Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1899, p. 1

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~__----_ A_mV I ANI5 In K H([`,ANN. ACCOUNTANT 9 Real to-um A nl. Money to loan at loVeIt nus. Elam. a managed. 011100 381 ,b Kin; an, over Wade's Drug wre. nltlll no no 3 juurnunau. 81:) Robert] Bal|.the eminent: astronomer, says chat: the moon is 5 small portion of the much. thrown oil from bhe large plnneb in its rapid courre. Sir Robert behaves nhan the world will come to an end by th sea gaming Lhrdugh A crack in the bobtom and causing a Volcanic eruption an the enrlh'n Pontre. ul 1! D..."-..m Ann nl Hm fnnr mxnrli. enrlh`n vontre. . W. H. Bartram, one of the four candi- dates [or the Landon mnyornlcy, appeara- determlned to push his probes!) against: the nomlnnmon of nwo of hm opponentt. mayor Wnlaon and ex mayor Taylor. Mr. Bartarnm has applied 00 police magistrate Parke for a warrant: for the nrreab 0! may clerk King- nbon upon the criminal charge 0! unalien- nnco of otce. l.`,I._.__.n \V,.-.......-. .. Mnnhpanl vnnn nun Ask your doctor how many preparations of cod- . . 9 liver 011 there are. -}.{C"_Vk _i_]_1w:;I1;S;V"I`, Hun- dreds of them." Ask him which is the best. He will rcplv, Scott's Emu1.si 'l .1 . .I.T_ I. A.l_._ .~I.., __.._ ,, Then see that this is the one you ohtain. It contains the purest c0d-1iver oil, free from t1nple;1.<.1nt odor and taste. You also get the hy- pophosphites and glycerine. All three are blended into one gr-and healing and nour- ishing remedy. :Music and Dancing Class `~lHS D.\('NT ll 9 l)l h'..\`l-,|I A M[`SI(' and Dancing 4 In-n. IhHdrvn a Unseen alum pm. Youn plea (`)-uu-en in oven 1.1:.` 'I1:|'n.pqrucu] xx Egrner Wlmnn Inc. For plrucul Your: lad nu-m Built} The greatest tribute to the excellence of the Caledonia Waters is the number of spur- ious imitations offer- ed. Beware of them. sac. and $1.:-xo. zdruggiifl. SCOTTJ1 BUWNE, Chemists, Toronto. 1 mother rhould pee Lhatzher dnugh 1 twelve on eigmeen mrxra n! age In nccanmnnl course of .\h||ur'n (Tom I._.... II II. zon n1moL' pin nnnvous ntsonmms nuvh Lu Wlnul mu! Puln In the Htmum,-I1. ` hlahllma.-H. 1".AIm~:..n ull:-1' nwuln. Ilean- Amhr. DIZMH-ms, Druwulnenn. Flunhlmzn pf H-mt. I1:-vi u! A;-m:l.iw. C Jlntches n the Bkln. (`Md Chills. Din- urbod 819-7D. Frtzhttul Dreams and all Nervous And Trembling Bensallom-. ....... I-Ivan!!! nnatv Inn! Ann`. llF!1_HiP Our loss by the fire in the Opvm! House huvmg been adjusted we are` prepared to o'er the whole of our lurge stock, consisting of | Clot hing. Gent's Furnishings andT;'lot of Dry Goods. - slightly damaged by smoke, at Great.- ly Reduced Prices, `- Call and 80- our bargains. Terms strictly cash. JOSEPH ABRAMsoN, FIRE, FIRE, sALEf Hockey Skates and Sticks. `oCI IC JDIx.-gr The boys nre all bu.ying them here because thvy are the best and cheapest. (`Anna .. urn] an nnr nlnannf. Tnhln \/H Cut`: What Could Be More Acceptable um Tremonna msunuuum-. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE IELIIJP II TWENTY IIHUTE8. Every summer will ucknowloduu mum to be . . . . . -_.._-... --r-nannur IIPDI Iul` l'ln'.~n Iv- |r:ANNAfv ""3E""Kii3`Cbs.: 210 BAGUT STREET I Next to Burnt Opera House. -_j__?. TRACHANJ : um] up our elegant Table. E. JANt%Aux* 3. $55 g,g,,__ |uusn men GREATIIT EXPERI! CATHOLIC EMA -~---. --~__-. lloctkun l`or`l Io low Tho lrloh lidorl DI Political Afllouon An tho LUM)u:i_ Jun. 3 -'l`ho now year brinu 0 lnlnod tho ennui oxptrunenb ninco (jutholio emancipation. namely. the inim. mon 01 tho local govornnnut act which really, In unny 0! in loatnreu, In An ex-4 tension 01 the omsnoipnmon new and poli- cy. The fonooo throughout lroluxd no lnonrdod with who nddrouoo ol the mom- ruhip ol dmnco counctlo which the not euuublishon, md nppotll from landlords and lormer gnnd jurors no pooled boeidl bhooo of hounuo lnrmoro sud lnbororl. While mica pu-by lone: are nob you drawn. thorn in n dmincn hue ol cleuvlge. one no. in which hho lnudlurd clan predominates, huiling the u-homo an 3 common 0! the Irish problem. and promiling too logiolum .n1.1w tn: hhe good of tho pooplo. The ond prolnmng no noguura solely for who good of tho people. other I80. ohuy we laboring cluo. pro- muu to work nu the new poniuioua Along ..