ALEX. O'BRIEN, uur-u III M '3 Hum, ISL Ut|I'lI()Valy I, At: the local customs house the Hang for February this your were $l,64N| in excel! of February INN. '1- ,,....4...,... I\' 1- u u_.-L Lu Iruu J u. rlllll an I [low 5 Mrs. J. b R. McConn and daughter, If Queen acrcumlelh lorOLuwn to-day to spend a few days vimnng friends. Fvnrv nnun nf lhn Whua in n I...` nro H) 00 IUIJHII 0!] III III DFROB. New orange murmalnde. home made, bean in bl e land, at Uurnovakyt An the Inrnl r-nntnmn Emu-A than rnlhv-. I IUW LII]! VIEIUIIIR ITIUHUH. Every puze of the Why: is a luvo one Local news no uval me than no :5 UHIDII] to be found on nll an wagon. Now nrnntrn mun-mnlndn hr.n-m mmln I DUBILI UUUUIU UH pYB!UnU. Rememher Hunter. Hroeno, cnlzy hull, March 3 d. Plan at l`glow`s Mr: J H R Mr~{`..nn.nrl Annnhtn. .I II|l'U ULIIIUFL Cl pounds deliv( red. Thu Frnllfnnnn IIIIFUUU lll lllllll. Florida Ruaoeh um! Flonda Bught oranges nl. Uarrnoveky 4. Ice ruttmo hr thn H : Zlnwrnnnnirn u|uuKua Ill uuuuvely lee cuttmg hr the H. ',Lowrenco ice house comes Hun evening, bhe NH euuuly having been cut. In .'. ...dob..ml1 n ...,a u: n u...|...- IJDVIUK UUUU FUD. In in and than H. 0 and W K. Hamilton), will take over the Myles new eeuon. ll, I1 I`-.... I. l`l~ ...... -..II...._ I }}`lHllUU UUIIVI Y0(l. The Frontenncn txpect B rousnng prncv Lice 00 night. and all bbe members of the 3 team should be present. \ Rnmmnhnr l'n|nhnf 1::-mum mt" l..ll Mitchell s Hardware. LlllI`U(I HUIIIF. Ale Pnecce did not nccnmpnny Queen`: hockey team in nu nip south. He says to mined the tram. l.`l.._:4I.. I),.___; ._ I l.`I I I`) L. ulouua I Jon:-ph Na:-b, yolleving the book kaopor no the Duoronto I-melon. g works. has re` tun-ed home. AIL`- 14....-- .|;.1__..____._,,, ..,-_ v any: Ilul Illnear. l,I.- lII|lCBFo Mrs C H liowera, Waberbown, N \` . is rpoluinugatuw dnyo tn Lbe city Will) friends l,.-..nI.. M,.-|. .-II....;.... AL` L..-L L. .._.__ ma AFTERNOON EVENTS.` AND TH! NEWI TOLD IN BRIEF SH. ago J. J. Borne run I little two Docoaomr an Rn-.--en. r-_._- I`-ID EUBHUII. . (Jung & ()0. are nellmg bath Ber- ;moat w coal an 34 5|! for `.5 INN Anliua rm] Irlln DAILY W11]!-. WEb1\'l1.S1)1aY. MARCH 1. I890. \ Carpenters or intendfng` purchasers should see o\ur line of Saws belore buying. A complete line of Atkins 8awa--the best ever made. . Mnrhny, propeller coHec- V nearly I --vpccu run rnlII'IIvI- Puua. lurch l.-TlIo numb Io-day hy 5 voudlbsuollsadopoodohoirupum gnphollhu-iulnviiunhill. object To The Amend-can. WA.~ux.\.T-w. Much I. -The rim sud hubot couminu bu diugtud to all tho noun : nuoodmoou no the tint sod bar but till, including Siantu canal amend `I. an-u-u nu - n nuuury. Serzb Cotton. No 3dep)0, So John's. Quote In Ittachedto "A" old battery so hcppitsl tenant. to set until tho to- tnm of Serum O'Hnnr~. rakvng 1 rpocul comes on tho modscol 0 :6 corp no Alder H100, England u--cum jU'FECU IJCIICCIICIC Gollocuiom on nccovmo of excise for the month of Fabvonrv, IH'I9: Spinu, $31!? - I-9; mnlh. 83,264; tobacm and cigars. 83.06649; nu lad, 867!) `IN; vincgu, 36.1116; In-ooction Icon. 860 50: olbu col lectionn. 