Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1899, p. 5

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K 1 -_...., -.-ruIIllulll\,`IlIl and Oqurlblt` timer |-mp-rnmro of QVQIIU cIe(I'P!!:I, ht-an um! mtoory and lo!) mile: -! and main, bdqunrten udlhe British nnny mu! n.Avy h unnrallnltn In nurnrunuxeus. r.ea.~n-xi by Ibo Inagnmernl nun nu--non unoooo or In-bl`-I In M h-runs (nun Kev Y--rt. The at-plum islands, uwunng .-.L 1'h-mun, slunu ..n ...-u was Hr. null. and 3 n-prion: sugnoxl by [ha gn "Al lhe slant of thew dart. Dnmnmn R-.\...... 4,-- `nu nnruugn the sI1rgingn1&g Kl "`"- "M102 n pap:-r uver 1 `hr man W! Dr. Half. and them Rlrrlcvcv suvnn-I h- .5... ._._ ,-, ---- gr--xnuur ihov dun-cur Wllh II papa 'e` lni`l`|Sihla un [ha ahnu Mum ,. ...-..._ - uv wuuull l'!`1`IIief vxtrnnrmnary phys- n his nnn-pr nun.-. -7 . -until yin)!` s prayer Against . but he came to re led to further - nl I`... __g -r1'}uQ1 IHJIIH` I u hu strug- ulnw.-ml the r hli h(`:uI. 9- [super wan unu- ' ad ulterated v---L III. ICIPIIKYVI BOOI I Humphrey : 1lo~sL('-1, Cat. W 35.1! York. Esnnlogu u- I n n -- - In the Factory An 1 Preventive. In 1 lnctcry employing o.er I ma hundred hands, the msntzcwneut -ab!-_-"I owl. urn ployeo to who "77 ' n. a preventncxve dnr mg the opuicm c, vvh L2.a resu'- 21.5: rot I tingle non was nbaonn on Jrcuuct of the Grip. while mmy csublnhmonta was crippled by the nbeence ol cmplnyuaa. If you Inll cury a win! at . . In your pocket and his frtquoorly ycu willczcapo ghgnm. ---"` ----- -- r LIAJLLJL LI UA- 88 .\U\\' f'_\H-P':\lED HEKJIUK umn cable cnmnmnlcnllun oqu at I-tau in sensory and Inn ...u_. - H - Gj%.|$%i"i5 ls Dr Humphrey's Specillc (or .(;o-ugns. tolds. Inuenza and T To run; Hlltlalml I... I. at ~ wry "77" Ifrtzluourl] `prevents !'nenu:oma\ FRBNTENACI V5 QUEEN'S ll. `P""`PR1 d: fr. :2! 03.11 III . Wlllhn 1 '- 1 ll!!! IIII TlHI-_ A I-_.. DAILY \VHl&. SATURDAY. JANUARY :------:-j 13ER-MT L`? 1)_,3g_1.` r >_.\U\\ I Ht raurn vll PH 'lh~ .;:m'T|;?ACHAN;* sous AGEIIT. ___________ ianiinefs Real Estate& Insurance --III III 455 Per Cent and upwards Houses, Lots and Farm: For Sale and To-Let. Fire Insurance in 5 Companies at lowest rates. -___ - .. . nu. nun IIUIIU I`0I'I.'l`RY rowm-zns. HF..\' m>1'sr:. \Y. swam-.\.\'r.x.\1. .\L mp. I LA.\'T 1- non .a.\'mn. >0 WASH. `(.141--b.yn..~ ;".(`h} nv--I1 n. .`._.;_.., Tangerines - 30 Oranges, for 25 cents at I HI Wellington Sfrcof. ._{_____;__ RUBBER STAMPS OI 1 0190. H. DAN! EIH. (Jo-nnrna amt H: n'n-w4'n , anal re- -iph Av.-r rnlmral L`oHov;I_- Perhaps you hon never ...`.a ol 3.0 0. Many dyopeciu haw board of it, tried it. and ' ' lllghv an the Head. 'I'rniner-Ih: him like I nail. " l> ug1h.iI-L:ka a null? Trnineg- You; on the bend. -Synuo Hamid. ' KJLIII :7 lwhy, " nxd the wise one in 5 care- ful W111.-pvt, "tarkmg in just-just mg on we bma. Helen."--1-lxchanga. I _______.___ sucking. _ " What do they mean by `tacking? " mixed 1 young woman on her first sail of a young woman who was on her lec- om]. >1 _......... nu put m a mus Intelligence." And the funny pan of is was that Jack go: the comm1saion.-snn Fun- cieco Now: Letter. ` cal aulclbu lIl'I'l "Yes," panned `mb1a.`sn'th en; gram. "Upon mndinon that I shall I: |LuWt`d to pnxinnlmle1ntelligonoe.' funuv nan nf n .-.... .L- Worthy ol W'I|lniIc-r. As an artist Jack (iambla lncnnuider ed as indepontlant all he is successful. Ile possess:-s an unlimited quantity nf vnmlur, upon tho exprasninn of which lie: placvs no rentralut. H0 is much likwl uotwnlntnninn. and was not lung ago offered a communion to paint tho portrait of A certain wealthy man, wlzuse features are more rnmnrknhle for Ihc-xr hlonm than for their refinement. Jack critically stunned the broad fea- tures of his proposed unhject. Upuu one couditirn will I pain: you, " be declared rlramatically. What 3" gasped the amazed Crorann, speechless at the effxomery of NH! pov- erty stricken arI1sr1\ .