Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1899, p. 4

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1 Q0 AIIID Ill). D5. Dlflnlln rrom [AVOI- pool dood no Porbland '.':`_ 0 a. m. to dny. Every Cloth and Twccd Mantle in stock will he sold at one~t.hird loss llmn regulur pm-4 5. 1~1\I ;\I\I`I \ 4-Arr~r\v;\ C()I.()RIiI) SATINS-- [ Special Lmo in Creme, White and (}olors,wortb 660. for 500 yard. I\'I /\i`I t\ V`I\Vt\ Starr & Sutclie, 141,/{pk S/\ I`I7NS; ~150- "S. H. & M. Rcdtern" is thc richest. softest. and handsomut ol all bindings. at the very top of dressy dcgancc. the clcgancc that lairly drama the dress in beautiful richness. and it wears-it is of thc strength of Iuf. passing durability. the economical combination of quality. beauty. and war, and costs but a few cent: more than does the commonest. poomt of short life bindings. \ V[lVE`T_E{. BIAS FORM1:1RLY RICHMOND <! CO. H8 and I20 Princess Street. l l.hlell'-I Fur Capra S. rngnlar. Sale price. $l 35 8 Choice Natural Opposum Mull, $3 regular. Sale price, $|.65 ` 3 Ladies Black Conoy Ninth `very choice). 3:. `.35 regular. Sale price, 5| 40 4 Alaska Sable Rulla. l-Extra value an 54. Sale price. $2 90 l Alaska Sable Mull, I l Cheap an $lH. Sale price, 57. 50 | 4 Greenland Seal Siorm Collars. 35 regular. Sale) price, $3.85 2 Grey Lamb Storm Collars. $5 regular. Sale price, $3.75 . l Pair Ladioa Aanracbm H iunhlobs. l 35 regular Sale price. 53.50 i 1 Ladies Coon Jacio (up-Do dale) Worbh 335. Sale price. $26 More to follow. Come early and secure ' a bargain. `.Geo. Mills & C0,, 1`i \\'|.`I I iv.-rr-..u mu... tlVt""; W V9g:5 BINDING UPHOLSTEREO WITH GOLD. `31 in. widcn lmm'_y bright niah, worth $1, for 750 yard. IJIHCSS (`.HUl)b`-- 1H m. Whipcords, regular $1, for 760 yard. H In \\/nnl l'.lnnL' {`nu||Ir\nrn nun-IL `(Kn (Ar `)Kn s. H. 81 M. stamped on back 91 every yard. If your dealer will not supply we wilt -.g.- n - .. d. 4... An -___. -4---. -- -n , Why in the moon like I mu-rings ooutnob Y Because no governs the uda. El Ea4.%r9%%%.i.gar 11` IS NOT EQUAL z 8. DAVIS & SONS, MONTREAL. The Largest Cigar Manufacturers In Canada. 9 0660906 OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ O-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We have jusb commenced a sale of I-`urn -rich. up to-dme, fashionable F-Ira-chz;n cunuon {ml to create a big sensation d aouracb buyl run from all over the tiny and county. Here are a few of the `any irrnkung Bxrgnina far Thursday and !ol- 1 I lmylng days: I |A\ II._ V, L` 11 C Has no peer among domestic cignrl. Made and guaranteed by No Approbation. It is ballot. The ` K Quality T B.`i`."*y.. Clifford Kooler, Hroonbuah, hu purcha- ed fboon bond ol Holstein Frlotisnl. unr- lv 3 the Bodlord Park herd. owned by Ellis Bron . Toronto. The Animal: In 11! ne types of bho brood. (/`lillard in an preeenb very ill and old- eboub eighty-live yeere--nnd to all appear- ances uenuob livo long-uuloee she taken 5 fancy bopey oife church mortgage with an ennniby aobechmema, which hee pre- Vlollliy hed uhe ellocb, apparently, of pro- longing her lnle. Over twenty yeere :10 her lube husband. John Clifford, b nonh- ed .