caoxcn FAMILY a'nAxn:nst FLOUR sun anAm.1=;mssnn BAY. cm- vnn mp 'm(o'rnr sun Our stock of Men's Fine 0 . and Oorduvan Boots is very complete. an * ,,,:11 n_ .1 : '..'l_-_J.-...-.\.ua in Run DAnAV-MM lrnb. which. he regretted to say. had been sworn to.-Scc l`imos." July 13. 1864. Sold in bottles at is. 1911.. 2s.9d.. is. 611.. and Ila. enh`. None is genuine without the words "DR J. COLLIS Bnowmzfa (3nLoRom'.~u:" on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming qiodicnl teen mony accompanies each bottle. CA L"i`I0.\'-Bownre nf Pirnpy nn(_l_ I/[nimtiorlx -Daren he the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. UIILORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs. Consumption. Bronchitis and Anti" mn.CHLORODY.\'E acts like a charm in Dlarrhmi. and is the only specific in Cholera and D7 ` `n! ,r '. at 5 L'0R0l)Y.\'E c e(-tunlly cuts short all attacks of Epilcpey, Hysteria. Palpitation and spasms. `I (`.llI_.(i)ltgl)\'.\'l~2 is the only palliative in Nctiriilgia. Rheumatism. Gout. Cancer. Toothache . enngit s, 'c. _ ~ From S *mnes & (`o.. Pharnmceutiml Cheniists. Medical hail. nimln. Jan. 5. 18!). To .7. T. 3 port, Esq.. 33 tirt-at Russell Street. lilooinsbur . London. Dear _\`ir.~We embmco this op- iortunity of coiigrutulntiiig you upon the wide-sp. reputation this ,)ustly esteemed medicine. r. J. Collis Browne s t`hlorodyne._h_n.s ciimed for itself. not onl in Hindoetan but all over the East. As a remedy of general utility we must guestion who or a better is imported into t.he country. and we shall be glad to hear of its findin ii lace in every Anglo~lndian home. The l(*( tot e native bazaars. and judging from their other brands. we are happyto say. are new role sale. we fnnr.-y Iilll ltheir sojourn there will be ut e\'niu-scent. \Ve could multiply instances ad intinit uni" of the extraordinary etflcuvy of Dr. (`ollis lirowne s Chlorodyne in Diarrhea and Dys- entery, Sposms. Cramps. Nouralgin, the Vomiting of Pregmiucy. and as a nerd sedative. that have occurred under our personal observmion during many years. In olerlaax Diarrhma. and even in the more terrible orms of (`holorn itself. we have witnessed its surpr nqly controlling power. We huge never_used any other form of this medicine than Collis Brownes, from A rnl conviction that it is decidedly the best, and also from ll sense ofduty we owe to the profeeslonand the public. as we are of the opinion that the sulatitution of of any other than Collis Browne`: is a DELIIIICRATE BREACH or FAITH ON 'rui-: PART OF `rim Clll?!.\flST. 'ro Puasckinsa AND PATIENT AIJKII. We are. Sir. faithfully yours. S mes & C0,, Members of the Pharmacy Society of Great. Britain. co ills Exoellenc ' the roy`s C emists. . CA UTlO.\ --Vi(_'e~Chancellor Sir _Pii_ge Wood stated that` Dr: J.`C_t_)_t7.Lris 7BRAQ!NjEAY:':I.B~tlI`l(i'9Vllri7)f- the Vice:-oy's Chemists. UTl0.\--Vlce Chancellor Sir Page Wood stated that Dr. J. CoLLxa Bnowxltwcua undoubt- edly the inventor of Clxnokonvmlr that the story of the d0fo_ndnnt. Freeman was deliberately un~ true. l`|mos." July 13. 1864. sold In bottles Hd.. 2s.9tl.. word; bot tle. ["l`Y0.\`-Bowm-e Piracy and Imitation. }.Solo Mnnuf.-mlurcr. T. J. DAVENl 0R'l`. 33 Grant l{mL~;ell Street. Bloomsbury. London "In " Cookery Books post tree on application. T "'";"' I "1'; "_"""`6"` ' Ask for the COMPANY'S Extract, and see ..a`L.`. 2..x . ' "' "` " "" , , -.-.__.. w.-._.__-_ n|.__-4..