HAY` :21! SALE. it SALE lat wggfnllg at tho AIV *.|`:i:.'l I 'Genllc-nneu-.`-tlI-o7in-0:: display of tin. silk of N I haudkewhidl. glow: and cashmommnlon Von an ace in mu -3 Snenm & I)-uni.`-'. We live , y uunqcemnlun. `Iowa Ina cunmolmlnnnlon : yon um see is now at Spenq & L`nn.:ley`s. I I`! {an \nn&mInoL|I guufnl, oruuhcnhl `hi I` nun. fur n Ilrnnn Innr any-I.-..... ..I... I Illlcllt I. Mr I praoom. buy our form mo: `em, in-n. $.50 tn $7 SC] 1 nail`. `` auc. a (loan; it ml. IIOV ruuna loril: clinic; .dui lnmar all tzriweoklformc. a n : NI: 0 , gene, poll awn mat the Inf:-kc: ice; 4 para: nee: dates for%., and 'poundn"of candy for CI. Buy your Xmas gtocarics gluon on can get them cllapeot ugd boIt_.--,`-H, ur- own`: cheap grocery home, Brock moot UIIHIIIQ l"IOl`-'\`IlnueI' Dlulfu ) ` Committoe-(Ihu. Bailey (fomnun). Gem I-`Inning. A. Bnrloigh, Geo. Gun. "John \ Taylor. - Derry Lodge. No. I. 830115. At the regulur meeting of Derry lod No. ` 2. P.B.S., in the Onngo lull. Stel on Dec. Nth. the ocen wen instned for the nnnninn vnnr - l'llu(lQ"I Inn gt R-t.`rnburv'I. ' ROI] JoIeplIiue" kid gluvun at Llidhl. plrngrupu : ` Owing to the n-cent ruling of Postma- ter~Genornl Vila any writing on the wrap perofn pnchgo of third or fourth class matter under: it liable to letter postnge. It ha: been the habit of people from time immemorinl to indicate t 13 contents ot n portage by writing "merchnnlise. hoto~ p , printed mntter,"ctc., for t e `in- formation of postal clerks, on the outside. but it is no longer nllownble. and unless in paid upon articles marked` letter poo they go tm dud letter ofco. uu mo uulwu autos may be Ilurpnned to learn that the Chriottnu gifts fonnrdod have not reached their destination. If they do so the reason will he plain by ruding thin jnrugnph : ()I'im1 In lhn not-ant rnlinn nf Po-tn.-. CRAWFORD3 50!` Apples, Oranges. mm. nu. Mm cum I-`nit. Veget- nhln An.` Qcnnt l`a`.I.-n uvuw Iv saw nruuu Ia.-IUUI 0139 A gunk mung Cundiun who hum friend: in the United `ate: my be surprised the Chrintmn am. for-nrnnhul I I .hII7I DZI"- `aIIC:' `WI ACE. Malaggn grapu, lc. ;* Vtlolncin oranges. l)c. n doun; N ha. nw minim for8l; hoice dninr hlltlnr A" thin 1-col fnr `HM - Lnuplun-:3 In. rrnuton. Socnhry Ana `outgouu-ry, jr. , Tnnum-3. Scott. D. of C.-Robt. Cunghey. jr. Inside 'l`{"lor-Robu`t,I"iloon. jr. Outtido yler--Sa\muel-Miller. l`........:u.. l`L-- n_:|-. u........-..x' nwuu, luu I 001 01 Clllll um DONG l IIICO pencil box.--Youru, Cum I-`uawn. Plan and it to no on Chrinunn morn- ing. plane. please send it to me. Dur Santa Clnus-I will write you theta for line: to lot you know what I want for my Chriuunu. 1 want a scary book. I link duh lled with . ou know the kind I mean, and a box ch k and benidu nice nnneil hnv _..Vnnr- l`I-IIA Fun- IV . RI. -`U~ AIR/IIIRIIBTI) . D. M.-Samuel Glenn. jr. Ch|pl|in--\Vm. Preston. Saolnnl-v-Jn-an Mhn!nn| Dear Sun: ClAua-\\'ill you rlcuo bring me I game of lotto. I desk. I I sigh, sad . blackbounl. I ring for my brother Jamie. don`! for I me. I will ask you n `n a pnuy clufmd thou tlgingn that In you. \ out L111-1.1: Gnu. IIBIIII 3 W. .