Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1899, p. 1

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BOWLING ALLEYS. *%B\\ILl|AR[)_S;_AND POOL ICU... ` IITDIU CIIIVCH Sax Fr..u':-u~--0. Jun. 7 --Among tho` puooogen on we 35. Doric from Yoko- unms, which nrrivod here In: nlgbt were hon dugunood Spgninh priests ol the Sn. Angnstm ordgr. rofugooa from the truth of Agninaldo. They expect to End I new eld of labor in Cennnl Agporica. ToRn.\*m,J:n. T -G. H. Benrun, M.I` . in an inunnow up : "I an nob in favor of nforming tho cunts. I an A strong ubolitionub. The contain an enormous exponno. and has no rupouibtlity ho nnnnln II nhould ho nbolnbtd." n. Gll. lnu nu no rbpuuuuulsy pooplo. II should ho nbolubcd." lluull In uurcu. auu u.-uuuw... Uludly Ala In Providing a Kennedy lor ...- ..-........ mun _ Thu uuvurnmunl. N. Y . O. & W RR. COMPANY. lofngoo Pru-no A rrlvo. I.`., . .. .. ... l._ " A- KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY, JAAUABY 7, 1899. bvll luv uuwu-u........ r linvo Bpoclnl Pulull lu- CHALDEAN KING'S WINE CELLAR. Unearthed by German Envnntiu. Who lnde . liemnrknhlo DIIOOIQIIBI. BERLIN, Jun. 5 --The explorer. Do. Belch. who was attacked in September luau while prosecuting llll studio: in Asia Minor bu mude come interesting discover- iea neer Lake Wan. He and Dr Lehmnnn ure searching for the Chsldeen inscrip- tions. And the cash cf their expedition in being defrayed from I land to which the 7 prim-ipal contributors are the Keieer end the \'irchow Institute. According to letter: dated Tillie, Nov. `)6, the two explorers, in excuvnting among we ruins of n palnce ol nhe old Uhnldenn mg Argantes ll , came acrou this mon- arch : wine cellar. In was lled with co- loasnl earthenware vessels, 3 low of whicl have been secured lor the Berlin Museum. Of a far greeher importance. however. in their discovery of inooriptiinna on the drains bl the pxlnce which lurniah a complete clironolugv, to the time ol nhe Assyrian King Tiuiiib Plulenr isbouu the eight eennury before Christ) Thn Armnninn nnhrmrgha hnve been ' JV Clothiers `and Fnrnishers, 75 an 77 BROOK sT oerore l./Dflll) The Armenian patirinmha have been ,ry graciou-i to the two Herman explorer and have even allowed ubein the unwanted pri- vilege of baking away an extremely inter- esting inscription from the wall of an old monuhery. l)r Rah-k and him nnlleiwna intend now monnenery. Dr. Belck and his colleague intend to vlslh the Upper Tigris, Mosaul and Nine vein, and to conoinue bhenr investigation- iu what) is probxbly the home 01 the earl: elm cnvnlr/.\r.|on bhe district bobween Mnunb Anna and um: upper reaches of Lbe!Tigna and Euphrates. The Elite Prepared Thii miniateiialiata" of the city council i held llf\|l('|l-l liuti evnning and `lralteil A slate of ainnding coinmitleei, chairman. etc. Tlia renull. of their dulibemtiiona is non lmown to anybody on the outside. "I-Iverytliiiig has been prepared, und I am i ready Lo any that, our slate will (IVS aatiizfactiuii," raid one ul Ll.ul cnni-ervutive alderman. Another one remarked; You can any for ma tlmb no relate will come into Ll lit council that will nob give tho rolormeroevurytbing they gave us when bhey were in the major icy. mud in little bit more. And I intend tc follow out; this principle all through the yearlh In in mid that Alderman Jiiinvs Minnes works. The men who, should the dnsqnmlnlyiny of lush ymu a COUDCH occur, WI hold DDOII` mane In this your : councnl are Maura. .