.\lr. McCormick said Mr. R/ulden was the _ _)int to anggeet the amalgamation. The letter said he wan in favor of it but only on the un V Aderstanding that the standard of pedig-eon should be pure,etock. Now that his desire. as well an othere in Quebec.had been over-rid~ den he could not agree to remain in Lheaeaocia- tionandaee admitted the inferior stock of men who had for years been preaeing for recogni- tion.` He declared that one-hall of the re- cord: in the Ontario herd book were spur- tone. Then the character of certain Qttle were brought up and there was aeornewhat lively liecuaeion an to their breeding. One side had letters to prove that when the cat- tle were bought nedigreee weregiven. the other side thatno Igreee were given. Mr. Drum- mond of ontreal adding that eeventeen u..n- Ann Ina had mule narcular ennnirv do with mm. 1 no |)l0ll6l' I I`!!! was put aunt in oourt. and uoomodtu `nu bmken-lieu-t: ml Ar Anna 3: And nae. nha heinn I Nih- lull! Ill uuurqp Iuu Iwulu-uev uv vnuuv-rus--- ed. Her one in need one. nhe being n ple end eviden unable to eupport hone . Smith tested on the eenhnce wee on him that he hnd been given the horse to trade, end had never intended to non it. Thu Innninh-nth no trade, nu ma never mu-nueu I0 eeu no. The In ietrete ooueidemed this no juetict tion. en impeded the eevenet sentence ever -given in the Otteve police court for a long - time ; penel servitude forve yen: in the nnniumtnrv Lt Kimnton. ` UIHIC ; WIICI XTVIBIIIU IV!` I } peniuntnry at Kinguton. A an Nunod Wuuon Oollnlu Lumen: While, lntuleund. Afters on pm in the con} a nun uIncr\`I`otu`:lII1-ivonl in the oilyfro F-.-- .._ -. u- Q-egg.-5 Inn]. (minor 1! `"(;lpn Tom smith`: Sentence to the Penltentlu-y--conning I-`I-on Ottawa. Gipey" Tom Smith, the bone thief. uh.-n to Ottawo from Stntford, pleeded uilty to stealing I horse and buggy in I885 rom \\'. H. Clulf. livery eteble keeper, ' e red at the police court for sentences. ed been depending All along on his brother up weet to Advance him on I: money, eome 8175, to recoup the lot: to e owner. but his brother refined to have anything to do with him. The prifiiorh wile wee we mum in nnnrt And nnnmndtu `nu hrohn-heerb INDIIKICT IIUII IDVIIIOIL ~ Over twenty yeere ego he give up bnei- neee end retired to the count to engege in egricultnrel pnrenite. Hie ome en the Beth Road wee e comfortable one. end his ferm reuked with the Iineet in the county. He wee eucceeeful ee e fermer. 'l`w_el\'e {eere ego he returned to the city, when he ed en nnnetentetdiolue life.:`he deoeeeenl wee e prudent, int ' t, enterpriei man. He took e itll(:ONG `guide in ti`: rowth and expansion of ingstan. He on enjoyed the eeteem end condence of \ hie fellow citizens. eepecielly of the eerly } eettlere. He was e conxieteut member of the Methodist church. end well endowed `Jl ith property. DIIIIIIGI umen u a men uznruu. unto us built up I proopotono trodo. In 1834 he married Min Mary Wihon. who bu thlougl life how a comforter sud ho] cot no him. and who now in in foil hunt. Five chil- dnn survive--MrI. June: Baker. J. B. For- nutlnn Mr: A Qngn:-A Klnnnlnn-gnwvx INN]. RIF. I'0l`lyIll VOIIIIIIXIVI III] JOIIIEIII cuvnlry corps, which did good service II the battle of French Creek and in guarding the i fmntier from invasion. I\..._ _.._A.. ..._... -.._ L- ......- __ Lug} The Late Mr. Iloben I-`orevlln. To-day Robert Forayth died a: Manni- dence on Diviaion atreet. For three months he had been conned to hia home.` and dur- ing the last month to his room. Hj; denth was the result of general debilizy. He pan ed away aged 79 yeau. The deceased gen- tleman was born in Rephoe. county Done- gal. Ireland. in 1809. and while a young man aocom nied hia father. Ben'amin For ayrh, to ingeton. Aa a blue amith he readlly found employment. and with his father. nlao a blackamith, did a considerable tortion of the iron nork on the penitentiary uildinga. Aftaervarda he opened a blachmith shop and waggon-makingmatabllahmenv. on Prln~ ceaa ureet on the ground now occn `ed by Samuel Green an a meat market. he |...:I. .... - ................ ....i- I- men |.. WOIK DO I OOIIIICIOIIIIOII Imn Inc mm y. Full Shlrbot Luke to Csrlettn Place I) Ialnrl it about 44 miles, by Perth or u..InL'- iii]: in Cu-Iahzn Plum .-"Ml milu. llltll: I|Il'Vl\'U-'nlI'I. JIUICIKXIUT. II. D. I'll?` 3 t 0. Mrs. A. Spence. in ton ;Goorge Igwnytln, Water-town. N.Y..pu|d Thoma i*I.`'}'a.`,"'%'.'.`;r3.'3..'.',1'v.'x"'.'."'{`.I'.i `1`1 .'"'o.... For!` t'I. who recidon on the homestead on the th Road. In I837. during the rebel- Iinn_ Mr. Fm-nvth vnlnntaalnd and ininedn Ill` XVII !