;- sTRAc_ _r_-y_~_|:|__'8- ; `I out use unpwuonu-. any can uonllooo. ohklv at Roolhom. 1.4!.-4. I`Launn.u|n A nnntl nnr no ooupuoru Muller : Worn Powdonouro all nuuonu on ohlldnn hko undo. Sold by I 0 lil- mall and Henry Wudo Admlnl Binpuooh oqudron In at Klug- nou. Junlog, with tho Bdunh uni Iqndron 0! North Anemia. A Inn munbu at Inninnnn. Includ- A I O DID!!! OI Illluujriutl. IIIUIIIII -up Br! oh. Bndtuh And Gonna. urivsd st Wlnnlpg on Saturday In. Ilnhoh nun Dn-(Inn an A panda-fnl I wunmpg on uununy mu. Hills : on: Pardon an I woodortul -Iodioino lot oilnonlo 0! children. Sold by I. 0. Ihoholl Id Henry W360. A ..- Iamal nl K;-mg: Inna-In Dilh Ihnlr |llIlKl lfll rlllr. Dull! I la. V. -uuuuu and Entry Wodo. A our sun unory no Whitoobopd. N Y.. in to be soul It will uh 3 your to couple?` Mulls:-`n Warm Pnudnnam-Q All nllunonh Ila Von label lows Outlet! In. all ova the mun. The unounool ootl oxportod Iron the Unmd Bantu Int you III 6008900 U000. lllho Worm Powdcn euro In In children. Sold by I. O. Iuboholl and Booty Wsdo. Then I: n mob of I-onion Into the Wood mounldu uad Woybun dmrioh. Ionian A..|..|L.a.T Ammnou. The undo 0! Ban Fnnoloco. Gal. with lial: sud other Auntie OOIIIIHOI In [no Iuprovlnf. , Now It 0 lot 0 g:|IOf. Minot`: Oom- pound lroo Pillo. d by E. 0. Mitchell uud Dunn: Walla. qlunon ol noun unur-us. ~ A Iago nunbor Immigrants. .. Ru J. Inn-ll-h uni Oarnnn. nnivnd I'I`S USE IN APRIL BIICBIIIIENIIED BY THE ABLEST PHYSICIANS PAlNFf.i9EEBY-EQMP9UND, PITH OF THE NIWO. _The Great Ner\}e Builder and Blood Pur'iflAeVr: `rn-u: wnsnom or EARTH Plnrrs TO lBrcakfast Cocoa. Walter Baker & 00. : r _ -- xumaphnf av nnnv now`- We also wish to remind the public that we are clearing out the Furni-hinge st Slsnghter Prices, as we intend going out of that line of business in order to give all our time and attention to np.to-date Tailoring. Qt com prising all the latest novelties. A clone uepection is invited._ ' ' We are now doing business for the present in N. Greenwood`s Old Stand, and will be pleased to meet all old customers and as many new ones as will favor as with their patronage. We have a large and well assorted stock of {SPRING GGODSI _-_: --u-jj-av A Full Lino o-fVB::ndrioo. New Whvevola in Livery. Fint-0lun Repair Shop Pbono 527. 18 MONTREAL STREET. [First-Class Tailoring. Guaranteed Uncnnditionally fot One Year and note the difetenca. Our I899 SPECIAL, MODEL 51. tted with the Famoua Electric Detachable Tina and (`aged Bearing: in the Latest and Up-to- Dateat." Call or wtite for Catalogue. But it sometimes costs 1 denl of money. For instance. buy 3 Cheap Wheel. give it the test the Ivenge one is put to--Countrv Ronda, Stone Pavements, Etc , keeping account of Repait Expenditutee. Then buy Af`RED BIRD. lone MOMENT. FRTEW ......"..."............ "Experience is the Best Teacher. mnonsmgg". 1fAv5_.o_I_2._ Before placing your ozdor for your 1899 mount mg a .suuutuu_ TLC. O$AUA.OlIAIA. reason enough why it is popular. If In I & Sanbornm Scgl Brand Cfee. Sins Carllng s Innnunnnllgnnllinoh-ml All. must. 1:: uunonmn rvuu I not. Ihcnlon. In accounted no uunnnn. nu-npibnl I-nuns. Intho C $ ODIIIIU I0 Illl Inll IIOIWAX an in unit to nu;-ply loot! lor the man: dogs. will whirl their urnqy had to ho continual. Ir. ooqy `Al Agni: \ryu'$.