"5"E". :F*_M uywv Passed Away Suddenly In New York Last Night. R. mnwea IlEll.1 A lllgulx ftllil n_I___. _,.-; . n KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY, MA! 13. 1889. IDIIQ hrvluon. Brock that Iothodiot chueh-Rav. 'l'. 0. Brown. pauor. at awning nu-vionunb jut. "God's Grunts sud Ion Gk:-ying Wat.` Ale saint `via Rav. W. 1` Brain will puma. Ibo IoVc|y in! slap in` 3 nlo at tho tuning uwies. lfllll lfUIIIII. III I ZIUIII Gunnquicanbhrythruninn van Aluf. nnomnuu on Inc an -n. warns. on Fnduy sfru1aoon.vu pnnu. yuuuuadod by I nuubc of Mood: Don: Smith mud the nrvieu u thorhouu The pgllbunn won lhciu-I Olivlr. Anglia. Kilian ; loan Juan Inna. John Iclnlvcvund Innklnland.-lnnhuIt:ih.lIpotu [1, H. snack} BI-PTl will-' UUTIU EH13 Ill XX curl. IE night 5 maidens In nnublo to olnpon scconnoolthonoino undo hylbono lion:-not midnight nnnldoro. sad Arising. bond several ohoulrou I revolver at them. baton neeouol ofdukna hionin Ill noon too Accurate Ibo PC0910 To IIIVII. Losbox, Icy l3.-'l'ho Daily Tdqnph in I loading odilorid on tho 8IIndAy pupa: quuioo up: "The inn: lion not with dopuutiou not otqjnln, but rid: the Bri- Iiuh public-. Bhonld thy dhlilo or fail to appreciate the pspor olferod. In nhnll `our Iuuly make no eorl to fomo dlltndnl Inn: upon than. The move: nuts with thou, and no cbocrhlly maul it." _AIno)olyDuv. Rmidonb of Gu-not about no very much annoyed by dogs and Ihnston to mnnnnnonhnnhnnnmnlunnnrn IAQQ IVWWIX" 0` Nlhiillll ICQIIO-AI Piluhillrg I; Cin- cinnati 5. A! Washington 9; Brooklyn 3. At Boston 7; Bnlbilnon 6. AI Olovnlund 4; SI. Louis 5. AI Philudolphia (lint gune) II; New York 9: (second guns) Philadel- phia 7; N0! Yuk 4. lnmlnv rrun wulcu nnu. jun pauoa. obqcurod from view In approaching ox- pcin tnln. which would nave undo hm! work oi the rig than was coiling. A (on; alum 0! some kind should in pineal! non: thln ca-wing. Iimilnr to tho can It Oollnu Bay. Tho Inlay of Ibo unwilling public domndn ii. A 3-stun:-I Hm Eutntn longne-A| Woman: 8; Toron- to 13. AI Bpnngold ll; Bynouoa 6. At Hnrtfotd 4; Haunted 9. AI Providence 12; Rnahngh-9 R - -r--gvuvvw VIIJCI-3. Some wu-mug shun ohonld he placed as the G 'l'.R. orouina uoor (Xhnqoi. But for the shoot: 0! Mia Klogooomun, who Inn posting that my nbooohotdny mold former and bio faithful Iltlplnut would ban boon In glory. A froight tnin which had. just pouod. obscured from an nnm-an-hing an. uruugnn Ill tuncn 10 Hill!) H16 boom ylold." The Morning Poet's correspondent: enys: The only thing preventing the volknreed gunning the lrenchiee is the difficulty about the tom) 0! the own. Here. in Loudon.0bemb-yrlaln remnlne Ibeolnhely firm. In the cioy there is no Inclination for wet, eiuce buuineee in African three would ebop eh once. Everything not point: to the Boers enrrender. " 'l ho Boon um Lllolr lurnnbt. Lommx. May 13 --l`ho Dsily HAN : oorrenpoudonu at Cape Town says: ' "Land og Cape Town Afnoandora ngproooh president: Kruger today win]: the object of establishing a modna vivondh The Cape cablnoo no-duy considered oho Tuna vnl also. Evidently pressure In being brought: in Alrica to mute the Boers yield." The Mornino P.1nt'n nnrrnnnnndnnh um- IIUTU. Grub excitement prtvuill bhrouahonr. bho cnby. Tho railroad nicula nor no ox plnnnmon of the accident. The ooronor willinamionto an iuvonignuon II oooo. Kunming p-aoogou any 050 itnn around the vroct no 0! bho non fouful doocripbion. Peacemakcm] linatlltlnlalolltcanll. Thoflnutlollho lab In.CIru'I. on I-.{.- -Cu.-nu... -nan noupgnn `-5 -sa__.I.4l ----- --van--u wv - uwvuu. B()W.\lA.'l\'ll.l.l, Ont. May I3 -811 men hrnkomvo obs Standard bank Duo nigh: md cleaned the place oamplomly our Phoy tied nod gagged the nighn Into! man. So and vnulo wore hnnoluod -ll `o pianos. It in said oh over 312,000 vuu scoured. A `l`on:Ibh Incl Rnmsu, P: , May |3.