In the surrogate Court of the County ofFronlemc. , ,._ -. -...v. -.....-.a wun nucaun IuppI_y of 1-`sup urmuo power Such am the d_\e ML! that have wrcugbt, lulll to good mutunulu, dream-es, rllru-, blouses. rlbbmn, -um; fur man and bu) n, and brouubc con- ateznuuuu to many rs lxuemng at d worthy ` HOILMI. ,': unwurluy Iuuuvms. I Decepuve dyes lmve u.zue.|ly plenty ol 3 bulk Lo re-c< muwnd Lbum, but Lina bulk nu ' eunngrne-I cf common, cmxru Ingredient: 3 mac d_)ua have jut-L (`ulbfllv puwar culin- clena to make them danger! u- to any ordn- muy muwnulg others have a small pene-~ mum ol cu.'or virtue with an extra Iuppl) .L>. .-A. R I r fa!` mm: nml hm . .....I L- V uunuu no uuu I WHO 0110. in our midst A few um- ` hsczuterr, and money ` ` who for the sale 01 lung ` bo sell poor goods, IE IS llhub all mp-Irnhnnv. nu- F:-King Milan : Lnleu Tvnvh \:`~||n' Ur (HIE -Tn.nnu- Muxyhy. I l 3-Thnn an H A F`-"Vivi -u -unuy uulnoj -0) 0! our Caullhan women huvo boon no-.-elv dc ruivnd n. rim mu. . .... ..|-._.:. .- ul um gamnllng cable zrgiev, baa mother Ian. 3 hum, nc in alleged, he ban [0 B8 Rfd tn nlnnn ulna-u u uauuu. Morn on, M I'.I . In I11 ln`....nn. McKinIay Lllcble, H. V ` ll- E.\', l'l'l{`H'.\\"I' \'."I>l HM` D(n`\`~.ul` is what you get for each lled Coupon Book. 1 I L` Get _a blank bmk free at E. C. _k"_ M itc_bell i {:4 Princess Swift MI--'1 CENT SALTZL; QQLIZ. tracted from the iuica of fresh fruits. It keeps you in excellent Ehealth the year 'round. g ficial to thekstem. The scarcity of fresh fruits in the winter time is often a cause of serious illness. The} The salt contained in? pure, framiu is bene- basis of Asszvvmxixi :'l`ho Spaniard: Are Urged to 1 } Anduo Abcld vu4..:...: u.., - ; 'Il .. ` { 9 I OQOQOOOOOOOOOOOO 096996 069 90660090066 00069006600040-O99 SAD BUT DIGNIFIED. ' _.._ ,,.......,v., nu nu uuxculuu Ul I11, Lney WIH I avoid any oncnnglemeno in the future that WI pus defeat: upon them when they urghu hnve auccev-. If the mnscn-.n.uv:\a Are bmnd 00 run murrmpnl cl-ycuoms on I political grounds the lubaraln may as wall ` deride 00 do tzbo same. For genre H has bosn Impossible Do nommnte A lnberal In jnny and wihhoun having a conservative `goo up Do oppose bum. I1 nuconple cf ` ward dlvisiom chore are certain stand bya. ] who are nnmully pun in nomination as 3 because they Are noted pol v I I \ (election of csndidazea. non I pohucnl mnbtaer. and 3 her than n circumstance has ` Why not as once resurt to tho Amoncan Institution of an` 'n tho relectuon of candi ` uld the party not under `I irection of nfimrs-`w ` Lboee could seek I 1 ad 3 uomenr I ' _ , .` . `, Since The l...gWtw\Ailar ll. hAA hrrtnnn umxnm rlnl ..Ir n... ..-p. - .-.... OOOQOOOOQOOOOOO O O O 9990909 4 \Vh_yia-1 as (luv -u.:| hu Be-cuur-u ynu 1:L`Vtr' kn ground. 7__-j it bu become mun: dnt 8. DAVIS` & sdws. MOI\jTR_EAL, T7EL.PADRE A domeuic cngar. ul _._.--- u.-.Js uv\.y|-Ix/Ivllllgr Largest Cigar Manuhcturcrs In Canada. Ln huLh{uI Irieml lain .1-Arden wood; `I vuu Ilnuw H... mm... ..p ...n.... ......