd wrnmn an Iollowl to EXPORT OF OHEFUE. Ruddick, dairy comlnuouumm Zealund. wrneo an Iollown Illur 0! 'he Trade Bulletin. m knnwimz ship- In sun was no r pain in her back that L | 5...! ...oL.~.na }_l. EL. an I'- I I1 Ont. the honsewife's horror, driven out of the house by Persiatic Bed-Bug Exter- minator. It is a liquid, much more effective, sear- ching and cleaner than a powder. Moiaten all cracks and crevices in parts in- fested and the pest is done away with. At all drug- gist:-. _ .,.,. lwI'IAtu-unit mt HOFII: on I u s1'nrI`T\'r"rIu- nan: oorupled by . Ipullumbttt lb! particular. Apply In Wuhan A walkout. SUIIIBII (XTITAO DIVER IOOIII, 011 unt Lnvrcnoo vcmdx Inllunu the an : Banner undoing: connection. Apply in (CA mum Run. lirrrn Aunncv VOLID mum: nomut, It! J0llNs1'0lI lflt. O with uh mo-hm Improvements; nlnn Rm- cans. ntvly nnovund. 3 wlllluu I-nut. Apnlyl: onus: Curr. (`Janna auto. or Bunny. T 3-. :_ '""""'L=_'_."`..':';';.+s':.=:' OUBI I10. 56, In '. Ul'R8l .`l`. IODIIN Improvements. ruoi drlve hm-In nod Itulrv` Ptununon It lay. A In I). WALIII, Court uooun.orJ.u.lL . um. AHl)Unl,`l'0RlIl`-lllin Ull UnIU|uunn- LIIIV Ynlon Burnt. :1 pnuonl ouonplal by Ilr.Auhvmr\h. Ptnnodovn Ilntlk Andy In In lawns, cnmcr King and Wllllon an ARGE IIOOI OVIB 'l'ILH.IBAl'll 0!`- : an Ilxlv. with Incll loin uulnllu oomn In rm high, Maud um. hot nm and llgh with pa, -alumna run . VIII bauni npfocngoodlnnlll. Aly WAD- xu A WALIII. H0-II`. VALOABLI KNEE AND Pn-nIunonHorthIldnotPrInonII8uut. lwlonglng In the II. R. N. nwk-I Que Indy otcnpk-d hy V. HJIAUIN and IL Iipnu-er. Apply tnlcllrnul A lfvll. Bun-lusts. lung Bu-net B 'f'-WIIj - I iv I -wv-nu I 'l' nnyhndnlortvoynui. I hnsowcu-0' |lrIchd|ophou,nodb|dot,| IIallootI'|'C.ToIdloomll duo myulllldthoy to . uvrylng tlsothlq mmodwdo-{nmygoot urbani- naodbl UM IN! no loupr bogs! go 3} o_l_l._ d I-pond:-urn-olnrun. Iowan: CAIRuVIIV PAclunV.(h|Iu|o Mutt. A lodlnv Qua: and Montana B-nun. _:?:-: C mmd . %Z '1! Kid- nnndb Induuld Purl. A'- TKRII-CIUBY }oor:'3"'""' um Barrio, oppnnlu IIIICI KOUBI. IUD Id Iluuhuunou Hlholfl `\ppLy\ol.OnAwIotn,mnI ol l [A303 TILEIBAFII 0?`- oo \ nnlllnn n rm man. mam: um: A300 PORUPHBD OI! UIFUB!IIRll- m Ir.Anhwor\h. And: U can 0! Fan lm` WW` M Inn I'll IMIIKII OUl'I'\() DIVER I00)! ml x` mun Luv:-moo ver.u|x Inna": THRII-CID INC` KOUB HOD A unvuucnngy nItunloIlII|Joh`I'nnoII $25.00 Sounil and honest. (fall and see it. "ardv & 9- h0NY AND BUBIN __.---- Bicycle Clrnouu unmnnrr. (runs: hu tlobloodsldu tlng (yuan): nu : and III names on anus. vn .o tum but I Ounuuu Ion udaunuodunohtl-33 till uvnIJ:.(oInuund an no a nu: an curs. nnnooinuduuol` on-inn-ul wollolumw Inning. an launuon, and I. unnnwwm Win and mu nth oIonoHIcIl|I.oedp,nd_ ho` owvhuw-1-ml ARCHITECTURAL Fbnnh by A. BTRACBAII. TO BE LIT. "I"-`OR SALI. `Douro. DENTAL for a New lusty Hdotunvhnnly Ab out llnrlq Cnuaun. Parlor 3 J/45:. `?.E?: T. A. I- -`nQ. f `ill I WU II 5|!- IN! Thom on Outed. J3... WHAT IT COSTS J "r'-"'| - cnllm Purinnolnlunt dliu- uud Innfswuudnnt Icnnowtwl. Aeullnlluuduhunl ll*hO roll |u not Ibo only thing to In cnnldvrvd wbvn buying Wnll P: r. ll`! `hall! In worth on the VIII :1 maa H tonnmnlcul or exvnvngnnt. by-inn mdunllng with Ion. Wvl ull jun vhuls nndnnbatll. pt-Adlai . cnunohuglt. McMAli0N S _`j- 7nI.eaun nu:mx a ` n:III.l!A l 1?