-'_.. sole ants 1-vrcnndn and tho Cnod Dr. J. 00//is Browne '3 0/2/orodyne. ADVICE T0 INVALIDS-If you wish to obtain relief from in and anguish to calm and nssunczt e weary ochlu of protracted dilooie. in- vigorating 33 nervous media. and time the c nlating systems 0 the bod . you will ride wmrsolf with that marvellous rem discovered by Dr. J. (`oilis Browne Ema Arm) odlcol gaff) to which he gave the name of (` L()R0l')YNE. and which is admitted y the profession to wonderful and valuable remedy discovered. mlu)R()l)\'NE the remedy Coughs. Consumption. ?`ulet.' refreshing sleep. free from headache LIEBIG :CQ`waPANY S an The ndvnntu en we offer new numerous. the power so mysterious and wonderful. that NO WOND .R it has crested such a wonderful impression on the mind: of the Public This is no Humbug or Paddling Affair, and WE \\'AN'l` ONLY THOSE who are Ambitious in life, those who are smart, energetic and industrious. as they Alone are lure of Iucceu. A small vupiul, I short time to prepare, and aatiafawhory reference! are only required. Bf.-kddreu. by return mail. THE TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, I1..- Vanna; Au luafnv Hf: "I"nI-nnflu rlnnnn AT THE BAZAAR. To weparo for the HIGH and WELL PAYING .\`l'l'UATl()N.\` olfereal by the Direc- turs of this College. We trust our rnlcrs are thnse for whom wealth has A charm, thou who dsire to EARN .\l()NEY, and who are not ufraid to work for it. In that case vro will offer them a chance to Coin Money More Rapidly, More Easily, and as Honorab/y as at Any Other Occupation. Baldwin's Bee Hive Fingering Yarn in all shades. Scotch Yarn from 50 per skein. Canadian Yarns in all shades. ~- Saxony, Shetland; Eider and Soft Knitting Wools. { Wool Tam O Shanters, Hoods, Caps, Mhs. \ Gaiters, Bootees and Mitts in Great Variety. Having secured_ the stock at 60c on the Dollar you should call and secure a Bargain In a Fall Suit and Overcoat. Remember the Place. 79 BROCK STREET. WANTED, AT ONCE, 1,000 YOUNG MEN AND LADIES Has removed to --1`illinghast s Old Stand, 79 Brook St.-- It being larger and more commodious premises, work will be executed on shortest notice. The Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Raw Material to choose from. UNEQUALLED FOR LOW PRICES! WALSH & STEABY. !.'r0('n cry, usvconu -u . . ...--. K. Joxxs. 2!) Princess Street. has Alva `s an excellent moon: of ox roan waguons. one cry. glassware. baskets am fancy goods 10 choose rum. tikunstry oloo for sol-mum ln connoc~ ` linn, `I . _u_ p-.. 41... nnIlnAu\no Isusnnno n)` quota-uuq--- ..,. _---> ' Princess Street. next door to Powell : Phantom-t.p;:` Gaunt-v. R; SPENCER nan Iv: vu vvu-a an-I - .1 -.--.-V ....- ..V . that it bears Baron Lleblg's S-ignature , in Blue Ink across the Label. 9 J. | Full Line of CHILDREN 'S AND MISBE8 80 OOL BOOTS; We have also. without doubt. um l"tneot'0IL GOAT '1' FOR LLDII8 /in the my. - BRESEE an ROCKWELL, , 1,44- lL.L-:._-pk I!-Ilgbx r----.-7:._ V- ._77, 7 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. LOE` SEIOE STORE! -__. _-_..___. _'.---any QAAQIQ B- SPENCER- WALSH & STEAOY. :jr_HE LARDER. ` T T ` tfcuiasy. FARMS if 7ibEuEtis. .- ....- ...-u luv Ilnv-on 5"} lbs. 1-IAINES & ~LOGKETT. II` I \J Cor. Yonze & Shuter Bts.. Toronto, IJ\l\JI I`&\J\l \I\II-&&jI-, . ' sum wholeulo only 9. F church Luau. I ma chum , Sole {or Clllldl wholeulo only C. David a 00.. 9. F ahnnh . Iulud. rmzsi AND ' `E/APEST raw ruvouuua o.x run soups. MADE HES & snuoza m. u__ L-) 0 _II En.....I....-mum rnnnn, EXTRAQT MEAT/. %;sA`;,1*` AT. 0 Rgxzavtst * n I ma Q . Fluluuluy unu 11"-V . ......,,. J.(}. BASTOW, nmctlcal sanitnrinn. Plum.) in): gasuu steam mung. 349 King St. Tele uhona. No. (3. in): gxuuum av phone. R; ` '.IUN'U'UUUvO svrra Tnnnnn and mule to order. in latest fashions at Joux 3llANAIlAN'8. Market squnro. I-`on 1.A1':s1' AIIRICAN S'I'_n.:s. [unnnlood to In. to A. 0 Bmxx'u|.IIr rincau 3L.nbo\-e svdon nm. Acxxomnmxp by ovorybod mat the nuns! lino 0! soft drinks nnnnfnrtum in me oily can be found at limos Bans`. Market Squaw. They conlist of all armuxl waters. Prompt attention paid to pic-nic parties. td"l`elcphono ` .