-1`ho I : Dvllln nxpro-u was run mm M Eleanor lat. ovou mg. The put-onqevl could give no can nochod story ol the wreck and the nulnhvr of dead md Injured Ina non known no Any ol thou. 'l'|.- ........L-- l\' .l--.l .'- l..n- ._-_.__ c,._ Ul UIIUIIL The number ol deed is luliy twenty five and ube injured fty; The reh bum ploughed through three care of the {or- Inrd onin, completely wrecking obem Engho dead were brought here. A score are nnderlhe debris. A trein load ol wounded were brought no bhe honpitel hem. Nlght Watchman Una Onzgnhanh and unit Znnn tn Fl-an-A Duo copynxnu ucu. Sir Charles Tuppor naked when bho rodinbribubion bill would In brought down. IIIL- .._._&-.. -|.-o-A AI.-s. LL- .... .... __ UUWH. The premier outed hhno bbo mouuro would be brought down only next: weak. IIDC IIII. lily [UT lYCV'V1IlK PTIVIX Dllll. '* Mr. Penny introduced 3 hill to emend the criminal code. I892. in respect to crueloy no enlmele. He expected nm the purport ol Ohe bill wee to prevent cruelty fr: Pmrrca bah:-e 2-higmooo to Europe at the port: of Monhteel by docking. the operation hoing performed by unquelled pereone. The bill wu glvn e reb reed- ing. Mr. Rnnrue-e withdrew hie rnntlnn for mg. Mr. Bonrua-1 withdrew his motion [or locvo to Introduce 3 bill to further unend bho copyright sch. Rir hu-Inn Tunnnr uhnd -Inn Mm The Olltonn no In-ho 91 lbhorlu In- II-nul Oonoldorod. O-rnw;. May l2.-'l'ho notoodnnco in the house ho-day In small. as most of hho Ououio and Quebec number: not home yutardoy until Monday. Tho day In: npooo ooncidorinq who on- himnteo of the canton: and uhotiol dopurunonon. LMIO prourron Ina undo, as Iln ahorioo animus wore criuoind In grub dobnil And In Inn In on in the morn- ing whoa bhn noun moo. _> R1. IIYSIIAA l-np(.p I-IA An 55.. o~.|.I- New Millinery Opened To-day. DOING. Mr. Cuoy moved chat the paper: he primed lorlhwibh. In ordor. that the home may bola ponouion of all thala- formntion connected Ihuovihh u only no possible. Mr MnMnIInn'n mnhlnn -nnnnntlina hhn II WIJUD VIII Ill): IT. Sir Wilfrid Laurie: laid on the tulolo corbaln papers relating to blue lgncic cable. ll. 0.... __---J AL`; AL. ____ _- L- yuuuvul. Mr. MeMu|Ion'a motion impending the ruloolbo onnblo who petition of tho gouonl tn-nab: corporation to in roocivod In up- provod oi. Thn annular nnnonncnd hhoh thin in PYUVBU U1. The snooker announced uhso this the lut day for rccoivinll privulo bills. Mr, Pnnnv introdumnd n hill hn gm THE HOUSE IN IUPPLV. A BANK ROBBED. IIIGCZIIIIKHKICIIIIOIETITIDU OI 500hu.nodduudodaXur I her-mnlnl -gun!!!) loot Bio former nuliino, vmchvuptonullotlbynnn lunch a ginmov thno quu-can o! I nails, and oalydo-coodod when tho than in ex- hunted. Doe!-lvllnnna nuns. Nxw Yonx. In] I3 -1'|Io Build up uu.s;r-u. jam: in am cuybu yo chin-dynonhconndiodqnndattls Throun 9.5011) Syrian nvnlulianhu `u thcUniud8hIII.nnd null Inunlhn lnunnnlouiynholhounnda. dome only---unis sud many other lots will mtorest. you. Idnotfo Funnun Pond `its: an 3 point on lu-nicun an who now. 3;. It-Land`: drug can II-. Hgrunn D-nigh, A Tbxun inn-an Wmnxxumx, May l3.-Pmf. 8. P. Lwgloy. uwohry of the Sunitluonion inltilnho. inventor ol tho .1-riodoono. to vhom8'25,0Mwugjvoo|Iy the bond ol ordmnneouooxpqnncnt with ying un- chinen for Vu pbroonn, undo his lino IIIt|.IQnut\ioo. Vs. Ibniny. 'l'ho`r0- nlhvunoono neeouhl no vac Pm! Langley : Ionic axpuinunu with 5 null!" nnohino. Tbennchinouuoudslonhouhoiabl of Klillnnn Al nhz A Lanna-uh-I NOTE euccaurm. rllbl. IJIKIOIT ICU Ilyhg Inelil -Q_.o LONDON. lay I3 --'l'ho Tina. upm- ing Ila hopool I nccunlnl urminuon ol Ibo hbon of the joint high eolnmluioo for tho Iotolomoni 0! tbs qnadom In dispute between Canada and tho United Buns, uya: "Both the United Sula sod Con- adn mun undo:-sand Ibu they cannot upoot to ban thing: ontinly choir own my. On impuriul pun in nlhcr ud- vinory u ngudl both. Bvcry nu-rowing ollhou-not un oontrovuuy in to be nleomod u pmxr ting good holsngmhnch vonroglnd Iono. in dizphyod an both -icing ` IIIIIIIUKIZUVU IXWIIKIIFZ "Negotiations IIIYO non: been btohu 08. norcndmgorod no my time that tho nrljou-nmonbol the conlnilulon. If an- un ptooood an unooohly uthovnnal proton! doing hon, Blr J Ilka Pnnaufotfo return to Wnhiogtoq will he uigunliled hvl-.hn nnnalnninn n! A human an-hogging luulnl w vvlaulngroq VIII 3 llgllllll byhho ooncluion o! A Irony Quitting every question in ditputo. in I manor booonblomd planning to the no coun- H-Ian lcfothtlonl Will Continue `And A 1700!! Euro` Into. Losoox, May I3.