-D. Mdlaugherty. D. M. --nmnQI Clnnn it Dear Old Santy C-lhuae+-l want you to come on next Christmas night to my house and I want I Ilia vnloli iod an I hobby hone and when on come ring aoonl stick to whip my bad that Henry. e an `I ho .will knock you out on the n! round i you give him a good show. No do not fozel me now. From I hapgzr child to you. .nw.um \ ocxizns. . s-u wyv us nun an xuyvuuqll \1lIlla I {an gnufnl. ennui t` on {ur press . buy otirfuncj II nun `em. fnm. S? .'.H In S? .10 41 _ 125'! PRINCE"`S'S-- S'l`REET,} Pleas. Mr. Sank Elana. plane bring me ` and my little brother Phllic lot: of Christ- mu toys And I big doll for me. Lllvlr nu-In Dar Santa l `lulu -.I would like to have I nice dolly. And pretty luir. And no thou. And no dun. some huh and onnpo. audio: and nice Christmas um. Your: truly. Anuu llIu.uIusn. limo clock And A little cantor and the kettle, and I Inn! largo book. wd I want I little frame for I piclun. Good-by. Smu Claus. Lulu: KEYIZS. many uuugs mu you coumn I count them; and I want I votive pot URI the teapot, ntin dross. pink. mind; I forgnt to put pink in the middle. And the box oi writing per and the IIOI` slate. and I run! the II:tlo clock and little and Anal I --nl In-an l.....I. ...A I ....g - I:..I_ liur Santa (`luu Sanu Claus. I Inn! I bed for my bigdull nul man! the little uovc and 8 50!: um! l tabla. Am! I Inn! the set of dishes And, Suit: Claus. I want I0 many things that you coulcln`l count them; Am] I link A mull .-4 Inn! and oh- 0.. ....u Dar Saul; (`hm I wish you a merry Chriunnu; I doll`: cnrringn. noble, I rock or chair. I doll`: mrril . a doll '. utory hook. 1 sofa. I luv ing glut-. n Nrk board, I pencil box and uluk. Your truly. I-Zmtu M um xx x n`. Dear Suulny ("Ian Please u-ml tillil-I lime urn|.l;n`a} dull `I II.I.lI Rnnn- Mr. Sums (`Inna Please bring Louie and En Ipd myself lots of to 1 an we will be good girl: :dun't forget I e dolls. Yours truly. Luzu Kl.IIL\`\'. Dear Sun (`Imus -I would like to tell you win I wunod. I want nleigh. tiahn. him and A mun cu Anal I cut lot (`hunt nu. Yonn truly. lullvvr Mn In\' .5: vnnrn nl.I IX; IUII" lfly. luuss! Nl'l.uI.\', nix yun old. Good I , clear old San CIOIII. lhopn you will ring them to my house Christina. You know my name. v-... .' .7 v..., Q ... .--~ In u|\|\lll 11:1: for llrungxss. lhtes. Maluga Grapes and Figs. anl Sweet (`Nor . 1 ltvorythlv-3 Cheap` lbr Inga I...-. -...-..- II.. -- \?.I-...:- .__. Dear Sun: (Shun -- \_\'i|l vou plane bring In 5 tinting bone and I fnluply And I u- pnu and I uprin horn and 3 buy`: school 3 \'i I you can bring an IOIIO curly orange: in In -stocking 9 Your: u-uly, \'uu.uI Dmm. Ibo ohlldua. Thy rally how but that education h wand. and they an mum who list It B hpuiad go the "Input bop ohc noun." a --::r- ..._..__.__. Sun Chill -Will y-on plan (in ma list (0: I cannot be Iupp without one? and oblige ' Zoom \'n(`lII!_|. sum um- l`|nu:do to! and my am: 1 lulu uyu-inn. the always hit: me. Bring no I wugpu, bun. candy. -ma. I-abhor hominid Ii anal ovorytnq clue. Ilo not bring 9 either. She. Always look new-luovot lot: we done. luagooul. Ilvlitvi Inc. Santa Claus. Uoonlby till Chrhuuu ow. l'.u'I. I xuun\'. Gone to the Dead I4-our ooo. __..A _-__ I1.