%-vw zl;ERIlIl_l1j _SlEfTER.| he glances uvor the top ul nu newn- napor at his ulster who in India'- nnntlv catochlztnu him about how he cheated tho deacon. Uur layman.- than are all with David In the deal ut the lmulky horse. He took the Inalbor to wood nnturedly and oven at the exuuperntuug moment when the creature Itood Mock utlll In the middle 01 the fund, H19 |udiCl'00I side of the affair utrurk Davhl. And In the mldut at hm d'nu'oml_ort he lauuhvd at the uhau'pern" who told hum tho horse would stand with- out h|tchtn'." And than his de- urrnntiun of the dn-.m'on'n similar (ho- rumllturv when the bnulkinu taken |:l|1`e In the pouring rain. in inimi- tlhly '"'I'" True, it does not place the (Im|t`Im In a vu-r_v luvnrahlo light. but the-n (hr-re arv deacon: nnd dmu-uns. and no one wnuld take the mo in "David llarum" as a fair l\[~e of lhe clans. l`I-rhalm the must. mnmnnu purl ol this book in the nturv of the Hundav spent with Mr 11.... ..o l..- luuhinnnhln hnnmn nl What a fund 0! humor and pathos and homely philonovlly In to ho Iuund upon the pane: ol that quaint character guru-h David Hnrum." we may begin to read It without much Lnwrut, but our attention In it once caught by the horn trading incident, and we can lancy we I00 the lhrewd twinkle in David`: eye as glances the top of In: news- .........- .2 his miner PWuIiIgD nuuunnd Dianna dlbnavon oysunuh :...-- 15- -J` -`D. D 3 Iinticetl non? ul the other men seem- ed to mind whether they spoiled their uhirt lronts or not. his apolowv tn Mr`! Price liir .-ipilin" the nu kin at hrenklast time. " 'taint, ox- iirtly imilod. but it'll have to go to tho viiiiah heliire it can be used auxin." show him to be iinaelnh and kind hearted. lint, to he verlectly honest, the iiiajurlty of mi iimiit run- lesa that we prefer iiiakiiin his ar- uuaintanro tn the clever book, to meeting: him at a dinner table. He. is indeed I character iitiidv, lint. to inanv of his habits. "distance li.dn enrhnntineiit." The .~i_vninu!.h--tic aide in! his nature is lniiiiitif-illy il- lustrated in hil Vhriitiiu deal-iii with the widow at Hm man who hnd first red his hnviiih niiihition to make h0l"0lhlf|ll it himst-'.' The non- tlnwnt inirrmindimz his ttriat terrtnnl lllt`I`i~ uxui stromr to .he and of hi: d:ii'.-i Thiit dime was as truly a talisman to him its thelucky horse- shoe has ham to others. The divi- dornds were "twentv and a hundred lnlil." in the case M lhuid. l`athn.-i in in the book as well an iiiiinnr. and an instance of this is l)nvlrl'n rt-ettiuns upon the lusts 0! his baby hov The truth 0! his rea- nuninip is felt hv inanv who realite with him that it I9 not only revret for what the child was to him then but a romitnnt reminder 0! what he might haul heroine ll he had been ~IlI|l'Od' and David navii "When I Inst mr little has` l didn't unlv lose him in he was. hut I hen l0sin' hiiii mi-r an" acin all these veiirs What he'd n` hen when he was so nld an vihnt when he'd mil to he a big ho) . tin what he'd a hen when he went in to cnllldco nu hat he'd Q` hen afterward. an up to now. 0! rniirw the time when it man atus his late down inter the pillers nights, passes. alter a while; but. while the : some iiurrrfs thlt the hiuvpv-nin' n things helps we to lur- git. l cues: thec smine that the han- iimiin` if things keeps VI` remeniler- in" an Insin' II child .