Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1899, p. 7

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R. UGLOW6: cos, ? GREAT T Dunno suntan on nu. attached I; l'IIcI.hlnDo-Liam dtoonoln Pulls. Cnttuzu. Much lI.-A ptluto ashla- gmn mun ox--ocntuy John Shaman : mphow iron You Do lrusoo via Bu mud: up than Mr. Bbomun In In an nlumlng coodillnn. H Inn on Mm City 0! Path Much 4:11 [or I Went lndluu mp. JOHN `HERMAN ORITIOALLY ILL. A Pon rsmduru Iunnzn In Iorglng Alvnd. -Jnunamr. nuucn :6. min I-IIIN N|lI`|lM.\.\' 5. j:_j____j ' Down: to nu `Inc 0090 ( -AS!!!`-~`1'J. Much I6 -l`uu can-\ panic: 5! I50 Tub rqulu hhouy bun Icon ordnnd In his shoot noun! by companion of UM Del infantry and IN! in- fantry. which nginonh u-condor ocdon to pncuod In no Plilippmo. I V1 n --.......u. . IICIU I # Soon Mnchhno girls have lmvud an n. `sscanon pktdging in amnion not ta `nut; until Ibo] an thirty. `I'M: loch lilo enact the Inn fornidahh IYIIII to whzch gvvornor Pinata`: situation bu ` ya HQ: Ionnd. M .l`. G.Ibcr:, npretentiru; the (`oillud ' htmmpauy. Hamulton, In no mo cny. Whdn gmng into u-slaotman Johns gro- cery on was morning he plippod on ma ` try puvunooi and badly lrplrul his undo. I Be though! lot n time than me Now would I "nlooet kill father." I a a-6-n4nn.nv.w. Come early, look through our interesting shelves and note our CUT PRICES. We can suit all tastes and all purses. `an-an Ila` ALAAI- "A-_ I.-_- AI_- Iiv In:-yclc `ITIIC rurnnng. D N! \nRx. March I6 -)lnlerI 0! 5.- cyclu haw urnncod tho do nun lot tho] lurmsainn 0! a crude combmntion thn mil Involve cspatal to the amount o0 821a,. IlM_II|II I-` ll nndtntnod than too 0! ma: lcmmg mmern of whale haw` sound. Ike loin In onllfornlc. SAX [ruse l`< a, Cell . March I6 -13 has; boon nlmng over evnnty four horn, and ` Inc storm nu become gen-ml throughout the nuts. Tho wulhcr buruu predict: [navy runs in northern and FODlh'.Hl CAIL lotma tonight. Fnmen and merchant: In jubulnnl, and the pmtpoctn for 0 good you man now: bcighur. -__. j_:_ 1 Blown Bold A Town. I Dun LR, Col. lurch I6.--Rioting at Homou. near [Ale Ulhy, broke our Ian. night, and tho sheaf!` of Hmdulo coum_-.- cured the governor for troops. The ehon hnd ju-I ramrnod from Hannonnnd | aid the ninnnnion wu extremely critical. The nmun weruin control of the pine nnd had thrntanod to burn overything in the cunp. A rad glare in the sky I ha minuuoc afar tho chant! loin the camp in dicnud um she threat was being named VIC". Thin morning four Puttaburg hone: had I I trial ton an speed on the root! leading l from Kingston Mills into the ciuy. E. Bnddodn mare proved coo eet-footed fur hor opponent-u. Mnino Hmninn fnthn.-in.IAI nl Hr nor Opponunn-I. Mnjot Huggins, fnthorin-luv 0! Dr Phelnn. rporta roul lrnh ahnmrovk-. They -vnro nann him by Ru. Fuhcr Mnehow Ruaaell, 8 J . brobber 0! lord chief justice Ruosoll ol Klllowou. In muppoluwu. Then no some hulk of umnlgnunbing Ibo Kingnbon cricioh club And Ktngwbon lnwn Mnnil club. The nmnluntod club could exist to better udvmhao. D..