__ I.-_,,, _L | A ~ but Santa Claus-I would like to no you we? much. I know Chluuu la vqry noun. would Rh mo have I doll. a black- lmnl. a double slaw. I blah. winner but. \'o0nl.ru||r. nww Ivan suit!` lluouonono ultbo uootuolshlnlcuou that he had. lot nonooltho IMIO latent 0 union ll`! written by Anita lnbyhpntbu Inn not yet loanntlto 1 who the simplest wonln: HAIIIA `1AIll.-.nAnAn Inning II.-.u - -_.n N Tho lpbuu MOO the I-Clo (\l|dvI-- Ald Will '30! UIVO AI) IQ ? .\`uv York Inning Jound. II;-- g--...-. .l;L- ..__g _...nn n -. CRAWFORUS for .\`ug\.r Cured Hams, linmkfnt llacon. I-`inc Table Celery. and (`n1|\|mn~io~n Lrrnitls 76 skiita ouus rr--Sunuel Miller". llhu. Bails) Bnrlainh Gan. Hun. -Jnlm Ila your hunt. your V hot. A:l,d9 I! our! day. nu, IITIIIIIIUIUII onrfunc pint 750, at um: Luau; Dunn. I A? Ilruus. SECOND - HAND BOOK; Soouadluxd Boob him up: cold by IF. NISBET, `Ebony Photograph'rams A yr 0091'. I WORK- BOXES, r.nwI\pn~a lo or uu .\ln\o'0lI'eel. 4..`s1uuoNbs. % An. VI. . 11111 Irgnr nosrwooo wmrme DESKS lfstore open every nigh o'clock. John Henderson &Co.,l A visit then to such A place ought to in- terest Kingltonb Citizens, and again we invite every one to come at my time and see wbst we otfer. You will not be preuod to buy, and pnrticuhrly II this Christmas . n you on Ipond hdfvsn hour pleasant Iv Of course there are stores which carry more complete stocks in my one line, but taking them L! I whole what we state is beyond doubt n fact Than any other Bookstore in `the DOMI- NION OF CANADA. Pluih and Imitation. Aloo on-riu a burger And More Complete Gencnl Assortment of Size, Neatness, Comfort, -A.\'D-- ` General Brightness or Appearance. I Books, a1!lt.\'l|l?.'S will be dadnlmngd to the u onlln up to Q as unwary. mwslfor the purchnae at 1:9: ekfganl on ncnlr N. on to man: Park. nr non non mvnsnlttriiy Pnolcunur (`arr lknia. 'l`ho pnonnises are open Ihr inspection Ill) after noon. and the plans mm be even. and any infor- mation as ln terms `vcn at the olllce of the undursixnul. Poul`: och. Brock street. The lowest ur any louder not nu-sully acoophui. I-Zn\'uh\p\-elnnbe marked. Tendon fur houso We are not much given to BLU\\'INl3 OUR OWN HORN."hut are you stun thn right here-A'I` ll0.\ll-2-I.\' KING. STON-thcre in A store which, while it In uurpuou in -tmowmc oun Own HORN." ,: 788 PRINCESS ST. FANCY GOOIB, WOOL GOOM, KID GLOVE AND Il'l'I'S, SIIAWLS. CIBAMNGS. SILK HANDKER- CHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. LAWN IIANDKERCHIEFS. :3/0 BA /?G/1/A/.5 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. Stan open every evening till Xmas. conxm nriossmnn -HARDY S.- I0 PER BENT. CRAWFORD S| Princess Street. Olf DRESS GOODS 20c and over at $tationery and ` Fancy Goods _ " anm(:~:us:n-+ I our qoons. `L J LQWPRICES 1 ` _ --A'l`--- w_rg.7w: GAUTFS, "i5uEL'Ic soF+ooL " READING COMPETITION CITY HALL, FRIDAY E VENIN6`, DEC. 23rd. 1 [if/-'/?E.S'/2 ? elibik/Eg ii.8:`.'f:`"r?.