| .u.,... -... lloorgnnlz . vganry NOMINATIONS. J Perhaps tho lnbcrnls have lounod a vain ' nbloloeaou. from the election yumerdny. And perhapi, on La outcome of m, they wall ` . . \ lnvmd nnv nnhnnalaunnnn ... n... e....._. .L,. Mado and guaranteed by uuulll nncml uln [t||'UOl| roaua.` nuw lhu\n'uouluIlher uuul lhry no pub umlor ` a boner blnu nino tenth: 0! than no parent Imported. _ __2 v 11 Int}! ulb on get: A good lznponod Cigu :0 guy rouombla pnco ; tho The manufactures of Carling's brewery are sold all over Canada. H `QvOQvCQOQO`QvO2j when you ask for CARL- ING'S ale or porter see that you get CARL|NG'S. and no other. Your dealer can supply you with our goods if you Insist upon It. Why nhouldn't you have the best. if It costs no more than other goods? nu per coma. otf Trunk Vahnea. 5 Discount; allowed for only. w. J. max .5 nnrrvu n-wt.---~ {E You CanSave Money , _ A r.,n. .-. . Bub it: hu :1 ways b3e1t`1e cm) than the new man makes the bow run, becnu-c to has not been tried, and there in nothing against) him public'y. Time tcnta them all, and time wnll team the seven wh) now bake otoo for the rab time. `_%Q`Q,Q%-Q%vO%Q%$`.%.` 0 - OPEN EV'E.\'IN()& auuulu ne noun by bunt: time. 20 to 50 per cont). 0!! ovary except; Rubber Goods. 10 coma. o' Trunks Valium. We no detetminod 130 call every pair by obo lat of Jnmnry. to tho prices we ate quoting should he sold by bhnb time. Lo 50 um nnnh nn ---- Boots ' and Shoes; at our Clearing Out Sale- By Buylnn Your 1 P ) W uutvIuV- .\,. I That some of the ulviernunic c nndvdntcn snlL:red by their in.\b1h.`y co mnvana vne.-a The defeated C'lnd!dM8 did nr;"1;pt around among the electors as much as u-mil. Certain when-1, levhnlg nmnm public Ho, men wnh Ideas and `the capacity so oxprenq them, have been, seemingly. dropped back Ill public 6"ll~ mmea. The cmr`lnn:o'1 Iainavvnnble. (I) Lhabt to be mked for Lbeir v be! every yosr, or (1) Ltma menisc- tore not: He no haven their m unborn, onbapnkcn persona. Noucher of chum c m clwions nre cnmpiim-3ntnr_v. The 51001 nthouc saying. elec ;on; wmno man, who is always in evnienco by hm work. ought Do be excused from 5 c nnvn-r-. and no elector ahmld think the less of him on nhm nccmn for one no promwo nuppwrb be every Canda- In is non necessary dubs than comee along. uni m ahould ma he nocoery for one 09 ba dun ) no order to be popular. I) _; :.| ,I I ------\.r vuvlll u-u-n u The retirement) (.f so many of the old alderman, some volunmnly nnd nnme forced. may nob b3 the best: thing for tho city. [as buainoss cannot: be studied In a dav. Indeed in bakes _veu~a ho thoroughiy mnator II! demils an I only win: exparianco can one hope to aorve tho pmplo wnbh the eioiency which Obey expect). The du'y' now devolving upon tho new momh::rn_ those who at-eume publu: renpmnibalnnea far the Hub time, is a canon 0:10. They must npp`y Dh6m`i9lV0i hbe nmre enrncanlv ` l ohlor to act: with uho dvnrremorn which circumamncon demmvi. and in order I) nvuul thocemquro whnc Is uuphe.i In the elm ions: of yesterday. 