895 0. ; total, $Il,I-26 H nun nun I -DC I lfyon luck color in your check: his "()Iunu" Iron Tonic l'.lla-; ynn ll be dclvgblod u the nlrongth and tone they '1 unpnrh to ynur nyotum. Fuhy pvllo In 3 box {or `J5: Sugu coated And pink in color. For ulo at nll drug notes in King- I ston. I "lL"l" Nl.ll1`lI\\I l'iiii.\i-i.I l'l|I\, March l.-Rev. John Watson (Ian Mnclarei 1. who is in the Clbj , is much nemed by Rudyard K~p|ing a `condition. and clnnely warchea the nick room bullohins. He said yoaterrlny : "Tho lamentable news that Rudyard Kipling i- in danger of death comes with 3 shoot 0! griif to 3 fellow countryman Ind in reading mun Almost: cince lbe be~ ginning cl hue curt-or I hnvo read every word ho wrote, and have found in bin word: an lDFpll'BLl0O bavrind that of every other living novolwb. He denlu an n-ta hnnd with the hall do-man passion: which mould human nature. and nliuye I.t.h in-iijzhh ud nobility. HI!,whirh may God forbid, would. in my humble jIId|{lI1OI'lD.dQpflV0 Englinh lumen of our greatest: unis and E-iglimd of but ronl pool ` lnuronlc vuw! In Vlll'U. W'\~ml\`- rm, Much l.-'l`ho ruprvme noun of the United Staloi adjourned upon the mnounocmenn of the death 0! lord Horachcll. . V"... . nu -uuvn-uuy. W/mu.\':ro.\r, Much I --The centre has paved the bull appropriating 8`. U,U00,U00 for puymenu co Spain winbouc n duuonbmg may or mice. 7 ITves(tiate. You will be interested. lI!\'l|l HI \\ushmyt.. nun 1.. Mn~ Boar ltd-Irnl Ichloy Icoolvoda Ingnuh b\I~lnH \\ hilc Inland Iovgl` rbollo-c_uou noopuu nut runcnrl Auncvua To - A" mu/ury. . 0-....- \v_ n ;__,. n. OF GOLD AND DIAMONDS. Voted Thu I udomn II] .......,..v |1__,L I -In, A Uloudlmt In The ll]. \....I u r It-Gilt` Much I. ...o o o..`|.l...~ nvuv-Iy outwit` -vI Iv.- lmpnrh. In-r. 339,076: dnti.lhk`.842l_- HI; vnluc M duty, paid good:-, Q43, "9: Jury c-ollertctk 811,831.21. KL port-t, 017,236. Anowm In lnvnnllol. Rev. V'~. H. Turin-r. R..\.. H.l).. 0' .\|-mil.-. .\lr-bhnrst ch-nrrh. has A-rvr.t- NI an imitation to V\'c-lllnglun (if ruit. ~rnmv| nl In'.nIn|1, l"`l`I\`( H! the` J-anllernne Him as M Syrmru-r, N,Y. Hvlr n-mn tor the N>d~ir!r (I rnl x vm-H1~aI prm Ill ` bun. with UN` drwtn had rrnmw-d h l|l'(l l'Ill!ll l'H|l'l ~m my great influence. Pro`-mu hing 14'!` .\l:|l`('_ nr hixh-up nf Hn ..-..r.. _vn ....l? GOVERNMENTS PLAN R|LOARD- INGTHE DREVFU3 AFFAIR The how: men! D.[lIH|l'IIO. Lunvlun. arrh l.--'!'hi~\ nmrnim;'~ ap~r~ runlnin ropnrls [rum apt-(ill ` Irfrd-~<[)4I.'H|l`nI~. which inth(`;|?:* IhatY L... :I|n....; ..l nl... ..-no-s .- p...-.-.. -.>l ro HAVE NO COMPENSATION.` Vualrl of lcqulnnl to be llelnrncd by the Whole OonrL-l)royfnI to It-u-Ive nu Oompmnatluu For His Drgramnlon ll... ll--tn--.` nn I.l...L prm nu-mrr. .`| nt~ haw rallnd fol drwtnr. not know -rnmw-vi hi` .-urgory. A lllohop on`mj' .1 . . . _ ..5 Lo I)... `. l|'.m. I-Urvv-II1 -n Phil. HcKa|h. nf Y1 : rwrivrd intolligcsnm un.