`u.a`?.'y$':;.li"aa?e`1'..`eo..u".`: Lion: with I. ntou. II; I mecca at-isi fromltsbo lnstrlnnienl THE BEST ":.-".':..::..?.*:.:~`.;. ~*:::-.-.:.'"- "aw o own no sated rl lnnitauouou ';........':,. ...........::;' ` No addition to or var-intioi`: Iron: the simple name: Ilyi PIIIPIIIQ in an-gang...- Univ BJLIIIMU coo/rs rn/awn 7'.'"Z ::rJu/A/5 Tnd Mark in ovary pwhgo "me. not ammrnh IIIOI dollcun manila HE/ID/?Y& THOMPSON '8. _v_.- _:1--uu.La.laJ COOK'S FRIEND . BAKING POWDER IS A PURE FRUll7,ACID POWDER NICE FOR CAKE. --.a--n.n...nau-.l.`_l LU Awny until I knock the bottom out of high rioennnd bring Groceries down to hard aim to keep A reular supply of ducts and Table De icatlu for city {uni no lllrl. everybody`: able may be supplied wit in I 0 non. JAMES REDDEN, CHINA n-2.; s'nnl:uc _ nmvr--`M 0- wt-v-vuu-9 I` CHINA TEA STORE. .\dnnisslou-`.`$ runs Swus am)` he n`sor\`nI an Ilendenun's l|no&.~tore without cxlrachutt` | Most encounuginu mecca. Josh Billings baa and. To any It to win.` and I have undo Iv my mind to EIAIILIER Aumrn-nil I |._..|. .5- L .... W A - - - ' Pure (hld ha. Vsnllln. Pur Gold Ens. Lupon. Pure Gold Ian. mum. Pure Gold Eu Wintergreen. Pure` Gold nu. Pine Apple. Puroaoldlaa. Bu-urban-y. Pure Gold In. R-I-sDb9l'l'.V And Pun Gold Spioies of all kinds at vv unni- \ ` Their nppmhalion in the solocuon of goods in ` the several lines. whether Smplo or In S pedal Lies. My Ailnialou-1 andplouounnd (hush: have met with THE \l.-..a .... .._.-2-- ' ` Who does the best by the peoglo I: he who will do tho heal trade with them. India this belief I have apnnd no endeavor to meet 223 anwoms Before the rub commences. '0 have the Finest Stock and Prices an Right Good: oelecud now on be laid aide until wanted. Robertson Brothers, 187 I RI.\'C'ESS ST. \\'e hue four of the nbove on hand uni range from 820 to 840 each. All Area l"irIt.- (`Inn lnurumenu. but as they Are ouuide nf our line will he otI-red at Rexlux.-d Price. Call and select your -6'/Ir/'s1`mas Presents- MUSlCAL- BOXES. CRAWFORD'S is the In :qu.-cl Nahum;-t` --~..:-.-. 0.4- M5 on r Eif/},4or or BEEF v-- \'\'I-.1 (`an be umdc l.\` A .\lUME.\'T by adding oiling walvr. Fguqo BE E F, LYMAN SONS 'SHORE LOYNES & co TH]! CELEBl.ATED( WILL `CONTINUE Suitable fur linking Jl'I.ll-Z.\' I (`LIEAR 0l'|'S. cariabu qe lb. ` Quart Bonk: Pklnlec lor the. Nudnou Camp. in Doubt. at lou. Wonultonmn Sum 00 III. I John nun sum u we. ` 1`ouuuu..pu nu. ma. I`1`.. E l (`.. Pm`. Fine, Rich Egvoured Soup nn hr mmlas l\' A \h|\lI.`\'-r l,, .. J Wu villudrurn at `.*. ad Navonnbor. I387. and nounlnu III): orpnyuonl In the mid 0. J. Garbuu auhsrquonl In that dale will be m- cocniud. lllngnui I-Iloculc Sup at 5: hr. l Hmruoo.8l|n.hr8o|p.n lichu. lnry. 8-lb. bu Hosp. on ID: hr. funny am. Input 2;. bu. our Laundry Soup M in bu. Rubin 3850 IL. New Valencia Risk; 80 II 1...: _..._ l `ornrr I rlnu-on and Man- Ireol sm-on . TO OFFER UNTIL JAN. lst, ._2. `+33s%_1`.9H93: TH I-I Bl-23"!` I-`OR BEE!" Tl-I.\ ____~ -`I-`Ia Solo Axrnta for Canada. ;Rl.\'CE& ST. C and ol ht-r T MR. liA.\'l!:I. J. G.\Rlll`1'T`.