--WIhh rolutonoo to the prom-cu ol nogoliniooo by, md the thing of, the Wuhingtoo joint commis- sion your con-upondonu here has obtslnod from the highest qurton the lollowlog unhorihvo monument: lI\'....-L-A.'.___ L--- _....._ L... L_.|_._ WP. Lord Loveh, travelling on I eciuzc and pleasure upedloiou through Aby - ninie. has reached I point: lty miles from uho Egypmnn ouopoen on the Blue Nile, and no Inning {or the airdAr n nnohorily to gen the pnrby through. In I few days he will he on his way to Khartoum. Thus an English pleasure puny can travel through ohe Sondnn, when only 3 your ago no Enropeu: could pun. IIIII W YTUII Elill T FIIIIII A dopulublon which iuoludod M10 Nllop 0! London. John Bums Ind oobuu pointl- od to Sir Ilubohow White Rldloy, tho homo mercury. uguimb Sunday nu-nyupon. Blr Mutlhow said than the government would support municipalities in {running regula- aionl which would hunpur Inch nowopr (BID. Illa II 1,0. A comlunorlon of Bndford wool comb on bu been lonmd Illh the objoca ol panning 3 shop to who earning ol prion; In in rnmorod I-huh I oomhtmnon bu boon unnged ootnpduing all of N10 British than in one null pope: undo with I capitol laid to reach mlloqu 8 pound: A dlnnlnhlnn -hlrh innlndntl I-h hlnhnn 800yu'da New Stripe Blouse Bllh. rqzulu and good ulna, nt 600 the yud. for 1110 Isle Monday 8845. .__I__ ll}. __J _._.__, If 1}` HI I` _'lI'U. In IanutoPutiek.n'huo0oninu.u -n-ron.huhn-nannddouylu-u rionjul Irllll. Tbo oioinl returns of the con! pmdnc bion lor luv vanr chow um. Grout Britain produced 20". . l.`|||.0U0 tone, the United States 178 789 000. sud Uonnsnv 91 056.- 0004 The value by ch: ton an the W0 ! month wore toopoobinly 39 49., lo. 7gu , And 7: ld. A lsnnnhlngllnn nl Rrndfnrd -nnl nnmh `I lIIC|l1|l.Q}lJ\!`VHKJ The unoodmom. to the Bmi-h nance bill not only luora the Auunliun culomoe by halvlng bbo inoroooovl du'y on light winol. but than rodnceo the v-ox which will lull on U.l .K -orlp from 5!. I0 In per CHI). 'l|s-.u:..;-| -4|-nus- l\' 55.. ..._l ...,..I_- III IUIVU. I11 Bombn township. In Laubhon county, wurooonlly visited by I mad dog Sov- onl dogt, coin and 3 bone worn bitten. The boron has since did of hydropbobiu. Yuocrdnfn noun no use London Times tutu am over 200 dotvi-hon hue III - nndcrod in the Soudnn This omphu-nun uho hon Lhnt. the Bondnu in npidly becom- ing cnnllsod Tun tn:-vin nrnlnninnn rnh nl nhlnrnla III` CIVIIIIMI Two terric uplosjonn, rnb 0! ohlonto than of I bonlor. wrecked Knvz`- cholmcnl voh. _8v.. Helena-. Luna.-hire. you:-rdn,r. Ion: poroono worn Round and twonly mj 4!- od The lose I! 8. )0U1)00 1%.. .......:l....... p... M... lL..:_L. a..-._..- III!-I W] 1 III UIIIIJIKU. The govornmonb bu lorhiddcn Jan to reside in Sh. Poborlburg Bevan! French JOIIIII Among those who Ii" be com pollod to leave, Hmnbrn mnmnhin. In Lgmhhnn ennnlv. III! IIIUIXIZ. Three man who visited Chstbun About the time of the Dnodon bunk robbery an now uuupootod of the crime. Tboy urn odd to be In Chicago. The onvnrnmum hm lnrhiddnn Jl-I ho IIIU IITUII IIII DUCK. John Kelly, working in the pups: In!!! no Glen Muller. Onb . bud than of his ribc broken by falling on the unit curioru. "an, Uhnrlon I7'ntxnnI.|-ink hmtnrnd Ah IITUIUU II IIIIIII Hon. Oburlu Piclon under a school on lung lune undiooeo. `Th:-an man I Llule Innate mu lnteten lvenhoy- lloluee Iron An 0ver-l.|t.