Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1899, p. 4

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If You Looking Nnunooo - '\II he Abnod. . . n n.. .-u u Duafiiicr our-cu '75" VIII Fnflly I`V` QIIIIGIINI. Union cold woothof` ronnno ` hockey nslohcl arranged for not `will provo tuna slnin on tofu foo. Tho word "Qnlivy" and you instantly thick cf Durban`: Hudwuo. I)ou`n vycn? Thu nhoin that per p`o npprocmto our 2!- lotu to give than nothing but the boot. CC IXWIOC Fll Ol||jVIIIlIXI'lf nu-0 niouoouuauuvli. noun. 3: Woodwqtl Au. Donut. nigh. `hat I vlng. SI and SI 95 colored chin: lot 75 . 3|- Iuudny at Boyufo. 342 King shoot. Funk 0 Flynn. llovill: wu in the l cioy yuterdty on be let I olioob ol ms nu pronoun raiding in tho city. bun Ibo will uh:-rmly luvs Kingston. llnlmn nnld -u..r' running I" Hi: Founder of Olnlnanqnn. AKRON, Ohio. Fcb. IN --A doopuob Iron Nut York up than Hon. Lewis Miller. 0.! this cioy, med In tho Pooh Gru- dutto ho-pita! at Nov York yootordny II n ruulh of rn open!-ion. Hr. Mnllor was pruidonb M the Cbnutnnqun unombly. and. um: Imhop Vsoconb. luundod in. n..i.`.... A Drew. An intemening dobete took place yester- day elboruoon In the eaeembly room 0! Regiopalie college. in being "Resolved. thee irnperieliem or territoriel expenv-ion in the hen. policy lor e uviun to uphold " The ellirmetive wee defended by Freak McDermot.n end B. Tierney. while the ne- gmve wee oonteeted by J. Mcbermout end J. Gelliven. So carefully prepared were the ergnmenfe pro end con. erd eo elill~ fully were they pvaeenhed. the!) the judaee were unable to determine any dstlerence in men`: Izeletive merite. so blue] were obliged to deelere the re-nlt I drew. r so. no-nuunn. an-a -ontw an. 8 In. N J..ulviooI All mod the no nndwhod-iron-uoodvnnduu-lint nun. polnnnnlla-nnntnul-I Ilnhn-Au, I lllll, .]\`l I\V`lIII|`q l I ll("' ah}. 2! an Black Fur Cnpeu, regular prlvv $1`. Pbnlv PI`|v\' `H .1). lE.\'|.m Largo D(x~lmr.m I,nmh_(_`np-, $17..) n-qul-r. HM l'rIr~u$H. l Anlru-mu Jm-kot. lnruv nlzv unal wr; cltulm`. M0 n-nulnr. run` I`: Irv $2! 50. 2 Palm l.MIv-'AuIrm-Imn hlluu, 35 regular Bulo Pm-u $3! 0). l l`I\|r Hr:-y Llunh (lunnt|ol.N. rvunlur yr;o: 95. Sum Inlco $3.50. I G1`nlIonu\n'a Fur Llnml Uuul. A r rv Imr gnln It In. (fhoup ul $2.150. Bnlv l'ru~< 315. I Alnuhu nhln Hun IL... .-....|.| :|.|..|. | [DD ICUJII 0000 IIIU ylf. D011 IlIl".'ll(llg repairs to buuldings, etc . Una $582 7 5 Including the ootimntod exporuhturo for munleuanco of the Orill-A in-mieubion, the coon of curing for tho int-sue of Ocmurio {or 1599 ml! rocch 8619151 The local coon Luz) your nu 8(i`.!:% H13. Lula you Roch wood hospital for bbo inane was gnutod $75.".)l tor tmintonnnco. Thin you the amount: will be roduoad no $73 574 ONTARIO 3 lN8AN.EV*A`P:l IDIOTIC. Tho\Vmt Colunv Thu! luunblm All Thalia- \II||nont Aulunu. \'oIy few ouuule 0! those dirmbly inter- eohod are awuro nun who Ononrio govorn- monb no aupporbnng -`x lnanno uylmnn obnb u\1nlAin A hnhnl nf -I 35.`! nnmnnhn. I. mdnn I IIIGHD la lllppurlll -'1 Illanuu nlylulun uulv uanlnin 5 boot! nf -43.5.