'l"REASURER'$ SALE OF LANDS u "er. :7. The thud care .1. u A your took place arm-`Q. :hmugh sthlvh I.--du: church uutmtly F ~ttu-utely lho {no ` N It had nude much n-_.._.._.A...4. \.\ ks.-;l\oun~! -h-nmonln nml ta lI*.`v`-ll tom. 1 , .1 _ ,,_., _.._ _-_g lulun urn tuned an n u Mr. KI;/lug n'g'l?. sud I9 rm, L H J.n.o4my, `|\dI 0' MI. `H W` nlr p_fu`: nu "T mum. Mu. hi`: I` Ir hmd |'\l'0(1 1 .ve been ux H nnd Iosllw-K :T`N|`:l`l mug. though Wm bum Lhll` no ln`IV: lllkl` [HI lllll|Il.\ nnluuu. v Miles." wrilnu \\Ill|auu hlu.-L I\Flu\II`Tl\HI` Nrlnl ru" -thn l'hl|.uIvlphin 'l'hn I..~ullw~ llumu Jun l`hl|mln-Iphtun ham lnwll I Ihu x'\)H\lul`l-i u! n nmdvr ...I. n.. ul... Jinn-LIV Innunrn TIu- Imp!-rlonn \lIuIam lllnh MIIQI-lob I) W'Id-In-cl the Small Elan-lnl (`lroln "In l`hll:ul-~lpln'm wvm m~rt.'xln stn-c-In or ruvllnnn In-_\'--ml whla h no mun vunld lnlm hlu fnmH_\' wltlmun dungvr of uuwlnl \\ .I||.n.. Pnrrlnn nf " Th. ._u_. H .. I court mu 1: otuing. .\.L :\:I-! In >|u\In. LR" (mu 1-xpL\Im::-~Ix vtlnrh has lv-`on nr-rv-I fur the \--n' Inrxu` uumlmr nl Ihn-nlrrs in I l!.lI_I' is that Innny M` Ihc-In :\n~ small A!- lavrsnml nnwur!h_\`nl rvn-gnninn as snrh. `Hus \ h~\\' nl Ibo nun`. huwrwr. H Har- rurnll`. as In l'\'6|`\`| In the nanny -rupee-~ V My Ila!-..xn Ihmsl.-:1 am rather lannr than .; \,_. -. nlh-L .,....nn-nu nun 4-xnlnnnlinn F IL\I`..'\l`l IlN`:IlI`l`. II ! I -\llll'| lull?! Iucun I 1h.- n: other munlriun lino explanation I Iho Iargv nnmlmr nl Ihmu-rs xn Italy In I to be (mind in the far! Ih:\l lh1H`ulIIr:\l.un N [Lid :\|~prw|nIinn nl mum` are perhaps ` mum ;:~Iu~h\| Ill Italy Ihan In any other N .~.\u.nIrr an-I uunnrn! lhll nlnrhounu Ih%I'0~ l We keep 1 Just Sudl Shoes I`lII`l~\I Ill Ilauy uuau nu -u_- \vIur'I 1 mx.mr_v. and many n! the pkg houwu 1 [on aw dowotni not In lhn lhmlrirnl but ` In Iuxuxmxl on!-`rtnlnluonln \\ has an rnll~ ` ad n\nu>r| bails In England are Ihaulrn ` I in hair ICRUMLEY BROS., BARGAIN SEEKEVARS, ATTENTION. 11.... um . u$.{aeia- at Ibo pascal u\urQ thus I: nrninnv EARLY ha):-nl I`:-uulr In Ila \\'QrId. l`h.- p-xpulunull nf hnly |.~ \(\\u-,uuu r- I . .. .1: ..I n! 35 "L " " 41- 5; in. lleavy Factory Cotton t.5oo yards nnI_\ . woulh ; cents lut 5 usuls. :: yatds wide Unbleached bhecllng. good, for ll ccnls gud. Table Oil Cloth. best quality. 15 cents. 13 cents Couonade. good. fat [0 cents yard. Lathes` \\'nopeIs. jackets and Boys` Suitsnnl gteallv rtdnccd wires The abon: an: a few of the many bargains at the GREAT ALTERATION 1.; En. Roller Linen, worth 5 cents for 2 cents a yard. :73 In. Pure Glas Linen. wcrth 5 cents for 5 cents a go in. Fancy Shakers. worth 6 cents and 7 cents, [or 4 Pele Pink and Sky Blue Sh `sets for 3 cents yard. 37 an. Skirting Shakers, with harder, 1:} cents for ; c 55 In. Factory Cotton. special for 5 cents yard. H .. u on `I 0| PHILADELPHIA ` A Man's Deqht Pt` (`l'l'l|lII Inn-I-In u-rlul Prrrlnu of Tho I Imnt In Amort- .I.l.." In u . n'\.