`$'_ ,4N)H no the Murray enreeb lphilh church to cameo in lmnug ohe morhgnge on candlhion bhnh ten per Conn. be paid 00 ill! widow during her life, which no bheb bums, according to humnn celculebion. wee likely to Inn only a low yearn. Bub she has lnved over tnwenby yeerl, end judged by her vibellty which bee wibhebood the offense of her wretched eurroundinge I0 long, she is likely no live many yure yen. Au my rahe bhe bequeeb hu coat the church over $l_IN)0. which he: been peid in inbereeo eince H. was mnde. Mu. (Illi- lord either hnd no pressing need, or an unlimibed lnibh in the solvency oi bhe church. for bho cheques repreeenhing the inbereeb, generally made In Mey or June. would frequenbly nob be cubed bill bhe following Ocoohar i I.-nhayvMr- (`.liWn|-rl rlinrl Tnnndnw Inm-n. | IUIIUWIU LICUUUUT lnber-Mru. (lliord died Tuoldny morn- ing. and OPEN FOR ENCIAO EI'lEhT_ IA Mid -Winter Sale l " OF` PURS. A.\lE3 E VVALLI-1.(`LAllIONI-If F`-HIUl.`'l". ~ u-un In-vngmz-ml for hulls. DNl'llf`.\'. von. , -- _------J\J6 171 \\'l`IlJ.IIVti1`1)N H FRl*I!-LT. \.'..\o.I.v...o \|' :- Cnnudinns any tender for supplies for ~ the English army And navy. The boat is` . wanted, and only the boat will be accepted ! from any source. The British soldier man no dnugor of luncbiug o"`eInba|mod beef." which bu been so much condemned by `non. Miles. of the American Army. Here's aomenhing that: should be cub out md putcd in your scrapbook. George '1`. Angel], editor of Dumb Animals. guar- nnleoa hull A teupoonlul of powdered ' upbnl in etch shoe or shocking will ward `(HY In orinng N`-.. :5. 1.. ...JA .1. _-- Anoohor famous gure in the religious mo of Clmdn has passed uny in Fr. Rev. K. Ker is perhaps sorry he spoke About; the press. and in such disrespectful harms. In is not: often A man goes so lar aeld to invite I scanfying, sad in is not: olhen than one succeeds us Mr. Ker has "done. He wil! devote himself to bboolo- ` gical issues in the future. \ 3 Kingston Q Kickers ' l___ "We will whack Wbibney." That: was hhe mobbo of me liberals in the lush olec- tnon. And the colonel moms 00 have bad enough of puuiabmoun amce be lulled to show himself in the last. bye election. The (J 1' R. does not: wan!) the earth ox` actly, but in wanna Do girdle Dhe earth with ice; railway a acoumahip linen. And it may quccee/(V! ID has aha money, it has tube m, d in has the courage, too. __ r._`. ... --\.|n ruvv un uvuunlus IIIAI WIFU got)` In grippo. Try it). In can't: do any | bum. and it may do good. ....;\:u-nxnu A1\.IlllJ- The Iiborala will now have a working mnjoriby of eleven in the Ontario legisla- tmre. The Hsrdy government; will be nble 00 got: along with chat. Than is plain balk. Snr John is a con- , atilutnonal critic. or rather be In well poet ' ed on parliamentary procedure and the abrncture of reaponmble government], bub` ho is not tube only one who has read up the subject: and is warranted in offering an opimon upon It. SH` W'Il!rid Launer known. probably, use much about: the nub jack as S1!` John. though he has not; wnnben a book upon 1b. and he ought to be able no express himself without: SI!` John rising to declare that he is crude in his conclusions -...... _.........