W'm1)"1'i." 110 D DE R's C01/G`/1 AND LUNG 0U/?E Inga ----;..-,_,. .--`- ---- lnltuun In Phrwo. __.-,|_ .- ---I DOS` 'aV ;SWp` The Women 0! ltd`)-. .\I\4| Lgll Al Al... IA-Il__ _- IUIOIIIIIIIIC Pnlnn `sold by all Drugasts. or Free by Post on receipt of 31.00. W. B. CHESTER: 46! unuiamon St. L%*:';:5 Jouusrorrs [PLATE `cqssl ummr-s emummi con LIVER OIL, ETC.,y III IL-In wig Hum mar 1 The Grout stnonnh Giver. IPUILBII OOII OUIB I 1 }&nnouncementsc KDUVCIIIIIICIIK. II I !`" II II 0'. of the most Per cc! Food: I but new ennhod. ` ` A pun npbhlc luwdieut, and Ion H uz. Dluuun. Wu, Iluxxzss. F.C.S.` .\n:1y! .c.ul Chemint to the Btilllh lhnnununpnl nun o-`` [I In nun Til! MEI? (MUM IIMUNE. is highly endorsed by the Medical Profession tor ilswomlovful curative cm-cts puvduccd in cases of Pulmonary Consumption. chronic Cough. Bronchmh and Throat Alrecuons. Asthma. Bcromls. Wutlnc. and Diseases of Women and Children. In cases ofrhc Nervous System. on Mental Anxiety I Gamers] Doblmy. Loss of Vigor. Wnnt 0 Energy. Lnnmnd Apnetlto. Paralyalg nnl `ha nunnv din:-nun: (Inn In lnoulnhmo nnnnhr -I COCKLE S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. A xweeus tor uven-cons. Tweoda. Black snd Colored, md Fancy \\'orsteds for Suitinga, and the choicest variety of Fancy Punting: to be found in the city. Place vnur nrdnr nnrlv and ham: vnnr Fall Suit or Overccnt made before the tndo be 1 UK l'l5llCy rnnungi [0 DC IUUHU In [J10 CIWY. Placeyour order. early and have your Fall Suit or Overt ` gins to boom, audxpmember, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Egan nnr ntnl-Ix nf I-`nnrvv \\'nrnf1-u fnr Pu-inon Albert S C. ROBINSON,` The Gun Itnuth Giver. \\'e are showing 8 lar and extensive assortment of Overcoatings, Suiting: and Trouaenidge in all the Latest abrics, nevi design, new shades. Our stock consists of Beavers, Meltona, Naps. Frieaee, Pilots, Worsted: and Fancy Needs for Overcoete. 'r........l- tn....I. .....: r<..I..-....I -_.1 n-_...... \l'...._L...l.. 4`..- u..:o:..... .....l I... ..I...:.....9 ...-hum *Grand Opening of Fall and Winter Goods ICTIPBIUII ITUIII INC UCISI IIUUSCH Ill EH8 UUIIIIIIIUII, IIICIIIUIIIR I-IIU OUPGTIUT JNIHHIICDHIUS UK J. D. King & ($0., J. & '1`. Bell, Cooper & Smith, H. E. Clarke & Co.. and other reliable Firms. 1- mm. - Our long experience in the business and other facilities we possess enable us to supply } our customers with the very best good: at the lowest possible prices. Our business (L3 before) will be conducted strictly on the One Price System. A good dollar`: worth piven for every dollar received. - t1,Cnll um inspect the good: and the store. They make a. very popular Overshoe for Ladies, Misses and Children to wear over overstockings. unuwu `J ; Qy.(aIIlIII!, KDIBJJBIQ I31 ; `he many diseases due to insufclcnt supply of Nervous Force. Showing a large stock of Boots. Shoes. Trunks, Vniisea, Bag! and Satchels of every do acription from the beat houses in the Dominion, including t 0 Superior Mtnufocturea of V J. D, King & (Ta. .1, k. 