|..-J Inbu.-Mun mug nnlnn-ad hr-nun CXIIU [O XUTCY ILIVIUWRU. Richard Jobuaton, nno colored trump, Ina given his luberuy this morning nnd told on no. man. The Inc can of him he wan making oracle hr hho (lrund Trunk junc~ vion. 'I`L:_ _...-...'...- 1...... D.sA..I...- . |.-..-- L-.l WOHITO 0| FDC ITKIECDI 1! ion wsnl to no obs but comedy over soon N0. Attend bho Vicborio cheats to- morrow afternoon or ovonng and you won't be disappointed. Thu-n In nnlnn MIL nf nmnlnnnnhino Hm Kr! KOWITUI TUCOVUTI. A mooning of the officers 0! tho H h l`.W O risl bu boon Inmmonnl ho con cider mutant: of importance alhching the welfare ol the regiment. ll `mu `aunt in non Man hash nnmruli nvnr I OTOII I10. Tho vovarnmonl drodgo Ah Kingston ` ullo is hung proplrod for hhe I.u.nmor'n work. In will be retained at: the Mill: [or further dredging. H mm run! an no Hm Inna nnmntlv nrnr \a \I\I\a-an Oar enormous stock must be reduced. Cut Prices app?! to every article in the establishment. ex- cept ng Waterman : Fountain Pens and Current Mngazmen. l`......- ...._I.. I,...l. ;|........_._|.. ._-__ :_-;-__,.- [\]I'Yl].I' l]l'B0glDKn ii yun Vlnb to use than bone comody our anon hon, niiood the Victoria than to- mormwnihrnoon or evening and you won't bo disappointed. Jnumh Gould. ininrnd in him recnnh oomuppolnruu. Jocoph Gould. Injured In tho rccont wreck 0! aha (mdonloovn building on Princou strata. in making utluhchory pro~ gnu toward: rucovory. A mnnhinn nl Hm nmnnn nl Hm II h 29!` I CUIIUTUH. I00. Trueuoa Mae! and McKolvoy mind Fronbonuc Ichool yuherday. Ind lonnd ovnrythinq in voty good order. R. H. Eula. ol the local inlnnd rovenno cloplrhmonb. in I nop'Jow el bho lube Juan Ronny. Q0. who died thin morning ab Toronho. -m.- ................. .u....a... .. |::.......... p0lIHC||' HOIIVIIWI. A Donny. roproaenliug the Jnmea Smut mnnuhctuuln oompsnyroclvllle. in in the nioy. Ho olonr to Toronto. Spec-ul mntinoo no the Viohoris theatre no-Inorrow no 2-3:). Admission. ndullr, I)Kn . nhnhlrnn [Kn Ill ILIUIUUW Ill 5 -I`! 25 ; rhildren. lba. M-an Kata Wnqhvs, King ocraeb wcnmldu ohia ahernoon for Enbcrprioo on I vim: to rolnhivos. I) Ll._.-n..L K- _-.4-..-All nuun:-unuu, uuuu.-, L... ......(-l.\.. at . runn-vou. R Ssrgonhia engined In repairing Mo -wing lnidgo npnnning bbo upper lock st. K'ng-tml Malls. LU H (Yrnin h (`:1 gr: nnllina hnnh llnr. '\'nKD(HI WIIIII. W (3, (Iraig Q ()0 no telling beau Her nice domoatw OOII so 8450 lor 2.000 pounds delivered. A l).mnv_ nnrnnnnlina Mm Jnmm gun A birunch of tho C M B.A. in to In or- gnnw.-d lb Kinglbnn Mulls Rnnnlnv Uunal. rnmmithed lur |!IIlllD. 01)-IIIUITDW I0 A`-`J. '2.'$c- children. lbc. `I`n Vary [Alon from (my Ann Ouunncul --'l'ln (hlhoncr Llnu Dy Iupurtrro And the Would : loin Hunt `to the Onmullnn Prue Splendid skating Ah the Rnynl rink bo- nighh. A hr-nnnh nl Hm f`. M n.A. in [10 0! - will commence a Great Cut Price Sale of their entire magnicent stock of Books, Art Goods, Staple and -Fancy Stationery, Leather Goods, Handsome Framed Pictures, Evening Games, Doll, Novelties and Fancy Goods Ulllll 3! III` (IOWH I! neu I lllllll. Jmmw Brown, er , Dania ntrcob. ill (or H 6 posh oouplo of wtokr. on improving. Hpocinl uumnoo Ah the Vuctorin Ihmtre In ruorrnw Ah `2 EM Admission. ndnlbn, -)K. . ..