"IV-I`-uh-cu-s 3A.h."I-'in'I.'A'."FXII~TuL"4` , H mg.-::.> OI.l ;u.:. -3'1 -"."o.'3:.~o. IABRUIIIBRMS LEHERJ null ouxh I: all 1.1-- (`0\lV'N'. I$.L., solo sold hy .1. [1 Kingston. lll nu IllllIH|lH'll0ll (0 Inc` llH'di:.'\l prufos-inn vl ('I:Irk-`- Kula ('un\p-mnvl` nnlhinpr has lwvn [nun-l In haw .'u\_\' o-ve! on prmvntimx tunmrv :\It-.'\<`ks_ Thu` |Q`<`li1`-Ill .~u[wrinr.(-nd'm lnr lh.- hnnw h.r invuml-lo`.- in l(an\I-mops. H.(`.. hr had prolvnlvly tlw hr.-at ~|u\m`9 in (`nnndn tn tl'n.nmphly test this \n\n rr\nu~u!_\' for asthma. He I1` ports that an the` lhl-`(` m\.\\~~ ul ntthnm hr-rn (`1a\rko`~ Kola (`nmpu nd hm lnwn h in`. in nut. n xinuln inuinnr-n .la.I :. Ohu-Io : Koln Compound Ulnlnlly Tented Icy Ibo Br!!!-h Colnmhh uovunmont it the Home for lncnnmu. lumloopo. 3.0. the lull:-nl superintendent Pro- nonnood Lon:-standing Como uun-4. .\Ian_\' tnn;~<\rnr_\- rvlivl twthm.-\ `rv Il\I`IH(`\ haw during Ihv rout tvu yawn lwwn rlmw-xi lwlurv llw }\\IhIi1`. hm um I HI I'M` inlrmln.-tium In uh. ......I:. I puuuun-I wr memnerlnl man It can elect; In treuury In ml to overmow Inn, whlle the Manhattan in not unly towed to rt-`llm\'e to humHer qllultelf, but It has reduced Its lnltlutlou lr,nn 0100, when It Inn stood for yearn, to [.75. Thin hwnlly look! like prosper It. . I Inna nnlrl Lu . I-l..n.I ...|... 1.. .. ........ I D noun 0! than gentleman ol ololluive P tuoclatlonl and plethorlc. The demo- :-rutlc club in crammed with more ||.`- | pliaatlonu lar membernhlfl than It can I its 0 overauyr ) L .u. .. |||Iv'rI. ur C I . ~inglP in~&nnrn db! it cnr0.nnd on one gnrthwnr hdy had Nwn conned N hvr ~atnlIhoIim0 kw neny a}1vr s to taking. tvhix rmm-dy. and ham NH?!` bnlvs have run ~ runxd hvr. (}\*n~r nnn lnnr I`... ll' '}'i..i '.}'n thnm u nd I II `gee Kill "lnvuworI Vanuatu an-no fl mo for [I- xperth. I But J KNUA 11p'v T` 1% bum: inns, smruxmr. rumtumr 11, 1000. lUl"0nII`. UT \ NY`. Canadian harms. Mclmod. druggint. We. tho undersigned. do hereby Igroo to refund the money on I 25 bottle of Dr. Willa` F.nglioh Pills. if, after using three-fourths of contents 0! bottle. they do not relieve Consti- pttion and Headache. We also war- nnt. tlnt four bottles will permanent- ly cure the most obstinate use of Oonoti tion. Sutinfnction or no pm` when nllo' English Pills are used ll. WABK 1").-...I.o 1 n.....n-o I.n.....o.... n... J~~vARr../5.2.5. IJUUQUIIIUCI } Cor. Brock and Bagot Streets. II `lI`J"III \.rlII.I.I All of our M\lI|nory Goods and Chx:.!rvn`.< Wmr H.\l.F PRIPE. some choice things ml: in xxovk. A can 1-oliclhd. %ii}\rii$iAS? ;HAhbLD, CA1 IlAl!1VI"I'I`ht`I`l! te may for n frre copynf nnrlntomtunu hnoh lnvvnvoru Help" and " How you ll`! Iwlnmod " We have Oxtencivn experienct In the inmate mun! hurt at 50 mu-um: -onutriec. Bond Ihtch` model or : coco her advice. MARIO! C IAllO. New Yott Ute Bvnmnc. Iona-at nuns luxdtnc. Wulllmwn. D 0. Reliable Steel and Woddcn once [mm l."'>c up. nnunuwnwwuu `awn-I-Ii In BAGOT 8`l`RiIEl'. Heavy Silk Velllntl for cold weather. Corbett s ijia?