|e ot Ivory- thlng ken) Inna nld Remembered by the Deer Public The Britieh budget bu been posted. The rumoro Lheo Dan Cnrloe will eooempb I revolution are renewed. I)-L.n'-I. ll..IL-_.. - --ll |y....-.. I analogs. IHAR|]Y&[}0l I TUVOIIIVIUII I10 TUIIOWOQ. Patrick Mulbom. a well known London. Onh.. lunar. dtoppod dud. Eln R-nbhnr, I nnhnnl tnnnlmr. iumnnd Uuu.. mwvw. utvppllu uouu. Eliu Bnboor. I school teacher, jumped out 0! hi: bodroom window so Boovomvilb md broke his neck. In}... Ifgll-. -.._I.l...-. 3.. 55.. -._..4.- -III Ah TELEGRAMI FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR QUARTERB GIVEN. Imsws ms nu: wunw. lcnunnnsnnjnncanrns. What Comes to Us from All Quarters. ' NEVhR anoxau or :9. J "y IIIIIIIK CK] UIIU IFKIW CII'I'I'l"c I. Fntlpnlriok loctnnd III] a uho nuopiooa of ubo high "Impression: of Gmadu to A Lndiu-nu. round YJI C.A. nctohrioa numnnuullgnou. ulunonwuvoll known u on ol Ibo man oeionl. all- vn-nol Vlll nnoonknvinn in LL` cl-u-i, our Summer 8510 begins. It's going to be 3 lively Sula if prices oonnt {ox anything. EH7. I-XI FCCII W 0" your up-nnog dooo an Jana Raid`; 81'. Jou.\"a, Ni , Io] l3.--Tho pooplo ol Nowfoondhnd no ouuuionic ovor Ibooomploto vindication givou by the roporl ol Ibo royal communion Io thou": agitation fortho romovnl 0! Punch sh- ing righnooo tho won coon. Tho nio- iotry ol Ibo colony condnlly anticipato- inporoono ptopooolo olon only duo for tho oottlomonl ol tho dilpulo from Jonph Chouhorhin. impciol oocrooory of auto for tho colouioo. u. -. V A. UUVIUZUI nji Bnnrmno. Ont. lny I3 -'I`. I . Bad. for ugh! yous mercury at the Y. I.O A. L21 hnn rnnlannrl Ilp Rang -g- -gll uruu nnnnorn nanny yonntocy to In dues them to no tho niluny h'on8l Raymond 3080. Tito by putting that h 8:. Uuldo. Thin would noon-into ..._.4...-u.._ Al -I.....A 0...- _:I.. -1 _._ D3: UXIUQ IIIII WUIIII DWIKKO IX conurnotioo ol shout forty niluol not mad. nou wuuu upon no annual! ulno Grunt Northern railway yoolltdoy to In th- QL'll1Kl'. Q00. May I3 --An eort in be- inz mode to undue: the utunoy-pun! to intorlco in Ibo ship hiatus can and king like lllkuion to II cl. A dnnnnkhlnfnln Ihnnn-III-Inlpu-1- Inog {Int ulqiuul II II II". A dopnhdnn iron the county 1:! Pat- nan! unihd nlmn thn din-noun: nl sh- IIIUDUIUIIIIIIQIUGOIICIUZTI. Ho thou plwod Ibo nvolnt to his mouth and find. killing himself in- stantly. Mr. Wood leaves I grown up. and very rolpochblo hnuy. Ilrn. Woodin-all living no the line at writing. but the sounding docton untu- hin mu. hopou for recovery. U3 IIIUIIIIQU UI l'I.IU I`1Ily Ill to work. bl: Ink and dungh; not being the only onus ronnlniq. ho oobonil the house. Wood gun lull watch to M: dunghtot and ordered bar at. B0 than shah his wife, one bullet hhg 969130 in thonbdolnansudonohlh luck. I]- AL... ml-..) AL- _._..I_.. an Ll- lmomm A shooting ngody. Gnnxwoon, 0115.. May l3'-A shock Ing tngody wn onachod has nboub oovon o clock talus morning. I`:-odoriok Wood qnnrrellod with his wife and hmlly logo spring and no 3 re-nlo ha ha been looked up in Whloby jail for three months. Bmoe bin rolouo Wood has been wnndoring from pltce to place, the fnmily rolnoing to admin him to their home my more. He ahph in the burn bolonging to the house luau night. sod this morning whon the members of the family Ind hang in inn-H his III: and (Inn-In. WWII` BIC IDCUUPCHIUIOB 0| IPUUDVUICIU Ioullmeu, I mouum which uppun, ho up. to be opou to action objecoton sad It nnoonltlhuiionnl. Innr, UIIIIUD IIIII WITH! l'IllWIy. I Applnosoloo will be mndruh tho pnoonl Iooalon to revive nho Csnndinn re Incnrnnoo l company. Thu Imnhnmnnh nnvnrnnr of Onhrln. mt. The lvouboonnl govcrnor ol Oahu-lo, got- iug on the sdvvce ol the nbbornoy general. hm drum ubo utbonbion of use mercury a! chute on Obbuws no we bill introduced Into the house of commons, entitled am an ID- npocung the iocorponbion ol benevolent nnulmlan. I magnum which nnnnnn_ In CIYV OUUHUH. The governor-gontrcl will bio part in the milnuy rhviow an Montrjol on quart : bIr- bdu. A._..n...