- -14 n...-. urn... r...m_.tinn of homo rule. . The Irish lenders Ire divided, 3: annual. John Redmond mlvi-mg the people no se- copb one new depunure in good huuh. It auinu Lhnn n suoceulul admiulutnbion ol TI IIvII----- v- .-~-_.-_ IEl".ClAl`I Pll-ll. taken audlrw-t ed. wlllquickly rm-store Females In cum- pl--tn lnuxlth. Tlwy promptly rumme nlmtrm-.tlonI0rIrreuulnrlut-H of Hm nym tum nnd cure llclt Headache. Fur a --I ,I_ (VL-...__I_ aepunure in goon uwu. ll guing than the act: will load Lu Au exbemiou 0| sell government,` John Dillon exboit his lol lowers bu caiicuiuo the [mine iulo ngiuunion in the cauncila BM: whether Lbo can-o be Lbo year's uiiueml pfbnperity. us shown by the biuk and rmlrond receipts, Lbo statistics of the sheries. linen or whiskey industries, or the no-/ernmontfa concou- eione, political agitation in an Llin luwosb nhh H.eeve--R H MoUA|pm Uouncallorn~ R llrnwn, N. F Duling. John Donaldson. Dnmel McLean. ...u 2 1.; lJH'\|L. nu Mayor-A U. Uuuuclllorrv X lngan. W. E. E W. Anrth. rn..I 1": `H I Mayor Jamm-Ulupl Councillor:-~ J B W A M Tc-rrIH, George and George Wllllnms \ II I \l.|- H I M: u ur nu.u:u Mayor-A. U dluw. Councillors --Mone-rr-. Foy,S(evmrL,Shaw, Bennett), Jones and lmteryrl. 'r..u u an I-l:"l'.n\ \ll I..\I,r. ur I.,`\lIl Reove~l) W. Hall. (lounmlloru -J Forrester, H. A. Lawis, J. Noloon, \' 8., H Knywurlh True.-leea--H. A. Lewiu-. R Moth. T. l) J. neluun, v Trueleea-- Rain. l1e8vo-- H M. l\lIuWILDl| tjuuncillora -- George Hudson. C. (J. Stack, (laorge Bunch. .\l H Holman. Tru-been v- Joseph Thompson, Jame [Intro I H Mr\l.nnu||Hn \ |l.l.I\`-IV U! I \\ l`.l'.I' Roeve- W|llInm Wnne. (lonnoillorv -M. Clark. James (Juno Thomas Benny, Jame: Fmley. 'w\\\ usmn nr Ir,n\'Ic~4'I`n\\ N. DUHCI, Huulgu uuucu, .u Joseph TI Rose, J. H. Mchsughlln. \ n I `:11 my 'r\\ LAIIGII I DAL: 0! any Pntenl. Medicine In the World. __ Iunol-A10! the Late Prlnclpnl Kirkland- A hIsII-a|.t\- H--`AA nu lllll-laul u avnlnnwun .TORU.\'TH, Jan. I! --The funeral 0! Tha- mar Kxrkland. M.A.. lane principal of the normal !(`l]f)Ol, boob plsxr-9 at noon to-dny from the remdence on Jarvis otreeb no the Union abauon thence to Oshawa, where In- terment: wall take place. The lunernl I01 vice an the house was largely attended by prominent: cibizens. The Toronbo proaby- bcry. which mob this morning adjourned early and abbanded in a body an the ear- vine TU .V.'4Hl|' U!` l|.l.\H..`||un I`- R.eeve-~M` N Empey. Councillor: ~J. Dowaon. 8. Paul, G. Hamm, Fraser and Laidloy, a_ Lie. gi tnn 'l'n\velo=r. wno auteur -an WI! com | mined to Dodhnm jv`. for Ihmy day: {or conn.-mph 0! comb. npologind on Saturday and In related. VICE. Mayor Sbaw a ofcinl plurality over E. A. Mncdonald in yunterdafa contest; for hhe mayoraloy was (3342. 