-i one on 'eni " i- i... ..i..i........i.e oi... rmni. i-..i.- m msm rnuu 5 one on .\s lnr uhulnnophv. the hook Moms with it, One sent:-nco vhrnlivr 0! the style nl thr ht aphurisnm "It's a gznod smht In (it n -zh hank in `n it is! I! ms! " Savimr of that sort I.l_l.- II\ r....~ ...In ..-.u-n-ha AI! |l*PI\' TO K'H\.`*' IHVO (>r()v'rn.-I. `HUI Irl rhnnan nrv that mmtntinml from `David Hnrum" wnll hrrnme N01190- huld words and I M med bv mans` u hn hnvo novrr soon the hook Tho and hurt n! It is that the an that should Dunn dwv. hure ho Lnew n! he fart)!` How he must have lm I that rrontinn 0! his brain that was hnirnl ul su main n! hm mmnrrvmen Hmvc he must hone ctvniiowi tho` \nri~tl' of rhararter us. _..... .....l |.-..,..I..(I .\W` A. ...-v, Mr. mares an naractarxsuc m In]! 4-uronm, lxin reason (ur tucklmt "10 ...-...km ululcr his chin tllthuuuh he nmiced u! the other seem- ..| o.. ...a..n ...|...n...- ihnv -nnilnd keep the kidneys and liver healthy, active and vigor- ous by using ruunvrvmen nuw no nuns: nauv v~h.\sw-s nnd hrnmlod war merv rune and hue and shark`. holnrw ha 1Iu`'o4.(`l in --ivinq In Th? world I! nrusn-r-mt-u~t~ xshirh Is nll fhtt mun- rmnnrlxahle an 1! was his rwt Iner- I0INSURE PURE BLOOD Hl(H'V' ltl l -`UIIUHV P||r6lI!. Wllll ll Price at hll lauhionuhle home at .\(-\\|ml'l, and his uccount u! the (`on- lo-nls u! the breakfast tray, And the e-nrnunlur nth the hmled eat which be tackled un lhv aummsilinn of no In-int! hnrd howled, nrnroetlnlnu [orth- wllh tn "peel the shell" vroauy to his disromfurl. and 10 lbs detriment u! his suit. His conduct and con- wrnutiun at the dinner Vnarty at Mr. X`ri:a's in haractaristic in the ..iII-nu-Ln Lin u-A.-nun lnr Onohlna lhn `Ii KI` II NV" '7 `I! Ravi : lulu-Iv tn rmss -h..uu-nun nvun 1 bi; Thc 1-xiv effects 0! the nrtiriol win- to: luv lune we . m pousoned and tr:-\ bud; dmressa-I hy arrange nurnts nl' thr Iidneys. lnpr. stomach. and hunch. \'..on-.. y.-_-L. an Q`.P:l glint! in and bowels. Satin` makes an extra covt in the sprung to rid the Mood 0|` nu im- gnrilies. and the | ers M the blood --lhe Iidnqxs and Inc-r-are callrd upon to gerfnrm an enormous am- mxm n! labor I- .. _._..I. I541` Mgon-ma tin-J and at uhor .\.s a result. they become tin-d ind txh.~nustod_ and there an h-tckmrhes. mdeu-hes. heuuhrhqrs. and palm in ID! shmalcis and limbs. Digestion h dtrungod. and the languid. Inhalat- od K-clings M sprang taunt misery to its body. I"lon is nnlw ono Inputs 0! Intlinl at no man pn-pcnsuou sun was known to do. II. Clasp`: Kidney-l.i\-tr Pi! 0 an the only comimwd kidney and liver pill. and by toning and inviqnrnling the: organ: and regulating the bow- els. lhqy (In the usual eounplkntod dnj Ixi Lu Eiolfl %Q. ` no bod)". Then: is only one means making the Mood pun. sad that is tbrnugh uh I` s and inn--v.h Mun pl the By acting diuty on than delicate nu-guns. Dr. (`igni- Kidlqy-ljxev Pills purify the blood an in: mint rrounnnlinn ll GT6 ailment; 14$ CTDDCU. IX Ibo us-mics. Inc an and G115. Ir. I. Elton. Iillwwihk. Yl con. OIL. says` "I law Ian. I. 9&1-er Imus have-v dine: and stout- ...L u-cunt!