\l(:FArlane, Cunningham, Fnreeque, Wal- kem, Taor, McLeod. Campbell, Graham, Lmn-0N, Jan. 7 ~The correspondence roapecung the French stuck on Hrmsh Drade in Madugu-car wan it-rued by the for- eign ofce In-ta night). It shows lord Sulir bury omrgecically protested against) each ncb new wu committed, When the do cree was ieeued restricting the coasting trade of the Island to French vessels lord Snlriburv made a pmmpb and emphatic pro'eeb with hhe result than on Dec. `_ 9-,h M. uelcaue, French foreign unnl-,-Ler, numfled him than the decree had been revoked as French vessels were not. numerous enough or autcienb bonnsgo no carry on tho zmge. nrlunu rtuusunu nuumuuuuun I year. In is amid alderman will be (he chairman of fire, water and Ii 0 Nellhbl` a"lenneu McLeod or Bcll wa be made chairman of the board of ! works. 'I`... ....... mkn -kn.-IA olm t`|nl|IIQ'Il\-Ml-' I I ._....,.... .....-.. 43! mm , Jan. 7 --Dr. Limeaxuz. dean < the mu.J.cul facuny of Laval uunvoreiny, aenounly ill. hr Hnnv M 1' lnr Levin in lvimv I I HOTBI umu Ill Iuuuvw um: uuuu l;u|IuIuuu. There is talk of the wrestling beam of the Queen`: (Mn Cumdlau Huunra which defeated the NC A., Lmm In the drill hall an their toulnamenb in November law and again no_ `RC A. upon: last) December. going to omubo to compete against) uho Royal Canadian dmqooua. lormorly the Quebec cavalry school In the coming To ronno military touruvunenb. aenouuy in. Dr. (iuay, M I . for Lovie, is lying I l Hore| Dmu in much bhe same condition. 'l`|...-.. in p-ll. nl aha mrnntlina hnnm r Nnw Yuma, Jan. 7.-"BosoCrokor il mm vunh an Interview for expumnon of the United Snares which be up in nho only` cmntry than is Inperior no England ( Jamal: owns nearly A of the nniverro and why nhould'no we too have colonies. . I 206 WELLINGTON STREET. A Display 0! Force. WA~ux\`-.r.>\', Jan. 7 -Admiml Dewey Cables to Llm rmvy depucmenb (hub ho ban numb the gunbomm Concord and Petrol to lloilo to c) operate with the cruiser Balu- moro, in support: of the army expedition. Cnndenca I! expressed ah the war deporta- menu chat (Jen. Muller will land all the troops [mun his Dransporta by lha end of this week. Col Otis will aebalnmiu on the pacic nogobmtions with the incur- genta there. The display of force by the army and navy W1 continue and by the and cf this week it is thought: the natives WI abandon oheir show of resistance. Ill: Unroor lny no Ended. NI-`.\\' Ynm<, Jon. 7 -I!u is said among billiard men about: town that: Frank Ives may never be nhle tn play in 3 big boum`a3'- monb again. He is broken down in bonltb, and it: wull take a long time for him no rs cover. In ppm 0! Lhia. however. Joke Schuefer continues to burl challenges ab the Nupoloou for all ports 01 matches Ab present: there appears to be little proapoch I for a big tournunegh here this season. Bud llfo It Patrons. Pn;:uLI\, Onb.,Jan. 7.-A disastrous re occurred here about one o`clock this morning. The old Johnston bones. two barber shops, I billiud room 1nd 3 vncanb more ill in who Johnuaon honoe block were burned to the ground. I/on heavy. The cause 0! nbo re in st preoonb unknown. _,__ It IUUU1, 2 pw-- Urw wow`. _---y Tako l..\xA'rn's Bnou-n Q|:nu.\'r. 1',u:1,r.1s All llrllixlslu rvfuml llw mom-y nflt mil. In run; 23. Ix0.1'm. 0un..Jw. 7 -0n the night: of Jnuuury Sun the ehting rink no Iroquois | was rohou into and povonl painof hockey ` chat nnd shoes taken. A reward has been oured for nnfonnation chub will lead to the capture of the gunlsy pubien. BERLIN, Jun 'I.-'l'he Zaknnln IIJDOIIJCGI {bu morning that the thvrd put: of prince , Bu-march : memoirs, doolmg rully Wllh his ; ruignnuon ol the chsnoollmahzp, hu been printed, but cum`: you be publuhed. ' In 1100:: Knlghlod E Lu\!K|.\', Jun. T.--Tbo oicinl u:moImc6- i mean no undo thou W. C. Mlcdonald. the well known Montreal motchmh. bu boon knightod for he muuicouco to McGill uni- varainy. Z iu Ontibay :\.v.-...;- `P: hi r1-u Qnalnec Hutu. _ -v I\._ l:...... JTImnvIsn m1unas.