\I\JA`\IAVAL AA\r--- I law an |)o!Ili\'r honed: lorlho n` `we dinnn: h in ` no lhonnndsol an on Nu: WI|f>\ kind and If V, oumnnu have lnnn cured. lndrvd, In aura tin I_u mellnex. that I wll -Mm `l`V.Iorl!l0 ~ -4 It LlnClhoi'u`hh n V`/u.l!Ana.R `I'M -.A'l`ls` on hudhnuun no any colour. (live pang. ad `[0. 1 IL` in 75 ii 4 III I BRITISH WHIG. TIJESDAY. NOV 15. nil Iii M iz `511 ll} mu ovary the slum. I333 [91 ruin. V In the Illchtululuo fallu canulouuul. \ m I` ICC ij}-cur Icyvwul cuouloolrul. I . Ionuu. Nov. IL-It I4 semen` [ho I-no ` Jtuoounholluounuyof the oporu[ pet I ` ounluu were put! today. when the B|u- Ill-Ilhuouoyulnpnxnun. 1509. unsung nu. porhp. non Inconcuq lhn uluudhy. `folio u-mama pcullnrnvr 1 hklvonnuloutolhotrso hwudno-cl; lhnvonuclhpdodnu.` (homo Kata; turn Ihodulnhthootndmnd hhovl-1 Iouooncluylunndthcd John ulvdonl bunny. It was In abuse: can Inuug Dunno. lulu sud Hum luul chluod In OI0 when to y M:-Int oa- pnuu Iofotculoundlhonntnngo uruwo ans "An unlnnI|" IHGI Illuhnm was to `Um _ IX` IITIQV I I-vv will An untpowu` man In India. luuguhwulohglvuuundoa uaullluthhuuwoull to pt-mmulto win. and when llama`: buoy was up lloilnno was to run lhoneooul. Dunno. however. in hall. but Union in o! mansion that In M Ma but to win. Wltuoa lad also soon two lrlnh hnlwoen llolhuno and "the Inn- ` known.` and In Ill mulled the Inner in no but Humor of IM um. u- an I |.- un.-.|..lI nl Tn!-lnln and John ? TORONTO SPORTS ON THE STAND. -hot of In um In-All. J. I-Z. lmehcll 0! Tonal; and John Octal tonllnd an tn Blnxhnmh Hutu-to-r. IA--...I n....m... .9 nnnu hntlnnn-In Ilm ruse (XVII Iuln II In nulxnum -I rn-nun-r. Edward Port! of Ilmuvn Imhoeu Ibo I-no and did not to anything unlnlr In It. An un-'..I...L - -mu-an! wan lnnnad In! Ihl I!- Ild IIII I0! IIIIIIIIIK lIlIlIlI' ul Is. At |0o`lnrk I warrant Wll tuned for the A!- lol LIL Rlltottmt I rharli 09 porjnry. Tho mint at tune In that ha in Int dupmlttal ` Mutated under oath tint Blualutn hallu- dtm-ct Mn 0 hot on llotlmu. whtlu tn Int: 0!- nnlnntton` tho uplucuolo cutout pul- ttrely that llluujn-I lover punnuvdly up- proau-tuod Mill on tho qulttlou. lllllott. taut-tug that A wanntwu laud. nu tumult up nnd tnun-I unto the oxtontot man, Juno. uent and Napoleon (`ANIIIMI his: his accum- OI... Dur'r- the Inomlng session Mr. Ms:-master I0\ l'd i. r portnissiun in odd to the petition an allegation that ss tho t-onirart was nude in Ottawa iliet-use won anhjnt to the law of On- tnrio and not Qurbo--. Tine permission wss granted. and underihis sllexstion Mr. Taylor Mt-Veil y of Ottawa was put In the witness box sndsntnised eonosrnins the Inn at Ontario covering betting. ot which he can s succinct exposition. llscsvsltns his opinion thst in bets where a greater sum than 810 was at stake the loser could not recover from the win- ner. although n use rnkht lie against the staheholder It us had been served with notion of protest previous to handing over the nosey. lle also more it sshls opinion that the Ostnrio courts would throw suoh A case out. ashoth Ildos wen north: to s frnudnlonl eontrnct. In support of his opinion. .