-. Al 5;. :.n.... vm |nu~mgam-u- I nl his lnthrri ` It-H [his nlftr I his aged gar K EZAINES &: Lc__>_qK:E'J:'I'- Kingston -porn who uuodod I cocking `mun our Trenton Int nizht. brought !bochnpo5olI'noooy. Lacs] Htdnnlo }Wc Cannot Givc Them Away < |U UH IIJU UCESB IIIIU LHU I.I.IU~`B llIDlll`}IJIIUlUu 1 ()ur Easter Ne-rkwear is now in the store. As Easter always commends ;` the pretty olive shades, it too is in its place with the other lmndeomo greens [and lovely pale blues. The st)lcs are the Dunblr, Fonr-in Hand. String, 1' Clnb and Down. Altogether they make the grnudeat display of Neclrwear ever exhihited in the city. We are the leaders of the fashion. We were the first to display Christmas Ncckwcu. nud the first to show New Spring Hate of : Christy's I-Jngli~h make, and now we show you the Easter Kochvour. ill you ; require a new lint nnd want. the best. llnt imported examine our alook, or if I you run: anything at All in Men's Furnishings call 3! our store. At ibis season of the year the Gentlemen of ne taste are looking for A something pretty I!) Neckwenr. We admire such a man, for he Ilways hlcea : to bny the beat and the most. fashionable. (1.... L`n..6.u- \Y.-...l.-um. Qa unII1;I| 0|; xfnvn In `Focus. nlnynra Aluminum)- ne ou) SAW-- TIME IS MHNEY, Jfashionable Gent s Furnishings. I nun 9 for 51.00. \ A n. ok/ H2217. `5l.LI`7. A Very Nice Boot. Real Dongo|a_ for 85 cents. $`Theae Prices are Very Low. as the Goods no New. A Ladies A Induce Evnuglt B) I -only _ _ _,#1.,.._,;_.| J. LAlDLAW& SON, D. 6: A. CORSETS, C. P. CORSETS, `- vn lldlnj Book. Stationary ` ud Funny Gouda lhubllahmont. 1 R. 6: G. CORSETS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CORSETS. BUT WE COME CLOSE TO IT. ' Fine Dongola Button Baot for $1.10. `Genuine Dongola Button Kid Tip, extension soles, now too, I`- March Dclincator and Iiuttc-rick Patterns now ready. The H.` D. Bibby I- --_v- t|..4nlAA Fashionable Hen : Outmton. 336 KING 8'!` , KINGSTON made in Canada, n Jdelled after a A_,._ A...__..___ f`-__ made in New York, short or long wzust, are having a great sale and are moderate in price-$z and $125- in Black, White and Dzab. .Ugl0w & Co.. nunnnu India: Book. Buuoncrv made in France, are attracting atten- tion because they can now be pug- chased at $1 and $1.25. Formerly they were $1.30 and $1.05. We begin March selling with a .plen- did stotk of Corsets ol the makes we know to be reliable as to shape and durability. Any who have found it dillicult to yet Well Fitting Corsets are assured that one or other of the many makes we keep will give satis- faction. \4 - vu--uuu an J\.J\-lI\g\J IIIILI ll Alrlnerican onct and sold at the price of the original-5oc, $, $1.25. COCO GG A Cissy: 00-lag. hiueunuutlhtthuovlll bouchago ' ' chi at an-Iyd 1 AI 2'. .'i'.a.'...s`E.s....:.n.u.s.'i'.: -all-I. ok'nu'g. L gcampaign of 1882 $759!!!! 9D9!O9!99 I 1 g Military History co:niihEu7:.. IOIIIIAI. noon unnnn. E E)'6'zzi. T. ;.;.'m1;gua. Propuod Branch of Iloya`la;;iTler:y: C I- u use $4 IS CC OOOOOOOQQOQOO 09009696606960-O-Q0040 OOOOQOOOQOOOOOOO: Thad d.Ro:hny hukboon olocud prawn!" d 5 Ityclu Loud nnaj tolho 5.10 It. G|Id`.:.'5"y. rwvocutglli. Thoolcctloo followodn pmwuuommm " 3I3I +4ooNN' 0 Who I: ah dlhnooo bowooo tn Imhmnu on I btuk mcuntoin top and I Bootohum '9 on In um with tho could and the other In azwlod with the kiln. an 0! lo Wu... Worn IN El E!s! TRIED AND TRUE 1 8. DAVIS SQNS. MONTBEAL. Murrh l.-I nut. On.-I The Largc Cigar Mantactun In Canada. -- )F' TH E- A complete stock of the English and Scotch Prices moderate and all garments tailored in the moat approved styles. 1 in the Intelligence j the Wu (mice by I II A III'III'.