_- -Hotnnd Gold Bnthunbnnn JONES IDNSORIAL PARLOR ._n.g .__-_n_-_ ti--;-|vn-_u_ :n,_____n. lll|'I"I until: mlpal damn -ML a_uul|| um-rt. `II. ..n._ H. A. urrnou, lilllt I11 AWE] DUIUW nuuuul vuauu. There my so many Bnrgnina in etch department thot it is impossible to mention them all, calling apeciol attention to our Dmea Goods. Cloakings and Ulaterings, which chnuot be heaven for style` And price. _ Remember our Foncy Goods Stock It Cost Price. The 25 Cent Kld Glove; are telling fut. Secure 8 pair before they all go. A. .1. lemon. '3)?/$;'1`11a i2i;%c1?Io1\Is 2 Durilxg our Clearing Sale we. an ollerinu;-z olle ol the and Best Selected Stock: in the city of Silk Handkerchiefs. Cashmere and Silk Scarfs, Gents` Ties, Em, at Prick that no Away Below Actual Value. ""`--- -- -- ------ D----=-- 3- --A5 -`----0-an-4 HI-0 30 3- imvnnn-Ila tn mnniinn than Babies Boots. l FOR 0H}?iS7/WAS. } Rlbbom, Hoslery , F1'111111g.s, IDVIIIH II It`: AJIUVIK W: W. Annie. mnh-. Mon`: work as lnlty. PM-lory work on hnnd. Brock SL. near arkel. , KID GLOVES--a speciaity of ours. The Jose- phine" and equally reliable m\akes in stock. John Laidlaw & Son. 'j.\IE\V - DRESS - GOODS HNgmBLAcK_qAHMEREs! Yourselves early and avoid the crush at the Iastj moment. l All Fancy Goods at Special Reduced Prices. Silks this week at Wholesale Prices. Dress Goods at 8, 10, 12 1-2, 15 and 200, worth more wholesale. 500 Doz. Wool Underwear at lxeduced Prices. I Over-coats to t Boys from 2 to 8 years old, for $I.75. $2.60. 83 50 and $4.00. WALSH & STEAGY'8 STORE j,\'Mg\b` - I\T()\'EL'J7IES I B. l|_\[|N(}_S_T_UN_ _& _BRO., I/rvrnrl y \lIlI0II II! x , nan: - Sll.l.lNn on-' at on trlo ubovo mot. Now In the time for Bargains In l|`nnr Articles. See our luuuinome Jubilee Vases. ilk Sol Toilet Sou. Tea Sets. Tea Sets from tinsel. runu. Dolls. Dolls` Parrlnltm. Cradles. Sloighs. &v.. at lvl. Joxnsk 230 Princess street. Uptown 7 Cent- Hun-or This is a Grand Chance for MOTHERS to pre- sent their Little Ones with a Useful Christmas Present. Owing to the backwardness of the season we are left with more Boys Oven-coats in stock than we want, so rather than carry them over, we will offer them for the remainder ofthe season at BOYS 0VERGOATS I Sweet Little Children's Moccasins. Handsome Gent|emen s Slippers. Charming Ladies` Evening. Shoes. Comfortable Mothers House Boots. Fancy Boys and Girls Slippers. and Leather Come and see my new goods. Will be open Every Evening for the Balance of This Week until 9o'c|ock, and on Saturday Evening till 11 o'clock, for the sale of In all the New Shades and at the Very Lowest Prices for Good Goods. OST - PRICE! HAINES & LOCKETT, And Xmas mrvaltie too numerous to mention. JIIIIVU U livl Svrrs 'l`m.