'Y`l_-L____. 'AI :- ..... -., _,.,........... Tnemln oho ward meebingq Mo mime.) I ' 1 for in public gatherings the (:s(1di(Jntc:s cmid debne publuc issues and perhaps] make them clearer. ' f THE NEW l'Il.EMl~INI`. The cuunml uf HUJ wull have save aldormon. Thin (nut, tmkun HI canm With the de`e.A: of live who w.-re mo 1 of 10, is z L0 my tho) IJUL of In. There h'Hl been Mme dmaabn-I'wL1mn \Vll.h the people. bun the ground u! ID in nob dl-1 oinctly apparent. ' "l`b....,..,_ .g, I purtunu Ina; *4 TiHE`T;V111(}-4--/c\s5Jin YEAR. Kingston 6: Pembroke Hailway b`o'y a done THE MEMORIAL Bl -IN!-53. Curious-Iy auggeamo nu Lbo muvem whnch has hurl we origin Ill Toronto, wl mm: at the, pcrpetuatnon of S.r J. hn M donaldha memory and work. The con: ....._n.. ..,,,--V A !' But a Mac aid : comer we puny us warmntorl m laeaping green rum UIUIIHICJ of Invn who had su much In with IL hnamry. H3 W4-4 alwa}! mmnc, ulwuyn hcpefuh and has :0 WM vc-rynm-p1rm;_;. ut. who that rumombcra hum nud hu-I "0P0'/0' Mr Orbs: Dian.` v---.._- ,_- -.... l...,,u,.... .u xincy ' Us made hm record my to udupu himself to mr l"|..-.o.._.... 1,, 1 a k turd olec K. repzo which . - -- ` John Tweddellq opoanl In ill at` Y 35 I Ill Kl.` _.e_ u v-uu V V Flf y. l w;ll be a inuch taken up winh the public 3,. resorts and who will be an instrumental In FLO making them mrriichive. During the ` iiiniuer nionth King:-iton H! vi-tiled by R multiiiido of people, and they [ind in me ` " I parka wmmhing to udmiro and talk about. :1 2 j The appreciaiiuii of the VISIDOIH must be mo mfalnlllled, to say nothing of the c- mlorc 1 and pleasure of the citizens. I! Alderman ` mil Curtis did nunwing bub care for bhe p irk-, 0... (and his government of them has been one ` unique). be earned the gratitude of His I` ` people, and they may be able to ahii`i7v'IL M" you in some unmistakable way. ' ` Alderman Ryan is to be cnng:ral.ulaLed T on his election. The Whig baa Iur prefer "0' enoes in all elections, but In is not blinded """ to bhe virtues of any man. In can repeat, -' , when in said on a former occasion. ilmc D] Alderman Ry-an represenon an amb'tIon M and encrgv w ich are in be highly or i1i- hm mended. llis rim In the community Mu been rapid and steady. The places he liu , hold he has lled with patipfacbion, and we i hope [0 recurd,ao the end of the year. than I {Mr his term as mayor has been atvendeil Wllh I .i. a dllCl")OU administration of public a'.iI-ii. I H I"_ The inner, however. cannot do ev1=ry- ` 'l _|_4',' thing. H0 is the head at the council. but I win- IL in the controlling force, and it ban to be '" ` reckoned with. (`(` hank _ Aldo: man Curtis made the pubhc {mks ' Ins uapecvul cars. T2. 0 he has undo no- i ! tractwo, and in ml! 0 fortunate for the ' city If it cm hava K` h:s aucceaaor (me who `I six ; . - - 1 - l i l l Enot been (XC3ll6d by any LdlClul. ` each has tilled A place in inuincipal uilinra Ulllll iuu LU COI]F8l'Vl\- . _...... .. , um: Even thou my only luuunl Alderman Carnot) by 15.