` EGYPT. Largo and our inonuing aha prove the Dbl. IIIUUU All right : I Send me up a box of that Juve- nile Stationery md roaorve 10:80 1. m. to-monow for my photo nit- ting. Your No. is 121 Princess St. All !_ In That Wows? an II! no value. I Inn-|ol0|Il. Run A cj cl I50 Kingston N C1 '5' d0!` it loud userxrdingt? VI` H 0 plan would luvs uh. nu nujonly cl (lop Inland. to be :1! we have oluimed for it. Mada and guaranteed by 1103. 5203139 zw The only cloth report: the !ol|ovin ro- giutntiom for Ibo month olhbrnuy; Births. Ivonly-Ihno; dculu, Ilpruy-four; nu-riqno. nino. --sun: av: 11! LIIIIQ I-Qllil Wo -can Ibo Iudlou ornoaoa. Two douu lot I quarter It Cnnovoifo. fault; In `ll-0 Leela. I) ll Young, 0! tho Taylor nah mmv pony. Totoooo. in in tho city today. He in Glllld in putting tine loch In the lo- ' cal hunch ol tho Standard bank. vv-wI uy `IO voun. ` Tho lod gniloyol brooling glooo in Fron- bonor ochool boo boon locoood. Ho Inll oppoot to-marrow morning toloro tho [)3- lico mogiouoto to mono: to tho choqro. Iollaq lnqolnoa Thin morning number: of Mao county in- vcuiguion conning: ccllod u some ol the loan! honking iouituionc, making on- qnvrion inch eonun uutbn. l 11 . LII lI'UUIX. $ \l..III.m' opu-|.tion In the noon! hospiunl this morning fut Ibo removal 0! n dioouod rib "Tho onrglcsl work In: ntiuhcoorily pgt. . I u--; 311 ---u ---u v-r-uron HUIIIC. Dr. Foo. medical bulth oieor, in that a hack driver who drove I Icsrloo fever pa atom to Mac gunonl bolpihl and alter- Inrdn punuod hil uunl vocnhon without dioinhcting his hack. High Class Tailori O T -?- .. ,- nu uII- 5- vi any unit: Sorgt. instructor Walker wiil hsve chug: 0! tabs ractnio clue no be opened to marrow night In connection with the I Hh P.W O` nllu. Major (nllouuy uku- ohugo of a clan for olcan. an for An lvnul. John Dyer. I).D G M , Trenton. and one of tho executive members of the gnnd lodgo. C 0.0.!` , Arrived in the ciby to day to puoicipnho in tho orgnniucion 0! I new lodge in connooon with than aociucy. Ioynl Illnory oolloxo club. The annual meaning of the Roynl mili- tary collogvo club is to be held no the Cann- dinn military Institute. Toronbn, on Mu-ch Mb. The nnnunl dinner will be hold an the National club the am: ovoning. The final: 0! The oonmluoo. The bmnplhol conctru oommltooe desire ho thunk u-e c"I..ona ol Kinglbon and vicinity 10: their hbenl patronage lub evening; bbo clay clerk {or much unis` Macs. and I obborl who in Any Iny help. ad to make bho hospital concert I mecca. `Rho Iornoo Drowned. Yutordny nloornoon Tbomu Connolly, n Wollo island farmer. loot n valuable boom 01 born: by drowning in the Bnhtonn chun- nol. Connolly II! ramming homo [mm the clay. and wbila boowoon Briggs point and Stale) : polno oho tum brcln through obo loo. `Vanity mco;\led in defeating t 0 Wellington: of Toronto, by I score I only oovon to lnur. Collingwooda. the rum whichtbo Frontenac: won [row on Friday, wore vicoorious over Wellington nuooon to nobhing. Look moo this And use it there in nnybbing oho mnuter wish the Frontoosca. Thore ro I" right ` I1)/tornoy. loo 0! A Irouunncu. H07 H. C. Hun, of Slnyhon. Mmneao bu. |I con 0! n former Fronhenacer. And 3 mgnyer ,6! one 0! one oldest: and moan ro- Ipocbod molvon In Canada 0! l`ai!,od Em- pin Lo nliur. Ho bu been elocbod Lo bbe unto I ' re, Ina (iron in the choice of Mitt, d 11-0 mod the Brit hill 0! the n, ono re! rod to warn, he being an A Putor Doing Good Wort. A. W. Buoll, ol Sbnrbob lake, Inn in the any lhll foronoon on his way to Cum Down on buunou. He unto: lblb they but good sloigbing in his village nod chub thin u no prom; lively ouo chore. Mr. Boo l npoah ln 0 highest: Lanna of Rev. Ebor Grammy, the Methodist: mmmbor no prooono noaoiouod bhoro. Hue sermon-n are polnrlul And are creating I good and lash inc oocb. Luv Sunday : discourse was mentioned as n muborlul effort). .---- - -no-v, wluwl-I (Hub volurnee bl weber fell during the rein eborrn leeb night, which no in ebonc hell pub ve o'clock end ended eh eleven o'c|r~k. The rein wee driven with {awe ' by the heevy wind. drenching the moen heevuly eloched person. la e uboro time bhelow lying emowelke were euhmergod nn weber. which not: beina eemly perceived in the dealrnees of the nighb, ceueed meny wen teen. The Iborln wee eevere whale It leafed end hed e wnlremcg etfect on the nice `Ih looked ee I! Match wee to be usher ed in wioh rough weebher. bub belure rmd mghb the wind bed ehaoed end the eenh f we bethed in the glory ol the moon'- L` uye. Bo-oven A III W. M Hobbo. Sydoohammodonvoub sn It-Itinn in aha nan;-nl Ln-n.n'n-l AL;- Oootrnry `Io law And Oonuon louse. I\. I.`._ .__.I:-.I L_.|.L ,n- o - mau1;ggd,'AE,%' 01-. - : I : vy&0:.,bn-9- am now; THE 4 P. M. Elllll. IIOIIOI I5 01 LIIIIO Lolita . -.._ 5L- ___.II, ln:'b;;io I)! fit Olnu _,_._,,,-__ nv :- 00-no [If to court. -_u._ -1 L_-.1 - _ I They rs u:u.{.n.v1 ,u_.| : 4-1. `tuna A llonvy Ulorm _|,,_._-,:_ .,, an 1 most fashionable nun ago .1. J. Born: by but nocapopu so Spun-vino, Km`; Then in goo into the Ifnilrood basin.- I an inland} gd 5 Nth H`. p. I to format "rope Lao \In us He Livonia the V: ucar." The pictures were undo by the only pbocoanphor who has bun ndniuod lo the nhicnn lot I number of young. And | odor the ne clots View the public has had 1 in 0 0-3 Iillll of the pop: and In : our- roundmgn. Ynnrn Ann] 1 Il----- --- - "--' uqrvuuy II on nuncuoo. The Mart-.h [Adioa Home Joumnl has I novovorthy Inlurn in the page showing "Pope [an \HI He Livonia V :- nuiatnrnn pay. -...I. L. .n.- 1`; uureneo nrseu. ` In UM: really vondar kn tbno J Alooo Harris: performed in the cifv hull lul xrgbo when ha lofted from the that I but wuqhmg I25 pounds, nnd nietd no In | the sir nwonty vo tmet. A 'PQ1i in nnrion.-pg .- LL- ------ -1 - uuu ur nwuuny IJVO rumet. A host in nhutionory no the corner of I widow : cud qrlioo black. while the ram ol the space in dond white It : only tho coma than is black; just 3 little hub of It; the groan balance 0! the basins-a no :41 bright as dsy. And no In the union; the black noon you to be such 1 (inc poumg for her dour liulo hva (hub in help won- dorfully an on nttneuoo. Th. ll...-ls I -.l:--r u___- I, ' ngno. Stiff: Cam!" in down. The big aign on Clarence utreoo fell during the Rule Inn ' night with I crush than nude cloth duck undo! the counters And no we cab bones oiu lrigba. ll-. l`--_- 'l'_._n-_ ..._-.L__ .: nv I. uu Ill lrlyuu. Mn. Crown, Trenton. mother ol Walter Crown, I Queen's medical student, sustain- od I Incluro ol the collar bone in being Ihrovm Iran: I rig during I runnwny on Sunday night. lnn nnh law oh. --_ -...