\lr. llc\'eily cited the cast of Davies 1'. llewitt. recently decided by (`hnncelior Boyd. Bnttcrsby r. 01):-ll. lloussn r. [lam-ork. nod several others. After a close tron-H-xamlnntinn luy .\lr. Greenshisld, hem i Felcher nns sworn. llo was proprietor of tho ` \\'omihino saloon. Toronto. llsd known [ling- luun for about too years. Also knew lk-thune and \lcKn_r. 'ns not in Ottawa on the day of the min. Anr the roots in Ottaws Bethune, in mmpnny with others, came: to his saloon. Tlw htri) were drinking wine. Bethune had sritirntly ht-on drinking previously. In course ol com-nsntion lie-thuno made It demand on one I-`lynn nr Hint for $12.1 Mr. ll`:-lcher could not rum-mber exactly tho conversation. but he re- llwnthnrrd ihnl lietlmns had said he was not going to fall down for I rnnn ho oonld [ire )nrviu-Ionnd tln-n he maale n sucker ol And IN other people win. Then he said something 0! hit) being vron snd he vrnnled hslf ol it. and at Flint`: request. I-`its.-.:t-rnld handed over Iii}. Ttu-n Iicihuuo said he Irnntod 8350 more. as some man with a plug lint. Ix.-id bot 87W on bill and he would not hnvs done it unless he got. it sic,-'r" from hixgerold. u-|..|.-- .|..... -. .-- Hm ilnnlllnn nf "A HOOP.- :le~r l'Ilx;ernhL Fe-ll-In-r then [no the dcnlllon of an ulcer,` and rcnmrkvd th II ho had onlygot onopoluter" In his Mo and lhen he want broke on It. In "I(`(`0|ll'*` at his oridencn l-`rlchcr said (In! Fhnrv-rnlcl denied all knowledge ot the mun In \hn"p|u3"nt. `lion ll:-llnu ban: to [at V nnpry-and Pelcher advised lhnt n Iolllemont bocmue Io.u he wanted no disturbance In his honor. and finally `the trouble was avoided by use payment to Bethune of mother OIU. Ho Ind ulod Bethune how much ho had .....I. nnl. of the rum. and Bethune Ind oxiluii enoua imiuuinns 01 its name and up penance. Beware of such. No addition to or variation from the simple name: nngunn 1-nu:-Ann In hflllllllr Fclcuer mung vent to ma Icuuulcu sporting mun`: capital In his honor.` nmnm A. Mnulro. barrister of Oz had asked Bethune now mncn no Inn made out of the net. uuwend "my piece will ho over won." I `Pk- nun. nrnmlnllnll did IIOI brill` OH` III answered "my piece wul no over ywuu. The can exunlnnuon did not bring any other in _ gent develonnent except perhnpe Felcher ' vfni vent to the sentiment that "I -no-lino n\Al|'I llim II sporting mun cnpuu II nu nonor. George A. Mnxuiro. Ogdensburg. N.\'.. was the next. witness. lie knew Bethune and lclhy. and had Ioen them both in Uudensburg on Thursday ol int week. The latter was going under the name 0! Good- win. no had I conversation with Bethune The Inner had Inid he could boot "The Ul- known my time. and did not any anything justifying his detest. He was quite well sour ed wilhihe result 0! the Inca. McKay had I150 mid to him that it was abix race. big money and little trouble winning Ii. They had turned the Monlroal party over." had got quite: "divvy"nnd had expected work. llnauin understood from wlmt McKay aid tho! Elliott won the principal loner`. -rm. .......ni.