|.H. IR. Ia mnunon II! Inc county pun. Tho Rldonu cans] in open lrom Kncgvtoo Mill: as (Ar down as UeH'n island. I.._._ l').,..... .. H...:- .s......n ill in. LE3 AFTERNOON EVENTS. ----- 3 AND TH! NEW! TOLD IN BRIEF FIHHION. gun`:-n an mag-non mum Bbanloy Ounl. commitoed (or sustain, mnnod In the county jail. "Wan Ruhann ngngl In nnnn lrnm K|rUlf,On --~- "~*-"' - 3 - .7 7 *- ~--d -v--- --- --\- u:- epect our New Spring Overcoats. our Scotch Tweed Suits for Men. and our Boys and Children's Roofers and Fancy Suits. The painter: and carpenter: have fullled their miuion, and have indeed left this store brighter and better for their being here. Last week we were unable to do juetice to our cuetomeru and ourselves owing to the otate our ntock was. but thin week, with the repairs completed and the paint dry, we are in n more ad- vantageous position than ever to show our Thouoandn of dollars worth of which arrived lut week. The Grand Union Salcumen will not press you to buy. Walk in and in- ..._.\t n..- GRAND UNION, `Ix/\ I-rlnn;-st--r-K/x r\----..-.:.-. AT THE GRAND UNION R._ UGLOW.& co. N EW SPRING CLOTHING, .f,{.'. .:f Have an idea that an Ready-Made Clothing is alike and they gorn red. blindly psying high prices to the custom tailor: when they could get the same fabric, the same lit. and the same nish here for half """d the money. The average Clothing Store is responsible for this con- I dition of alfairs, because nine-tenths of them are forcing worthless. ion . shapeless plunder on the people. The sale ol such truth work: an i- l irreparable injury to the Clothing trade. It is hard to convince the "" | man who has never been in our store of the great superiority ol our F Ciothing. A man can`t put Finer Suits on his back then we are `showing this spring- This little Clothing sermon is to inform you ,_n _ that we can save you money on your S_nit. _Come in and take a glance ml at our stock and learn what we are doing In the line grades ol Men's I Clothing. "`"3 W ..... '.!!s_'E.P;iE!*x- r--1.... ...... when 122 PRINCESS S" {Some Men Who Don't Know H.e.IN:E:s 82: LOOKETT- Boots and Shoes that have been bought away below 'their value. we have marked them to cell It Wholelale Price. All new gooda ; nothing ahopwom. See our tables and racks lled with them. f ALWAYS somumm; INTERESIING Io rift Ihis Iime it is a Shipment of Cheap Goods. , ,,m _-, -- Fnhbnhbnorlouullurs. aaaxmnlmxxnostou *jw Fancy Goods, Stationery, Leather Goods, Fine Pictures, Novel- ties, Art Goods, Games, Dolls, Etc. Cut Price Sale! BOOKS 86 Princess Street, Kingston. W0 has nukes Ihu vdlnve tho Finest anomnent ol WoolmI utGdl:nu'nva:inhc Inukei. Every pa1:cm,eve:y &.vuylvbtl'qolcoloI's. &'|I'inuInnotluuc.oIrwukhdIionubly hiloItd,andyou (ADAIBI DYIPIITIC CUBE.) hnnxvgnnlv than [ho -D.