\Ul(l. Ill IOIII. ullllllx [III IUIE lion. Mr. Fonyth volunteered and joined: onvnlrv cm-nu. which did mind nnrvlm mt the _Ill8 0| mi IIU IIWVCII. III] III`! PIIII ulopsed in K ton. poeed the taxing of Incomes. end vooetoe? the puhliehin_:f the encasement rell et eluted puriode. c eueumeutol the city urn quite uitehlc though en Additional hell million enu ale- ly be Added. Bueineee wee grovi in the city. The condition of the men we: improving, in fact it Wu wonderlu the edvence made since 1&5. Kingeton rent- ed eegond en the heulthieet in Ceoedn. The pnblic school: in you: put were ovencrovd ed. but the building of I central echool bed relieved them of their congeeted state. He touched on the banning end exemption systems. The citizen: were oppoeed to ex- emptions and as they expired they were not renewed. 'l`L- ........_{..E.... `u. .6 In n'.`I.-VJ.- though hating his doubt: about iuulenturillg i ple up to it in Kin . It would creet--I greater harmony tween ern oyere and ernplhyeee. Re wee aeked it t e'working- men would ehare the risk of loeeee with the out loyere. Re Mid he couhl not e do? n lely, but he thought they eoul . Work men did not know much ahout the banking eyetem' ae nvrule they had little hank-ingV to do. However. the poet otlioe eevinge` bank and tin `building and ldau eonietiee were well pntranixed. Money on mortgage could lie eocumd etahout eix per cent. The w '0: ofdry goodeclei-he averaged. he than t. from 8.`: to 8]`) per week, while their hours were from 8 to 0 o'clock on each da , `Saturday: excepted. Young women in etoree made from S! to rr week, though than getting the latter sure were {en-. Dreee makers made 00 who a da and their board. Some young women won d be bet ter oil` eeidomeetice. but they did not think that..)rny. Their training were ageiuet do- meetiv M-rrim. They had their en-ninge to lhenteelvel when they worked in the etoree. He regretted the decadence of tho appren- tice eyetem. and favoured the revival of it. boye. Parent! were net it. Appren- ticee vthoeerved the ful time made the beet worhm-a. He touched on the printing liuelneee. and the t sxzephical union. lpenkiug fuvourahly of, , Mayor Thouupgon dwelt on city contracts. He pointed out the dierenoe between con- tract work and the work done under the eupervieiou of city oliicinle. It eve:-eyed. ten cent: more per yard to use duy lobar. but the work um: hettor. The wegee oi eomo workmen was wc.,_per dey. Some men were getting mun $l.50 to 82 per day. The an-raga uuge tuna 81.19; per dew. Re- lief was e`m-ulml in all nu-vs of rm-ruity. rim-ipellv through the benefit eocietiee.` Yiiugeton had a reputation for the generous treatment 0! its poor. In giving out work citizens were ulwaya coneidered tiret. Speak- jng of aeeeeenienta he dwcit on the plan ulunmd in Kinnlnn. nnnnnnd the tnximr of The commission rays 5!. 10 o'clock. HE-(;El:g wE{sAas. IN MEMORIAM. I Illll, KIITICIOII ruce. Delegstas to the Toronto In-lnstrinl Asso- ciation-W. McCormack. lD.n'il Nicol. Amliton--J. C. Snell. Edmonton ;G-eorge \ Moore. Waterloo. % 'I'I|n nnnnfinn t||nn l1lil\l|I`l|Q.` Ihn n\Att)r ` JIWIIY. VV I%l'l|l . ` The meeting than mljournml. the nutter of the nut plooo And time of meeting to be ` left with the executive couunithoe. a ton. Executive Committee -~Quohec, John Kay. l.uchu`Ie ; Hoogga Kidd, ir., Petite Con ; Robert Nose. owick. Ontario.-Duid Ni-` -ol. Cntartqni: Thonms Guy, Ushnwa : \\'. Ynill, Curleton Pinto. Ilalnngtgn tn III: vrnrnnn lnxlnntrinl `II!!- A Lho to Cuba: Plnco in connection inn. AL- 2 A Q Dgll-nn_ gases. not loconllng to ulu suununnl ruluu - ed to make future herd books what they Ihould he to be considered truly to rest upon the Cnnsds Ayrshire herd record as s nucleus. The undersigned re spectfully protests for himself and for others interested 'nst'thc depsrture thus eonsummsted and c aims the right to refuse to continue in ollice to work under such terms, which opens work to the simple opin- ions of A` committee. sud cluim the right of such independent action as may be right in protasctin pure Ayrshire breeding." Thain mm of the Ouabec renrodentatives PTOWCVIU pun lly|'IlIIIY UlClIIllg. The bnfnnce of the Quebec reproiontativea also declared that they would not not with the Association under the present re uln- tionl. They wanted A pure book we as they had mneended for the put eighteen \'(!ll'I_ am aleer ueing ecorueu, `ac. - 'l he electi-n f oicera waa next proceed- ed with; but helore doing so ! ren`den"t ltodden reaented the following letter which was r : In View of the fact that- at a meetinfoi the two Ayrehire Breedera` ano- uiatione it wnl reaolved that `the Canada Airahile Herd Record. lirat voluine. be tn was the nucleus of the Alnalgalnnted ueocixttion herd book.