Mcmcunn wnmts wanna}: II E (ha world than: In mt nu.-. o....o_-.. _- yn uI:l'uu|'I(. 0| NICK ul comm tion ..- too few the her of excursion- aud onms Murphy. 01 called on their uncle wurll rrw rmuudn In of the I ('lll()T hruods the r4il-` -gift Htllllil.`-I the {;;;.3[GR0CERIEi rm-:zRs. [let-;,ERAM C9rb`eft' Hafdwair . I.mA___- __.. TC,Ah BSITABLISHAED is5`4T Canned Pumpkins, " Pineapples, Pears, Peaches, Strawberries, Mushroons, Kidney Soup, ` Giblet S:up,- Chicken Soup, J ulienne, Heinz s Gatsup, Heinz's Chili Sauce and all fancy groceries at reduced prices. Bedroo sets, 10 pieces, $1.60. Dishes be w cost. Sale to begin Mondny, J une 12th. _ _ ,, ,., __-. duo the tired feeling. " I feel It lent. to: can ounger and c only my that Donn`: lgidney illsare the 1m remnrkablu kidney cure. and 1!: addition I the bent gonic I ever look." , _ --..u a I have been a sufferer wllh ildne trouble and pain In tho Imn of my luck. an In both sides. I also hml a rent dculot neuralgia pnln In mv lempleu, and was subject to dizzy spells. I felt tired and worn out mootof thetime. "Since taking Doun`!! Kidney Pilln, I have bad no pain on or In m back or tides. The have removcd the near: gin pain from my heal I150 the tlred vent: voumzer nnrl nan unu give mm strength and vigor. Mr. Isaiah Willmot, A retired farmer living It 138 Elizabeth St.. Barrie, Ont., laid: nu; . - Lox:-Llvor Plus euro Connupnuon. - hclp a farmer to work and keep his he --take the ache and pain out of his I and give him strength and vigor. \NiHmol. A retired rm- MAN'S KIDNEY All Sizes. AND. - w vvuu unuu ujuu VI. h?tho nulrulngcu II! llttla an dons up all tho mu, I II III 3 av Ion. barllnlnn In ne....o Ir, 79 Brook 5 Lute J. can a co. UUII Show them To you. --j-----*-I- Ivllton Inna. Wilton, June 2R.--Miss Rose Shib- l'.V gave a wheeling party last. Thursday evening. After a spin to Hsrrowsmith. the party returned to Miss Shibieys home, whore they were very pleasantly entertained. ;&pnrty n'f cyclists, besides several nth ii. (if- iended the strawberry it-sti I at Violet, Inst Monday evening and, re ported ll. pleasant time. Rev. '1`. `C. and Mrs. Brown. Kingston, are guests 0! Jmnes Lewis. Mr. and M J. Mnxloy and mother, Kingston, spent Sunday at mes Thompson's. Mrs. J. Sno . and iiitid grand- on, are visiting at . he lawn social on the irrounds oi the'Presbyeri`an church 'l`uesda_v evening was a decided suc- C'5B. about 360 hninn rnnh-nu! . . . . ., 2"". .uum,-.5 unnaluson, d0., 95: J. Hean_v, dn.. 34: H. Donald- son. dn.. W. Woods. culvert. $3.50. Mm:-d ivy Mr. Brown, sec um`-rd h_v Mr. lmrlimz. that. the ques- Linn of purchnsaimz 11 stone crusher he left over till tho it meetinyz; car- rind. Tho nppnintmo of n C()l`IHt.ablP wna' ul.-=0 loft. over. Adjourned till the first Monday in Aiust next. ma. n. |m,n.c Noll, (I0._ 36: J - 5: do. S2_ 9`! K{\ I A ...._.. uu., ._-.-; IL Hrumo, (In., 31; |{. (Lmurh, (in, $12; W. (`nre\', cul- \ ('rt. $13.31); .7. Wson, work. 3]; J. (inI\vny_ culvert. $15; R. Lackey, 410., nnd` work. $5.50; (I. Miilnns, work, $7.511: Mrs. J. Bullock, ntom-. .l.;':.