'I`, all. Conner & Smith. H. E. (fluke & Ca And other reliable U. I). I` Firms. I 1.. I , , A ne range of New Goods to select from at prices ranging from 8 cents to 60 cents a yard, in I the leading styles and colors at ; ALEX. ROSS , -- Carpet and Millinery Warehouse. As usual we are prepared for Cold Weather with a Large Stock Wool Lined Rubbers for Men. Boys, Ladies, Misses and f\1.:`IA....._ BACK TO PRINCESS *s?'I'iR: 1:':*I: WOOL LINED RUBBERS D. F. ARMSTRONG, L000 Pairs of Ladies American Rubbenx rm mi Iuury. new uoume roux rancy Mnxoa uootume mom. New Double Fold Curly Jacket Clotlu. - New`Doublo Fold Ulatoltloth, extra choc. . I I _ _ New Double Fold Grc. Brown White an BlAo|:_Lunb skin. lw Donna New Kid lovoa, clamp. mod anal nluble. . I B- TALDRON i5UTTNER S EMULSION VV. J. DICK & SON New Double Fold Striped Costume Cloth. New Double Fold Plaid Coetume Cloth. New Double Fold Check Costume Cloth. New Double Fold Fancy Mixed Costume Cloth. New Donhln Fold Cm-lv Jnnkut Chthg - Dress Goods! Dress Goods ll x8 to mom, auuygamemner, uuu. nuuna Ann. nuuu. :'Sce our stock of Fancy Worsted: for Prince Albert Suits. _-___-____ -..-. -. A. C- ROBINSON S- ARMSTRONGS, Have opened their NEW STORE (at the old Sta}nd), JAMES REID, 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. 6):) ~10 l`nIovku all tho clogged avontlol at the Bow- (`la-I. |\'Idne_\'Is And Ltver. cnrrll oxrmlunllv without weakening the system. all the impuri- tins and foul humour: of the secretion: : at the mmc lime correcting Acidity of tho Slouuu-h. --uring Hilimlsnuun. llyspopniu. llwtdnclu-an. lrintm.-sa. Heartburn. (`unstt titm. ltryncna of the Skin. Dru `. Ditnnem u Viaiun. Jnundlce Salt Rheum. Jysipola.-I.St-mtuln.l- lutu-rin 0? the Heart. .\'ur\'-munena and Henqral Debi] ty : all tlu-no and many other similar mm lninta 3 -rid to tho ha :13: itlltunu: of BUR `K Jruxm m'r'nc 1 .\lll.I|l'R\` H (`(1 l`t*nnrh-lnr: 'l`nII-nnln NEW, BEAUTIFUL AND For 35 Cents. Misses, 30 Cents. Leading Undertaker and Embalmer, VOPE/N DAY AND NIGHT. MONGENBIS. aowm 8 co., . jl. I159! !`LA\'0l`.lNC Jllmu nmuurn HAINES & LOCKETT. r. or Overcoat made before the Du ADI` pmtrr . 1'. A. uuvvuul. niinen on: 37 Youzo sum. Toronto. , Arruuu, unoucurns. OATARRI-l,COUcl-lQ,COLD8,a.c. *2` Doors froni`Princess St. lLJonga& 3: IO-i;i_:8 G0CERS' SUNDRIES. I41 PRINCESS STREET. A. RAMSAY & Sou, Agents lcoucn coLons VALENTINE'S VARNISHES '.For weak and deli:-Me Women and Child- FIBERLENE A IEW IATEIIAL. Onouuo no JAoA;a. 7 ALL `cl O1`{SUH:PTId()N_; -. ,,_v__..u-nnmndi nrlhnlava Milli: I wuxm u|1"l'Is:K:~L . 7!; .\In.m'n.\' a (`o.. Pmprlv.-tnr=. Toronto. Pnuund by Dr. J. C. Ant & (`o.. lmroll. Mun. sold by all Drmmluu and Dealer: In .\lt'.dk'lne UUHE `g UIZI-\l' *3ock`s Patent Improved Cushioned Ear "Drums r"EBl`D0'l`LY RESTORE THE HEARING. :10 nnmuwhemer dogxfneaa is by_ golds. 1'fL_ii.iiWrrs I Inll Oonluglon which Inunmli In t c Hem. u 33: ..a. 1... ...`.