` and. in view of the tact that the resolution than adopted him not hoe: ndhzd to and auiumla of mixed breed: eve it passed. at :1 sh uent meeting. without aording the :,ree(idout an opportunity of producing proof to show that the animal: were not pure. as he then stated, he believed he could show;au-.1. wheions. at a meeting held this da when there were oul a few pro sent those who were mom per: of the an- soviation whose head oiee wu in hlontr eal. at resolution was with the wordy, `pinning at imporution. instead of heihg conned to the words ahove etateul, which served.for elfeet to roetrain the paeeing of pedigrees that could not he founl`to trace to `pure bred imported Ayrshlres.' and which eimply lefta committee to pan pedi- grees. not according to the etanulenl requir- ed to make future herd ` The election of oicors resulted u fol- \\' l!_..a|.. Q5 'I`|.-....- n- IOWT I l resicleul-\\'. Gnrth, St. Therese. Que. Vicovl n-sident ---Quebec, W. '1`. Brown, Petite Unto; Ontnrio, W. .\!c(`.mnick, Rock onu- '.l untk`dln'Iun..l2 u and,` ulil.::.dunoh nghupgmecr;v.hquP:e':po THE BREWEZY BREEDERS. PROBABLY THE AMALQA Anon? wn.L_uoT occun. \., To P]-g.|qIpn| Stu-[Is Iluwll Illd 131%.` DII_ pnu_Abont tho Kind 0! Cltllo Thu! '3: To In lhglnlorodw-TIIQ Quebec Hot! Gay- Tholr Association In nun Do-ul-.lluI| Won't be llnnded 0|-or. When the Broonl_orn',|_I I_4_)clstinn assembled at thno o'clock aha discussion of tho conui~ tuition and l)y~lun was resumed. Any animal `not entered for ngintntlon within eighteen month: ulcer in birth. can be on! inurtod la the hard bouk b ylng don 0 fun. Members` Annual loo 0 E I-`nor l`eglI~ truiou the charges will be ' Member-I. 50:: for ouch animal: uoarmambora. 8| ; curti moon in either cum. 500 ; change of owner ship that being c-corded, 25. ' ANOTHER RAILWAY SCHEME. Books Not llnudod Our. `F and I took his nnbjocu Io nlngut poinhd to in Imgnicont The vicito"`W`"rT Very much pl . -But they were hnppior wlnn they got to Barnum`: elm The air elopll:)a.pt:h.iI;umh `ta an un'ngum' ' y 1- ma I u ; they at Indian ridi on h clowns by the neon. cu they Inddenl bocuno minsbd performer; They A ,. A __ ..._... -__-|:.; ..:u. x..... ..h. I-- ::::. ..2.....`b .3 '....::.".n.. *:.::. Iran - tholy h . and clown: by the uimml performers up they were uupsliod with bones. Ann. panjon andtunbou u. ' `nimb- m_g up thousaldon shin. Dongol on Ih 11,": oil: A or . k in; time wit the inst:-uunnt|..o"l.gn tazppnfcuor ouuod tvofthon to uingoolon . `One, I gnntlumn: who Ind been connected with IInv'- dnmnh In-onm. an I mod sinner. Klm|IlClllIll wuo IIIII UIIUII Uuuuuvinu wuu ' ' drunutio tron was 3 good mugs` . ml -tho plohuor W5. swan thh Inc`... lie was made to dig. Tho lighthouoo by theta." undhodkl itwoll. Ho ntdown` ....I . I:oA`u umnn man. Ah Rnnlinlmnn. nut no can as ui:h:::`uw,I: III I In|lI.. up ting. n and vocnliufll under 5. inncnmi d nzuhn. hid tint -if the no Ill]. 1110 ll!!! YIIIIIIII, Inn Iuluur sun inuence of Inlnorhn. otlle '.hhI II singing "In woiill'l.Z:::`to':I.`" Th E-Iglhln-maid hcdidn`t'vnModio.|)Itnhutthoptolu~- not-Ioklhimhowonldnothohjuntlho In.-up 'l'|n-ah-idnnmlalnnnnlnou-IL: up vilhgopf bank. The Dominion gov `ct-unt jut low hnryguounuhth; mqturd nilny hohua. and vents no nllawlgytlngnnt could notboucnnd. . . , I monbbnpopaln Curod. The small nudience thnt assembled in the open house last evening was highly de- Iinhhd with Prof. Rovnoldn`. entertainment l A Nlghtnl Innocent nun llonrty AInun-- I need wlul rnn. lwyuolun. uuuenuuuwuu. e fun crested by his . subjects was greet. People laughed until they became sore. The subjects were made to go through e different p me from that which we: presented on onde night. Onheinutold that their hendkerc iefe were loaded with musk scent, they drew them out end ep- plied them to their noeee ly. But they cut them o enddenly marched ehont the platform holding their noeee when the profenor oheerved that the noee~wi II contained ehnnk oil. Quickly the t er- mnmnuw nhnrnd than tnmnnntnro `tn be M)" conlunou ulnnl ou. _QIuL'IIy mo 5 ~ mognonr showed the ten are to be M below um, and the boy: Imonod In their costs. camped their foot. and clup their Inndn, ninlyxrying toga: wu-tn. They Masha A fnnnv man: when Llnv mumbled Illndl, \`lIl|ly.u'y to I wlrln. Lucy eluted I funny nor: wing they for1utTblu and money. They lled their pockets with gold and worczmul boeuno thew could not rubble more of II. TIIO No- oy neuy. L The lnbor commission is greatly pleuul with the evidence secured in Kingaton. The commissioner: expected to remain a day. but they nre tting the fact: they vmut md they would ike to continue right dong. Theyire pleased to no that workingmen no not afraid of presenting the facts. At um mlim mm-t this mnrhim! the un- no not uruu or plvaeuuux luv uncle. At the` police court this morning the un- gistnte was surprised to learn that two policemen, while on their but at 2 o'clock this morning. posted I nun mined Watson, who had been drinking, and did not arrest him. He thought they hnd left themselves open to be c with negligence. J. H. Met e. M.l'.P.. in I member of the committees of privileges and elections. standing orders and railIuys,in the Ontario legislature. H. Wilrnot in on standing orders, railway lid rivate bills. Dr~ Meuchun is on milrou and private hills, and Mr. Miller sits on privileges and elec- ticnu, railways. municipal acts, and privnte hi 3. open nouao III: avoulng was uyguny ut- 1' hhed with Prof. Reynolds`. 