`4: Robert (Jnugh, d()., $17.41; .\l. Murdock. 130.. $13.47; G. Ilnyle, hnlanre on stone, $1.12: 0. Gates, roymirivm hridgo. $1.50; 1!. Mullen. \\nrk. $11. W. and T. Trotter, d0., S13; R. lhmnldsnn, dl)., 810; J.` ` James Donaldson, do., I Heanv. do- 84- H nn-...m HTIIIUI 3 back l`('| l_\'. n IIY8 SOIE Illll `BUBEII Ingllnul m In... on. an... on... a..._._ nu-.~--u, uu., al UL); N1. N1 work. 84; A. Huttnn, stnne, H. nmme, u.._?0s:x; H. Tisdulo, 13.1.), .\, hnrv 4!.` an .-r n I . In` lllnu OH -I`.. away evening decided `vs. about 860 being realized. _ ,_ ___._,.,.. ........ val unv nvuulncr dllllli Swllt on Mon:la .-H. Cunningham, is presenting the `gompson bottling com pany. Kingston. was a caller here on Tues day.--Rev. Henry Gracey, Gsnanrque, and A number 0! friends s at Tuesday here - On Wednesday hf: Mclmren, Perth, passed here on his way to Kingston with his beentllul new yacht Entooia.-- Loban Bnrtch bed the frame for his new barn raised on Wednesday.-A. T. Phil , lips, superintendent of Ridean canal, and 3 lamlly, registered at Hotel De Kenny on 'Frids night. -- While the work 0! ' raising E R. Dargavel a barn was in progress the junk screw on one side gave way. allowing the structure to [all about three feet -Mlss Bella Mot. . ronghan is home after visiting Booby ;- Bay and Cnshendell.---Mr. and Mrs. Maul Johnston, Elgio, visited at Che-ter L-slrd s Sunday.-Harry Legge, Gananoquo. spent Monday here.---A number of American campers arrived at Hotel De Kenny. Mon- day. V` ` \'nn(ls, :1. , l'. lmn|np_ Yum` JoN|r.~4' FAL1.~, Juno 26.-A Inga nun: her 0! Unnauoquoana apono Sunday hero - Wnnfen Jackson 19:: homo on Bnnduy for 3 viaio.--Thoma Polow, repretentlng Mo Pulnnd Broa.. Kingston, and E K Dnld, ol Froao & Wood. Smith : Fnlla, puaad hhrough hero on the scanner JIIDGI presenting homnson bonuma nnm . --R. Connor made A bnslneu tr L"! week 00 Nnpanoo, Tamworoh nnd oxen! M|lhI.-Mr. and Mn. J. Gilmour an 1-pending I luv days at: Mluia:ippl.-Ju as the songs driver was gothln out 0! hit vehicle so bhin poatotco on undo] the thunder frightened the horses nod they run swag. He caught them nbounnmilo Away. 9 harm was done. VENNACIIAR. Juno `20.--Rov. P. A. Scout. Hope. N 1)., punched in the Mo thodlab church yesterday. Many friend! were glnd no see him and bi: wile am.-r no nbrouco of about eighb years. Mr. S0000 wu nanpcoaafnl teacher In this via inloy for rovers] yura.-Mr. Solnoou Ind family and Min lnckridgo lenvo Wodnor duy to a d the holidnyl with menu` '" " ur Tamworlh.--M. JACK- '30:). 'l`wc:3". no 4 1:" days here Connor ninth: A In-In-.. --- V--I uuu. uuoa, "lponu .. 3.. .1," he an Nnnnnau 'l`.m-m...|. -...a ____.. - I:u|ucIoy'l --vuIton: lnnnd Mn. Bon- ny. Wnhernown. at Wmnun Woodmuru ' Min A Bolton In visiting her connln. Min . M Gnlloupio; Mlu Gertie Mcbhron, Huyg- villo. In hhoguuh of His: L oml:'Dr. I Mllonoy to J. Niles . NAPANEE Mru.-J, Juno 28.-Tho conga gotten of B5. Judo : wiil givonlutiul nly 7nh.