-.|-on .... .. . In In no: I1. :":"..".':".:`.ur.:-r::' sun` OR OVERCOAT. STOGK-REDU0lNG SALE! John Hendenon & Co : Old Stand, TAKE Aux." onnmx ', Vn. A.Wccsc & co., Pu.-'nas8'rnI1'. I Photos. Pru:cs.: and Stationery. ' '_""%.`s`%. Min Baotou, principal ol the Depot ' school. in Ill and nnnblo lo and to not Idnicn. Ilia Baily Allan, Divilicu lohaghuki hot plans. It icthoru I tiuoin yours I Minn Boston bu bun ' about [row but school. cunnu Into I;pio. Mada an no pnnhnl in W-III;-nvillo Iholiaio dyeing up nktoodlnco us that school Icy Duorinlly. Many ol the taboo! dildnouoill. AI 3 nothing ol Ilnollto. I-I-HI-J - ypviuivi J GIG: dinccou nhunntn. CnptCohcon Hint- vn npooinud to tho eoonnacl ol the (`Ala-Han, --n-av: I-Uly ID (kinky Btu. an acting utcodvo inltuuliunclothiruun. Auhonund II abound but Inn has c-nounctod in which tho mum: and mad] undo clothing dlplrtlltlll In" to eooducud. unwound nndy nu: , _ Ourilnponlioln fot the comingszason are to band, and we are uowptcpundtotthyoutotdctfota -r. uuuwnjni `ITIIIIIIIZ. R. B 0uIvrit|t.oHhohnkolBri|ioh .\'on|Anuicn.0Ihvn. ha ban Inoc- luntllotlnbnnchd Iholnnkin loot- In]. It Chnnighl jun ouployvd in nu"! Iyrip IIIUIIC, Tbuivunotnnynyru ootod fotnnlo on the auto! b day. TL IMO low do)I Mn Ilol boon nibble days for syrup or lugs! inking. II in expand that the uncle will to uonovhu plcntihl by Sundry. - Ihloollnnchlutnonoti-0. DOW IXUIII Ihou|dbo!_ cooltolnlbo right aide 0! tho body. and the tint right-handed motion: An uprun ' uin notions {coding to out npoocb. ho! 1 A: much noun no dooo rilbhnndnrlno-n \ I A ptololuot who has undo A study 0! childron nynho bu dincovond why the Innjotity ol Ibo pooplo no right hnndod. lnhntl no both hands until tbov begin to Iposl. Tho motor opcoch function cooltolnlho right ll. right-Inndnd motion; An an-I-- van upwcngrowluu How uoolnl some 1 ghnnld L. 9 umcun nl non um Iounnou are going to an lunodhh action to occurs. if pot ciblo. In upproptinion hon the [ovum `man to: the purpooool lacing: yua- nulun in the new dril hall. $352. on! this noooauy oqnlpmonl the tall will not be ooupluc Now In OM Iiuoiohnvo the aunt uIoododto.bohn `building oponhioon actually Iugln. A Iuulogohhooionn he too onllod to I eouidc the aunt. vv-s I uy-nun-. Oiccn II also Huh but-Inlion going 0 noun. if nnm tun: loo.-usury lnuvvo-nu. F-5n-||a. D-- -- _.,L.- , Ready For the Spr)'nTrade! nun lynp olctcd. _- _-n -__ .__-_ ,1: light-lnudodnon _._ _L- Wu: I (unsui--n. J AL- IA.L |...-.|: ,_ JUWS: .',...'. " IE handodno-0. nmnnunnnun .;..l.. 5...). ' --- --uuw-nanoouno-r. * V'0III0II'I righl bands 3| -Cl KXJUI MC` . .....TTc"*` .__,,__V :ha'st:;o"; l-:`tT':oI? .--us-)_r;r'board" wwnllol Nah? Cl ! "100 Hrnmgall, 0.35,, N S . ' mvftth the an o! pmrponty Iu`.h no sanng - I-hart coune ol mcuucrion .; 3""" "" 9'_'".:":_,H the Royal nmhury eollegg. M.-_ ||,.