` votes. l The wtal V008 polled by Al"l0Hl1'H`lV ( iinil Alderman (iurtia waa l,4T1 . ll flllll more [hm Aljeimiii .yaii secured. , The question in. With one in the eld l iignziiao him would he have (ll\'l(il'3 l tli.a .'l'.3U, or did he FBCIITG all this vote! thin were Hanna to him " The iumwer |E0bVlr)I)eI Tne ileioob of Aldermen (..uraon Mill Cur tin I8 to ho rogrehced. Bnh have be-ii active members of the council and biili mivo rendered bhe cihy valuable service. They Ill bs missed from public life. live l'.`Upp()r.". 01'` for peculiarly hi-3 own. ` Nu one has been in long anii intiznnuly` ilenti3d with the H7:!'0i:8 depmrrmenn as ` Moro ever. no one ha-, bean .-ible to devote i-0, _inucl1ofbis&i'me to public bueines-I. Ab mo bu-y seasons Alderman Carson hua` ineivud the city with I! devoiian that lnal His` - pfiice caiino: ho tilled by any member of ' the new council, for more is not. perl npv, any man in in who can so for malio the` public business his own, and there is car uinly no one who has his long and varied oxper anco. A-1, i l I ` Altl6l`H1lHlU.if!0n, and no one hm: exhubiuv-d l ` .1 deeper knowlodgo of its dotiiila. l I ,,-,-.... For, all assertions to th lmloul coneidoramona hm! jdo vulh the cumpmgn, Rynn'a fneml-I made the n Lhnn he wuanhe only mm field and [Int 11-) was emu ....- l I I .n8l)L8 {man u. l _.... . an , xuluv uu1IIu':,'(I ngm no bull ] Lbu advantage in many respects, and Lo ' Ibuuzbterl by in But tn-I majunty us unnll. and the inference is c' than bud } he been pitted aguuau one of bus Opp ) nelll the manic would have been d:I ` fnmnh _. ..........u u LuuVLHlUHll l.)- wnrdn mumcnpal reforms. and Kvngntufa 1 Civic IDChlIlBl_) should run become 00 an- tinnn - ______(_(_ V, _ _ given :1 THE MA\ UHALTY CONTEST. Il"'h9`l The expected has happened In LL13 rn-'.y- "0" H" , _ (`rH1dl3! on-My contest. In tho elecuon of Alderman M we 0, Ryan. In a three curncrcd ngm ho bu-I I/1rd Du dvnnmuvn in um..." .......~.. . . I ...n._ r , . _ . . . _. .......`....\.u.-uu. Auulu I-IIU Will `l"' `l along. but Llw re;-pree`onLAln'ea of them um I not eltcbed by the vurd electors only. 1. is required Llmt each wurd shall have an " I alderman lealdmg w1'.lnuIt,aud EOllllXlllH1r' ` with we wanna uml nucouameu. Hun he! l shall be cuusuu by tho electors of the `l l city. I 7I'V|,A: fur $1-l,();) give JOHN '1'\/VEI)l)EL|, H CH. Other lines of ()\-.,_-r(_~(,;n., 1 reduced in price. _,.._-.--- 5 ~--.. 34...... uu'JI|lu-U- Long snide than cry secured u chartu which Is peculiar, nud V|'bl'.`h has given M e ' fulleab Hnuehactzon. There ale ward dnvr ! .:.___ |. . .| - A ' / lJlbL,)l'.~\LlE Yh\(i VOTERS. _x Sb. Johr`, NJ} , him had an experience 1 I than is worth somulhmg to We muulcnpaln ` ; Luau winch den-lie lu I[!.IprUV8 chaurplucea of conducung the pubhc bu-sineu. l 1...... ...!J.. .L... -... ,V- I l -._-_. .. - r......