\..,. ....u nu nun- "If we have any advlce to give to lnm It would" be to mind hrs own bumnena nnrl tl'.aL wnthuuu lurthor delay. Har Wnlfnd and hl colleagues have much more pas blenco bhan we suppose whom to have I! may allow Bourinob or any other emplngte Lu deucend mm the polmml arena as the clerk of the commons has done. Sir J nhn In an perfect; hberny to become a membur l of parliament) If he can ml a county to elect: him, huh I!) Is luvs absolute duty no nu strain himself or give up hm rucuumon ll he is unable to match his lebningt-1 uowardn x luryiem." nu.-x... .- .. 5..-.....v\.-. Nuw La I'M-rie calls him down. I poinha to the (act; than no rmnoue nun mom: has you been adwgncml againsb Sir Wn|!rid a scheme 0! senate reform. The leader in iba opposition, in observes, in SI!` John Bourinoo. and H5 Adda : .u; . mun pm.-lug an a conamnublonul nutmonty. IL 1333 never occurred Lo him than there are Limes when, wlthuuh loan cf prestige. he can remain mleno. Such ll [H118 occur- red recently when Bir Wilfnd Laurier dis cussed the senate and, incidentally, aug goaned how the upper chamber could be relieved of its obstructive tactics. Some one at) once ran off to Sir John and he was on map, as usual, and announced bhnh S~r W|lfrid's proposal was vory crude` He s-aid a good deal that, was beside the sub )8!!!) and bbnb did not)a1I':.ct.ih. but) he was ,_._.I 1 n . 1-`- -.--. ----v ~.---- uuvv I-IA\.\.v IVI UIIU IIU VVHH quoted freely and was. It. is presumed, gramed. \ I v... .. .. . ...v....- .-..v~---vgu. I ' The secretary of tho Aaoocinbod Chau- J Dies in Occawu reports the there has been 3 An Increased demand for help from the ` i poor 0! the city, and 1!: comes from a poo-I p'e who are not: nlwnya dtt-serving of 35-: .-xnunce. In many Inabaucoe the up I plncnntn for fuel are told to go no the wood 1 yard and saw the wood for chemrolvea. - u.....I -1..-- J--l:_- ._ .1, :. n `:71 .. n, ` @)@[0)'Q>;0> / g\ _.... ..--.-...., . .....u gnnuu. in us perhaps as well bbathalhtrieahculd remind Sir John Bourinoh than he is, like everything chat: in nude 0! ash and blood, not infalhble and that he ought) to do less posing an a constitutional nutzhonty. Ir inn um... n............,l s,. |.;.... n.-. .| ,,,,, ` , J _., .., .. ' bonwoan poverty and pa non sometimes be dono. J I ___. .......`. ....u uu Iu uuronvou u x.uL.`I- mg In this fine wintry weather, bub in punishing hun the charitable nrnery pun when hll holplean and perhnpammcunb bulrrm. lc'szu-ermuq question, one that has coat the genuine phi!-mthroplutn malty A bhuughr, and so far without) a mtvnlun bury eolubmn. lo I?! hard to dnabmgunb pauponam. It. can- {THE DAILY wH1G.i _-_ _..... _.... ..... ........ .... vI.lv|AJrWovuU" and they decline to do it." Why ~ Bel V cause the able Doework have an idea the: they Ehould recurs the luel on the same conditions as those who are weak and un-A able Do work. That idea cannot be ooo ; soon rooted out by every organization that I ' has to do with the dispensation of charity. ` There would beleee ditlivulty, however. in acting but for the children who are too often the tutlerera and too often the objects ol the people! benevolence There are some lazy raecola in this world, and they toast their shine b/the fire they have failed to provide, d eat the food they have tailed to onrnvvithnut any qualms of conscience. The children appeal to the sympathy ol bhe beuovo'cnt I societies, and M10 DBCOPEIDIOG of the chil- dreu prompt; many an act of lnndnear, and fathers and mothers, lacking In paternal anxiety and devoid of paternal l86llllR,WIll accept the bounty that is bestowed upon tahe libtle ones and ehare in their BlIJO) - menu. The man who could rub hie own wood and would not: do it dererveu n cool- .._._ ._ .L:_ n . - 1 1 DAILY HKITIHH WHIU evening at 315-810 King Htrwl, Idellverod ln Lne city", 35 by I ' advances WEEKLY BRITISH WIXIO. ?