-.:-.. ..:II 5. ....4l. -5 58.- .n IIOII Then in (war $32,101 in Dunn owed the cry by pa-r. And prev-ml. Inono of tho cny conned. 'I`L.- ..... -.....__.--..-.-I -iIl n_L- n.-L in D|I'- DCIAV, Apphcahion will b- undo so the pro!-ovl oomon by the Oumrio sud Rainy river nil. way company no acquire rlghoo 0! Port At- thnr, Dnluhh And Western nilwuy. Annluunlnn -Ill ha lnndA`AI| Mun runnnnh I(9C07p(`rI()" `Ill, 3 I"`l"`Cl U` W, `WV Tue Nvwdn OW-rlycal, Me-nlrool, with n capmuu 0! $30 H00, in Minna hr mcoI'pon- Dion NIL-.. :_ ._.._.. Q90 nnn ;.. 5.-.. __..l cl... OTTAWA. OnI.. Ihy 13 -WiI|iun T Whwohood. mlnnfnotutor; A. W. R. Buchanan. odvoontn; Hotshot R Bimlllun. Ed turd H Butter. advncabo. ol Honored. and Wulliam Herrick. oholni-I, New Yolk. are applying [or Inoorporvvion to tho 0 Iloniml bleaching sud pnntiug cumpnny, Ilhh n cxgwtl ul `50",(W0. A. II I 'I'....I. - .. ...| ._ _....n..1.... 4.. IIYWI c\g1'IlulIOU"_!I|U. Tooho .04., Mouuoul. an llppI)|1I` mt mcorpnrmlon Ilth In Mumnl 0! $10010 'l`..u N.:.:..In Nu-n.`ruI II.-nlrngl Irilh A A Silk [Special IIHX I0 -0uW'Il- DIIUII I IDIIIIII u 3 an 0! came on are In novor known on this pub 0! Din C t R. halo:-o,|nd Dboro are some peculiar C-nnplicaviom nbonb thin. The ethnic Intogoing through In nd. sud bbo 0 P R are bound Io dolivor Sh num- ber of cattle they roooivod. Tbh will no oouiunh cbo sending forward of & dead bodnu ot who burned animals so am no the pon of dollnry the full number may be scoonoeod !or. A (iron! Inn! Oonoorlu tooth; InooIpotI- U. I . I5 'LnIIfIUI,. 17") UIIIII "XIII 0! undo from Chicago 0! nloobotn can out won not on of bore during the lounooo. bound for Montreal. Oooductor Jcrvla was lnohargo ol one min. and jun bolow Mornokvillo be hand that one ol bho out: In: on 610. He quickly Iboppod bbo lulu. And ull hand: not to work to jump the cams on ol the burn log on. In In: 3 diicnll job. but tho] nnoooodod In dolog in And then day no one hnln on to the Bun-in Rlpldl uldlng. out oi? the blnlog car and M0 to to burn up The cuoclu. which were big than from Ibo Ioolorn nnchoo, won puny wild and not very only no mango but they won nll Safely oornllod in a tumor : yard close by and nnporiobondouo Bndy nobiod of the occurrence. Four 0! the onolo died from bhoir burnl. mud on other was killod out of many. All the others were more or loan Injnrod. And is in though all ol thou: will lane to ho killed uh Mouton]. Bach I thing -- _ 4... t\. nghhl mu Hp. -.. n--no Lnn-n -- can at gu-wu- Bin-ru'.~4 FAL1.-I, Ont. May l8.-'!'hcII VI! 3 very nnnoul Iocidonl on Ibo C. P. R Thursday. Two tnln lotda ol nAM.|A Irnvn Ghituun nl nlnnha (in anal GAR OF CATTLE ON FIIE. Unnulo To lntcloru. _,. t\-_ ll__ :4: A- ,1! J3 I-5` I-J}! GUARANTEED caiu news. Ullllfj III- inlhodoni-I Insist on being supplied with Easy 9n_ _Em_. With the adva'nuge we hnvcin buying latches we can 0:11 It- Iiable goods at prices low enough , to surprise you. B-1`-nkno OLQO 1- pg" ..l:-l.I- W `kiln! we sell reliable Watches only. A. G. JOHNSTIIH Hllll. _ Witch buttcn GT3. null). VIII Ullli DCZ III .6 1 C1 . W dmlil -ixlnn -nwn Man: with Ihnh a.."."'."'.".a7.}"'.'p".'a'.` $2 3. -'.'u".. (inn by tho Onuu-io govunncnl dutlq yuuri. 'l'oao.-1'o.Ilny 13-11 earn-ponds sun: to ho quits: his -innhn inbin Ig- uru. Thodoninioagovannughdup. Gotlhonvicod uuhtonoll. nboouolpalonoooull undo ton 0unndiAncc.mdInIlbdin(hIndn. In -niwI-.- -ink [Y-IL.) |Is.o.. _.. Q9 5.. lJIjIllIE'I.Il|lIj1II|.R}I- ul uixhg wi Unihl Shh! an 33 1 in 0&1 & IL: fnnllinn Inuit Q hi JDIILAID, WI. HI, ID -If IIIC OI I lcuolvouohtoouryoato Duutoutl. Ounndguvodiodny. Th (Ithaca in l,l60 -ilou. Tho (hnadhn gout-uncut gin-'u bouunol sunny haunts n In lnrnrnl tau Glam noun: :5. -nnnnnl mt Inn Ilnu yur. llliy iii III . shiny the third. lot Inoolbelurod pig itu. and thin Inn uliunlatod the pinion I Anti A II will 3.. n.....n.".'..`I'.