`! paolonot-. L mrion loads ibh 999. then comes Hunilbon with 5080, Toroubo wiih 720, Mumoo Wlbh son, K-ngamn winh 576 and Brockvillo wmh 490. H {the 655 inmates of tho Oullm in- unlubiou are mdod the bobal roucbon 5 OH). The ontimntod cost; of mnimomnoe thu- yosr of the immbes of tho manna anylurn (nob Including Additional grants for to-l mire to buildings, one .) bonnie 8562_`. U3. rho nctunl coon loan you, note innmdung -v ; Innludimr Hm nnnimnrnd nxnnndnnrn for It`: lsalnlng .1'n any Bub bho sun will be shining ho-morrow. Trimmed millinory half price. All unbI'iIn- mod huts, uIlon' And vulking hub! 19:. at. Handy a Oo'a change ulo. GOD. The late Mr Birch wee A Mebhodieb, An ndbereno of Queen enreeu Method an church. He mu idenbied with only one local society. the lnde ndenb Order of Foresters lu pumice e wen An Advo- cAte of liberA| priucip`e-. though Always preferring to ueo one bellob camoienmous Iy, rehher than in who tervioe of Any p\l`V]. O! A kind. plennnb disposition. he undo And rebeined A boat: of werm friendr. whore deep Iympnhy, cnup!ed wlbh that 0! mo Whig, is extended Do the here-ved mom bore of the {Amily circle. There Are meny, A very great: meny, men whom Kmgebon could Afford oo loee [Ar bemer then Abe could alhrd to lose George Bncb. Nron ny nu [Iran wua lurvne In H178 Mr. Birch wee united to Mme. Mary A. Taylor. daughter of late annua- bun lmpeohor Taylor, who am! survives. her late husband. Two children. Gcorge end Frank. bath vonng men reuiding no homo,ere lelo to mourn the lore cf e kmd and loving perenb. Two aiebera ot decun ed elm eurvwe. mmely, Mu. W. Robin non. Charles street. and Mrs Henry Wnl boo. Beach uoreeh. One brobher, Jemee. In living in the abate 0! Onlnfornin. and another, Sunuel. of Bacon aureob_ no partner in MoKelvey &. Birch`: hard- were and plumblngeehebliebmenb on Brock etreeh. 'I._ I-n- ll- D:....|. _.. . hlgeluulhlu -n very wen. Ueooai-od was born In Armagh. Ireland, and while ha was will a young man came! out to the dominion with M0 parents. He settled in Kinqnbon whore be won engaged In carpontering, a vooaoion be followed all his lilo-time. After remaining a fur years here he removed to Picmn, where he wan rocidung when bbo Fenian team of H66 oczurrod. A: color norgoanl 0! the 16.1: babbalion he rorved tho country oil his adophion during the excitomono which hllowad. being stationed With bin cnm- ` pany in Kingston. Ia wan mo long after ' thin before he again book up residouco in l Kingaton. Mr Rirnh wan twine married. his rlbl mnguon. Mr. Birch was twice married. Erna wilo being Mun A Dcury. No chnl- dron by turn first. wife aurvixe In IATR Mr Rirr-h wnn unitnd tn Minn Death of ueorge lllreh. an luouned Olunn of Kingston. The ahort portion ol who new year which ham already been borne away on the rapidly revolving wings of time has seen maoy-aye. lar uoo many-oi Kmgaborfe been and mono respected oitinna join the innumerable caravan which move: to that myeoerioul realm where each shall take hie chamber in the olleob halll of death." Yelterdey. ere the rut hall of the bright February afternoon had sped. the turn mom (name to another 0! tl.e oi`y'e eeteemr ed citnzaur, George Birch. Ueorge street Ill with pneumonln only ainca Saturday night. live alckuees In! brief and the demin a surprise ho everyone. {or his lnmly and many lrieude were almoeo condent that he would recover. On Saturday afternoon. while doing eome oarpenver work at the Royal rnilluary college, Mr. Birch took a clnll, which developed into pneumonia. with the lamentable rululb above mention- ed. He had been complaining, however. during the previous week ol uot feeling well. llnnaamrl wen barn in Armnlh. Ireland. 1 Extra. 136. Hoinunnn. 90;; Ion:-no Am. An: N] admin. 