ls. H. Gllmour. of '1`. Gilmour 8: Co. oleaale Grocers. Brockvtlle. says; I gave and "Tamu-no Elixir" for a severe old and Cough. which odlately re- itlmm noved Indc Buker, Lumber and Chaos: En-an Dealer No!-t.hAupu:-ts, Ont..,IayI: "Ia.m~ nrnclllxirn 3, w an-nu medicine tor Oouahn and colds. glaroatandb com- plaints.` It Iowtthout dpubt 0 mod!- dno 1 var uudt am nova; to give unmc&|b mm W com! Q1-Itshmn v- hold nnnntm 15.00. F. X. UDUSINEAU & G0. BLANKETS & GUMFDRTERS. F ttlru to`); ca; Clock: and Jewelry Bcpatrjd. `\ CLEARING OUT #O"R{{ COLD% WEATH ER. We have just received a Large Shipment of 250 lxtra Large Turkey Bod Uomturtm at 90 cents. 500 Palm Gray Blankets at IMO ; 2 pair. Ivory Dosoription of Uularad and White) Tobngganlng lllmma. Fancy Blankets for Boys` and'91rla' coats. 300 new tank Down Oomfortan at 65 cents. (loud new white Double Blankets Reduced to I150 per pair. Heavy Flue Double Bed Bleukete Reduced to 32.75 dud l3.00. "181 ru 83! our euzmn Blanket. 7 lbs. weight. at 83.25. wurtb c'hiidr'en'. Emu Fine An~wo..1 Hos: 20 and '.. ."x'. I`L:I.|...._`- un...... mu....z n...........1.:..... BOYS AND G-IRLS Ribbed and Plain Wool Shirts and Drawers for Men, 191 PRINCESS STREET- A WARM SPOT. TS. -- 132 and 134 Princaxs Street THE LEADING MILLINERY STORE. Our Entire Stock of aw Big _NETTE APSIDE--% 770 Princess Street um 3:00. Children`: Heavy Ribbed Ovcrstm-kings at Lowe Prices. I)....-' 11--.... I):I.I._..I All \l'...\I SM....l;n.-. other: do no" Oorterw Lmle Liver Pills are very emull end very any to take. one or two me makes done. They no Itrlolly vegetable an do not gripe or put`: but by their gentle ecuon please all who nee em. In vlelnc 25 cent: ; me for 81. Sold by druullh everywhere. or sent by null. CARTER IEDICINE C0.. New York. j II the bone of lo may llvew lint here In when we unto our gnu! bout. Our pills cure lt while no Onrhl-`N j I T I Z Ache they would be almost prloelouto those who uuor from thin dlntnulng complsint: but fortu- nnhly Ihelrgoodnou doe: notend hermnnd those who once try them will and these little pm: uln- ahlo In so many V: I than they wlll not be wil- ling to do withouu em. But After all nick bond I-I, It. zuc. L|dieu' Extra Heavy All-Wool Hose 25c and 30. Ladies` Heavy Ribbed Overatuckingn .'!(k`, worth 50. IA-lien Fine Cashmere Hose at Lowest Prices. Children`: Fine All Wool .\'t0c|\'il\gs ll), 1-): Ir... \/Illllll` I2}. l.'w. ('hiMn Handneho. yol 0u1or'n Lmlo Liver Pun no oqnnlly valuable In C0llIU[|IlIOn.c1Il1D and pro- vuntlng this annoying oomplunuvhlle they Alto correct In disorders of the Itomnch Mlmulne the liver and regulate the boweln. Even If they only cured --1-1 T Sick lleulechomd ullevclll the tronblee inci- dent to 3 btuoun auto of the Iyeum. much an mulneu. Names, Drowalneu. Diureee met ting. Petn tn the Side. kc. While their moat mmuhblo eucceen ha! been shown in curing L - L - I liver mu regulate Lno uuweu. nveu u u HEAD . J. - AL -_ _....\.t L... -I.....-A-._J..I--. on H. Omce. with em opp. Pout omqo. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Hen`: Undorwur 25. Ma. Mon`: All-Wool Underwear 45. 50, 00. 65, 750 and up. See our All-Wool Suit for 9.30. Boys` Underwear l. I5, We. Youth Underwear 5: Lowest Prion. Also I couple! stock ol Fine Lambs Wool, Natunl Wool. Cuhmon uul Merino (tooth, for both [Adieu and Gentlelnen. PRICES GUARANTEED THE LOWEST. This Fbwdor non: vavrlan. A marvel ot purity. strum] and whohuoluone-n. More museum than an an! kinds. and can- :r..;': `:..::"."':.'