`T_ T L`: u ?1 . 9'::`_`"' YEAR-5 WEEKLY BRITISH VVHIU, 12 pages, pub-` Uuhed everyTuunh|y mormng at 81 a year. Atuu-bed in one 0! the bean. Job Prlnllng Omceuln Canada; npld, nlylllb and cheap work ; nine Improved presses. Inuv I R Pun-Ar Prnnrinlnr Dd Vance mu'r1su wmo, 12 pub- lished every Tuurnday mormmx 31 year` LA l ATRIE S l`|.AlN TALK. ISM (intuit Dal--I lllh January. UM). j El:l;(;RlL-kl, NOTES. "Opilur pl! OI-ban Dicey. l7 ;U1`ERV mrosIi'10N. um mun: wmu. wnrisubuay. JANUARY Ia. moo. lupluvvu plvaxu. Euw. J. B. P:.~:u:, Proprtewr. publllbed e (`H 1, 8|. r yo-ur, must} f pud m I publinbad 1 . 36 per yo-u It is everywhere acknowl- cdgcd as The Standard of the VVorld. 9 A Iu.u auu ILQU. , It will give nerxlious energy to the overworked brain and nerves. It will add flesh to tl)C thin form of a child, wasted from fat-st`31rvation. l AU I5 UH VIEW III) Illa VV Hlg UIIICB. Two tram pa alumberoa away the tedi oua hours an we police nuamon lash mgbp. The Allm lino SS.Su-dinim from Liver. inn! dnolnd IQ Pnrhlnnd '.'* O I m M An. Capt. Bruce Cnrrunbara has procurod,for pre.-entauon to the young lnbenla club. n_ nue portrait of Sir Wnlfnd Lsmnor,!rnm:d. In is on View an the Whig ofco. Twn tr.-un no nlnmharnn numv than Ondi It is tl`lC hcst cod-livcr nil, partly digested, and com- bined witli the l1yp0phos- phitcs and glyccrinc. VVh;it V will it do? It will make the poor blood ofthc anarmic rich and red. 1:. Dvuu-u AI-1711-150 ]n.\lw\'. Jan. 18 -~There was an inter. eamng ceremony aooqoorue hon-.e. isle of Wngbu. last. week. The queen prevented medals for dnaunngnnunhed aervnce In one tiold tow group of Omdnrman warllore. most: of Lnnm nou commu.-evoued otcxrr. Her majesty wee wheeled xnbo the gretn room. where the soldnera were drawn up and ualubed her. Then each recnpnenu knelb. and mo uueen pinned 3 medal on his brawn-0. She also questioned the wounded concerning bbeir experiences. sion i Ul LIIU D'$CIUU HUHTU IUHKLIU IIUU T101) Ila) ' nly Lf Sr. Mary's comzrexnmou. Hm luneral uakea place Do murruw afternoon {rum hm late residence, )4 : North Bagoc anreeb. to Hn Mary's cat.hedrnI,where a solemn liberu wnll bu bung for the repose cf hm soul Much pympauhy is extended no the a0Irnw- mg widow and hot lumily in her more aH|-c- bion. -.... ..u-no .uv-u-- \/uuuvuun After an illrioaa of nine weeks duriitioii, coiiliiiod lll l`ll')rel I)l(`ll hospital, Thuinaa lfualiiiin p`5-'*F'0(l peacefully away Lo bus ro- waril nn Monday night. Deceased suffered from )1 (`rln(`8r on rihe lelo leg, which inca- pacitiatod him contiiiuiiig his daily work. He bore his eulleringn withr,.iib is Yllllllllul`. Mr. (Iu.-hion was 11 native of Mfuxfuril, Ire- land, and emigrated Do Llii-1 cauniry over twenty five years ago, i-obbling on (.Hirden lalaizil. For a number of years he was eui~ played by the law Mr. Ualvin in the (`HIP i|lifU|`.'