\'u. 165. _ "V i>3 diii.' Timon! aissirlnuent in lhu city. lloLnIn Bum. 04. II. and I-`. W.) dealers in choice cigars and lubaooou. Pool And billiard room- in connect Ion. ID [haul SL. near Princess Photographic-. J. W. Pownu. has A stock M Picture I-`ruuoa and Room Mo i couunlly on hnnd. which will be told as c p u it In pos- sible to handle It. being Im a duvet from the mnnnfnclumr. No ml dlo man to luvs In prom. loan `give Iowa: nneslhan over. Call and net pl-loos. _ _ ___`___ prot. 1 cm `KIVI: IOWJI rues nu-u nu.-.. U... get prions. H. llnxnlutsox. Photquapher. Enlarged Portmiu and Vlovn. Sntlnfncliun |murnn\ced. Ill. [04 sydon m. v I Glnnol-~Mo.-- mon Soda. Birch Beer and 1 Sodn- ho nost in tho oily. Davies } - Cream V Gold Medal A10 in plum and Inns. 1: Also a nun stock of (3 nice \vu'u:i Inga. Marlo! aqunn.-. W. 1`. llnn1'n.\'.donIor in fresh nah. oysters. fruit. cm. I! Brook Street. Cigars and Bmianls. \ ll. .\':vn.ANns. I :-lncesn`8u~eot. dealer In ` mgurs. lohsreuu. pivot. shing lnvklo nmdpockol bookl. neot uwruuenl In 1110 city. nm.nI:n WJ d_on>lg-_I_~g lI_| l'l'"llg I VIII, TI IIIIUII 1 I . an - n It. ll. T0\'I'.--Tl )'lhI9 Milk Rolls and all: g lluna mnnutnctumd nu lhv King SI:-out linker). ll. ll. 'l`o\'I. Mu-kol squnn-.. 1`u:Bnun'n-I-`Ina xmoories. nne and do- nu-sliu frulu. Joni. Hlacocli. Mnaonkc Bulld- ingrn. Market Squuu. u I` [Inn-n\\' ulunlr in ail. 0)'dIl.`l`I. I`\mu 1'm:u.-z Imus. I-`imam-inl Am-nu King Mrool. Mane) to Io-uh on road value and other uvcurillos..' .\I().`lIY 10 laux in large or anal! sum: :1 low rules of Interest. on (`My and I-`nrm Prupu-rly Lunns granted on (`y and (`minty Deb:-nluru. Apply to Tum: ns Ilnum.-A. Mun N . I-`mnu-nnc Lnnn And ln\`tum~nl Hoolely. rrIcx-0ppo site {he Post Uloc. J uno 1. $1- Feb. I. IlrII(`r'l'Iru IIIIVI 'IoUI'wvu w. J. IIALLIOAN a ML. 3 llrmk su-om. I-`sunny grocvrlu. Impnrtul wlncu. ltquon And 1* \'u-mu \\'uumnrax. udmmo-I lo ho tho PM-at place in me cil | n bIl][l'!l.l`l k'0,I`l\)(`kt`l')`. rhlnll. etc. Tuna. I Juusm Chlnl. BIC. IIIUH. ll JUII-`ll: Tlunxlv Bans. tun-o ramorhd to their new 1 pn-nxlnm. llmrk Rlrwt. .\lAr|u~l Sqnan-. when N they show [he lnnnu and nuns! ulnrk uf Im- ` purwd and llumoulu lJqn.uru.Tuu. (`lgum &c.. m tho city. Krnvcr. hnl ovary mnluy lur mnnuu-nu. And nu Irina uvrullury In all It: bl-one uuldun Dlunut Wnl_ch Sun. I) Prince. F nun. II. I . the mail having 0 Hrnrr. ____________.___ J U8 T THE THING F03 PIC`-NI08. IV "It-`III -V IIIIVI urn uws - ' F. W. BI-Axonnlvlm. msnufuotul-or and Im- portor of nu hvnlkry. 317 King emu. J. A. laIHIl`l'. wntrh mnkcmjowollor. I Ill-oi-k SL. hauler In watches. clock: sad dlunondn. mun: Hana. M King 81.. handgnnoru Wuchun. II In price from to CID; :-Illvurwnru Juwellory. A. M. Buoox. wnlchmnker. Jeweller and en- hu facility [or mnnufulurlnc lrlnujewullory branches. liuldvn uuot itch 3!. QIIII IQIX. . Ituml Blot. NU` NV In connection with St, lawvouoo Hotel on I anal. Hrut clan run will alvnyohoon on the nu-neat noun. :1... I . n...... In... It--Q: oz. IIIIIAIIIQ, I lhhoumt ti 1301100. Ild `unto! Run. II Rona hshxa. vohtclun and ` l'I'. ad lllllnl su- i`-.ucn.. 1 rule. _, n an ID...` Iui.`I'- CD31 N|1-ln I Iifvttt. llotn-r`I H'll`II.. cor. Susan and Duluth ms nu lhulbouon min Flu I and 1- pm. Goody um. A..`l.3i.I'|`Kl!.t Aunnn_An-nu-AI until. 