-van uu uu.-nu, Io bu came to Hill that no one need run for my public urine axcoph as A pulmcmu, ` and If he expucbu the puny to luck mm he i must be in nominee. L ree the {nice of pub- 0 could bben say. "I` r I want than office, be- ve to run the gauntlet oi _ Withcm endorsement Le` J8 field. The primary do I `bars, of con:-no, the election of any nun who. on his merits, for personal reneoua or lor personal populiirity, is up (or eiectioii. 3 The candidate can simply rely upon the` support: of his party. But in (shah nor. his experience now ? The beat: man ihnbliveiz, ` with the moat) honorable private iecord. `n-'3 him.-elf, il a candidate fur (.if`L`, ; pitted ngiiiiian d Lickub mil expouwl to tho i (`rush of I polibicul l!l|}dlC8Y0, I L..- ..\......_.L , .i . n and Aldermm must ; of the fact 10 mm-ervatcve III the im enmlad to com-ervev Imus inn hu [K I n .s.... ,,.- ......a.. .| . the contrary, 92- md A great: deal to J I I 4 Inc DAILY wine. Tm! j-:-;:u un- var-vwunlv. Rev W. H. Huston, B.A . Minncapahn, M-nu . npen: Sundsv in tho city, the gueet of H Y (Thnwn. Brock street. Tdn_v W. J E .nul gave away 825 50 worth of goods to holders of coupons con- unnmg lucky numbers. Dr Gustav H. Bobgrtz `I3 ! '1-nn-.;-. n... -- The police -Ay they mund the cicy re m~ukb`y qua:-L hr New Year : season. One drunk was locked up on Sunday and v,:-mrdnv. I)... III [I 1- ,., r. . .-. :I{`n[ -.1 tired In Mu a I.-ulIllJ)IYI In-mtlrcd. ` A landmark was rernwed Lrrday by the (tummy down nf an nld WIHOW nee rhzw ` sucoi on the south side 0! upper Princoee Hreec frnnwng the dwelling owned by G. Brown and occupied an a recrmrl hand more The Inc was one of tube oldest: Wilh- in the (`Hy ltmvln I mu AlDl)| l1H` "HHrHoa'. c.mgm'ul1'iona on ` hen yam}: work }'ahc oai-.114` }f:ur mxllzb7n~. Larges: increa-cl .inr-vrnn and .'..u........ _-__ . vv ',_ _.. . _.....-...:. IuLlI`.1I'l inr:v'me and inxment receipt.- Mc(.'Abe, managing director. ~UlU 'I|l J :]9VHrll rut , a nunnn r.uun|(o-lnrnt f The engwgomont IR nnn0un!'0d Abmmsky. douler In jewellery 1 _un)I1=, co Mm! (in-Io Abrannn-')n, Jo-rph and [.')m4 Abrnrninn, `err on. The brldz-'aIeC`: u a _V_[:|1|' pa-r.on_ who turn-ed h I'..|..... ..n.- 5. ... .....,..;.. ._- vv. -I. L`. Anmrcv \'.` 1'IHIllfH('l`-0 HI ] Navarre` The 1 I hmque, vH.q3\ . movement favn ........,g .1 new rurm. l.uVIn\_ Jun. 3. ~The correapmdenr u: the I`Ixr`hrm;zo l0'L',(r`1;u'1 t-mmvany M H: . _\'nnn6. Francs, sun that tlm Usrlnw zxgim rinnvn!*lpnn1alukIng a now {turn}. Agents cf Han Vsrlma are Lryxxxg no Imhme the pen I fa to an :4 e'in n In/nonnem. in bhe S mn \ ` ' nah buuna hrnvlnnnu u... p o.-...` .. If you wanta $20 Irish Freize Uvercuai} I , nmuu um c{._wn,1ouy. Mr. and Mrs. ' H urlluy ml! renuio 1-mu` The groom) um- ` for n n-nnlmr at _yoarn II) the nnnp'o_yrm.-nb of the Grand Trunk com}-zmy. Th chm.