\o punhnu horleo to .1. an an ol um shun dons. Iglll It)` to [VIITIIIII noruru (0 Inc the co 0! mo thigh dogs n. in to continue his mum to am k|o|d5`I\ tailoring the bunk: ol III Pd]; and llllon then. \in Fort ullurt. Ir. Rathbom hound nnuvuh that he did artist in [union City son: an monum tutu. no that his joint: ol noun 1W0 n-`Ian angst -gohnp near us vnnnr In an-.. an an you-any on your 2.1-wv hildtullnthwovetuynrtouo rnmnlinl, IE jlhl rout: n\-cu ll -anon. now a neutral! gold roam. `Then they met in: cc~ tor Iootly. who had been deput to make a sunny tor a proposed nap (on road from Edmonton to the Klondylc with u for other mount:-I auto uni a military llr. mind! -III nu mm mm loft lid- CIKKU `E IIIIIIICJIICII IE! I monlou night or him month: on Ibnn ova-union hr the winter. 1 E"FF`800'6Al lnoluou uuznt or Inn: nlunull I-n . Bu ovtuken ho` mo winter. tie; hnd obliged to kill umr horn: in non. In -nnnlv land In: the mqnh Iuouul mo rrnvouorn croaaoo Inc rra- Iltr and followed what In known as tho "lolotrnph troll." llany years ago It won propooud to work a tole- oraph Illn oer-on the continent. over Behring Itralu. and throurh Rllvcrln to Ruropo. Now all that nmnlnod M the project worn coll: ol loon wlro whlclr Iq on the trail, a dan- nr to horses loan. The (roll at rertaln portlonn n! One rond won by no means had. allnomrn ll poaard over large uectlono when than wan nothing but burnt timber swamps. and tho [round was no rouuh and rocky on to make It very dlmrult tor the poclxlmrooo 'Ioooullnen also made me an ohoolulo mlnon . The average rate of trawl dld not our- rood Minn or lwonty mlleo dolly A knowlodro oi the vnrculnr locall- tleo when (nod rt-one trod Inr (N- homp would he found wnn of \Hn| Importance. The lndlann lrom on Hudson Ray or-mponr'a pong undor slood ll-la work. and were also. an I rule. expert packers, could mnlr rol. and could manaro rnnooa hon Vrv\\`ol'in down and across ll~o vor- louo rlmrn. The crowd ol prospec- tors Qnrned on at Port Front and went \' 1 llnluon to Talegraph (`rock and Teolln lnke. while Mr. Ilo\hbone'| portf went on via Fort St. Jomu on ale Stewart to (M 0.nlneta district. Alter antral week: ol weary tranvlllna they or rh-ed at Hanson. now a dc-aeod anlnl on-on I``o` Ohm in-`D inrm. nus _|uurI Irom Alllcfft ht Will accom :3 by a oung En liahman who ad only a ew mont a before returned from the Klond he. having driven aome seventy hea ni cntlle irom Pyramid Harbor over the Hai- ton trail to Five Finger rapids. a distance oi some 200 miles. return- ing again in the midst oi winter. At I-`ive ln rapids _the cattle had to he alaug tered and the iroeen eeh waa packed on to raite. The Enu- Iiahman. sitting on the to oi the irozen meat. t en oated t a cargo down the Yukon river ior eeveral hundred milee more to Dowaon City. where the mlnera were glad to pay alx ahlllinga per pound (or it whole- sale, while it was retailed at the rate oi some to a plnteiul. The llrat part oi the journey irom Aahcroit. which could only be carried out during the eummer months, was eccom Iiahed in what was locally called a stage coach. at somewhat extravagant charges. The coach seed over an excellent waggon roe known as the "Old Cariboo Road." The distance travelled in two dava was nhout 180 milee, to Soda creek. The paeaen- uere. who were hy no meene consid- ered as valuable as the mall-haul, arrived early in the morninu. and aince ueuallv the steamer up the Fra- ser river to Quoenelle Mouth started shortly after. a night's reet was an lmpoealhili . as it had he-en before in the coac. From Soda (`reek to Queanelle Mouth. about sixty milee. usually took about twelve houra. At Queenelle Mouth thev iound no dim- eultyin procuring all neceeeary storea at Hudeon`a MY compnn I P00 Hr. Rathhone let emu that a very large proportion oi the men whoa ht?