-Mr|. McCall gun an "AD Home" on Thursday evening. About (my guano: were proooub.-Goorgo Rook wu seriously injured by his tum running sway. Tho doctor pub uvoul Ibitchou to 3 land scalp wound ho reooivd.-Mu. ` Fin|ay,Euo Angus. Qomviuitaing hoto.ia no hot auner I. Mrs. Wnnmnn. Wezleyohnroh. (1 -VIuioou: Mn. WON`, Tweed, at Mr. Dovy'|; Min Ohlnnloh, Nnpnnu. epout Band: with Mn'uRond; Goorgo Lots and ( Mn. nighn. Nnpnnoopb Mu. L. Lowo on , Bundny.-Roborn Runny, who went to Mnnlbobn ho uondy fuming, in not so 4 lnvonbly improved no name have been. I I -` ll oltajnhupuouhudolht , opplhdsgnunnnyuun . `rlnvory yano.hudtoho:'l. II] I1'.I'lclJ'lA(o1ntIIunI), , tbdonlmodo |"urv-star, (In, l'huuI|l)`, stm hunt Il1\ R1 ; '0} .'\. J. (10,, Hmu.rh, 1 '1 _..._:._. JONES Jun. 26._` bar nl HAnnnnnu--..- ......_. u... uumon, one ol our unison. munod homo Kinculm Alto! having baud ol Ibo and sub 0! ho: tuba. BM hu Ibo uopttlry of may Manda. -- l`ho Ilobhodln picnic to be hold 00 uoucv In Willing Wodnufu Son it expected to ho a. noun: -1010 liu Gallupio roumud homo altar having vinihd hot mm: in Tamworth -Itu G. Bulfold in rpondmg a law dlyo :0 0. Hnllidoyh --Vhiton : Mr. Ind koy. Wnhernown. n wm..... w~.A----In ltnllloucallc at lunch. . Sr. LAWIINCI. Juan 86.--lb In-y Gordon, o! uoohon. to Kinmton um hum. 5...: ..a . u. ..a nonuuuicnnvaurhjouuuino an-uqnu at on maps nuns. nu-nu. llotldn lows Iudot. 27.-~Wilton Sabbath `ding their annual Martin : . un., . 1)u\`_\', \'.l- | . 61.1.`), I , (`ham Wands, work, S1071!) (H1 l1('(`() \A'nrL- Q'J- `\ S o llctted. IN). HI stone, '77. r Iownohlp cannon lune 2li.--'|`he vn nlrn u u..~..u....u vn .`. at-1\l, \lI\I'l l, 31.}; and gran :-I, 51%], :1- ne. >.' _]_ ,\_ '0. I ('h:unhl_y_ dun Wis \\'nrL- Q0) 11' K, 3-12 {L HIM 'l'r0H(-r. work, F`.!_ W. \\v'nn(i.<, lh-..m.. (In an "-. l .1: Hrumo, 21 ')~ \l' 4)., -3.1 (hrnford. . , lift. con M ulw-nu & Anglin, p 1.. 1'.-will ` All muu-H ('umnnI|n(`ntium-a HI A. .\l(`(ilIIi\ru_\' hn unln If r.----- A. Hrlnlhxruy sale [T runw T. /Accounts wnfk, #110. M. J. A. Wilnmt, (inugh, dnq k, du., nilu-ty- In slnu A Lents. household proper: . ofnl uttention. I comment to all. . make, M(`Mnst0r, do cm '.lr.. (14)., -u`.`-3 . \\. aunt, $33, A. Huttrm, \\'nv-1: Q1- (`III N, .l. Wu|- gruvel. I inn- ()Ull('l M mm on lIIf`nl inn... n. (m., Hamil- I, d()., uni: I JR :1`;-h.._ |n.__L A uormsnfm we - connid condential Addroa Remedy Cg... Jqr Qnt. . Q--IIo.._u -- . Oornasnhn -conni worst. cases." We will send our pump nivlnu tentimnni In and ml tion. with dir tlons II |-_ agminister Samaria! condential Adan`- ' uneruu b'[! that s 1. every nerve in mv hodvv tingling ith hope and happiness. and I could see a. bright future spread out before me-- n peaceful, hapnv home, a share in the good ihinpzs of life, an attentive. loving husband, comforts. and,ever_v- thinn else dear to a. woman's heart. for mv husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was takinnr a dislike to it. It was only 'too true. forbefore I had given him inc: altogether, but I kept