`.2.".: on Aye:-liw and no completely. I). Ilurkv. HM`. I. INN` "I I'll hlrl I Ohio. I)`. {mm Madam lld III! I'll .\ )`v(:`rn.! . ct`: uu$:"a.-'3: ullw It; - no Va vollloihclunna ~. Immmu ..{f.uK'u rural: um mum'hn don of a 31!. was no cuhcnuu reIIc~I'. I ronmne V0 Iuonlhu Mon. Ilw rtvtnnvnl of V IH |rm!hk-n M ::;;'.*:.:_"w.'x....'t':'%'.}..':t"':.`.';'L"* I-`u`r as numlnrt ol month I w;u lftnl venous. llomlloq '00 V [min Ian at A |lo`m`upnp oorud Ilvnr. . y out Mum I ma oompdlod 10 won: I ihoulu I on llmm. vtu um tohuuru Hahn. I in on y vhn-cs hum at ya`: Hill. I have Minota- uou in IN: uutlk-h_w no he the but :"nIhnl'I - over In . .|Mnan |`.\`(`|rl. I`u|:uu|_ burn the Sight and lh;=n QQ'.I..f'oTSn.L'iIa';f ail `wick; g-%..L..%...... ?l`.B!`BOTLY RESTORE THE HEARING. no nattetwheulor deafness caused by colds. even. or 1 urieo to the nnluraldrums. Alwnyo npogluun. t invisible toothers and com- A vformbl to wear. Music. cow rsnli . - whupezu hoard distinctly. Wccrofororo 30:2 using them. Send forilluslmtcd bouk of proofs free. Address I`. 858 Broadway. N. Y Ant`: Pills. n .1 unh-oral and : me. And. whoa long an I uuffurul Q` t5on.nnd.conwqIu-nI- \_\'. (mm m and I'||t'I.-`fur mun, A)_ I_ Iv 7 3g.t_Igcv7u_-uggncazf .m.;.';.,~`;;~;: sa`.;;;o.rN... , _.;,_ u,u.n' ,.__.___._L...__ ..._._ -3 _T_HE KEY to s;;ALTH; Dlwuums. I-Lu.m\x. .`{..\`_ ARMBRECIWS Ayer s Pills, CURED BY USING 333. In a::3o;'3y"oYSi with n I-`BEE. ocotln hh dinotutto :2: Int: M EJDIOINES. Constipation ~Iv-v_- __'_.- Irunodyforthol. ndbouo: in nunnoltho Iota ind um at nu ma. ludoo.,u,gtu>91Lp1` Ilwuln: Al |lt;=u'lnx. ck-Ilr-u)'nl|w Ann M continued. uuuoi llnlu-gw '. lnnngnwllon nf Ibo liowvln. Iluuu uuuuunuu. ` 800 Medical Bpviown. Fbr ulo hr lending druggmn throng rout Ibo world. munnmnn I1`! am: a In k2 Duke 81.. iroavonor Sq... LONDOI. "u(Uou)Iu, II I word, Ibo non povorhl nltoror o! the vial hrooo."-Dr. `Quail. | ARMBRICHTB COCA ll. ARMBRICHTS COCA WINE, thounh -on Ionic In its proponiu than Iron nruinlno. In In propu o:Qm'nino, nnn M Ila Inlyun Mud Io III In Oooatio non halo luau: the? nu: --- hunt. l|(0ou)1n, In ward, powerful Jug. u Ull1Jl'4'lt ;3 cum ru 1.! xv 1:. Take no other. Sold c-vorywhcgre. Price. 75 vents per bottle. :9 v-A-\o\-uu~-um I-u anus. lxpulnu ul solu- Mlo unlym mod to Iuln Goon the plant In TPI I lV& ormoano Ioov muzmmum I-sad.-an an] -.I.-_ wl.l`i?BR"ulIIH"T..' W";-l 00. `O f\..L- On I! -_.._ `Ill uuuv, IEVEI DWITIMYEI. E4. |l.M..I n.-x-_. I` rA1"i Ezu: [Eln nun Inn m-nu! lkpreulun. luuummso dol-dor' I ma Imuhlud wuh . u of wllnlch I will-`at! rs . am es s .|n' Io%.l"\n`:IbkIl Im-. I nulo oval` Chum. and. hour unlllure In the V og, Can. ` T....;..a" 4.; .~....: 5;`. Sold everywhere. Price. `. .5(-. and R per hot- llc. Proprietors and Manufnctufers. _ .. . `no |- .