.::`::: ....':'..":.. ":.':.':.':`:: 0$A|..AK rtwdan. l.nonuut onus. R _ - `.3. POWDER 00.. ms Wnll Bu-cut. how mu 1* York. --.j UNDERWEAR. Lulies' Full Niles (IOOGI All Wool Hose '. IWIIIL. 31.0; PRICE S'l'ORiC,\l 176 pnmcmss STREET. Geoae CLIFF, I The General Real Estate Agent. : H. tannin Grocers. fA_I);i:>|L;t'e|;`P-u;e`. :T--?--- CURE _,I-..|..` ....I -l(.-. all Ohn h-nnhl lo WIIIIUIII-lHl Ilh DIIIILIBI Dllun ACHE - -1 _- _-_.. II....-. AL. 5...... I IO IUCCEI llll D0011 Iuuwn ll-I SICK ..-A ..A-n-`n YIIHA 7 Iran .rJ~ 2 91- m-vng._nu'n - * - vwuwuuu puanunuvuvvn u. Red brown is a very popular color this sea- I011, and seems to meet with equal favor in silk: and woolene. The new shade in Morocco. which is e trie darker than the tobacco brown, and yet brighter than mahogany, and combines very eectively with mos: green, fawn and Gohelln hlud , g - Velvet in now, never, 3 fevorm combina- tion and _ material. It can he need In oomblmtion with All fabric, of; whatever texture, and In unlvunlly becoming when `won-nueertholaoi. ` Many rich toilets are made of pla1n,'so1't- nished fallle throughout, and trimmed with beaded pamemenhefien of the same color. 'n_.1 |__.-__.. 1- _ ....... .......uI.u- nhlnr Hula nan- ` HOUSES 10 RENT. - Tl!`..\'A.\"I`S F( U: D Bulldhg Lots. Farms. &'n.. bought uxd - Ioldon commission __ l ' Fuhlon Notes. Sleeveless waists made entirely of pan- sementeries are worn. _ ` Small scarf pins set with gems are wbrn by ` both sexes. _ ` ` , Umbrellas are now made of pipe stem loan- `l' mass to admit of their being _cam'ied British fashion in all weather. with the sumo facility lsacnne. u:-___.._n-\_ ;-n.4. _... ....-.l). .1 u\`l|`n 'nn~_ Wu! SILK uuu embroidery. Jersey Cloth Conagee and Petticoats. Jersey cloth has become a standard ' fabric, and besides being used for corsngee of all varieties of shape and style,` is now being manufactured into pettiooats for next winter, which are at once light and warm. Some of them ere made elaborate with embroidery, the lower edge being scalloped "and worked with silk and surmounted by a border of silk ngnhnnhl art Trlnunlngs for Woolen Goods. Plaaementerics are shown in colors to match all the prevailing shades of woolen fabrics, and come not only in the uaml,gal- loons,-but also in separate gamitures for wnlannd skirt. some of these lnvea.mi1i~ tary character, and appear in brandebourgs, fourragerea and shoulder ornmnents, Vvith olives and mm pendant from black braids, which are used on colored cloths or black. orea casumercs are useu. English smocks are also (`harming dresses for (`hildrvn from 1 to 4 years old. They are made of white China silk, urn: cashmere or annel, with their fullness smocked at the top from the neck down almost to the waist line, with feather stitching around the skirt, on the turned over collar, and the smocked , frills oi the gathered sleeves. The smocking ` consists ot elastic accordion pleut.s_ (of which ` only the edges show), caught in honeycomb or diamond shape by silk stitches; the stitches my be white, mac or blue, but the pure white imocks are prettiest. Three breadth:-1 of China. silk attached to shoulder bends ..-I... Anal: .0 41...... Noon. Cumin: ux unnn um: amuuuvu w Isuu mnka one of these little frocks. 'r......... -..u .....u.n.