`.'l|l mrnul. ".\lnny I I knnwn tn1lu~||no I ... .....l . ..|. \l'. mu ....._. ` r; no and unre 3 ugh llm p(\pll!.1 ` nu!-=f\1Ih' . \,I|I-II. \ .| 'l`L..._.. l.. .\lIlII. Ill .1: `. -a.-u9mhl_v` I I` \I... SOCIETY. \ I II"`ll I l nvllfnrvu tho nu .-`nu:-_ T INK`! u `J...-.~.. I}... Interesting i)CC1lLl'SL` it tells of New Styles of Kid Gloves at popular prices and also of some lines of $1.25 (jlovcs which are being clcurcd out at 75c pair. The New (}lovc with either Button or Dome Fzistencr at $1, I.;1ti11g or Dome 1`;1stcner;1t $1.25. The 'l`rcfo11.ssc Kid Gloves with Fancy Stitching in C0111- bination Colors ;1t$1.25, $1 50, $2. 1lOSIIil{\' \'1\I.1'1ZS. . . ` ' }lnterestiAn_g \ and at pnroa that Inll tempt ovary uhnppor In buy. Salnl nmxfurb m Ft)-\YI|\.\T mul .\lVlI|}". (L|1ildren's Cashmere Hose, double knee, 20c. Misses` (iaslmlere llosc, double knee, 25c. \Vomen's Cashmere Hose 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c,(>oc. L'I\I1il\`liI.I..-\S-3 Special 1.:-nders {or men to c;1rry;1m1 me, nmde of good covering, strong frames, desirable hmdles, $1,331.25, $1.75 each, better lines <)fC0ur_se,;1n(l always good value :1t$2, $2 25. $2.50, 3 50, $4.50 each. Starr & Sutclie, Il\l;)lI.l\I `All4\ A4s.1. Several lines bought from :1 maker under value. \Vcp;1ss them along to you In the saxnc proportionate savihg 1 `I. mm a Large Fame 01 In: |e Inrchlul Axnlnel. Ilrchener. l.o\uu\', Fob. 27 -The nerve than the theme ia gathering a heat varying in nurn~ ber horn I500!) to 30,000 men. and re marching on Khartoum. came with a rude shock to the people of urea Britain. who were under the impreauon that he wae al- most: a solitary wanderer in the deeerh. Orciale, however, axpreee eahidaction ah the (act: that she khalnla In apparently d )- hermined to make another onalangho on the Anglo Egyptian Iorcee. ae bhey are confident that he In]! early ho doleated. .\l.-xjorllnr. H-r Archibald Hunter, bho governor 01 Omdunnan. in quohed as ea)" mg In an inlen-new ` I regard the khalnh as a nuieance. He in no longer danger- ous, and It will greatly eunphty rnablece if ha nnmnn nut and Halhl . H I lllllfllltvu LID ll` I I he comes out Ind lights I- 3|... -I\AAn-hIlA duh out we ngnu In tho meanwhile, dohchmonm ol Brl- I huh troops have been onlorod Io got ready to return to Omduruuu from lower fig) pt ! And I strong expedition vnll be lunnod ud advoncod to moon the lhnlvln. Rnr Henry Campbell-Bannermnn. ullor ouch no oncol- leul our! on his nut mount. the lmaul leadership, came n-croppot Friday cum in; its the lint hurdlo. 1 John Llmtav. lonmr chiol secretary [or , the urn: nuralc I John Morley. lonmr secretary Ireland under the lnbeul govornmonb. I chnllongod Mn govolnlnont on its Soudnn policy by moving 1 reduction of bin pup [Momentary ooumnau Sn I2 lwud (roy, I-boul. formerly pulnnumaxuny nvroaary ` of the lormgu orhvs. role and ponulod out mu the Khartoum expodmou nu moon ' -ry nu count-luoucu 0! new In which Mr. .