\nu:n and made to order. in latest luhlom at Jouu snuuunws. Market Square. llhn Lnnn AIIRICAN Srvua. gum-unused 75 and 77 Brock Street. WALSH &. ST EACY. 179 WELLINGIDNSTREEI1 40 FY _Watchma|ier and Jeweler; 110 PBHE88 STBBH. Market Square. Eon l..A'ru1- AIIRICAN sryuns. guaranteed In t. to A. 0 Blulskll Brlnoeu St...nbovo svdmm. rcuuuuuy uluu uun ; uwuuu-yo J. G. Bnuow. vmctlonl aanltu-inn. Plnmof inx gnnand noun Iltunx. M9 King St. Tele phone .No. 61. in [usual :14 phone Marc}; 4. No! a Liquid, Snug] Powder. Freefmm njlrioua Drugs and _ Ofmaim odors. A puuolo la a liar! into each nostril. nut! in hlo. Price at tn`: by mail Iv- Iurod. we. ELY BR08.. Greenwich SL. aw Ynrk. I luuv uvu I!'vUvvI u l Yo!` (`A.\' (in Il.\R(:Al.\'H in (`hriwtmns (`M119 and Photngrnph Albums m J W. l'm\'|cI.I.`u. the lmoluumphur. ll. llr:\`m:|mw. |'h0I0|:rtIphL'I` I-Inlnrgcal Port mils nnd Views. Sntisfewliulx nxuamnu-ed. R. NI-:vn..n'n.-A. l'rim~uu .~`un-I. ngnrn. luhncnn. pipe-a, llslninm In-klu m hunks. Pim-~11 nuulnrllllrlll in the vi!) Ilm.mcu IIuou.. (J. I1. mm P. \\'.I 4 -huiruvixam nml mlw-mus. I'0ul an -. .~..nn..-1 Inn 1!!!! ll.-rzul 51.. mm u-._ .n VI 1147 All! A 1.741 AJKIJOJQAJ A anauaavav BrluhhAnclonHotolBlock.(nnronooBt _NP--dnuo_-are thoonly Bali: in thoelt named by noun Lhunbv court: at alljot:-I ho_tMwn9.u- ` Aug 0. l"rm'I. ('out-(`tuna-ry. .I"r. IL ll. T0\'F:- -Try lhv .\Iilk Roll.-1 nml lhuh Huns nmlnlf.-wluro-dun Ihv Kiln:-\'lrm'l Hu|h'l )'. H. II: 'I`u\`K. Murkcl Squat--. TIIK HlRlII\'I-:r-l"ine Kl f\l'(`!'it"`. m` and win nw.-div fruits. Jun. Hlil 0'.l\'. .\lu.sonic Huild- ; ings. Mark;-I Sqmu-v. Sold overywhoro. Price. ?.'So and 130 D01` 503 rm Prnnriulnn and Manufacturers. I IUIIIIII :10-u (`uuu'TuI-zus [moan Finanriul Am-ntn. King , .-ilruul. Mona) lo lucua on road unlmo And other Ia-uruk-n. .\IuxI\' T0 In AN In Inna: 1-ranmll sums at low Imus nf lulu-n-st, on (`ily and I-`arm I :-up:-rty [nuns granlu-I on (`Hy and l`mmly lH*h1'lIllIl'l`!I. Ap|uI_\' m1`mnI ut lhuumz. .\huu| or. l-'rmnemu- lnun and lnvmllm-nl Society Fl- |l`I'. Unpu- nilc me Post umu-. IV "I! urn unto awn uuvu u "- I-`. \\`. Ho-Avmunvnn, mumfnuturer aud Im porlrr of line Iomallory. 367 King Street. J. A. LIHKVI`. watch mnkonjowoller. Q llrock 141.. clonlor la matches. clock: and dtunundu. smm IIROIL. Suiting SL. haul mu-ten lor WM.-hm. n In price from lo 03!): 1 >'i|\`rr\\.u'o Jmvullury. A. .\I. linoblt. wnlnhmnkur. Jeweller and on- nrrnn-r. bu ovary tau-Imy tor Innnnfnolurlna and re-pairing owollory In all Ila hnnchot noldun In wawh Sun. Q Prime. St. .'ro7f-riot and Liquors. 1,. J. lhuuuw O 00.. 3 Brock uid. Funny rrnnmrh. Ill M W. lid C`-fl. I 00.. 8 Brent aunt. runu: gram-rim. Imported wild. Hanna and cigars. l'n-nnhln wnnnnmmn. Al-ulna! m be Lhn grurcrluu. WT WIT; IQUII III: In.-(U. ` \'ll`1'0IIA WAIIIOUII. admitted to be the N host plant In men In llllyunxorlt.-a.crockor)'. mu. elc. Tum Jouxn. I-.....u-- ll-an In-an rnnnnvntl In lhnir nml cpllll. Olc. TI!-. ll duunu. Tlnnnn Baa. Inn I-unovod to their new premises. Brook Band. larkot Hanna. where i Ihoy show lhelnruoot and flnuol stuck of lm- , I and Duluuollc lJqLom.'I`uA.-a.