[),.. Yrocrouln rum Pony. all In! hm-erly cmmcud Imhtbo Kmq | A hnppy pzhorinz toot loco an ll "Vi N" d"'N M-ll. sdvw-nu but ton- ` mdcnco 0! J. C. llxlhoe, Frvmms a nectioa lbonvnth about twolvu van ago , Inn owning. when Mrs lhlluor 1 ' `"' `PW | llilihry MI. While Inn 5 haincd I number of hu fritnda at u "` `"9 " 3 P"9Ilnr esptuin in tho i grouivo podro party. The owning : N:b battalion. Hm voldierl baring ` grllnmq Ina varzod bv mu-`c md vanfor lun the none. 0! Gen nddlolon. 3 ing. The utevnbly Hoke up at no and at Ill nal long nftor until he neoivod I hour, :1! Inna amusing than Hrs. *3 |FP3'0MM "I U50 rwtvlsr Itrvlen 'nct pm 3 most charming honuuo. Eu uni Io'l`ou-onto. when he seconded ~` PM uyfggfy M T "3 TM : W` III, `bl. BOYD. be spun! {out yuan in Bnglgnd in u, gm, R City clock Dronnan bu remind a pu-Iol uorvicu AI p-nan! it "n Itllionod l lnnicuion from Ogdomburg to the with thin ngnlor lot!!! ml [lm {Q 3_ `Illa! the 4055 popanto company 0! Hr Ilcllouxsil bound up mgnycgn`, plnuwould probably visit Kingrtn Jun acidic-I who have nddad In... In Ibo -nun`: birtldn. Sank Banal vuurruy unnu me only morning tnin loll I for the cue. whoa Mr. and Hm Lsngwith ' dopurtcd for Mantra! Ind other cums on on ex tcndod wedding tour. Both no po- puhr thronghonn the cduncy, sad the many present: ncoind by the btido on-and aitucimony oi the hvgh antenna in which obi ll huld. I IIOIIIQ A happy aunt took plates 3: tho rui- dunco or Mrr. Wilmer. Pmtoburg, last evening, when Miss Aggie. daughter 0! the lame John Wilmoo, Ill united in mur- nugzo to C. Luagvmh, non of Chnooopher Lwqwich, `ianbury. The corunony nu performed by Rev. Prol. Worrell, In the propane. ol many rolulvoo Ind lriomh ol Ibo bnppy couplo. The bride Iru attired in nhandnomo dnoao ol may all! and car ried 5 nhowor bouquet of bndnl rues. She can stained by her cousin. Mm Bell Wilnoo. who run pnnaly mind in whim orgnndno. and also cnniod I bunch ol roam. John Wnlmot, brother 0! the bride. noted ll groomnmoo. The happy party ncoonpooxod the young couple as I run Indding upper, and paced the time merrily nnhil the only morning tnin loll I l OAIY9. U500 I. and Hr: Luna-iv}. 1 x Joyous Inning: Co.-runony In I Pluoburg Homo. nL__,_, Inga: no lo cmrgn 0! I00 FOIDIIDI. Coroner Mnndoll this nltornoon recehed a tolopbonn manage from J. H. Gould. Smith's I-`Alla, with whom the Inc M. J. I-lughoc wan employed, 00 who nmt. than [Honda of the dead man would IITIVO to night 00 who cbngo of who remain. wulgulu prooenly ADOIIU in ) pounds. HO In I decided bmnnehte. and vote A heavy duh mouneche. He wee well known by Hughes & Sons, lesion in agriculture! implements, bhough he wee not related to them. In was we rel time he had ever stopped no the Sun Iey house. and bhoee connected with thnt ne may they never sew hiq until yester- y ellemooo. Police conehble Megeny new Hnghee In the ellemoon. He use in L. W. Mur- phy'l grocery note, where he pnrchued tome chewing gum. In in upecoed rome ol hie relebnvee null unve from Oocewn to- night to teke cmrge ol the Pnrnnnr Mnndnll thin .lr.