\lur|ey. ll 3 ubmoh nuniolor. gave hm as sent. Thou Sir Henry (`ampbolrmnot nun spoke, and (nod the Ilnpoaelhlo lot! I vfngnemg nth both 0! hm noocurn-. and endod by wing Illh Mr. Morley. who tn the npportod by Mr. Nhhoncbao and the from opponuoo bench. 0\Ol` A domain Ilbarsls, mclndmgl om whip, road `in: the government Hubert Henry .\~~;niuh. the In-not hbonl , lactoluy 0! sun lor homo ulurn, and some others nbusinod horn nxtmg Thu- duuion presents no [bank :5 hung m I I Iroohlcondillon nl dnndtd wuncno and ` the rohu of Sn Bunry Uarnphou Bum-or g mun`: Ioulenhup nu ma uh; ms of 19 ton! comment to day. Crr:--. Feb `:7 --The Int olhco bu II mod the statement in-mcmng lhu mo lhnhlafn neon! umromomn has been . mud. [or the :\uap)!O of rndmg gutlo nnd I Erin II to bohorod Lb the doninhv no is null In Iho rmnuy loulh inc 0! ` Abba} Ioluxd. `.'liv| nrloc tram Omdurmsn. I. .- ..... ............i In uund nunlozc menu I AUDI! Ilmuu. -v- In Ivv . II in not propoud to bow to Khutoum u: protcnt. I lnonponod um . Io: ol nun-nnodl. heel bnngln nu (or upon av-deoco Indore I Ihnintovugnuag coulniuu u Wuhan- ku] up-lodod. And Ibo hr IL! n(t0n" trough to that every Inn on! ol Inc 1 hnildrh. ' UVDTF 'n(`|\|W( Kl` Dlly. dolnl z\m\furb m F:).\tI;\.\r value lot uozy dollnr you .-pond at I18 and I20 Princess Street. THE KHALIFA AGAIN 5 v -- -- V 3 - - _ . __ ,7 Would as noon have 3 had dinner as an mferior (`iglr 1 Let tuch n 01 0 get the EL PADRE s.__D_AvIs 53; sgNs. MONTREAL. , !'__-4I- Po LJIIVIHJ \~\.l\IIv\av uv-\'-v-.-.--_-4 The Largest Cigar Manufacturer: In Camdn. and he has a 10311} 111311 gnulc fragrant Cigar. Made and guaranteed by Ilil.S`Il gteauv l'2(l|l(C`.l puun sins SALE 0! I'u\lI Vlllauluu cu. :- sonn uunlolc .._A M*1".'!'98.J eJ Gfve News. :1. yard. ' 41 cents yard. ccnls. Honomon obonld no thou Bnllbouing (`lippon Thoy'ro the canon thing out \' nu `bylhonou huonncoupuoovwuuu ago-u whororyrw undunnn Iron loci ollood. Rho dial lnl night. .\In. Dan in in comionnblo civcununcu Iunchlly. , owning cumdtrablo nnl Duh in II! city. r but pnfonod Io livo along I ..__. i- !as Easy IIICIII-0' --Q-yu---.- U U\uIl`I \I\`. Fob. `.. 7.-HugIa (ionnnn. I who escaped from 8:. Jonoplfo hocpitnl on I Saturday morning while noring lrom brnin lover. Inn lonnd on the tuna nigh! Iyir-,: in 3 gang: in tho utromo wutorn lumu of lhl city. B0 In: union back lo the hospital And in now in a critical condi- . Iinn lion. Mm H` .-\ B-rt. who lind Alono in but ` hon-0. `.'lI)JIchon and out. in lonod by Ibonoi hhonnoouploolvcoh nqolo harnrv-if nndvcnn |`.I \\'Rl.LZ.\`\i1\\.` KTRFRT u` 333` I Congtauusn Johnson up mercury M30: hu hon nhiood in Ibo Uoilod ; sumo csbinoi. dopiu bio inconpounco. ; on annual, ol bio coca-ibnliono Io Innu- ` pain land in I336. Radrud Kinlma in wt] ill in NOV pin land in laws. Rndyud Kiplmg vuy `Yuk with icununlion at tho lungs. Hume manna an hing muons-Ito. Thu docon an hopinglot Inn ncovovy. BAKING. . . .. Hows, - KING s1. Corbett s f-lardware. ..