- , 1 lug brnio has it wide circle of friends, bnnh ' hero sun! In Toronto, who wu-h hor evrry happinem-I Ill hcr future voyage upon the sea of matrimony. V U In an`; baqn ("(|lIIlVrnt"1 _..., ..._... \Jl .,.,. .uu.m-a- unu .1, uomue. I Ihmraven I8 nppmnted ll privy Coun- 'mll)r fxr Ireland, and SI?` Eiwnrd Um V cheater, H N , A comunmbn of tho ordnr of St. Mmhael and So Her 0 Mr. h'.uH)r, the former Brut:-ah erg}? an (jmcagzw, nu imndn & knight mrnmn er of the oufer of 50. Michael and SD. (/owge. I , 1 Election 1' 0! Otrora. At the lush rcgnIKrxx1aoLn1ig of Mount .I..y lodge, N0 18,1 A P`oLzliuw1uuu!lj- : corn era nlemud fur mm \ W.M . T. A. (`urn :,....I....-.o I\ u ...` ..u..m~, dun. .) - queen V actorm. 1:424 given Sir Henry Thompson, the dufm- gun-hed pathnloglan, as buronelcy. M-j rr (hac.nIgI)o, formor nnmnmmler of rho (,'snuduan mIlIma,i-I appointed a rwmgmnlun | order of S0. Michael and S, Uomue. [fwd Hnnrnunn in nnnn...A..4 .. .. . - TI.e `oil: I L` , ,7. ....,.as.- `.4 `:\\'n-onward |vI- , IIKTRHI I`. Qllch . I} ln:~ 1:1`:-:1! ~l'.v'(`I \~ l1':v\ni |H1n~ A QQOD Docm Il\/I1 u...-,...u-on 'vuro hkuwxa ltrlbuting 1; 1 .`n\ W. \'ul.. Iclmullouln. Itnlcrtllno W01 11...: . ...u_ . A, I -no wgrvn Ila I):-unom 5inlsLraL0r's Notice to Creditors I ,_-.- .._...-...,.. CI In Inn] In .` Thu cnm"rt m the `conga bu?) ({Cooho . -05- wo `chum.-h luu Inning in `roll I'L0dOd. a nu gtoeely dtcaived In the} `rcncely A broken not being naucod. The ' by worchlou bc:x:a- Jyoa H rhleluzrncuun ol the evening rented In dolcrmined uevor ngnm Lu the olocuuunry work .2 W Yule. now of ronlly I plounnb and protiba Toroum, but fucmmly n Kmgoton boy. [the Dmuond Dyna am used `By hm humorous rec1'u.'a ho tops the nu. ` While we rympn'.h:ze Iv ` chance in convulsion: of lnughton l>mm1oe- decuned women, we mu-0 peclnlly good In has mare, Bunch, lrieh I cmou us not 3 B: and otbtr dials-rt eelectxotm "Hm him miduna um-hull: Opt-rs," My F.)un'Iun I en_" "DJugbnuL9 lovu `Tnnz Hy Mather L"ed To l\h|w.' uni lung pr "Tue Una Lamnnl linnu" noun ..`....m.. 55. In ...n . . A . . _ . .-.v, AVUH . My macuer L"0d To "Toe (Me Lgged Hooric" var; teat. MI`. Yule In no A K-)0 ! ` well named for uuch wurk. bullur ualvnnouuo In -lulu.-'. an In the plum Angl.) Saxon. . Lrzbuumm vcurn nu:-urn! and A Landmark emwcd_ .un_ Wm) M rl\'0 :`_\' fv ur mnnrhq Ago. ha r`n'nhr1fnr{ .4n . uul _\ Iv HI IIJOFHU4 R` be ce.'obr3ted av: Lvmg toiegrmn Wu r rlmfrr-' m.;:..,.vn.- l\` u }rIu\'IIH`rFlUlHHlK mwnrtl Y8` 1--n ml the arm enc lungrinum of inhabitant:-of mo French 4-La ulnnmrrh ..A.a. .;.......| .nA A V COOKE'8 CHURCP I1 '3? n'|Qr[Vf(] n`-. Wolfe I-land. u1l['! uuuun N.x;b Ihy, .-1 f.;rmcr resi- Maud m.d zaharbnr, Lake, Ha wan! manned In rne of 1:. \\'nlfa [Jnnd Up-to-Date Tailor, unuI\.nlH.F()[ M10 rrunch patch adds, regard the rlv ` of Joaeph and dry vi-Iln Ahrununrun n|..In- . l II! n K|lU'I vulcu allu unv mh He shows to n Meluctlona Hum I )S.uun. AH 0! MI! con uunod and web umo he mded The other Pelee ..._| . 