'l"hn unnflarnnn who will mnrmnanh the one mayormoy was 0:15. The gentleman who wiil represent the (Brand Trunk railway in chart arbltrnmon wmh the t/olegrapbera m B. B` Oeler, Q U. lo has nlao been announced than the tele- graphera will be represented by Frank mugennn. An appeal on behalf of Mr. Mclnhyro, bbe liberal candidate in East) Elgin, against: the decision of the election judges sustaining Mr. lirowor, conaervnnivo, In his seat: was led this morning an Oegoode ball. Tine Story of the Death of Prince Rudolph ol Aunt:-In. Edward A. hftmner contributes to The Woman`: Home (`mnpnnlon this Intermit- I` In}; fragment. of Austrian history which II a prohibited mph: in that country: l`hn nnrnlvnl Wnu III. ZR hlht In RFIV Dl'r)nlnlI.6ll D()pI(`- in Hunt uuunury. Hm narnlvul was at. its height In gny Vionlm. The noisy nmaquormh-rs were re- turning from their revalrlos and were making the old city ring with shouts and laughter. The sun wns struggling through the mists of the January morning, but al- lnust ht-fore It had risen high enough to touch the golden cross of Ft. St0phen'I .... ..,.a...| ..n \'|nl\nn Inuuu thnf. thnrn Ulath EH8 |(0l(l8H (IP05! Ul -`l.. bvpllrll I on wdrul all Vienna knew that there wuuldbo no mom dnnoing during that curnivnl. The wnrd_hnd gone round that H... ,..-,...n nu-in.-A um: dnml- nunrderml. -LI_mdon. uvcr_pooi and Globe F117: Insurance Company. _ . -,.. N... .. . a.... o- ..|..|..s. pore. "Six years prior to this unhnppy night ;` (frown Prince Rudolph was formed by the circumstances oi his station to marry Sh-piuiiiie, the tliumlitnr of the king of Belgium, whom he did not love, while hie heart was given to the liiironcss Vf`Ll8l", the IIJURL henutlful woman in Vienna. \\'hnt her (`hnrnotnr was I do not pretend to know, hut the favor of [I crown prince in (`nnluzh to turn the hand of almost my Ausatriun womnn. particularly if she h`qg bean reared in Vienna, umiur the demornl-"' izing inliuenne of its oourt. Hie disap- pointment drove him to dissipation, the crown princess wept and scolded, the city 7 was smndali7.ed, and the emperor bad to seek in way out of the diinuity. Count Hoyos. an oioer in the Austrian army and one of the numerous admirers of the young bnronosn, was promised promotion in the army and the assistance of the em- peror if he would gain her consent to mar- ry him, This the count eumeeded in do- ing. Then onrne the end. The onunt and his fiancee were invited to apend the even- ` ins: of Jun. :30, 1589, with the crown prince in his hunting lodge at Meyeriipg. Wine owed freely, and the hours were full of mirth. But suddenly, without warning. llufiolph drew a revolver, shot the count. then the baroness and atlaut drove a bullut through his own heart." curl)l\`nl. The worn _nnu gone rounu Lunu tho c-mwn prime was dead; murdemd. some duclnmtl; fnllon in ndueh othurs con- jacturad; accidentally killed, amid the pn- nnr- `I'\/\\.l Harlh pnrmmve rwmodnoa Ara fun giv- ` in any L5 (be gentle -con .-wd mild 8'- ` (Wu nf (_`:'_{gt ! L"V'n but r1 o||I. If you i trv them vhev will certmnly plans you. 12.....- F \L'.-gnaw ndinnr nl [ha Brun- - [Dem mev will carunmy plDUB you. Tnrey E 'u-wner. editor 0! the Bus- jtnn Traveler. who nil-`tk Inn urn corn _:..-.: ... n...u.-... 4...! In. nun. dun Im- \II I .1`-EU?` Alllr. I{eevo--H ll. Knuwlton n.__.._..:n.... 11-.."... II WIN) WOIK EH8 pDlIl4luul Iluu u old luau of the realization of TH! TRAGEDY OF AN EMPIRE. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. mu am AN APPEAL. I-Jun -uvv vvn-'-- , . fund; over 3A2,(xx),txx). In addition to which the Ha ha] urn have fur nocurily tho un- Hm I amf of all Hm uuxdtholderl. FARM AN J (`ITY l'luIl'ENTY|nnumd ll Layout possible rnlou. Bolbro runuwlng old or giving new bu-nnuuu st rlwu rmm. B'l`RAN(I d HTRANUE. Aum. W. J. FAIR. ufochu Agent. King Blrool. Ontario an . .;.'. .;;';;`. .;p;,' 4 4 .-- \NIliuns,l)avu! Bug. 1 ;.,___ _- |...|.. lm. \\'.m).n KL M\ lbs). H. Moan. J. .JuIige.Thomna .Sum|leld, H. J. Anrtb, H \ IIIIIUJ Kyle, !,Imvux Dug, Lou \VrIghb uuuun -. The committee of the orphans home most: raxbefully acknowledge the following all or the month of December: Mrs. l ; Mrs. Spencer, currents; I/. hing club, bread and bus- Ir Mi-:Rse & Co . oranges and .0 lull. turkey; Mrs. R. Wed- QA, ; Mrs. M.Rom-ie. $1; Mi-sr Q. g,burkey; rs. J. B.