| !Hon. Mr. Tart: would Have . 1hcm The Best. `cause BEIIER FBUS|NESS.| `III! the Ilnlour of Public Works Would do I! Be Had an W|y-Now Begun. Ilouu Introduced In the Weight: And loulurongucpnrtmonl-uouenl Noun In-um tho Caplul. O1i.i\~ A, Jan. T--Hun. J. 1. Turbo in still grappling WILD we question of trans- porbnnon, which be consider: to be one of one grantee!) imporhance to (`mada no hbe reeenn mime. "ll I had my wuy,"uid Mr. true. "I would build the Georgian bay canal; I would build the Tieub valley canal. and I would make trutiic arrangements Wllh tzbe Parry Sound in connection with bbe lntercolouul. and I would like to see {who Uollingwoctl and Toronto roubee abriugbt ened oub. With the improvement: ol our water and rail communication and the pro per equipment. of the harbor ab Montreal. there is no Iimiuntion to the poaaihilinieis of developmeou in the Canadian carrying trade." A.. .. ..-,...H ..l ..rn~mr hnrhnr imnrnvn- KINGSTON AND PARRY SOUND CASES CITED. trade." A-aureeulb ol proper harbor improve- manna Mr. Turbo owed Kmgsbon. He sent; j a dredge there and had we harbor deepen- ed. Now cwo ndulmonnl elevators were built. lb Kingston and tllboon million bush els of gram were bundled nhoro. The de- partment gave HTlpl'0V8d fnculiuiea to the Parry Sound. at Umeau, and About: lbeen l mlllloll bnnhola of gnun were now bundled l no that point). l Nam rnuulnfionn rennoccim: weirzlmba pears in no any a \.11.Bhw. The Oicinl Gazette bo day has anabo- meno of thexovenue 0! tbs dominion for hue aux months ending 1):-1-mbor 3130 The revenua was S`_".5,ll.'3T`4 compared with SI7,9.'l3,{>74 for the same six mambo in H497. an increase of ,....- ettuunlu-n Tkn awn-nrlirurn In U Ullllh *)UlIIU. New regulations respecting weighba and moaaurea and the verification and tesbulg 0! gun and 1-lecrlc light) mebors ap- to dsy a(:x1.ebLo. Tm. nmml dov . mm. WILD )l4,H.)u1,U/`I IUI Luu uluuu ma- over S-1,mu)_nm The oxpendimrn in creased {mm 8l.`l,-H`s',1I()<) In $1-l_HlI_1NN, an increase of $|,H3_U4)0. an that the exucn betterment) of revenue. bnlxinu; into account: the expondibure. was $1! H. >. ),0"0 Thn ex- pandmurn on capital account: Wm 85 `.114, N20 fwr I`-.iS)\' an umnpnred wihh $`.3,.'H)". `J35 for 12997 un Incrozu-e ul $2 .`5:.`.M|0. ms... ..LI:.....I ...o..-n. A! win; ulnhuniln urn K0! 10:11 un lllL'| 02M|l1 u: 9:. .1...-m-r. Thenicml returns of ohe plehn-cim are published lo day. There were `. 78,4Hlwho voked for pruhlbnbion and `JIM .571 against, lauving a majority for of H 0115 Wnllmm linwnn. mmnlv Lrauurer Of leaving mljorlty [or or 1.5 m. Wnllmm Uowan. cmmly Lreuurer Carleton, seventy ve years 0! age. and his son, Holmes Oowan. about: iurhyeighb years, were inenmtdy killed an the mil- wuy crooning ol Lho Cnnada Atlantic an Ottawa E-.u.-b only chm morning. Mr Cowanh conchnnnn. who was In the slough uh tabs time of the Accident: n x1'Eld ho uuxns. Pulls wlnhlng to (gun part. In the Karmeu houldloln um ncbllol unnos ._:.__.___-__:._.._ llh ID DDO U {DO OI IDB ICUIUUIIU so-unuuvvy-oquuursua-m`-vxpvcwd ml Iivn In in nnrmrnhnnd hhnh than horses [[00 &u Inn v;yvuwu my live. In in underabood abut: the horses gob boyond the control of the driver and ran mm a pauengar hum. The vucuima were on bheur way to attend the funeral af 3 son 0! M O'Hara, pohca magusbrnbo. who Wu bunod tahm morning. Uholoo lloudlnx for the Llbarnluol Iron- tnnnc Inrd. n . . .. :- 5 A I.) I) n uivuuwuu - on-v--o An innpoctor for} the Ann: light com- pany in in the cm] and thrqtono to take `semen agniopt all who are using incun~ deoceuh gnllnmpo than mm In Intnngmonb Pypou ;_bo A uer pslontl. POL|TlCA_L`_CON(3`RANTU-LA1 IONS. `Q _ _ wnnung To Reach Terms. Nmv YURK. Jun. 7 -Tbo Hamid : Ma- nila correspondent cables "It is proba- ble that Aguinnldo will come no Mnniln to dining Wlhh Gen. Obit, the American ilibnry governor. the bean moons of re-ohingn enmfccborv lottlamenu of the affairs of the island. The Amaricon troops have not: you lnndod sh Iloilo. (`HllH('l'K|"H UII lH|` [I M`1- pnpul lmvvr on Ann ,M;_th tho |\U\ilin|l I (In C'|`lbn nnvl thu` Philippin I-1| h.