` mg can the `Tag neg: reec e on V, . II 1' Mouth the travelld':`croeeed the Pro- j* and feellnnznel urinal In baanumn an uuunnau ma ox enca ovar tho Anh- cron route. in rouu. practically meant. travelling. tor the moat. part. on foot, or at but on miaarabla In- dian horael. for fully 1,500 miles. which waa, morn or ion. the lama dlatanca invoivod in going up in Dawson City [mm Vancouver by ataamahip to imgway, and thence bi -rail and ataamar ovar tho chain 0 lakaa and rivera clear up to Daw- aon Ci without war having to ride or Iva] ' for any great distance. On thia jou irom Ashcroft in accompani by vnumr ltnnli-hmn no wrong uoltu _'l`o The Klim- dyko." The choir III ocouplod lord Btnthcono, high cammlulonc tor (hnoda. Mr. Bnthbono ho to dlcpd the poulbly doop-root Imp:-onion that 5 Journey to the Klondyko could only ho nccompllubod by thou plzggorod to endure undlcu hordohlpa. 01 had all 5 ght to (col proud 0! bolongln to I nation pououod of the mgr! o! notion onotgy which could a nlnglo not vlctortouoly contend with ch;-iron. phynloal dlmculuu of thus an ratio regions. Ir. Rnthbono doocrihod ht: ox In POIMA np.M|..n.. no lawn! tum. u. loath launch. . P. Rulrbono. Into wt tnoponon at mime, South ropublll nod vpo , hr !ou:;uosudLmo,bn"'ErofRI I And to Bolton K on- dyko." Thu chnlr nun ..mm.a..a s... AOUIIQIQOIIII hula: unan- thoxinnn luscious oounoc -Ihuuntllalsxnhdooutw uuunouu Itllolauuo M At the In I lnntltuto. Kuollnon. Buhbono Iovlnnun. lnnnuung -1 ...x.... 'n-..a- A PAPIIICAO A7 1: mum; nunrrun - msro m nomla r my on mmu . h.rm-- the honnevileun hormr, :: dl iVtII out of the hunuo: by I Pl-`nillic Bed-Bug Bxtor } winner. It in u Iiqcid,| much more elective, scan .1 china; and cleaner than af- povder. Bloiuten nllcnch ` ' and crevice, in pm. up]. lasted sad the peat is done I 31:: nib`. Lb `ll 3-..- II `If, Filo. : Bau-suns- ourishes. strengthens, ,snstains and retreshes:` is very palatable. and my be borne by the most en- reebied stomach :\ never prodnccsconstipation. hot. on the contrary. it aids , digestion and assimilation. o removing mine. and in- i prom: the Iwetite. "AA dragging or nun pnpud; no and H 'I&I.0Q. C . WIIII a.Ioh n..um'3'.u "I n I ona-A-i-eghutulzhnu-.a.a.y. counv Aunuoonn snag:-uucu-an unucunaucu. Iutul M K"-TI'"II"CUu(M In UIIIQVIIO, hlllnlll go, all oonlcollod by No I6 Islam. Favor and Am. by No. I0. Whooping Uonqh Itromod by No. 90 For other Bpcoilonno Dr. Humphrey. luau! 3 at drug norm. or one two. In only on 0! Dr Iiunpltroyv Snocma. Thou oroochon cqully good. All Pdo. lgvor. Eon. Rootlauoo, alloy- od by oooo N n I oodooho. Blah lludooho Mid Vonlgo IO- Ilond ond mind by Nu 9 Dyopopolo. ludngonlon and Wool Boomooh qololly cured by No I0 Shin D-nouo~-Iryo|poln. Bulb Rheum, ylold to No N Rloonoohn-Aoot.n nod Ohronto, l.nuoho~ an AII onnlpnllnd Lo No I5 uunuuguuuxvuivuxvuuuulc .IlId ad" undo d I nuhrinhuulun tho vuybul. In-iii: ouonlycluiu lopnhliohvor. Nothing will so quickly re- lieve the weak condition resulting from this malady and the many e`vil after- effects. and thousands more are warding 05 this terrible disease by the constant use of the great tonic-stimulant !"j__.._._--j-2- 9 pots! 0| 0| zumuhoa ..ui2....u'.2'.'2'.....n".".'