(,`arru~ 0 ' ey; Mr. Beak. fruib cake and eurrsui. loaves; James om; & Co . gripes; Mrs. H Cunningham, burkey; Mrs. Bric- bon, goose; Mrs. B. Roberbson. raisins; Mrs. Thomas Mills. msgs'I.ines_ Mr-. Wsrd. turkey; Mrs. MvKelvey, one bsrrel ofepples; Mrs. Sclineld, candies: Mr:-. Csppori, goo-e; MIFF llenzy. orange-; lsdy Carowrignb. turkey; Mrs. Crela, oranges sndgrspes; Mr. Hisnoek. bansnn-; Mrs. Richmond. goose; Miss Shaw. osudier; Mrs Waldron, goods; Mrs. Sbrsubenzie. goose; Mrs. O. Livinqsbnn. turkey; Jsmes Bwilr, quarter of beef; Mr-. A. Sorschsn. core: Mrs. Noel Kent. turkey; Mrs. Nic- le, oranges; Mrs. P. Bbesrne. choice. (rules; A. Hsaz & Co., ve gallons vinegar; Mrs. 1. Simpson. turkey: J. Couper, crin- dies; Mrs. (; N. Watts, sr.. Portsmouth, eighh pairs of knitbed mints; Mrs. B. Ob- i erndofler, cake and curkey: Mrs. John Leidlsw. oranges and burkey; Mrs. (leorire Newlends, oranges; Mrs. William Reid. one hundred weight) of llour; Mrs. James Hendry, turkey; Mrs H. S Wilder, tur- lmy; Montague Sbrenge, spoon:-:Mrs. Mao hm mrlmv. Thu cornmiuee eleo very \&/_`~ / r The (lift: To Thu urphnnr Hmno And The kny; Montague uoronga, spoon:-zuuru. man he, turkey. The very warmly thanks all kind friends who sonh guns to the Christmas tree, they being boo numerous bo mention. Wee! 1-! Prayer.` The opening meeting of the week of prayer was held last evening in the Firat Baptist church. The Audience was small, but the interest was good. The pastor of the church occupied the chair. After ai hiiiin of praise, led by the choir, the Rev. 1 Mr. Shibley read the scripture lesson and led i prayer. After another hymn oi prais , and preyer by the Rev. Mr. Hons ton.the Rev Mr Lmci.-ley gave an in apiiing eddreiie, noting at reason: for bhankagivinp, one of the subjects for the evening, some of the great aovancen made during the past quarter of the century. Tue forward movement was indicated by ` the organization (iiiho young people {or christian work. the work of the \'.M C A lnd the King`: Daughters, and tie marked progress in christian education The great, Baptist university of Chicago alone has an endowment of ten million dollars, and in exeii-sing a mighty in-_ nance on higher chrietien education. Another advance worthy of note is the lplflb of unity now prevalent amongst christian bodies of dieient named. an... - s......\.. at ...-.i.. and ni-avnr hv l -I_I -l-l\.J-l--I--5..` - Two Hundred Thousand Dollars In mm! from one bhousand be non bhouund dollars. for plroioulnrl Apply 30 Godwin`: Insurance Emporium, Over Express Omoe, M but Bqnuo. t-hrmcinn bodies 0! mueuenu names. After nhymn of prniao, nd prayer by John Burton. Mr. Marnnell, Q 0.. gave an interesting addrur, showing In a very pnctical way bhao nhe convonbional Itaudnrd ol chrinbian living falls [or ` short. of nhe ideal egxhibited in the life of Christ). In... I)... Mr k -no nlnmrl than mnohinn vu ynuu - nun..- 0T'TA\\'.\, Jan 3 -SIr Wulfrid Lmrier and Hun. W. S Fnelding Ielu fur Montreal to day L0 be present: AL I political meeuug chore to marrow. u;.. D}nL-rt` (`gran-riahh and Flir I/ruin. chore to ` Sir Richard Cartwright: and Sir Innis, Davin lefo thus afternoon for Washington. ` P J Clonry, twenty nine yearn 0! age, _ who cnrriod on A grocery bu-moon no the .cnrner of Wilbred and Nncholas atreetv, dvod ll ) Wnber I,-breeb ll0'plt,A| lash nighn. i Ubnen. The Rev. Mr Kng closed the meeting I by prayer. ____7 4 7 V Nlhely line: an Hour , CHM uzo, Jun. 7% -Tho new lash mail" train on the Chicago. Burlington & Qu-ncy road which pulled out: of Omahn nu 3:45 o'clock Sundny Afternoon rolled into the Umon depot in Chicago an `2:H yenerday morning, on hours nnd Lwent.y-v-inc min ates from Omaha, :1 dinnance of 502 ' Tne train was; drnwn by enzme 59:)` The Greyhound ol Burhnglo hate!