` Inn la:-p want: A` can II'lflElEI'IjIfDlICP- achunuunlorioq yuan. unit-an RUB unify that Dr. Chan`: Kidney- Linr Pinslavo completely and mo. Iy vcifolcouhs Nu nntwhulo !itlh"thoi.vv-so." [M63 3 Contact uh. Inhhcbnuh ..`-.| no I!-on-dnntn.uad but "ij&icy7Livc; puns runs pawn; snv n-un- F'l'I`i0B W I" n I! I.` Y() ll are r prnw~rh9_ and Ihe I nunlniirwtc II-nun nu-non is un- homely ensivr il in On nil PHI hurls` S. in; production. I!!! luv. III nu` . but what he did he did well. and David orum In drawn with such eharucurlnuc truth and clear- nuul that he will hold u.hlgh I uluro In tho literature ol the union as any ul l)k'ko|u' characters do In the literature 0! Enxlnnd. The (`una- dhm edition In puhlinhod by Wm. Iirilll. Turnnln. O s OH The Hllrh Road." by Elanor t`, Price in the latest book sent by Conn, (`lnrk (`u. Toronto. in Mac- Mlll|n'I Pnlmual llbrsry edition. It in all about the eacupade 0! It vuunu English hotrn-us, Viula Fairfax. whuae Ruardlunl are trvlnn to urrnnwe a murrluw between her and tha non of me n! the executuru Tu avoid this, und to pan: the three remllnlmr Inunthn 0! her minority where her uruurdinml cannot nd her. aha atl- vertlneu tor a home "on the hlvh road" for me who as hmm-lam! and lru-ntllc-nu. This ettruurdlrmrv ud- vprtinenu-nt meet the eye ol 3 klnd hearted ruuntrv woman whu auraeu tn take the "hnnmlea and trienn- Iex.-!" mo in. but who in van much astonished to nd her to he a boon- tiful Izirl In-lumnmr In the inner rlr- cle ul Landon nnriety The ntnry of the nuunmer at Ihv tum in Intern-st- Imrlv told. and. alter the manner ul star) htmkn, the heiress mnrrleh tho mm of (`ulnnel llnnmler. the owner I)! tho 1-utute and lundlnrd of the wldnw wnh whom she has lound nhnltc-r It is I hrmht llltlu nturv, one suitable (yr 11 hunt or n truln. or lur un Idle L......- I Mun... Ine (mernng (II rur}. \|ew u.-u rmmm, HH hing street, will luke place nn the 24th of May, and Il in 1-\|-0.-cu-cl that man) citiu-nu us well uu exrursionustl will (`all um] M-e uhut n luuduhlu enterpri.-Ie is being placed In-lore {ha public. Its need has long been felt in Kingston. 'l`iIm- and nuin has the cmnplannt been made t at 1-xcnrsionmta could nut Iind a frat clans down town estuhllnhnwnt hero light refrtuhmentl mid unim- ily nened meals might be had at I hours The new (on rooms will cup- ..I., am. Iunhi null nn and nftpr hot supper. Eu-rythingz is t`u|ilnll_v arranged, the rmmm arc vn suite. and. us the season ud\un(`0s, [he u-rnndnh_ shell- Pred from the public How. will he pr:-sseul min s-erxico as an additional I0 TDUIII . FHUIII. The novel undertaking is praise- vvnrthy. nntl the indomitable thrill and mmrgy of tho lsrirht little rapt- tallst \\ ho is responsible (or the idea is deaerxinu ol the hearty support. nnd cordial co-opvratlon of her I :-llow rntttens. Burr minor detail has been rnrelully pl: ml. and it pluck and peruwu-rnnre couple-Il with uuod o`-\u`ul|\e nhiluty, count for .m_\thnu:_ (hr new departure will he a to mp late success. 