~ ,. M ` Hr . H. IIOILKRT. Gill Fr::mqI Brlghtened. Gildod picture frames that are dull do no: hay: need regildlng. One way of brighten- ing themn up, remmmdnded by good authori- ty, is to apply a coating 0! damp fuller : en:-thmndwhenthisisdry washol! with a sponga motsuuned in or gall. Keeping Bulb: `nu -ugh Wlnter. The principal point of keeping bulbnot glndiolns, hyacinth, tubs rose, dnhu, lilies and the mm, ntely throughthowlnter, no be are that they no dryvwhnnputuwny itvduwnhptdry. Dunplnuwmruinthan. A Now Kllydr of Ambrosia. Instead of the usualslioed omnges,paro _ and out into 2-trnnll pieces I; thoroughly rlpo pinpapplo. Put a layer of pineapple in I glass dish and sweeten it; add a layer of grated covenant and continue in alternation till the dish is full, having oocunut for tho` ` last layer. Amml m1l:n or mamm nervul with this msu layer. Angelcakeor zpongosarvulvrith this furniahes a delightful combination. ' IKXV -I lllIllDIl|||;I'Iu The largo caster ls seldom smn axccpt in hotels. Table sauces am put on in their nrlginal bottles, and olives, zilckles and the like are placed about the table in small fancy 1| khan 1 he Plo oftho Season. Pumpkin pic. tho tlmo lmnurwl lesson of the Thanksgivingdinmm, Inu_\'bol1iculy undo ` as follows: Pool and slim u pumpkin or part of one; boil it _in boilix.-g watvr until it. is tcu- ` der enough to rub thmugh u sievo wit I1 a po ` tato masher; mix with each qun.rt. n ( ustard ` made of six eggs beaten with eight tablo- spoonfuls of sugar and a quart of milk; avor with spice and gnyamd 10111011 rind, and bake in a deep earthen pie pfatu lined with pastry. Tho same recipe answers for squash pie. ensues. ` More attention than is -usually bestowed might well be giwfxn to the breakfast table. Flower! or u I1o\vc}~ing plant. lntho center give u (nah and dainty look. Dc-coratho Shad:-5 fur lamps. [adios who Isa lzunps are fun! at Icon- stmt. changv of iluulm, amla pretty arrange- umut. can he mntrived with nnlinury squarr. thin nilk llalulkorvlliofs. Pnlu blue is a good color to use. l{u.~`e(`0lul' ls also pretty and so is a pale Clulll` yvlluu. .\ circle the size of tho top of the globe is u-nuxl in` the (`1`l.ll A1l` of tho handkerchief. Stltplx 4-lowly nmund the. circle, then cut away the t'cntm', and button- hulo the edge all around. Trim the lower edge with :1 {N11 of line lace urn very narrow silk fringe. Many variations can he madoin ` l the styles of trimming, etc, and :1 gured llll(lk(`I`(`lll(`f may he used if prefvnvxl l l x 1 1 It I33 nmdo (If satin ribbon twu inches Wkk, tied in n how with full loops and omk, tho 1 ends out in two points. On earl: end of the bow, and also on tho loops, HOWHS and mut- toos maybe embruidon-d ur painted. The lnops any lled in with xx-mltlingsprinklod with sax-bet. powder, hl`II .!`\Ipt`, violet or whatever may be prefcrml. Thu ulgos of the ribbon loops am then caught tugt`th>!` with silk u! the same shade as tho ribbon. and if twuur three articial or paper ruse! ` with rnliu-,:o and soft stuns are run through 1 _ the loop tli-cy nuke I pn.-tty addition. ...r....._ E}. I-Jnion 1.4;; c}.f A -.\`o\'-I and Pretty Sarina-1. Quite novel In the way of those pretty sachets of which A woman no-.1-r has too many is one dacribal hy Dorms and shown In Um cut. luv VII lulu nuucl |.uI:tI|1'l. (lull I!