-ma Marni:-e's evidence. and after principal loser. This completed Manure`: evidence. cross examination the court adjourned until to-mormw. l Iuelnll levlu-I-I In Session. Prrrsnvm. Nov. ll.-Tho joint committee of the National League and American Autocla- tlon on the revision ol baseball rules mot here today. The meetlnglnaectet. but it is prob- nble tho! the rule allowing at base hit (or I Ian! on balls will be nbolkhod and that the rule re- lntlng to "hunting" will be further amended. A resolution was udopted thnt n mgiorlty of each delocntjon from the lnngue and associa- tion shall be necessary to adopt nu: amend- ment changing the plnylng rules. nnd thnt the unnnlmous nomnmendntlon of the joint oom- nnlttee will accompany the report of such changes to the two respective associations. The afternoon session Iutod until late this evening. After adjournment the committee Announced that they had ureed upon the fol- lowing ohnngnu in the rules: ' Rulea. no.8. relenhgtouconenrdn. hubeen Inendedlothntulycolunphted chnngee ln teunl nfterthepnhllenuonolthe Icon eudnmu be en! _ ..___n.. 5.. LI: nun-an-I menace no can any wu--v-wu c After the pnhllcnuou of the card mime to tho umun 10-` NI Iwrovnl. mm A':_mlAl.Inl to buamen. M! be` All -pnrovu. Rule 4T.relAun heen chenced II fallout: It on the IMHI Atrlke the hell hlu the poreon or clothing of the Mann he AhAIl be dcciered out. Also Alter two Atrtkee hue been celled It the hub IIIAnAuumutoInAke Atonl hit Aeehen hedeclued om. - Rnlelheeieel chnced fromtotremkee And In wuzommuumueerewn. Themle Allowing A BAAA-hk on are belle ha been Ahollehed. bunt use Intention ot President Day the ` hello will Aull be conudeted A (Actor In cu-Aed runs. A lane on hello Ahell be counted Ania. the pitcher In the error column. . Rule 5). Sec. 4. hubeen Amended. Allowing A runner to take A use If the hm hm the umpire. If A bell Attack by the beumul hm A hue runner After An Attempt ha been nude to eld. the runner AIIAII not be deemed out. I! A hue runner knock: down or man Ann. I nnltlnr ho lhlll DI declued OIII. . V A surprising Pnpoulllou. Losmx. Nov. M.-Much surprise has been nocuioued hem by I cable from The Pall Mall Queue`: upocill Nmmis-iouer, stating elm ` the New York Chamber of Oummeru: is coli- udoring u pronoml from Edward Atkinoon ol Dalton, that Ilse Sum pmclmao Non Sootil. NOW Brunswick and Prince Edward Illllld, on the basiaof their pmpt-rtion of the Can- dian national debt, or oao.ooo.ooo, n 3 lettin- Inn! `ol the Fulltheu qnutiou. It in hun- 'ddutedlnnn `gprohnblotist thopn Oasis A lldhou vllluoqt f,_cIu_ol V _..- .4. - .._.___._.. E `I`hnon'v<-nu.l yellor favor us! one den`: at Tunpu. I-`la. . * V mm o elder he lhlll clued A resolution was adopted providing for the oppointmeot 0; I roprooonuuro "from each Imocfation to prepare an omclol roporl. of the changes to send to their rospoc-u\'o organ-' lnuona. agtoozaxns. uquons. COMMERCIAL umom A Powerful Statement I! one runner Knocn shall A -g-nlnllnn Ell Illlcd DN)Vl< Iona Ollluv Illgl IQIIIIOI PIN -- IIIIIOI ! In In I (Inc! IIII. ` Kano ha signal with Tomato. `l`oc-onto`: pennant polo will In longer than 1 Iwaw; ` I ' (.