-t. urne was just west. of Au ninety mule: on Mar was made Igy l1a'Won'l luur P/\m.<, J-n 3 -The Inn-an I | I ll D...\,L..-. [rm-I (N by M Hem: R<.cm!urr_ pmmnt If the I) eufua rev` 2-Ible fur Hun -amlmnunh M-anon h-In wawe: l)r~y(ua lnuk In ropreienlstiun riots ld of my force LIC LII. Uh uviu rsanwvu --`.J u__ E draw the feet. It costs money {go em loy skilled pattern ma- P ikers, m order to turn out rub- ; bers in all the latest shoe ; shapes,but the Granby Rubber ; Co. do it and the result is that GranbyRuhherswvershoes Eare known to be right up-to-date. The thick ball And? I heel make them last twice as long; while the thin rub-I I ber used in the other parts makes the whole very light. 1 E Insist on seeing the Granby Er'ade Mark on the sole. HAINBS L0n..l(ETT. um: curls urn n -u-c-u. .-... .. Weak Stomagh Impaired Digestion Disordered Llver IN MIN. WOMIN OI CNILDIII Boooham'a Plllo are GENEROU8 FRIENDS. GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR me IRON. Capital Tmlntu 1 n u._ 11' I to have : wet. _I_f } FURNITURE SALE. Him-k Iulxluu .In I l`I'lH|:':- prlou n---nI'|\ M1 at 1 H |~I'u>||'l la ' lnw-n1:n'\ ml" cu mun HI utnnlx cmr Ivrh---~4 hr ` \\n\~4 low. It mnnlh w he I`hnnm- lur you ~'+w- nmm-\', 4-vvtn _ - SOLE LOCAL AOBNIS. EEUSEKEEPINE EXPENSES We can reduce your yearly Gro- cery account by many dollars. "M. F. THAOY/V|_l_?`SA()N. MA ;'I`(;;4[`)EHl:'m HE mom E. I K to the most modern with Columbus cushion jnstments can be h everything relating ` Bowling Alleys. l nu. 11.... anmn "`.I ""' ' a - Try us with an order for your Clmstmaa necessities. We have It nice line of New Fruit. i We handle only ENGLISH PEEL8. `Cor. King and Princess JJU \V IIHB IIIIC-yc I We have some of exceptional new, from 82 i the very la. EVEFEYTI-HI _FROM A cu; The Gnnby Lllill liibdll Wu`, Dry nnd L omfotub|o-IudIh In :50 I100 |hpu,o! Ibo VI1 but I`-hi. The I D11 Comfo CAN B__l_.SSENED U ---V----:' Sucoeaezor to Joe. Fisher, BUIIIIIII U l'lIIU ulv Wui;hq|gf__A2_gL Rival $~-_._____:___:.____.___ AhliX.\NI)lR BLAN(,`HAKl)CHAR'I`!Rll) Aocounuul. Ikxznogreu p0Mu\l,|ud|l- Id. Trlul hnhumen and nunclal nmtenn-`nLn l-lion. Buulnesu ouundenual. Addreu 47`) Brook Blroc-l,or Rpglopnlln College, Klngumu. RTHUR ELLXH, AIl.(7HlTE(7l' owners- Eu-hungc Cbnmbern, omn-J-u Block. 81 hock Hlreel. Klnguum, Ont. Dill I I III. on uvuvva--H... KSEIGNEEH IN l`RlIHT. Ul'Fl()F1:8 BA- gut Htroel. Amslgnment wllciwd. "HOME? 'I>tr7'JD7BU8* IN!7-38: w w. SANDS. M-D-.C-M- lxl.` L_1IV\!lllVIJ\' l\\I'Y` `IA "f_C_5_fc7_-A3_\'r_.` n\_. 1! ____ l Thnnnnn nnllnrn In nnrr mmm l.I\/FIRVY 0|-1-am `Kr -AND mum` ` Telephone N1. __._____..__.___.:____ Hockey Boots, SM YTHE & LOSCOMB :`I11\vI5'I1`I .I r\v'1`Dllu'!` nlo'lI'l(`|1`.~`lIfl I )mcHrrEcTunAL.. MONEY T() LOAN IN LARUEURHMALL lump, in low rate: or interest`, on City and hnn Proporttn Loans `(muted on City and Oonnly be 11 urea. Apiy to 'I`nmnn Huxoms Inna urn F`muu~nn.c mm and Inveutmunf Boot y. omoeopposlte the Post Omoo. 35% KQOOOOONO;/OOONOOQ MEDICAL CAiRDS And him the LARGEST BALE Inn-m Ila-ullrlnn In the W p in and let us quote "g reductions just now ove lines. M r prices. THEHLAND mu. I-\1*\ 1'\,1"VA1 1"1`I")(` Q -~:9BE LIVER} J8uRANcE; "EGAL. BAHN.]HI`F.H.