- gm, :1 ____ _. F vuI."IUu.' uuu (warn. In the cum 0! rlnldren it stunts their growth, whvn a person in consumptive It hnsmna his death, when the heart is weak It alxnmt completely stops the boatmg, when _vnn have I cough tobac- co kewpa 1t going for weeks, and it In- terfervs WIUI amunng nnd swallowing. Yet about I,.'.Im,mm,000 puumls of is am aumkud every year.--Nuw York `World. Pearl: Dlalolvod In Who and I not lay of Dinner: For lurk Antony. E. II. House. wrltlug on "Brlght Side! of History" in St. Nicholas. tell: this story of ancient extravagance: "Tho pearl which Cleopatra drank to Antony : health was valuud at nearly $400,000, to at one mouthful she (lu- posod of at much as the oust of (lull gulu'a supper. I suppose that was tl.e most valuable pearl wv huvoauy knowl- uclgo of. Though Jultus L`:t-uar owned ouu worth $230,000, WlJl(`lJ he gave to the: mother of Brutuu--the Hume llrutnu who ufterwnrtl hwlped to lull (`u~s:lr. Pt-urls set-In to have ho-ltl out [turtlen- lur teuzptntmm-1 to pt-uplu who took plea.-aurv in wu.-tcful fulllv.-`, pt-rhupu Im- t~uu-u no other Juwel t-nulnl bu an cmuly llwullnw.-.l HJLICR. lrulm Theunly auro- (`upv Vlnt-uul. _ ROMAN WEALTH AND WASTE Tnclalng. _ ........., vvucu um noun I! meet n ning Alnullla nrul m....II..._._ ,, 26. 1899. an out} [shall be x;...._-- H mu-an. not [or the truth. "The realism of the navel is wlnla nukes xh populu. There is no objection to rul- mn xf in in rulirm of tho nghb kind, the` ruham of banana manhood and pun I Ivomsohood. Thus is the ruliun our novel. I we will not give us. I: is the realism of mum I. .'mmg inc.` .g.in7 sent Incl When`), Known [-1 80 stolen.` I-Culture is `nether y. '6 ,9 MI Ltu\`n(')V, Jun. -.`.--MI`. Dune , of: l" renders these days. We read everything, |"'" ";"'"- "h h 9' "` `V mm, H, "D." n"p.p., ,,"_h the .p.m sent to Ian 4 ba_nk trim the atoleri no --. rounds to the great: metropolitan duly, "d m`k` '5' "_"` pb"' 1!" with its engine: of informaoion ah work In ""0 h""- "b" n M" ``,"Y ' "'V every corner of the world. You in l.he"h" ` ,' "` Tb` '""" " news-papers we nd p ccuxee of crime Ind i`` b" 'P' '"- md details 0! stands! viven to us with All Uh '`""`M i'm`3' she still of the brnined modern writer. In In the nine in our novels. Why Because um " " b |"d "5" "my ' ` 1 the writer (f to dny is writing for the been stolen. market. not for the lrntb. I 9 run n-nag. "Th. ro.l;.... -1 .1..- ..---I :~ - A - .,\.` putnm notes in big, pssleuione He roturn-i` 3 Igr. County Home The (hnrcli To A Iluel y,_ Important Fnvtor. d l\'rr. Thomas J. Conaly, recur 0! Ilse P Cu .)|l(. university. in I lecture on Tlie. A Church And IheM.)dern I lesol E lucabion," If belore the Knights of (ulumbus, in the Monoeuk lzbeaore. ' Brooklyn, cited "The Christien snd Robert. Ellsmere" as ex- amples ol popnlsr litersbure which bended no the promotion 0! s false aul u0u~ruli- gious culture. "Thel'sbholic church is talked Q! but: I little by those who call: most) of ednceui," he and. "Traditions of three centuries I--no bllI'ld0d men 00 the {Act than the ..-lunch is: most patonb edncsbionnl lac nor In the modern theory, so called, ol edncetion there re certain nlntlmloths lntellccb is one 0 Ihem. Men will my heb religion in non the field of inoelleco but this field of emotion. lritellecb 3 is (2)! given, eul religiin is tbelg. rielu lor the highest intollecb, because in breaus ol the highest: intelligence. vl ".