(`|zura, &c.. N m the city. -$1` KRIS. ltmuu Duct. Nhuori In connection III?! uwnuu K1000. Hut olnznliuwmuwuuhmumuthshwtut noun. Il..4\ . ....-.. II-..` IPA--gang L Iunhnnnn to. II. I'. Wnu l.u'xIn'. font of Prim-on 81.. In hannluhoro hi I 1! I the II. `having over :t|o'I:q:'|:'koplm aullru-slain Ilvory. Hum I rate: to upon and cmnuu-ruiul nan. Tnlonhollo Nu. I0. ll . Hp!!! ..`I.'I.'. a~.:...a.'.`.`.'.."zi~?.' Ii " A3':l!nda of goods cleaned and dyed And well i m . ' . \ l pm. up and have for ale the "Jam Package Dyes.` warranted tobe thee but in the market. Try mom. Agents wanted. 4 . R. HONPGOMERY H-mnnl Dyar. Vlnrnh I. NU. III. 1'. `. Wluon. II) Cluonoc Street. the larva 80 c I]. o. 0 MI I aim) mrbuw-`|?:.| `dam? t uuruuouoo. Is. ...... n-.. |l'-- Ilunlr In nnnnnnnllnll Id`-Alla! nmn..lKI lonll&u Exnhnnco. \ UV uulllnanilnx Bu no.1-on-not ofllnok` nmrgcol Htnaou. A new and at lhh ouull of ` vdllcln and ucelloul hornet. Cmuuu modcr N ml n. T IIAIJIIIIJ. all: Aviuuu-q I vvpuuvv. Bm1-r'nI ll-nu. not. noon and Ontario Bu. `sou-mu nun: . I`! I and I- nn. 00:: yard autubllunf A`?:`|'I`n-nou.c Aun|n.AuIuIn`AI lInr:l_ mm! nnnvnnlnnl uuuu gun: cu-u -u--us`. n. u.-- Ivwvvl Awnununuvu llonl. mu-1 ooavoulont And In hotel! It .oppuuIlnl 0.1`.Il.ul . uoa'n:?lIlorAn|hou.l:nxln(n. M|u..8IlA!uuA: IJII I"! ' Ijvvuwiuuwvnvu rvv-v l'. A. int. I! [hook Stud. the India hack`; livery uubh In the any. Tvlophuao 0. . an n 111.....- nnn|-........ lnnnl llua In-can Ifillr llvllti. Wu III-Viinlu. -uuuvs L-q--uu U II n n - on no 3 mm a `T rams) M:l K. lLi`..B!llolIl. "T. Iuun. l`mur|u(0r. HULK)! HWITIIII. l'l'U|llIUlur ()'rnIu llm'n.. normal 0 unurlo AM Prin- t-n mun-In. lflruuvlun accommodation: yard and cabling. Jun: Noun. Pnouocu. n...-.-- Ilnn-nl up nnnn Anal rhnrln tit; wi hotel In 10.1` vs. tutu II. I r. auuoun. I- l'tunriowr. Auto: Hunn. corner Quest: and Nunuonl linen. mu um with uni sud IMNIRK. ` Nnuon amtnu. `rolloior t|_..- . ll-an nan--Q n lhnnrln Anll lhlll. ..._.--L--.._._ _.L_ .._.__L__.._.....- llocc-Iii and ncaurauu. lauxollncux luau-lnnunlllctuon lulu 3 nx nnlu houn. W. Dunn. In at llaunrm 1 Dnnu--no "nu-nr ll-Indn HI I101 HI: 1 Plumbing and Gas tting. n n n.-....- -..-gnthu-I nnnltnrign Plum PRINCESS s'r - xmaerron. Crorkrry, ilasswa re, Etc`. _. . ._... n.... -. .. a..m.. .5...-.. Anal \'nu THE CITY DIRECTORY. llH'uTlrIToTrn hid J_-*om-lilirru. . (`mm-A and lFiIliIu'1l.~l. .v...... ..-n.. I|.~i. .0... in-.-m dm Llrrfy Intabllulmu-Mu. | llnnnuv I1 II-nnlv Ilnnnl lhn In . Boots and Shoes. , _ ___|_ _ ' MEDICAL. _.l }t~oI;;gra;}l$4ir. N 05.. I1. llll r . \\ md |'uu ~vl lull. `...Il |l.'|;.:(Il SL. cmnunsss IS NEXT T0 eonumzss A > Filtering. `_.. -...I ....