-dware. .... n..._. _--- .._ nl\JI LJ\'.7\\Q_ l"lC\|`lVV` (`nr. Prim-enn`nnI \\-l H\\z|I-n Hvr up--u vvn-Iv usual:-LI Lulu Dlc uVIlo H. WADE. ('h1'mI.Il & Dru Int,Kmn!on_0n! ll`. HOME. "Ina Drugxlst," Ingunn, um. ..._.______-_._.._______._._.. Permanent Cure of An Itching Eruption. Also 3 ne line of Ice Scrapers. Rm`-he-. etc. A trml pmvea their worth. of all descrip- tions at C. I I rs!--I-t\u~ ||\Jll3 3` `J u. or'ro's' Bookbindety. an! cl:-nglm rvur \II I IIUIII "Clinu" Iron Tonic Pills contain four of rho beat ionicn known toltipncabnd new-er hi] to Inch blood. crate an nppe mm and bone up the general nyntom. 50 pills in 3 box for 25 came. Sign coated andpini in color. For Isle at all drug stone in Kinnton. Om `.?(l\ ;)Itd3h htvi ICC! irrufd I: lie Uniwd that lot sh. \\` nvwvr nwvimi sim:ln' lumk in thmn ` 1\l:`I`:\\'~'j \\o` kl\I`\\' `H10 \\urd-ht` funny 0! mrr)` nnn tho dour old hymn hooks through! We -liln`t have no Irnmprfs thcn- no organs Imil! law .-hm\~ We` nnly mung Y0 prmeo thv imrr! "from Whom all hluws-imr` nu." u Wrlton Hitler Haggard llnguma. r1 . ..J..~.|. .: NO PROF |Tr|?N-7EfV4W(3Ll8V;i FARM! NC :1 In, all course-, une wrong that the mlawry ol cage! and Impotent mil uruukl nppwlr lllull` In-turngl)` Inn nymputhy than virtue In n |l'l'um. but crrtulnly llw hlm-k h-uuud nt lhu '1... T The line! Iaopn-I In The London Ion. lomuol (unions. vugwul um Wentmlnn-let (inn-ltv. It In nl 4-nnr-n ... (win rr`:1`I In)` Inn` =inn~= in [ho .'i|\'i("3.. A PAY HITIO IIOHT. nvnr Mn V n ~igh - lir and y\\ I\.\n_.\L._i.\ uni Ihvn. I'll |\as\ u . HIM` that IE` Ilnunlnnt ha pp\ |, .ns li.|" I1} um.-I. nnwl I n.\I|\n Warehouse and Office. 88 St. Denis Street. Montreal. In l.un[nmn`.- mun mlh mm on mum. usmmn (X):,NIVtW'\:()/lirlf. D *";.:.:?:L3'.:..`},:;?*'" for Soe Ody at Wade : Drug Store |FOUR%P0[NTSlNlTSl?AVOR: Luuu I uruuuuvwun. cms sunns, Hlmcrw I-|=\mLmIrvd of w| \lu-rl\*\1lI1M|ItnI. -A-any --\i .nm 1 n Iv 1ut'u|IInIIMI J6 N CLARKE. . -1... _.n. -.. _.,n .. I uuu I uruunu unln. WM. W001), Ponanmuumumi lum- ham). l'FlII- C. W. TRO'l`TER. n...|..\...I-n ncu_|. cur-u-nu. W. A. Bl/'TI.BR. l\'Insmnn, vuml of lung- malnr rh1>mnnHnm_ JOHN HUNTER. vvu-u uvnu l'|l`I runm ur lIl'1l1UlIII5II- Road the name: n! A fnw 0! the many poo Ia living in the may and vicinitg who MN been Cl'REl\ by the Inn of I) H ALU8 RHEUMATIC CUR . Another Triumph For Science! RHEUMATISM CAN BF. CURED. 0'1 .t!aII'S _R!z.un14t19.ure I nnvnu-3 A u u-..v unnu---nu, Plltahumh. ourvd of mun- rnlnr rheumatism. rt-vs: Ilv4\J\I\ \J u. ---v-nun` Vunhvndnll, l`1Hnbur[h, run-`d of muscular rlIe\I~ mnuxm. u\1|lav gaunt A All!` um Rmvk R1. Klnnmn, vmv-Iuf sc|ax\c rhvumm Hun. nourishing then 2* Because it is not :1 Meat Extract only. It contains, in addition, the nourishing qualities of pure lean org be"e{ highly concentrated and finely pulverized. Bovril is therefore superior to meat cx_ tract or Beef Ten. *~T ~ - ~ - -- - V -- ' nmm`n-CnR. 031.!