CKJNSUIIIS 0! Walt 0; LIVINGSTON & BRI1, 53 IN V FINE TWEED PANTS}_.*-IQ; F/IVE F/9'5/VGH BI.A6 ( WORSTED su/rs. $36 Suits for $25. $28 Suits for $20. $25 Suits for $l8. ` ?FULL - %DRESS - SUITS. ` During the Month of February, I888, we will N make to order And that made by LIVINGSTON BROS. $25 Suits for $18; $20 uits 'or 815; SI8 Suits fo $|3 ; $l6 Suits for $ O~and $12. ' ITWEED SUITS TO ORDER! Having purchased the stock ofthe above mention- ed gentleman for 63 on the polls:-,,lecves us in a position to offer Clothing to the Citi- zens of Kingston at prices that may not happen again in a lifetime. >53 silk Lined, made in No. I Style, Fit Guaranteed. 4 for $25.00. W. J. BYRNES. 75 and 77 Brock $tr eet. 53 NEW nouam FOLD nmzss GOODS," "NEW HEAVY WEIGHT DRESS GOODS. ; NEW CREAM DRESS GOODS. -HARDYSq Hlklo nn `H I';SllAY I-;\ I-;.\l.\u January. Sliuing at 7:!) o'clock. I-Yl~ ml: of nu-tubers will be 1 January. .~un.nm at Izw orlorn. cunlinlly I'M- volnul. ` JAMES Ml'RllA\'-. .lH._ NEWDRESSGOODS A l'Ul.l. IUNHTI-1 t or Me-when u nu-u~ rnlu-Ly umldl for I o ( ning of the New Slide "l'I-ISIDAY I-IV]-2. I\'U .\I-ZXT. Slat Jnnnnn` .H`Iia.imr Al TI) n'nIun HURRAH ! OPENING NIGHT. HURRAH ! w - : " m1LliI..Annu| magi 3! lhohslukrvholdorn nu: (hunk:-n:Ini0NlbA \'N :35`: L `ou`n."d'.J.'.:'u'."..' nfolout n..l- I n:A IR I I` (Into Ilgrvlgnn nInnuI'||n:I.nnI' `nor IAICZOI -UNUA ` NICK I`. ll lllllllll. I 300|0B OIL. wmlvo the Annual Revor! lo clout on [or tho ounulnn your TIIIIKI Ad IIII I H' A HA8! l|\`.I'l'l\'uoI tho Knltlln 0! hr ; hour will behold ml 0 .\aam_|bl( Hull, Hold:-n ` |J0`l| Block on ATl'R||A\ hVI.Vl.\'li. A | attendance nvauenu-d. yodoroftho uwr Worknwn. rmmmr Anuounomuixm. .._.._.._-. 7...; _ ll: Ind Saturday mun. - OOUUENOINO HONDA Y. Mil. 30th. BRIDGE bow. % __-.; ` ANNUAL MEETING. 1 mmg ST .._.;......._._.._....-...-`..._.-.-.___... ~--r--o-oo--. A _ _.._-,..__._......_... opmrux fazotrsm 1 PROFJOHE REYNOLDS A rum. uv.\'s1~|-: ul an-mbon u nu-(}~ ~nlu-I: reouosldl Onenimr the IIUJ \IIv\In. v A-u-J. % 'l5nnyaa:`I In llomorlun. in Show-` had. by Arthur 0. Doughty, pnpor ..I..AL TAM o'snmEn7Ioaboc/in EM. ONE PRICE & PLAlN FIQURES. _....__j.i--jj:j . A or `HIE AGE. &Priooo-'-:5|M Io. 'rAxE Txfes I I xuxi-5 6~ZZB>t:iif 1'man:A'r1:a1' nlvmu all the Neil Colors DRY GOODS. 1. Jan. 5!. Itim v-v--. bun Second. showhuoiuc of;l.Il2. The Etruscan Quutionzy Prof. Fargo sou. Queen`: ' ` ' . J F. N1EET's, <:a. nx-eh `ad wcmnguu su JAM!-ZS Ml'Rl{A\'~. JIL. Sm\`v .`I`n~nnunu wuor nanny nouncd yd wulgawaur unoccu- : u M'uu:@% IIIU TIUIIIII JZI 'l`ll0M.\S Ml|.l.`4.' I:-nu Sm-`r fnuu Ml IHIA Y. JUL. Set-`yTn-nwrer. A?! El Iohl`. x-&ec'y~ rum. ;:..T.I5'. }l"p'..$T. ._' J5.` u."I".'."..{_$}i _ monlitnand to forth. & hi l'cIhy~lC;* I my`, WI UII- Z $.11? CVIVVTI by the may extruoltliniry frat: in which the Kentuckians indqlgo. But. variously. Iuludthing should ho_ don do prawns the hlundon vlnioly nun phoplo willlpniut in - mnking. Nothing alnotl. of III. rql-only found. can prevent tho-`minoriu to nlich they will wed thgumlvu. The only dllliculty uboykucul will In dag: in mnncotiqn with the hi`; luhrpntptloo. TIN ulllltrl ....I.