`hub"Cn||iua till he captain lot the 3 '``` '.`'``` _...- I. ....h... In ihn 5'-nnnhnn ln inln I I IIIIGD ill! ul -`nu ruuuuuv us: run. lhu I-ui:..5'pm.. = I-Tluullo II in r. Thoma. n will Iunpln g . in the American unm-inliuu mu year. Au-an-Iy the Tomato pgpen an clainiug the lumntioul aunt lot I888. The Bnnklyn c at to negotiating [or the putvhnnol Humbug of the St. Imus Browns. The New York club muuggvlmnt will have tmub!o in plsying In toner (In in Jenny City. 1'1... nhl Fhimm nilcher. Lnrrv (`o!vnrIn. ` A do without Higgilll. I The reason why the International club! I luv: not signed mote player: in that they 1 are not over supplied with sdvucc mono`. To-l Sullivan 1... the rt-funlnfthe Wu . ' iugt m muugomcut, and will Accept It ` 1 should his plan to cntabliuh an lntcrmtional I ` rague club in Troy. .\'.\'., full through. . ' In-fnelng to Requests of the Pen-8|-stlet l'nrtv-Anny Arrnngenente. \'Ir.\s,A, Sm-. l.'i.--Tl\e car he: refused tn comply with energetic requests of the l'nn Slnvist party to essist Abyssynie sgninst ltely and England. It is reported st St. Petersburg that s ukses is shout to be issued reserving rommieeions in the artillery nnd engineet bunches of the ser~ vim: solely to cncletl belonging to the nobil ity. This is en extension oi the policy of (`cunt folstoi who refused to confer posts in the civil service on repmsentetives of un- titleul. J... (`shears Fisheries (`ens-lesion. U`l'l'A\\`A, (tut. Nov. l5.- SirChsr|es Tup- r left for Wsshington to-dey. The Cene~ ien contingent is : lion. J. S. D. Thom minister ul justice, consulting counsel \ `sl- lsce Grshaun, Q. C.. sesistent counsel : Major-(`-enernl Cerneron, C. M. 0., oieiel secretary: t`. t`. Chipmsn, end Douglss Steven, private secretaries; end George Johnson. es sctusry. Hon. Mr. l-`ester, minister of marine. will prohebly patent the historical side oi the cue lster on. Jenny uly. Th old Fhiuugo pilchcr, hurry idun 5 `cam for the mnnngemem of the : N-vnr club. . Funluman. Tomnln, Inn oignecl I`. J. Hut ' um. Lowell. and A. W. Atkinson. one 0! I the Athluiic club pilchets. 1... u.....n.., nnnrlinn ulitor ortho t. ! tho Athletic club purueru. Joe Murphy. Iportin editor ofthe \'t. } Louil Globe-lkuoorml. uocomasprolcukub I ll nut at with the St. Innis hmvmu. ` Sun ittlo says "The l.`nhsown" who nu : Bethune at Ottun in Anderson. a hull plnv- I or with Wellington. Kan, team last aouon. I Kelly will have to do his than ol the catching lor the Boston club next season as they consider him too niuahlo 3 muttoplay in the hold. n..u'.t.. .-.t e.......... I AlIl Ilsa I-no I) in the hold. Buffalo pad Syracuse run the league to I allow ouch club to have one cnlonod plnvcr. 3 Iiunlo want: (trout and Syrucuu: cumot ` without lliggiuu. 1'1...-...m. now than lntoruliouul Tho llotul Arrlvuu. Arrival: M the Britinh American Hotel- N. D. McArthnr. J. B. Blatnon. J. Hender- son. L. Camp, J. I". Bri gl. M. H. Callng- hm. R. J. Rirkinshnw. omuto : I-I. Muller. (`hicsgn : '1`. Brown. S. P. Bnclunan. J. G. Logan, 6. Ramadan. H. K. Lee, W. Bur- clay, C. Millr. Montrul ;W. J. (`recen- Cobourg; Mn. ll. D. Calvin. 