-. u-urn on The v--cw--- Vi-` , Thv '\{uIhly II.nnll'lIr1', (hr. Princes: -ml wolllunn mnnu __: OOOOOOOQQOQQOOOOOOOOO i Tint : our business. Made ; nspocinlty of it for yeus. nulllon lnpponllgt .v- l1_._.L \ na (`CIlu_) U] an un Jv--In- Iiw-ry liill(l0f Bread. Clkes nud Pastry. I for fun In the Olly or Klllllnn. nuu I loll -. Stnnda to reason we can d. it better And cheaper than you can :1 home. Be~ sudes we give you I bigger assortment Ind save you worry. lime and trouble. Let us help you out this I-pring. You'll non: nd I honor lion 0! Hon: and Buborf Ulippcn than no curry. Prion. 8| up. Tried ll \Hu All lumn;:. I nI|-1: \\|\l KICIHIII; ..vvru' | A luv-wvy \--u .ur nun-u Luu1\\-`I l\\.tc 3* hi vl In 17 hm '. Dc a*'ES vu `\'V ......F. .. ". ..-.-. ......- ... ..-V-.- i Nucklu, am! (~:*|~|~.~r. Thcsa. m (mu: m, 811` 3-'onL.ful. Om: voxnpamy , In lho Sud. bury m.gton.unplo_n chm u to anon and mu- ; yearly p\y toll of more thaw $55!` '-0 - (`..\,\;~\r um have !ar.;eI_r mcrenmxi an u;uO ovum; L) the owlargo um M m; pot as an Na .-.uI??m cl t'l0(!.'.\`I?)`, sun! IV.` are Snly I bqrmwunsz to we the cues to vzhmh e?e<~~ med euoryy may he put as an uhsmnl gen:-_\~ nn {hi dc\~cIo;.m-u.t cf :ndue!rvot. \ ' In llarelort-. axed: luulo forI~o~;|.t to pl?` { duct. a ;,:N-\` [um *0 for our n\ck`:z at-i cap '. per m men of the Sn ilmry muulry. thou bmh maul: aw louuxi oonhunni In lho Mum orem H a paces.-al Inolhcd can be hand for utnng the Il".`| I a- tell as the nwckle and mpg: in more Smibur " and Mr. Su-mm. "then mu be lhuba chum-u lint :\ gum! {atom anuu us: an the mo: ks to be undertaken. oopxcully with 2-he Iu\'dI.\h.`O nmurcvs It rm`-on-9 u\ out once pu\\"OIk J` u clunod {bu tho until of 0) tnanng thn Sajbury one | an to tune lhe thru MQMI9 Mu alrndy `Nan dsnoovozo-1. and v! Hus I! tho one It i may lnok hat great dox-olopnnentx hn ` can made to then: `winch t\\u!I he unit of IM loud: un some Qauumx than wood boil` cnunrhd uuog `ehuaulanduppidio II-0 couvcningol. I nhonbinh nus -nun. conned ; Dun` mun:v.uI_m an) valued tho more they up the ham; ol the ou'.|_\'mg duntrncu. Ho)nl.d Mm Ilolghl of |.~\nJ alone there nu A tr.-mo nuo hunsh ml and tummy unlua J:-op_\\lu:h_ `, 1 nl upcntl and pon||u.l. wan` I mnuuhuto m Um min-m.-\| pr.u-ponty ul thuuio to `-.. ....`-I...lL!. ,l ..,.4 A Hl`lRlI`El) l`lYItI.hJ MAN. J. R Stulbnn. Putorboto. In I hvo newn- mpor mun. whwh n-zoumu for ma uvmvuy an I poliuoun And his uaeluluon nnamsxu bu` ol the Iu cl lomolnluro. 5|.-t` j')urvu\|- iobn nlmly A good deal, And Mr. Sbutbtou no true to t.l~o lubuh nf givnng clone ntlonhrm Du provincial ieuuoa II II iqlnpoaltanm lrnlakv ly Ill roglml to them Hula ihMru~a on the Nauru 0! Ontario bu boon published nu punphloh lonu. l1m~ k M: mlermting road- mg. In pouun out: than there no ammo` quuuuoua on which there rhouhl not: he A : I lhtouco olopnmon. that on them unm- uultorlounun umoo for tho Atom! 0! the cnnmnmvonluh. Where are tho) ` | In , ,.,._..,..._, vngx. .. _ n:.. A.,.. .