- L-..- A_. ....___.._.. --_.. nk- _._:A.. _ fuvg vvu-nu 3 Solo people, nib! wading the shove, will 1-Mclnho conclusion Khll in Kentucky jswillbodicnlt IDIIKIIll`l`iCdtKIu,IiIIO the avenge nnivgoi thnl. nut: in more or I... _-._._n_ ........ -rm. :. .'....I. -a:.u..u (III uvurlgv III"! In nuns IIIUI II Iuulv III In: Inontplly wrong. This `a imlo ciidodt I 3... .s.- ...-_- -..o.......n..`.... 0.4.5. :. ...L:.|. NEW` Booxs Outin Kentucky than have been so many matrimonial min-uiawheu that a member of tho loginlatnro doom: it who to suggest log- inlation against them in _tho future. He. has dliyl a bill which embrace! the fol- iowing anoo: .\lnrriago'io prohibitod doclarod void with an idiot, lunatic. para- lytic. pauper, vagrant. tramp. drunlard. uaunblor. rake. Moo. foolalo-minded poroon or any poroon rondorod physically holpleoo and nnliffor the marriage relation By mal-~ `formation, miofortunle, accident. ago. `dio- oano or any vicious canoe or habit of lifo. or any ponon having a violent or ungovorn- ablo uupq-. or us, puma prboiu at the timo of applying for Iioonao to marry, or vho has boon within on yoar nut proud- lng ouch application. either the hopor of or `inIna_to`or_vioitor to "any houoo of ill-fame, `or any person. vho, having been oneo mur- rigd ha: been divorced. for any of tho oauoos . a..._. -..._I- align -.-.II-- 55.. n`\aaao` union 3" Commertinl union is one of the numemue means proposed "to reach an and, unrestricted reciprocity, or the destruction of the tariff made between (`an-tda and the United States. It is an idea that was tire! originated by Sir John Ross about I868. and came into promim-uce during the past eunr mer, because it tickled the popular ear. and was the name for unrestricted reciprocity the nmtectionieta dubbed it with and the trade liberationiete were not averse to ac- cepting. Sir John hlucdouald having been premier when the proposal for a commercial union was submitted to the l`nitcd States we refer Mr. Chamberlain to him for more detailed information on the subject. A aecond question was whether a majority of the people of Canada were in favor of it P The interprovineial conference. at which were present the premier and a number of the responsible ministers. representing everv prm ince in Canada hut British Columbia seal Prinre Edwtrd Island. declared in la vour of it. and it is felt that they ex- preeeed the feelings of the majority of the. people whom they represented It may he said that certain lectiona do not point towards the popularity ot commercial union. but in these elections it was not the ques- tion at iasue. and it cannot be said to have materially inuenced the result. There has been no actual teatof the popularity of com- mercial union, and, so for on federal poli~ tics goes, there 5 no prospect of it oecurring 4 at an early date. Mr. Uhunherlnin ukml the mporten \\ ho interviewed him at UCIIII no questions, which it is not diivllll to answer. Hi: lira! question was. What is cmmuercinl ..I l`._._.,.. 