3 -Ad nkn nun OBEYED THE IUMMONS. WE PLEDGE OUR HONOR that it is impossible to buy better tens than we sell for the money. After getting I package from your grocer and you don't *5`. '4 4%`, SR: Mid find it rat-class you can get your money back.4.,.. ,.. , . .: V (unln r room. A CARD. IN DO-CEYLON TEA THE GREAT Closing Out Sale Ilas had an auspicious opening. The store has been thronged by interested lookers whose looking has had fruitage in llberal buying because prices are 1` Very, Very Low. Judge the ratio of reductions about the whole store by these specimen values: IN EMBROIDERIES: A lot of Fine Embroideries in Swiss and Cambric at 1c in yard. Very Fine Cambric Embroideries, the sell- ing price of which was from 8c to mac, now you can buy them for 3c. Splendid variety Wide Embrdderiel, worth 25c for 8c. You usually pay 50 a yard for good Vcwc- teen. We have marked that quality to 20, . Silk Spools in all colors. 3 spools for 5c. ~ ` How often mothers are perplexed and driven nearly to despair by their little ones losing appetite and relusing all manner of food, when children will take B O\JF?lL_ at nearly any time. A cup of Bovril between or at meals is the most perfect of nourishment to give the children for , . |each. \t\.nI . Ilcptonettc I\ ain I roof Cloaks, guaranteed free from odour or rubber and perfectly rain proof, $6.50, `$7.50, $10. iStarr & Sutclie, .. ...... .. ._..u.. ...\v ,.......\ ..... ......v ..... . ..._. the lumen! of our long c-xpvrielu-v nu Fur I)u||<'rn, hut o-Inn ALL HUN I`N.()P'1T'4. I1-r nu-nrly uvurytlnlnu wl In :m|<| ut. nr HELUW (DST. Bvud mu`:-full_\' um Hut :- ' IJ9 `V""_J b "v V" 7.)"! ` ' ' "'[""""'l ` " "` -` ' ' V V --I and Ladles Cloth. Special Women's Tweed Vvaterproofs at $1.50 .._,...L HEALTH and STRENGTH The Meteorological department forsee milder weather ahead. That means that the back of winter will soon be broken and the cold, dreary, damp days that gradually blend into spring will be at hand. Then look to your Waterproof Clothing and general heav wear clothes. We're preparing to help you and you` I find that we can supply all you want economically. ' lleavy weight Dress Goods for Suits will be popular. They can be bought now at s ecial prices, $1 goods at 75c, $1.25 goods at 95c, in \ hipcords, Tweed Effects .._,.I Y _J.`,... P'l\`L Getting Milder. I18 and I20 Princess Strot. HOME HINTS. "uuulhn tho Glwu." Q . In I . 1 throng. noney back. `:,.;`_.`L .1 -".;?..'}..'?:'."' The Big Fur Salc. :1 - --_.._:`a `- IN WELL! Nu l`\)N HTRPIBTT. |'hom- 238. ` WIIIIOHl:Ir4!nlhl\'|)llbl|1' `ha luunnl nf nnr Inuu S. 3. Corner King and Prlqccu Sheets. -I luv l .1 is not economy. I. |;nL in nu I ll! IIUU UU\Jl.Il'Ill]- We aim to null. your ideas in GIIUOIJIHISS and to place our prices where your povkul. hook com much them, and at the ammo timo leave us a living prot. |"l`A-I nnr Tana nu\.` fVnn`,.-.. M- F.-$%.IH9MPs0~| _ IUI \|\JUVI UIUBLIUU Illll `lull 5 can to run my risk. buy from bll. VER. for Ill Silver`-c Clotlnng t BA" in.` -n.u- n" Price Cutting DAN_C_lNG 1 1'}. A. (}ER'I`H, Montreal. JAB. MCPARLAND. nun, "Toot our Ten and Coffees.` omoopmo'o644 Q89. for (`-oox_l Gluuws and lgu`t Why done I ooulpbor die I moat honlblc death 3' lsoomn ho mica (soon and hunts. .(..T..%s-us? E!P44r}Cigar 147 It bu been on tho nuke: (or yours. rouiuing its hold on old friend: and over making new ones. Made and gunrlhuod by C. III! VUIJ IUWUCU l ['IueUo Ono-third Inner vuluo tlmn any tom. other Bus 8 B. Sll:\_/ER & co., -,-a.--\-. '3. DAVIS & SONS. MONTREAL, The Largest Clnr Mnnuhcthnrs In Canada. at the expense 0fu|m11il._y mn nnvn V ll1h<'r'~ UM Bl-uul WORTH `CONSIDERING 1 0 0000000 000000000 000 0000 0000 0-0000 00000000 0000 They are lmbh tho u-uu IV: In \;-pv, Hhlu I I`|m- $1. ). null pan- ..-| \bIUiI ' wall. PROF`. 