`|, HOLI- " `MP (`lurvm'n' Mrvvl. M. NEWLANIJH. AR(`HI'I`EC'l` and A c-uuur 4.r Brook and King nurse 0 rnlnor over &mle n hrug Hum. Entrunoo on King Street, man In OAK HALL. ITTI OFINTEREOT FROM EVER IOUROI. `I The Laud Tolonrnnl nvuuu ow... ` B-suturing: Iron: lbw osnndlnl Plou . - Itonu unth-nan I-1 Ilooorwn | u Bums hu decided to abolish the mud [ nyuuu. Sundny curl curled in Ottawa by mn- janby ol 1.600. Sonlorth hn pueod n by-law no provide a line Ilbrsry. A does 0! Mil|u'o Worm Vowdcn occno mommy wnll nap tho cluldron hultby. Wlule -hung uu the nvor :0 London Mu. W. L Blnokio loll and lncluud bar Lblb. VA-nu UrKnn-n Ard John I)onn.of Percy HcKoovm nrd Hnrmlnon. wmodrowmd yollorduy wlnlo ice bonnog. Tm. l'mmd Hutoo szovernmonb wxll no- The l'uIud States governmonb gotinu rt spocul commercial trusty with dwnzorlnnd. rm -n.....an.-. Rnnnavnlh Look the oath Hwalzorlnnd. Col Thoodore Roorevolh no governor cl one tube 0! New York on Snzurday. A In luv to nine 8l5.U(`U for A munici Snzurday. . A by law to nine 8l5.U(`U municu` pal alecnnc hum: pluuu was mvried by the cleaner: 0! ['rozC()K.f. rm.- 5.4.5..-m nl llnmlord Ind Sir Edward The bishop of llerclord Fry have been waging u newspaper war on now to prevent: union. M. 1)-uhlar, for forty yous publnc exev cutmner 0! Frame, has resigned and WI be rucceedcd by his son. 1'... n.n.nIu~ huh school of Montreal be rucceeucu Dy ma sun. The Uahhohc lrgh 1 lug received :1 r1()maLIUu of $5.01 Strnnhcona and Mount, Royal Hard wmk and anxiety has ......a.. l\' 1` I` I....un nm-h'ul` Hflrll Wnl K mu: 1 ouvcld of (7. I` Jo u_. I .....I.rm I J. n bzlrrun. urn Quebec branch of has reliignod L0 go P_\\7r:uWa >soN. AW`HI'I`E(YI`B` 4. KER- chaum Bank Building, owner Brook and Wolllugwu Itroeun. 'Phuuu 212. ______:_.__.__.______j 0 IIIVCIHUUI |/. I u\_- Nauonsl bank 0! I I u t'......... M Dlllllup -`llllllvnu, .u.......-, . from A klvluoy brnuble of R V vhnrartycr Hm (`ondmou as unf H _|_ lmbllilimi 0! $3 |ll?'4,lI'l. lr _\nur shall! 1.. `ale, poevinh and does um l')YIVe, a dare ol MIlIer s Worm Pow- ders ocmnlonzslly WI cure. A by law guaranteeing the interest) on SIS 000 band: of the Chnthnzn cold aoorage mun deltuul M (`l-Mham. F. A Small & 00., Montreal, the big wh--lo-ale clothing mrmulurrturera. have de _.,:-,a ... .m ;nfr\ I....n.humn. nuns, Mllur'~ Worm l'c luubive zr sdlrme (or 1-ugur. Hush VH1! Ultllll n\ \ --:.........` Mon! mrmulurrt` mdod to go into |vpndaI.mn. John Show mm yonben mayor of "`rrrmto by a pin: "nu unmn mnr F. A Mncdut yoaberday reelected piuralny of about: 70: vntea mor E !V1ncdunaY<,1 A by law to rmae by dahontazes the mm of '35_UU`) for tho Mrexmon uf the elec- tric hghn system was defeated at. Thornld. A lumln Inur wear old daughter 0! [nich- hrlc ngnn system wnauuuuuwu an A Ilolle {our year daughter Ian MCNNI. Alvinrston, W`-.1 bl death, her clothes catching tire 1 above. VFL... ....n.-Iihnn nf Mr l)|nqIV_ 5 The cunditvon of,M r. lbunglby. member of the Unibed Skates congress, has grown worm and some apprehension ll folo nor has recovery. I) R Alexander. postmaster of Tro I). R Alexander. postmaster homo, Mun. , had his foot: crushed under I railway car an V\/Innipag and died from his Injuries. Now Me for a quarter. Muller's Oom- --~--A hm. | .|l. R K. KILBOIIN M. l)., M. 0. Pa!-L. LATE a Medical Hupeauwudent Kingston Genu- rll Hnapfml. (`urouer for (my and Country Omoe mrmerly nvcupletl by the late Dr. Haun- dom 1`:-`Ieplmno N0. 342. _:___ P01141110; gagacmns. NOW mu lnr a pound [run I : Ila. J W. Carmicllt Pulls. J Carmiclmel. ax M I',, Plcton. hu been lp[)Oll')lHJ to bhe vacancy in Lbs ae- Imle caused by the death of eonabur Mac- hulane. v...I- /..l. aim .. snnnrlino a few davl Emile /.-)la, whole rpending days in London, has nished his new novel. and In now writing a full account: of his tlvghb from France. I u---.