2 I ...__,._ 2- -___ _l AL- it is preforming. (lrnduntoa of other col ` lrgvs drift into occupations which they did not intend to follow, and gmlnnto of the lIlililtll"_\` college should be allowed to purine In.-h calling: its best suit them I'll.ll0lIl the suspicion upreauliug tlnt their education hm been as fnilnre. Its a nutter of fact the Royal Inilit.-try collage llL`\i`t'lnpS the cadetl physically and Ilienully in I way which fit! than for civil as well its militnry life. They must he -tudonts to rennin in the s.`ollog\- -it Ill. and when thc-_\' graduate they do honour to it. ll't)lu'K O!` TIII4. ('0I.l.!.`tIl-I. A portion ol the Fanadian prua con: tiuus in attack: upon the Royal military cullege`anol tumlsl lain have it closnl on the `mum! that the counuy in not deriving ~ e fullcat value from the 1-xpemliture made in :onne\`tl0n with it. That many of the young men leave the country tttul an leprlve It n amine return lur the 0\lIIt`t\l.l0ll they acquire no'one disputes, but it is impossible to con- cleve ol any scheme by which the govern- ment `eoalql employ them all. Some of them huebeen preaeecl into the public aervnce. IOIINI have been given ctnnminiona in the Britiali army. a large number an identied with the militia. and of the rest a fea- have gone to the l'nited Qtatee in order to prot by the peculiar training. especially in engineering. which they have neeiveal. Thin is made apparent by an extract in another ouluam. The institution has met every fair expectation, and it is sure to nal tlw support. of nll who know of the work _-.,-,.,r, - .- |,-, A` .| I gmnwlllhoolmrgod. 1 Muwhou tonne unpurhou onhohouloh union In (kinda: nptd. Iyllph and chap wurk : v|ht||mruvot| nrlmlpq was-an _m vlmmu fur uoirwtuln. nub:-ro'uh'nn M wucnvnvv aIu7rTsu mun Inc an column. b puhllahd ovary undh man 3: |':`or3`}:?l' '"' W. ' Mlwhou |II\P|"..U0IO,0NlO5l!l|-305 R: Jhl. IIIINIVM WWII! "GU04 mflrll via n` unlRl`0|'.l`U. tuba-n`ph`on amI)jnb an Ill)I0``l|'(IllI\1nt*r.'lMI Mus be-did yum rrdood. . ' inn) 1 a naval p............ ' II M OI IIIIOUM dl).Il'lcl:lo':n`l::.I|`|.n foo:-pa`:-.nld Ammtmw sun-iouu will he held |tonoIA|l1J'v|l>0|\I| (on; an union the: [In __- For !$iF 1:~`n:h:ior . . . . .. 50 I t It . In uoullnou-uon.. `:5 o'3r'i.'.'n 'l|1`:II.l'It .3. . . . . .. loo pa-_l_lno Each nu uontoouoout:Ivolu.... Io OIICOI Iv uulnquoal In. . loo " Twleoa wool. Iuhuqucln In . Io " ....:.'.;'."'a:.`."."l..'.'.&`.:'.a3 o?:u.'3o.. Life of the Ln. Rey. Dr. wnm. iy Rev. John Wood. V Lyrics on Fl'OOi0II.'I0\`0 and Death; by 13.. B l'L_-...-' Throonweol n 'unnHu....... lo " n nooocuirsu-. tr-I-pundlh-um null`. chug: ed M lmoul out per line on In lnoonlon. mllmn of uaInrorponted>_Anochuu or THE DAILY WHIG. 'v.:.L*'.':';:.;"a-.`.:;."z.:.E.-t:`.':'."'" ....~:'..'.'.....'~- at aux n-ymuu nu YIAI. utrk-uy . In Advance. __- ,1 " .035`? 00` (John Dicor." A A` 'I'l- HA RR].-I GE. ANNOUNCEMENT. J 7' `S7 NOT MA DB . KIT, -IIIT$IlIlIl- ID.W. J. u. mc.\'sI:. Prom-tune, Kl)\'l:II'l'.I;I-I.