.:u`...."...u.. ' Gino " lull Tonic Pullo oontdn four ohbo union known 50 IOIIIIOOMMI mm ml to ash blood. credo so nppo. nuo and Doc 0 I[')"Iho noon! spun. O0 olll-In tho: Macon. Input ooutod mo phat in color` For sale no on dug on: in Inge. DU,UUl' POO II. F I! WOUICI [3 K31: eer to to {'33: wee known ee he Klon he. The Journey to Dev- { .`.'.`::.'{:.'..'.i .'.'..."""" " u'..`i upp y, the queeuon ol cud-. ery llne wee one of the en eumee at the preeem time. We end our neith- borl In the United Hutee could not nrrtve at the enme view with round to the boundnrr between Alneke end the Yukon. I e hoped that there would eoon be A solution of the dif- eulty. end that It would be each u wouldlellow ue have more than one line In the K10 _ 9. He hoped nllo. that mm 0! the lime would he altogether In Brltlela territory. ':'.'.: .'s..-..'*.:.'..'!'.:7..`...;"7' &"8 . .3`; tvnncyatnt year: 1 sun nu tape. no: more t to roam what nu new the cl 9! Maul , - with I popuhon ol om 40, to 50,000 t n It would be next 0 C Y3! to I. in lnnun an GRIP Flhlvyunnnun 'i"uIA'`;:7:"a'.}'. -u-nu-In vvnuyu LI1l0'B you an nun at \7Hl n IIFLIIIIZA hot or `lion. InnyInUInuI0nh|s$' noun. the womcnonlnhl-Tnedqy. b nuumgulnthohrwnmadumdllr ohm Thoma surmundui every woman thqmoonnd um-d Mrthnnunmugl uhovutbohcndwithngreudmlol nob loud nhontlngs sad unx-min Wu Your Dca[cr__ nu 1115: or "nuv1n"' VII Il- cl In bylao menonunr londqy. sad womenonEnur'l`nnnhv. &. unu Iuxyunamplqyubullllho churches for Inna cakes In some mks was dbtributod b the hay tbs ck:-kn. On lunar Sundq the yuan; Inn. in tho You-hhln rlllngu euptchlly, nmovd the woman`: ohno bnoklen On Ruhr loud the young wnen nullnhd by daprlvlngun young men of both nhou nndbucklawllhngnoddcnl of fun and men-imenl Then on Wcdneuhy may wen ndaund by mu. puonnlnry hrfolu onto! which n entnnnlnnent calla! I hnq cnkowumndq `nu "ma " or --Lama." was In- dnlncd In In men on Rn:-up Ilnnnlnw wnu vunuutulmnnolll-IIIu'qyo|l'I'l with them 5 colored CI. and on mating and gmeungsfrlond its up wen u- almond. On Erna uh:-moon the occhdutlu And IAIv n-ad In nl-9 gt bmll In 5).. `l'l_lI OLD CUITOI 0? IIAVIIB doponun frmn the land of not they won nnnd at tho fan! 0! Pin ovvr u on port of the furnmn-0 of the cubic with the paths! lamb. The Ohrlltlnll baton-Ind laonthln damn nhluhgtllo alumna o! future me, II an emblem at tho tuumscon. In luly II In: the cm- lom to have games with hard bolld cg]: Thou vrv-re colored. mostly Ind. and WC! toboneon ova-ywhon lnlomopllnnnnll who vunund torch on lube day oorlhl them I mlnnul up. And nn unann- PITKEQIIIKI. In the early day: It wan a la: on Iom to rlaa early and go Into Golda b no the sun (lance. an It was a aupontltlol that the sun played mun on Easter man- I at In rlnlng than on any othot day. ng`ho custom of (llntrlbuzlnu the " or pnuho en" la obaorvod b oh dl and by the peasantry of Lanoaagln. Inf land. to thlu day. Thla oultom can In u-anzd up to Iha theology and philosophy ` or tho Egyptlana. Ponlana. Gaula. Oral! and Romans. among all of whom Ibo was an emblem of tho unlveru. tho of tho Supmma Dlvlnlty. The Igyptlani lmld 93;: as tho aaonxl emblem 0! Ibo mnovatlon of mankind alter the dalllca The Jun adopted them an a typo cl thdl ff ow mam: unsrous CXIIIIIIIBTCI IX HIT` IIIVOIIU. On Inn: on the llghu um mg. mg. churches were wont to be cum and kindled mew. And tor; mg "howling our the punhul" nu ggngjdp. ed An Imporunc common] In thofhtholh proceedings In this an!