__. I Trnmporbatnon Thh no a big country ` tnd In can only In doxolopod by Iran-xi; news: it. bumu undo ouy. "Tum;uu- `I non." amid ho. "us the u uth-Mono of tho` lvuhuc C\)n`lII)tCI.U cn'Il.nt|on." and rulxuyn, (`an xll and other mothodn of MI | >A . . 4... ..,.l..-] AL- .....- AL... 3 k Um pa n-woo has not [won : ` TM a .31 mal math ow`! mull I h<).s- of noun rouupouna!o- fax I Amount 0! actual I"\IN\I1,: Lnnhar h.\d to be No sumy. !1'nll_\` to loop ll Auvl have \- Pbnrnol. B9! (II all are R menu of npruco. now he'.l In town: by V the g.m:mumnr. Tho hmo u~ mnung when Mo :\u\onc.\un mll have to look to \`.m\.|o\ for Its q\r\I"o .`!`\l )`u`p, and Mr. 3 Ml`.ul|'l| Hon In that tho p.|b|w mo: nlmulul umto upwn the mm ;.u\luc_\` of umahmz that (ho nprnm ho unvmlamnrrwl unto pulp and CV V. ...`_ .. ..... , . ._-_. `..___. ... Pm vr.:r|u1'A marlzcr. L-M boat the n In _ ovmr lhmgo an vru ham dano In chute ` \-.x.._,.u_.,, _ -In. ,..r\,_... \ I ` ' `*'~ u~--~~.v- 1 pulp lulu of Eu; :8 rum.-\, ` lh\ . \~r..~ nld INA` V U I b\&O*\r\V\\6v9\@\Qn/U5 \ '1`: 1 u u.m.Y w'11{{? N: mn.` `. `n ! n.` *9" uni; oIVjhVV(;DIII! fennel ` u thillh` m-nut \ alan- tuuvho-aidbonhn in an Ilntnontolq w,.d3m_ _ din`... Iii! Hui. VIII! C` `I . SY!\l`[LQ.u3qQof[ cnunlyiny woulilinnhllnoeonpalitio-olooiuuli-no` A E`, uh`. I "" "V'` a."`u `.""" I un;:nI;y. to null` Iuiuutolhonwnturul no ueuvancptvinnwu-audit.-nhonu WASHING FEVT . | 053 THE WH |(l--65th YEAR. \ ml 1: x uummx conmxv. 4 . v... ,...n N1-u: \`m1 "Cm!" pov Ovhvu IN.-av.` \.l-7 I uock men;-1~..mll\o nri. U_" azmi .\lr `um: an}: to ;AI.\_\ the . m. at moor mm Lu Hymn hi" not, I , II |...,.|. .J um `Big Fur Salc. [hr -1-: Amen we mnlung yr; um I ha the !\`c.\:-n - been cut; but un\5u\'er.o-|uI I)_._._ .. (II V |_\`od com. uhjoob lo ooodihioun In tho lntu-on ol the province. 30 would unto ch: priu I6 000. IlO`G00. 020,000 or 350,000. con dent In the belief uhob H tho solublon won duocvond the industry which could be en uhlmhod with the holp cl ID would rewnrd the provinco 5 thouund fold. u- __x.L .1- sl.l.-... ....-I "plug: nnnnvfnnl `IIIU plu-Inst - --av------ ----- So wlbh thc lhuy and other t1IIOIU00'. Oatuto wnuta the public men to bo pn- bnotlo. Let us." and Mr. Strntton, in conclusion. map ouhnbrood road Iblcb all uny truul. We nhnll have lulu Inouab 0! minor mnttcu to nqunbblo ovor. But. whon our county in concoruod lot no but a big p)l`- _v, An unchanging policy, I0 lhlb no mnuor Inn we dnvndo on party I lunch. on louor mntoorn, wo ubull bu so on: r uuu In rognrd to him mun - mmdornuon." rIIL_. -...---L L .. .5- .; .\.n -....- -bm..r n Thu vpcocb hat: the night nag about IL. It. Will nob be lolgollon. Already, Indeed. in bu muplrod lnvortblo couunonu. It wu the rotulo of deep medluulon on tho pub alone who bu hold 3 commnndmg plnoo tn nu loglolnturo and who gnvoa L.