-nan- .--..:.--I QIIAIIIBUIBTKFI Ila UUK5.) lhbctlundyw than ab-ulnuvcnrv-of In- gnllvohnublcs Pncow cents. lbr air at TIIQ 1AZT-$lE In-snug -oon-- unulug 111 Inc 000]. Ooronor Mnudoll tolognphod J. H. Gould. proprietor 0! Mn Rvduu laundry sud Izricnlnunl works. Smith : Fnlla. which rm docouod repm-outed. Tho po !-`co took charge of the Macao. compminir two grip: and oouunning pnpon relating to the luminous docouod wu onqugod In. booidoo ponood ooou Tho body. who found. wn name! in the clothes otdinull worn by decanted; ho had not dino . nod um won his our- coat. The clobhingwnromovtd by the undorhlot. who placed upon In the nigho ohm found in one 0! tho valiloc. llnnnnnncl -g. . n. |.m|..... ..._A:---- - I unru Iouuu In one ol mo umoc. Dooouod Inc A line looking specimen of manhood. and About: Lhnrhy-n yours And wolghmg probably About 175 pounds. Ho donidod hrnnnnmn, And -m-4 am: my Iu I pool on U18 oor. Whon comnor Mundoll arrived be ex- nmlnod the body and expressed the Opin- ion bhnu donbh was due to atrnngulnoion mod the hunting 0! n blood VG!-Ill. lu fetching n blood vessel burn; blood and solid manor rnnbei for an min and rvuhod In ntrangulntiou. An inquoeo wu connid~ orod nunocounry. Undorulor Raid Ill noun lot and given churns of the body. The ooronot uhonghu douth much have tclon phoo n luau Mn hour: prior to obo Ending of the body. (hrnnnr Mnndnll o..I.......|...a I I1 um-. wnl we Int. seen 1! mm ahvo. Whoa found this morning he was cull partly acted on the bed One elbow was resting on the bud, one hip was partly on the mnnrrnu mm] the other log an braced on tho thor. He had manned and in up poured. from the position of the body. ohm death had come to him while ruch- mg. The body was r|id,I.l0WIn than death umeh hue baton Inca some hourn balore. Blood had (mm from the mouth mud lay in 1 pool the \Vhnn nnl-nnnr M....A-|| -_.:..-.n L- -, uunmuy uuuee registering ee lrom Ut- tawe. He did not me the pen endinh pr Jvided lor the me cl gnntu, but signed mu sumo with in blue pencil. He had eupper. alter which he rock n ehmll, re turning to the hotel only in the evening. Hu had been drinking Ind con- tiuued to imbibe more or leee until eleven o'olor:h when he won told by the proprietor he hsd better retire. He was named to his room by proprietor Hntfu r, who left hllll seated on the tide of the bed. Trim use the In-t. of him alive. When fnuntl Hun nmu-o.i.... 5.- ._-- -I-ll w nnu coronal` munuou. Ivnppuro um unhoa survived in the city yubor-day {tom the out. Ho went around obs cuty doing buuueu bhe name an ueul, boonneo he bud boon bore bototo. and inward: ruppor timn entered the Honnloy house regiuhormg from ()0- not: nun nu. ..... ..,a nu. UUHUII IUTIUIUICUIOH. In Inc 5 oomlmg nd tho chnmbormnid came scrou. At about: oloven o'clock. tn mo ordlnsry rmnino of her -lumen. oho en- borod the room nuvgnod Lo Hughes, thunk- ing, of course. than to was ompvy. And the discovery that so In occupied by n corpoo caused a ju to her uorvu. The proprio- Our. Philip Haaer. in an onco communi- cnuod wibh, und in tum ho nobiod the po- hoo and coroner Mundell. lnnnnqnnq u.