-no-4 thnt [hr ra-In (nvlng Euhcctlptlonl. H. A. Cnlvin to day mode a donation 0! $50 townrd bbe building land 0! Sb. 1 George's. The aubwcripuon huh I! advanc- ing with rapid strides. one of the members 7 of the csngregntmn to day nixing his signature to an order for $200. were 1;),Iu hngusn. not Luau. In IU Search and `.)_8.5A| foreigners. During Do- cember NXI Bnmnheru uilod fr: Au-unlig And I 828 hr Papa Colony.!ho total for the you being ll.02)1or Auonuln and 25,641 for the Cape. Nonnu: Mitchell. Ktmptvillo. Ina hmnnhh hmnn vnalnrdnv ill. (r pnpnl lvllvr .~\Im'r|r`nn|MI| nun ml the (`uthnlics in Philippimw. Thv vnti run h:-pow thnt tho rrlutinns existing hs`(\\`N'n thv arvhl-i~4hup nnd pn-sidr-nt .\1r~l{inle_v nil! t'nnYI'H\ul(' tn the hem` ill, of the (`q.t|hu1i<'-4 Kh(`Y`(`. 38 cash will buy lneny handsome Articles. but better atiu it will go I long way in getting necessities for winter, ouch es coal. wood. boots. shoes. clothing. etc. Save your Guh Coupons for they mun money. Books pnylbk at E. C- Mitoholl's, 124 Princess Street. Alderman Minna is Already cnnvusing for the mnyornluy for 1900. Wine; in the ! mnbwr with alderman Donnelly? Be An- nouncod himeolf only enough Int: season. i Is he going to be outdone this yen? During December `.. |3 English, t.wonhv- six Irish, twenty three Scorch and 363 focmznon ovnurnuod to Canada. For the whom ynnr 1393 the emivrmtn nocmun I5,I|'[I Engeb. 851 Irinb. I710 ....A I RJH Inn (`Ann (`A-xlnnv Olin tnfagl lnr th nonnan aluzuuu, nun brought home ycalordny ilL Cnnvunlox For I mm. , 1:: , . _ _ ._ -1___..I_- lH'IlIIl(`lI' Mn} .*~ mninsz hero in xnhlirntinn nl Dan: at `no Ian"! 0: Invasion` 0! luurbrool fun H I `V II... k'..oI.-.. A Prunnturo Atlnounonuwul Onulol Dann- ;_ -_..L C`-nnhln Inn Iilualvu -uu VI-TIIIIIIIICIII. TmuwTu_ Jan. 7 -~l{ev. Dr. Carmen, general eupennbendenb of the Methodlau church, sand yesterday that: he conaxdered bhe prospectus for the raising cf the twen- tieuh ceuoury mnllmn dollar thanksgiving lund were excellent. The special com- mittee of the general conference, of which he is chairman, has called upon the annual conlerencea to prepare for an organized general ellorb throughout. the connexion. Local plans will bemado ah the annual conferences The green ehro will be made on the Bran Sunday in October nub, when every Methodist: minister in Canada -I'I. II-llDUl'lIlIl -Iuuun uuvuuwuu Ln.~tooN, Jon. 7.-Mra. Hnbberton, who devote: lilo 00 the propogabion 0! the prin- ciples of raoional dreu, has started an no- socintinn devoted to she same end, and hug brought: action againeh a country innkep- or for refumng to serve a lady who, (heu- ed in ntionaln, applied {or refreshment. Mre. Habbernon declares she is determined to see If the luv diacriminataoa ngoinata members of her aatoointinn. for innkeepora are bound by law to serve all respectable cu-women: applying lor accommodation. The grand jury ban returned a bill wgainah bho innkeeper. Al|l nyInWWnIl. V,\.