31 IIIIVIIIIOIII IIIKII ,1 3% W`: n . -an-I -cu." f:"ppu"""3.':':3e'3`a" 'c'"""" ' 7z'"1-'71" '7" III at . . .3 an- uon And ucsnhoslnhk uuuu n.......v.. am`, an I-uh n. hnlnn for uon IIMI IIXIIWKI. W Z: jannunn Oran : NM 81. auburn: 90 Ion hm-no : y E 3 nuns tut lg) :::rlI.::JT|%`h '0 [nuts ; q uorl : I I And Mun IE l'|' '"`&"i'-I5-I'.":. :-..'7."-:-.~... __ so. uu. Mnohlboln llvua In the cu lI$I.I No.|1I. olhlunndr unno- eninotloo. u-....... 3.... u... n-.-'- In onnnnnlnn 1 ll IWUKT NWT`: W. lflYIuI Zlvl rwqwouvu IIL`IlI'!"r llm-um, Dam!-lo HI. neuron In! a non mu.'l'.IL an-Inna!-.smsou 1. it gun Liquoni Wlhlll. l1'0lIl`|Olol'. ..d u "d _ mg came one out 31:33 ulwnud. with Ital and Dublin. Nuuox smuu. l'ruwHf ._.. ll...-n ggaggn A ILA:-In nan. Iirlll. l NILHJN HWITIIII. I'|"- I'1""' 0|-urn llunl. nurse 0 0utuhu1_|H;i'I`I`~ ` '3'}. o:nu. I-owduc'.' n...._.`- I.I..-- -4.. (human Anal lhlnrha BIL . MA. .13 amomu mun nu-xu.I":-gm mu .1'oI-uh-_o No. 157. #170190`: and. Rzciunnu [- I||.A.VlIH0l'II- llaIMI IlIN|| '50" '33` regular Imus. W. lguvuu. Mu M Human n.--.u--- ll...---n llnnlnnln HI Iunu lll , Arc-atoll |l ah-rs, Etc. overyhod that the nes! ti.-an nt mn drinks the njly Plmubiug aml Gm: I-`itug. 111 n.....nuv non.-Hon] nnnilnrinn. Plum (`I-o'ker_o/, Glns.-mwlrc. Etc-. I.u..~.. mm I).-lnnneu Rlnnnt, has IHWRYS D- FRXNKLIN, } . n 1 lhlutrl` SOUAIII. (THE om nmwronv. FLOUR "STORE. APPLES! APPLES ! ! \v-..-\....... 4 I-`run. ('ou]`-r-Iluurry. W. u -r...... 'lI-..un... \ll|k Ilnlln And I "'IO.'hr.9 mu! Jo-or-cue-ru . --__.._...... ..__nln-.In-3 An ml ;I.lq_o;o}'.c. _ _. ._. .. .-.. n In-.. magm I` [Jury dabunbuwua. I DI-no I-link IIQI, Ihlll JAMES THOMPSON. $1 and & Kin: St` -;ools and Sh ocs. ~~- ~._A.. \l-_'.. mask 1: T:;'l_b_fa:u}; T _. __A -.-.I- In n Fa` ml to -5 1; I. Mun. CoI:fcEo|;e:a. - Q1532: -.-___-.. \\'intor ADDIGS. Ihldwins. Northern Spica. Russel ts. Groonings. &c.. very choice. Now is the limo to buy your win lergupply. * --A 1--\ -P% f\ (f 3..l.V .I.L..n..aa-...n.1 MARKKI Sovuu. at mu ploughing anu urnunmaxing. V Fall plou hing. --'l'he rain in October was general, am though the land wise too dry and hard for ploughin for `some time after`\'eat, it: condition 0 late has been so fav- ourable that, taking the province as a whole, this branch is `unusually well advanced. On lIen\'_y clay, where little rain had lellen, small progress has been made. but this ex- tends over a amall area. The aeaeon has remarluble for absence of injury by front. The. tender ahclota were unscathed in the sprin . and the lateat grain crops were her-' we weeks before the fill front: appeared. The ingury by insects in much lighter than in prev on; yearn. exce todamage to clover. The ableuce of the pII- ng lnvltee comment. I 1-j-----j--j.. Iuvitution Mn and fold}!-I in grout va- riety at Wmo oteo. . ` - \ \ scarce. ` . Marketing.-F.arly harvest, small crops, and more eneral use of steam threshin `machines vancecl operations._ B the en of October the bulk of the grain o the pro~ `Vince w,a.s thrashed and a considerable quan- tity marketed. Owing to low prices for wheat vnlythose pressed for money sold. but as large amount of barley has been dis- posed of since the rise in price. As the greater pfrt is of a good colour this crop is turning out` the most profitable this season. I-`ine weather kept many farmers in the elds at fall ploughing and drain-making. Pall nlmmhim1.--The meet me uemsnu. Labour.--Exoept during a few days in the eurly grain harvest the supply of labour was in most cues equal to the demand, sml fsrmers do not complain so much as in former years of high wages. The rest majority of correspondents predict 3 all, giving as the cause the poor crops snd low prices, and consequent inability of employers to pay even present rates. A rise is predicted by a few in localities contiguous to lumber woods affected by- lumbering operstio us. As usual domestic servants are everywhere -our-no I take_her place. Honey.