~` nmhorily Agent at Kinxslon fur the London O Lucnhin re Insurance Company II --.-..InL.I__j A. Ag: \1,,, 1 nun. ll .\uuu. h~ruuv-0u~ `third cash : balance. 3. I and 6 months` endorsed note: with `mien-0L Slorkllnokonu house: at Iheolcoolhlau-~ I01` & Minna. ,Il'|II\! ll II'l' Fur III-I TIC.\'I)I'-ERR forlhe abort sloth will be r oelwd by the uudenigncd until rluua \'. Slh l)lL`l`.. u Nuuu. l`n-m._l)n.n tlduI 1-4.). . |..I..... 0 n -_.a a srocx or rug me John A. cauihi, 9 0! l`.\llll \\l. amounting to SJJEILK consisting (ll Dry Gomls. 1-`nu-rro`r.~`. Rrml_Q- Mmlr (`Iolbium llarvlmvrv. lttr. Spminmuiom and other mmlmuns may he obtains-I u|-on am-Xmuum In DJ. J. IA`lInux_ .\n'hilu`l. mulh1-n.-I rurlwrol Kmxnnd \'umn~ lm-ls Tomnlu. ,lnIl\' In I\` re Tl-I \'lIl-IRS` fur lhoon-dlunul New" .\lnnici;uI lhnlnlimn fur lht-l`II)' uf Turoulu I11] be h` criwd up to noon on Tuesdaiy. the 3rd Day of Jan.. I888. end `I ..,L-- --*"-'*........:.*.'..*'.:. .;.:..:.`.:.::* *.'.:...." I. `R mums. Auctionoor. Eb.-Q A.-IL. In-nuhuun-._n I am. ._.| n..z_ NEW GITY HALL AND 0008? HOUSE DUN TIII CITY OF TORONTO. LY%i-E 0rTI|h NIFIJZ HALL lliI!'l"sIl|ll1II\ I 9!) gun. Ar Hull Iii! hr [in-u away. -`ll`!K`l9. Tumnm. J0ll.\' Ju\`r:.~`. (`hunuan (`u-Inhmun rnmuuiun-. (`lay llnll. Tomato. .\'o\'. .-an I867. RESIDENCE FORMS/ALE.` COUNMOING` Hanan. are. 19:. wusou ms THEATRE co. Rosi3L;.E 2" A u.~1-us` Inn 5- un -- n_uivrm's . 693}; 31003;. 1 1 CID`! 92-`! I Will. Am `dark. but III 5': .-~. Wll.l?lAIl u'{ uWA\'. Au.-cs.`..:.'-}'.' . 1'3 will to undo known nl I -ale. Nnhet uuuculnnnpu-I3 In W . 8.V(H\'I|K.\'. K Gunlu I will an-ll Ivor in halo um pun-In-wt. Thu hau-an r v luau one In uvun n rlwnn buns. nbnro bull-liq arr an in mud n-cur. and will in acid by Puhhr nu-nun f\`I 'L"L3'ALr :_..f.,-_..._...___.__.??,___ _ `CITY AUCTIO N ROOMS, nab ln...-.. 4... .9. s P E 071 [L TN'6"i'Ai%'C ti; use 4T"k[A'r'Eh"6 'iiiv?L'Javcs no mu nun.n1ia& ma stuns. pit \ unuwu I-v IIILI SI! Prion XX 35 and I5 n-Ms 1- on M .mJ.t u-5'":-3" the mix `Ir: .nnd.htIl.ln\n.:u-Mosul [and no cocol uwu-u ml )1 W ' J. .0lt \gl.,?uj'. n1l`.Ibdn I. A mu Ilrmnh Auivkun olol nu Ibr Mann; 0! SI. Jan`. la; n Idrluvt. . mrmi. or s-r. ionvfm xmcxusr. 'mu:LY muoundnignm. `II-2.\'l'l.\'R .\\\'l~ZI-II` (`IDI-IR and l..~\I.\'l"l.\` l'.\Ll~2 .\ LE. ups. nu-mum. uuttranea. (ll Pnlnuocm. linen. ("|r<.seku-ykntilasswnre. Slvan`nm khan Ag. Thursday: and &llINla\7I all:&cId'I:l|`l\ - P I, RE Gnu Ears at 5) If .\,l..B.S 81` V " "`"'-A .s. wmvna. AUCTION SALE 0: (`unotol \'onc- and hlvhhn Sun. A` - -v-w--cw-w wvvunuv u the Want slid: If (Maniac Stu-ea. up an AHGIIDIIAV. uLI:uIT'. I IIIuhcunrs'l.i!o and Anti- IIIIOGCVL III` Dunn u I I'll! "3.'rKiiUAnY mu, .I.._.L .._ ........n._- In. ; Ill'IlUl|IIlOIIanl.o..\ r 3; an bomb; unusual In nun-ad ` tf Anna! Uannuurutun nl an 1 10~;l;-Ill? `ll An tilnmnl mu`. .\ R. .\l .\R'I`l.\'. Shout. nut: lioorhx I-`ur llo ' (`nus and (mu. l`III'nil.nn.\ .\lnIu~un-ac. giant; (`noe_kery._ ulasswnn. Sil\`orI\`u'c. JOHN Il.E1I`. I'.(L lhx Ilill `V. A, SIMS` -"lINn~r. In` ulq markers 5 l.`......