-ll: I uuu` um nr um fur the ml to mum-t on tho top. Try lhu the-rnmum-tar again. mu! it the Inn- pemturv Ls mun: than nnv lo-pg. from lzll dagx. Fulm-uh;-it mld n lmxu mhl or hut water, as the <-aw may In-, .~.u us" In luring the U0lII[It'ratlu'\' to within mu dog. of H0 Fah- nnheit. Then xtir ugnill mud ;;i\`e- Unw. as hefurt`, fur the oil In (`nine tn the (up. .\'uw npply a hurnin;.: Iuutvh ur light:-I my-a-r on I level with the mp or tho (up. may within hnl! an inch of the oil. If within one second no ash on-um the oil is n~aaonahI_v mfo; other- wiso it is unsafe. Ton of Iivrou.-no Oil. The folluwing simple tut 01 kcmueno oil is worth Irving when doubts exist an to tho ety of ml. uud may he made by any one: '1` Au unlinnry pint. tin q-up; an it within an invh er! the tn}. \/ith wan-r wrmnvd to the (mun-rnturu of I20 dogx Fnhnnbuit; pour on this water time or four tablml-nmfull of the oil anal water togotlu-r. and wait a min- tlw cl...-u L`..l..~....l...n u.l.I .. liovh. ....l.l nu Inn in II!!! pqlpu. Kn. Ilondersunnclds that beside the gravy. crnnhorry runuv. vurrant or plum jolly should always be ll'r\'ul with turlmy. Krllllllll HUI ll IIIGITI} Thu excellonm cl thv !ur|u'_v lu|I'mh much upon I-acting It tnvqua-nuy ;u'1 xL~u'u madly him it with n hulv lnmu-r. -an--nor with its own (lrippingx J m-1 I-erurv taking It hum tho oven put nu umrv nu-ltul butter and uprlnklo more our; this will make llumkin mum vrhp and brown \\'lni|u llu-turkey In-ouklng boil the gilsletu vn-ll, c-Imp them line and mash (br- liver. \\'ln-n llwturkoy is done, put it on a hut platter. Put the baking pan on thu (ire. ulmlge In I littlu that and when moknl stir in I little bullim; wnu-r ur slot-k; strain. skim n the fut, Add an gibletu and union with salt and peppvr. Ilia Ilnmlurunn mlale that Innhlaho "I'll", .nitlu-r lunl llw ta up ll ll`. ll!'lIllI'l'k0I|. E) IIIIIII \\ll'Il`] III -IVNI or eight puumln (tlw ptvnlr-uuluu-3.!un, If (at) sluvulcl he Natal or Inked than hour: at lnaut. A wry large turkey would not ho vnukml I mlnuto Inna um: four hmm I! pmpurly hosted. It will not ha-ouw dry. Finn. the-n. nor the turkey is drbvd, an-nun It well. -eprinling UN. ml |l'p]l'f on the Inuklc-;~t||.fI ll mul u it well in lhapr; ur lay Illa-not uconlox-or It: mt the skin nnd I;-rink): It mail with pup- pet. can and Iluur. It in mll 1 allow I turkey to wlhdn uomo umontulwd baton vmlahng. Puur I lmlo lnulllnz water Into the luatlnm otlluulripplug pun. I! It is m In rnualul do not pull! toonmr thou-clan at Ilnut. until It gvts we-ll hcnml thmugh: then gradually draw it m-an-r. Tin. n-nnllunnu nl II... On:-Inn: nlnnnnnln rnnnh Ilnw to tank (ho Thuulnglvlug ll`-Ii. ` Tho n`n~t in Euvlng I guuul nut turkey H 1 I0 `lit! It uflrtl Incl In (`mi ll lung. oqyn. \ such oxcvllent uuthnrity no or-utk-nl mollu n In Ht-ndrrmn. A um: lturkoyof -wan . n... 0...... 