-. L--.` `I.-. |. . -...u.l.\...nu Ll: '3` "I|-vv an in`. Iv! - - - - . _ . y . .._ u... I ovldehco than ha bu boon omploymg has ' mum wall and no some purpose.` I , EIIITOKI.-\l. .\'Ul'ES` What: the churches nocd II more 0! the graru of Hod and lens of the grnce of gold. I-Ilcctmn In S .u.u l'orLh to morrow. The cmndndnttn no Mr. Shock, Hbonl, and Mr. Montouh, con OIVIHVO. Wnth fair play .. n : ... l Tburo appear! no be A good deal 0! rom- Iot loxor In the may. What: in me ongm i 0! IL? The medical honlnb ollicar should have lame min, and should pub limb know- | leduo bu um) um um wxll provenh n scourge of win: In droldod by E01130 more than dxpbthorm. Tomnto contonmluua a blow out In 1 connection vsnh the opening 0! no mu <-My hall. In ollnu` wold: It. is proposed to (`c|L~br.\to the grammar extuvagnnco in we age. A two dawn droruon. Ah I cost (.1 thouuudn of Lollara, would be A mung ho In aerioualy ill. and in Amonm. Nu mm has m-ulo (`bobcat record nu ma hum No man has wnbben uwro In tho nmotnnu. and written It hotter. "In bunks lullosn mwh other In rnpui u-uccot-non. Ho to 0. II ' vnloooonb. Mny ho be up-uud an an oduu ilor fur unny _\enn-. I ,, . , ._- _A.___ Tho hold winch Rudyard Kipling lun- upou the mnaoa In Iudnc Loni by the doap mtmoat Ll-no nu taken in hm mm now than. lluwy (Inn: for uonlvon Run: lrhoonor Iolroco. .. \. I\ III` TICCI --`III uv-v la Is xlnwolhor lxkolv lhu Fmn'ruar mil hlv the pnulouow plnnnc (c! the litul murh hem vrnh We l./Andan Imunm cl-an tothy team The 0 II. A bu v('4"Il'!`d vim low-I hat [or a night. M0 we! named. thu wrv.-I IN the (van! Ii Fmn N-naco secure Nun prumiago I: Is not more IL;-u ohuur Jeanrx .\ uuuuu u- -v--. Huiouol ncsrly all kmdu but hkon a gun slump m pnvcv-0. not only -u we Ixwsl market but In all uurkelx Tins us ovum; N un v-imn:': ol the mm-: vm\:ho~ at caunnc oprzng when the h:.ie- Male nu an infvnor qvulur. and btnxmo tun dul~ on an gush!-r TFHIPU PKUVT I--u- I that they dcoorux Geo. Mills &: Co..' I us. nun I ~\~..vnx\- .v-I--arr-r ` In` .--:~.~r~. _V"\\\ Tho Kvum-Inn \\`h~g tun: to know Ibo r_u-stun 0! In mleclion that promo no ulldactory In l.\m'Ion Badly. II II pay Inn! to uuotnluootx vnlh an Nbah lot 1 nu-apt pagans! and Intent: on oxctdn In I1 . Thu ahtmoan Ibo Inn:-hgchx um V DIMQQ oi Ibo county council nu rayon ! Vunlvnnn lot IIQ par pa-oofo`Nuin` thou-I roman-cg `thounu-ooh munlyia puauux A. ll. Gran. ol the Habit.` hey-eh tun `anyway. `Dunno. nnllncnyonbnn inrm-1-15;-uuhgnm hunx to Lho whole proccodu .Sbr.Ck ougt to win. A Mmima am.vAe-CA3:-;. r. Kllgslvoln Ila: Tho uuo Inna . \._-.., um mum wma. Munugv. rnnnmun 27. 1599. `rho luau Lnughoo to In Ila. in lo In ' Put In Prison. CuI'l.\`II u H, Fob `27 ~ (in Rnppc, thl Banana n.u.hwr of war. In rooontly p`ncod under snout. for u very cunouo ol- lonco. A law dnyl no pot p o pminu U 0 roynl palace nu Suockholm no the hour when Lbo uunmry numblod for couuul V were ubonnhod no behold tho mnnutor of .... in .....In.