3-:-I3a'ro. Wlhl. - Ihnmunlihys _`-nnhn-nla--lnal-o--uundhnnun if IOBAQCACO 8% A NEW VERSION. Ht. B00000. NJ`. loo msabot of Q5. conmwllivo opposition, and I aunt. lit Mn I00 and: my pniomiou to at ' bulhiuqnl tony match 01' ` thnundinooquliodtohuk 1. AL. ...._-LL_4 -:|L HY- l'\__I.. T___A_ V. ---'-'-uv- vs". -- .-u \|--.--w- `-0 0-0: hnhruuolino with 83: Charla Tn;-pot. But. He in shining tho eloiollnin in Wu! Huron. and on nomination day do clutd.uulouoIyuif isvcolumkhu "w|on\Ioooontvninpu|y buddsorod unto; Ihoondvu they had ulna Ibo unbwurngou and (Bcnund up- pnluliolb puop|0" llnhnuo in ion Iultlotto Iulhy which Ioarnl win l'URSUl1` 0|` SCA.\'l)AL. Ronlly, tho uppoomon in who legulnbnm is becoming ridiculoun. One would think. According no Ibo nccouunof hhc roconh Wont Rlgiu oloohioo. than a carnival 0! crime bud provac-1. than theqo worc no bound- co tho iniqnitioe ccumnmod by tho ngonon of tho Hhcnl candnhto. Chic! 0! then In: tho nllqod changcol dopnty returning oicora. and for the purpooo. on one pa por pnuin, oi "playng hob" wibh Lho con- -urvsuvouuty. Thcidoa. H) rodulauuy panned. wu unh than was IOIDO work which canld not he coxnmittod to tho dopuuol ngnluly nppoinhod. And Mr. Whitaoy. in 5 drudlul diaplny 0! right- con indignation. in A voice rhnb rover ho:-nod through the chamhora. dommdod 8" the particulars o! my case. who wu tho returning clcu T he ukcd Win his depntiu? when did they live? Were any 01 then changed. uud why? In duo courts the inlcrmuioc came down. Mr. Rudy. whoa onion won ruched on Wed noedsy. pron-mod it to the honu The returning oicct And his dopntita, an at lint and pmpctly uppaintcd. send in tho cfoction, with 000 cu.-option. A depwy, on account olilloun. hsd a (mud mic! his place and do hit work, though with on the dime: unshcriw of 1110 running ` omen. Tho chmgc wsa undo no the Inn 0 moment. and under circnmobnncoa which` could not In nllucd. No one had said or _ chu-god that the aching doplly had dons I any wrong. 80 the sounds]. Ihichhnd grown to ouch iumcnco proponxona nndcr cootu-nlivo cvaivnhion. withcrod cud dinppcond In I night 3 ...._,__.?_.__g ..--...- -v -- nnyrn-A |'\`l)lI Sir Cherie: Topper allege: Mm Mr. Muioek ie not entitled to tho credit: 0! in trodueing the two neno uoemp inho genenl polhnl service bebwoen Eoglnnd end the eoioniee. Bub Bit Cherie: Tupper nonhu- diote himself. He ohnrgee Mr. Mulock with the ewlul Audacity 0! having nought to force uho new imperial lblmp into me wibhonta impenel nnebion. (lnnted than Hennoher Henson did ndvocebe the change in Eoglend eomo time before. the teen re- meined bhnb nob unoll Mr. Mnlock WM peremenh in hie work. end elhohivo. did the change came ehoub. The imp rini oonferenoo had ihe doubhl than the ability of it. but Mr. Mulock hed nrgntnenho that were convincing. that won the hvour oi the English poebel enohorioiee. That in dear. We hue hed no pronounced e non- oervetive an Jemee Johnson. formerly tho editor ol the Kingston New. end now u teeidonh 0! London. wrioing no the conser- vnhwe pepere, end giving bhe poehmuher geuenl nho credit bhnb in his due. The uenulh oi the heronoh, hhoreloie. upon Mr. Mulooh in in very bad form. In indiceben . e spirit of hihhornon and bigotry thee gro are with hie yoare And unte him [or the loedenhip of It parby. CADSTAV ~Modlum and lull I A. 'N.._. 1 Imml very Tuurmluy mnrnlnu nut in on yunr. \ Aunolwd in one n! ma lx-M Jul) Prlnnug '0mvm< In t`|\n:uln; mplul_ ntylum and cheap work ; uluo lmpmvenl pruuen. Ifnur I ll Ilnuup Klnnnplgonu DAILY HRITIFIH WHIU published 0 vh eve-nlurnl 306411!) King Htruut, at 36 per your, dollvorod In the oily; $6 by mull, ll pom In wdvnncu WF7lcKl.Y HRITIRH WHIO. I2 xmuvu. pub- llnlmd wt-ry Tuurmluy Prlnlluu 3 THE WI`ll0---65th._[YLE.