-_ __ I Ionormtnob women. 1103` an ncuutul I byundoupotngnnl for thoduutioqofi 'Rnl"J` | There is an appmprintepeaa about Ihoin- ` n tens: of the women in the school elections. Minot men uppetr to be quite indiiereut as to ~ who npneents them on the board of educa- tion. and that kind of tori: thngboard en 3130: in. They an sulalimoly cuelcss :8 to whether. temp:-r.\nce, aniution, nligiun or any other mluject is taught in the schools: it is only occuionully indeed that thoywill and an .lI-porhof the school bouaiprooaulingu. . Now All this indic- (;tlitaNc"tn the male clueless. and no there is uohopiofunfnl-u_ htlnirenotoucieia gnzifyingmuq the woman gotinin their eon to elect to'"puultiou of lclponihility than who have an ambition when them UIQBIWI ; than. Tho women on loin; right in {thing up to the of the . -hnur.udiInnnniI~; (hit nuvbnpr` In vote ig nn_nnnoru'l- * (`Apt 8. Fraser, commandant of the pm- hrohe_uway and was lost. WII surprised yea tenla)` to learn that sn investigation had ht-en begun touching the condition of the wrecked vessel. and without his knovrlcdgc. What sort ot a way is that to deal with a man? Is it ncconling to the average idea or llritieh fair-play? The commission not only aim: at nee:-rtiining the manuerin which the tuft was lost. but her scaworthi~ nee: and care hy the crew. No one is more inten-etzxl ahout the results than Capt. Fraser. and yet the tirst be known of the inquiry at St. Cntlmrines is couununicnted to him through the press. He might not have he-en represented by counsel at the pn.-liminarics, not deeming such necessary, hut the respolisilnility should have been cast upon him of neglecting to do so. The case is ditfereut when the government does not give a man I chance to enteradefenee. The circumstance is without a parallel. and would not he untamed in any court of law. \ peller Scotin. from which the echr. Oriental 1 J Judge Mcllougull. of Toronto, in his de vision in the $I5 a bushel need wheat one of Dennis \s. Temple. holds that the farmer-a must pay the money for the grain guaran- tued` lay their note: If they think them~ selves aggriewd they can pi-no;-ed against the company which ha: got ahead of them. The hand ntceived by the farmers, however. is likely to he worthless, as the company hu gone out of husinees. and the majority of its meml-era are believed to haw left the vmlntry. It i- an exp;-nsi\*e lesson. but one llront wliieh the parties concerned cannot complain. The fnlnienst class have been victimized unmereifnlly. hut they will treat with pereginating traders and canvasen. and they will aign documents about the legal meaning and pouihle uses of which they know aheolutely nothing. The Dennis vs. Temple cue should he a warning against emokenlnees of every kind. But will it 3 We have our doubt; -. u. .---.u yv-n-sun ulna` '.-.._. inns. lint it any: their is mnsidorable lis~ utisfautiun in themnscr\`ati\'e ranks with Mr. (`nu-hnne personally. which in the re nun that Dr. Mallory expects to be able to hnl-I the fort. In this not a surrender to the um_v? In it I ptepsntion for ex- muing the defeat of .