-... -.....\m...nu{ hv A nhunnu] IOTO IIWIIIEUIU D0 DOUUIU um IIllIllI\Ul un . nut in uullorm, surmounted by I Ih'||`"K hopper inn. ll of 3 czchcd bu wnh fu- war: I`. -.._..-|.._.. L..- n..nv`- In 1 nln\|Arnn(Vl Have You Du`!!! lmuuvpaolxng bun grates {us Appuunco the gonarul wnlkod moo the palnoo OOIIDCII Ioum. hm mp hm ml` on um head A mu (.1 lnughwr. In wbach the km, joined, areonod hm enurnnce Nu0WIbhobIndIl'| nun royal umlu. (Lou. Kipp! wu on-dorm} uudor Arrest. lur Dluoo dnyn. Mr. nlpl-ugo publllnor, wuu In nu uuu wk m\n'n bedmdu. uid lhll morning- ` Mr. K'p`.ing in MN ;(.h|U is hopeful. We no ondoavorung tohwp Llm nlne bv ad- lmnlahring oxygen and by feeding hum Lho blood oxtruuu bed. The Cflol, wo '|.In|1, wall C nun to unruinu. In In Io In my Lhnt. If an L o cln-o 0! who dny Mr. t\'up|mg1anuXl it \o we mny hue grcun Inn: Inr hm r.nm|vn|v ' X\P.\\ l|'|(|\ [OD II IV II~ | U\lV"='-1 Mr. Knpl-ugh publuhor. who i! Mi wk |nux'n hau1mdu,|AilI lDOl'Di wry I. <}ugT|e|) Tlneodoto lmulnvn.` [.\'m' In the tiny clam himdl Ktplmg Runrde Hy expruuru1nh'p_fu`unu Lh-H. Wu nut. apparent: In!) lkxublodny MM (hm. llm uuthnr |-Hr ed u better ni,;t.t lhun could hesve pcriei and won u-nh|_v hatur mu-~or ab 0 run drlucls Lhm mm rmug, will In n-uch l\ darger `ua numi-bum um) cauld toll whau any hour might) bring h)I`.h. Hull Mr lmuhlodny had N10:-.1 hopes that Mr }\V;.hny would pun lhmuh thu cums ol the Illnoul nuo(oarlu||y. -II`fIIlII ll\U\l|-lII`Il-" M-|\TI.r \I Pub `.'7 Th! ROY 30- l.\~A nncu y-whn (`|uh_ hm: ucumuu A cl ll lrmuo hum t.haWh1lollaN)uCh'J H` 5 I1 \I|nn.nunn|\nl:\ um. who lhmmion In-I (`I Irmuo Hum Ln! Wnuu Iulv _y-uuu \- u 0! l\l|nmmpr)h- to lII`u lhmmion uhe raved rn tho Senw Ihaln comm-ta `mt: your wxth a bum ul thou`-u mud lush 301'. Pm) moon bu--r LVH) our ul thret), WI nuke x-`um Juno 1:` h. and WIN be H pxrnto hum Tn Urgnnluo I! (Luv. A Ineotlng 0! Lbs Huh bnhbnllon cllicorm wml lzoltl S-tunlny nyhr for trnnmcluun 0! uonornl bu:-mono Tuenmblor cl nry\n~7\ mm: was xlnrcx s ml, and :0 was doom`:-d no u'gnn:v.~s llxo mmpnn-on uh once, A recuunr clm-A will to lormed Fritlny night. A comnmvwvuion from the cilv rlolk on-kIu.1tho reuunom. lo halo plum In A oun- Ynnplnctl otlahrlllion on xlxeuluoolfn lnrtlr In)`. was reul. The (llicorn book llw uruuntl tlur. whale they were wullmz an all man for uho rmzimouh In Min pub In any thing that: would be 0! gononl lnbcresh to has (Icy, no Wm: udmr to Ac-I them to uni-t. In An ulhir tlnb bsnotiu-d a low only. \ aarly tho nllicera of the H h Aru mm to the (xponpe Pl entorhalmng oth- cors J vu-mng rogunoutn Ihlfll llo local olhcern hluo non mvitod here A cummxt toe wu tppuinlul to con-idor tho mnoor urvut win-u 115 u - uy. Hi` \I--. N Y. Fob L`? -.\lrxu\der Hurluu \` (To I l)or'el\ S(`otLuul. uuo u! the grow H-rile nnnufnmxnuug concern ol the wnxld. up to Mzihl u grout hvicvy w .