-- u;..r....1 Adnmn pxnined ab his France. Senator Michael Adams expiued home an Newonole, NB. on Sumhy night). His doabh had been anhicipabed (or aavernl days. The London Lancet`: believes that: We now vnccinnuon act; will have the etfect. of domg awny Wibh most: of obs popular ob jechionl to vaccination. Rv lawn nbohehinq the. ward system and VDCCIDHLIOU. By laws abohehing gunnnteoing the debenture 0! Lbs Wbybe packing company were carried an `durat- lord by a large unjorihy. Arnhhinhnn Bruchoei has addressed A Dlzura lUl' any yuuyuuv - .. Uol. Picqunrh has been ooded Christina: congratulations and lottt sympathy. Heio busy reading Cm "History 0! the French Revolution. Ina... Hnlhntnr. (hncmnabl. belt unjorihy. Archbishop Bruchoei pntornl letter to the clargy of bhe diocese of Monhrenl, in which he interdicna church bnznra for any purpose whatever. - with congratulations letters of He in Curlyltfa A 7 n,___... D....n'|nrinn " French Kevoluuon. Judge Holhator. Unncxnnacl. held that the chrmbinn ecionoe ntea ol Hnrneh Evnns were religious and not: medlc, and re verued the police court: ruling by releuing her. A epecnl Sunday through box mail ser- vice has been innugurnted between Lon- don, Hamilton and Toronto inberrnedoeue points, where the {no evening express ebope. Than kaiser u deenlv vexed en Anetrie on The kaiser II deeply ICCOIHIO of the announcement: of A VIBIJDD newnpnper than the Hermm emperor tried to secure a bug loan from emperor Francis Jot-eph. Anrnn Mun. n Bnalo iowellor. is in 1 Chnmben, 01 Brook Hlreel, Klnguunu, . Jot-eph. Aaron Myorl. a Buffalo jowellcr. custody on a charge of violating the alien lsbor law in contracting with Joseph Tube, ofBb. Cathnnnca, to go no Buffalo and work for him Italy hsving declined t.o}send nreprm oentalivo on the cur diurmnmonb can- larouce ll Sn. Peben-bur If 3 papal dale- gnlo were rocogn':ad. t e pope wnll not be represented there. Th. Lnrmnia and Germunic hsd Ln throw nx man no In Bovuul low. Thcywutoduhqltoy I - _ . .-.`_ nngnrnu-I P V 1 ,\ In (`.rn.c,,1Ian, M.l) . \`\mmpog. an` ,_...u.. ,.a \'4......an mu marrnod I? \ I I Ari-(jnumn, LV].|r' . ..P. | norly of Napmxee, was mkhn, Om _ nu l)ov,-umber `Nah, to Miss x I In Hulhvnn, TOFOMO ` 5'i"9 VOTY n , 4....-... ... nnf \rnn...taIv nd Mount, Hoyul caused the .Im.as_ omah'ur u! the tire: I: I hIHipsbuIg_ | n. on, Montreal, secretary 0! the shot the dormnion nlhaumo. go into the Imurnnco busi rm Powdors are the been no children gas nice as on. on $5.01) from lord _ v),__. mm M. 1 uunnu. mghber ul burned to mg {rum who Ippolnuuouu Ul ` "rnfrew, vu- -\~ Irving. I L- u..-...:.-..- VV- OIIIVLIQ. IvI.|.a., \g-Iv: . ()RMERl.Y 0|" HUNHHHY, ()N I`.. HAH nlwneal an Um:-0 and Hur cry in lo)! Bydouhnm Itrool Telvplmne I) .?:_:__ cry gruvu wrtuxmtely Dnud J. Tnmr. In alleged jolt!- `__:n;....-.'_- ..c A.I...o.. 11.. in In am {or 5 David J. Tollur. autopsy num- rnilliousiro 0! Atlnnh, Us . in in jail ' znfuning bu ply for tax puirl ol thou. Toltuir says he in In gal on principle. u there in n story of pvrICuIi00 back o! hi: nrrub. u:n-.'. (`nvnnnnnd lmn Pill: onlv `53. Miller ; Compound Iron Pills only `53. {or fty douse L\euu. Wilson. comrnnudnnb of the citadel. in Quebec, who in extremely popu- |-- -irh hhn lnrnnn, iAl Dl )OOD$Od I citadel. in Quebec, who I! euremeuy pUpu- In with we lorcu. mu pruoncod with mugnicoub candy hone ID Cbriumnu by the non oommiwoned ctiicern and men of "B" bounty. Thorn Wu no]rocepmou no government: house, 'l'.;r0nl.o, on Monday. Though Sn Oluver Mownu is greatly impruved In health yet bin advisers did no: deem in nla {or him to endure the latigne And ox- cilomouh of I Iecepbion. Qua unnrv Haklnl. bb uhlllui" or Iecepmon. Sir Henry Hawlnul, the hnnuing" judge, who resigned last: week. ha: pro- uemed cardmul Vaughan with J.`.