giving th me ins till it was none, and t s t for another lot to have on if a should relapse, as he had from his romises before. He V has. and tar to tell ` , I honestly believe it worst cases." ,-,. mm .......a ...._ W - ~- n mvlmz It regularly as covered somcthimz that nerve mv hndv finnllnn nome Irom the ruin I saw comimz. at all hazards. I sentwlnr your Ha- maria, Prescription and 0'01 it in his cooe as directed next morning: and watched and prayer] for the result. At noun 1 gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected o thimz. nnd I then bollllv kept right on sriving it regularly I had dis- somcthlmz that an ...,.-..m . nvau||}I1.lUll uuu.LnwnL on _!lI_\ husband {or his drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving: him medicine, and the thought, unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a. week. but one day when he came home very much intoxicated, and his week : salary nearly all spent, I threw o all fear and deter- mined to make an eort to save our home from the hazards sen1tW!_nr inoru`.-. l)..nn....: u. -7 may u uuwurlllllllll WHO. 83 She wri "I had [or a] time been thinking of trying the maria Prescription treatment nfrnid he \vnuld (|inl'n|'nr nurnnr I Urleana. xno sumnmr month the Do nit` Marin will not whltle Sih of lmvermnrt, lawn, but that ags ii will gm nut, M (`O Jnlnsion on `V when. Into nnxf fnH_ H - ........ dnv nnxt winter, pilot rie touches hr-r mn|d-lm`~d can in h.n0r of the hurhnr mxuztor on the leveu at New * ,_ ,,m._,, ...-_.x um-ro v\(`lArmnn.'< \V| ho urrumzvd. lmrinu tho (`\ (`lll`Hi0ll the silvers in the 1,000 seats wT1~hQur lurtllrns ulwn I-hrennlr>;.:A\' and vit ophv and will nu stnrcmptiw 1 view . l`0rs-mns nf nuV:L.ruHm: h- donry vill `he in- (lured to hire 4>th'~r hull e huutgi and ncroxmvany tho expedi un. `lmrimr tho Dnnia \ln-In n-.II .`,.. .,_.. puny-u. --uvr-I ul Ill! luunches will cnnnploto the nuuadr Ft-uim: sail June 25th. from SM water. (hv nrofessor. his rnsy pllu untl his 1,000 seats will prnuros |.:rufllmH\ toward the gulf of lltloxico Hlup will he mude at river tnwn!-I \\`h"r0 owursimxt: urrunm-(l In. ohm -v-- - -' ` f'l\'('l' Mrs. Windsor VVI I-anon .'t, na cmnnmrlnro of m~:im_v Hqlmtlrun. The Donn will 1-. at luuulsmno hnu lunlrmusly titted, and |u)uH(l ymrrvluin lmth tuhs. I'rn!. himself has charts-red the (`i Hudson. That stounmr will ('0 two other house lmuts nml "uudH.0riInn barge." l`hv lmrgze Rout. 1,000 people. K-evr-rnl an F4-Ltimz sail Jnvm ').ml. c.-..... uni llI(l'l)|lHU. IIINI In vlmuo II] packet that rirnr In.-tun unu |`l\('l`8, ul munv wm-ks upon Aftnr pusslng her oxu, im-lurk-I 1). (mt fur she-, rm\i;zutnd the a lumr tH\lHlw~ .s`outh Mm new-r lu.| the old fnuml u now ruck. ..| ..|.. .,. ,. uxrr. l\Ul' ~- 11.`! I nus issun-d ut. HA-1)l`].{u U. dmllr-I," and ". .~qw(`!l)I` `hf hoi l rnf. William W x,-mt, now lortln .\Ir.~x \\nnh.un~ in Ln.- ll.`(`tl Mrs. Windsor is hrunotte, She i l .\'|J('l`|('l1(`(`.`i of mlolotl plmuure I lakes nnd rivers. ..... I1|r .......L- v AIIJVV .