-4l.. In at H M: u N "cow nu HEAD, i GircaRe1igf at once ...J (Lu... cu:/mu. Hay Fever. ` I cull BALI |HI(` cit) . clvnlvru in I'uulaml lullinrd 1 n it nnnr |'I'illA`|`-I \ ELY'S mronto, Can. V . do-ah-r in 0 mid puckc-I l\. CATAQRH Do not despair of curing you: sick hud- `ache when you oh no ouil obtain Cutter`: Ijttlg ]_I'vor Pillp. They V affect 3 atoms sud pbrmqiaont cum. -- Their action In` nml nntnrnl . mu purlnulu and nunnl. ` IDOIII `O,lIN,(lN wnen no (1180. ` The newupnper pro rietora ombnco many rich men. Aboll of t 0 Baltimore Sun has made 8l5.(l)0.M0 out of it. The Garrett: are each worth more than 810,000,000. Joe Brown is rhapo the richent mun in the Santh. Hm income if from 8500 to 81,000 a dny. Hal Duhmoy. of Virginit, in -aid to have an income of over X).0(X) a yen and there are 8 number of millionaires acamared, throughout the Southern sum. Isaiah wunamaon nu made no wu,uuu out of dry goods. and H. C. Gibson, has made $5,000,000 in distilling. A. J. Cassatt, the railroad man, is worth $2,000,000. Charle- magne Tower has $2,000,000 from Northern Pacic lands. and the Standard oil con1[f\a`I,13' has at 86.0%,!!!) into the pockatao G. arden. Thomas Dolau has $2,000,000 from manufacturing, and F. A1 Drexel left `about 825,000,000 when he died. 'I'lm nnwnnnrnr nnnnl-infnrl amln-am`; manv Vonlhby wu|lnk.wopnIucCI|tIh. Whcnowuotmlahorhlhrcutuh. Whuuhohoonnolhqlhodnghcuilh, WhaohoZhulCuldnn.|IopvIthn0ntuh .'|U.lll). ~ l`he millionaires of Peunsylvunin are too many to mention. Carnegie. at Pittlbur , is worth $20,000,000, and he pays oneo his foreman 5 sale as big on that of the resi- dent of the nited States. The I liver Brothers are also millionaires, and Tom Bayne, the congressman, is worth 81,000.- ()(X). The Cameron: live at Harrisbur . and father and son are millionaires, and the son is the richer. Philadelphia hu mnny rich men. Weight- mnn, the druggiat, is worth Q`20,(K)0.iXl0. Isaiah Williamson has made 815 000,000 out -1 A... .......A- --ul II I` (III:-An hug l'lIlt`l comes lrom we same source. J. H. Wade, who organized the Western Union telegraph com ny,is now worth mil~ lions. Brush. the eltctrio light ' ventor. still under 40. has made S3.0&?,l0()(), out of his invention. and Stephenson Burke, stsrting life as a poor lswyer, has made himself a millionaire from his specialty of rsilrosd law And he lately got 5 single fee of $30,000. ~ l`|.- |n:":nnn:rn- nf Dmnnnvlvnnin Al-A tnn estimated at ezu,uuu,uuu. . Ohio has many millionairea and they are I scattered throughout the various countries ' from Lake Erie 00 theOhio river. In'l'oledb. Petroleum V. Nashy gets the income of Cl, (I)0.000 out of his Toledo Blade, and Edwin Cowles`s paper, the Leader of Cleveland, ya a good interest on a like amount. John . MCLOIII receives. it is said, $240,000 a year from his Enquirer stock. and e romin- ent Cincinnntisn says he is worth .000.- 000 end he is still under fty. John R. Mu.