1 .. | u crnarmllm l hero {mm ). Tue wed Do the I r8('(;:v- :1 by of t!.r- N...-n. LlaL' A` lI\II puny, New >('n'npnny r. I (K ceded V'll lmnn uuu:l(.lll.,`Ir- 1`. unwkey. R Georg can WALL-, J. Purdy. ~'rul.I;I\I.'l`I.\' Tn\\.\'.~HH' I1l'.\l`ll. Ru~,vc.---\ hlum 11.1` m r N. Ucul-cnlor.-- :3` J..m1esnu, R Rule! me] rkl ozr. J 31.9;-M rd. ' " 9' lvu\\;\~llH` up" won:-: l'~'l.A\'I>. turns Reeve,--Tn. mun Unux.C! rs-Tnon as I! 0. Tboa. 1' ,0, Tnumas Fawceto, W. Uuld .day .\|nu.'n I<:1!un'I'zm|L ucapah. 1' enema am: the relations between b0 HUBEI k)! P Nhlnn nrrl hn: -.'\n Al..-_._J-r I ! L`i}_voz._Andrawa. Winnipeg. yuhordny {received nbxd fall. which cnuced Ibld lrnctunecf Lil um and will lny him up for tome Lima. mm, me new or we gambling table and of Par orgiev, certain Ob:-en, whom, a.cxet.Iy brought: to grade to place upon the throne instead 0! Alonndol. He counts npnn bl! general 00 Ild him in thin 1 But) it in certain chub the colonel: and sub- altern (llirera will nob follow their unper- iora In this projected coup d'ouo. IJI PRINCESS STREET. 1: :1 inn irmh` between (1: kn g Mnlan ard ma non A'exnnder of Bar- Ivm me lecomxng btrzuncd. Mllnn. itin now charged, has roceny contrived a most vullammxa pfob for we dethronomenh of his son. Tbva royal fagumvo from Bh- vmnm, the hero 0! the gambling I `inn orziev. another um . u.(cv:'-` 1 n. unun Jlulphy. Hynn, : ana--u. u. 1: manor. l'uLubrol1u-TnomM Murray. l'ncLon-~Joeeph (jlapp. l u|Ln-AIexandcr an-sw. Fuse sLL`.)ueepu 311:]. K|ug8Lu'`n-~ ho beuween A. and Juun Kqcroft H`. |!,un..r......_,u \` 11---:- :.:\.~Tu.\' rmxxxnn mu .\- ll. R~3ee- 1'. buck Uuu:I(.xH.,`rr-T. Hnwkey. R George, H. Natl.-, Purdv. .muum- I. \: Huh-(HI b`;.af.)l'f[I--U. U (IIIJH. 5;ra`.!un: lL.:ue.- Huud. bxmcue--H Illmm tumon. 5:. Mar)`:---('. Rmnuruwn. bu. lhuu.m4-vl'.:u1ck Meetmn. '1`horuld-Jurcph B.mlu. Trcnton-W LS 1 Uxbudgc W1lhaIuFu:-wt. Wand:-un-Juhn l)..vxs. Woodatock-B McN:chol. uullul 5 runs -A. In. t` Szndvucn H Hmuduh H,arnI-|_T` I` \A'.p,.... mun uuuu |vv:)\'|Ull En UALhnrln05-M. Y. Kenning. SH1|LlI'z4 Falls -A.'(-`. Fxrrell. Sundumh I-`. H--uni:-> uuu/Lu. naulufu. Hanamque ~W. 15. Carroll. Hadorlcn R. Tnomp-sou. Haunlum `J. V. ' outzal. lngcrrull Walter Mills. Lnuduay Thumaa \\` mLel 3. London- -John II. Wilson. M.n...._,l u h...~~- u-u\,nvuIu- E4 :1 DUCKIIHIH. UJWLDBIIVIHB R. H Loecumbe. BrCcUrIdg6-J0bu Thompson. (`J1nugwoud--John Uuambellaln L.'tmLtmln`T. A. HlnILh. CubJurgv- 1'}. S C. Hu_)Ck8. U.;Iuw..H-Dr. I) () Alguuo. t-'uelph-R. E Nelson. HulL-Ur. Rauiturd. l.;nan....... H I) /v-_,,u , . _ . V - - n - - - -- -vvnuvu IIIVV I-IXO] , the yen J 136 cloud ' 3 than some bne Ldelenninod to try who II I protibable work when [ the . nth the nanny ' we ny thenrde-I | Because we have ` `in um-hailed dye menu- lovmg mercbnuu profile are randy V nut. Iwr to mourn `what: all merchauua are uctuued by the suns unworthy Iuunvuu. I Uurnnlwn ale... 1..."- .. 11.. . |....:.. -1 I I \ ?]'..\lLEY. Lute of ln n.. 1