>4 R. 1 [HE DAILY WHIG. Good Quality. Derfcct Flt-l * . tlng Tallor-made Fine wor- sted Salts $7.90. Sole Agents. Agent. for Knngston and District. CAD5TI\N. Mild . .\u :...-u:... ..x ulyluvuu pluilcn Enw. J. 11. I'IN.HlI. Pmprhlor. I I--.-q rvuuvvvt u'-u-vutn IU Q U: wnyouqllhll ulnhiupnr --nu -on `Iva-Incu-s No to: do: tho union tooled in the nu. pout bloviug the announcement J lie dutch. that with him muons! Ibo ocouion I201-ad to have puuncod incl! Int 3 light] politics! nphunl. In my cunt ........ n.._..LuL. 1.... -L..LL.-_.._ nu-q -vu uuu nu uIuvKuIIIlUu EIIVIIUA Bed of all he curied himself with a rare dis v elion during the (`tying umu cf lute. While representative men were losing their heed; in the excitement of the hour. while the citation was becoming more and more complicated. he 3:, in he per eon. the nsunueo ol chub exdrity which in no restful in n on-his. Ha hi hi: um pelhieo in pueiug event-. but he land that In hector. under the cite nunbanco-. the juigueot, the calm. the courage than make lat nenoee-. nu. -v \ u nu - rvwiwvu v. u-v-u `gy-.-n ll bu boon and 0! him that: be bocomo ntnngoly imporioua in munnor. tint in clothing hunuli in the dignity 0! state he wont. beyond rouomblo bounds. lhnt be Ind monnrchicnl upiubiono, uni: he Iuid uido all the vnyo and practicum than had idonmiod him. in hit on-liar carat, with bho dunocnoy or I-`nnco Smno 0! his more menu new suggested than ho would not: object to I rovinl oi the empire aind I to his clcvauioo I49 thy not and power uud ' grtndunr at I Nnpokon. And Izill he I never forgot hi; plnco. nonrguo nny ovi ! dunno oi the intriging 0|` dictntorialopimz B0 In Altnya ubouhivo to liio high do F Rico, nltnyl dovo'td to tho public Janice. ~ md nlunyc indintriouc. and into the pro 1 uidcnfa oico be cxrriod the methods um . had made him I on among bin hllowo and muted him for dinioguilhod unite. D: ..I .II L- --__:-J L:__.-\: , _-.L _ _,__ Bun -........ An apprentice to the banning buainoae , he became xx nknllod utinn, with so unbi- | hiou to rise in his vocnhion. He Mulied ' when noh ab work and no qualied himool! for eiclont ran-ico when he bemmo n busi non mun nndomployor 0! hbour. t` mtiuu ing his ruding, his application to study, nud his mental dovoloprnontgho mndo hun- nelf couapicuouu u a leader 0! thought. found himull whvlo will I young man in public Info. oommnndod ramp` .0 by hi: msnly boning in the uoombly. uudnnbou tho prooidoncy boccmo vacanh by the ro tiromonb of M. Cauimot 1'0: nor, wu oloch ed to ( llico for A period of van yours. I; I.-- L--- --.J -3 LL_. AL-L L- L--.._.... Daub bu been no respect-or at porronr. lb bu ukln pnuub. pronldonh and prince, and made rents in oociory which have been Itbondod with deep boreuemouca. The lab strong mm to sink suddenly and put- lrom new has: been the rno cimnon of the French republic. M. Felu Fmro. He was I rormrkablo man and bud ruched hip high poaltzion by I perseverance And indus- try hhnb hlve boon commended in these columns. We also hop :1! kinds of Hats and Caps 0! the very latest style: And sell It the very lowest prices. n..-n.:..i |\,.M.s- `ml... cl... Arum .._.~.v .-.....` ...-V vunw nu..- --w-vu--. Wu be non loco-wlbood and commer- nlslly olovor .