--Thc yield was affected by the drouth, but latter part of October colonies were much stronger then expected. They ceased lay ing very early, owing to the absence oi nectar from fall owers. The bees have therefore been drawing upon their supplies since July. The large number of bees is due to Lhll cessation of activity there being no incentive to work, so that many that would have otherwise died from hard work and exposure still live. There will be a great falling away in spring, but this will likely be counter l)&lan(.(`1l by thequeen after so long a rest starting to lay her eggs earlier, thereby supplying young bees to take the place of the dying. It will be prudent to winter bees in the cellar or other protected re-p0sitnr_ies,ns they will hardly stand the ex- nre of an average winter. Make snre`of the amount of honey colonies have, as they have consumed an unusual amount. The vield per colony, spring count. is much be- low the average, being about 25 lbs. The yield for the province, however, will be about the same as last season or two, as there are more concerned than formerly. The market for Ontario honey is continually extending, and the supply will no more than meet the demand. I ..L..n- I'a`vn4.-no rlnninh - fnxr s`l|\I- in flux IVOXU 9Xpel|lI\'e ICC(lllIg. .lEl"5 Wlll, uuw- ever. he I fair nupply of stallfed be-of, but of inferior quality. Shetp {trod not no bully on the short puturen. and are ene- rnlly in good condition. Hogs uulferes lit- tle from the uufnvornblo Iouon. A larger quantity of pork thnn ununl bu Already round I market. With careful economy than will beuuicient winter fodder in most part: of the province, thank: to A fair and woll-saved hay crop And superior straw. Th. lhiu-v,_.'l`hg imlnntrv Inn been more UIO uuuvornme IIIWT plrt. uluyuug II In- creasing in fuorend extent in most parts. both in cheese fectoriea and croamerieo. There is the usual diversity of opinion an to the beat breeds of cattle for the dasiryman. The native cow" is declining in favor. thou hitia less certain which breeds will take_ er place. Ham-I.'.--Thn viehl was bv won-uvea lily crop Illll lupenor uruw. The l)niry.-'l`he induatr ha been uucceuful than expected. igh Drices rule nearly the whole season for butter and cheese and as Putnres were ood And milk abund- ant until Jul, went ar to compenute for I the unfnvora e latter part. Dairying is in- ornnnina in fnvnrnnd extent in most Darts. umy. Live h't.ock.--Tl1e poor puturea have hail the usual etfect denpite supplementary lee-l. ing to a much greater extent than usual. Swell. though thin, are thrifty. there being ecarcely my mention of dieeue. Of {Atten- ing on gun there ha been little or none, and further: hnve sold to drovern and other: uuch cattle u were uluble M. low prices to I\'0ltl expensive feeding. There will, how. over, In A fair nunnlv of null-fed beef. less. 82!) : slnnll mlnllllos. 650 r bundle. Pure Forlnlixer. (`IJm|)0S\!(l 0 blood. bone and mom. only $1!) per tun ; lino bone Inoal. ' nor (on :c-oarsc bone monl. 815 per ton. I. o. . Ha- mil ! on. F. ROWLIN B 00.. - IMMILIOII _ auto Injureu uy Inc uy. l"ruits.