~'n ul vim. B (1.. Jim. 7 -H. Duffie, Deadwood, brings news {pom Allin of the discovery of three new cracks in that diatncb which are all paying well. He left) there on Christmas day. Re run from Pyramid Harbor abate hhaht e Obilkab Indians are terroriz- ing the white inhnbihanba and threatening no massacre them. The Indiana got hold of 21 big supply of whisky on Christmas eve; the whole bribe got: drunk, nnd wyh guns, knives, etc , forced all the whites in bhe vicinihy tiohloave. _-n\ Won: Not. Blnmonblo. Loxnm`, Jan. 7 --Tho board of Dl'Bd8 in- quiring into the loss of the Brioish lroighh steamer Wostmonch, Capb. Johnson. which was abandoned at: sea on November (ich 'lasf.,a!tor leaving Hamburg on October 22nd for Montreal, has found bhat nbe ohip.wl~oss shalt: was broken wan not: pro rnaturely Ib!Il`d0I'}Od nnd that; hot com- mander was justified in sinking her in view of *ho danger ho passing vessels. Nei- ther the captain nor any ofbho-cizers wsre blnmeablo. . DANCING ANl)_DEPORTMENT. Illcll IIUIII nil Iugunn-U. Conorms, Jm. 7 -E".wud McGuire, Colborne, bu died from bhe euchn of in- juriol received in An accident over I you ago. He Ina seriously injured in nho nil- wny accident near Lnnodowne in Novem- ber. 1897. In which Dr. Wny, Nnpanoo. sud Mr. Biclnoll. Camden Eut. were kill- . Ad I!-u -`rvvu nu -1;-. _ Tmw\'To, Jun. '7.-Chief juobiu S`r Wil- hnm Morodich bu sgrood to sch A: court: nrbitntor in the vehclemonh of difr lerencoa between $110 Grand Trunk sad the bolognphers George A. Maybeo. Nnp;:e`e. wn=.;;5\q- tordny A visitor in the may. sPEbRs AAAAAAAA ED LIVED TOGETHER 67 YEARS. WHAT THEY THINK. Died I on Ill: lnjurlol. I, , n r.v.I_-__| I Bu A;~eod To Let. . 1-- F IVL1_l ..-L..'. .II 1.4: ll_JI. GUARANTEED But of choice quality. Note the prices : urn u-v -V-s --.----.-_.~._. AIE9 I WALLL CLARl0lI!l'8()IDls'l', can boonngnl r hulls, rum, con- :-oruygtn. (`In also an-olmnodn I llmllod umber pupils Iuelc composed and an mind hunhultl omhcntm To ms moda- uu. I nI|onalruL 3 Only THIBET STORM COL- ` Q. 12......` J \ll4l -.---._ LARS. 39 for` 3-533. 2 THIBE r MUFFs.$s for $3.50 x Only ELECTRIC SEAL ~ A ` CXEE, s}ICrB{sI;I ' 1 Only GREY LAMB CAPE, $22 for $x5. CHILDRIN`S FURS at cost pnce. Inspection invited. lSTEAGY& STEACY. U rrlnoeu Hlroel. `Phonon :-wur|n 90; Rooddeuoo, 91. Upon any And night. ____:______________ :: 8 RAM]! ESTA Tl`. TXIE HUBINEHH OF` THE LATE HENRY Brnuno, Undertaker and Upholnlnrcr, will he carried on at mould band on behd! 0! [all eutuw. E Bunuc. Adxnlnlutratrix. _?..:___.________{_. Furs Left _j___.__.?:._.__j_-._ B. 8. OORBl'l.".l.`. FUNERAL DIRFPPOB, mo PRINOEB 81' Kingston, nuooouor w W. M. Dronnsn. ...-..:._.....:..___:___.. A GIRL or Eu-`1`IIBN TO DO unnmnl. Hnunu nrk. ' mm sleep umhomo. y al 234 Btvriv utrwl. ranged hunch Inn on: IIIEV-don alrcu ullu. (,`(>.\'Nm-~Ab Kirgubon, Jnnusry Ghh. Ado- hne Bertha onnor. aged hwonh -one yearn, fourbh daughter of the lam Illa Connor. Funeral will leave her mother : ruldonco. 351 Brock sbroob. on Sunday. Junnsry Nth. an three o'clock. Friends And Ic- quIinbll)c0! no cordinlly invited to In- bond. ])Ll';/\H.\NT Hour; wt,-MK run mun vu. wumun, day ur --xonlng ; 3t! lX)|2 weukly nnonnynumlngor 5-.\p(-rh-nu-e new-dad; plaln |n- \\ ulrnvtlnmi and work nmln-d on appIlcu.IonK_) MI:\um|.\1. (`u.. LUHIIUII. Uni Selfriaing Virgio uwoob-Eoncnh our nh Reddeu |. ulrlwtlnlw and work nu M:.smuI.\1. Cu, Lnmlun, FUlNlHlur.1> mmmu wrrn nu;-utu. (JEN- Lrnlly located ; gas, hol. waver ht-sun Ind all nnxlernconvomleucen. Apply ntl rlc humel. next to Y.M.C.A. HE RI-IHIDENCE 0(`CUPIED BY gm undersigned, south-eut corner 0! ng Ind West Btreeu; Mac the one adjoining. In each (here area Dnlny Iurnnoo, modern Im- provemenul and nod sanitary lrrungomonll. Apply in Jam-I Uml. u-vv nnuu - Irvvu -uv-uvwo GALT, Ont, Jan. 7. -- At the Ionllli meaning 0! Knox church hold Inn analog. tho oongngntion wooed no inctouo 0! I500 er nnnum to the rainy ol their Iniulctct. v. R. E. Knowles. making it 83,000: you, with free mcnu. Mr. Knowles Inc formerly minintcr ol Stewnrton Procby- terian church. Oohuwa. 