__- tn--:I:-A auuuuy nlgnr Look on for the nut proomor Cnotiliar, ol the Allan lino, '4..'4U0 tons. First nul- ing llth inch. and regular thoronltor. Atmly st Haldorvloovdo aeeunobvp ngency, 4? Clnreneo ntrseo. l I. _--- --_n_ _-_.u, 1`! . . .- - -vII nu (nova nolmln soon!) we l'.l.'Int.'oI'. T. A. Wriuhb bu opened up no office in l)r. Mylhoa late stand. He has been up pointed manager of the local agency of the Cnnadinn savings loan snd building eocl ah. >' IIVL- -L-__-| ___.n_ .1 .u__ _,v . . .- . HIV. The channel south 0! the point so which the now light in being plnced on Snake island -hoals. has I depth 0! twenty-ova hot. L30 feel: immediately aonbh of the light. mm I c-s.m.'.rt..i-v ;. 4...... Tim Ls- -:,_ any guru, Iuur an lune!!! 0! nine IIIOIILDR A rumor Inn current to-day (hut Wi|- . linm Hn1.`t0, engineer :0 the water works pumping amnion, had resigned. William an he knows nothing nboub the matter. T A Wuhh hm: nnnnnd nn gn nma` in Iuxlru lu llll! INBCEIUIIF on M0001]. Adam Dnrhng, lormerly a Iamilnr gure in the bnninua world of Montreal, pupal uuy uh Pottavillo. Pa , on Fobru nry 93rd, shot an illness of tune months` A vnl-`no -.. .....-..n 9,. A-.. .L-. urn mrumr vuu KU Lno nlvger In growth | The oxoruhivo 0! lane bicytloclub will! meet on Friday evening at. ten o'clock so their room: to make nal arrangements In : I regnrd to the elections on Mondny. Unrhnm lnrmm-Iv n lnmilnr UH Ill! HLUCI UDIDCKBU Dy "T8- Tho benets trorn advertising nro in the future as veil as the nrea-ontx Advertising is something like making is anowball bhe farther vou go the bigger in Thu ntntuhivn nl nhn hi:-uulgnlnl. -;lI provon very mccesoml. u A. J`. Inc. barbu, received a cheque from the mperial insurance company you 1 tordny I the lull amount: of the xneumoce on his stock damaged by re. Tho hanratn lrnrn Arlvnrlialnu urn In Ilsa (`UIYUU rlllllllllya l'rinl Wruzhh, one of .`hirlinq e moan re- ap:-cbod rec-Idontza snd honor of Mn: lines, Kingsbon. died on Sunday cf pneumonia, pg-d aux-Flour yours. in] nnnr-A nl in-h-no-Han In- lg-u aux -IOUI yours. I The a inl course of instruction for! proapoobora no the school ol mining cloua this rock [D vna well attended and provdd successful. A _r I- 5...... .......;....,a . ..s..,..... uuurau wuure Mn-. .\Ic0I will npena couple 0! months for the benefit: of her health. Remember Plunkob Greene, city hall, Much 3rd. Plsn It Ugioufo. Thirty Joan! ago two men did all the woik 0! the business Ind editorial depart- ments 0! the Whig. Now twelve mo re- quired rnnalnntly. ['4-inl Wriohh nnn nl H-iirlinn a rnn-r In }uIlvu|.uI1uII uullllg LUU IIBD IUW unya. Capo. George Muruy, ill for I couple of weeks wibh grippe, in being welcomed by his old friends upon bl: renppexrance. `N. J Mnronnn, V H rnrnrnnrl Hm}. I nu! uuu nncnnu upon ml l6lpp01l'BDC6. W. J. Morgana. \ .S., returned lhia morning from Trenton. He did nob pur- chance the borne he wonh upto onmino Prof. Ind Mrs. Nicol have gone to Ton- noaeoo whore Mn. Nncol will npend A n....m. v},"l,U`NV Ill UXCOPI DI FBUTUITY INN`. ' The condmon of (I H. Hatch, In the` general b08plhIl, hu shown no man: of im- ` pmvemonn during the lush low days. (Inna. Uanron Mnl'l'AV ill lnr . nnnnln nl