` Yon. Or ho could not have rinn so npldly In the nancial world He was no fty-six worth one hundred millions, but. with in moral inlluonco um wu bad, very bud. Ind lb in the monl side only, the lid ! bhub touchon und holpl society. which the alumni ol I college can Itlud 00 extol. What: in hie reooid `.' Mann nye than he wae nob a miner; than while intensely eel` Hrh "he did a great) deal oi good in the oouiea of his lilo"; that he did something for charity, but: he did nob go out of hie way to matter hie benevolence; than his private life wan abovo reproach. Bub pub` Iio opinion wae very unfavorable to Mr. Gould; ibe irnpreeeione were hand upon hie career an A whole; he wae "cynically rockleee oi hhe moana by which he attain- od hie endp. and eome of then are quoted. The man : "private and domaehio virtue, however praieeworthy. made no more im proeeion on this dark reqprd."eaye Mr. Mann. in Bucceee. than would a tiny rivuleb lalling inbo bhe murky Mieeonri." Illa- L- _..L L--_,_.lLL-.I -_J --___.__ r---u un -nu vvuu-nun ...- uluuuulu The preu wu mentioned on one 0! the inehitntiom moan nuoeptlble to {me mil |iouel:e'I mngnetlun. The preu Ina never much of e truohler to Jay (Jould. an any race. and Jey Gould la the Ideal men 0! his cluu. Io Ie uld 0! him, by_Heury Mean, who Wu luunllicr wiob hm Ills, who, u I ocul`t. reporber bud oco man 00 Handy mnny 0! hi: Iznnuciiom. tlnb he never owned I nevupnper, and never, tobftfvf. opentad upon the public mind through in. So that: one lourth eebate will be excused il in bekee exception be the nhabemeno the it. bruckled to him or tlut in uruohlee Do my men who make: money ee Gould in reported Do have done INFLUENCE OE` GOULD. Ono of Queen : prolulou. some nights ago. nld chub which loom: too hnvo boon rogudod no I lnudnbion of Jay Uould, And nob hiring who manner in which thin eulogy wu rwoivod. or non liking tho roferoncoo whioh iollowod in. he luv night: supple floated hit: romulu. Tho rotulb wn n lurhherlnudntion of tho rnilllonniro. The roeulu. boo. wn I aomewhnb uvoro criticism 0! when who frnvu upon tho man or money, who no and to pro.-.bralo chomuivu bolero him. rmd who. labor on. uornetimea corn plnin of and condemn hr: tyranny. VI"L_ ....___ _..-- ._ _..-.`.._-..| -_-_- -1 rL- Ilr Ieeheoe Bovell wee diredlog the ehlp ol lhle. He wee ohjeoud eo by the locker (notion. end they deliberately plot- ted to take hie polltioel lzle They celled lit Oherlee Topper to their oinmele they got hle ooneent to not no premier. end then they bolted. They did not go out olciao, however. Blr lecheoue woe forced out. 0! oouree. to let Blr Cherlee In, en ! Bir Cherlee, jr , thought it upedlent to re tire for lemlly reeloun. But the "neat ol Lrnitore" went to the country, en mar pen end ooe-holden, end the people no down herd upon hhem. Loeving oice! Why they refueed to go. though the poo- ple repudieted them, until the governor general wee ohllmd to refuse their advice. end the arms come upon the oioe quee Hon, upon the right of e delunct govern ment to ll every vecenh cloe within eight The people 01 West Huron mey be very oh tune. end nny eocept tho noneenre tbel. Mr. Bennett ppoute. but the chencee are that they wnll put A proper eetimete upon In LATETRVEVSI l )ENTV F_A U RE. 1-an nun! wnia. suunmur. rnnnuunz a. mu. Tho Mcnll hockey Iona vull pin Queen : Manon Frrdq night MIL A mm has been going about town soli- citing -no-cribuo lot tho once respected Non-1. Hm tint: on quiry bu not to be this. Do you take mo Whig ?