8. Calvin. city : D. S. Robertson. Brockwillc : D. Gill- more. Boston :J. L Mshoney. Quebec ; A. Rnnu-tor, Tichbnrne ;T. E. Leather, H unil ton : D. Sturner. New York. (.`n1v.u:u, Nov. l5.-Detecti\`e Junu' Bondelal pronounces Howell Trngden, the man that persisted in cnn-yin the sun and ' stripes in front of the auarc int funenl. I ' worthless lying loafer. who itehec for , uotriety. Bonclticld says Trogden In: at one time used by the police on I pigoon to Lsnociate with thieves and betray them. CO0K S FRIEND To Enter the Cahinot. l Umutu. Nov. l~l.-|t in understood that when the reorgnnizntion of the do rtmenls under the act. of Int session tn es pllcc ' J.J. Curran. .\l.l'., will enter the ministry. ' His political promotion has been Rlllltlpltftl for some time. I lhR.\u.\uu.\.\|, Nov. I3.-1ne uoenu uuu opened a decade ago by John Bright, ha issuqd a circular to members notifying them of I decit of 926.0% in its nancegnnd pro~ pacing to levy an nasnsnnent of 10 each upon the member: to enter it. The pI'0l~ peroun condition of the cluhautfc-red through rim liberal Inlit. rout Conn ll luu the liberal split. For 'l`lIaul-nglvlnz In-nu. I A nice turkey with cranberry uuse. \'ir- g giniu sweet potatoes. turnips uul cabbage. with a glass of sweet cider, to be had at J amen (.`rawford`a. 5 I Sweet cid::,V table Apia, Mslnga gnfaa, sweet oranges. --Junu Crawford. ` stronx Baker! Flour n specuuu. I u \ `WINDSOR HOTEL BLOCK. PRINCESS ST. i?frE~sroIv scHooL or Mr" ._.-.. ... . barn ...._ ...... In or... I-nnmn In! the """'"` " "-1 Umnus. - Color Clans. tench morn! Item ID loll) Wont: Iussumnt Irhorohrrnoro sunken unn wank. Be cnrh lawn, Aornoon_I)q-Vagina | uno weak. lesson. Aomoon Drawing (`Inn ll ndmnu \Vudnosdu'I Elul Rim `ll)|`\Ior ` ...._.. .....|..-. \ ndnendavs m l l- And don't you lbrgot to hsvo JAB CRAWFORD and up come 10:: Mixed 'l`oosndooIno8wouPohtoon In .. ` I!) (thus. ondauts. \ cdnesdan mil- 'a':!J Imyunz. 9 put urn. A.l.l`ou pun -(.`nuu.u I2. \Vnnzculu.I. Amhunl-llnsa Jxxzux (2. Sluv. JUDIAID. 1.` uqzua....--., llondquau-ton tor Slower and Timothy Seed E Seed Grain. Choice ii: Hour Pram.-d u)` Baton` Flour Spouxnlu. m|n||Il\!\I\lI IIl\'l`l'I DI mw DDIIIPEQQ I|II!u.)Iuu Uvllvvn. V. ..... THE CLASSES are open in the rooms of the )`lechu:Iea' lnumuto. corner `oi Princess And Montreal Slmcls . --~--'rhnus. I-.1..- nv--. I-m-I. mnrnlmlnln In l {w 5 -._t_osEPH FRANKEE, - H ._- _.. 1.... :u......- uni Tlmnlhv Sand LI VKRPOOL `ARK ET. uvnlu-ooL. Nov. u.-n:ao gm. ` min Wheut-& `id to as Q. 1 __?__ llul Vintcr-4`: 711 to 8 Ed. .\'o.l(`ul.--tia8dlo&9d. ' Corn-43 lod. ` l Pac-59 51d. Pot-k-68a N. ln.n'l- 011. v Bacon. 8.0.-am: L.(`.. boa. an. I E I N. Whont-Strong ; humor lea ; checking: 0"` hum I on - roux or can bualneos ' holders obt spa ly. 0orn-trong; good dqnnd. , -'I-'ro[den i:xposrd.- H Juno: ).....l6:..|.| un-nnnunlvtn Ham-.1lTroszden. A Liberal (III! uunru. Nov. l;').-The liberal club --_-.I .. .I.......