-~ Loan and his father owned nearly a million in real estate in Waahington city. and like 3 number of ot.herOhio rich men. spend their winters there. John Hay, who received about $2,000,000 from the estate of Amasa Stone. has a brick palace just across from the White House. where twenty years ago he worked for less than 850 a week as Lin cnln's private secretary. The Standard oil compnn has made many Ohio men rich. Rockfel er is worth 870,000,000. John Hun- tington gete $80,('00 a year and Sam An- drews, latel received a check of $l.(X)0.000 for some of his Standard oil stock. Oliver Payne is worth $12,000,000. all made out of Standard oil and A part of Senator Payne's $4,000,000 comes from the same source. J H \\'mln wlm nrminizml the \\'(-stern I U!` |ll`l'rClIC l.l|(`lI| In `V RU (T('(.'[. The richest man in \'t. Louis is said to be N lierurai B. Allen and the amount of his for. 1 tune is 3-l.()00.(lll). He begun life as a moulder and made a fortune in foundries. Most of the rich men oflhicaqo began life As rr boys, and Hear e Pulhnun. Potter V I`: um.-r. Mnrlhnll Fiolx and Phil Armour i have been the architect: of Iheirown fortunes. ~ Armour in said to be worth from 8-l0,000,(l)0 to 8.')0,00().l)00. The Fnrwella amrml poor ` and are now rich. And l`ulhran`a wealth is I animated at 8`20,(I00,0(X). (ILL. I.-. wnnlt unillinnnirnn nnal than nu-in i `ll IJIIIJIRJ HCANI UK Cilllltf Illll I lnl,|lllU .~ln-op. Lu `k_y" llal-lwin owns 70,000 acres ui lzlllcl in Fnlifurliin, aml he had the wonl nli peel from I0.|I00 sheep every year. His weulllh is said tn he $'., 0.0i)0,000 auul his iucmno in Sl,00 l,0(I0 I year. (`laud Spreckels is the sugar king of tho: uurlal. He has millium upuu millions in su var plimmtions. and his sugar rex-emu: has ll-ecn as high as 8lH,U00 ll day. Sharon le-ft $l.').(Fl0.0lll, ninl is number of these California llIllll()likAll`('.I have lnruuglit their fortunes cut in im rt-um: decrease them in Wall street. TL- _: 1.--. ._. 1.. u. I ....:.. L. ....:.l ... L. Sold overywhoro. Price. 2.50 and we lie. I :-opr,iulora and The Union lodicino 00., - & Torol Ill! 10 I*lU.lllU,UUU. auu lllltrt` urn uvu cuuw kings in('.\|ifurnian mnnccl Miiler And Lux uhn havr made about Sl0,(lI),(l)0 each within the past twenty yqnn. They own (i(l),(Il)(I cu-.<.f ('nliinrni.| land And they . have 34!) miles uf fence:-. One of the-ir` mum]:-, used for irrigating. is worth $1,000,- IIIIL an-I their stock mnaistenl not long ago of |,0l|U,U00 haul of cattle and I|.'),(ll)0 Lu~ky" n ..| I.uuu,uuu ma more. The rich men 0! Falifornin are fully equal to those of the past. Stnlniorcl in put down at 87.'n.(ll)`(|(X}. Mu-kn Wu Intel credited with I50.000.(X)0. tn Fnir, nnuthcr of the lnonsnn kings, with I like Amount. Henna! in Mid to be worth Anywhere from $5.11!).- Ulli to $l0,0lIl),l)00. and them are two culls L I n... in l`.Il...~..i . -mnnn.I KIiIIur Anal Luv come in um (0 no pu,ow,wu can -. \\'-`ightmnn. the Phlladol la hnggint. has also t.a0.ouo.nou, and vmr I juat as how us though he had not a million clolllrt. Iiuckafellur, coal oil millionaire, in north $'.'0,llI).(ll). ' [Aland Stanford in worth from $.50. to 8|fl).(ll),(X)0 and his new university in to root between 8|5.