1...... ll Tluu-Iy noun Notoo-:\n `Ania-elv- Inch:--(5oml Thing! tor Thnnlllgls lag. The Pnrslnn --yvlm.ueu unto llnv hr-um plnnb [pr winter. lnl-tuning: {mm Into [all all mrly -qorlmz. Tlwir peculiarly Ihlpcd low- rl`~t nu I variety 0! mlurlm rvlhvo the mount- uuy at the Ivomgo window collection. I-`t-r thla nunn. A: well u for (id: own merit. Hwy would be mon- widely grown. 'l`|...... I- Iunnllv n nnuinr nu ninth 1-|N-. uw; ycnuluu In mun Thu-N II lunlly I fu-wry plan! fur I (ISJIHI. llivv IS! } -...I In I.I.__..n.. In. \-nr us: | M hlunmu In | mw-r. do well M CURWLDXEAF ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. ._ ...-.. Table Furnlshlnfm . ,_-..A..... L. ....l.l..-us :~:\/nu nu? was-In; .uv-vu. ya prettier or mun satis- the hanging lxualcut than` plan In I xuuny wlnclnw n I--I-fnuIuu_ II will Inn! I:ul_v u uuw It will u sunlight. '2 HE mwnsu wHu'.-. 'I`UEsD,\Y. NOV- JIIIIIIIIII III I -I'"0o , There in much in a title, .15 regard: Burdock Blood Bitten. You do not have, to take (tuna and gnllona to get, the medicine toonuinn. Every dropin every done bu medical virtue as q blood portly- . ing, uyutem regulating tonic. --~+- --- > Try Am! no Cured. 1 Lame hack Incl nervous debility, associnb I on] with rheumatism, is sometimes met with I | in every (lay life, but as a rule we nd _not more than two `of these complaints in the I name party. Be this at; it may. The only sure and perfect cure in electricity and the best form of Administering it irby N ormnnfa electric bolt: and insoles. W. J. Wilson is Lgent, and from him you an vprocuro testimonhln and circulars relating to.Any of your complningt A Narrow Escape. "People who are expound to theisuihlen changes of our nprthetn climate have little chant-e.of escaping colds, coughs, sore throat and lunitrouhles. The beat safe-gmml is to keep and`: Pectoml Balsam at hand. Itis I quic relief and reliable cure for such complaints. V "---..-\.--.a .-----'..._. .___ 1 the person taking it if so desired. Send 6c A Cure for Drunkennoss. inn. morphine, chloral, tohscco, and ` kin rod habits. The medicine maybe given 4 in tenor co`ee_without the knowledge of in stsm for book snd testimonials from those V have been cured. Address l\l.V. l I Lubon. 46 Wellington St. East, Toronto. Ont. Cut this out for future reference. When writing mention this paper _:.. Dlphtherln. Last January," says J. N. Teeple. ox ` Orwell, Ont... thcreappearecl diphtheria in a our neighbourhood. Doctors ran ni ht and ` an ,butI kc night to Ha nrd a ellow I Oi and brou tmy children: rough it all right." Yel ow Oil cures all painful com- I plaints nnd iniuries. V '11! prove invclunhle. Sold by all Donlcru I ahrouxhout Camadsi. BROWN BROTHERS & 00.. To Avold llnldnen or Grey Ihur. lfse Ur. l|orenwend`s Great (lerman Hair 1 Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free from dnndru`. and promotes the growth of 3 the hair. It prevenwpramature greynesa and stop all falling out of the lnir. On l bald bends, where the roots have not \ perished, it will invigorate them