|.. .m h\' John Brinht. I CZAR WILL HAVE Hl WAY. ioaruna Imrsuuocuct. 2 BTOVBB AND HARDWARE. .. .:u..- rum v- l THE GRAND UNIVERSAL I an-.. 1.. - 12...: ll-Q I Who dun lhu heat by tbs people Is he who will (In the heat lrndu uh them. and in this belief I have spared no t'nd'l\ ur lu II|l`l`l jAMusRE1u 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 'l`hauk-sglvlnx Dinner. ,, 5-; ____,I..._... -_n I)UOATIONAL lngtoanfnucbcocnjoln Intln nhh; Lllberul CIIUI Dorll. ~ v... u.-. -n.- m... ______f____. `nu Ilotol AI-rlvun. - . .- n,,-.:_L n_-_:... Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. I _ --n emu um. lIoIul"lur mu-no dodll Wlonnllncunndotu-puclly or eouu-touts. In bonus; capacity nrpnnu that 0! any other Btovo of the pnuent day. l~:\-cry Sun I Dmr blo llonu-r. For nlo only In THE NEW STUVI-I Dl~Zl UT. l Owing to the rush of businou on Account 0! the large number of .~`m\-on and Inna which hlo to exhibit we are sollirx. we um] il impoui at the (`em Fair. but we shall be Elunull to Ihow lo vlnlton Ibo hmre arm of G `INIYS. RA.\'G|I`.S and STUVKSAI our uuoons. .\`U | ID PRl.\`CE8H S`l'RI`.l9'.T. .\l0Sl encon mt nun-com. Jnnh Bllllmrll has -Md. "'l`uau: no win."nnd I huyo made up my mind to - ..__ A -1 Ll_L mnnmzs non unuimn B16.-`\?'L8{vIRTuE, 335 am! #137 King Street. `H A IR M !\G'f?_' = Will be found lnrnlunhloforlho lnlnnd only 1 It cleanses the amlpolnll Dnnnlrul. lnvkoutca ~ the growth at lhehhaglr. n"nd In 1v-hcrotheunrel 1- is lest suns noon 0 ` ll will uodneegood cropaot Illl`. lt restores y lnlrtolu original color. and law excel- ! t lreulm. _ _ _ _ _ sh drank! . ' D0 NU!` ELAY. it your um i: in A weak ubomt at once. - I . (`hown and all condition Potash J J. G. kjing. A. I drugulnn. Ask turn. ------- _ . -.____; _;_ A UP/?/GH T PIA /V08. ETHE G. M. wesea rncronv llnvin nrchasod the smelt and material of G. \\ . \ e -r R (`o.. the nbnvo Paolo In Band In otrur M \`l~:lt\` Luw PRl(` 3 R ASH lb! = PRIGHTPIANOS I i ! A. Do - solo Innuncr. TORON ). CANADA. A. Donnwend htho landing Inanufaiclurer of Hair Goods In Canada. So .6; mom-ed with hrqlxrttolnjho um. ot (1. II. Weber. who hogan: Oupentlltb ' lag the workmanship. ztonm-ms FOR Iu:t>.\m'sud RIl\'0\'.\- 'uo.\' promptly and ukllmlly lled". A A.DO n`N`l`0R0N rh). NICEFOR"CA `E. lamp:-e to tlndmloolntho It In | county. (ell commission. nmmntl! undo. _ __ _ -...._v-mu Agen , nucleus: 1 torn Ilumtnctuun` Ll!ond_ Aooi Com ' lnnynlco Cain!!! |lLJL`.ua.a-av -- ---------~ Insurance Agency, mbaihnmok. - - ~ arocxssnu. Fllrd--L`Iu' County Ana? Ihohn "1? lL-Gom-nl A tmannmuai to Pro- cnu ltrll nun! uh Imu- nnco Co. halal. Nay ll. IMPOSSIBLE. ; omr AUCTION ROOMS ' Princess Street. ' ALFWIED RS MARTIN ___._-. -- A ..-..-.. J MEDICAL Eh. gOREVN.WEND S ['0' M `O "I In! (I lX_)_ _ K Princess St. Corner of Goulon Strut WM. W. GAUTT S, 223 PRINCESS srnmm. ET. ZM HORSEY & co`. II.\NIn~cuL mun Iwumm. YOUR OWN TOWN. Itontlend also In the city and . mm mcomnulslon. Return Solo Ilnnuharr. PANADA. Crocxery, China, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Plated Ware, I`|.