~I knonmku nlu 01$ OI DDT HUD!!! 1111553. Largo soft crowned bonncts of ca.=`.1mero silk `and velvet combined are worn by chil- dren under 3 years; white, brown, Suede and red are the favorite colors, chosen with re!- enence to the walking coat. Shott Clothes for Infants. Thetlrstshort. (rocks put on whent.hein- tent is 6 months old. aye Harper : Bunr, nmnln yoke slips of white French namsook, trimmed either with drum work ( 1'18). feather or brier stitching and tucks done by hnmt Bars and lengthwise stripes ol the hemstltching em prettily done in the wide hem of the skirt. Belted waist muslin drones are put on well grown children when a year old, nnd those, with the yoke slips, are worn until the child is 3 years old, when col- ored caslnneres are used. I:`..._):..l. .........I... n...` aim. nlmn-nina Au-ocean The reznnining model in also of canvu mn- terlnlhnd trimmed with crochet. It has A large pocket made of 1 straight piece of nut! hnlfthelengthof the apron. Itin hemmed nbova and not over the lower edge and Iidu, being then caught into the ribbon binding of the apron The hem of the pocket in stitched as far as the tab trimming on each side. Thin model, made in A plain way of strong mn- terinl, also nlrords I etmvenient npI'on for housekeepers to wear when About their work. , ----- F uu-mu nor. mnaruun. The lace trill that trim: the lower Idgo of the apmu corresponds with the bib. and it! put on tn :1 still muslin foundation and (`round below, as pawn in the cut. Narrow pivot rib- bon ls used for the wdnbcnd and bovn. This same daign, when no denlmd, may be made In covered mat:-rinl for I serviceable instead of ornamental apron. .. A- Tamarac Fuhlon In Aprons. The Mb apron shown in the out in 0 dainty um: made of strips 0! emvn, roundnd o he-low and omamentod with corn: amen em- hmidt-ry in manila silk and row: of narrow darned not lnnartlon. rm... 1...... o-.'n o|.-o 5-4.... or... I.._.- ulna nl 2'I\IN IKZIUZC UVIQ III}; coungoluclmad omhoddnnndorouo ottbplah bordering the plutronsndoh nuanced with button: put on In Brown style. Thobund below the pthon at the neck, the plain yoke, tho dnwl colhr And Ileovanmomhroldorodtnooloreddlk. The knot onthofolded waistband lndno ombud- demd to correspond. Ihort rroeh. English lunch and lot- Iou tor (`hlldnn has I to C You! Old--Apt-nu That Is Ila Undo Both Doeonun and UIOCIL Thoumublbcnptanuledol orutancnr tumoturglrhol toloyunolacuuy be mascot uayduinhlo munrtnl.h1d In In unmluuconlotluoolugowuhthodgo under. A cmnmcrio aneron costimc son mu: mam WIHT Sll.\LL WE \\'F..\IH THE BRITISH wuw. 'rm~;sr>n. Nov 15. drapery over manual or onwe pouexg mm. m _dmw1ngtho'curtn1n aside the correct pod- fionolthetoldnhmntntnlnod by rings. no. 2-now 1-an mu run IS town. The second cut shows the manner in which the drapery is folded, attached to the ring! end drawn over the curtain polo, whxch inst lnthedoor frame. Theedvanugeofthhnn nngement over other mothdn of hanging a dl-nnnrv nvar lnnhnd of an the nole 1| thlt in nngemenn otner mocnous ox pinging u drapery instead of on the pole tlrnwlmr thnburtnjn uida the c0'd'! INH- nu. 1-UNlQUl rvlunlnnnu The curtain shown in the cut in heavy old red silk chenille, with a broad band of old blue, and the tassel is of multl colored silk in Persian gect.