-Iv dnvn II in - nnnn\An 1-11 Unquulionhlo purity is the lntnqtiih inlho nlcolion on mnlllnnn `kn. nnunggl (`ID vu-v -u-ww-o Ono a pain: bun. go a penny an . O I u 0 I my, lot Tun: Thou um. cake: won muted on in top with 0 emu nndwu-union plcntifully on (`mod Fdny. Bomo M! 33 than who no the grontednnmber 0! than wt! considered the man devout. nn lnnbnn awn thn II-ho- .-.I Q... 1- AL. I and the dictates ol Choir church. 0!: Good Friday month; the pooplowu-n Awnkond byunoortuonhohukuupndnclhmugh ____ _____ ___._--- ..u-u-uu-. unuu g..g3..-loovIl for I Iollllt 'I'loAnuonIn.-ooyunollnll. --v CV17 1 no Word Inow-Removing than 3n-I-I.-_Z4ApIn- 3.. _ :4_A.n4 -_-..... .-vcu-vwvvw Ir "pvuvu now PAIIID AWAY. ...'.- '--........*'--*--=........-2":.~"-72'.-.-.-: Q as lusty hhoplugnno and PR! 9!--9 _ .-.-h r-5-\ pmuguuao-a-can -N...."'.:."...:'.':.r.".."" '- duo The Perfect Tonic. CarlIng s Porter. '9 Km 1'. T? C IR vhlh Bhcnucc Onto undooconphto `Iniohi-can Inhouolhdnlwiugo olpdnuiuoo Tunpnpuuhuhuoodso anally Om huh contains touchy`: nvuuI.pr\ eo8)uon lunhnlull an; tutu. Kiugoius. BIN an IOINIII CIUIII In vvuuurvu eonpuny fut X (Ill hr falling I an ab nut. as construction cl which was delta Iivt Then I Ily pin no in coma! rouovod Iy 9 u-not ller ! ()nupr-nus [I-on Pill. fty down 250. Sold by B. 0 Mitchell and Hoary Wndo Tho ouch ol ad in ioauoinvollho can ol Ohmunin `ht nhoooot Genus. -- - ...-In .0 g ml. -Q-Ln` tuning Inna nnl 3| 0| Uluiwllll |- Iuuulllur uuluvs. an I reach of I at: Duh` onion Own pus -Mo I'm Ron lot Inc: with Lil! ukun .. 5.-.: A Glut Ouuquucts Napoleon in I gnu cuuqucnt at us- iooa. but Dr. loll`: RhQIuomcC>alI in no (nun euqucorol tho Inna hotly : emu oooIy-R|nnavion Job. In or. RI B4-wt Bl. Kuaplon, 0, In u I-no-ma -an-n food` jig ll` H or. nlwuuut. Iuuguw-I.uuu, v urlinnon ngonylotohwoth ll no Rhnnngunn Tun Inning d CW! -on Wm Iouuw. TIMI kind hull; will cl ; your appotib will iuptovo x your will ho pathos, W van will his Idler`: Gon- pruml Iron Pull-. Bold by I C. Iitolnll sod Booty Wale. Ila: Unco Ronllo. Minn yunold. of Llvluptoo county. N Y . con- ni nloldooo Saturday night by tak- ing Pull run and MI ol Ionlnok Join O'Brion.oll'IlIon.N Y.huon Iondsnulioncttluu tho Vvcumupupot gonna...` Ono ROI (III In Idling n nn nls. U IIIQIIOII III! usury vvluu lacy Iinuo-oh. Wlauondn and IIohi~ nun (noun hue arrived in Manitoba. They have him up mostly a this db UNI Ion will Iollov. I\-s u...| Lgll-Q -&II rlixnnnnr 9 Inn: BCHUIIII. nmvuv In lwuuuuru. hodcrlol Thompson. C convict in Au. burn ptiaon. oonumul nlcldo by hanging In M: cell on Saturday. Bo no oonnmod lot butghry Thu nd non am noon hoonno ulna No In nppuonooo by Inklnglllbrh Con ndlroo Pill: wdoolibo Bold byl poo 0 Mitchell and Booty Wndo An- Illnnnu-Lb wlllnll and HILL Ii. U. IIVOVIOII Inc unity want A on o! Kama lumen, with their halo and Inplononlu. have uulod In the nnophnphn. ahtcv Al Rlnllmrn.