-LI4..-o n FRESH 03005/2'/3 DOLLARS AND CENTS Their approbation In the solar! Inn ` thoneve-ml linen. whu-lhvr >. , 3 - : Men. My sun In to try and plume. . lave Incl. with _THE `-1 Queen Street Rut. Toronto. . _`*\\'. 1, WILSON. Solo Agent. Kingston EN mm -_- Why do you poison your blood and injure your stomach; by thd use of strong drugs, which seldom cum snd always do more or leap harm. You can be cuml without I possibility of Injury by the min 0 A. NOB- MAN'S Electra-Cnrntivo Belts. Insoles uul Tnnnc. Write for` Cixyilnn giving` full. particulars.` Couultntign Free and pl-ink. -. . on ,,,_.A Ebertson Brothers, -1 `"" "6.ItTe}."..T " 7" 778 Prmcess St. Kingston cook's?/37573 7"ENu/NE LOW PRICES Pure Gold Baa. Vanilla. Pure Gold Baa. Lemon. Pure Gotd Eu. Batons. Pure Gold lies Wmberzxten. Pure Gold Baa. Pam Apple. Pure Gold ms. strawberry. Pure Gold 1333. Raspberry. And Pure Gold Spices of all kinds at Away until I knock the bottom out at high wives and bring urocoria down to hard aim to keep an uhr nupply of Du`! durln and Table: Dr Imwlon fur city L-uni on. an I21! evurylxxlyb able man` be supplied within I Q M." -.7 W V V W V ' - on. 1'. A_. swam. Bunch twin.` 3*: Strut. fans. Trulo Muk on every package Pom 0! view by A. amuwx. lu'.l.. -"Pm I'm on receipt of 10 mm. Importer: snd Wholesale Du-nleru in Pnoum-I In tho damn In Inc: I BIKPLI. BUSY} J .3 T- JAMES REDDEN, '71-'i1nT_<:m.'-mn1.1~T::'D' CHINA TEA STOIUS. I;sTP.u1- -_|u-o;,' * nournmn. 4__._j::., ._ -... .....,. BAK1I{G__._P_`YDER `Tllll l`I(lN(`ES. S1`. I-1.ll `|~\ 11:`!- und Ihun far nf fulll. `I 1 .n ~x-u-1:~?- 156, l'l0(`l!. llu\ko!llonlroaI.. Onurinlinnk . . . . . .. Bankduhsu 0 lolaom Ban Bum ol Toronto. . Ihnoua Jtwullcl CA Montreal ph Rich. 8:. Onurlollfnvigluon Co. . Onlu-lo Investment . . . . . . . . N. W. [and Co.... St. Paul )l.& 11.... lloohnlaun Cotton. HE/VDl?Y& 7//0MP80N 8. I Prom pa-sand umonuon given to omen n- ` col? bfwireor lull. (`orn'spomlenoe|ulic`n- N L IN! lnlonnauon about the market: in our Hook. which will 50 ta-wudodtru on Ipplicn 1 I inn. _ ` . V\'nca|-llncnlnjnn; vnuw n... .. Illlo Si Cot-n-aIo:udy ; .\'o. 1 western 56!. Bnrle;-quleI.;.\'o.l Canada held 8): Extra ( nnndu IN. Rvo-held M in bond. _._.._. (`hoiccu Grade: of Pastry And I-`unily I-`Ion: always on h..:nd : Grnhun I-`lour Rolled Oats Rolled Wheat. (`racked Wheat. Germ Wheat. Onunenl nd Common! ;SoodI in season. W. J. McNIII..L. ~ _ BROOK BTRIIFI U"'INC III! III OI'uULruL. .`l"l'|V'I l`LL`("l'UATl0.\'S In the Murh-I. om r o ponunlliu to um-ulnton to make annoy Gnln. slot-kt. Bonds and Pelmleum. orders mlv bywireor (`orn(spondo_nce|pliciI~ nonl. Wlllcll wul Uuun v--unvu Iavu -_ ..,,_-__ H . on H. D. KYLE. Bunker And Bvokor. 88 Broad sad 9! New am. New York City I TORONTO FLOUR STORE \\ ` nine. "`T_-`lihestt . . W$ . . #1 No. I. `nut-u. Don. M V I. on Wain-hy. uoo.u1h. [ ll 1:I|. . 1 .._._.._...__.....- . lawsuit lama. Ro.`El1holnu1:tlu- land don Inc . l I on. In-ls nun ` 1 l """-*1 I nouns-3-u. I J l . 