`...._""'........""... ...... S AlI'l'IQl'B mfk. WITH` [JOE'S CLAW kg: and r-awed orlnl. luv to Id at CAuIovnIn I-`Acmnv, onurlo retract. A. B. CAMPBELL, Manager. SEVKBAI. TRITSTWORYHY Plm TO nnnngv our hlulnaln In lhdr own and n-`thy eounua. .\In|n|v omen worlounduch ed at home Bnlnry ntnI.hv. 30!!) I you and upon:-I: denite ban: donlnry: nolnon. no lo: nlnry. htfbrenoe. Kuhn RI -I6 am-ed suvnped envelope; `Pun Dunno: Oo.vn-:uIv,nopt. IL Chicago. gIv-I Ilulllol -VlyIVIGlIU I KI Itotlhontyou. lhy $50 the usual. thin: in third. lnr nan-hnlnrntl ni- VHFIRTIAN MAN OR WOMAN 10 Q5 llfy mr pennnnvm. nmco work. 4|]; 81!). Em-Iona nmn-nm and -olbadtl n`:'u:Ipt-d envelope to "Director," are U ! h 1. N'l'F.I.l.lulN'l' MEN 0|! LADIFIR 10 CA!- vxma for heat chm of boon llnumml In- dnu-menuuomrad. Apply to lmuln Wu.- son. Manager, Pnrln. Ont. _ [VIRAL TRITBTWORTHY PIWHCB 1'0 nnnrhv nnnnllnn \InlnII nth:-A -nu-Inn:-ulnnl- (1 ENRRAL VAIIT; IIIALL FAMILY. I 11:: Union guest. your street. Runny Junctlun. GENERAL RRRVAN1`, NO WA`Hl'l|G. Applv Io Ina. unonon YOUNG. IQ Unl- vonll y Ave. IITY GOOD CARPENTER`! WAGFS `I0 l| lrn'-(7lnua hands Ila an hour. Apply to E`. W Mann.` a son. Troy, N.Y. On. Imevunn, 250. Thus Innrtlonn. 600. I-mlled l.olh`ny words. 3- 3- \l\F1ZI` nnux. umncno ax nimuln I!` F llnQ\on.noeaurni'oW.l.IxInnQ. . : For MONDAY CARPETS which must be cleared out at low pricel. rill BUBINDB 0!` THE LAT! W Bruno, Undorukor and Upholnold. no carried on at tboold Iundou bolnll d `B mun. I`. Bull. Admlnlsu-urlx. U Prlnocu Btreot. 'PlIonoI:-W|lII I)` lauldonooml. Opcndunnd night Our large sales in this department leave us with a large number of ends of TAPESTRY, AXMINS- TER, WOOL and UNION [Remnants of Earpels. BRAKE ETATI RE BUBXNEB 0!` THE LAT! W the old stand on bond! M lulu IFTV GOOD CARPENTER`! WAGQ 1'0 lTlm'-(`.lnu hands In an Imnr. Annlv lo Careful waehing and ironjng adds life to your laun- dry work. When you are ready for that sort of laun- dering aend them to no. Gl:NIu`.m\Lal3VA 1 A.L-s'l'IuC1iA5.HA Viki. non IIOUSRWUBK. APPLY. 1 I WAnux. Commas HAL1. L.ADY'8 WAVIBLY BICYCLE. I . new Applylolcblllvlslontltrcot. 1'. I. HARRISON COMPANY. ` loin-Anna Ann Klum and Prinox uent. 'Phanan:- u-nu GOOD (IEIEWAL BIRVAHT A1` Till L Hun. Ilrkol. Bqnuu. ._ 3'v3`hWn. urn in nu: -mo B0'l1'l.IlIO (`on-An Y. Princes I-It. EL Hll. FUR KOUBKWUBK. Al WIunn.\'_ HALL. Come and see them. THE DAELY BRITISH \VHl(i. WEITHII PROBAIILITIIC Clearance Sale I II X1-WT IIIII W13`, vlndl; uhounry today. Sunday I aunhr. i Onnvundat. human (apps) 10 L n.-8ouIh-natal`; child; 5.. .._LL _..n--l- --. --b-I- LAST I DITION . FOR SALE. 3- B. COBBIIT. TIIDEVNII Cl Dfl g :3. :.'.:..'<'.*j'* momma! AND 1:2. .-v-uvv HI ANNUAL MEEHNU 0! `H13 Bf Llwn.-nee Iuver rneunlnat (mushy will heheidulheoirnol the aid 0109-any the Int I-JNDAN In Juno (lune SCI). IQ. M 9 o'clock mm, for the purpnoa ol ctwung DI- actor: and upnau-nu; I mama. ~ A. IAODOIALD. Emu-urr. I pkqnd to In Ivox through Ind.-.o"mllhr husu"Iu"yo:'lmA Phouclls TENDERS ARI lNVI`l'll) IOII lAH)NR\' And txrvunter Work. Pnlnnng, 'l'1Ie Dnlnlug. hndug. BAIId-IIknI3 [And- -eapo Gardening. I-2143.. In con km with In vtmenulol. Mary`: Oelnele . mun rt-cotved up to 5 run. lDNlS~ ALL GROCERS. Iugtmwmenu lo :11. n pm. lDNE~ DALI 111)., at omen 0! the under- guod. w Plans and weclllcauou may HINBY P. OKITH. An-hllmt. I vdno than Jove-I when It bears Ibo lxoorlond ones who ban to the Iulnnolhonnl nuts I: vlldangm the honndglnpgnnnwtho nuernuuulobe Ihoaoznnhed ST. MARY S CEMETERY T0 CONTRACTORS. IIIIIIIINEDQ Ahil Iu\'I'I'Dt\ 1) `lAnl\|:n\' Drnlnlnn, Innlnn IItInd.Kninnn U\I I'.VII"lIYI33O INDEBB Ali! lNV'I`l'lI) non IIABONRY Dunn...