-a, with old blue silk netting sad and - \ BEAR IN MIND our Jacket nnd Ulster Cloths. Slmwlu, Jackets and Ulateru, Dress Goods, Ribbons. Lucas, to. Alan Knit Wool Goods in Great Variety and Lowest Prices at Murray &Tay|or s, Unique Arrangement of 3 Heavy Drapery. A unique design for `the arrangement of a. heavy drapery for I portiere, which can also be applied to window draperies, is described by Demorest as follows: ?-1% All!` Jlurnl In mvuvu Avluluvln Good mutton and good lamb may be known by its fine grain, good color and white fat. The breast is the best part for stews; it 133190 the cheapest. A breast weighing three pounds will make the principal dish for A dinner for four people, and costs from four to live cents per pound. KXDHBG Ella Luau nluuwu Iu u dressing of bread or panley. lluw uunnnu cnlv vvw-vuu A southerner tell: that mail: are very largely consumed as food in New Orlennl. They are killed by throwing into hot water. Then the snails are washed in weak lye and the shells in stronger lya The meat: no boiled and then roastnd in the shells, with I .I........:..... n' hnmul nun nnvulnv delicious corn arena: as pmsnnu u nuuu white corn meal, I bblupoonrul of Imod our-,A ncmtteupoonful of nit and three bcnpingheupoontullol bakingpowder-mixed thomughly together while dry. Add one tnblespoonrul of {run butter and I count pint of sweet milk or creun to mskensoftdough; bnkontonoalncbutteredpan. Deliciou Corn Brand. A housewife says that the following makes delicious brand: A pintnnd n lnltol -5.. mm Inna` A Inhlnunnnnhnl of nifuli Bountiful Brown Stain. A well recommended stun for producing I beautiful. unifnmn and durable brown tr walnut in light woods and furniture consist! of equal parts of manguntp of eodnsndcryr tnlllnd epeom salts in twenty to thirty times the unount of water at about H4 degs. Fuhr. The wood is brushed with the solution. It may he afterward smoothed with oil and pol- hhed. By la-suing or increasing the Amount otwutartholumhmndedarker or lighter. U01], skunmmg mum wen. AIL!) no Luuru sugar by weight. at you had of qumcen after paring. etc, and when the qulnma begin tn be soft add about one-fourth of it, but do not stir. and when the liquid come: to a boil again add more sugar, and so on till all of it is in. Int the preserve: than boil slowly till the oulur is as dump an I! desired. Preserved Qnlnoen. Pam, core and quarter nice ripo quinma, removing all the bani part around the vote, cover with water and let them come to I boil, skimming them well. Take as much ........ 1... -mam. u vnu had of nmncm A Plant '0! In-It (or loin Culture. Phalanx plant: about whlch we hunr rnthu-monjnnnowthnnfornolnntimo pan. Though not now they on unknown to thnnnl-ago nmnhur Saint, and they Innko excnllent. pot plant: Plum Inn! on wnntn to bring into blouorn at the holidays should boplnnedinnwnrmpnrtoltho green house at about this time. and toward the middle of December they must be put whero they will hnvonwmporntunanf 70 dogs. in the day- time and not lea tbnn 60 dag: at night. When in growth they require libernl Invar- Inn ' Buxldh 3 Lots. Farms. (#0.. bougl;t1.nd sold on commission Once. with ammo on Bl.l'lul[{l`. Clarence St. nnn. Post. 08109. not burn: (or IIIl1lIKIl "`l "s""' bwlumixturo in then` plncqthoughlttuc I 0' drawers, chi of un-mute: W: goebcrfourounqu at on-in root and non` an;ndduu-ooouncnlnndnlwoodmnoounco nulmn mu mum` nchwl nun $3M. ` .I'lOIIl|(II)l'l;lAI0ll|I[l|Illl}$uI VIII Wu-u um-stnunndknpnnrthom-o,wI:1loI.Io Ilquklllboud down Ioothln syrup; dun t ttodlpunpkm back Into the kottloull II An hour,I1.h'n`|twoll Willi woodnlpoon. Ioolpo tor Potpounl at Any Icahn. M Whcnono cannot procun run: pub or `want bu-bu !ornnk1nopotpourrl,t.ho!o|- |.