- bocuulo moon n! the people do. Then he Lffon to -end the News lroo lor one month. In io very any to incrouo Ibo ohnmhn emu lunch of the Noun an Vhooo turns, but the big our xlumn 1.! the Whig is mall I oolid inpuitu-mn. Ttiovnr on other proph in Ind bmunou. A few you: no the News begun om: and In Ion then no doyo btg Rod oi lho Whig to lot. up. or the other hr |ov would be minod And then 85(l)0q.I the cit`un`o money `In uh unto in wall have - nu uwQ-ICj And tho ION , ol ung; buy wrapper on aunt now u Hardy Q Do`: churgo uh. Vlli. lUI' Ill DHVUTII wall. look well and wear 1 uuuuu-us nun IIC aunt`-In The medical health otlicir And nnibury impoctor. with n polics oonausblo. hue. umlur the diroomou of the clnlnnnn 0! bhc board at honhli, visited the Human dn~ tillory premium with I view 01 securing an nbnkemoub ol the nuisance caused by tho rm all from the damaged unin no the promipoo. Those who nova mind this nuinneo no liable to be pnnirbod undar the only by-luv, and severe manure: will no donba be taken nnlooo I-he nmunoo in shared. Every property bold In the vicinity In complaining bitterly cf Ibo nuuotona uzcll amounting therefrom nn'l steps will probably be taken to accrue nu N junction uzniut. the ollanden. IUH. Another moi piouoor mused peacefully to the grow beyond on Feb. 9;h. In the porson of Jonathan Fuinliold Aylocwnrhh Dooonod WI! born in Evnoattown in IHIL |r.d whens young mun robbled in R|cb~ mund whore be molded until I few your ngo whou ha wont: to live with lna an in Camden. Ho wu married to Mnrgnrm (hlcbrinh and their |ll]|0l) urn blue with four children. two cl whom rurvivo him. Wnlliam H . of Camden, and Mn L H Louis. 0! San Jone. Cal. Ho had been u comintonh mombor of the Methodist church for nearly nixtzy )`!ll`I. In politics he was I reformer. . l\Il]UllI!I7|lTK- Jamoa A. Baker. brother or Chm-lea lhher, uf the Campbell homo. Napmoe, dnod no 80. Pm]. Minn . on Monday Ian. aged lorty two wars. He was born nnd brought: up in Nnpsnoo. snd nu` one Limo was propriebor of tho Sundnrd. Hal Mnn has hnnn A nnnhinunnn rs-irl-nt WI` |.`lU!H IUIKJI U| |.llU QLIIIUIIIU. (fol. Bog hu boon I oonuinuona resident of Picbon nnoo !"ubru|r_v, l?H'2--| period of lilhy-seven yours. The oolouol wont) to Pncbon in |H3.`s, md, remaining on y I short mime. came 00 Kincsbon. where he roeidod for eoven yours. and than rttumod 8.0 he (on. A_.,..L____ ___- I ._:..._--._ ..__--.l ..-_--l ..Il_ $UWIIFllI`). Catharine Potbih. Aged fty-nix, wufo of the lube Dmiol Puma. Tronbon. died Fah- ruury Hhh. She suffered oovonl yous lrom nmoab punful dunno. The titan lby bhreo you: of his life were lpenb an Amolluaburz. ,'.xn\n- A Rnhnr bu-nu... nl l`.v....I-. jfy BOX. The ruidonco of John Ruuell. Rich mond. was the menu 0! I very Inoeroating Moon on lba l5th inab. tho mnrnnge 01 hiadsughtor, Mill Olive E. to V\l!Iiun L..yuungoeo eon ol 1). Winters, 0! mm. loumhip. (}Alhnrinn l'AfMh ALIII` H\v.m'r -1 : 1' HIUU ll] UIUF. LUUTU III II runny II UWCl|Dy In A recent: dumngo one the delendunt, A rnilwuy v xrporntion, uh I new trial ht- ouule the {Air plnintilf ll'rt.od what: the jury. It this sort: 0! ohiug koopc on, there mll have Do be owelvo blind man In the jury box. Th: rnnidnnl-A nf Jnhn Runnall Rink H! II LJUKIUH ll II.UUlIUI'- A Vneuueee meteorologist: has proved by expo.-rlmonun than rainbows no condition- ed by the aim of the nindropo and time, while we ordinarily we only two rainbow: side by side. thorn no u muny an owenty In A rnnanh dnmnon nnnn thn dnlnnrlunr UOII. S Ru-Jell, M I l` , bu been nppolnted A member ol the following oommutoea ol the lug alnlive urembly: tinaudmg orden; privnlu b He; railway; mumoupnl and prinung. Andra (hunlnllnn, whnon hrllllnnh nin PTHILIUK. Andra Caauigno. whole brilliant: pic turn Illuntrnting the Life of Alenudet tho Grout" are appearing in the Courury Mum 1. no. has been mound I