1` a fun nrnntnd hv his anhiectx wna nmnt. packet: was gona no wommm they could not ' No pro- : took in b` :3 - N` I I1 and Il|iIIf(`.n Jr ill mmm unomer. Judge Price will hold I notion of the county court on Friday. in chambers. The ; can of R. Davis vs. Cook and Jones will ` he heard; It in a suit for ropuirs to the mg M in R. King to the amount of $38.10. ' Ibo` ffoudanta put. in I counterclaim of loan V B I`, suui III! In \.:II'II`IOIl nun any Inuu. no gwolvo mile: of tonnage by the route .".'?.".`3`l.';.`..". .`7.?...".'..:."'.. Lf"........a" T'. L1'i"3.'; m. If You prevent. the boy: from skinh- riding down an bills. from driving d in the streets. and from jumping on ml`:-frha. you will drive them out of town. ui an IldQI`lIIlll. Or into the saloons." Added another. 1...)... u..:.... ...m |...I.I . ...`.:.-m at oh. 1 no ucwu by delay. Tho lab nous. - J udgo Price held court at Adolphustowu last Friday. Some in the court were not ulisiieal, for no sooner were thty out of the ` courtroom than n ti In ensued. This was ` likewise settled by his honor. who thl-our cued tosend some of them to winter quar- 0A1 um queen I. The princlpnlof the Art school calla atten- tion in ll0"ICl' column to the advisability of all who desire to pass in may of the subjects of the elemenury. eulvnnced, or Iinechmicnl gonna, :0 take advantage of the limited time remainin; tor work before the examina- tions. lull... D..:... L-I.I nu-A -6 `t'n`n`|Iln.nn l| church on the event will be verv Interesting. The inter-collegiate debate fl>et\I'een etu- deute of Tomato and Queen`: univumity will occur in Toronto on Feb I0th. The eulr ject for debate has not yet been nnmeql. W. 1. Patterson anal E. H. Home-y will repre sent Queen`; TI... In-inn-Innlnf Hm an school cnlle atten- Iuuo way. , Magistrate Judd paid over to the tron- nuror of the united counties of Loodruud Grenville the sum of SL500, collected Iinco the Novgmber session of the council. n....:.| Qlh..- I\nInnln|nA mmntlv Ino- l'Iu.guu Iron on laced to c duty. Salt way. MAainh-A1 the Novgmber session 01 mo councu. Du-id Slitor, Dulcounme. recently hr cune pout-and with a notion to no smol- ing. I hnbit in whi|1 he hnd indu for over 70 yous. He says his uppetiu or the pi is entirely gone. Jayor Thompson nyu llnt no civic em. floyee has. in yeun, I'e:ei\'ed 65c. per day or his work. As A witness at the Royal com- ` mission intimated on Momlny. 'l`n.mnrnnw will ho Pnnnllelnnn d|\'. or the x Imsuon iuumueu on mommy. 'l`o~morrow will he L` nllo.-mu day, or the first of the urilicuiontgthe Virgin Mary. It will he 0 rved nut Sumluy in Ontario. The ceremonies in the Roman Catholic: church the will he interesting. TL- in.-. .u.|I..nigtn John): `ls.-tn-noun nhi. nlvnyl gnu uuuocuun. Don`: forgot the race It the Citizen` skating rink, Regiopoiin grounds, on Tliurr duly evening. at 7:15 o'clock`. hi I-ant Q4`:-nntnn ntnxn (mil. mm! for KIM!- mom! 0! nuonuun luuulg snub lcvcuweu year: no he had mode puticulu enquiry about the cow: and the seller docluod they were not thorough blooded Ayn-shims. Thom was 3 nnonl rant exnn-nod tint Nova; Puuqruplu l'Ic.loI\Up by our Ilo pol-t_oI-I In Their Qhlublu. TEE Itrboh commmec will meet thin even. in Al. 8 o'clock. who court of revision will men! on Friday ' ` " ` och. ~ moczivq no :3 rooovloud the Intel: Oohvluu Nuqilcu. driving put in now 8 for O! \ to Hardy & Co`; wore. n........-. mnnnhctnrod bv [.|turnev.ha\' e T onn. ` Extensive pronmauu are being nude _ me no other. . The ink in the pipe on Onurio strut, hr: bgcn found. `he nn_in pips wu crack 0-l. Brock & Bootlfo in the cue: _ I p am for pine blocks, bunchwdod. h or unit wood out or `nu-cut A |.-u ...:n |... |.-l.I .o (`Ann Vinmnc thin out uu-out A lull will be held at Capo Vincent thin evening under the auspice: of the Cloveluul buld. ` IL... |-.....-...` I.-.I in mghon I-`uh: anal ` cholp grocery. } If-you no not {Round with the coI'I0_ you IN using. try lenlry & Tholllpionl :it alvnyn satisfaction. _ I|nn'l. fm-an tha nee at to Hardy C U01 non. Runnemmennfactured by Leturneymav 9 been laced the chalnicel engine. R. urke. ot Ono. hue oontrecked men - pty the ileeforthe new K. a I . R. door. (`ulclwu I & Son., one erecting a new store ` st Wilbur. on the eite of one recently. The fragrance of llemlry & Thompeonfe in now uuenrpund. Try it end you win other. vrn- .1..|. in on. an ninn an Ontario ntmnt... l u.n farmers` Inn! in cakes. `white and uicn. only 12 cents per lh.