-. lI....L-_ ___r (J 4 -I A 00--orohl tnvouu lnnod lulhu Dun Iumlonly In In: Be.-mic] Ions: `Ion loan Iupud Baton the Body In: Ullcuvofod-Wall Known nor: In llnulno I 0-mnooonl. Thin morning I mun nnmod M. 8 Hnghol. hslling from Oouuu. Ind rob-o` coming J. H. Gould : mduu foun ry, Smith 3 l`.llo. Inc found dud In 0120 Sun- loy houno. He had been baton 00 his room on oluen o'clock tho mghe pro Hour, and whoa hon Icon ulna mu seabed on tho bod. Ho nu lound In who came Eocition this morning by one of the woman olp no aha babel Ho Inc about thirty. the yarn old. lunch wu duo Do nom- donkl nbrnopulcoion. In an . .n.nIa.... 41...! n.. ..|.-...L..-_-:.: AN OTTAWA HAN MEETS IUD- DIN DIATH. FOUND DEAD IN HIS R001 Ivv AIIIIIDI1 rrlrv W uvnll. I0? III!` II '17:]: FDOITEIAC onus STOIIE. IIHB 4 P. I. Ellllll.` LANGWITH WILMOT. an nuns puuutbjrvi GHQ. `I103 h-huh pnpriactol o Priuuutnot ZIIIZWPXWI Clm wualhl. AliquoteuuiIHlIdhtIn' cl Ito poiuunnlouunovnuning. is jh In-uurinanonl A Prhanmn-not 'Iy con.` icstlon mm! that.` Inch! ail Kingvlno on Icon`: Sept. will Inn Manila nus tuck. sad will hy It Kllgltnn lnvihuou lnfon I It I: though the invitation mil an the non: did before. There was 3 ntrnog movement in nv-cl tun whivh I'll nlnndy unkmg Iuoll poccepcxbly felt. Bonidec ue. trade It! boommg and tho city I10 rapidly coming to bun-crgmud gun a cenhnl nonuhctunng !ocnIiry. ll ,' aha throw but "hogs? overboard lhO cauld ' auto! much 'gnatetouou:dol~ri'y. I `III! (R QIITI1 CH`, WIMP U IIIOSCI IHYKUI I g ghee the ra- pvdcncoot-I. rmans canoe, amor- pm- pro- ygrunmq by dnnc ( Tboutunbty broke only 1 hnnr, A gunman navnnino khgh Hrs, HA5. Vhlh.` Two oocnmcrcd tnvellpn. berorging to Toronto. who won in the c|:y to-day, Ihbd that bu-,-inn: hen bad boon pick- ing up lnoly. They upocud to nd it vuy brink m a short tune. mud n to his Itakol cnda in Tomato they stated than the queen city would go ahead ohortly an lhl non: did before. Thom an . -IIU uxutu U Ill` Ullltm I'll ! L."u III 3 van pnndod tho streets. Stopping near the Holden Lion block ph0'r`5{rApb! of bhe paruh were tale. hy W K-tly. Among who vm'b<\ra prevent were T \\'..uon, gong nl agent [or the mvupcny, J. J. Weir. Brccknllo. ma-I Mr. Luke, Bellevillo. diatncb agema. Slmilu pmcnn-ions were held xu many plus- Lhmnglmuh Ouhavin. l`|Avsr.*ls with tho imcnptirnn, "Muu~oy~Hmri" and "Pa- tromxu Home lnduacne-s" were Attached to every rig in the Inns of purnde. CIIIIITIIIIL AHCITXHUI WUTB RIVOIII 0 III . (hbmn. A. 8hc|oy.Mr. Fair. John V`./ulmoh, W. Toner. Dr. Smda, Thomas Hughes and T. \\'at.aon. Ah we close of the mating the proce-nmn :1 formed in trout 0! Hughes waroroom-_C|nrc-ncer-trur and bonded by the Bnlsernoo brua Lnnd in 1 van naumd-A lhn nrrnotn Qrnnnina nlnr Through the kiudnou ol the .