` so clnl-a A Ii0l'I`IpI-OonIAIn|ng'Dan DC.yIIl'mnlInonI. HALL (XLNEW YOIIK. _ -1-1. n._.__nn.. ._ -5; -,,_, _.. Neat Extract resembles Beef Tea made at home in the fact that it contains no nourishment at all. Hard doctrine this for the ladies who think that noth- ing can equal their own make. How is BO\.lFll._ way ron mil *1 ours wonx u\.\)\&3!L&&3 L((((-QQQQQQQGQCGQQQGQQQQQGGQCCG QCQCGIQGGQCCCCCICIQK1 FREE we OWE#2:2.3::\Y."J'f;?.1;.::"?.:."{;::.2:t":::1::!:' ` |v:n|f`l` I4-vvr (`nl|nr |nIInm M I - mu nl . Inn. A WORD UN BEEF TEAS. ,_- _.-w-ww---wur wm. `C-L;RE`AN-Y`FORM or RHEUMATISM. n....-. t\' .. 3.. ll AL` ...-.._ _.--..|- I-,,: _ rubbing or ntrc..1;ing or dis- -uo-un-.` V. -........ ., coloration or in iurv to the finest fabric or the moat dc- iicatc colors. And the price is surprisingly small ~oniy 5 cents for 3 large long-iii: cake. 1') . ervnnbtctr -.._l A-L- nun` unw `minu- Buy SURPRISE and tska no substitute. uu`., vv ....v, --v--- .....- pup-.. It gets it : work done in .1 surprisingly short time ~with- out scalding or boiling or . , -,_, , 1|, III I ) make: A surprisingly hcavy,soft1athr--quickly. ' It mains clothes surpris- ingly white, clean and sweet. IA _,.- 1; . ....._I. 1-..- 1.. . Fl R't Y`-Ql7I(.`l?I0$l'l7RE II V DHBA :\*:`.,`.`$r.."`**`..~.. .2 A .='..":.'} .2`,-5;: mum` Tum`: .u`_n .\l)\\' (`0Hll`S Kill` -`IITYIIDR CIIIWLIX. showing the Pine hand M the nu.-ztvr workman. It Is only a tow Wmks since the democratic` rlnh unmn.-in-d its hnttnrios and its wry rs! hhnt caught. .\hnhAIt.1n heturen ind and water and the revt l~mzin.-I m toll. Premident Coudrrt ol the Manhattan has [liven it V?) the puhliv thllt the Manhattan must nmvenn account ol the expense 0! maintaining its prose-nt quarters, thus saving II-om thirty to lorty thousand a year. This In the Mst tlmo in in history that the ques- tion 0! expense has ever disturbed the I'\l Ilr rnvumuulnl. JAMES DAVIDSON. r\~...|.o. .r\..A ... IIIuI'<'unII I Ililillilrilllw OSCAR R. PERR K'Ips--O..\_ .\..n _._._..| lIIlI'I`\IIHI' I Vl'"\Il|Kln W I LLIAI COBURN. I?|..._A.... -._.__A AU ...... WM. GILLBSPIB. WMM lummi. cum! of n\un<`uMr rhoumltlsm. f\&V|I`\ I ) . \hI\I \`. SAMW. DONALDSON. Iiu..)....~.|. ....._..J.\r...... WM. TAIT. unulliu vllv IIJBVIV. Oconho out cured .: Iu\lM.I(- hmnht-m. vv 1 uunllx \I\JIJ\J Iva`; Klnguton, nuv-I or MID culnr rtmumuunm. y n In-um n A nu.-us.-.5. vuavrnun lUi I IIIIII I . Klngumn mu. out-v-dot mu|vuInr'rhnm`\nIIsm. nil: I IAnn n\4\h\nhnQhI a run: :4 |'\J|V ullvwvbig lmumumh. uumxlormur vuiat rnvumnunm "I-nuzn n nnuaugnn, \\ nu on mm mm day nmulv thnnsrl\'mz lvll M the lsnl Int box whorl` tho vols` M the man nlthnut money counted just :5 much as that M Vandorlilt, Gmrgo Guuld or William \\'ull-url .\. re] re sontntlvm ol hundrvdu ol mlllions. sow the stnrtlinn climax. ..h.\..-:.... 95... oh... |...u.l at . as ......;.u- .. .-.. nu... mum: my, cunrl of mm-vu|n_.r I-hr-umnuuu. Ilc Wrltcs or `Eight or nae,` Towns U