-akillml onuinee x_\s'lmx1 uhich p (`u rvndt-rvtl so 0 In Ilmz-an llu_\`n Ink :1 garden an millunns ucvllplt-d H <-mu_vro-sa dvsi ..! u-..4-I..i...;.... .`. vunu \'nlll(`l`.`lH. (-hes luvu has grout unllquiw (`nu-rvd with oriough are plnvvs in New onpzinec ul man... ...|.:..:_ u-vm-IIIUU UH!` sails to \\l:-~r thnsnn.-a \V( l`0 \\und-rful em: um-d for the- might Ina llsed ll_\' of Iona!` wise \'ulu0lvRs. unliquil I'n\urn:l urillrv >,'ncu_n % A w,aiTTI H9058 sunny Reservoirs stored the w l*nInnnl.u'. Ah. nu: I(ll`('(" H! mu \vt IPH of the \` H-m ml` Um nmnt ml` thin (~nun\r.\'. J1" visible to tea ()1. \\'H"`'` ("|59r\' Z lll HUIIOH) ever they loose soils. and out l`uH1fPl-I, (0110 cnllynnu and u nmmwr an unler Inlnru louse Hundn Hun--u..:.... hllll uurna vnwu ugai tho button) uypw Ihnh uvuv IJIII gim-ring. lune muc nldur than huhited N from whit` still burha viml nnrn in um! ll Under dredn o traces of 1 vniru 0 Ln: lnco the luv 0! vvhic nnaa w that tho _exiated_` FGSEIVOI that in H urin- H. Paul I ! The first. lllllnun In , ,_.. -~.- uuuuu -IIILIC [or live. W0 mark our oodn low and it requires no punching to no them. I, 5 5 Id `soluble Furniture mi Undt r- At the taking onto, Sound morrmceu St. m nuw mm]. mud 'ln.n\n In union lllnbnnd In Inns 5 Bob- Ip by n Douunlnod Illa. `i a long n Flu- rescription _m_v his drinkinrr hnhion 5...; r-Inn . mum-maul. Hm r()H_V plln prnuros. lltloxico. I tmvns. (`urHinn.'< 0 (-\'(*ur.uinn seats will J... n...~o-mm U \ V In I\. dict] ram` 5100.0 twain un Hluught. it um mu Sh Hhl` stead luvni-. n... - at wh ntle awn, cn.mlnsion 3/ f fall cnvhn PLUCK WINS. .:._.4 A u ans- vtirt H lth hhnn ll. be LS no mud u xxx J Wu. AJHJE BOOK 11 line H) wit 2 high. mm lwlt cu, ll`! be tted up $1 I. u For rs Umce, E315 F"'-'-"WI I `>7. Tho following lines, ralled~`lndi- rectlbu,"`wero written by `Rt:-hard Reoll. John Hrnwn's lieutenant. a Rho liked Ryrqn, wrote prompt l,\' tient !" in The nurse on duty in n cc-rtuln London hoapitul was clvimr tho lit- tle ones their lull meal for tho (luv. All sa\e one w--re patiently waiting tliuir turn to ho norwcl. the mo in question helm; a little ronv-chookml mnvuk-scent. who won oulllnu lunt- ` ily (or her portion. "Aren't. vou iunt. a little himpntient. Dornt't_v.`."' in- quired the kl$l("V llrltlnh mix-Ila. with just a little lingo M cor-Mtlnn in her tone. nu- r-... I\t\` .-. ._-.-_.,J .. .. ner IOHP. "No. I'm not !" l`l't0l'N`d Dorothy. promptly. I'm A little she pa- * Time heals all wmmdn. I of us are not permitted `n 1 earth lam; enough to we I pleto cure. \ "* "T" Don't. you be the lust person In` the world in nd out wlwe the but tools are sold--th- oheepoet. ehevo no old stock to run all therefore we do not atlem pt. 1.0 make the pub- llc bollove weere eelllng 3 Ten Dollar nrtlclv tor rive. wClIII.Iknnr-nnrI- In... .....a u _, In W 9I.:.I! VIII nnunnn - Grass (0 :1 distinguished izraduato. vour fellow-students think highly of you. I think hichly of you. but no one thinks more highly of you than you do yourself." "Sir," said the master of Dnllinl rnlleqc. Oxford. in his parting ad- dress to distinguished fellnwatndents think |..'