(lN),(Xl) and l2lI.()00,0()0. He once thought he was doing well. The nun:-no! the New York millionaires are lo ion. Denver in fast becoming A city of ric men. Ex-Senator Tabor owns raul estate worth nearly IIJIIJJIIJ. Tabor him~ so-If live: in o 8100.!!!) house, and Senator Hill in aid to be worth IIJIIMXX). I). H. .\|otfut, the president of the Denver & Rio Hraude RR, in now worth C3.(ll),0(X), while the two Clayton brothers are much worth 8l.(lX).(XI) and more. 'l`kg -G.-I. yuan ..O I`-Iifnrniu in-n fnllv a-nun] come in aid to be O|.."JI),0()0 earl `n IHWHUIIX IUTIHIIUI. -,. lni|`| Williamson. of Philndolphia. luu mule 8`J().(lX).(lIHn dry goal: and his in- i \ \\'..E.p|n-nun IL: Dhllnnln In Rrnnninl I` ` Wlut n llumlred llllllop ltullue .\In-um -IMIVOl' And It: Itlol .'|lc-n-Nmne my < Inn I":-enolecm lforluuee Whleh Could Not be TIIOI:lIIO:I'I'"OI"0DQl|.` ` Alnorluqn lnxcheuzo. " ; New York he! code more men worth ' OIJXXLWD eeoh then lo I lllty eere ego men who won worth Illlhllll. en the hu It-ry of the worlcl shown but few lneteucee of ' men etutinu with uothingwho have ruched I the enormous waslth of {mm 5.(XX).1XX) tn I |lll).0!l).llll. Still Jsy tloolcl le now eelol to be worth oeuly twice this, end Vendet- hilt died having as like emodut. At 6 per cent. Ol),(IIl,lll) brlnge ln 8l`2.0w.(lK) n veer or neatly IIJIX) e dey not including Suutleye. A thousand dollars an hour would be I low eetltnetu of whet Jey Gould : lu- come in end at the loweet rota ol ` intereet II5 ie ulded to hie fortune every minute of every day end night thet ho livee. Then mllliooeirne ere rurely eetlelled with 0 per cent. end when you romemlner 6 per cent. of I million in l0,lll0 e year it enables you tocomprohend eolnothlng of the value of these lmmenee fortunoe. :.._:-\_ u':n:-........ ..c m.:|..|-I..|.:. |..... sonEmm~ m|>Asr.s. Inc: AGE or Mu.Lo6NA'mas mo Y some or rrs romuuas. Tlll . BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY. DEC 23. I-`illingforgcal:o~nuy"bo1lndowithun pound of gsmhoppotl very lino; onocupot aujnr. om-half cup 0! water. Put it in the; hack of the s`.o'. o and nnahwlth o Qoou until it foramasxnoothpnno. nvuwlth ......m- .uI mm-ml h.tnn- nun -Mn his gomn up I0! I cnumn nu-, nor nu.-up xur black can The inzrpdimuueonnpolmd 0! butter, one and onequnrter pound: of sugar, oueponnd of llounten eggs, two nut- megs, namnll pinch otgroundmnce,two wineglnsfuln of wing and two of brandy, two undone-halt pounqsof rnixins,twonnd onc- haltpounis of currants nnd onoponndol citron. Theyelks,sugurlmdsplc-sahouldbo beaten toget.her~And the butter should In cnenmednndnoxtulded. Whlptluawhitu_of um emverylightandndd thanaltarnnhuly r:i:.h the our. Thanputlnyour hrandynnl ..-:.... uul I..o of all an I`:-nit Rah: thin In 1 UQEHIS Dt'l'DD0lRq.l`. H O D D E Rs 00 1/aw ,4/VD Lumcu/:5 lZ`\.'\Ll9rII$ly NOW OVBII. lllll PIKE IIII BIC`-E tlxo pasta 0! eminent men and women, and ma recipe invilau trial.