~l)espite the hot Iurnmer the salon was favorable. The apple worm was in many localities, K: the damage from in- sect post: has not n serious, anal there will he as large surplua of ap lee. rather small in size but u onnvekiunea and full- llavouroql. Many correspondents e|upha.siI.e the iucreaeing importnnce of the export tracle. Wind storms. following the drought. caused a premature fall of the crop in the eastern part oi the province. |'luIus report I a line cru , and schcu. {rears snul grapes more than lultillea favora Ila prediction. Cherriu have been a veneral failure. There is an increase of hlact knot in cherry and plum trees, especially in ol-lorchanls. Fruit trees are in surprisingly goocl condition. con- siilt-ring the trying season. although in the uutcrn parts young orchunls show signs of succumbing to the long drain upon their vi- tality. ljnu inn-L _..Thu nnnr nantnraa have hnil Inner Inucn Irom Ulla l)ug.lulI not II All lrmu rut. However, not only in the yield Ilnnll. but the tubers N15 Alan underniud. though mum] and I for table use. '1 urnips were alum injure lay the y. I-`-uh. ,AIh-ulna duo hot nunmnr the pug uu uponu on unruuung. iold Rook. -T|Io drouth Injured when and bulbs, and low of the roots will avenge more thun A half Kidd. Potatoes did not 0 suffer much from t bug.Aml not At all from my 1|u'u\'nr nun nnlv in the wish] nmnll. HEIDI urn Ill FIIJUUIIII] pun: vuvp. (`lover uod.-Allnooounu unit: In re rt- ing 5 com late failure. lnjurocl In p u by winter oovinv. and the dnouth told All over the vines. and ham: Sold: were the rule or the second crop which furnishes the nupply of soul. When the field: were and u puuue only in the moon. sad the not-om] growth 30% 5 bone: nun than" if Inbwn, 3 more fsvornble report in given. In many parts the Inidgo Quinta! in the uni- hiluion. I-`ow tioldn not spurt (or-nod will the uponu of lhruhing. "held Room. -The lniurenl I There le 1 (newts; llenoucl for Walt and Ilerrey.I he labor Inrhet II a latte- lnctery teudltlon - The (Hut: Well lnthetted-The lumen Get the full Pleeghlug Dene. Rye. The tree In smell. Ind thte crop in not (reel! in tevor. Owing to the drouth the yield I ehort ol the Avenue. New I-`ullwheet. --The Annexe In the pro- vince In uhout the tune me thet given It thle oer. The only hurvoet helped cultlvetiou. fur the drouth st the eating period I wider use would have been devoted. The appearance ol wheat on uuumor {allow in hwunhle. but on clay land 5 portion at the eeed perhhod from Inch 0! Inohtlre. There we: not much growth in October. end the hrelnl ll rnther short. but on the whole the cmp in fair. In the Luke Erie end Lake Huron ceuutlee the lleenlen y and the vim storm, the latter especially. have done hum. but eleevhere little injury In reported by in- Ill. For lnclhu corn. sorghum. hunt and buckwhut the lrouth proved toomurh. Hun: are an npocinlly poor crop. Hm-.2 sand. --Allmoounu unite unort- me common or me `chops ounmo me new vun. `lT.\'TBREST T0 F.\ In: ERS. THE BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. NOV. l.'._ lhnh pnrgntin uudlu no fut giving way to tho? nslo action` and nlld affect: of C \rger | Lit 0 Liver Pllll. 4 -11 you try them, they will certainly plan you. UU|VII|.IIv' In-nu-.. - - ..V__ V_ Prime small hog cmslnm. by Home. 5']! lbs. -. .~k~.. per lb : Rugs. lt!l_lbs. till : half kegs. 50 Iba., 81511) : amnll quanmw-. Ric per ll. l-English ahm-p musings. kegs, of 50 la` ve lmnd for bund e. Pure compqoul_o _ Inand K Stitch Tim; '\\'l1en`rIt'at'tucked with n cold in the i I `: I. dro pings from the nasal plunges 1 ,il:`xt:n` the ch`:-oat, pain in the head, ox; nu of M the symptom: or forerunner: of cttarr ,, I E0:-ent package of Nana! Balm will cure ` `you. \ r I..'