Chovnlmr do In Legion d'Honnour. A Vmnnmn man-nrnlnuinh Inna nrnvnd hv llwolluvonlonuhlv Mum, (`u lnrvlloa, Fur- l.InrsI(`.a|uInn| Ruben. wlnvh npowo will not uormlt. c-numonstlug. . Call and non` Hwm. IIUUJ V\|Il U0 IIIIPIIUU Ill l\I'.1llI l2UlL|U'Ul]. Anouhor useful cnreor was suddenly cut nholt Wednesday, by dmth, `In tho peaaau 0! June: I Loom. Uonueoon, aged twenty. six years He leave: a wife and bhroo noun Mgnnrn l`;hInhnII h lllunlr rnnrnhnnt Ill YEIIH FIB IFIVUI I WIYU IIHI IJIIIDU HUIII Meters. Cnmpball 5. EUIOU, marounnr nulnr-, Perhb, have dlraolvod uarbnonnlnp, Mr. Ediou wnchdnwing. J` E. do Horool hu anro inbo }utEK.\0l`lbip with Mr. Camp boll. Q D....-Il II II II 5..- 5...-.. gn-.A&..o..J UUIUUKLI I CFICI IHIU DUI UUHDTII ure. Juno: Motoalf, con 0! the lube Willinm Moron". Hamny, duod Tuudny in Lona n|lo. U0 , aged lilo)-Dune yearn. ll- body ml! be interred in Rnmuy cetnmery. Annnhnr unnfnl I-Anmr wnn nuddnulv nut. IAIVI hylllll, D,UUlIllI|I1 IUlUUU- Blr K.ubc.rb lull. 1-mmonb utroncmor. ohluhn Lho earth vuny be blown Do ntomn by the whim` of mo ucoan geomng down ubrough 1 crnck into mm oenbul re. Jnnum Mntnnll nnn n' lhn Inhn williI.n\ IUI WI) 7` U George Lyons. (iaunnoquo, B nufforor for yours wwb Acute xboumuunm, diul Wed noeday an the home 0! ha mobbor, Mrn Levi Lyoun. Sydoubnm obruon. Hlr Knharh H4, I-mumnh rulrnnrmnr xeuuouco. Nour.-an Garrison, Morvon, having sold but furm to C. E. Bnrtlolm, Nnpunoe. hm- purohnl-(d oho Peter Brietol tum. Huwloy, lot 35 41 U. PIBUJIIUI. John Soby, lhcton. bu purobuod the Tic-hborne home, N-npnuoe. Mr. Sobi bu Aim purobu-ed Tbounu Symiugbunh ruck xeuaouco. u_) ID Fm;cin Scnnblion but glvon Ahnouto remen 520 u I mmk Ll hm Ipplecmlnon ol Lheir wxvnoeu no the lube tire on ma unll preunael. Jnhn Hnhu I'.n}nn Man nnrn'|AnAt`l Hun 1 oung no rater L autuonona. The remain: of Mm Tnllio Colbou. who died In I boafwnl at: Toronto worn um, no lhcmn and p need in the nulb. John H mdnnh hrnthnluinlnw nl Mn . ncwu nnu puceu m we uuua. John (3 xodnch. brother-in-law 0! Mn. U. Cameron. Almonte. dud no Now York on the 5th imu.. aged noveue -ono yuru. H` C. Millnr, Pumhrnkn bnnnor, has Geo. Mills & C0,, I74 \NII`.l.l J \.un\|.u u1`n|.`|rr uu we um man. aged neveuu C. Miller, Pumbroko burvor. has been npfomtcd to A good pouuun u rogisv no ornr Iu t Ablin Luke district: of the Kluu .9. 5.. nun, D.U. The Almonto friends 0! Dr. Allen. 0: goods Batman, will be lorry no learn that be II urioualy 1H. Cumd Imllad Wulnudnv At: his -m|x vn HI II ICIlloUI|y HI. Cupid Imulod Wodnudny ID bi: work vu Ramsay, In the marringo 0! M1" Aumo Young to Peter Y. Suthorlond. Thu rnmnlnn nl Mm: Tnllin nlhnn -Mn UIIU uu Lnunasy. The noun ruohzd Foxboro lub Batu!- dny of the death ol Huroou Snidonin Pro- hon H I`. -- -II` it vlswuu II ovw mint Illryulil lnooo oulonuly Ilnurlu In ptddoor doohh. It Ind loaned to Ion Inn to: the window which he dl-plnyod. B0 was not Lnougju man brmima nan, iutollcctn Ally, bun ho wu oouruoou. candid. clou- budod. ha-wooing. dincrlminstiog. do- ohivo, and )ved by nuuro with tho [non thot odoau the own man, and tinted by u pcrioooo to not null hln into. and won all the honor liu. None or nu Dumas Ooodonood Inn Ila Whig`: lnohumuo Williun Lawrence. tumor. Sponcorvillo. diod on Thursday. unit: rnuahul Foxlmro lnb Ram. 0,4-I04 llooudoohu now monbopdul In... ...4-..-|_ _...__- 1.. _...nI._.I_ (ht/`:1; CURE DYSPEPSIA .|D- I/\|u!Iu Bu!-I0 Hun. Mun) wnuh vhu-up Al. 34. Hal-~ Prloo $2.51!. I Mlnk Run , 3.`! r yulnr. Hulv Prim-

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