~`nt Hendouoni cheap If.vnu Ara not nlnnod with 00600 you an owning. ll i:lJ oclocu; `bf but Scranton wow coal. nnd for Eng- lish (Newcutle) hlu:hmitIn' con]. nloI`oot '11 on. go to the 3:: work: coal yani. in on the tari bill to be intro? con ran to be admitted fne o Salt. umlpcr and wool enter the -....- u-no REYNOLDS` PE;lFORMANCES.. INOIDENTS 0; :THE DAY. ._._...__j I0! IIIOPOIIKII DIOOIIQII Al'IlIl.l'$. There we: e generel regret expressed the work of emelgunetion looked eo futile, but it was hoped the Quebec men would not wash their heads of the matter, but. that they would compromise and Allow the ne- soention to continue on the lines of union. Mr. Rodden aid that his lnbour for years was to see A ne herd book before he died, but if the revising committee were el- lowed to pen ell kinda of enimele, then he deepnired of such e thing end would cet out and try to secure such I work in none other wny. In this nnntiefectory condition of aiin the meeting concluded. lhero wu an eruption et timee, hut cool Seotchmen. eye, rm Aynhimcerrimended eoftneee and the dilcnnlone no I whole were not unher- ...A-Agn- tool nu Iunjocw -no u_uguu `%..."5 -.':a?'...~~ m.ri~`-'.s.- `J'. 'i? .?.'&`. 3. kn: thni warn Innninr! than THE BRITISH wmc. wEnNESmv.F1:n nvvogv In w In fun: I! ---u -~ --~- my the not I'll! t $2 per month. Thon- woro llhnilon obi onto! this port. Mayo! the men I (kpt. Goqkin em- Eoyodohhu-goodiduot tothit city. odidnot knowofopro , or ailing voooolthotwunottfol-nu-vice. Hoknow of oomohugutlntvuo in condition. not clout. A `intowdo Ihonld have onnnumondotlcutthno jiln. bu-guuhooldho foul-Into. u Blld l0@ln dQpll`I.ll|lIll. III coulu nun give adomte answer I! to tho wagon in the looping department. The reduction: was due to the use of muchinon. .Thooe in the humming dcrtmont unountod to about 10 per cent. ocould not till the poroon of reduction: in unaondoput-. E IIIC IIIIIIII IIXI IIVU llvuucvuvu Uvcw oounpuay with reference to On of the ooumiuionon said be In thus I girl worked from mowing until dinner timo in the houuning department And tuned 40c. The witness aid It could not !n~trI_I_g. 40. Tllowitneu uidit coma IIOI utsruu. The national policy Ind fnound the mm A (`aunt Tlmlnnn liunnnllv Qid IO WW9 9` . The netionel policy bed fevoiltl I9 "ll"- Cupt. Thoma eeid the W master nuineri urged mm '70 '0 P month. The wages of Idling WI!` `M3535 ranged from $75 to Melton on IKIII-` en puma es moo pa; morgy -The avenge of peid by him 30 IIIOII 5070" eneetu-u_e C59p0l'Il||u|- I ...... _vn..nn.. .|n....:... out at port. If these apprentices were lllilcllillrvsil. 1|"! 1 of tinsmitha were higher in the United States than in Condo. The mick ayutem does not prevtil. Convict labour did not interfere with those in his truth. The unitary condition of the work shop- wu not to Ily very good. ' Jnlm Hutton. muuoar of the Kingston not to goon. John Hewton. mun r of the Kiugetuon hoeiery company. em oyed between 13) and M0 empluyeee, elf of them being fennlee. The hende worked ten honre :- da). When in half holid `Lie eecnred t ey make eleven hours per end eenlhtiou ms nld weee wele higher generally in the mill thin yeer then they were leet yeer; then he edmitletl the: there hecLu1eductione of wegee in the helnmlng. eeeming. mendin huetoeing. end looping depertmeute. econld not give as denite never E Ventile,tlon' O \ LIII IO TIIIIIU ..I_II yinlllvvvlvu with the K. a. It. Runny- Cnrlemu Place Herald. Juruow. when our citinus an Inching about for Another rnilwuy. that our Innu- factolzron my not be ntftho gucyolouo xi oeorpon nmyinorln onuntean bongivon on tlggodm should he onhrl out. An idea in u tint out but plan I.` Tiutojdnin with I K.&`P.I-nilwayand aid than in suturing a beam: to build 5 road from 000 to Carleton Place. The iinlllico in- nu-ni-ht Iinn rin Ignnk in nnlv 49 ` \|'IhI(`l' III?!` KIIEIT JITIVII. Mr. Wilson, meuener of the Kingston cotton company. said the mill employed `Z08 hnndn. of whom 70 were mule and I38 fe- mnle. Theee included 36 men, 34 lnys, IS girls. `end ll) women. The wages for A week amounted to SL200. The wages of 20 of the men ranged from SIO to 820 per week. nverngiug N150. Sixteen of the men were paid 87.29 per week. Boys were paid from {L90 to $5.70 per week. Women Avenged about 85.70 per week. Ahout 10 boys mode over Ii per week. the girls $1.?) to 85 per week. `The ventilation of the mill wee food and the unitary arrangement eIcel~ ant. He was ehont to express his indign- tion in regard to certnin ineinnetione in the newepnpere with reference to the employee of the cotton nill when the cheirlnen re- minded him thet he should not etteck the pres. There wee hot I boy. Mr. Wilson aid. in the mill under I2 yeere of nee` There were some girls at work under N you": of ego. but the were there