..m., mus nu-I: luunwxnp: me nor the last ten years." At this point a tall countryman at the rear of the nudi- vnce rose. "But, here's yer consola- tion. judsze!" he shouted; "you're ;minin' on it all the time! It'll never catch you." This cheering prophecy proved to be correct. Judge Andrews. 0! (St-nrgzia. once whvn a candidate for Lrovernor of his state, wns 4-xpluining to thn ('rm\'d of people {hut had assembled to hear him how his friends had pressed him to Im a Candidate, and that the oicv was seeking him; he was not seeking: the ofllco. "In fact," he exclajnwd. "the" oico nf nrovernnr has been following me for the last ten \'nars," At this: mum .. ...n '|'h- mnrrizuzo of Miss ) inutnu. ulnuphta-r vi Nov. inutnn. tn .\Ir. Lnwrm fnrnmrly prixuto 9-u*('r(>hIl`_ lhnirl Mi||s, trmk plum` Ihnlnnw\\'s church, .\ -w In-da.\'. Lru_\ unn \'nlul1l0 [N Iigrhlly uml nnsily 1n syn his or her nature. ('h shnun h\'a1H smrm HI` unit. but for ;:rnr(- um! 4'l\iliun'.~e wulk \\`iH hour \\iHI (hut of lhv mnn \\ reixed mi|:ur_\` lruining. |1u1I||Ivll .,,v mm m [1-(`sun L'E`lI\'l`ilH'\' .- lhr- lhzurv In-riullt litlv Imrk, mu! IL nut. , , A nrul and .-..I..o mun m uw mm-_ une \\hn hus nmdv u .-lull; nf this suluwl suys ()hs1inu(`_\ is iviriirulml h-_\' the- H10, h('al\_\ uml llut-iuolml sl_\l- uf wulkixm, \\hil.- misc-rlim-1~'s may he suspt-(`It-d from slum, xwrvmus um! un,\ imm f()uls(u-ps. 'l`m-m-(I-in tum: gmn-rally ('lmrut*tvr no the uhsontqninllc-tl, and u Mnop the stmlimm nml lm~pI_\'-rnllv('tin-_ whosv thoughts are` nn_v\\'hvr1- ruthu.` than uhlf llmmsolu-s. .\`|_\', 1-unnim: pe-uylv. \\`nIk vmlh n llUiS6'll'SH .-xnn nnl ail-nH||\' or..- lhv lhv E.!1RNITUE- I i|('()lIlli| III` I'umil_\ Innu- um-|\ of July .nhl.\' Hltnmtml [vh'aIl.~4:|lll hum .\Ii.~'.-4 Ixutu l"rn.-no-r is Hrs. IIIHT, with hum uhllv .-qw-ml tho new Iv vuov U I Ivory homo would ban on land a homo of He stood Htnnd Y`hn I... no Hl,IHI|I IN" The h('tH'_'.r`HI hlu .\nd he lnvnmzly I sighed` Ayn] hn hurled In .\nmn-1 lhu pe-tuls Thu! tho fuir prnssvd` ` Hut u hlnnhlv two there `|l'l\l`nn1...1I o .. .n., rune. And he I Tht-n hi` 1 turn, And his He lnllnwed her mm the garden, where A ruse bloomed nvme-t and red. \nd he saw her 2~1tn.nd hesidu it th:-r And uraciumalv bend her huud, She kissed the beautiful, frn um rune. `/ iinrva-y s -Southern lay: ; Women have not yet. reached that transcendent height when they can wear the collar with a space llltc . moat between the linen wall and the neck, or with a gull in front into which the chin can be comfortably tucked when reading, or with wide turned back points that leave the whole (mm, 0! the neck delieiouely cool and iree; human beings who ha\e the cuunuze to thug insilt up- on comlnrt tlrst and style utter- wurds ure undoubtedly of the su- perior sex In such collars any pulse or putje 0! the head is easy, but to the woman who wears the Ll. la mode coilur. onlv one position in Lvrunted; that is the Gibson girl attitude - nprltzht, und with head thm&'n back. that gives a certain harmless huuteur oi tnunrwr_ hurtnlvsu because the least unohservunt must see that it is collar nnd not hunt:-,ur" that IS the matter with the VVt'l),l'l'l`. llr ll.l >Ill`('|lIIH1-(I nun... JAS- REID. calla." of the Toron- I written an article di cuui the llnen collar 10 worn v women, in the course of which she says _v. 1-unm 4-It-s.