.lUlI of I-liipbiiildiiig. `sud for 9"(lDJO followed the lake in trading on blip boatn Flvllllg out of that: village. He afterwards removed to bho why and was employed an nhovelling grain for the H. T. company {or a great. many years. Deceased was married no the eldest: daughoer of the late John Millan, and by ilieir marriage has three some and four daughters surviving. He leaves two sisters and one brother, his niaoer. Mrs. I`. Fannoii residing in the city. and tho nther sister, a resident: of Milwaukee. and his brother residing on (harden Inland. Deceased win 3 member of the Sacred Heart; league and Holy Fain ilv r f Rr Marv`: I"nn|7f&AIAl.lnI| Hm lunnrnl UUIIILUIJ: James Hmriaon, Acbiuolite, is dead. He was a bro'her-urhw 0! senator Fllnb and wnn the last ofafamdv clrclo wlnch `:1- oludad L-emuur Fhnh. In Holden, I`) W. Hulmn and Nathan Jones, ve sisters `the Misses Clement having married chase gen- tlemen, the gluten bmng dead also. Ho wan kind and generous to n Lgult, and was A member of Lhe Methodist: church. PIIIIILB 'l|UIU Mrs Samuel Wnlfsio, BrockviHe.dned on Monday aged eighbynlne. Flvo Children survive: Mra. W. U. Booth, Mru. (Hen) Eh Woodcock, Mra A I). Mchuuglll, Wllldfd B, \V||beie, all of Brockvnlle, and Sbephon A. Wnloeie. dominion gnvornmonb customs oditer ac deacole, W'mhington territ.ory. Jnmnn Hnrriann Anhinnltn Sn zlnnrl Nn uu nuvu nu uuluuuu. Mrs. Ralph Brown, Ballevxlle, Id dead, Aged fty ought. She was A dnugbher on Duvm H-ll. Tyandinsgn. A husband and one daughter mrvive. R. Wuddel, who owns a controlling in- herent, in the Trenton water woxks, is ab present: negotiating for an amalaamanuon of the electric lvgho and wner works com- pmncs there. MPH H.rnnnI \N.lr.in Rrnnlzuilin llmnl nn _ ' Chiniqnv. Ho Ill very much in evidence l during the calm: yuan ol bio csroor. bub `J. ` be bu lubtorly been enjoying the real: and 1 repose be to much required. Hi: Wu I ', peaceful ending u! I most: nu-viva sud ex- gi cmng mo. III had a dear one suffering with a severe cold, or prostrated with Grip, I I(l')O)V of no remedy that I should rely upon so implicitly as my Cold and Grip Cure. It has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that it checks discharges of the Nose and E) cs, stops sneez- ing, promptly relieves the Throat and Lungs, allays Inammation and Fever, and tones up the system. It cures Backaches, Headaches and Dizziness accompcmying the symptoms of Grip, produces sleep and restores strength of body. It is invaluable in all Iormsof in- tluenn or obstinate colds. I nuke this Statement not Inr the sole purpose OI selling my remedies or making money, but Wllh a firm Conviction that I am doing my fellow/men a great benefit- ll1V\VIIr'\\l nuc UI 0`. Auuuusa cllurcll. nenevule. A Bel evillo 2-chuol teacher 1! to leave on Monday for Vancouver, where she WI be un|'Ur1 In marriage Do a lover who [bore awmbu htr 'lL .....- I)--.` .-1Ix,_.,u Iv , 1 EV! IIIUH III] '1 hull)!!! Porch and Hamel Howard were wrer-Lhnq In a 8mnn\nvu|lo howl when l orbL throw Howard with such fume ma to break ma leg. Rnv I. Mn:-ru'II Mullnr I'rn.;hxnnmn uruuu ma leg. V Rev. L Morrill Muller, l'roab)Lenan ` church. Ogdenaburg, has been pastor oil that: body for nearly lny yearn and Is now Do have an aaaiaumn. M... l),.I..s. l)-.....-_ I)_Il_...II. .. .1-.. .1 Iuul, BIJJIFIIIIIK Ill ! DDVKU Kev. W. A (iuaun, Theifur Mm Que , has received che nppounmnunt as 1 no at 8*. Thomas` church. Hellevnlle. A Rn] .....