\'-aunrn I-`nln. lw will use ulecuw power I-om (M came: 0) 0,-egckte xlo fnctoly. ~ The \`<\n*p\n\' m s only will buuld A hue `notary bu" In UK" nonooe hr Iron (in nlwoa Vnrmn k (`u have bunrhen ul chonr o-ubhshmonta in Irolnnd. Belgium, And other countrio; \\ \1|`l\\\, I` | , l`!'U..a \-|\:_\u bar `.`li.n (lhuloa l. Turcuxr Inn ll mmml in than vary on rho chauro of poll! lnrcouy. Ho \ru um! and cmvlctod upon that ch-rxo and use mvco been ntrvwu .a..... 1].. .....n.,.u~.. nxnirnd nn Snr-h\' (H110 l`|' ""Ib(`[W 1 and ohonuf Ku|laug b.'o\Igl;t hum lurk t mun plated m ;ul, of bngsmy. ll lo won SD19 Um! mll Iumh droo-_y_ new and mm M, M I`!-H an houug cumiun-.\blo nul ouy on the hot d0u_ u UUU. L . 1 I III!) AIILII III Inn ('1 , xrkxuloulo uvnrnn, NA! hl- ~ ms. A: an (\-nlv hu ll) rm gone to the 0 \( urgent -mi Int nughr :- rrnur Ho urn-0 Iv-onfy nu Hon! Jun .1 -1- LI lI\I;\po.-uI ( uu-ox`! I-.~\'J\. .- \ -._.. .. F mu m . Hum, Fef. of |n(`.m-h\n.-m uh L .. ,..'.- uh. .......-.. Ii` ""(`l\l'l\`\l ml Iv n. um. uu-uu hoxdn xv uni hr: In :'A'n\_.-a um dang uncou can he up-arsed lot {Fa u`.'.-L ' ~-`u~\' \' (cu _. "In lot we net unvunlxd a,;x:n.-I `I ` .\.`l mu. hr Ibo ptm mm week and 1;`: IS? lawn (or the urns;-ondwg vrx-ck In-' Nu`. Tin (irtud Trunk lad: I-uh ;`I.|T.`s Ions. Th ..| \. HI . Fgh `.'T.-.\.,zint Run and mu-.ar \\'I!.-on.c mo Po ru.lwn\'..\ur .\ E-`Iii-r.vH'n raulrwu at Mxkinaur nzuuan. tum kzilod last n-ch Tiny `NO nlurn- H`: hum: am as t\sII l_I' reircngmle And the (run. an nfu, ran than `.mru. INIUKIIWIIII" In Ilnlnlxnuu u- um.` nun nyo I? so a \,I(c:e-J fuily NW1 Iul 4 has durum me out uneln unoulhn. I ha nu` In .LIIh;lJ. .\ monument Irv wank Indu hum; let us M42:-3 tho apgxuunrx of ml-came us.-;x.-90: .~m Pom. or unhl ca.-h unsou- | Int.-M lludnwo no ANO :0 nod to In- J... -. \\`\ll howl nk pinata unhlzc (Qua Ilmn you Raul: Ilnch c`ur.ng Bud; .! Co`: take. 35:. ll: 3-Be` ....:._ tIxl fhoucnul \o..Iu(~ \\".\\ wlin . Feb. `J: -.\ Nprobonlnlnn M the (mum.-:::'o Uhlth no nu sung the lbuthabun to Iuunnxralo In vhzc country ...~.. .~ .. .. ..~--1 !n`Ir \H"l\ in} coma A Woman's Wish ....__._. Ru 'uru~-~r.h. .\` J . PM; *3? -TI~o V.-ya -es! uurnou. mntd hhpusd I`-1:. nu lulhd on the hm ruins: thin out uq. hum an hum durum the Iug. ---uuvuu up.-.` `---- Ihrinc Ru-rly A 01)`! elnngoulollua -at `land Mania! gum luv: Glic. VII: . 8!, SI 2.}. WAR MINIITIR JAILED. "33 - \,`III\ |lI!I III "1"" In! dnrtv .\|o'l.--dw P3. dphhl 2u.m SL1; Klpuug Noun l`hn Cr|>l|'. \'..m< Fab `:7 --l". H. Doub|edAy. _..Ll._b.`_ ...|.n 1. An In. Atrrplml 11.. 1 lu|lIn~ul" I` L a TI... ll. (Inna haul lad I u , N \ Feb." -I- . I "l`..-` an nu-co noon Fttvxru n expired vm S\'ur\h_\- ,1 `out In Auburn Ind tut! ncnty. No I`:\4 I, line tune on I ctnrga III to luunuxrlly Mm munu rlna of Nun. Tho:-o kllhl lhu gm-A ` ` llun [out A pretty nhwpo mnl nru ` munlatloblo.