3'1 ) A BQIYARE PIANO. WELL CARE1) - I. rnr. May be men at Any time. Ad- dress M! at Wmu Umce. w U ILNIQHEI) ROOMS WIT}! BOARD. CEN- all nmderumonvnnleucen. Annlv ])Ll'IAH.\NT HUME ` wumun. (lav o-\ t 19111`? Average Man UME (mu!) WURK BENCEIB. APPLY a.L(`AuNov.-nu! F'Ac'rom(. Ontario Street. .__?._,___*.____:.:._. '1'. 1". utuuunuu uunnrauv 1 . 1NuInrr.uu:nn ANnEMm1.u|nuI Zanndi 36 H1 rout. `Phonon :-Wararooml. u: Rn-ddeuoo.91. upon any ` .u>m.\' Tn M186 1713:}?- <.l'mn, Comm 0! Kim; uml Um-v Hlrnotu. F mN1mm1n1o<)nlm,wm1 on wrmou board, at No. la) Prlnoeu Street, Vuugh `nrrnra, `N F.Xl'l`1RlF2NCElI UF2N.ERA[. BEH- VANT. Apply at HI. Andrew : Mlnuv, -'lW(`I`H T uml It In llw evening. ll.l.lAlllD 'I`Al!l.F'.. Al..\iOl` NEW` HP` guodlnnlw. Buy berms Apply at Wino )!I(~<~ UENEILAI. I-lE'|(\'4\NT. NO WAFIIXNKI 1 -u lrnnlng. Apply at Mars. MAc| Wvlllvmloln .`-Hreet. l IHH|HI1'l||I"Ll. 0 Hugnt Hlraut. ----:--j---- -Inn. tuuu, In LIADING Unnu-rAuIu-1M-I50 Pnnoou BI. 1`elephonol47A. Upon Day umdllluhk WE ATHER PROBABILITIII. lsllvolltl wrm <`nmnu-m_-v_-- Jauunny on-. Young Ladies` and Jnvw mp (nun 0:11 Evening Hun 7:31. Prlvuua [atom I 3041!). All the [nut Fancy sud society Duncan |-..-|.o To-Night nm`Hl4:MAn. HTI:A.\'uE, ( `H41-x. Kl-OR SALEJOR T0 E "T. _.j_*_. T. F. HARRXBON COMPANY. ..........,...... Ann nun... uuuu `Inland WE HAVE A FEW Othwu and BI. Inwnuu (Ippu) I0 u.n-8I.roug wouuly winds. Fair nnd onldot. Sundly bit sad dooidodly cold. mnnng. I Inglun H11` ` L AST mnmox. -I -`on SALE. JAB. "-r\-ul Now Clnu-ac Forming. nag...`-ul I;-nun. ...\-.nunu\4 >. .\ma'r ms wmu. nu-2'. A,.pI_y lo Mus. R. E KIM-, urner King : WORK FOR MEN OR. 4'|IIny(;$Ill1)$|2 weukly.\ -1-rn-nre \_ b6TII PROF. 0.3 smears. mn.n.. u-n . 'r.....I_u- -nul I3-ltlnvn F. A. PARENT. OPEN FOR ENOAOBHBINT. ___ _ _..-.-... nu .-sun`;-$n.\v4~.y:- The party or dinner, wherever full dress is good form, our and Gl0ves.| There is nothing more desir- able for breakfast than n ret- olaes Cup of Coee. We pride ourselves on the Coffees we handle. Pure, rich avors. such as 1: coffee lover alone known how to apprecmte. l)..u,.- 1.6 no Qulzn vnnr nr. G. M. Wilkinson & Sun, I80 Wellington St. Manufacturing Furriers. )Jl.R SPECIAL CHEAP SALE KHUWH IJUW |vU uyynuvnuun. Better let us take your or- der. for a sample of our The price. Forty Cents, is small, but. you will be delight.- ed with the results. Freshly Ground Mocha and Java. Kid Mitts I rormx nu. n ~nu.un:-nor January 3rd. ...u ....n 1...... .11- nlnun-I1 YEAR. NO. 5. icash Micoupons I"Il{S'l` SERVED. up only Iota lo! Inn; season .1: Damn `In.-nnnlv DI Geo. Mills &Co.| CG` dny. day. Foreign miuion collection: in Anglican cburcheu Ixrmorruw. Innugurnl meeting 01 city council on Monday so 10 I In. Annunn enln nl stock (K Thoma Mi"! &. 10 Ancuon ulo ol stock Co.. Wellington sbreoo. on Mondny It 2.30 Ilf p.m. Annusl meeting of Kingston & Bub Road 00. in police court. room Mondny no 2 p m The Oddlallowu train for Hnrrowrmitzh The Oddlellowu will leave nexb Moudny nnemoon At: 6:55. not: C no monbionod. cu--- A. u..n..mL'. _l.mnuv dn-an qooda monbionod. Burr & Suuclitfui January drou goods nlo has been combined mtb their whnbo won sale sad I crowded store is looked for nub week. I Champagnes, Sherrie_,_ A large assortment of these Tumblers at low prices. ROBERTSON BROS. Decgntersj }22nd Annual Convention, | Men s Butter and Cheese Association of Easicrn Ontario, CITY HALL, Tuesday.Wednesday &Thursday, JANUARY 10th. Ill!) and 1211). MONDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30, WHITEWEAR. FRIDAY AFTER NOON, 2:30. THOMAS HILLS .9: co..| lV\ANTL.ES HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT .\lIn1`:|t`l`r-t'\v`uuu'u win: I Inc. STUDIO, 224 PRINCESS STREET ELECTORAL DIVISION SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON. Ncs. PIKIV, Jun. T.-Hr. Cougar. tho Ameri- can Immotor, in complinneo with instruc- uom lroln Wuhimnon, vigor-ono`y nio- mud youzorduy Igninn tho anon `'01: to Frsncooruny other oinglo power ol .bo nonunion: st Slunghni. Bo and the amnion ol Ionign ubtlomonu on an in- Ictnnliooal huh. Claude Inbou- -IJ AL- Rphigl. min 6: lug: nrnlnatnrl Old. IIIO bnuln am Is, nu ptuwuwu ugshnl the new railway and mining rogu- Inux. l"ll{b"l` COMIC, tuna; nun: nu..- .... .._. _..__ To Post Thclnnolvou In Open to night). Oil Hall. Pee Hurilon'| Janna-ry lo sdvh. Has an appetizing avor, a ripe stxength, and is a better thirst satiscr than any of the "just-as good" brands, and it costs no more. IM0ns00n AUC HON SALE Phnul, Klnltnlun. Thrrv Hi`M.\Inl)`4 :ln|1)'. Nu vhlrgv for ndInlu- --`J, Lu-r_\'b wt-In-omv. ?_j_ Y|Q`III)Z y` W K. DER. S. .|...I .-HI. .-Ara 7|-73 PRINCESS STREET. llmv _\'nur .'m~nd.~ \I`u-`Id n|~prx`c`.nIu' u I'Hl>'l`0 TRUE T0 I.Il-`IL ll an h \-I vnur h azhn-.-at 1-\pwla|/Ion h*I\HLr1l by being phn-lnxracpluotl at .1 \.1 r'\|\|Irl-l57$ LOCAL MEMORANDA. INDO-CEYLON [EA MFTHE um, In ruled Pncketn only. Never in bulk. `. 5c , 3|>c . We , 5:00., 6') FOR l..\l>lEHONl.\'. Liqueurs, IR. WELLINGTON HTREFTF. Wines, Hm-Vluh. 1 muvll. Bawturlnlnglnl, l)nir_\' lHlll`l F-rllumnlu 1 la-n. Mnzlxh-r uf Agrh`ullun*` R1hPl'l\4)n, Agrlc-unurnl unmhl. urns.-cor halrylnu. Agri- uh. Dress Shirts Clarets, DAILY BRITISH Ports. Ex pvrl mental Ilmmluu mmuNs.| Correspondence In The Proposal 0! Russia's Czar. `ISSUED AI LIINIJUN llFF|CE.] BRITAIN WILL GLAOLY CO-OPE!-L ATE FOR A CHANGE. Tho Burden: Imposed on them People III, -_-..- 1.. I'n--nl Ant! lnnnnntonl: - Cllllu` Lon:-\, Jan. 7.-Tho foreign ollice ia` sued a paper yontorday auperscnbod ` nor- reapouaence respecting the proposal of his majeooy Lbe emperor Lf Ruanm for a con. {stance on armeunonba. This title is enough to show was the government has taken tho corrocb measurement: of what: en thuuiubo of vnnoua degrees have acclaimed AA A disarmament and peace mxllemum mnnlleubo. Ir... ......o.nnnrlnnr-A nm-ma with the text have those little touches of tailor made about them that add so much to your satisfactnon and comfort. E.&Livingslqn&BIn., msnuenoo. Tun correspondence opens with the of the n.u u proposal, which is followed by n bnef, courueou-4 acknowledgement of in rocovpt: by the foreign ctce. Then. dated October `. 4'.b, comou lord Saliabury's do upatch Inuuucmng the British ambanndor no Sn. Pebersburg no nuure nhe Ruvsinn government: of one cordml sympathy of ohe Bnmab government with the Cxbjccts and amentions of the cur. rm... .|......o.m. um. than this nvmnatbv and inientions 0! mo ("l.U'. The deupabch adds than this sympathy in non dbiitiiieil no the governinanb hub is equally ahisrad by public opinion in lbl country and has been airikingly mimileeled since the emperor : [lrpolrl were inado generally known by uhe izuineroue roauluoiom passed by public meetings and societies in the united kingdon Them mo, lnd80d, law nations, i any, which both un grounds 0! fooling Mia interest: are more cuncerned in the [DlLlU- benanco of general peace than (Ersatz Bri- n...'