`I1- ........I .......|..._ .- ..\ n..-... .-. ,_ .._- .... uvv-4 |4\1v ..u--us" U--V councxl and the cummwbbeos hnva mg power. and outside of them 1 cuoua hula b`~ WOIBhIp and the ( can do I The Hamilton Herald holds nhao the chairman of comrnlhltee have a good deal to my aboub the expendnture of cure money, and 30 M10 people must: be con- cerned about them. \es " The Ln-1_vur has also a good deal to any about: money umb- ters. bub hedoea nob couurol them The emperor ( WI be 3 menu bin 1; to make I what. the! II The Bit-muck family have returned to | the German emporor all the docornliomr wtncb were pruented to Pnnco Blunuck (during his public life. \`Vbab will the "emperor do with Lbun? Their presence } wrll be: constant rebuke for Lbe Irena rubs gave to the mm who helped ya ......I... .L.. ..__-_:._ I:.._L_..... .L_. ;- I Those who have bad the C. P. R upon 3 the br.un-wbo regard in u I big enough i monopoly Already -Awi|l be nurtlod by Sir ` Willinm \'mHorne'a rew schema. Ho ,| will, if aided by the government, eatablieh {I model {no Aulontic eervico. will in gen the nocoaaary backing ' Will the country refuse the C l .B.. won in would | give to foreign cupitaliaba ` $06, and `Lao, III druggii! ICOTT I BUWNE. C593-"-5' TOIOIKO M U N7\V(f(`)Z $1 . VVhat is Scott::IV`7I(IIF1u]:-;` (Lao, all druggf-ti `T I BUWNF, Chnnnln Town .-- R-.- Vxl ..... .__. V..- ..-. 3 we empire Pertupa than 9 Bismarck family dame. ` Thwfurd Mun-I_ ..u -~ . ,.. - chairmen Reduced Prices on all Shoes of from 20 per cent. to 30 per cent.` and some spepial L9ts at One-Half Price-For FRIDAY ONLY- Uh-d In Dlvlllon Ifourl. IN 1.lT.l(~ Ont.., Jun. )8 -Dr. Wilson V 8.`; London. died suddenly here this morning in nine division court. where he was u witness in a horse cue. llearb dis- ease was the cause of death. [M-~ SU 1`HERLAND S. J.H.suTI-gI:f.g2L.AND & BRO FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY Colds and Grippc Can be Cured ` The C1;Inpany an Uuotl une Juhu urllnlh I An Al Uuguruul Unpuun 1.. . I I... :`..u..`. ...`n IIJCUJIJUT. I (I5 IUUEU IDLUIIUUU HI! IUUUTII I Mrs. Henderson. poorly for some tame. I5 gebbmg some bebtcr. We are sorry to \ learn than Mrs. R (iorvin. Kmgobon, 13 Ill. The ycuug poop|o are lmvmg euyxynblel tunes on the we lutely Mr Willard started [no conga hut, wouk from Emerald through Sell; to Kingston. Wullmm S's ` venwn, Bulhlo, and bride arrived hero on Saturday Lo vnaw his pnwnoa and other hmudza A large pxrty cm.k place ADJ. linchnrdrf Manday nvbnvm.; anoznur tuhe place Funky In Vncnurm hull Arthur "Iuglh, whnlo curt;-ng war! Inc nook, ru'envd A brad (`un on me mp :11 but {no 1n.Keuneuy pun ten an-choc in :0. An nr Lory was eevorod liut This [not II but Oaunlng Any on-on An.-|..l- S111: \. Jun 18 -7 We are very sorry to; Mllle the sudden deeth ol Wnlhem H Bray. which book plate on the evenmg ol bhe Huh. Dentb took him without 5 mo- ` meat : notice. He oomplnmed I male or N headnche end ooothecbe dunug the even- mg, bun nobhmg serioue wee considered. As he hung up his overcoat: end Ina standing near the kitchen above be re method, I amok in in runner In the: next room. He warned and just; reeched , the door when he fell on hie face. He was , poked up by Mre. C. Tugwell, n neigh bor. who happened no he bhere en the uune. He wee taken outside, thinking` the!) he bed only fainted. Deoeeeed wee I very sturdy, ne young man and much thought 0! by all who knew him. He meunged I large {Ann . lor hue mother, who is a widow. I Hue luuernl wee very lzrgely Amended on I Suburday. A beeuulul wrenh of Whll` r.)