-4, 2` llll)llK' Hill l7PHI' El ' lim--4 hvml, In um` vnlulilo .1 f.\.. .......,. wr is un- .ulk1n;,r u a of thy Jl huh- (l I'll!` HI i| \'l`alH \' .-etops nnriarhf nm .lIl. IAI \\ l`('l|l'(` \ut`- .<-m<'rotnr_\ to in Ft .\'m\ I-Idil "h('l|f`(l he-r Lrently fnllmu-cl uftc-r ul , /` Whcclg. : `hour? wus `fgutinu huzh. r '. whe>r;Y" the maiden hot n v..`cl |.).._L.:.._ __ -nI' Myiss-x Mum! 1-!` lb` Hun l`.u.... qlvnnlc-(I hy Hm nu L us HllK'I'I_\' us it IS w hnml, lhv Immps hv l'(-uturvs uml l'\pl` c-. (hm hm um pa 5 t ml nnienrlinnua Iilll u H HI nuuuwn 1-la-gunro cmnpnrl nun who has ur `9 lunhinu rose. In-nt. his head alt`. S1('llH h_\' .. ....C I I ilu pt-rsnn trips 1 s_vmpnthy with P. ('hurau"t-r in -1 mhlitim in uni. ..l...n.n.-.. .... -...-.--gu-. -unu-nu nuuy uullnll lcllpflnc. mil nun ""s.;':.3.=."z.:'f ..___.;__. .`l\\l`l` mnid`s lhut hm! nf Mn! nmuth mm 1: us-nut an the U29 % hut some I romuln on tho rum- lil FWHII x Ft. Hur- I-Idinlmrgh, IH H` of H10 .. ..~. .._, no ul' nnul 1-\;-rt-s- In nuulo {II US ._\...p HI | Hmnlh.~ .._. ....-v. nu-up-n vn-I1 Llul. IIl'IvuuIntIhnrwId. P0`l'|`lId.Al 0.00 .. h-J3. "All Abonl Baby : Bill Ibd Lip.` 1: Ann. u-in ...... .._,., .L.. V IIIIFPIII. hamsv HIM-R II... I l|:l||- mn l|un- lhnryvrw, | Milli , so Inns Ku_ Don Hp` nooo Illilncltl Storo, June 27. -- P. & P. Mur- phy have a new sta of clerks- and employees nerwrally. John Johns- ton. inspertor of public school vi Nod some of the schools in E 5 vi cinity recently. A lame number took in the excursion to Kingston `on Uta 23rd inst. They comnlain of discomfort on account of lack. of seating at-`comm Hon .-- couches`for the ists... omas Murby. Tnmw . called _l3__zir uncle` Jhlur nu..... I .. I!` II] 21 ml ()I.D(`l` societies nccompunied them; in all about seventy-five men were in the procession. l\'ear.`l_v three hundred people were in the church. lle\'.J. (`umlwrlanfl prenvhefl an elu- quem. sermon. Our brass band is making good progress under the able llnntrlmtiovis nf,,Pr0f. Eaton. They lnnkml neat and trim in their new summer uniform as thnv headed the purmle last. Suhbntli. 'I`he_\' are to nttvml ~ut the festixal on the point cluminlun lllly` The Roman ('ulholi('s he-lll u wry xucm-sslul ice (`roam ao- rlnl ul Hlnlln last Saturday evening. The hrnsn lnmd was 1-ngum-d and lin- ruursml music for un hour and a hull. Prnu-eds over forty dollars. "l`ho Inunnp'--ment. of Stella point would ronle.` a favor which would be much uplwe-clxiled. if they would pm a stop to vehicles helm: driven in upnh the m-minds: further than llle lilnlt nlln\\'(-ll them. It should um he used in the same wuy is 11 public hiy.vhwa_\'. Mrs. Cooper, an iuzml ludy. R. Cnrhrnlw. Mrs. (`. T,.u;rw9lll nnd (`harles (tin-in are sir.