\llN`l'8Z _ __A ._ n-g lnnnnll THE BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY. J AN. 28'. J. C. HARDY%& CO ~- [Gain fnrI\hlIinguulflndiu'.honlu`y. ` -cu. xlpvu. cm. at not u-night In Unholy`: moving uh. ~ ' i" v "not I long ten want` It no more. `fin and vim ` h` I ..:;.:..._ :.';`f:i.""*"' 7*` _ Butt:it.oplo iaentd:h h.aJturlodt `I ` ; M'l:`J.UD0|"lIr:no;IIhll'I-151?: aqua" _ Tfokockwouwu hopnoboldmnn ~ when can Is-humulw 9 u'.`.{u`u.'."."?.'.'.` hnnaluuw MI houounulm a. felt llnd. of that nohh Elm] nonsense in v '..f.i".'a.2a`a .a.... on In "W059! I ceruun pupa. `' J `um n 0! a certain paper 1.1: gaunt: %`It.y{ Thus was wouhmn vb and very trim . But no modal. wilhul-non`| tho:g; That vw_eI-onwnnotluh birth. And ltlll of III nhlnllll `Grill. For nkanut willhluvo In rownrddh one .ouno on . `o nhqttgodm` an and . Q! 3 Aha oHm|n- tn M%u"' 'oom"'."'K3.'n"n'.'..'.a of tho -nun: um. A oamifuc Pom. Show! ho Worth Irudd. local ulx lb. : The illustration shmrs tho buudmg as it will appear when an is ready and` :1 en- gine are in podtiou 0.5 start with their mos I Innns land - uxuupuu uuu, mmnucn uvuuu q. wnnaut lndtllus Iuo\`es smgll frame haunt, would ` hfo no effect _whatae\'or in this out and A far great? power must lib, called V into play. The hotel; it being olevatul on to 125 platform can. and when all is rcmly an locomotives will unip in an effort. tmlrag tho building hack on to Lard ground. sur,nu;u0_0 or QN fee! distant. This move will la. guuupted about the In of February. l.t_is :1. ._Iuad by tho, superintendent gt tho work t t there will ho no insurmountable dn:'.lvul\)' amend-' inn E} nj.lIJl|-QC sunxa wrm A mo LOAD. . ori;z'lnall_v intended, while at other-'5 they an to near as to be drenvhed mmtantly. by the spray. Change of this sort is constant at Com-y Island, New York`s great summer bnuthing and bathing place. Coney Island is rully the southwestern 1-nn-unity of Long lshn-.1, And can be visiml from Now York witlxinnn hour. At Brighmn the as has so fzu-oncmachal upon the bench as to roll under the gum hotel them. 3: now it ll the old story about Xohaunmod and the moun- hin. Q`, in other words, as tho land in \ its wtmal .'. am bvfon the waves has left the Iotelbehiml and will notmtum for it, tho holeclmust go to tho land. But su.-h n no- Inoval nwluin-s exlnonllnury mcasnxin The orditutry si `la horse who. with droopetl bend, In around q. win-11$ and thin n|n\"nn cnml! fnnunn In-m`-r -nuhl .,..-- nu-. -u.-.-.uu-us. The locd nmmm-nu-ht of the Fodcul could not have been in safer hand: than Mr. .Gn.-et`.a, and imxlning would please the people more than that he. and Mr. Belchcr. his ; chief uaiount, could he nuined here u the agents and reprvscrt:\liVes of the Do- minion. L`ox11vm`|~ce." ur some other sound _.. .... . _..v \I- I-V vuu nun. \ -u-nu-.un.. . Una fa.