` _ l:3'.:!i U1 tut` 3.0-U uuu uau wuuu u Ipvvu mnillnnd prud botwcuuywhltolqycr nub: \':::.nI.nenonr. lnanpuiunyuur urauuyllll vrizxqundlutotullthetruit. Bakethhina 1:-mderateiyslowoven. Thiscnkehuticklod 9`... nnInQmn nf nvnlnnnt man and wnmam_ and Mrs. Astanley unmmn, or Wuhingtm, a tunouscnkomaker,tnrnlahes toncookhook gotten for 3 chulch fair, but recipe for ` 1.1..-Ir min. Th. innadimh nmonnnound propnately uecornung we uome. 1 ms uxey can do with a little advice from elden; Ground pine, holly and mistletoe, as well as dried grasses and immortelles, are now to be had at the holiday Queen in many markets; and if they are notobtainablo them is always eome greenery in every lomlity that can be utilised. Cedonlpruee, hemlock or arbor vitae, brightened with spray: of the rul bit- ter sweet berries, is handsome. Ground pine interspersed with sprigs oi holly, with its dark, gl0$y leaves and scarlet berries, fur- ` nishes 11 beautiful and popular trimming. ~ Evergreen decorations may be given the eect of being lightly ilecked with snow by dipping tho branches in gum water anil then into our. Ropes of evergreen for testoon- ing, forming wreathee, etc, are made by binding evergreen twigs taoastout cord by means or small twine threaded intoopacb ing needle, which is passed through the cord occasionally to hold all rmly in place. Crosses and other emblem, as well as letters for mottoeki, may be cut out of cardboard and spread with gum, upon which are applied piecw of cotton wool. which, when dry, may be pulled out to look loose and iluify. `Danni-nfn um house and set no the iovfnl nopuueu Outloloolllwuuuuu uuuy. . Decorate the housg and sotupthojoyful` tree, for Christmn comes but once A year." #_3__ M (`H11 Ial'llI.l" Ull ILIIXIJ. Auxu vvuuu bright lights and pretty paper cornucopia, and boxes and gay colored bags of nuts and candles will make 3 tree beautiful In the children` eyes nlmoit without the gifts that ingenious and loving hands hove hung upon it. Another great source of plensum to all the younger members of the household is in up- propriately decorating the home. This they nan (In \ri1h A littln ldVi fl`0ll`l |.lln xunnnu--u anus- The tree must first be plnntedln nholo bored in a large block of wood hesvy enough to keep it firmly in position. If it is quite: large tree, arudo plntformcnn bobuilttor it and covvrcd with green ball) or mas and lichens. It is a prime caudal to light tk tree well. This may he done with null tapers, Chinoso lanterns or ordinary small ` lanterns mvcmd with bright colored papal . ` There is hardlyn morooective trimming i than tho old fashioned one of testoous of pop- lcorn strung on thread. These with the \ L_:...