-loudly III. A """`:`1"" hm! .~w I unulu Iunlnu IIUIIULIIII Ihoworld tlunbndoelurtrqntmonuo to. net. co ly oaecuvo tor dmma In n 0! u and children an wnnn w emu Sou, ' d genus unclut- hpvml ovu(oInunou: gnmuormn urn, follow by mild dock or Cm-wan vllrr. anoint of blood puriou and Knot nmod. They n haunt. nlhf, 'Cll|ICl'GIIlI`I|OOp,lnd point napo_ody,por- -lnlpl, and canonical euro. all ollo hum. x n.a`.., . ._. .. _ _j__________ lull: lnyllzu Slollu, Jun-3 `.27.--'l'he hay harvest has liP},Illn. Humnior l`(`hl(lel]lS un Ste-llii point. are cuiiiiiioiicim: tn nr- r.'i\ci \isltors from niuny places in the stni-,-s are llf`Tl\'lll_L' (liiily, Miss Jennie Muctlmiultl hus n.-turm~(l {rum iisiting friends in \\'ut-rtuwii, N'.Y. 'l`k-.9 nwinb s of the (funutlinn Order uf I-`wrest s are to be cmigrriitillatml upon their appearance int the `pnrude to divine service in the }`resh_vte-rian church last Sabbath. Memhers of other societies about Svnfv-fivn Innn n-urn Inul m l()-(tn}`. \\Hh its w1'dr~r (mt- lmvk nmt morn varintl rmu'-Inp. tho- intrndu(`tim1 ut` tho |Ii(`k(`d_\HlH1L'l7H'lI of the [man-r clam.-109 um! of tho tmst minds: from India. the Unitml Hint:-S and tho Hriti.-ah rnlnnios is n. hurt tho twvmticr-Int impnrtnnvn nf whivh (`nu s(`nrr`ol_\' lm nxr-rostjnmted. u`\ , \ (-l\o the ( tux`; out i Irium nun. mm mm New.-r a [puphet fureteils, but a mightier BB8!` hath foretold him, Back of the canvn that throhs. the [minter is hinted and hidden lntu the statue that breathe-si. the soul of the sculptor is hidtie-u l'mIer the joy that is felt, he the innite i.-mm: 0! feeling ('ru\\'nI`m,' the ginry ruu=u|e|, in the glory that (`rownu the revealing. Hrs-ut ure the H_\'Hih0`H nl" |u*iiip_v_ imt Unit which in symimlic-d is great.- (-r \'ust the rreutir mid in-iini(i_ hut unst- el` lhl, in\V`lr(` ('r('Il'()r Hnvk ail` Hun .n.u.dn I........l.. on- .J| [ l\11('(| (r nuuprc. l\'-v-ver a dnlay that grows. but u. my!- tery guideth the growing: Never a riu-r that own, but n ma- jehty uceptr-:3 the owing, Never a Shakespeare that soared, but a stronger than he did an- lnld him Nn\nr n l|-t\ln|\n t..-.....||.. L... Bl`: ' And never was poem yet. writ. but {he - moaning out-mastered the metre. `-0 __ 4 ., Inhiaz nowetn and the chim- ren. .buu their unbtlo ouggnuon is mi:-er; Rare In the roseburst of dnwn, but the secret that claaps it is rarer: Sweet the exnltanre of sung, but the Itruln that precedes it is swat.- or: - v*;:nIng' ` ' wk nf tho hnm. . .L"H rw;eiu-(I, thrill the r~m1.~i!n'- m-rn. `I re 1`:-ivinxr I wt. IIIO IIIBQIXIINCH ooro. boglnulngmo cxund Iowud tho pain. We oonnltod thmo dllauu pllyilohu. much u ouhlu bank at line. A (autumn raoommondod Cancun candles. 1 mm Cu-noun sou, Cc- IDIVIA (ointment), I d Czmcnu Rum.- VGI`. put clue what I Ind been m1ng.unl by: with than. We! they avratlllal Mud. `xl-'3. DI 3 ` 381.5. 101 Bronson _Axvo.,BooholtoI . N.Y.