and force ~ 1; new growth of hair. Ask for Hair Magic It is the only reliable. For sale by J". G. king, A. 1'. Chown, and all diutmists. ; .::T____._j_ l The Moduu opornndl. Fhe mode of operating of Burdock Blood ` Bitters is that it Acts at once and the some 1 time upon the ntomnch, liver. bowels, kid- \ neyn And the blood. to clesnse, regulate and strengthen. Hence its almost universal vuluc in chronic complaints. nuuuvunuuuuu. - -sun Require no description, since. with rue ex- ` ssptiou, all It some time have experienced their tvringcs. Rheumatism is not easily dislodgedmnly the most powerfully pem:- ` trnting remedies reach to its very tonn- lations. The moat successful trutmcut known. sud it is frequently resorted to by medicni men. is the applicstiou of that now fsmous remo-ly for pun- l olsun`s Nervilino. It is safe to say that nuthing yet discovered has nlfordod equtl satisfaction to the sulfur- ing. A trial can be mule at I small cost, as sample bottles of Nerviline cu: be land at the drug stores for I0 centglsrge bottles25 cents. unw vvu-It-II CI liily. Nearly one-half ol the ltallnn nation II yet lnlphahetic. notwithstanding tln club of cnllghu-nal stntumen to found and Inalnhln common at-hools. l-`romthln night of Ian) l rnnco the woman ot count will he the lat to J cape. and they will continua to hoe the holds, to dig around the vines, to ply the distnff. to weave and knit, as they do now. Not that any of the occupations are usalen. for tlwy nlul tn the comfort and wealth of the nation; l-nt with lJl`NO.`l` alumtion than women WI lmrn greater clmnlincnaln the home. now nrtuul sewing and oool:ing,nnd will lmvo vl-an-r \`lo\\`s of lilo and of the world. \\'ln`l-- they lmw grown hrnwn in the sun. an-I lmnl hnn-lwl and hem. with till- ing the snll, the ot he-r half of their 'nnnlr_\'- 3 women lmw worn uut the-ir eyes and Immune u thin and palv L)` the use of the needle or thv llnhhin in cl--Nrns or in pnlnun The extra-nlinnry industry of Italian ladies and nuns was shown at the rm-out ox- pmitiun of laws, stns and oml-roiderios at Rmm-. This was chit-y an oxpnsitinn of \minon`s lab-rr. and was a wondvrful diqalny of gnuzy Inn-, line as a spider`: web, wrought into pit-tun-s of mom! not-nos, and of Veno- tinn point: ynnl wide made for I priest`: surpliu-. or for the coronation roho of A queen. The governing thuught. of woman found oxpraxxiun through the needle. Tho nun In-ought patiently for yeus, perhaps for I lifetime. upun tho red damask tnpeatrlea. like thv {animus ones of Siena, now 5(1) yarn old and still in excellent t_-undltlon. There remain pictured in almost invisible stitches thegulden haired Madonna 0! ha prayers and dnannx, the saints, tho hentled one! in whom she trustod.-Homo Journnl. CHE$TER S cum: SMALL PRICE. SMALL A POSITIVE GUIIE F08 SICK IIEADAIIIIE. `A61 \ o5\ 0009 80 UR" ' B `.*%'1':}i`?......"":.'.x.:.:`~;..'L".';:..::'..;'an: 2% `gt: dhonno nu ulnar. one up... u. "_'."L ` nn. 1-. A. snocuu. - - Ann nu U-_.. 01..-: I..