. ._.. With Increneed Knowledge. Of the laws governing health and the treatment of diseases, resort to tho physic- ians is lees often made then formerly. Suc- cessful treatment can he made in such minor ailments es headache, biliousness, consti; potion, uttering at the heart when syrn - thetic, foul breath, &c.. all the various is- orders resulting from deranged action of the liver and stomach. by the use of Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 'l`hese pills being entirely composed of vegetable extracts they form an admirable substitute for the numerous tonic bitters in the market. Hamilton's pills are` mild in action. certain ` in resnlu, safe in all kinds of weather, and ` form the hut family medicine extent. Raid by` all deulers in medecine, and by n N. C . olson&Co., Kingston. have (fled nd utterly Iaueu, Uul. wuuu uuu: tlod rives it to us thus equi ped nothing should prevent our making it known to our fellow-men. that the kingdom of (lod may come and His cause be advanced. Having this knowledge our joy is evinced when we come up to the house of God. The hea- then has not this joy. The speaker then spoke of the small etlorts that are being put forth by the church of God in Canada and other countries to evangelize Africa. India, (`hina and other heathen lands. He pointed out by illustration and otherwise that the most of these countries are not onlv open, but actually asking for the gospel to be sent to the people. He also pointed out that some of the more ancient countries of Euro ` that a few years ago would not -r- mit the bible to be read within their bon ers permitted of it now. and in these very countries the church of Christ had raised its banners and was doing a lorious work. The s aker, continuing. sai , the Moravian clnurclieset an example to the world in the matter ofmissions. Although comparative- ly a small church they had accomplished more successful mission work than almost. any church in the world. They sent one out of every fty communcants as mission- aries to the heathen. In addition to prayer we must put forth ebrt. Men can t o if they are not sent. Chalmers churc is above the average in its givings for mis- sionar urpose. On an average the .mem- bers o t is church give two cents a-day each, and the preacher thought if they could only increase it to ve cents a da it would amount to $2,100 a year or enoug to sup- port two miszionaries, one at home and one abroad. And the speaker hoped that they could try and by systematic giving do what ` he had suggested. -T: l Mr. uofortli on Mlulonn on nnduy-Needs u! the Hour. Rev. Mr. Uoforth, after the pastor had opened the service in Chalmers` church on terdsy mornin , made I missionary address uqon the wor 1 found in Matthew \'l. 9 : " hy kingdom come." In his opening re- mnrks he Mid during the Franco-Uerlnen war it was said the (`nermen peo le gave the government eight million of do hire to help them carry on the cempeign successfully. These people did this to perpetuate en esrthly kingdom, and surely we, whose souls are lighted with wisdom from on high, ought to do as much to perpetuste smon our fellowmen a heavenly ingdom that wil last forever. God has given us his old to further his kin dom. If it be 3` good thing we pray for w men we any Thy kingdom come" surely we ought not only give our money but. ought. to give our lifeif need be, that our prayers may be answered and the object. of our hearts accomplished. We can't tind this tressuna of(iod of ourselves ;others have tried and utterly failed, but when once 11...! ..:\-... if in nu thnn mninned nothimz ll|(`|l' pnune lll e\'el'_VI)otIy 1! mu ..- Wocnnnot prevent the ill-w but we can get. the better uf i f_vin;z`the system that we can i i it is doing the worst to give 1 attach st all tunes, snu su resr ll : Mrs. Swift (wile of Dr. Lewis Hwilt. the lsxnous comet nder oi Rochester. N.