` .n u-ul_ UTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Donn of linvlslon fur ml: Hume` null! V In In hold at the `Down Hall on TUE-v A . the 8th day orluno nexl nl 7:!:o`cIock pm. By order of we Oouucl . .l. \|I.HKN1`lllD(:liL I. THE UNDERSIHNED. BEG TO AN- uouneelntho Public that we haw thls day Lulu-n owr lho veil-known Phmugmpmo uunlnen of W. P. Boll & Son and Iur un- fntnrelt will be earned on by K (man And Pnd I.BelI. Important change: have been made; new furniture. scenery and accessories hnvoboon purv-hand and we are now pared to rurnluh our patrons with work or n nuperiorqunllty and up-to-dam In c\'(`ry par tlcuhr. Our nrh-n will ban: mnrlau-no an hInh.:~In_ ucunr. Our price will ban moderuo an hl[h-(*|auI work wlllmmll. and no wotk shall leave our studio nu nllslncm to the Cunmmvr. ours Fnlkhfullv. nnntmua m:.'I.I- II)` III. II HINBY P. nun-H. Althllwt. Anehorhnudlng. Mute: Squaw. It's a Woman's Way Flour Manufactured by ` tho} v u-wow V: n V: Uurnnnvgsnnu NU'l'l(`.lt HEREBY ml: Mun|c'nnl|lv when a full line of fine engraving: may be non at all times. KlllKl A'l`llICK S ART STORE, Pouuouth. Kly l`l1h.l&. Yours mm. cums 3314.. HA) Mb. 1%. . xll IIIEUA M. HELL is the latest engraving published and may be seen at (mas Halmy 4. Quarl(~tLo-My I-`Ilm Lu0`us Up To Thve [Lncnner (Mn. EVIDI. Mun Illallalsi, Megan ne` `ad nvr ) Urgnn toltnl from :40 lo 7 p m. A. L blN(il.E.'l`0N. uman|uI.. We hue A special lino, nix differ- ent oolotu. Cobalt Blue, Indiugo Blue. Mulberry. Pink. Brown, Green, Etc. the boat English unlity. Very dainty; nevonl ahnpea. hey are good value at $8.25. II .| .|~ I 1 IROBERTSON BROS.| QUEEN 51. CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. ranurtunp M_|lL|%H%li`E#0.,ltd. `1 HEAR A VOICE ! You wunt a nice new Toilet Set to brighten up your room alter house- cleaning. II! I , !_I I` 1-no 82$. Crbett 8...H_?[rw,%reL -_ n_._--____ DU!!!` 1: `C. On Tuesday. In mob. at B p.In.. In tho Choun Frhodn hsl . our Iochnniowv Into. In 0.0.0. I`. will (in I cone: :1 which out but lood talent and tho clay bond will his pun. Tickets 25:. -way nun nun arm I Go. scum. On Tnnndnv. II TlTIL-ET SETS, jflohlool XVII`-COG! Om 3.1 Chg:-AI-an Ii, In Pan flonulvu II. Stunner Juno: Built lot 0009': ovary Monday and Thursday so 6 1.11:. Juno- num. 1 On. mum... .- . .____..._`_ Sermoun by Rev. W. H. Emllcy,o! Montreal Musical Programme. unnu: van -v-_- c c. - _.v_ __ -w.-:uu r0ppouu lrindsor lluel. warn are--\a --uni`-vvI.AI\O Cor. Prlncemnnd Wellington Street; vuiETr Portsmo-nth. I'll`? In ullliinv nluwn: I|I.lA'l|I| V them this wool: and next II n nl Paints. Enamels, \'Arnln-hes. Ulla. Bvunlws. Tuck s. HI nmon-_ Linn <. Picture Nalln. WIre,`Hoon. Etc._ Etc. . T0 Doum .. Uh Um] GI-ma PHOTOGRAPH HAS A GREAT!!! Iho when bears the IVENINH. . Anthem Klng Allulurmus . . U0|0-BIlIu`mI.-e sung [Mm Ihnunu . (Mn-4 If.\tunL) . So\o-I`vmIgb(s-rs or Zion (Vilma Halley . QuarlolLo-Mv Loo r The Allen : Han cwed shoe, st, made tlt. $5 pair. VI. ALLEN & SON, Golden Boot. 84 Brock Street. '37-54.-is Sm.-_ Paragon lI. a nur nuulm--u In r--vmn Her wli n dnwnn ufnrl (`Ion that Bava l|me,n!roumln nud pnllm co Palms. Enamels. LOOIL HEMORANDA BY MAUD EARL .NT'_`?F- _ Tu?` To clean houm c-vory nprlmf '3 Imulm--.4 pr--vlcln \u`nu.-a [sung (Mm I< .\ rum`)- Iblvrs ouucll. J. W. HENBTllIDGF.. Acunx Ch-rk. V l`lth.l&. IIJSTIXIN. uugnnlut. v V v1-v 'v"`\/"*\4-`Vw `.'\.r Worth Wlnlg . .McLod ..`L|nyd. `.| n|rnnr . Farmer hnplo 0! A Icahn tunic. EAGLI Pxsw, Tau. lay 13.--A tun- ulounckononiningtovn of Hondo.in lb Sabina valley. Mexico. ddiiog n largo bonding hone. Ibo nllny sub: and ouhc buildings. Bagu hodion inn iota neavuod. ounn an append to in in an ruins. Ta puns its `mind. 'P" CA.\1~os. N.Y.. Iny 13 --By tho will ol Iiolno Mn. Dianna: Bordvoll, Wuhan town, the college ooctonmd ocioncobuo Inhotn anon 35.011). Tho many in given to found n noholnnhip-, to to owndod by tho uuuu. bub c\ndidn|D- nl.ls'n:-non nan:-In An: In L. oi`-nn uh. IUIIT 0 III H13-, [3 Cllllllllu.