hefore he went to the mill en the inspector knew it. Boye were working et l3 yeere of The fectory inspector hed celled et in mill twice hit veer. . Witneee declared that he had not eent l-oine eeverelgirls under I30 be: cause the Royal commission wnl about to sit here. The doors of the mill opened in wnrde end so were hung contrnry to law. They were open, however. during the `year. The highest tem rntum in some 0 the room: was 80. t had never exceeded 90`. The girls worked W hours per week. These getting SL90 were beginners. It wasn't uutiicient to support them. If they were late eevernl times in Iucceesion he diemineed them. It was intended to make improve- ments end increase the mi`.le ontpnt.The cot- ton men of Cenedn had formed an eeeociation. the object of which was to lets the price of cotton. lf 3 member 0 this eeeo~ cidtion eella under price he will be linble to be fined. Owing to opposition from the old county if the hands were employed eight hours per tlny, extending over the year, the eyetem would not work. The cotton mills of Cnnnde had not avenged e dividend of 2` per cent. on the cepitnl invested. S. R Croft. overseer of the nirle deput- cent. me capuu mveswu. S, R Croft, overseer girls deput- ment. corroborued the evidence of_ the manager. . | Pnmr Mnncriof. tinnmith. hid the uveruu Peter Moncrief. tiuemith, avenge wages paid to tinsmitha was $1.50 per day. Moot jonrnexmeu loet between three and four months every your. There are live npprenticee to one man. It woul'I be better if these apprentices indentured. The tune nf Iinnmithn were M250? orgauuauon. .\liaa Machar. secretary of the poor relief ` asaociatiou._ said that last year 8800 had } been ex nded in benevolosut work. The a society Ml been in existence for `25 years. ` She expected that the expenditure of the moiety would be as ` mat this year an it was last year. The app icanta for aid to_the I0\`iCN_V came from families without bread~ winners and emigranta during the re! winter after their arrival. \l.. \\':I..... ........._n- .J eh. Iiinnulnn Inoveuen eerneu um penweex uunng -awn monthe. The men employed en Ki - uonienl. The upon and rigging of venue I and hull: \vere`nnnun\llv inspected. The company emplo ed certicated rnuterl. The veepeh they nnohezf were never over- loaded. Skilled seamen wen not neceeury in propellell; Imelilled lnbor would do. A: to labor orguniutione he did not think they were neoedery. They hnd e tendency ` to put men on en en uelity. Men, who were not an on hle u o! ere, were put on e r, and he lieved in ying men whet t ey were worth. He won not enewer whether he would diecriminue egeinet union men in the hiring of lnhor. Up to the pre~ sent time he had Ind no Imuble from lnluor orgnnintion. \Iinn hulnnhnr um:-at-rr nf [hr nnnr relief PTUIIIDIIIOH would HOIP III!` l` `all UIIIIIIEIB. Capt. Oukin said the .\l. . Co. employ- ed 51]) men in the summer neuon. Grun Ihovolloro earned 815 pr,we'ok during uovon mnnthn. The man nnnlmrecl In Kinn- IIOII ITIIIIUI Ill UIIIIIIXI II: lulu u mun.-u: 8. Oborndoror aid than were two clgl hotoria in We ci . Ho cungloyod Ill MID. oh boy: and no git 1. Thegir A WON ""Pl)." ed It Itrippi tolnoco, aunl the lowed, wage paid In par much. The girl: uuko chap goo-II. and in paid by the lh|?IIIQIId- They mute from to 95 per wee . rho journeyman corn {mm 812 to 3' 3 P" "*5- Ind wot!` 50 wpehn year. His unlalo cog 7. work from 7 o`:lock to 6 o'clock one _ and urn gix-on Salunlay afternoon oil". The girl: An-I men do not work in the room: to- gethor. Apprentice; were indentured and nu.-rvn from (lung on ve van.` The gunner. npprenuuol lnuulltunnl suu servo from three to live yuan. The unlhrv condition of the factory wu pm- uounood lira: clan. 'l`heduI.y placed on ciuui has improved the business. It hu clnven lmportodvigan out of the main. The Scott act has hurt his hilluo. Old ll the act is kept in force it will ruin cigar Inumfucturiu . If pooplo cannot get whin- koy they won t smoke oi N15. u! for the oot he would employ dou lo I number of lunch. He vs! no: oppooocl to labour or~ gnuiutioul. Hodid not think that total prohibition would help the u" an huaineu Pant. Oukln um [ha 3!. . Co. emnlor . ()N.4 libol or labor l"n|ulI- liulgnlsoll-O50 lubed: of AI-bllrulnl '" ltuplgyon And Iatonnplnn-oo-`l`|nolr Pulley ` oh 0! Ponce and (`om-Illulloua Yolntcrday Afternoon the labour u,0III|IIi|- uion renamed it: buniueu st 9:1!) o`clock._o Q n|......a....n'.. ..u n..... worn two cumr [Hill 13) In UITIUHNI rIlu:. Auu .nlI|uI.1I inn htlinerialanukinonly mild. a woxlndorntund the com y il diqnsed to build `the line should t oy got I hum: of 3,(l)0 I mile. This liold I chur- ns, rld.cndthoi uoemehyo oordd the lumber tn-Ida fron? hon would he 3 oonuidontion with the company. I-.....n.. nhn-has Lula no (tulaem Plan bv THE EVIDENCE TAKEN AT THE SES- SIONS OF YESTERDAY. { tilt!!! mu ouuununuuu an uuunnu ou- mm of Itutinticl for dnowork it Ind doaoi. nu the subioct of oo-oputtim Ibo `buch at it woulduoonho tutod. The knights had alhrlonr oo~oun.Iion cnduduud the uclnno. Ho fuvond prot during. but it would ukoulongtimoio oducato tlag poo-A 2:5. no oppoua lo 0ol|Il'lI.'I: lllllllt thoughtgnnctuhoul bopuudinCu:- uilain toit.onndmih1-tothatpnn ed by the nitud Sutuoongluullht unend- od an ' ml by Mr. Powder-ly. Then.