\'..) was one of its recent victims : And how very common it is among ladies 8 She suered (rest sngulsh and {ear 9 Why does this scld remain in the system? The kidneys Inein diseased cannot remove the acids: in heult , hence the system is poisoned by its presence. and rheumatic psins, stitfjniuts, tendons sml muscles are the result. There is hut one scientic treat- ment, to regulste the kidneys hy \\'srner s ssfe cure. and to mt out the fire in the hlnod" by Wsrners sale rheumatic cure. These world reunwneul reins-dies, taken by bottles in nlterustion, us they should he, neutrslize the uric acid ulretuly in the blood, and prevent further accumulation. Mrs. Ilr. Swift used these remedies with ` great success, in alternation, and was com- pletely restored to health. '0 understand that the proprietors guur~ nntee them with the strongest sssursnces but this were scarcely necessary, for is not their praise in e\'er_vbody's mouth Y W. numm. nn-vent ill-wind hlms-ing, Kernel Ireeunem. Now, however, It le univereelly evince`!- eslged that rheumetlern In "e ery condition ol the blood ceoeeal by ,the presence 0! uric acid in the eyetem 3" Everybody dreede rheumetlem. It he very prevalent at (Me changing time of the year. It wee formerly eeldom known except Among thoee who W0! ted much out ul doore. Now it lnvulee the hut. the pel- ___ n.- mnnnlnn tho ennAtA lul doors. Now I! Invuuel mu mu. uwpu ace. the executive muulon. the noun vhunlnr sud tho throne room ; all sort: and \ condition: and rare: of men and women it ` Attach at :1! times, And nll fur It ! u.. 52.... 4..."- at Mr Davis Hu-ih, than voxuloul or dll`|Il'I. , Al at many tholagln it to be u trumhlo of the joints. but all outward Ippliuniom left the cum nnhonollud. TL-.. ....Ll-- lily. unin: In lhn nun:-Ion. it the Innononuu. Thou. uukln like pain: in the muu-In. it urn though! to no a muscular dhoue : but * the tune unntlnfu-uory re-lulu lollowod ex- ` urngl treatment. II._ |..........- M In univnunnnw u-inntl. U10 lllllu lU uu; ;vu. . REES BIROS-, \ 1'- .. I`-.. `....o:.m...-. u.-. ....rr-, \ would count mum polul ll 5 Iuyuwry : Doonho pain fully lit donuual. In tho blood. to In undo gcuveonl when the wind blows inn some nuluvpnh quarter 2 Lu: week A prominent mm M: town on a luminous Mp. Two lay: later he, whn hul slwuyn been apparently ntronu And well. III sent homo I 'cm1'IIO --"Rhcnmntlnn of the hour} 2" Rlmnnutiun in IiL.- llw Ilulinll in mnbulnh. 1 `II. II- I u Rlwuuutiun hp Iikv llw mnlmnh, 3 Iurotohlll you I! not killed by OH. It in Ioptthol and physician one o the umII_ ` Vanuatu 0! din-urn. la n... _....u .||.a it In ha 5 It-nnhln f IWIIIQIII` jllulll um [Iuuuu vuruu : `flwu. thuugh crude.-. I era uuullly um-rncl. ~ The body In unquutlonnbl an uuollout barometer. and phynlchm ton prolcriho a change of air no that the Iyuom may nd MI nodal: t otlc.-analmoa. .`\\'.un- lndiclti lhomulvu bv qruwu u!nuIIpIIOr|c.NnuIuUn- Wuor uluangul |Iul|c|to_ by palm cullul rluullnnluu. II! `W1 \VMNN'f Ihallcl cum much pain: II n myucry ? I... ah. uh. ronllv Ha dormant In the Win In It That (`null Wind: Many` nun unonuhcmc-rings mm mm: El my-nu par cant. I the signal mrvico not r pmllctiouu an Ivollrlk ! The: only Inclicllmu our lather: lnullor lonullln weather were whlnq litul-a,_ twinning golutl Anal puiulul corn: ! 'I`h...., llnnnull m'mIu.-. \- uuunllv wrru-I. S ERVICE IN CHALMERSV I8 MAN A BAROMITEIV Inlllll I-wiml hlmving. it hv so forti- I ignore it when : us a puin." JJ\I\.lU,v-an`. up `.-\....1-. Inspect` our stock. UULL1 p.I.uuc.- - Business Men will find ' advantageous tp buy Ready-Made Boots, as they can get_ a. ood Fitting Boot, a. Good Wearing Boot, d a. Cheaper B t in the and than Custom _L- ___.. ..L--`I_ / IFUUIH II 1010 on In. an W. Alums. mnfr. .\lon`s work a sgoclnlly. )-`.u-tory work on hum . Brook 81.. In-nr . In let.