0 O O Ina. ('n|Ipon extrnda-d her hospital- t_\; to a party ol right at n \er_\' charming lunch on \\o-dnesllny. o o o WNNAY & HAROLD lniormal Inxnauuns paxo new-n ur- nuotl !nr :1 ton nl Mrs lhmhes on Thur.-u|n_\ uh.-rmmn. when the gum! tr! hunt)? xnll In a \\|n.-ammo` unrl, uhuso wedding: Is to lake place nn tho hrs! Wt-dnvsu1n_\' in June. nnd for whom smornl lnrwvmll enlertnm- Inonts h:no Ian-ly been gixen O O I Wednesday next exerylning win no in running order. The cooking will he (lune by n llrst rluss professional, who has had experience in tea room: in England and In the states. uml whose skill in the cullnury art is ulreudy known to many Kingston- inns. Light refreshments will lie toned iii any time, but thooe wish- ing {or hot meals must send their or- ders in advance. This may he done liy telephone or by calling at the rooms. the orders in either case be ing taken hy a cashier who has been engaged lor that purpose. Arrange llN'l8 may he made inr prlvnte part- ies or lunches ut the rooms, Illld or- der: may he |{l\l!l| for meals, entrees, nl desserts. to he sent to people ut their hoim-s. I-Zxery Wednes ay night, alter the (lance lit the yacht rluli, upper or light refreshments will he in readiness. and the charges will he nimlc-rate 'lh-re has heen a rum- ur nhmil. tuwn thnt supper at Park View tea room: will he ii xery ex- iensive nlfnlr. but that in a mis- taken idea There will he no exorhi- mnt pru-es. but the cost it a nupser clepemls entirely upon the or er uixen. 'lhuse who cull merely [or ice!) ill he an raretully aerxed as those who huxc prexiuualy ordered a l`\s-rvthinlr is cuiitnllv r|)(HIl. .. ...l .~.u-Iin I Hr! Iva If Mnrhn nu hrwtpsas at a xmmg ponplo-is tr-rrnavlr nanv last night. iutn uelwrul Ilmulv. Is TPlurlnnu | Isuumdn fur the flll lime stnro he graduated from tho .\I|llh|| _\ |`nll>ue- in l.\`*6. Mr Hmxilt wnll visit his stator. Mr: Arthur (:rn.s<~tL Torn- lu_ and thc-rv is n |-rnhnhiluty {hit be and Ira. (Lrnssvtt will he in Ixintatun lnr the (`nllego hull nu the I 8! h at June. O C . rs. W. D. Cordon 9-nu-rtninod at lunch yesu-rday. The (VIIPRIS in- rludnpd llrs Drurv. Mrs Llnnunuw hon. Hrs llnrnee. Mrs R F! Kent. Hrs (`unmm1hnm. .\lr~a Arthur (`un- ninzhnm, Mrs. Martin and Mrs PI- -..\.. V, noun: nw new |_v this want, ednusduy next - runnlno nnler '1 Thu-re are rumors nl sexerul small sntial festivities I-r next week. amongst wmrh I camp tan and a private picnic gure ronspicuumsl). It Ls In he hoped that the weather will be wurmcr than :1 has hoen (hm week or the nl [rear-v entertainments ill doxelop unto shnenng panics. O O O What changes haxe been made at the R. I 1`. withm I yeur ' Last Queen : birthday a pirmr dance was (hen at the l`nHee by In Fut- hsh. Mrs. Twining and Ira, Lrsalice. Now we on upprootbing another '.