`~lcienceis unocher shibbolevh. Green is or the god of science, And Inbellecc is bin . prophet. Science hes lot a longtime had A III dsy, bun misery and evil sre still in l I I c ;. B I one world. and the green question ol life ' 3` is still M lsr eivny As ever lrom the stu- dent who seeks to solve in by bhe light. of ch science Alone science has the realm of dis. .3, covering the forces ol nature. bus the an superneonrsl belongs to God. Theuk God. 3, the pendulum chub swung Do sznosticiem in science is swinging back nnnuhar .-.-.1 \.l'- --- --- I: Brush 5 5 It is not colored, doctored or: NO in any form whatever. A Natura/I Fitting % Curve F`. [V ISBET,1hcCorncrBookst>1'c BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE. is an ideal food for Invalids and Cemvalcsccnlx-I. I rapidly renovales waste tissues, forms Blood, Hr; x. Bone, Muscles, and thoroughly {orlies the ucrva I! system after prolonged proetration. Nearly every one knows `ht getting better when the rcvivin as yet for heavy foods, requires diet in a light, tempting and caeil BOUFQIL DAIRY BOOKS; CATHDLIC EDUCATION. ---. \..u`.|IlI Illl I` Cnnndmn Depot: PABST MALT EXTRACT, 66 HCOIII IL. Ilontrul. (A_) . lllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllHllIIHIllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllli.? ? , __j_._._.__.:._:. lllllllmllllllfllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIW It has often gfvm vigor: sccmcd to have becn close `$1I.lC.\Il'IN'['S HI" l).\H{Y l"AHMIN(}," by Jmm DAIRY H.\('Tl'Il{l()I.()(iY." by Dr. Ed, Vou Fren "(`,HI-Jl})l>AH (`,lll-IESE l\1AKING.l John W. ".\H[.l{ AND ITS I H(JDU(/"I`B." by {eury H. \ `*.\lH.K TESTING." by Adolph Schoomnun` "AMICIIICAN I)AIRYlN(i," by J. (imler. "\V()I.I"'S DAIRY I-`AR.\!lN(i." GETTJ1Nd%BETT1l:R. in any article is the am; Th: universal success of ; nu nznoaucmn In uont BIC` Known/[T80 llolcn. !.,.y_ we L-u\`nm', `. .`.-Mr. ,,,,,d uoocumon, who has o lo" r the .mMn, bank with oh. .o.-.1-.. ..- _ , w- -------n an --1456!!-Co "-3 h.1vc given to it the immense popularity it had is indorscd by thousands of physicians and I ..-nu um UIIINSYS or Iherxtrnm Ital and nervnns strum his pl umo Ind mbpru- mm In, bl In good time. The reprieve I Inn-ugnuoa Into the can 1 Smith, and the result In: a ven vigor and health when every avenue of hope : closed. Send for booklet, mniled free. .,~ .1.`-.....u, |uU n:1'I' the moat nourish: zmptiug easily digestahle form. MAKES STRENGTH. IC knows. t'he dclig}1}fi'l feeling I rcvwmg aPI ct(`. too {E1-I-`r IR rnrlnnrnn cl... .._-,.-. All druggnu nell H. :0 van rrnnoo. I . S'r0<;KmI.\I, Jan. 28- King Oacnr ix \ ' pidly rocovoriog from his noun Innoy -ichooo, And in planning to lave fu- fFnnco in February. The temporary ra- 'goocy of tho crown ptincl Unto! gnu him ldnuro lot the trip. amount of Ira advertising ft Media. `I\` I door. V In- uuuuuu uuulll ' unites whom i I MOO. uur. 4" Mar. County acid that in odqcation ` church taken all bhoolomenu hduuntin unhnu them with the spirit 0! Chriab n in the work of chriabin ed: [ gunman mnnmbor. ' "Then wa have had `The Cbrl-tn: 5 which ha been advertised Id nnunzus I ll; you hhink John Storm ll |"ropro.-an nbivod Lho chriatinn miniobry, ltrcng ' lamb ? la Glory Quayle n ropronontav x of bruo womanhood, with the mod: l puriby and nnuolab, gentle trlitu (1 `Pl true women" No. The novelists of tn w gwo bbo POIIIHIII of the man without r. I soul of the man. "Hummity in nnobber cry. Humnnwj, We went to war for hnnunlby. obough ..n ovgry one behaves in now, (Laughton) l nun too thin all the way through. It. '.":1 Aguod word to conmro with. Thorn I Jmm-s Long. ' Frendonruub. HUNG." I Dockpr. J(/"I`H." Wing. Schocmnun. YINH " not r:...In- [his ns \ Vplveleen V Ian $55 vllld it's for untur- Al Ins WI! Dnmmte Rycrsnn fe-ll msrnsihh cart. and I: was (or an hm: time at grate dnubt whether bu wuuh (mm the en.-ts of thowvxtrnormn. \ K11 And Ilflxuun .---- I

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