\luwy- Hunin company, mnnnbchnnu of lnnn ing implomonuo, the lumen of H518 due truck hold 1 largo procouion this ll ternoon. The Invitation to can put in tho ptocoodiogc wu- oxtondod to nll farmers using tho com pony'a machinery. and fully one hundred vnggono. contniumg varloul implements-, nppured In the pl'0!FI0ll. The company mppliod dnnnor for their pntrunl an du lorcnb hotolo. alter winch I Euhluc gathorinz WM hold in Obs clly hall. :50: Ryan proeidod. sud proved 3 humorous chairman. Addronu were given by Dr. llnhmn A Hhnlni Mr i`..`.- Jnhn U./ulvnnm no %Z-jII-K'_ ' us. Ind l&--`l'hIqnuml in unit: mun phn-n ion at a.....:.-.1 Patron: of tho Donpnnv llold A loutet D.-:4; IX] UT IIVVUIVG ulyl. The late Mr Crolh was lnm in Down. England, in IMH and claw out to (land: in H5]. H0 VII 0! a qmob, unuaumlnp mturo, never tnkmg much pub in publsc amurr. For over thirty years deceased Inn A careful rounder of the Whig. and, no may be expected. In A lnbornl in politics He vs: no nrdonb Adherent ol the Anglican church. Portsmouth, whore the Iorvicoo will be bold tomonow noon. D ..-_L_K..n La -. g... ..- -L.`IJ_`_ L}- _ll_ VIII 1 DCIII V0'lI|0I'I'0W D000. Surviving him on [In children. his all: having pndocund him by no yuan. The children no : Uooryo. raiding st home; William. in the Yukon Iininlnu oldo; Mrs. Rohorn Lindsay, Ellotbeck nouns, this city; Mu. William Ccckhnrn. Ontuio llnlb, thin city, and Mrs. Funk Clemente, Daooronco. Uoorgo Oran I :-wu Avmy-I`IMv Year: I Ilnlaenl There. (loorgn Cmlu, one 0! the oldub cim.on- ol l orlrmoul.h. vliod jonrrday nllernmm after u long, pcaculul and hononhle I la extending over I period of eighty-one years. about fifty L! which were p-u.-eed n, she aubntb nu which ho died. I: wn ll the Inner place Hun, fut nearly lnny you-. he {allowed who occupotlon nl market) an denlng. and Inn in consequence I lumlu gure on Kingnoon nun-corn Mid mnrkel. pqutro l)ul.h came an n reaulo of old and vouorublo ago lhcouod wu ill lor only ten or twelve days. Th [AIL Mr (`.1n'h n. M\rn In lint-.nl pneumonia. While to Sam Juan do Porto R co Ina! Wcdnudny Mr. dbsrmnn wu entertainer`! by Brigadier Hon Fred (lrnno. comunndor of the military depnrfmcnb of San Juan and csuglib cold, The malady use not considered I-minus until lu.. l!l|(l`!O,lT!'I leaving Porn nl Hpaln, when pneumonia in Lha moan serious {inn doveloprd. W.\~4iiI\'.m\, Mnrcli lll,~ l-It-norrornr) Shannan will be hrunglit. home on It 0 orument. Vl`890l. "VII.V FIII` |llI.\.\ I"mT In: l"n.A.\n Mnrtin-lac, Much lb-tlon. John lshmman, n puuongn nu board uho American lune aruamor Purl!-. Capo Fredouck V\'|thIun_ wlm-h arrived here to-day from Trinidad. with the puny 0! ucuroxoniata who Are makirg A tour or the Wool: Indian irlnnda. in nulf.-ring hom pneumonia. Whlln Ah Run [nun J` D.`-on I) .\I\ I-..a MAnsEv.in}cis sinbsssson. --n\- U-nu roan Evin We have the stock. You have the money. We are anxious foran exchange that will greatly benet and please you. R. L_O_W& CO.,

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