.. The nlimamanml which constitute Denanco 0! general peuue uuuu \IIuuu uln- ouin. The etabemeoue the grounds ol the emperor : proposal me but) too well juatned. It. is unforlunuu ly Lrue Ulmt, while cbo desire for the mom benance of peace is generally professed and wlnllo in face rorloua and successful elfurta on more than one recent: occasion have been made wwh that: object. by the great: powers, tzbeae has been a constant tendency on me part: of nlmosn every ne- uon bu mcreeue its force. end no add no the already veeo expendlbnro on appliances of wnr. The perfection of inslzrumeuna bhus brought: moo use. their extreme coac- lmeea and the horrible carnage and destruction which would ensue from bhenr employmenb on A large scale have nched wlohouu doubu no a oenoue de- berreub from war. but) blue burdens imposed by chin process on the populamon allect ed lllllbb ll prolonged produce e feel- mg of unrest. |nd_ duuconwnu, monoc- Ing both anternalend exwrnnl tnnquulr me Her mnia.mv'a uavernmano wnll l0 pfl)Vl(l8 3 FGIIIGUY IUI hula uvu nuu if in Any degree in ouoctedn they (eel than the sovereign to whose augqeahion lb was due will have richly earned tho grabibude of Lhe world on large. Your ex- cellency ie therefore nuhhnrizad no ae- ruie counb Muravicfl, Rut-einu foreign minister. than bl"e emperor a propo- nl will be gladly Iccepbed by her majesty : government: and bhe queen will have ihe p'eaaure of delegation: 5 re- preaenbaoive to hbe conference whenever an invicatiou is received. Her majesty! government) hopes than Lhe inviuhioii may be ivcompanied by noim: indicaoion ol the l i-pecml points in which the attention of ` one r inference will be directed. in n giiidl (OM10 i-elocniun ol ihe Utlblih re resentm- Live and the eaiii-`manta by whom a should be accomp inied. In will be seen that) the pith oi thin ad mirable diplomatic document: lien in the lush parngrnph,nnd though the deapacch is dated Ocrober L -lrh the rorreapondence ends here without: Rania hnving indicated bhe rpeciel points to which the conlerenodo attention will be dir.cted. Moreover, om peror William`: b-ll increasing ohe Heimin Army ha: been produced since then. ollloon Aoqmre Laue Qtnntltlel 01 00-! Inn.-I_\I/III unnun Than Kn-d. n.a-uu- vv nu uvvu. ...u ..u-... Nun Yumi. Jinn. 7.-Ib in officially an- nounced by the cllicerw of the New York. Ontario & Wewtoru railroad that all we coal properbiea of obs Lscknwnnna iron and wool company in And About: Scranbon. PA., ea-nmnbed 00 contain from `. .5_01)0.000 to 30.(lU(),000 bone of ancbrncine coal, had been purchased by per-one inbereeled in the New York. Onltuio 81. Western railroad company and than the tzreneporbauion oi the output: would be secured bu nhnu com. pany. The oapscihv of the colliorieo now open is About 8'l(),0I)(l Dona per ennum A direcbor of the New York.Ont~ario & Wean- ern raulrond is nunhoriby for the statement ohm I sum approeching $5,000,001) in re- hot-cubed in me purchne of the coal pro- ' I-03: Dom dmernuanu oxwrmu unnquur by. "Her muje-soy'a govemmanu WI glndlyco-opernboin the propalod etfortn provide a remedy for this evnl and If in nnv dunes they Ijpundatlon Stone Lela: C/\n'.n, Jen. 7.-The British diplomnbic agent. In Egypt, nrcaunu Cromer. laid bhe foundation shone en Khlrconzn yeeterdny of the Gordon memonal college. in the name of queen Vmtorin end in the pretence at the mrdnr. Gen. lord Kitchener. the DIIIIB 0| quuuu V H.;uI II Iuu Ill Luv pcuuuuuv oi the urdar. Gen. lord Kxtchcncr, the British otcorn md the native Ihoikhs. The British ngeut: in a rpcecb ontliuod the aims of the mllego. announced bhgb in would be wholly undenomvuabionnl. and the instruction so far no possible would be cauducood in the Anhfc lnngusga. I1. .4-I-Ind thnh Lhn nhiu-n nf the mllma CJOAIIICOOO In Duo dI1u.(: Inngusgu. He added. tbnn the objeco of the college use no: to create I nee 0lAug|ic1z3d Sou- deneee bub no tnin their minda. The speech, which wu tnnoletod into Aubu-_ nu veil received by the nauve uudience. The ceremony concluded with God Sue the Queen." GENDRON BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP.

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