-t should ever be kept in Ininnl. namely. that no hunk close: by noon ol the lone: iucnrn-lthmugh its branches. The Inuugen of the latter uaunnlly did I good safe business, meeting the onnrgancien `of trulou lnrupouihlo and yo: protecting tho bank: from heavy roaponoihilien nnd loss. The lame cannot he said of tho central authority, which is sometimes very fnulty. Instances. some of then near. have most. nmply ulemonstntod this. In the Ccntnl bunk`: crash the president, the cuhier. and the friends 0! the both. won shown in have ruined it. Thu Federal Ina injured long ago, and nothing thu M r. Ynrlur. with all his skill, dill :ould tide it over its liicullies. gllulg nu. V Tlnw changes are observable at any of tho suunna-r suaside resorts on the Atlanti"(xnst. At some point: the hotels are at I much greater dlnanoo from the bunch than wu, .,,_.7;ra-c-.11` ulug no (lo! Away (You: the nd sen Wnvn at (`oney Inland. I-`.IIonx:`.\`lunonts of the land upnn tho ocean and the uwmn upon the lam! nn- alwuyl -1 ` lvnin -v nu Bhonviln How Iurudd, Ha: A t Lfnllsdedl - '?.n7`n_..%"{$`;-?:'"2.". - .,.-"' '`...r. V |.._. :1 non. ano- - --u --uuuu nu vu--3---v Tho closing o(.u.g I-`eileml will bi 'rcg'rct~ toil by muiy Im. oopecisllyliy than who have hvouro-l it with their buindc. and bean in nturn invnllrecl an only men are In- Mean whom and the lumls nuuuipr the best. of ulidorlhucliiig lil't`\_';|ilS. The Fulani liu duty: been lillenil in in dealing! and rot- Iomsblo in in e.uc`Ii(ua, and it in not Iur~ prising that it ,;huull luwe In many of the people`: acmiintn on its boolu. The extent to which the truuf-Jr of Illa account: Will `alive! the business men will not In nppcrenl for the pteuent. 'l'li result: will not be noon until the negotiable paper llll matiinul and the holders of it. have made ruling: of An ulveru or favourable character. . u Discount of Blankets. 0am- forters, Oloo/rings and Wool Goods. uuu uuvn -Irlnilly |lI]urvu- --W "-"""'. ol the lunkwthn ooundnul of if nancially. the value of the nuts on 00066133 the lhNIiIlu--in evidenced bye tho` manner "which the othct bank: but come forvml. unhuiluingly. and undertaken to curry on itn work had assume its obligation. `FL- ..I__.-_ 3 us 1 _,I ...III I.'_ '_..(_..g THU I'h'I)I'.'It .{ L RANK. For tome limo rumour: have bvlll t`|'|'| relative to the sanding of tho l"O1|OI'Il hank. us! may lnnhul the em: cumi- min; and cloning ix. It is deemed who. on the pn. ol the new nmnngellwllf. '35 55' hopohuly uuugglod lo 'ruwII,Ad0no. to 000!` bualnou org {ho fooling hid he`!-'0llIO puliciy and the hulereutl of the N||mdl| Ind been urlnuly injured. Tho standing at uh- I..-I. 45. __......I..... at it" nnnnhllv. uul thdr than and than oonlaq all till nunlu. will have uvantunlly In ehouu ho- troen two alternatives resignation or an only gum. _.- ...,.- ...4<- ID!-`I V0 otougut on uul olvwl. WIIICIL Yenuuxot .pnna.yo lmntnow'oon~ _ 0.. ndnllth world at tol-wbnh, `H I. . bran. hcusllfmltbaovndieod. K HOTEL ON A RAILROAD. In ! -`l'\':b:;)llh ICU I UI'j Iiijji UIUIUUT` TUC`f . __` , , When hyoucan pumlfase I6 50 and` 87.5Ftinh for 38.50 and 84.00 you ought to ta/ts aduantlgo Qf at you don 't 8tn'Ite Such Luck Every Day. `" 1 ` "3 `*TIiese Pnbeq amfufhwnpt cm. thqt (fame Earfg get the Beat Ohgice. , 3"`; . .1`.-\ .v . Special Cash Discount oi 10 Per Cent. off All `Dress Goods 20c and over.