|.L I:..b.o.. -.uI nnonv nnnnr nan-nnnnninn your. nu-n gum! BL. Au`; 5 l|.I_\ wt-u um: nu - rival I-_v way of thn 4-lmnn-gv hardly equal: the nurgic trw. 11m sourvo of delight may ho of any sin`, from n dainty little tno that (`an be am. up on a table for tho plmsum of the two nr thrw young folks of one hunily to n largo spvcivm-n. appan-ntly tmuspnrtal in Arabian Nights. fashion frum it: mmve furost. nrnuml xvlnch St'V{l`& [unuhas nun hold them bulhlay reunion. Ch:-lulunu Tn-to nnd Trluulngn. Tho (fhrisunns lrm\-hn\\' wonderful ith tn the ohildn-n. Tho gm: guunemi from its branches in the midst of -la-light:- antivi;I- tion and joyful surprise haw a llamr uhovo ` commnn thingzx The (rm gins tho much that maku; Chrisuuu tho gala day u! the your. I-In-n gun! St. I\'ir'k`s mysu-riuus ur- -:.-..I luv u-nv 1\' Hm .-hinnmxv lmnllv nnnmh llllo ll lluzarult B. virus; vv `V .r. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price. 75 cents per home. 1-\ ~n~ 11' n `r\ h `II! `D Q nu bu;-v nuuu \\r\|| ILIU um`! UI III Milli`: T place the nntl. In`-fun: tho least. the Isalul ho- (nm llw Iu-hum, with ml. \'im~;:ur. all and [Ieppvr mthlzn n>u:.`h; nnnlqu: tho r!wx~.'-n- and crackers which mug) pouplo U310 1000!. Willi ngmon salad at lhn shim After the toll and nnlml luwo bu-on N|l4'KI, tho unhlo In to ho clmml ut nll things oxmpt. the ohms, crick- enl "uni Um dulws ln-longing to tho dquart; th orumlu am to [-0 removal. tho [Inger bowls pI1M\Kl and tho chief ck-ecu-rt dishl before tho bust:-.~n. The sumllvr dessert, Inch ,u tin 1-andivd fruit. nnmmunn, ou*.,oom- \ plan the other tlu-no phms: 1! nuts are oorvul tho Iult shuuld be rotuniul lu tho lnlnlo. ) ` -. .._.-... . , ,, , Dial: .\'n. I in wt: mums latnhv gr-ml before we hum-an and aurnd by her. No. I ' I: placed baton the boat. by whuzn it in curved. Nun. Hand lure |-haul mrlwny at tho hblu on either Ildu. Aa-r no 11$ courle of shun. uln. hulk-I |-utatu-..mulI- mmhm ha: ha llnhhal auan~.......|. I! the mound munn ln n-zwd, tho grimhnl dhsh 0! thovourn lining pill!!! (or the but wmrw; it thorn Iaunmuaul emu-o, plum it before the huatzuun, othc-r\\'iu0 put the princi- pal vogablo ha-low her and (be othurull the lid of tho table. lnlho lhlnlniul ..- In _...I llIl$l.'IUlI Ill llll'IIIuIIIIu|\ Iuuwvc 0- II In!` -iu`Ill` mm 0! nun n-rum. TM am-nu-hing no \ sum 0! lwlhlgy taotmuu will bring up Ill suhja-I tu many nudcli. lat alum huuullt I pan of was Cum-n`: ulvim In n1nnnlua\l ll suluunov. uppunc the dinner In llu uwlv in fnur nvurms. II fulluwl: low In Idaho A Khan Ccupuny Illusor- Iio (`hrlunu `I've uni (noon. The laying 0! null company Ilnuvn in a mm: M Iuu-rmt_Uo nun) Ilounn-Iteapn who do not wish In nvrvo I In-llur-.-. K1uL`or~ -nnvhn In llar;--r`: llnnr u! n hllppy com- hiunuun of ma"! hudi mic-ulahul far the stunt]- unmul uncut-rvuIL Tl. lmlhlny bring nuhlnn-I On nn-nu nuulau-A fa!` lhnnn In-null A ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. Famous Blank Cgko. rncnmsnusmn XIII" l1II I'|I'4'. . Hmalloutm-_rvourInlaIn ; . mu-`Iva! dish or want. ` . Van-nhlh . |11n-"mun In . Va.-oath . \'o-I'Mh|n. Itnuuul mm at mm. DR. IIODDE R S PO U N D 0 ______..L ....- I)_J.._ PK