`,UI)U ba- -rurd 6 new Roman Catholic cathedral nu Westminster, the rocnz on which will be completed behre ne xb Cbriatmu. Thn r-hm! eunuch of the nulhan of Tur completed behre xn Uhnaunu. Thu clue! eunuch key, who was worth $`.00_l)()IJ in money and $16`) 001) in jewe'ry and plate, in dead mm. .. nuunimnnnnabl auswesoiunz oibbor IH uvnu MW.) mm m pwe ry unu pllluc, with a aurpicxounneu auggeaoiug pomon or the bnwatnnu. H19 property gone Into the pultaxfe treasure box. Thumue Kirkland, M A . princvpal of the Toronto normal rchoul, died on Bnturday f c: a bnef IHHOIIII. aged sixty-Lhroo years. He was 3 teacher an O-nhawn, Barrie and Whinby. and In 1871 went) to the normal smhnol of which be was made prim-vpnl in IBM I,.__;,J.... M..l(;.-um . nrnr\|s\rnAf.in set. | Hm Praaidmm McKinIey's proclnmatic ring hrth the conditions under wlm I'...r.m Hume bakes Doe:-anion I ring mrbn luu L7UllUIblUlIn uln-u. v........ ..._ l'mLed States poet-aemon of H2" Philippines has been cabled to Elan 0"! lor promulgation, ab a cow 0! $|,lW'. `The proclamation will first be made public an Mllllll. uv ......L.... .s.n..M nan vhnhhnr laugh U1 4- II`- In! mu-_\'1ni-:un Jonn Mvnm. MHIIIIH. Every +1 tar Ymrn bra bakva nu uccnnmnn xmund [run I'll... (mu hundred NE xmnnd [run l':lU. (muhundrud New York hinhmen have formed when they call bhe lfmbed States Independent: league, the object. of Wl'\|f`.h In nun uaninn nl nllmnna between H18 United Independent: league. the ODJBCD ox wnuzu In 0 mention of alliance Snares sud England. In is propnaed to extend the orgzmlmtion Lhroughouo UM)` ..I.. born 0! the pnvv COINIOII. The Rohbaclllldn, noting chiey on the advice of John Hays llunmnnd, Dhe Am- rrucan engineer, have entered mm gold hunbwg on the west) (toast: of Africa. Ham- mnnd prodicna chat: Afrim\ s gold output: new year WI be beyond ('alifornia's high- water mark. ll`L......-- "I`n-uuxnnn Ruunbllill nllBn B xhul ld K1. Ada Now Yenr'a honor: conferred by the queen are: Lord (Fmmor made n vm. (`ounh Sir Henry Hairkmi and SIr} h1|'p Currie, peer-; Sir Charles Hull, Fulward J. Suunderrmn and William Kenrick. mem- bers of the house of commons, made mem- 0! the COINIOII. '1'... Nnr.hnnh|h`|I. m~r.mo chiev mark. Thoma: Towmend Buclmill, queen : COUINIOI sud member of parl-amenb In the conoorvnbivo mlereaha for Mid Surrey \Ep mm), ha! been raised no bbe bench of the hiqhcourb 0! jndionture in succession to justice Henry Hawkins. who roconbly rev hired. rm.-n....-.....|.-.- ...-.ml in": nh (Thinnon hired. Thebeoombor grand jury ab Chicago has reported on judge Wahermnn bhah the charges 0! bribery made by the people against: the alderman in connecbiou with the street: railway company fty~year lranchieocxtenoion were wiuboub foundr- tion. -I-L- L-.'-.... ;- ....'.4 cm hay.-n rnnnnmlv ra. non. The kniseris said bo have recently to- ceivodachequelor $5,000 from A New York house with the rrquosn than he write an nrtzcle on the Spunnah-American war. Theqomporor returned the cheque. anying that: he had nob bbe Dime uor iucli nntmu Do be 3 journaliah. Q.-u I-Inknrh Hall Hun nvninnnh AALFODOIDBI`. oi omce. Edward Norman, a Monbreal man, was arrested In Bullalo. N \'.. and sent) down 00 serve nxLy days on the charge of being a bramp. was releaaed on Saturday on the petition by his attorney. bhah the convic~ Lion was a gross miscarriage of JIJIUCO Norman. who in {telegraph oporabor. had money an the Dime In his pocket, and re- commendationa from high ofciala 0! tabs (lreab Nurhhweabern telegraph company 0! Canada. Nurman will go to Montreal to see his wife, who is lying an the point) of death, and return to prosecute the people responsible !or his arrest. R E. l-SPAR (:4, 1). 1. PL L 1). B..M. 1)., DEN- . TIST. )moe N8} [Macon stroet. Henl- donoo 12-I2 Unlversn. Avenue. Omoo hours BI.m.lo 0 m. Sn urday evenlnf , 8 lo 1:5 Telephone 0. P. Sherman, . D. 8., I. D. 8., Alltnnl.

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