-4-- ..a-o..... -m uunmr nlmlv in Hull- onoounoootgoadgtngorroot bu-ulnud.und| donnnclovcoucdnpwgothcinn bug; when Iltgobnm tin thoun:npUn,pIlI down well cook nu h qulto trus- pu-antusdnonnnatho pumpkln out with Ant:-Alnnl-nndknnn 11$!` 1% I.l'$.WN.b Ch or up new paper: [or nun. Quin pupa:-I with I00 [rounds of many u. oonud with gruvml dulxnn 0! Han |ndI|oI'on.nuchumoruInlorlaI,I1blm. ; phIudpurplo,nnlnvor|tator chuuhnn. ` tlthcgrolnnchuuniutlwnawpqnn tutu Imitation of duped craps cloth. E Quinn vnnrn null lllrnrv lfl IE 10 lutlou In WoIl-l-';p0l'-.M"I||l'Il '00`! nrspouu--rnIonl lunntluu ` l4IIh-|podad;.nuIodwl:o-onulnonly` employed on VIW pp! III 0" INN` `moan;-g` tJ|n,gnd now ruppuronoomo at an papal! hallo. n.u:w..:...- -M.-an noundn at man IIIIIIII-llll OK Ilfll (`I'I'[IU vluun. Dnwtngyoommdllhnry ppan Incl- coadlngly rich In duct. showing unbound blocks of gold cltanng with own: ddgu. The Marin of Good Mutton. u 4-_.lI-_._L ___...I...I. ' . '2..- no. 1-viuqun Pom-mu. ....;..z.. ..1..____ z... 51... nut In In HI LDWBIV l'I'I('I. Boys Heavy Ribbed All-Wool Stockings 25 and ilk. TL- -L...... .......I- AMA -. [AL ` in` In-ml Al-n ALL AROUND THE HOUOI. ow Snail: Are Cooked. . ;-II_ ml.-. _..-I- -` B0WE$ I-:in\ Gold Jewelry, Solid Silver Jewelry, &c.,just received. ` H,A. urnrou, f -. 179 Wellington st, pearPrincess. 2., ___.I `l'--..-l..4. `l)_..-l-A4I % Heavy Canton mnnnels 7, 9, 100, Colored Canton mnnneln 1oc""" I Scarlet All-Wool Flannels 12, 15, 200. Heavy Grey Flgnnelg 14 and 150. Extra. Al1-Wool Grey Flannels 180, worth 250. nBuy your Blankets and Flannels from See their Boys Ribbed Underwear at 15- each. S th ' M ` Ribbed . at 25c each. See their Huvy All-Wool Scnriet Underrur Ie\ltr50de:a:h. See tlgi|it`?E::. All-Wo_ol Urey Underwear at 500. See their Ladies Shetland Vesta at 500. Six .\g._...~{ 4a;)ibhIi4|-lgI.e;o(c,0::l`;.f0r Zoo. Men I celluloid collars only l2c. Men : Melton and Knit` NEW MILLINERY--0rder your Hot or Bonnet early in the week at srnrwn 5 crummrs. - And no onder when they sell Good ileliable Good: at Lower Prices than Mill S\-weep | ings and Cull: of 011 Stocks are sold elaeyvlnere. nnu The nhove good: are a Joli Line unul are fnr beyond the nrdimry nlue given. laclief Fine Kid Gloves '25 and 300. ` Ladies Extra Fine KidGloveI50aml 75. Our Best Kid Glove: wurramed. ; Also Cloth Ulovel, Jersey Gloves. Lined Kid Gloves, Lined Kid mm, &c . at Lowest 1 Prices. 1 FfLAN%N "EJES!:ELAN N EESLIMI U1. .1. Ma/MAHOM cuy. I IN GENTS` FURNISHINGS we take the lead, andhavo everything E in Underwear from Heavy All-Wool Shirts and Drawers at 500, to the Finest Scotch Lambs Wool and Cashmpra. ~ mulznn I.1sT`wAs`oNE UHHE BIaassr'{`n1YsL nNnsi:unn`L _._A-r_..._ SPENCE 8'5 CIR.U'ZBAILEY'S BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS \ And are selling them at prices that make them the best value in tho 3 city. `nu nmurnm li`l T`D'Ml .Ql-'1T'N -.Q urn fnhn than land Andhnvn Aunnnhinn LADIES WOOLEN UNDERCLOTHINGI FINE GOODS AT LOW PRICES. John Laidlaw & Son. WOOL UNDERWEAR AND STOCKINGS, All who require any of the above goods should see our stock before Buying- snmiili 5.3.; sun rm