-es was placed on hie c(l1jn by tho Troumce Bove,ol which he wu uprcnunenn 1 member. The lodge Amended his funeral I Mrs Hnndmnnn nnm-Iv fnr nnmn mma . I Younz Inn llplrod After Entering Ila Ila. --IA AN ENEMY VERY . VE88-EVLWOVI-.RDUE. BUOOEN DEATH All 'Sa|es For Cagh. <;; 9!) (Q) TO THE KING` >->1N sHoEs+< SHOE DEALERS. EIIHOCOOCL CH6 `NDC5 CIQHIICU Ill ! ng and Alexander Messrs. John ()0! Fur/gernld named 11 place and upon in voebignbion found rmcaaled about chn bod nhe largo sum 0 $1. H."_`,l(|. OI bhia aui 3H0 wne in gel . conaisbing 0! guinea, sovereigns and odd loreugn coin-I, 32:01) in can do'lar bills and the balance in bwon nnd onen Ind silver. The`; money wn brought L) Mr. Adnmr, bhe reeves, who book legal advice. and the money has been depoainod I in the bunk to Mrs. Clifford's crodio. Mru_ I l'1'l9I'|H)I-II'.\7|lIlIIu'r A low days ago on benuub who occur p108 half of tabs Denemeg In whrch Mrs. John (Jhthrd. Lake abr D. Aahburnhum, rounder: or rubber shay.-. reporuod her hp ' purenbly deebihuce cmditiun bo Alexander Fn7.,gemlsl. v|l|.Ag6c)m-tmblo. He in {urn reported the mnnber no reevo Adams. who |pror-.eedad bo nnvoatignbe. On Ssnnrdmy ; night bho poor woman we found suck an-i I nbarvnng in the mndsb of obs uhmoat sqmr hr and deatmuuon. She was hvvng alone. with hlrdly any IurnILure. wnthono any fund in bho place, and with no fire ho rtwok no nor any one to prepare it). it there had been any. The lilbhy condition uf bbe place wan indelrrzbable. whI(1:j,11u-no mafw Run your. has our duty to have sxnlocbed. n.| and Alnrnnrlnrl revelatuon no Hm vnllnge_ I board 0! boslnh found in the place clobuncd Ind Mann: Jnhn (`.n! l l|l;|7|J \l`V\/1lkJ`- I*` III. VIIIIPUUIUD, IVHUHII `VI, IUI (UU `YB-Ills 3:; m. All Wool lilnuk Caslnnen-, worth 350. for 250. UNl,)IliWl')Ali~-\Vomcn`s All Wool (`mnbination Suits $2, for $1. Misses` and Children's All Wool Combination Suits $1.50, for 760 suit. '1`.-\l}I.l'l l.INlNb'-5H in. Unhluaclml Linens in assorted patterns at 05(- 70 in. Ulll)lI`(`b0d Linens worth 450. for 35 yard. 70 in. Ilubleaclu (1 lliuema worth 65c, for 600 _yeml. b'UEETlNGS--2 yards wide, Unbleached Twill at l2lc. worth 160. E lllencllvd Twill at 17c. worth 200. Bleached Plain at. 15c. worth 18c. EEE EEEEEEE EEEE $ l A noti(e;il>lc feature about the all month Sale is that we are busy not merely in two or three spots but Zlll over the \l()I'C. The White (imlil draw strongly but so (lo the niulliplicil (l'l.'Hl((`\ in Mantles, Furs, ready made Skirts and \\.u~t, Urcxs Goods, Silks, .\/Iillinery, Undcrwegir, (iloves and other de artments. In Linens and Sheeting it is the chance 0 the year for home lI1.'ll(CI'S and hotel keepers to do shrewd buy- ing. It is .<.imply buying` good qualities at the price of poor qualities. MANTLIES-- en-rtn,elr'. (`nu ulsn m`vonnmxlatv 2| llmllul umln-r or punlls. Mum` l`0lIl||Ih91l nnd ar- rangwl fur h:ml~ and arch: H In 1`--nus m-vdcw roux R. Divudun B! ru-l.

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