-- xionco van 0 of very indium-out om - tiou inannou. when men come to - ad: without dnuor pu , udnhnolutoly ponnileu. Ho two tho emigntion of good men. but not of nnokillod lnbonr. Ihadvoqutodafedorclbnrctuofttt titties md commanded Duo Ontario hu- ...- ..c ...u.n.. 9... n...m-I: it Ind desired to concutew muse lnvolvnu In I ehould be used ea for en poeeible on govern- ment works. He wen pernonelly oppoeed to the building of e d dock in View of the helf completed condi on of mother dock in the city. He did not enpgort public enter- Klriee et the coat of p vete enterprine. eny workmen owned their own homes though eecrieee lied to he ninde to do no. Senitetion ehonld he coneidered more fully then it we: in connection with \the homee of the worhinglnen. He peid e uomplimont to the heelth otlicer for hie eeeiduone ettention todlty A better mnnoonld not be hnd in the podtion. Be fevonred shorter home forivrk end edded thet the mqiority of workmen wen of his mind; Some were re- lnchnt to foregothe munetery eecrioe e helf dey new meent. hut penernlg the change would he eppreciehle, end in e end the -wegee would even up. Generelly the lien lew geve eetiefeotion. Lent you it hed been enlomedto the edventege of eevu-el workmen. Generelly meuhie wee well |~.":"`; ...'.'..... """: ..'.::`.':`......... ".:..`.`..`Y cnlty. He considered that convict lebonr~ 'mm"""iZiC i'"'_" oTJ:'1rrsa'."" {-7. in} }` . Ho opptznplrv contact lubout snsthoughtannctlhoul hope-odinCu ? -:I. :. ........a'`s.. Io th -hnllnr tn tint In-. serve berore necoming journeymen. R. W. Meek, 'ournalist present on be- half of organized abor, said that the policy of the knights of labor, in considerin dili- culties between employers and emp oyees. was one of peace and conciliation :and in some cases concession was urged. In only onecaae waaarbitration resorted to. and in it a satisfactory end had not been reached. The employees of the knitting mill a pealed to the executive committee of the ni hts of labor for counsel. and a petition h been sent to the president of the company setting forth the facts. Touching education he sai . the knights had advocated the Kindel ten system. He related the steps that h been taken to bring their views before the public school board. The board was so favorably impressed that it is understood the svste"m wt I be introduced when circumstances per- mit. * Speaking of the reduction of w in the knitting mill hb said that the kni ts at- tint thought the reduction meant as b ow at the order ; anyway the reduction did not seem to be fair. The libraries of the public school board and of the mechanics` institute were largel taken advantage of by work- inizmen or t eir families. He believed that if the workers had shorter hours they would be taken advantage of to seek mental and social improvement. This was to be hoped ` for. Speaking of child labor he said the knights were co izant of the evil ex- isting in the city. and looked to the commission to remedy it. There was no blacklistin by the busineu men, nor were thereironcad contracts that he knew of. He believed that arbitrations could best be conducted by local men, by men who knew all the circumstances of the case. If the government stood the expense of a court of arbitration then he favoured it; it would save the coat to the workingmen. Regular Sunda. work was not done in Kinggton. Thee tof organized labour was bene cial. He denied that the knight; attacked em- ployera under the guiaeyot secrecy. rather ghgy desired to concillate those involved in Ian ll. nnnniannc` that nnnvinl. lgkltnlh 1n Iungswon. Thoma lhrlow, mschinist. Ipokeenenl- Kin regard to wage: and the con ' o workin data. He thought three you: too 3 on I time for spprufticen to before becoming journeymen. R, \\', Mask. inurmdint. nreaent Itiou of coming journeyman slupwrlgmu. John lbw)-er, laborer, averaged 98. per day, and had to live very oconomicel in or- der to nuke both ends meet. At the rote of wages paid him as men could hardly pay for A house to live in. He could not get his vugee increased though he pressed lot it three timee. The umnugenof the work: was as man who would not listen not common In- borer. and no he applied to the foreman who haul the power to increase the wages. He was told that hi: work was worth more than he was xeceiving. ' R;mnol Rnhinum_ lmlu-r. corroborated the `ten hours each no wu receiving. Samuel Robinson, baker, corroborated the evidence of Mr. Bennett, adding, hpwever. that the value of broad had been increased in price when nnadvauco of wsgea was mule to the wnrkmeu. Girls pnckinu biscuit: got from SL25 to SL50 per week. They lunged in age from fourteen years u and worked (lny. The gxcaltli oicer Ihould look After the unitary condition of the bake shops, u it was greatly needed. Baker: in Toronto were better at! _thu'u those in Kingsvon. ` Thnll lhrlow- mnchinist. Inolre unenl- Alcnnder Bennett. baker. employed for twenty-two years. said foremm. t from M0 to Size and workmen 89. Bob: could not measure their` time though it averaged sixty hours per week. Sauitsrily some of the bake shops were very bad. The health otlicer never visited them. The machine: y in the shops was dangerous. anal accidents hsppcued in them every year. The factor inspector never CX.'llIll|lCtl the \\'o:'k:"" ;` :. Protection could be given in A simple wsy end by I little outlay. The engineers were incompetent. but the boilers were good. 1 hot behen were o ited 'with.grent benet to them finsnciel y. (loocl feeling exists be- tween the employees and employers. Isuc Oliver, shipviright. soid the men were eh shout ten months s year at Cl. I0 to 1' day. There were few spine!!- tioee in the `nose. Vessels did not eave the port generally in-en unseeworthy stete. lie uh`-ocssed e dry-dock here. and A more critical insrction of vessels. 'lhere were not many I illed shipwrights in the city and when men were required they were t out of the bush." These are tho 8]. l0 s y men. He favored sn indenture system for Appren- ticee who should spend rive years before be- coming juurneymuu Shipwrights. Jnlm l)w\-or lnhm-ear. nvnrnuocl 982. new s..'i?s". mu." `?.`."c.I:'..'.I'.`?i..,`. 5f".`.."n.".' vi-L- hnnlvn milnn of uivnnhnnhv a mum W I". NIIRJIIIIIIII. ALI . a I). Rogers. lumor, usld than nu scarcity of lahororl. Ho thoujht. that exchange: at `which lumen oould secure help should be oauhliuhoul. Four men to whom he had givon good vmgu left him and came to tho` dity to look up work and they were ldlo most o.` the time. Hqnlnod mlxod hm- hhndry. "Whu um I to undenund by that Y" ultod ndomminloner. Tho witne_n_g_,_ ropllod. `That : the trouble. gentlemen: if ymn hul I thorough Igricnlturilt in your board he would know-exactly `what I mean." Partners hid to pick up tramps for laborers. he and. The vngea of servant. girls in tllu country were N per month. Good agricul- turi|u`\vouId hnvo no lroulllo in getting good Imps. nl No matter. hoiveyer. \VllI%l ind oi vaaela are aoat men can be gm In aail them. There an very little legislation aliscteil on behalf of sailors. A labeur com- mleaion without a sailor on it. wan a curio- sity. lie complained of the negleiit of tho govornlnentz in amending the \\ reokin lat". end laid to l.heni.a great deal of the Heel- ing exlating between the American and Can- adian aeamen. III intimated that the wreck- ing and coating lava would have been amended long a but for the interference of l . MoCallum. .l ' ll DA...-. '-ruin`: ..l.l LL-.. ...-- -....-..Ian Evening Ionian . ...,frT After 3 Ion Ipno n a man on \v.:: nrl-ind ':n'5|'n `cliryuilc at up at Mr. Swiuu-'0 hotel, col-nor of tiontronl nndnoon Itroou. Lu! owning ho left the {meal Into. tzktin hiiul him on ovoloont, t o.plopII'ty 0 II Crlllo, n houdor. Watson Inndond obont_tbo city untilhowunrrootodnaoblook Ihhnorm ing. by Uidr Aiken, while wanting the union cont.` Thin morning, when haul`: before the trqte. In explained that took the cont t inking it way his. Ho wu undo: the innonoo of liqnot at the time. when it was brought out in tho ovidnnco thnliohndno ovorcontvhon laoonn|oto_ n.- .2... L- ..h..iuul that In mlnht Invn lull: h eiy he admitted that he might have left ;:I:u vhhd during nu mom, The .....A.o..m. rannl-wad his dacinimn. thatho Md no overcou wnun uuu|noto_ :1. Silver`: bouo..ot~. at other plans . Tunuac Elixir in I pnpunuon containing t ntivo properties for coughs, coldn. geg cud than and lung complninh. ANOTHER TEMPERANOE LECTURE. Vhlhll airing nu _cu1 ace reeerved his decision. , .- `Woolly Prbnblllua; V I t wind: mostly Mr. ooupsntlve y milL1:.:ruthw.- Afr the meeting Mr. Rmlxlen. who acted as secretory. won nekexl to lmml over the books. but this he refused to do. He ni-l he hnd two of the Ontario mconla and one` of the Quebec records. and these he would send hochto each of the nssociutiom. They did not belong to the uunlqenroted nociet . Some men enicl they llltl. There was 3 won-tly discussion on the point. Mr. Rodden nally , holding that he would comult the rtiea '5 interested. Our ssociotion. he and, re- ferring to the Quebec organization. in not -lead yet." \lr Mnlfm-minlr Slit] .\lr_ Rmlden xrns the