` olJeIIu-con county an to to ginn uh nuhnncn. uuy ul upupuuy. Luann. nny-ux of ago. Inc I son 0! William Bunnun. Port Hope. He was one o! the olden nil- ny nail cloth in Canals. having sound hhoutvim thirty-nix yonn ago. H0 in n Hohhot 0! Gouge Burnhnn. deputy panama inspector. Toronto. and 3 bro-- Ihcsin-lnw of Dr. loan. of thin town. 110 wt: our nu-rind, but livod with hip mu wnu Inn in many vlnn personal trionda. Everybody liked him. He had I choufnl word and helping hand for very mod. Ho bad the ability to make vcnlth, And he diuribntod in u (no an air. The nnnr ul min: hing Illll I IIIITIDUKCI II poorwl min bin. Inldou Donut At Brootvluo Bno:`xvu.u. May 13 -WilIiun Produc- lck Bu-nhun died vary ndduly on Thurs- dnv nl nnonlnxm Ihnn-and. hmnir vau- Icu nuruuun CIIBII viry uncanny 'l'llIl'I- day 0! npoplcxy. Dnuuod. hyuix yenn a! man. in I snnnl Willhn Rnrnhnnu incur rulxur IIIII I0-GI]: "1 IIIVO nova: known uogoodn mm. in way nmooltho vord; n more goocrono and rum houtodouo. The lnppinouol hi: lilououndloboin making other: so. I L-_. n-_._ L....._._- ._.-_ ._ --A nuouunnuuowln Inning omen I have never inownnunn in my wnlkol `M had I IIIAIII G1!!!) nu:-nnnnl u.-r..Va/// .-. ./ THE LATE hi) )WEl.l. I I-':.(lWElL Roewell P. Flower wee horn at Thereea. N Y , August 7th. I835 Hm fether died when he.wea eight years old. leaving hu- family poor Young Roswell attended the village wheel and worked hard out of echool honre to aeeiet in the maintenance of hie widowed mother and children. He hegeu hie hunineee life when fourteen yoar- of age II clerk in a more at a eelary of 85 .. month. The limited time at hie dlepoeo waautillued in etudy. and at eixteen he had qualied himeelf to graduate with honore at the high echool. Thie being an- oompliehed, two yeera of herd phyeical toil Iucoeeded. during which he worked cheerfully in a hrickyard, on the road- way. eew'ing wood and whatever else he found to do in the limited sphere In which he then livod. When eighteen year: old he removed to Watnroown, N Y . where he was soon made clerk at the poet- oice. After holding this position six years he went into business for himself at u jeweller. For ten were he prospered in this calling, when. upon the death of hie brother in law, Henry Keep, a celehret td I-Ililwey magnate, he removed to New York, the care of the deoeeeed'e eltate. valued at four million. devolving upon him and `taming the change. Hie superior ability at a nancier noon heoolne known, end his eetehliehmeot of a hrok e olce on Wall etreet wee fol lowed by that degree 01 condence In hie hutineee eagaoity which lead to hie eminence among the leading nan- oien of the metmpolie. Mr. Flows wee a member of the Forty . eeventh congreee. but declined re - nomination. He wee governor of New York etete and received votes In a late democratic na- tiooal convention for preeident. Ir. Flower was a strongly huiltnigor-one man, whose benevolent leaturee werean index to hie character. He wee free-handed. affable and popular. A: one of the principal own era of the K. 65 P. ruilroad he frequently vieited Kingtton. and wea well known to IIIIII. - nnugulvu n tllril. Houry Folger mid today: "I have your known mound: nun, in nvnrw nuuporv, 1. 1. Mr. Flower In: union ill only in the day vvibh I noun smack cl acute indigen- Nou. In tho nlbornooo sympoomo 0! bout hiluro suporvunod and be grow ahondlly worn mull Ibo Lime 0! his desbh. l0:30 n, II. .uu P Ho a pester`! in rabua haaloh on Thurs. day mg yutaldny morning. Whoa ho ll - rh-ed sh Eutporo, when he iuhoodod to remain unoll llondny, NO hulth Ina op- pstoooly oxoollouh. lot: It Theron. I Y , Bo Pushed Ahead Wlth lldolnll-blo PlIIok-l!0 Illterod Cong:-uu And tilled ihouobornntonl Ooo At A.Ibouy-llo Inn 'lIO Banded. Attnblo And Popular - Ilnguonluu [now lllm sum llo In lnlareulod In `tho Ilngolon And Poubrolo Railway. Nzw Youk. Mny 13 - Ex gov-gmor Ralwoll P. Flows: died luo nighb ah Enbporo. L I. Mr "Intuit -AI union ill n-pl: in oh. was A EREATFINANEIEM HE WAS A POOR LAD IN Hll EARLY DAYI.