\Ir. Cochnne on some other ground than that the people want comlnorrial union? It seems so. uupp-mu} to he incl`-pemleut. is usually mom ixitrrvstnl in the sucm-u nf the guvernmout tun thv immt prrnuunn-I must-r\'ati\'1` paper. It notm that Dr. .\lt"(Ir\` an-st:-I Eu.-t .\'url|m:nln~r|:unl {mun .\lr. (`nvhrnnoi Its! Iehrnnr_\' II)` A mnjurity ot thirteen. imiimtiug that the !'lv.\`tunI of the riding an pretty well divialonl in their politicd opin- ` it`... It": :n ...~. .I..._ :_ _...._-:.|-._I.I- I2. ` in -l.|;;~ (lath Bros`, Old Hnnlwuo Stonel. L of D:-{CR . Boots tut: Shoat.` \` ax r (hm. hlmilfum. hlnltnma. hunting; .. _._ -.....,. -ow. huh! that since Judge mntompuruy the little j I in nxnnwtiun u ill: hccllh an-I \ igu: Give Ihe government plenty` ol mpo and wait nll it hangs iurll. And we hope that mlr excellent mmomponry. the Wmu, will c-Marv an-I pauper lung enough to be pro- urnl at we uuiciale. \\ 9 cannot hopo In In Ihvrr Ilauiltuu .\';-re-Inlm`. ``~_ __ _,__,_ _ 1 In I la-rslnn-I lin- cnrv I plan u , ,,, __ ,_ ._-.--,,w _ -_ -__- r.... ,. Johnny. the I`.'llI: another in lo the eke` Ilullnhunsolnnigunlu-I luluo notlon nl luring on. The public hu some Mcitnlon nn In which upon to uwpx. A an Ilmmulul monopolize I In! to which in Paul wally uu right. an-I Illo cuulcl collect and appn-palate In his own an I national nllnmueo ulcich uluoul-I have gone to anoth- -_-......... .._..._....__-.. ... _ _......_. `Hm: in I mnuiuu ul mp`:-u in n-gnu! to Queen`: voumy. .\'.II. (Inc In Rocha d- 1 loci that Mr. lhinl bu udglo-l :50 um, um! that a at election in lo uh [blue on | in `llulbvhunulroniguulucl during at u a cut. Muu~Ln to the | oi-vs In Pounds; cut! : I ligand R '. .|_ wnumx nuFrTnn win a an :'H& can ux: '-Tan Anna `in tin --nohnnn nllhnhml Jab um: uuuuiuullu. .0: " ScIku':hnht. ugunnllhnlhln. tuba Isonwnnk-I. Ina lu-hand. `Tux-U akin huh; ed at nun runs. ".1!!! all Ind: Incl Lxnnlnlln-I III u`-vv` V.-uv n tblo and Steet Pidor. TM Mlnvs CIT` $1 I ICZXCIV U3: ... .....**:.':.':."- .`:-.'.'"""......V..;~":' unthur |hu.lnt _ . . . ..|oapuun Iulleonulnoun ... In ouhquonl . Rn hoqucnun In itch-0.: uullu. .h " of LA AlIhnnAAndhnnIhA.1_ -(mu uni Id Aurlnuou or ` ponnullxnuuoulhhtur THE DAILY WHIG. Tun Human Wmoh Hhhd ovary cru- \ I-1.-an Km N .Ken-Inn. uunuao. \ \ A! III IJILLAZ I'll l`lA||. Ilvwss uf the guvenuneut canclislalv Lu! .\'--rlhuml-orlaml contest in not , Uf this fact to judge In_\' the ut- uf the Ta-mum Ill-Nnl, vrhivh though 3 n.. L. :...I....... I..... ._ .._.._n.. _,,-_ "0p'kr per Oahu Dinar. .. _...j....._-.. ...j ...- Announcement. Ill `GI nc'1T\'\". J. ' r; nullnpse. ,,-4_.__. __ ifcfmfmsorxymmmsmifs `,`V..~\ -V. ...- .....-. .... .~ upun the lalnuur commission. An\'u:nuTnItxu. ___ __- __ ._- A_.__..-_- nppr no mukuob Izn .Ily nnlchnp nth! .uI"'I? .1181. I`:-on-mar. __ ,,..J. "V _--v .\'iuclu'r rt-{Ina-I our r picking: it dummi- Ihe Franchise Act it wuntul condition of I uaything. H13 any the uourpauion. llw ulitur to re Incl nu isles it 'I`llE BRITISH WHIG. THURSDA Y. DEC. '2? - .._...-, .-...----us and Cttnlberrius.