`$lh 01 lg)`. but. at our trio 0! hostesses last year. Hrs Enghsh us m armada. In. Twining on the rnntinont hcforv [mug to Mr new home in India. and it :3 whispervd lhnurp an In love Hrs. lemlie too I-don many months lune . Indra claiming her and her husband again. D O O U U Hr. and Ira. llodcina. who have lately come to town lrnm Tnrnnto. have taken I house on Barrie street. ` oppoaito the Quin school. I O O Lady (`nrh\riuht caxo in purple : rnrd part)` at "I House" on Wednesday night. 0 I O In. rkinnor and nus Mauro ruin- wr. who In\o lately been at Jo:-say. (Channel hlanx. expat to to in London must mouth. when In. Skip- ur will attend uh enuvuuuou ol the Into-annual council at women. tho Iiintstou branch :1! the wounorfsi mail will In upturned as wall on (lot It Ottnwn, Tomato. and 1K ' C lisp Gertie Srotoll, (`auto Vintant. who was staying with her aunt. Ira. l.iv'mu:ston. (`leery urn-ct. rt- turned home on Tynrszhy. i O O I I Ir. I. R. Sullirnn. 0!` (`nm--' wall. is expected in town rot tho Qjtl | Informal lnxilaliuns mne horn is- ......| 1... .. am. 11! Hrs Huhf-S` on Mr I*'.. V. O ..a... I '_\|\r-1| II: 0 0 0 ` The (menung nl l'urL \iew lea mnux, hing inurr and Iiss Annie Shin- .... -5- 5-.- hrolv hddh at JWQV. r Hoxutt. l;`no=ru| Ilmull. is ...I._ L. ch- rul tin` LLvuIu.a:.mmnaua an nun suns. an v \\`Ill sup- and on and after 9\('.l ylhln will be In Thu cunklml main Int Prat. from Mateo.` . . (`nngrntulutionn an oxtcmdod to Mr. and Mrs. Hard. parents 0! Hrs 1`. 1% Wurrell nf lhns rilv. upon Um (`eh-hrullun 0! the-ir pznldl wedding ml the holuvaluad. "Hawkhursl." .\lunho|-e, I .Q , on Ttiemluy last. 0 O Mrn. Willium M<`I\'0n7Ir- and lwr lil- lle lhuurhu-r (L|ud_\s. ho hu\- boon Lrlnostu M the Rev 'l` H Snmh tnr the [anal nix was-k.-I. rt-turned to A1- ph-ton, is , on 'H\urn'(|a_\_ 9 o o Mina Muun.-i |ui\.\-Id ... Kira Brock in Ottawa. A new eiuniiuiiwiil. ai...i_va twat.-.~i is ripple u! exciteim-iii. aiiiniiinit the girl iriendn oi the hui-ii)` tiuiiceo, but iinnnunceinent inaido: ui twn within unis wed: in a little iiinre than Kinn- stuii has uxin-riciiced [or .-Ioims time. In the double liU\H'lC(`lli9n( of this we-ii, society I!-I wry iniich interval- i-d. The two iziriii--the petite llIl.|I(I- on with the nbundiince oi f\'l'ii locks, and the stately one with hr!` we-anh ol lair hair-aris uiiiie in be- iliL' hriizht and ciiiiriiiinii. and highly vloellled by old and vuuiui. Hence the (nod wilhl expressed are more than the liiikliniz cviiihal u! more (`(lll\'l`l'i(I(Illulll_V since they are voiced by a large circle 0! muunrh friends The linnrea iirr siruiiiuitea of the In- val cuiicizes. l(o_\nI Military and Queen's, and in` a sinauiur urina- dunte the saline words have been mwd in siuinininu up the chnrarti-r oi mrh oi the vuiiniz men. "A thor- nuithly conscientious lo-liow." than which no higher coininendutiun is needed. . ........,.. O O O mm: wun mno Luv`: `returned to Duerunt 1 n O Ycsterdav ullornnnn Ihoru was a rharnnnu little leu [hat was all the mum do-lighlhll lyucausv at Its in~ lnrnmlily. The husll-$9 was Miss Htrnthy, Emily ntreel. who mvitvda rutnrie nl nzirls in lo meet her lnenul .\l|.us Ualnu~l_v, 0! ."vc0lIand, who is her guest. I I O Sdd by Jon. B. Icleod. dflllillt. Kivldltn-.