7-- g... npsnngnnvu - .1 IS A PURE FRUIT ACID POWDER ,_ __..L-_ -|.... |:..... ..n_ -.n-nnnln 3 Q to 8.35: mpetI\M{l.l| M 3.3: lung oolu-I I O (.50 ; line. 3.10 In 8.10: Imddllngn. 2.!!! lo I. 1.50 to 2.0) :Umnrio Hugh Lino ID.` 1 blunt. l.: to 4.2!) [or |l_m 1-rs. Lou - Nd Ivuuur P610 3.; it its 5 to Cbouo-Oi In In. ` Butler-(`nunery II to :3: Townahir I? I0 11;! 16:0!) zwenternlllo hlaw J! '- .E'- _LJ\J.I.a.n.n, Donahue`: Wu-choryno. - Kingston. out. .\ o. 1 Barley 75 cents to 8) cents; .\'o. 2 Barley 65 cents to 70 cents. Welll tun KL. 0 P- B. nun`! p.l\.|lul an wolcto. , Young Ion : Ctnuinn Annotation. run Run ll I)Punoo-nu-cu. u w.o.&|lytrouIs.I. ....::;-'.E'-.":-.-.- .-r.:'..:: = V._.. 4....____ .__ TIICIIIEKII IIIIIT. l).1nI.:4unua. .\'.\'.. Nov. M.~'l'vo hu- Ind ad Mty worn nolcl at l||u. TN: II the In! Ilurhl for the oeuon. At Canton lk bout chase nonul with in holes. Faciotyluen an holding for llgc. which bu on roluu to y. sinus. (Dun, .'u\`. H. Twenty-nil Im- - v-- -774---_._I |' IlIlI...s-on nl Anmnl and bu nluu . u\-. he Corks vegiouml 17.000 I-oxen ol August and Septoulnr lush. .\'o ulu mulc. LIV IZBPOOI. (`0,`l'l`0.V NARI IT. |.lVll(l'00l.. Nov. 11. ~l`oucn. dull: Iplndu. 52 ulrlmm. 5 INS. -ONTIIAL l"lluul.I.- nu-...-... N M0.\`TIllAI.. Nov. is ur - an-iplr. Cm bhln: nun nporlod Ilntkot .quh.-I M Incbnnuud lulu. Quouuonn.- lmenu. 1.20 to 1.1): nporlor exln. M!) to I I0 : extra uuprrano, IM Io l: utrn 3,010 :1 mpofflno. 1!) to no: iron` on Ln In 4..1n:nm~. middljngs, 1!!) a J Cnuuul In-anally Oouponyu ; lluuuo Mun New Yorker Bun . Au- lhnthod Axum. I`. A. Poke: any . too! of Ihud ll. Klnlon. __., ZPZPO_I[_TIO]>TI ID A l'Ul\l`b ruunn xx-,.;a It contains neither alum. lime. nor nmmonin and may be used by the most delicate cmsum Lion: with perfect safely. he I succoee nu-iai fmm iun beln inst rinniml 3' THE BIIJS1` VAL I! IN THE A ARK!-}1`.ne WNIHS thor o hly edepwd to tho want; of l he kitchen. has ex ted envious of its and nmnnoo. Wabash. .. . . . North Western THICK! Genu-Al Pacino Mlnouri Pncllic N. Y.Cenlnl..... Western Union . . . . . . . . .. Canada Soulhorn ...... .. 0:-econ Trans .......... .. (`anadnhwulo ......... .. iart,h`\V`a`u'i.I I%t ...... .. * on Pombmk .. \V=Prot..... NOW--THE TIME TO SPECULATE. ..-nvr I~|.|'|~'rlYA'rl()\'S In Market OSIVEGU llnnnu. (law N.Y.. Nov. I5. Wheat--unchu:ed: wt: to sum 87 ; red nnlnlix '=`. ;`.`.`J.".: uowost . . Iluonlo looting-. _ Mlldul. In &. on South). lloc. ms. at 7' I 1. Hard Facts of the Ca ' cu_.\1m;Iw1AL MA 1'rr;m,_ .~_.. ._ ...... ._.._ , ._....._. GRAIN AND PROVISION IAIIIET. (Donn & \\'riht Co.) Cmcmo. 111.. Nov. 15-23) p.m Dnc J Ax Fun A on . 9`. IONTIIRAI. l ll0Dl:CI IAIIIITI. \In\`TIllAl._ Km. I5 _:_j__ HDNTKIAI. UTIICI HLIIIILT. Ilnuonhnl \'nv.l.5--ln.l .___..__._:_._____._.__. AIEBICAN STOCK IAIIIET. .u..._ L u.r-a.In (`AI .1)wosl. Closilut . l'\...-ulna I8 Bl. lowest cumin: . ()S' EGO HAIIKET. r.._..... \YV R 0-. =9-1ry=AN~ socmims. -. Iouolllhldo 1-....- v. Q .005. IIJAR Blown -un-u-. Donn & Wrilht co.) Nut YORK. Nov. l5-2:mp.m. mo`: I.ow"r cI.o'n uu. nucn -511---. Iloxnnux. .\'ov. |5-lp.ml nun) orr`u H II 1317